PAGE T W O T H U R S D A Y . M A Y ». 1984 T K K 9 P R IN O F T K L D N B W 8 FRUIT PROSPECTS LOAN MAXIMUM RAISED TO >400 ON TREE FRUIT PIANO STUDENTS RECITAL TUESOAY MONDAY IS OUEST DAY CAME WARDEN TAKES FOR HAPPY HOUR CLUB RAPIDS SANS BOATS The rwgulur monthly meeting ol Our McKensle Valley correspond the llapp Hour club sty tie held ■at say* that 'news of the Sunday bath of Phillip Pittman, who nego­ Monday. May 7. nt 1 3U 'mid not s tiated part of Marlin'* rapids Sun o'clock as waa announced thia week The meeting will be held at State College Economist Sees Pupils Of Mr*. Poindexter day without the assistance of a Ihe hum" of Mra M V. Walker and boat was received with much re­ Benefits For State As Heard In Varied Program joicing by McKensle Valley hunt will he guest d*y for the club Ra, h Eastern Crop Suffers By Relative*. Friend* era and sugler* rejoicing that member of Ihe orgnnlaatlou being Invited to bring oue guest. Mem someone else tried It. no! they In the face of the »»ualleal eaal A targe number of parents and here of Hie Happy Evening club Pittman is stale game wsrdsn for ern and mlddleweateru fruit crop lu friends of the small piano i indents will also he gueate, as will those this district. many years. Indications now are for of Mrs Dean C Poindexter attend whose names are on the menihei Oregon to produce a normal crop In ed the spring recital of her pupils ship walling Hat most respects with exceptionally at her home Tuesday eveulng. .May The program will tie glveu by the heavy crops of tome fruits In car 1. The recital program Included I'hl Bela trio »»»«elating of Vivien tain sections With the exception of folk song numbers, ducts, and solo Malone, violinist; Roberta Mph-er ihe prune crop of Douglas county numbers by the young plantain Moffett, cello; aud Theresa Kelly there Is no major fruit crop failure The complete program was a- plnuo They will play trio music In prospect. ( follows arrange,! by the masters, and suns Thia is the conclusion drawn by “Crisscross." by Williams, und of Ihelr upn arrangements the office of the extension econo­ j “Laud of Nod" by Aaron, played by Official Describe* Effort* of Following Ihe program a garden mist at Oregon State college from 1 Butty Jeun Jacobsen; "Indtun fete will be held Reserve Rank* to Bring reports obtained the last week in Campfire," and “Bummer Days," Those In charge of the program Out Deserving Borrow« April from county agents and other ' played by John Ogilvie, three folk und meeting Monday ere Mra I officials In the major fruit regions er*— Present Situa« sougs by Claire Tooiub; two old M Peterson. Mr* Floyd Thompson of the state. tion Typical j tunes played by Anns Marie Goa- Mra W N Dow. Mrs Carl Olemi, Season Advanced Ona Month 1 aler; "Tups" by Von llnput. "Songs Mrs Maude Bryan. Mra W K Bar The season In general la fully a Apropos of the part that au expan­ of the Blacksmith," hi Boardman, noil, Mra. Larson Wright. Mr* month ahead of normal, with some and "Dream Boat." played by sion of business loaus by banks oc­ Walker, and Mra W. R Buell kinds of fruits coming on the mar cupies In Ihe early stages of the busi­ The Pleasant Hill public school I Bobby Bennett. W illia m » Company in Eugens Com ness recovery which le now gaining ket at the earliest date on record. MRS. CATES HEADS CLUB board have re-elected the present "Sleep Baby Sleep." "By the Firm headway, a Federal Reserve Bank pletely Modernilta Stora Marehfleld Man Here— Wendell The first Oregon raspberries reach IN GLENWOOD DISTRICT teachers to teach next year. Mrs | side" and "lu the Zoo" by Roberta oltlrlal recently gave an Interesting Webb, city news editor of the W ith New Addition ed the Portland market April 27, Newton will be principal and Mias Itehhan; a group of folk songs by review of the experiences of hts In- Marahfleld Dally News, waa a vial Mr« John Gates was elected sifter local strawberries had been One of the most modern stores in Wheeler have the lower grades i Charier Poindexter; "Hobgoblin." atllutlon In thle connection. In 1931 tor In Hprlugfleld Monday on hand from