THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1834 MT. HOOD FORESTER MADE 3-C DIRECTOR T. H Mherrard. who bn» bean In chars* of the Mount Hood aatlonal foreal, formerly known »« th» Or*- (on national foreet. »Inc* IIMXT. will »■■uni* new dull«» »» r*(lo n »l for- *«t ln»p*ctor in eoaaaetton with th* civilian mnaervellnn corp» work In NOTICK Oregon nod Washington, effective OF H 8 A R IN O F IN A L A C C O U N T Muy 1«. Mr Hhnrrnrd'» wide eiperl Nolle* I» hereby «lv«»n by Ih * uiider.lgiied Hint be haa M enc* In »11 phn»*» of foreet Work tor of the Last W ill of Georg* W w||| «nnble him to m»k* valuable l?vln. d*e*a»*d, filed hl» final no- COHt rii>utl<>na to tb* advancement count, and that Hon. Frial Flak. . lh|) ,,|¥,||all ,.„na*rvatloii corp» . „ . . ___ . ______ u Judge of the County Court In ano i work lie entered fore»try work In for lain* County, Oregon, ha» fl«»d the hour of t*n o'clock A. M. of Washington. D C., In 1899. and ha» Juna tat.. m ac at the chamber« been contlnuoualy active »Ince that of »«Id Court lu tb * Lane County time. He 1» a graduate of Yale, with Court llou»», Eugati*. Oregon, at a degree of It A. and did pout the time »ml place of hearing ob­ jection* to such account and th * graduate work In forestry al lia r vard and the unlveralty of Munich, »ettleinenl thereof W IL L IA M O. IR V IN . Executor. Germany HI» headquarter» In hl» F H K I) S M IT H . Attorney for new work will continue to be In Executor. tk aIX* h. He wna elected by lh<- AT O. S. C. TO BE MAY 9 eral yearn ago by Joseph N. Teal, Mr. Wimberly ta a candidate for (lenient of »aid dec«*denCe eetate In congregation at a abort hualneaa gnme animal« on the national for- Visit Deughtar— Mr. and Mm the County Court for l-ane County. meet Ing following the regular aer- »1» during the p««t 10-yesr period, and the Pioneer Mother, the gift of the position made vacant by the George Clark of Newberg were County Agent O ffara To Arrange Oregon, and that Saturday the 20th Thai there 1» »till room for much Burt Brown Barker, university vice- death of Judge Hamilton la July. vice Sunday morning Rev. Ik-nn T ransportation For T h o ** W ish ­ visitors here during Ihe week-end day of May. 1934. at <*»«• <'<•«•* Improvement la Indicated by num­ president. are both located In at 1933. Beading the election of hta Room of »aid Court In the County C. Poindexter, pnator. will also at­ ing To Attend Thio T o u r nt the home of their daughter. Mra tractive spots. Part of the exercises successor by the people, the office Court llou»«. In Eugene at ten tend the meeting na a delegate. erous area» supporting only a reta- II. H. Bchnffenberg. U occupied hy B. L. Eddy, an ap­ o'clock In the forenoon, haa been Other» from the local congregation llvely «mall proportion of the wild The annual strawberry field day will take place around the Pioneer fixed by »aid Court a» the time Portland People Visit— M r. and at the Oregon State college expert Mother. Both statues are the work pointee of Gov. Meier. are planning to attend some or nil life the areas are capable of «up- and pin«.- for hearing objection» porting, and by the other targe: Frank Rnodgraa» of Portland of A. Phtrolster Proctor, noted scul­ thereto, and for the »ettlement of the meeting». Carl E. Wimberly ta 4« yearn of ment station at Corvallis has been Two year» ago Hr. Pollard wna arena where the population of wild »pent Sunday vtaltlng at the home set for Wedneaday. May 9. the ea^J ptor, and both are nationally age and for the paat 22 year» haa thereof. A R TH U R BRYANT. Executor aenl by the slat« conference, to­ life 1a In excess of the carrying „f hla brother. Riley Snodgraaa. Mr lent on record because of the un­ famous been actively engaged in the gen of the I * « ' W ill and Teatament caynclty of the land. To overcome Frank Snodgrna» came