wl M THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OU» * * * • NO. 17 H I'HINQFI KLD, I,ANB COUNTY, OKKOON, THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1H34 TH IR T Y -F IR S T YEAH I DISTRICT MEtT Baccalaureate Program Sunday METHODIST HOLD EUGENE BOWS TO i iuruor-Seruor Banquet t riday ANNUM. MEETIKG LOCAL BALL TEAM P O L » ENTERS SCHOOL ELECTION Annual Social Function For Springfield And Coburg Con­ Two Good Games Scheduled; j Graduating Class To Be At Bohemian Cafe gregations A«k Return Of Pleasant Hill Here Friday, Poindexter Next Year Eugene Comes Tuesday Annual Junior-senior banquet for Rev. Pruitt la Speaker; Other Present Chairman Of Board Paatora. Students, Have Local Athlete« Prepara For Announces Candidacy For Parte On Program Cwnpatitlon; Data Moved Third Consecutive Term Ahead Until Monday Plans lor (ba annual baccalaur- I aai« services of Hprlugfleld blab C H O IC E | W8r, announced thia morn- Ilia by W K Buell. principal Tbe University H. S. Smothered aervlcee will be bald at (he Metho- dial church Munday evening, »tart By Springfield In Duel Ina »t 8 o'clock. carrying out pre- Meet Held Saturday vloualy mad«- plana regurdlea» of Greatly luaplred by their 78 88 tba uncertainty aa to the date of polul victory over Vnlverally high graduation achool lu a dual meet on llayward Hey. Vellle I'rultt. pastor of tba field Maturday, m«-ml>- ' of the Cbrlatlan church, will preach tbe Springfield high tr. T am er» sermon. Rev Dean 0 , Poindexter, uow preparing for (he I com puator of the Methodlat church, will petltlou ThU baa b* O uged read the scripture, and Hvv R IS. from Saturday of thia ntll Helena of the Haptlal church will Monday bveauae of c 1 « give the Invocation and pronounce eveuta. according to Coach the benediction Special tnualcal le * Repreaented In the dlatrle number» will be provided by the will be athlete» from Eugene, 'gh acbool quartet veralty. Cottage Grove, Roach ’ember» of the Junior claaa will Oaklaud and Springfield hl, acboola. Prellmlnarlea will be beU .,ave charge of the decoration» and at 10 o'clock In the morulng. with of tbe uaherlng. HANSON IS B E ST \ Dr W II Pollard will be a candi­ date for re-election to the Spring- field acbool board when the «pedal achool election I: held June 18. The announcement waa made here to­ day by Dr. Pollard. In making hla announcement Dr. Pollard elated that he had nut Intended to become a candidate for the office, but that «evural of the local bualneaa men und other of hla friend» I d tbe city have been encouraging him to take the office another term, three year». "I have alwaya taken an Interest LOri ANOK1.ES . . . A muratura lu achool affair« If the people of radio set, weighing Iraa than two the dlatrlct want me to aerve on pounds and Worn oa Haas Browne the board I »hall do ao. If they do bella by poBaeinen oa duty, Is the not want my services. I shall nol nrweat development ta the c try to force myself upon them." chase by Joka Law. Tha set the candidate stated thia morning > invested by B. O. Garden. No other person In Springfield; ha» had ao long an affiliation with j school affairs In the city aa haa Dr. Pollard. With the exception of a few one and two-year period« Dr j Pollard ha» »erved a» a director al moat continuously for the period1 ■Ince 1811. He Is now completing hla second term, six years In sue-, • cession In the office. He la chair- j man and la serving with K. C I Lions Club Sponsors Univer­ Stuart and H. E. Maxey. sity Band In Program at _ . . 7~ 7*7, Springfield high school will be held Springfield baseball players took . _ ” “ at tha Bohetatan cafe In Eugene another atep nearer a county hlgb ou Friday night at 7:18 o'clock, at achool baseball championship Wed­ which time the Junior claaa will nesday afternoon when they de­ entertain those of the graduating feated the Eugene high nine 4-2 In group. game postponed from Tuesday. ! For the program Carter Hart­ Tbe game waa played ou the Eu­ man. Junior president, will wel­ gene high field. Tbe Springfield boys are now come tbe seniors who will respond striving for a clean victory, having through their class president. won every one of their nine games Bruce Squires. Ruth Pollard will to date. With but two more games sing a solo, and Pearl Olin and on their schedule, return matches Juanita Seaman will sing a duet. with Pleasant Hill and Eugene The address of the evening will hlgb. the local playera hope to go be given by W. E Buell, high