at least two sections president of Glenwood Community Lane county That ts what people providing there will be an enroll­ F. A Williams, and "Before the the Federal Reserve Banka were of the state for several days Jack duo at their election meeting Fri­ are saying about the Williams Self ment of 37 pupils to warrant htrtng Monkey House " Freltag. played by empowered by law to make direct son county growers expect their day evening at Glenwood school. Visits Parents— Haymond Jarvis, Service store In Eugene this week two teachers. Eight graduate from i Richard Flattery; "Curlou-. Story." loans to Individuals In unusual dr- apricots to be ready for market by This was the last meeting of the the public school this spring and Heller, and "Alabama Cabin." Cad cumalancea when they had been un­ stationed with tbe U. 8. army at The excavation of the full base­ able to obtain loans from a com Vancouver Barracks, la here visit­ May 10. a month ahead of the usual club this season. Mrs. Gates suc­ ment has been completed and several move away leaving a pos tuan. played by Ethel Ruth Fulop mere let bank, he pointed out. ceeds Mrs. Pearl Schantol In the date. ing with hie parents. stble enrollment of S3. If only 32 stocks moved downstairs, thus pro­ Duel. "Rondo Vlllageuao." Denee. From the middle of 1933 to tbs and The prospective southern Oregon office. viding double the floor space form enroll there will be only a one room played by Richard Flanery and of 1933 there were 1.333 applicant* Other officers chosen are Mrs peach and apricot crop is reported school mid Mrs. Newtou will be i Charles Poindexter; "Seruaata. " A. for loan» at the New York Federal erlv available at this store. to be the largest ever produced. Margaret Hedtn. vice- president; *IM N O T A J M A M E 0 O A the teacher. The entire upstairs has been re­ D. Turner, aud “Value Caprice." Reserve Bank under thia law. The Wasco county expects three-quar­ Sam Bettis, secretary-treasurer. great majority of thee* application* modeled. the feature on this floor Bonnie Jeanne Tinker went to MY HAND} NOW SINCE. I Lieurance, played by Jolaina Put­ ters of a crop, white both peaches and Mrs. Verne Smith. Mrs Clar­ being a targe children's shoe de­ Philomath Friday to visit Evelyn man; "Dancing Doll," Seaboeck. proved on examination to be for DO NOT HAVE TO SCKUB ar.d apricots in Umatilla county ence Halen, Mrs. J. R. Robinson. ; fund* for capital purposes. which *r* partment with special circus ani­ Phelps Saturday and Sunday she and "The Secret." Haulier. played ... I N O W WAV« properly supplied a» an Investment were practically cleaned out by and Mrs. Perry, delegatee to the mal seats for kiddles, and a com­ was at a house party at Depot Hay by Gladys Shelley. I d tho bualneas. or else were mort­ frost. This is the only section re­ county federation meeting In July. plete circus background around the with Mr. and Mrs Phelps, family "Birds of Passage." Poldlnlk. and gage loans or others unclaaallable porting major frost damage. in I Entertainment for the evening walls. and friend* from Ontario. "Barchetta," Nevln. played by Dm- a* commercial. Wasco and Jackson counties and was provided by the girls quartet The basement has been arranged The senior play of the Pleasant d lle Ogilvie; and “Lilli* Butter­ Only Fourteen Q u alily some parts of the Willamette valley from Springfield high school. Ruth for the convenience of the custom- Hill high school will he given fly." Frlml. and "Happy Land." Only 360. or leas than 30 per cent, the peach crop« are expected to be Pollard. Pearl Olin. Juanita Sea- ___ . . . .. , rrs. One entrance leads into it May 11. were of tbe type which merited de Huerter. by Dorothy Flanery. man. and Lucille Davis; and by the I .. good. . . . directly from the outside, another tailed Investigation. Tbe amount In­ Thieves entered the Dexter boys trio. Jack 'Williams. Robert Prune Crop Variable volved was >9.635.000. After farther i ts located Just Inside the front school house some time last week The pear crop of Jackson county Brown and Morris Stewart. study of