to Eugene gether with Erneal Peteraon of usually advanced season. Growers eral practice of law In Roseburg. of Mary E Bryant, deceased The week-end events will start Portland to the national church these conditions the wild life crop to participate In a trapahoot and others Interested in the breed­ L L. RAY. Attorney for Estate He ta essentially a lawyer and Friday, with campus day. The cam must be coordinated with other ea- l A 19 2« M 3 10 17) meeting Ml Atlanta. Georgia. V la lt at Radmond— W. H. Hobbs ing work of the station In coopera­ pus luncheon, with lta ceremonies not a politician. aenttal uses and managed on a an»- and hla daughter, Ml»» Cynthia tion with the United State« depart­ of pledging to Friars and Morter talned production baala. To do that, Hta election will Insure tawyem C. A. W IN T K R M K IK R REBEKAH MEMBERS HEAR Hobbs, »pent the week-end vtaltlng ment of agriculture are Invited to Board, senior honor societies, for regulations must be developed and A ttorney a t Law and litigants of courteous and fair take part In the Inspection of the 734 W illamette logene. Oregon LECTURE ON SILKWORMS applied which recognise the pro­ with old friend» at Redmond. Ore­ men and women, will be a feature. minded consideration nnd w ill pro­ gon. their home before moving to xperlmental plot« that day. Thia w ill be followed by the corona­ blem« Involved on each area or N O T IC K O F F IN A L H K A R IN O In the fields from which have tion of the campus queen, athletic mote prompt nnd Impartial Judi­ Mra. Julius Fulop gave a lecture Htream W ith a view to the Fed Springfield come the Corvallis berry and other contests, a tea for mothers, and cial decisione In the County Court of the State of on Bilk worms al the weekly meet- eral government contributing more In Music Meet - Mias Barbara Improved strain» and varieties, will (Paid Adv l Oregon for I«ane County. lug of Juanita Rebekah lodge Mon­ largely and directly to »uch regu­ Barnell went to Forest Grove Frl In the M ailer of the Estate day evening following the business lation In specific cnaea Involving day to compete In the state mualc be fruiting this year 5000 new Herbert Cadby. deceaaed. strawberry seedlings aa well aa Notice ta hereby given that the aeaalon. The May «octal committee land» In government ownership contest. She waa entered In the more than 200 aeedlinga selected undersigned administrator haa filed » » announced and will Include which have not In the paat contri­ piano aolo dlvtalon and waa accom from thousands that fruited the hla final account In the above en­ four men na follow»: Lee Pulman. titled mailer. That the above en­ Erneat Btack, Elmer I’yne. and buted sattefaetorUy to the produc­ panted by her parents. first time In former yearn. Many tion of wild life, and In furtherance titled court haa appointed Friday Guild Girl» Meet— Member» of named varieties from here and from the 18th day of May 1934 at ten Oswald Olson. of coopemtlfe effort«, the regula­ the Junior World Wide Oulld of the teat station» In the east will be o’clock In the forenoon na Ihe time tions are being promulgated. FRED E. SM ITH for the hearing of objection» lo said Baptist church held their regular teen In fruit, Fire Safety Benefit Seen A tto m a y a t Law final account and the »ettlement The influence of irrigation on the meeting last Thursday evening at "W ild life ta one of the major ihereof All persona Interealed may Mlnar Bldg.. Kugana. Oregon OU can learn Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand and several commercial varieties of her the home of their leader, Mra. Ken file objection. thereto If any they NOTICE TO CREDITO RS resource« of the National Foreal Typewriting at home in half the time, and at rlea will be examined during the Twelve members have land and water, and Its manage neth Tobias. the