The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 03, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    TI IURBDAY2_M-AV_3._£934
payments •» " ' th»“»h “ •*» u“
hsrve I the minimum acreage re
WHEAT FIELDS IN LANE „Hired under «heir contracta.
The young man hu» been brought
up a* a lawyer and admitted Io
Contracted Asrssgs Msy
Invite Rabbit la h lb lta
practice In Frunee lie applied to
Under 1» Approvsl Orsntsd
Published Kvery Thursday at
the authorities of New York State
Medford. Ore.. H ay »
Agent O r Com m itteem an
Springfield, Laue Cotiuty, Oraguu h>
for permission to take th* state
- Kttblilt br**«l»ni ° r <>r«wh»n
bar examlratlon. His request was
California have
»"»»«ed to
Hessian files are seriously dam 1 make entries In Ute Oregon Dtn
refused on the ground that he had
H B. MAXKY. Editor
The sweepstake prises are all de­ j »slug wheat on many lanie county
not barn naturalised. Hut young
jubilee rabbit .how hast
Lathed a . second c l . . . matter. Februar, »«. IW». at th . p oslotnc.
Mon leur de Chnnihruu Is a pretty cided The usual stories "I don't | farms. according to County Agent t a n .» » Cash prise, will he award
Springfield. Oregon
good lawyer. He called the atten­ know what I'll do with the mouoy "I j (I, g. Fletcher When wheal I* e I to winning entries
have come aud gone There an-1 | attacked hy Hessian files the stem*
tion of the Court of Appeals to Ute
of disappointed ticket i i are kllleil nnd they first Io* • »h««»r
fact that In 1784 hl* great great­
One Year In Advance
Six Mcatba
holders A few luck' one They ( „rutin aolor and then dry up until yOUR CONGRESSMAN
Two Year. I., advance
Three Month.
made a clttsen ot Maryland by au turned a big gulden drum III Dublin ! II Is readily apparent that they
M O N S T E R .................. photographed
act of th* General Ass*mbly of that one day. picked out the lucky hum have been kllleil Hessian fly dam
At Iasi a phutograph ha* been state, and that the cltlaenshlp was bets Aud that was Unit until tin i age may be disllugul bed from rnal
better half a loaf than none
made of the Loch Nea* "aeu-ser- bestowed upon his male heirs for­ race *« run
, and aphis Injury readily because
• • *
An emtneut English aur- ever.
' the file* kill the entire stem and
We can not concur with those who make fun of the
•sub^tence homestead” plan. We think that there la auf- gecn aaw Its head emerge (rum the The yuung ’ man' great-great- Krwtn I'.dmun, philosophy In I attached leave*, white rusl and
t S e i tgm xl land in the United States for everyone who water, gut his camera Into action grandfather was the Marquis de structor ul Columbia University, aphis Injury shows mostly on the
w in i« to at least raise a good garden. Whatever an unem­ aud made tour exposures before Lafayette; and the Court of Ap­ suys he finds young people ready leaves
peals admitted him to the bar ex­ to admit that they are not nearly
ployed person does to help himself is that much. B^Oer i the thing disappeared.
There ta nothing that can he done
coun.fy . h . » .o be wholly dependent
The pictures, though taken at aminations. Ho la a French cltlxen so sophisticated a* they have pre­ at this time to control Hessian
long range, clearly show that the and an American clllten at th* tended to he II ■ say* that young files or slop their damage When
upon charity in the cities.
Scotch monster really exists and
moderns leaned backward from the the Injury Is extensive, Il Is pro­
There are states in this union who are taking ov»r that It Is neither a serpent nor a same time. e e *
Victorian attitude toward love »ml bably heal Io plow under the wheat
100,000 farms for taxes every year They are“ al^ \
seal. It has a long, serpent-ltke A R T .............................. and Mlcksy sex becau e they were determined and plaut some other crop or sum­
twice as many-city homes and businesses To ayKu^ ‘h!