through tbe season without a de­ school principal. SUPERINTENDENT VISITS Springfield Church Name« Working Force For Next Year, Many Have Task« feat. The menu for the banquet will Tbe Eugene nlnep layed better Include grapefruit cocktail, baked baseball than has been expected. Virginia ham. candled sweet pota­ They played hard and fast hall and toes. peas, vegetable salad, rolls, made few errors lo comparison butter, freeh strawberry sundae with Springfield whose team made and coffee. errors frequently during the game. Officers of the two classes are Springfield players owe their vic­ senior class: Squires, president; tory to their b « e running, fre­ Lamar Brattaln. vice-president; De- quently stealing from first to sec­ Etta Sandaithe. secretary; Alys ond and then coming home on a Thatcher, treasurer; and Marian bunt. Shtpley. social promoter. Junior Springfield accounted for six class: Hartman, president; Easell hits and 4 runs while Eugene high Adams, vice-president; Edna Sev tallied seven hits but made only erson, secretary-treasurer; a n d three runs. Ruth Pollard, social promoter. Lineup« for the team» were as follows: Making arrangements for the af­ Poe. Eugene fair art» Edna Severson, general Springffeld Russell ..... Wright chairman; Irving Darts, transporta­ P - Irvin _____ ...c._ Gold bar tion; Jnan Seavey. program; and Vest ___ __ lb .— _____ Purdue Ruth Pollard, decorations 2b ___ McIntyre Scott ......... Squires ..... lb .. _____ Taylor Brattaln _ .ss.... .......... Wright Chesebro Chelwood If Posey __ _ . cf.... ............ Walla Me Lagan ...rf. Hammrlckson s _ _____ Bishop Gordon Wright pitched all but tbe flrat two Innings for the Eu gene team. Harvey Russell pitched Came To Springfield In 1901; the entire game for the Springfield Funeral Service« Held At team. Chapel Here Tuesday Large crowds are expected to at­ tend the Pleasant Hilt game here David Joseph Hill, 72, long-time Friday afternoon, and the Eugene resident jf this city, died at the game here on Tuesday of next Pacific hospital In Eugene Satur­ week. A small admission will be day evening following a long 111- charged for these two games to nesa. 4 help defray the expense« of the Mr. Hill was born In Indiana on season according to W. E. Buell, July 28. 1882 and moved to Wta- who with Bill Davis, has been consin when a small child. In 1887 coaching tbe team. he was married to Miss Nancy J. Methodlata In Springfield and Co­ burg asked the retention of Rev. Dean C. Poindexter as their pastor for the coming year Sunday when Dr. Louis P. Magin. superintendent of tbe Salem district of the ehurcb. attended the fourth quarterly con­ ference at the two churches. Rev. Poindexter is now completing hla second year as pastor here. All work of the two charches was examined carefully Sunday by the visiting church official, that In Springfield during the afternoon, and at Coburg Sunday evening. He did not state what hla recommenda­ tion for tbe local church would be. and final decisions will not be known until the Bishop, Tltna Lowe, reads his Rat of appoint­ ments at the church gathering tn Portland the latter part of June. the final« acheduled for tbe after- No aervlcea are held In tbe other uoon atartlng at 2 o’clock Hall la local church«» the evening of the planning Io have atudenta entered Baccalaureate aervlce, all congre In each event of the meet. gallon» uniting for tbla aervlce Participant» Listed IxM-al paatora take turna In preach­ Tboae who arc aure to take part ing the sermon. Name Committees Include: Stewart and liadley In tbe Co-incidAM with the quarterly 100 yard daab; Hartman and Bret- business meeting of the church at tain In the pole vault; Stewart. which final reports for the year Urattaln and Kendall In the broad were read and all business con­ Jump; Chelwood. William» and M. E. Church Tuesday cluded. waa the announcement of Hartman in tha dlacua; llrattati. WAIT STATE ACTION It has been many years since new officers and committees for and Hayea In tbe high Jump; Han ON HIGHWAY WALKS residents of Springfield have been the church daring the next year. non. Ruth and Benaon In the mile For the church aa a whole the run; Stewart and Hadley In the Project Haa Been Approved By able to Dsteg to a real band con cert played in this city, but this following committees were named: 220 yard daeh; Smith tn the 110 Evelyn Jacobson Dead And County Committee; County Membership and Lay Evangelism. oportunlty is being made available high hurdle»; Hayea In the 440 Offers Gravai Hal W. Skinner In Hospi­ for them again on Tuesday of next Mrs. W. H. Oantx. Dr. W. H. PolL daab; Hayea and Md.agan In the tal Following Smaehup ard. and Mrs. N. W Emery; music. Javelin event; Chelwood In the Final action by the state relief week by the Springfield Lions club Mrs. W. K Bcrnell. Mra. 8. 