coet of attending a business college^ You Notice 1a hereby given that Em field day. aa well the value of mat Hated April lkth. 1934 were preaent. ulete the course In bookkeeping or banking, and receive W W. CADBY. administrator eat It Endicott has been appoint men! and development nre an ea ted row culture under Irrigation ed by the order of the County aenttal part of the administration A W IN IT E R M E IE R . attorney. your diploma in two months. You can learn to write over Goes to Albany— Mra. A. P. King as compared with hill cultivation. Judge In and for I Jim- County, of the National forests. (A 19-2« — M 8-10-17) of Pittsburg. California, who ha» W hile the day w ill be devoted, 100 words a minute in shorthand in less than two months, Oregon, na the Executor of the "The prevention of overgrnxing tMU-n vtaltlng nt the H. E. Oerber largely to strawberries, opportunity 1 and you can become an expert, rapid typist in six weeks. lAtat W ill of Reason P Endicott, deceased Alt persona having u 11 (I erosion and the protection of home for aome time, left last week­ will be given the view the breeding A small down-payment and easy monthly terms will get claim» against »aid eatale are here­ watershed«, limber, and olher re­ end for Albany where «he will vlalt work in brambles and other small ,» 0 , u n « l im m ii it e ,,. Complete “ J ? «“ J? by notified to preaent the same, source« are dependent upon the re- with other relative» before return­ fruit. Pruning and training experi-; p o .lt ton guaranteed, or your tuition WUI be 'u lt with the proper voucher«, to »aid Executor, at the office of Fred yulatton of wild life population to ing to her home. Mra. King ta a manta In raspberries and the Young- j send ten cents in coin or stamps for complete dwerigtive Smith. Attorney at Law. 40« the carting capacity of the land or aleter of Mr. Qerber. berry will also be seen. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN E Miner literature of the course In which you are interested. Do it Building. Eugene. Oregon, water, and such regulation 1s also Members of the plant pathology Naturopathie Phyalctan Reports Given — Report» of the within alx month» from the date e»«enttal to maintain the produc­ today. and entomology staffs w ill be pre«- of thia notice. tivity of aucb land and water for Christian Endeavor state conven­ ent during the day to confer with Phone kl-J A M E R IC A N Hated April lkth. 1934 tion held recently at Salem were ERN EST R. E N D IC O TT. Exe wild life. growers regarding disease and In­ CO RRESPO NDENCE SCHOOL heard Sunday evening al the week­ Office Hour»: 1 lo * P. M. • The regulation of wild life popu­ cutor. sect control problems. 1850 Downing St.. Denver, Colo 40« Fourth Street FRED E S M IT H . Attorney for lation by hunting and fishing ta ly meeting of the Christian Endea County Agent O. 8. Fletcher Executor. vor of the Christian church Six Covers the ENTIRE United States the moat effectvle mean» of lmltlng urges Lane County strawberry (A 19-2« — M 3-10-17» the population lo the carrying cap­ teen young people from the local growers to attend the field day. He acity of the range or water and of church attended the meeting at states that If there are any grow A L IA S S U M M O N S Watchmaker and Jswalar IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E dlapoalng of any excessive num Salem. ers who wish to attend and who S P R IN G F IE L D STA TE O F OREGON FOR LANE bar*. Visits Brother — Miss Mildred do not have transportation, he will So. Pacific W atoh Inspector CO UNTY 1 The regulation of hunting and Bartholomew, director of religious undertake to arrange for them to Flm t Class W ork at Reasonable T H E S T A T E LAND BOARD OF Price« OREGON, composed of Julius L. fishing on the National foreata ta education at Oregon State college