these, the Federal Reserve . door and a third to the center of end and stole a portable phono PUTMAN HOME PLACE OF promises to be about normal, bar­ Bank was forced to turn down the the building Directories will Hat graph, a two plate electric stove, IUKA MEETINC TONIGHT applications of 333. Anally offering ring possible reduction because of THREE-C HEADQUARTERS the departments to be found on several mechanical pencils and credit In the sum of >1.417.000 to a shortage of moisture reserves. MOVED FROM DISTRICT each floor according to Joe Hay­ some toys, according to report. The Members of Iuka circle, ladles 13 prospective borrowers Of thia Some frost marking on Bartletts ward. manager of this modern articles, with the exception of the j of the G. A. R., are asked to meet amount, only >903.000 «a* actually may show up but the total crop Is The final act in the moving of store. pencils had been borrowed for an this evening at the home of Mrs. loaned, more than one half of which expected to equal that of last sea­ the Three-»' camp headquarters Housed In the basement will be entertainment given Friday even­ Clarlne Pulman for their regular waa eCHI outstanding many month* son. The state pear crop as a whole from Lane county was completed a complete boys department as ing Entrance to the building was husinees session The meeting will later. Two of lh* borrower» went may be somewhat less In total ton­ Tuesday when the camps In this well as a special Keda section Into receivership. gained by raising a window. start at 8 o'clock nage than last year “8luce It was the special endeavor district were turned over to sup­ where boys and girls can enter the Mr. aud Mrs. Edgar Louk of of the Federal Reserve Bank to A total apple crop In the state In ervisors at Medford and Vancou­ national contest and win either a Springfield, Belle Olson and Mr I mak* every possible loan *nd*r tbe excess of the light crop of last year ver Barracks, Washington. wire haired terrier or a bicycle Burton of Eugene were guests of I C alifo rn ia People Here— Mr. und emergency provisions of (he amend- I Is In prospect. Wasco and Jackson The Eugene area, no longer This contest opens Saturday. Mrs. Elmert Griffith, of Vrntura. Mr and Mrs Andy Olson Sunday FOR LIN O LE U M meat, ami since their best effort* re- , counties report Increases, and Mal­ known as a district, will continue California, arrived lo re Tuesduy to suited In Ihe extension of so small a Other departments in the baa<- heur had fair prospects. to have 14 camps during the sum­ uient are a new girls department, viali with their grundparenla. Mr sum as to have no effect on the total j EASY TO A P P LY Thurston The prune situation Is highly mer. Twenty operated here last luggage, mens work clothes, piece and Mra. 8. G. Moahler. volume of commercial loans. It I* a D R IE S IN 4 H O U R S variable, ranging from a near fail­ winter. reasonable assumption that eligible , goods, and bedding. Harry Baugh. Bruce Whltbeck M A K E S L IN O L E U M ure in Douglas county to a crop at borrowers entitled to bank credit The store continues Its policy of and James Edmlston attended the To Portland—Mra Harvey Eaton are being provided for by the com­ k LAST LONGER least doable that of last year in carrying the largest stock of foot­ boxing match Tuesday evening at and Misa Ethel Rowe left for Port mercial banka." says tbe American Polk. For the state as a whole the wear In Lane county. McKenzie Valley | Leaburg bet wen ^eaburg and Y. M land Tuesday evening to vielt wllli Bankers Association Journal. TAKES TH E RUB indications are for a crop about Formal opening of this remodel C. A. team of Eugene. M ra. Katon'a daughter. Mrs Wil ‘ O U T OF S C R U B B IN G equal to the light 1933 yield. The big event of the week was ed store will be held Friday and Monte Roulntree from Klnyue Ham Farrelly HAPPY EVENING CLUB the community dinner and party Saturday of this week A special motored over tbe pass Friday and Cherry Crop Up MEET TO BE TUESDAY at Leaburg gym. Mrs. Louis Blttle, Invitation to visit the store on spent the week-end at