9. Pot­ ■hot put; Smith and Kendall In committee Is all that Is now hold­ when member» of that organisa­ Mias Evelyn Jacobson. 22. la ter. Mrs. Van Valxah. W. E Buell, the 120 low hurdlea; Hartman. ing up Immediate work on the con­ tion will sponsor the University of dead and Hal W. Skinner of Eu­ and Sam Bartholomew. Hanaon and HUI In tbe 880 race; struction of a sidewalk between Oregon band In a free concert at gene, 1» In tbe hospital with a fight­ Religious education: Mrs. L. K. and Stewart. Hadley, Smith and Eugene und Springfield according the Methodlat church starting at ing chance for hla life following Page, Mrs. Gants Mrs. W. H. Poll­ 8:16 o'clock. Kendall. Hayea. and Hartman In to County Judge Fisk. one of the worst automobile acci­ ard. and D. R. Fullerton; finance. the 880 relay. W ill Augm ent Band The sldewslk work was Incorpor­ dents In thia county lu several Dr. Pollard. F. B. Hamlin, P. J. Winner» of the flrat two place« Director John Stehn has chosen ated as a project in which the year» late Tuesday evening Bartholomew. W. E. Buell. Frank lu each eevnt only will be eligible state will furnish funds for manual a smaller band of about 20 players Bailey. Frank Bartholomew; The two were riding north on the laltor and Lane county will furnish , including bis best musicians, from for participation In tbe »late finale volence. Mrs. W. Bertach, to be held at Corvallla on May 18. t’oburg road from Eugene late gravel, about a week ago. It was the larger University band and Emma Olson. Mrs. Page. Mm. In the meet la«t Saturday the Tuesday evening, and apparently at Immediately approved by the coun- has been playing concerts In varl- Gates. Mrs. Carson. Mrs. Batchel­ Springfield track men won every a high rate of speed when a new ty committee and sent on to Port oua communities thia spring. The der and Mrs. Van Valsah. event eicept the flrat place In the light truck whlth Skinner was driv­ land for final action. close proximity between Eugene Week-day Religion. Mrs. P. J. high Jump, and flrat and third In ing failed lo make the turn and Thia project has endorsement of and Kprtngfbld will enable Mr Bartholomew. Mrs. Olive J. Reb- tha dlacua from Jean Kberhard'» cross the bridge over Bushnell rroitps In both cities as well as the Stehn to bring along several addl han. Mrs W. Wright, and Wlllla U. H. S team Two event», the slough. The vehicle »truck the State Highway Commission which tlonel player» for the concert Bertach; social service and hospi­ Javelin and the relay were nut run guard along the approach lo the has held back on this project fear­ Program la Announced tals. Mrs. J. P. Vaughn, Mra. bridge and hurtled through the air. ing it would start a barrage of re­ U. H. 8. Mlaaea Two His program, which he announ­ Charles Myers. Mrs. U. O. McEI Two outatandlng men on the U over the fill, acrus» the water In quests for similar walks from all Henderson and they 'came to Ore­ ced this morning will Include the haney. chairman, and Mra. Halsey. SCHOOL BOARD ASKS H 8 team were at Grant» Paa» (he slough and filially imuahed Into tart) of the state. gon In 1801 settling In Springfield following numbers: Auditing Accounts. Oswald Ol­ that day. but had they been at the opposite bank with a terrific Few sections of the state high­ “Gardes du Corps”, March. FUNDS FOR BUILDINGS where she died In 1820. Hall son; church records. Wm. O. home they would unlikely have al crash which wa» heard by nearby way have been responsible for as In 1929 he married Frances Aver- "Attlla" Overture ......... Kawly tared the final outcome but little. residents. Members of the Springfield beck of Eugene. They moved to Hughes-, secretary of good litera­ mnny fatalities as this paper re- I Selection from “Louise” ....Fulton Booth could have won only a flrat school board at their monthly meet­ California for two years and then ture, J. P. Vaughn; Epworth Lea­ Persona living nearby heard tbe c. ntly proved had taken place be- Trombol)e , oto_ . . u . , b Wohl“ gue planning, Mrs. B. Robineon. In the dlacua and »hot, and Nelaon noise about 11:80 and Investigated I ween the two cities. Arr. Hartman ing Monday decided to submit Im­ returned to Springfield. a flrat In the 440. He haa already without discovering anything, but provements for the three school He Is survived by bis widow. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Mrs. C. Putman. Played by Alvin Templar been defeated In competition by were awakened about 6:30 the buildings as SERA work projects Mrs. Frances Hill; three brother«, Mra. H. Stewart. Mrs. E. May and - "The New Dawn.” overture. Russell Hadley and Stewart of Springfield next morning by the Incessant In the federal relief program. Msrtln Hill tn California; J. T. Miss Doris Girard. ! "American Patrol" Meacham Parsonage. Mrs. Halsey, Mra. In the 220 daah. Thua the two U. honking of an automobile horn. An Includetd In the request will be Hill at Lorane. Oregen; and Valen­ "Children's March" Goldman Keseey. Margaret MorTis. Mra. H 8 atara could have accounted Investigation revealed the vehicle the painting of the roof and outside tine Hill at Tacoma. Washington; . "Americans We”. March, . Fillmore for but 16 additional pointe with woodwork of the Brattaln school, two sisters. Mrs. Mary Clark, Mra. Myers. Mra. L L. May, Mra. Wil­ Skinner evidently had been un the final »core »landing at <1-47 In conscious all night and recovered On the committee making ar­ and kalsomlnlng and other Inter­ Sarah peii.-eltn. both of Spring- liams; pulpit supply. J. F. Bailey, atead of 78-82 rangements for the concert are I- ior improvements at the Lincoln field. and several nqphews and Mrs W. H. Gants. Dr. Pollard. L. hla aenaes enough to grope for the 4 - L. May. P. i . Bartholomew, and J. M. Peterson. F. B. Flanery and Dr. und high school, and outside paint nieces. All of the boy» llated for the born at daylight Mias Jacobson la The funeral services were held P. Vaughn. dlatrlct meet participated last Sat believed to have been killed In Other Officer« Elected Fri­ W. N. Dow Members of the Lions ing of the Lincoln school. Trier of appeals. C. E. Crandall; The Lincoln school work was In Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock urday. Smith waa exceptionally alnnlly although the examining day; Business Matters Are club will provide transportation for nominating committee. Mra. S. 8. eluded In a project submitted un from the Springfield chapel of good In hla high hurdle event. doctor found only alight external Considered; Abrams Here . the bandsmen. Malcolm Hanaon had little dlffl body Injurle» and refused to state The general public Is Invited to der the CWA but was never ap- Poole - Gray - Bartholomew. Rev Potter. Mra. L. L. May. Mrs. W. E. C. Stuart will head the Spring ! this concert. i proved. Harry of the Lighthouse tern H. Gantx; children's work. Mra. F. cully In winning the mile race. He the cause of death after a prelimin­ field Lions club for the next year pie officiated and waa assisted by B. Hamlin. Mrs. Melville Junes. la expected to make a bid for atate ary examination. It wa decided Friday when he was Col. Taylor of tbe Salvation Army. Mrs. Donald Toomh. Mra. M. V. honor» at the Corvallla meet. He Skinner wua taken to the Pacific elected president to succeed C. F. Interment was made lo Laurel Walker, and Mra. W. N. Dow. did not run the half mile, but waa hospital with broken bones lu man) Barber. Church Offloera Grove cemetery. entered In the quarter mile event. parts of hla body, u crushed cheat, The following were named trus­ H. M Stewart will be the vice- fractured skull, and many external president; F. B. Hamlin, secretary GIRLS LEAGUE INSTALLS tees for the church. L L. May. Wm. ROSE SHOW DELAYED Injurlea. He wa» »howlug alight Im­ treasurer; Dr. W. N. Dow. tall G. Hughe«, L. K. Page. U. G. Mc- OFFICERS T H IS WEEK Elhaney. Charles Myers. Margaret AT CLUB MEETING provement thia morning and was twister; Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. the law should be re-talned. Every moved to the Eugene hospital. Morris. W. H. Pollard. J. F. Bailey. Lion tamer; and Dr. Melville S. Veteran Asse«»or Says Most dollar of the net proceeds coming Edna Severson was Installed as No date for the annual Hose and Mias Jacobson la the daughter of Jones and William Moyer, direc­ Opponents Prejudiced or O. H. Jarrett. Stewards Include P. to the county from this tax bill will president of the Girls League at flower show aponaored by the Mr. und Mr». Sever! Jacobson of tors for two years. Carry over direc­ J. Bartholomew. Dr. Pollard. J. F. go to reduce tax levies against 8, rlngfteld high school Tuesday at Mis-lnterpret Meaning Springfield Civic club wa» eel at Springfield She was born here ou tors are W K Bnrnell and M C. Bailey. F. B. Hamlin. W. E. Buell, both real and personal property. the weekly assembly period. She Willis Bertsch. Frank Bartholo­ the monthly meeting of the club August 12. 