neck, but a thick body, like some ot
The Art Workers Guild of Lou­ to be candid and truthful, hut that mer fallow the land The county
a man cannot make a living in the country is no better the restorations ot prehistoric crea­
don. which Includes such distin­ he days are now gone when the agent stales that farmers who have j
grounds than he can exist in town. But these fanns taken tures. Noue ot the scientific men guished men as George Bernard youqg generation would talk about
for taxes afford some good land that might be used as sub- who have seen the photographs can Shaw and many of the most famous 'anything'' but refused to talk wheal contracts and who fined that
they must plow under wheal on ac
" If t h . , are carefully selected by
give it a name, and there seems to painter-, and sculptors, has made about anything else. He wouldn't count of damage by Hessian files H a re nomination snd elec t« » n
ports and people placed on them who want to work: th en a be general agreement that it la a Walt Disney an honorary member lie surprised, he said. Io see a new or other causes should notify him j tontmued active and esperlswcad teg
large part of the unemployed can be care for. If they. can strange survival ot a species sup­ because of Mickey Mouse. For kind of purltanlsm develop out of or a wheat association community I
U ,r — «*— In Congress
not make any profit farming they can at least raise most posed to be extinct tor hundreds ot once. I heartily approve of English It all
committeeman and request an In­
R EA D H I« N R M « * * *
of their food.
thousands or millions ot years.
Ideas of what constitutes art.
spection before the plowing Is O R D IN V O T E R S P A M F H U tT
This seems to be an era ot read
I think I have remarked In this
Rea serpents! Still, we might started In such cases contracting |
Justment ot all sorts ot Ideas, In column before that the Mickey ay. s' a serpents . . . For It seems farmers may obtain Ihelr benefit (Paid A d )
about sea beasts Mouse and Silly Symphony anl that when Flrat Officer Moughtln •
Some objection is made to the Sales Tax on grounds eluding our Ideas
• • •
mated cartoons are the only truly of the Mauretania reported sight
that tne railroads and other utilities'would ^ e iv e lower
uronertv tax. But it must be remembered that the utilities TAMMANY.................. still striped original art developed by the mo tug one off Nassau In February
The district leaders ot Tammany tlon picture people I still think th< Captain Peel had sighted one too
are also large purchasers of lumber, poles and other com­
modities in the‘State on which they will pay a sales tax It Hall, who constitute the governing inovle folks went astray when "I didn't pay much attention to It."
the Introduction of the "talk saya Moughtln. "a* that was the
can not be said that the large utilities will gain anything b> body of that political organisation, after
have voted their leader. John F les." they so largely abandoned the kipper's find." . It seems strauge
the sales tax bill.
SUNDAY. May 13th. k the TIME. Within your heart
out of his leadership The field In which the motion picture Is no one mentioned It at the time
While the income tax is the fairest tax it does Curry,
k tho PLAGE . . anti MOTHER k the GIRL . . .B o
reason they gave is that be guessed supreme, the world of out of doors Very strange
any means touch all the incomes from state source«. The wrong about the desirability ot in nnd began to reproduce the theater
there's the Betting for a perfect romance . . . The
• • •
income tax must be collected where a person lives. Many doming Mr. Roosevelt (or President Instead of tho semblance'of reality
Time the Place ami the Girl." If yon thrill to thk
It's spring again, after one of
larger owners of timber and industries live without the and Mr. Lehman tor Governor. and But 1 suppose they know their bust New
opportunity then you’ll write the perfect love story . .
York's coldest winters In
state and pay no income tax. But the sales tax is collected so got the party in New York "In ness belter than I do. Personally year*. . . And the bus top* are fu ll'
a gift to Mother on Mother’s Day.
on their lumber when it is sold and on the purchases of bad” with the people who have think there Is more real entertain it ardent youngsters riding up
their industry at home.
A Itlg box of Eggntnann’s candy Is a most appro­
political Jobs to dish out. And. ment and more solid worth In the Fifth avenue and Riverside Drive 1
While the sales tax is collected from the state it is politics being what it is. no leader news reels and the travel picture*
Ed Kressy says he has a re I
priate Mothers' Duy Gift.
purelv a local proposition as all moneys, except the ex­ can lead unless he can get Jobs (or than in all of the “features" put pressed desire to stand up when
pense of collection, comes back to the school district to re­ “the hoys."
the bus reaches the busiest corner
duce the property tax.
In the world al «2nd and Fifth ave
1 hope nobody will be tooled by
— --------♦-----------
nue. and for no other reason than.
Curry's dismissal into believing
Just spring." yell at the top of hl*
"Where the Her »ice la Different
that the Tammany Tiger has
Why are most men . . . men who rarely, if ever, go fish [ changed any of its stripes. There
Salem. Ore.. May 3—(Speclall —
has been no suggestion of cleaning
tag . . . invariably interested in the subject?