tbe John Most sections report fair to good Mrs. Frank Umbern. Mrs. Lee these days has been extended by Edmlston home returning home Daughter Born — Mr and Mrs Monthly meeting of Ihe Happy cherry prospects, except Umatilla1 Fountain and Mrs. Walter Carter Mr Hayward. Flowers will be given Sunday. Eaton Bradley of Springfield route Evening club will be held Tuesday where frost cleaned out most of the were the committee In charge. free to the ladles Mr. and Mrs. John Damon and 2. are the parents of a baby daugh­ evening at the home of Mlaa laiu- Hardware — Furniture crop. Wasco and Polk expect less) More than 100 attended the af­ three tons from Sbedd and Mrs ter born to them at Pacific hospital delle Wiliams. The program will than half a crop while the Jackson fair, Following the dinner, cards Radio* — Paint Jack Hiller from Corvallis took In Eugene. Tuesday, May 1. 1934 start at 8 o'clock. crop is larger than last year. A and other games and music furnish­ CRESWELL HIGH WINS Sunday dinner at John Edmlston’* good quality light crop Is expected ed diversion. Mrs. Joyce Stevens from Eugene for the state as a whole. IN MUSIC CONTEST Of entries by the Leaburg Scout spent the week-end with Mrs. Need­ Among the berries the strawberry troop first award was received oa Creswell high school musicians ham. They motored to Hadleyvllle crop will be well above last year's tower building and second on their won the C division cup In the state last Sunday and spent the day with short crop, and the raspebrry crop chariot at the Boy Scout Circus In music tournament at Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hadley. prospects are good on an acreage Eugene Saturday. Saturday. Their mixed chorus took The young people's Sunday somewhat reduced In leading pro­ The funeral of F. W. Hynes. first place, as did the girls quartet school class held Its business and ducing sections. Blue river resident was held In The girls glee club took second social meeting ul Fred Gray's Tuys- Eugene at Veatch chapel Monday. I and the boys glee club third place day evening. Taken to Hospital — Mrs. O. H. Rev. E. V. drivers In charge and tn the contest. F. K. Noordhoff Jarrett was taken to the Eugene Interment at Greenwood »yemetery principal at Creswell directs the Vigita Parents— Miss Thedu Bales hospital for medical care Tuesday. near Leaburg. musicians. spent the week-end at her home Walterville grade school won She Is said to be improving her on the coast. She was one of the 1 Lb. in the New Vacuum Class Jer over Upper Camp Creek at U. C. C. health now. participants In (he typewriting con­ ___________Special . . Friday by a score of 12 to 8. Upper To California — Mrs. William G test at Corvallis Saturday. Camp Creek was victor In their Hughes and son. Donald, left Tues Elkton Man Here—Rev Ormal B. first gam>- day for Los Angeles and other Call DEL KAY PEANUT BUTTER— Trick of Elkton was a visitor in H A R R IS , 8 M IT H A B R Y SO N The last day of school program fomla cities to visit her three sons 2 Pound Jar . . . . . . . Attorneys Springfield Wednesday of this and picnic will be held at Deer- Howard. Ralph and Evan, and other Miner Bldg., Eugene, Or*. week. JELLO— Any Flavor . . . . . relatives. horn school Friday. NOTICE Maximum amount of a Federal emergency crop loan which la to be used tor tree fruit production only has been raised from >250 to >400 In the states of Washington and Oregon, according to a statement made recently by John A. Schoon over, president of the Production Credit corporation of Spokane. The time limit for the acceptance of these applications has been ex­ tended until May 16 for the eligible borrowers By the Increase In the emergency crop loan limit. It Is Intended to provide more adequate means of meeting the speeial relief needs caused by recent conditions affect­ ing the fruit Industry throughout ST PETERSBURG. Fla. . . . • •Rabbit” MarauvtUe. U year oM these two states. baseball int>eld a|iark plug of the Boston N. L. Braves, whose suffered An emergency crop loan la made nmhplc break of the left leg shocked and grieved