1811. and received her Kirkland. A final appeal to voters to retain Tuesday at the Library. Only a education- In the grade and high One especially worthy feature succeeds DeEtta Sandgathe. Other mew. S. S. Potter. Mra. E. G. Pri- At the business se sión Dr. 8 u te Tax ,aw a8 pa88e<, small attendance, the unfavorable schools here graduating from the Hamlin, and John Pyle were ap­ of the measure Is that of Its mak­ officer« Installed are Joan Seavey. vat, Mrs. R. L. Drury. Ira Nice. by the special session of the legis­ ing every one a taxpayer aa every vice-president; Faye Holverson weather of the past week, and the high school In 1828. Mrs. Chas. Cornell. Mrs. Guy Hal­ pointed on a committee to Investi­ lature Is contained In a statement secretary-treasurer; Essell Adams, resultant had effect on flowers, sey. and Sam Bartholomew. She 1» survived liy Iter parents gate the work of the Boy Scouts In prepared for the New» today by citlxen should be. social promoter: and Florence May, combined to delay the exhibition end three »Infer». Mrs. John San­ thin city and to ascertain whether Ralph Fullerton la superintend­ The President of Highway Com­ Ben F. Keeney, county assessor. reporter. thia year. ent of the Sunday school and presi­ ders, and Mra. Mildred Crane, both tbe club could be of nssl»tance In Mr. Keeney's statement follows: munities corporation was In my The new officers will have dent of the Wesleyan league: F. Mrs. D. O. Flatter waa named of Eugene, and Miss Betty Jean any way. If there Is any individual who office today from Los Angelee and charge of the senior breakfast to chairman of the Roae Show com­ B. Hamlin, president of the Broth­ The club voted unanimously to becomes more tax conscious than In answer to nty Inquiry as to the Jacobson at home. be held the last day of school. mittee and she will work out de erhood: S. 9. Potter, recording sec­ Funeral services will be held urge the election of District presi­ another It Is that of the County working of the sales tax law In tails to ba announced later. retary; Faye Parsons, missionary front the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew dent. Ed Ehea a« a member of the Assessor with his years of experi­ California, he said: "It has saved The club voted to »end 16.00 IUKA PLANS FOOD SALE; i treasurer: Miss MaeHewes.church chapel In Springfield Saturday board of directors of Lion» Inter-' ence as such officer. He becomes the sta tes financial structure.” from the treasury to the Doren SEWING CLUB TO MEET treasurer; Miss Doris Myers, fln- afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Harry national at the national convention, thoroughly familiar with the In­ I advise electors to vote to re­ becker home for Crippled Children ----------- anclal secretary; Helen Crandall Neat of the Lighthouse temple In to be held at Grand Rapids, Michi­ equalities. abuses. Injustices and tain the law. at Portland. Regular meeting of the sew ing! lunlor-senlorg; Mrs. O. H. Styles, gan. Eugene will officiate and Interment In some Instances the tragedies of circle of Iuka circle, ladles auxili­ president ladles aid; Mrs. W. H. I. M Peterson. Dr. Dow and F. will he made at Laurel Grove ceme taxation. When a change of taxa­ HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS ary of the G. A. R. will be held this Gants, president foreign and home Tt. Flanery were named on a com­ tery. tion method« Is proposed or has MISSION GROUP PLANS afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred missionary societies; Martan Ship- mittee to make arrangement» for HAVE GUEST MEETING TEA FOR JUNE MEET been enacted he can very readily Louk. Members of the circle are ley. president of the Epworth Lea- the free concert to be given here discern Its merits or demerits be­ also planning a food sale to be [ ! gue; communion. Mrs. U. G. McEl- Slxty-flve persons attended the SCHOOLS WAIT REPLY nt the Methodist church next Tues Plans for a tea to be held at the fore It comes Into operation and If held at Egglmann's parlors on 9»t- haney. Mrs. J. P. Vaughn; district, guest meeting of the Happy Hour