make the trip If they w ill communi­ Meier. Governor of Oregon. P. J. eff ctlve In reducing the fire hax- spf>nt thp weeg ^ nd here at the cate with him. Growers who expect Stadelmnn. Secretary of State of aril and In promoting the consents- hon)p of her brother and alater-ln- to make this trip and who could General Law Practice Oregon; and. Rufu» Holman. lion, development, and proper utl law. Mr. and Mr». P. J. Bartholo- ,Bge another grower with them are Treasurer of Oregon. Plaintiff. llxutlon of National forest reaour- mew. On Sunday nhe spoke before a)a0 a»ked to notify the county I. M. PETERSON Effie L. Rankins, a widow; Cora Attorney-at-Law the congregation of the Methodtat Barton. George W Barton, her "Plan for the development o' church nt Cottage G City Hall Building r o v e . ------------------------------ husband ; Rena Shelp. Bert »help, Springfield. Oregon her husband; H attie Cook. P F. the wild life resource, including the Has Play Role— W illiam Thlenes FEDERAL LAND BANKS Cook, her husband: M errill Ran­ regulation of hunting nnd fishing, LARGE BUSINESS kin». Jane Hoe Rankins, his should be closely harmonlxed with Deerhorn student at the Untaem lty, wife; John Rankin«. Pearl Ran the plan« nnd objectives for the of Oregon, haa one of the rolee tn kin«, hl» wife; Ruth Glbblns. the play. "The Chief Thing." which the paat 11 month», the (sometime» spelled Gibbon»). management of other National for­ la to . be presented by the Un,Te™' , - 12 During Fede,rai ¡and banka closed 2B1.- Roy Olhbln«. («ometlmee spelled est reaources to Insure the maxi­ tty dramatic department tn Guild j amountlng to about , e28.. Gibbon«), her husband; Urnle mum public benefit»." hall on May 2. 4. nnd B. Thlenes . wh)ch about Rankins. Lucy Rankin«, hl» wife-, Orville Rankin». Jane Doe Ran plgyed in «averal producUona at {od waR u0, at , he c» mp. He ta (»ometlme» spelled Olbbon»L her That Ihe County Court of the State Rrattaln school. htiHhnnd. Defendant»: IN T H E of Oreicon for bane County has up- pnncip ust riô it for NAM E O F T H E STA TE OF ORE pointed Flora Stearmer aa Admin and his work was taken over y (IO N : Istratrlx of the Estate of W H. n Hamlin during hta absence. Formerly W alker Poole You, and each of you nre hereby Stearmer. Deceased. All persons -------- -------------------- summoned and required to apnear having claims ngnlnst said Estate and answer the complaint filed EUG ENE— 11th 8PR IN O FIM LU ngnlnst yon In the above entitled nre hereby notified to present the LUMBER PRODUCTION IS and Charnelton. 388 Main New cuatomers purchaaing more than on* »ult within four week« from Ihe day same, duly verified, to the under­ signed Administratrix at the I .aw STEADY FOR TWO WEEKS Telephone 723 Phone ««-J of the first publication of this sum­ appliance, or old customer purchaaing addi­ mon«; and If yon fall to answer Office of Hnrrta, Smith A Bryaon, Seattle. Washington. May 3— A for want thereof, plaintiff w ill ap­ Miner Building Lane County, Ore­ tional appliances, will be given exceptional ply to the Court for the relief there­ gon wllhln six months from the total of B39 down and operating in demanded, towlt, for the fore­ date of this notice mills In Oregon and Washington discount*. closure of that certain mortgage Dated this 26th day of April. 1934 which reported to the West Coast owned and held bv plaintiff, execu­ FLORA STEARM ER . Adminis­ V //S M A R T E S T Lumbermen's Association for the ted and delivered hy C. W. Ran­ tratrix of the Estate of W. H. kins. now deceased, and E ffie L. week ending April 21. produced 99.- Stearmer. Decensed. Rnnklns. as his wife, recorded In H A R R IS. S M IT H A BRYSON. 