Tipping Is an old custom. And.
appears to be one of tho
Isn't it because "men. after all. are but boys grown up "The Hall." Its party Is out of greatest Insurance rackets attempt­ we might add. an annoying one . .
1 power in the city government, but
hotel here advertises that pa j
1 And what sort of man must he be who never as a kid everything setns set for its close ed on the Oregon public has come One
Irons are requested to refrain front
knew the Joy of fishing.
, affiliation with national and state mlssloner A. H Averill
tipping, since their employee# are'
Maybe it was just minnows in the pond; maybe bull­ ' governments.
This game is being promoted by paid more than a living wage • • •:
It Is a pity that high-minded,
heads in the slough; maybe wily trout in the brook . . .
the Golden Hour company of Min The head waiter actually run* after
remember how they used to lurk in the shadows of the i honorable men have to make neapolls. which has organized five people who have left tips to re
Pasteurised milk coats no more than any other
water-soaked logs and stumps? Remember how you used j friends with the forces of corrupt benefit associations for the pur­ fund them . . . And there's a chain
kind .vet It Is safe. If this were not true we would not
to race with the fellows to the fishing hole . . . you knew | ion and graft If they expect to gain pose of attaching the dollars of the of hotels that advertise that you
have Installed expensive machinery and employed skill­
just the place where the big one laid . . . he was sure to bite I or hold high office. It is that sort uninformed These benefit asso­ don't have to buy your hat and coat j
[ ot thing that keeps most ot the
that day.
, „
„ , .
ed help to offer this service.
ciations. which are not licensed to
Gee, isn’t it great to think over it all . . . nsmng., ' best and moat intelligent men out transact business In Oregon, are as
The check girls cannot accept j
happy-go-lucky, care-free days of fishing when you were a
Milk Is your bast diet—a complete food. Let It
follows: Golden Hour Benefits as­ tips!
kid? Let your pleasant thoughts turn back along that
• e e
sociation; Family Benefits assorts
be a part of every meal.
glistening track of boyhood days. Do it often! There s W E A T H E R ..............and sun spots tlon;- Protection Benefit Associa­ Helen E. Hughes, svelte brunette
no tonic like It.
tion; Economic B»neflt association, looks as lovely a* many of Holly
Fishing has restored health, mental balance and nor­ summer. The popular notion that and Reconstruction Benefit asso­ wood's stars. But although Miss
Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for
mal temperament to thousands . . . It Is a tonic, whether a severely cold winter Is always ciation.
Hughes Is secretary and member
Maid O' Cream Butter
followed by a hot summer Is all
one catches any fish or not.
The commissioner warns the of the board of directors of one of
Go fishing, man. go fishing. If you can t go fishing wrong, the weather experts say. It public to beware both as to pur­ the large motion picture companies,
in fact, give yourself a genuine treat and go fishing in your is based upon nothing but the popu­ chasing membership In these asso­ the closest to Hollywood she lias
lar belief that there is a natural ciations and In the Influencing of been was on six separate occasions
law of compensations which always others to become members, as the that she packed, ready to go. And
On the Judiciary ballot wiil be found the name of la ri works; and that Is not true.
latter Is a direct violation of the every time some one of Importance
E Wimberly for one of the three places. Mr. Wimberly
Astronomers report the largest Oregon laws and subjects the guilty breezed Into New York and she
may not be as well known as B.L.Eddy but to our estima­ sun-spot on record. Jnst appearing 1 parties to fine and Imprisonment
hail to cancel the trip.
tion he is better qualified in training, viewpoint and judg­ on "our" side of the sun. It Is 16,-
ment than his opponent. He thinks along the lines of the 000 miles across, twice the dia­ MILK CONTROL TOPIC
common man, is not set in his judgment nor arrogant in meter of the Earth That means
his ways. If you can not make up your mind about whom that a fair percentage of the sun's
to vote for ask your lawyer
heat passing to Earth will be block
The problem of milk control, one
Among the many Springfield peo­
ed off. It also means that there of the most Interesting topics now
We cannot endorse the measure on the ballot for will be storms, rains, electrical dis­ before the people of the state, will ple who went to the coast Sunday |
"Criminal Trial without Jury and Non-unanimous Verdict turbances and weather freaks such be the subject of a radio address for the annual Dhododendron day j
Constitutional Amendment.” While we think it all right for as are seldom experienced. And to be given May t. from 8 to 8:30 outing sponsored by the Sluslaw I
the accused to be tried before the judge if he so elects we there are other sun-spots forming; p. m , over station KOAC. by P. M chamber of < omiio ri e were the fol- |
do not believe that a ten member jury verdict is sufficient indeed, from the records ot the past Brandt, mayor of Corvallis and lowing: Dr. and Mrs. Melville 8.1
the experts look for a series of head of the division of animal In- Jones and daughter. Betty. Mr and ;
to convict.