day evening by the University of time of the June» meeting were ON REQUEST FOR AID he Is conscientiously Interested In urday of this week. Mrs. Van Valxah club Monday afternoon at the home Oregon hand under the direction the welfare of the taxpayers, as he made Tuesday evening by members of Mrs M. V. Walker. Music for An expected reply to tbe Spring- of John Stehn. ol the Christian Missionary soci­ should he. he will not hesitate to The proposal that the club offer the afternoon was furnished by the field school board'« request for MANY ATTEND CHURCH MISS STEWART MARRIED spenk out privately or publicly ety meeting at the home of Miss Phi Beta Trio Including Miss The FERA funds with which to con a souvenir to visitors nt the fish i Altle Manning. Mrs. Rachel That-! MEETING AT ELMIRA IN VANCOUVER SUNDAY and express his opinion for or resa Kelley, Mrs. Roberta Spicer tlnue the present school year one fry on June 3, and the brightening cher led the meeting In a discus ! j against It. up of the club sign» at the city en Moffett, and Miss Vivian Malone month did pot materialise thia A large delegation of young peo­ Miss Bessie Stewart, daughter of I have long been associated and slon of China. Cello solos were! Mrs. Carl Oslon. Mrs. W. N. Dow morning. The County School Sup trances were turned over to the ple from the Christian church want Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart of played by Mrs. D. B. Murphy. connected with the assessor's of- Mrs. I. M. Peterson, and Mrs. Earl erlntendent’s office expected a de new executive committee for their to Elmira Monday evening to at­ this city, and Elmer Bailey. Port­ | flee of Lane county and 1 have al- N. Thompson were assisted by clslon In this morning's mall. It consideration. tend the Lane County Christian land. formerly of Eugene, were YONCALLA DEFEATS New official emblem decal« were ™ »">* m’f Privilege. members of the Happy Evening did not arrive and Information Is Church Convention. The young peo­ married In Vancouver, Washington. but that tt 1» my duty when such LOCAL BALL PLAYERS ple attended the banquet and bual- Sunday. They will be at home In ordered for the club members. club In the serving. expected momentarily. Issues arise ns now exists tn re­ Carle Abrams of Salem and Ma This was the final meeting of ! ness session In the evening. Mdinwhlle the County Supertn Portland after two weeks. Springfield's Cascade League lation to the acceptance or rejec­ the club until September. tendent Is commnnlentlng with the jor Miller were guests at the meet-! tion of the Sales Tax law to ex- baseball team dropped their flrat , department of education nt Salem Ing. Attend League Conference LEGION POST MEETS FOR Entertainment was furnished by press my earnest convictions. In game of the season at Yoncalla regarding the necessity of this dis Charltne Fish. Juanita Seaman. PAUL POTTER TAKEN IN the first year students at the high ' »»»«« relation I have to «ay that 1 Sunday with a 8-1 score. The play­ POTLUCK FEED TO NIG HT Pearl Helterbrand. and Bernice MUSIC FRATERNITY Irlct holding another week of achool who presented the »kit. | have studied the provisions of this er« will open the season on their school If the federal aid Is not re­ Regular meeting of the Spring- Smith represented Springfield high "The Wisdom Tooth." directed by , law and have heard all the varl- home field next Sunday when they Paul Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. ceived. field American Legion post num­ school at the annual Olrls League meet the M W. A. team from Eu­ <">» objections to It, the moat of School» here are holding all clos­ Mlss Clarabel Wagner. B. 8. Potter, has this week been ber 40 will ba held tonight at Tay­ conference held at the University Election of delegates to the state which are founded on prejudlcee gene. They barely nosed out a vic­ taken Into membership I d Phi Mu ing plans originally set for May 18, lor hall. A potluck dinner at 1:29 Saturday. Miss Ann Vogel, advisor, tory over this team In a practice and misinterpretation of Its mean­ Alpha, music honorary at the Uni- In abeyance pending word from convention will be taken up by the ing. It la my decided opinion that game recently. wilt precede the business meeting. attended the advisors club at the next meeting. May 12. Salem. ▼4iralty of Oregon. ALL INIITEO TO TREE CONCERT 1 KILLS CITI GIRL DAVIS HILL DIES AFTER ILLNESS NEW LIONS REAR Sales Tax is Needed Says Assessor Keeney