206.73« board feet of lumber. Thia Book R3 page 819 of the mortgage Attorney - for Administratrix. was approximately the same as the records of I.ane County, Oregon, (A 2« — M 3-10-17 24) preceding week. The average pro- being a lien upon the following OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ductlon of thia group of aawmiUa In land, towlt; — Beginning at a point «0 rods NO TICE )934 has been 87,298.32« feet; dur- south of the northeast corner of O CTAGON N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : Ing the same P'‘r‘“d the" m the J. B. Southworth donation -------- weekly average waa B7.B88.144 feet. land claim No. BO. running Ihence That Bessie F. Howard as « E * firui All our stock of Range*. Refrigerator*. Water Heaters, south «0 rods, thonce went 80 trlx of the Estate and Last W ill and The new business reported last rods, thence north «0 rods, thence Testament of Jessie B. Howard. De^ week hy B79 mills was 89.470.38« SEE WELL and Houae Heating Applla nces are placed In this tale, cast 80 rods to place of begin eeaaed. has filed her Final Account hoard feet against a production of FEEL WELL nlng, In section 21. township 1« as such Executrix and the County south range B west of W illam ette Court of the State of Oregon for 98.933,784 feet and shipments of 87 beginning May 1*t, 1934. Correct eye-glnaaca do more for Meridian, In Lnne County. Ore­ Lane County haa fixed Monday, 716.609 feet. Their shipments were New Fra you than merely aaalst you In gon, together with Ihe tenements, the 28th day of May. 1934, at th * under production by 11.3 per cent C o s ts less per ya rd hereditaments, and appurtenances, hour of 10.00 o’clock In the fore­ seeing better. . . . They Improve and their current sales were under nnd for such other and further re­ ot s u rfa c e noon of said day at the County your appearance nnd moat gen­ lief as the Court shall deem Just Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ production by 9.« per cent. The f e v e r s t h o r o u g h ly a n d w e a r s erally Improve general health. nnd proper, together with attorney ty Oregon as the time and place orders booked last wepk by this ’ lo n g e r th a n o r d in a r y p a in t . There la no need to suffer fees, costs nnd disbursements. for hearing objections to said Final group of Identical mill» were over b e c a u s e o t it » Thia summons Is published pur- Account. from defective vision when the All persons having ob­ the preceding week by about 7.000.- coat of materials ure tower than j sunnt to nn order of Hon J. T. jection-. to said Final Account must B A L A N CED FO RM ULA 000 feet or 8.B per cent. , Brand, a Judge of said Court, dated they have been in the last I April 2«lh, 1934, and requiring the file the same on nr before said The unfilled order file at thaae twenty-five year». Our service publication hereof for not lean than Hated this 26th day of April, 1934. mills stood at 379.981.973 board feet, once a week for four weeks. charge 1» most nominal. Examl BESSIE F HO W ARD, Execu­ a decrease of approximately 3,000. Hate of first publication April trix of the Estate and Last nation» are free. Bugena. W ill and Testament of Jessie 000 feet under the week before 24th. 1934 The aggreiate Inventorie» of 18« F R EH E S M ITH . Attorney for Hardware — Furniture B. Howard. Deceased. DR. ELLA MEADE Plaintiff. Res. — P. O. Ad­ HARRIS. S M IT H A BRYSON. mills are 13.7 per cent more than Optometrist dress 406 Miner Building, Eu Radio* — Paint Attorneys for Executrix. at thia time last year. gene, Oregon. (A 2« - M 8-10-17-14) «1 W aat Bth Bugena (A 2« — M 8-10-17-14) Curl E. Wimberly Circuit Judge EARN MORE MONEY Y Business Directory Edward C. P rivât Modernize Your Kitchen with ... Reliance Life Insurance Co. Gas Appliances $75.00 ROOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors NICE W EATHER. J + . P A IN T IN 6 /Ï w (w I* ÍURE 1 5 - AND) I' COI N 6 TO UÍ ACMf QUALITY HOUSE PAINT Wright & Sons Northwest Cities Gas Co.