the entire baseball only to an applicant who la unable world, comes up smiling and declare« that he “ will ronie back again as to procure a loan of the same he ha- before *' Photo shows MarsnviUe with nurses Edith Green, left, amount from other sources, who and Myrtle Biuouiquist at the hospital bore where he is progressing to w a rd recovery does not have a means of liveli­ hood other than farming or other agricultural production, and who Is SPECIAL EVENT TO OPEN Upper Willamette otherwise eligible. SELF SERVICE BASEMENT BANK LOANS AND BUSINESSRECOVERÏ fîh- W rig h t & Sons SAVE! QUALITY FOODS at LOWEST PRICES COLONIAL COFFEE 29c Irish-Murphy Co. New Deal in Fruits and Vegetables We have a fine new vegetable display rack built so th at you may inspect quickly and thoroughly what you are buying. Our store has always been a leader in the fruit and vegetable line and the new display rat k brings us more up-to-date. TH IS IS THE STORE OF COMPLETE FOOD SERVICE Candidate Visits—J M Devers candidate on the republican ticket for congressman In the first Ore­ gon congressional dbtrict. was here from Salem Tuesday meeting local residents. Leave on Trip—Mrs W E. Buell, Miss Evelyn Buell, and M. C Kirk- land left early Wednesday morn Ing for Moro In eastern Oregon where they will spend several days visiting with Mr . Buell's daughter, Mrs. Paul Alley. W ELLS A W ELLS Attorneys a t Law Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T NOTICE ts hereby given that the undersigned, J A. Olbson, Admin tstrator of the Estate of Knute O. Huaby. deceased, has filed his Final Report and Account as such Ad minlsfrator with the Clerk of the County Court of I^ane County, Ore­ gon; and that Saturday, the 2nd day of June 1934 at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, In the County Court Room of said County, In the Court House at Eugene, has been set by Hon. Fred Fisk, Judge or sain Court, as the time and place for hearing objections to the same, and for the final settlement of said estate. J. A. GIBSON, Administrator. WELLS It WELLS, Attorneys (M 3-10-17-24-31) PETER PAN FLOUR 49 POUND SACK $ 1 .6 9 (let our recipe sheets for making real bread from Peter Pan Flour. ^ZKINDS ÎÎIJJI at The Neu/t Office O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T NOTICE la hereby given that the! undersigned as executrix of the | estate of Jatnea T Moore, deceased, has filed In the county! court for Lane County. Oregon, her final ac- j count as such executrix and aatd : conrt baa appointed Saturday th * ' 2nd day of June. 1934 at ten o'clock i A. M. as the time and tbe county judge’s office In the county court- | house In Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, aa the place for hearing objection)». If any, to said final ac- ( count and the settlement thereof. All persona Interested and desiring to object to said final account are hereby notified to file their objec- j Ions thereto In writing with the 'lerk of said Court prior to aald I me and appear at said time and 1 place. Date of the flrat publication of| his notice Is May 3. 1934. ANNIE L. MOORE. Aa execu­ trix of the estate of James T. | Moore, deceased. (M 3-10-17-24-31) H. E. S L A T T E R Y Beckwith Bldg., Eugene, Oregon NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE IN PROBATE NO. 6086 In re E state of F ran k M. Vernum,' deceased. Notice 1* hereby given that on May 2, 1934, the undersigned as the administrator of the Estate of Frank M. Vernum, deceased, filed his final account In the above en titled probate proceedings; and that on said date the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, made an order setting the time for the hear­ ing of the said final account to bn had before the aatd Court at the hour of 10:00 o’clock, A. M. June| 1934, and directing all having any objections thereto to file the same In writing In said proceedings onj or-before the time aet for the laid ' hearing. ASHER M VEACH, Adminis­ trator of the Estate of Frank M, Vernum, deceased. H E SLATTERY, Attorney for the Administrator. (M 8-10-17-24-31) Kellogg’s Whole W heat Flakes