them over the next twelve years. : dustrlea. Oregon State college. The Mr*. Walter Scott. Mr and Mrs. C.
It mlghel be a good Idea to clip I address will be one of a series spon- E. Wheaton, Mr. and Mrs Jess j
Beavey. Mr and Mrs W A Taylor j
this and check up on these predic­ 1 sored each Wednesday by the Bu­
tions occasionally for the next few reau of Municipal Research and Mr. and Mrs M R Adams and son. i
Robert. Mr. and Mr*. Donald Toombj|
Service of the University of Ore­
• • •
gon and the League of Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. I. D. l-arimer.
A large crowd went to the coast |
C IT IZ E N . . Frsnee and Am erica Cities The next address, scheduled
and which con tains Four
hour G
r o t TreasL
I reasj r « « .............................. • •
see the flowers In bloom and eli- i
Rene de f’hambrun was born In for May 1«. will be delivered by C. Joy a seafood dinner. An early i
France. His mother Is a sister of Lyle Kelly, professor of business afternoon rain abruptly ended the[
the late Nicholas Longworth, and administration at the University of outing for many.
became a French citizen when she Oregon.
(„ ( AOl 5 JJJ
Mothers’ Day
E G G I M A N N ’S
Why Pasteurize?
Springfield Creamery Co.
Announcing the
Grand Opening of
Williams’ Self Service
When we say that Isaiah’s own book ends with the
magnificent poem, which concludes chapter 35, somebody
raises an objection. ‘‘The book of Isaiah has sixty-six chap
ters,” he says, “and how can it end at 35?—” The answer
is that beginning with chapter 40, this book has another
author. We do not know his name, nor why he took such
great pains to conceal it. Following the exile one hundred
years or more after the work and writing of Isaiah himself,
there were some useful but rather commonplace prophets,
Haggai and Zechariah, whose messages helped on the work
of rebuilding the temple, but who can not be called great
men. But one truly great voice did speak out, the voice
of this splendid Unknown, the author of the last chapters
of the book which is all labeled with Isaiah’s name.
He described himself as “the voice of a herald” crying.
"Make straight in the desert a highway for God.” He called
men to grade the roads, cutting down the hills and filling
the valleys and preparing to go back to Zion. He does not
name Isaiah nor refer to any king or event contemporary
with himself. On the contrary, these chapters were clearly
written a hundred and fifty years later, in the time of Cyrus.
The Jump Is Too High
Albert T. Hi'ttl
After month of alteration we wish to announce that on
Friday and Saturday,May 4 and 5
Free Flowers to the Ladies
Hundreds of Exceptional Values Are Being Offered.
Thus said the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose
right hand 1 have holden, to subdue nations before him; . . .
I will go before thee, and make the crooked places
straight ;I will break In pieces the gates of brass, and cut in
sunder the bars of Iron:
And 1 will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hid­
den riches of secret places, that thou mayst know that I, the
Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israal.
M H M IH M M im H M H
To the Children
Be Sure to Visit the New
Even though Cyrus was a heathen, he was God’s Mes­
siah for that event. Talk if you like about being broad­
minded! Then think of the prejudices that prophet had to
overcome to make such a declaration. And think what
came of it: a new nation, a new and purer worship, a new
epoch in the spiritual history of mankind.
Here is his vision for the rebulding of Jerusalem.
Arise, shine; for thy light Is come, and the glory of the
Lord l.i risen upon thee.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross
darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise and his glory
shall be seen upon thee.
And the Gentiles Hhall come to thy light, and kings to
the brightness ot thy rising.
Free Gifts to Any Child Who Vklts Our New Shoe
Department On Friday and Saturday.
And this is his dream of a regenerate society and a
peaceful world; a new heaven and earth, that is, new theo­
logy and a new political economy.
» ra
—r .