THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTY-FIRST YEAH SENIORS PREPARE FOR NO. 16 HPKINGHKLD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURHOAY, MAY I, 1M4 CIVIC CLUB PLANS FOR RO8E SHOW UP m e n MEN TIKE PLACES IR MEET. L SET FOR EUGENE TEAM « » " > CIVIC CLUB TEA lh" i WELL ATTENDED Organisation of details, duels lou of time, and other mailers pertaining Io the annual rose District Superintendent Will and flower show will be taken Boys Across Rivor Admittedly Hanson. Hartman, Stewart! Speak Sunday Morning; To jChildren*« Program Featured Forty - Eight StudonU Will up next Tuesday afternoon at Lacking Pitchors; Spring* Hear Reports Later At Benefit Social Monday And Smith Win Points For the monthly meeting of the Complete High School Edu- field Nino Is Strong At Van Valzah Home S. H. S. In Salem Event Hprlngfleld Civic club which Dr. Ixiuls H. Magln, superintend­ cation Here This Month «rtonaor» these esblblllous ent of the Hsleni district of the More than 60 persons called at Hprlngfletd high school track TWO MORE VICTORIES Due to the early ««aeon the Methodist church, will deliver the the home of Mrs A. B. Van Valxah EXTENSION IS UNCERTAIN meh made a very favorable ebow- show will have to be held soon 1 lug lu the Willamette Valley track »ermon at the Sunday morning ser­ Monday for the Civic Club benefit Locals Defeat Oakridge In Calendar Of Events For Final Instead of In the early part ot and field meet al Haleiu Haturday ve« In the Methodist church at 11 tea which members of that organi­ Shortest Came Of Year; June aa ha» been the practice In Two Weeks Given Out whun four aludenta won a tote) of o'clock R *As announced this sation sponsored for the Doran- Hill Billies Fall formet y«ar» week by Rev. Deen C. Poindexter, becker hospital for crippled chil­ 18% points for their school ac- By Principal Today pastor. There Will be «pedal music dren at Portland. Moat of the rosea are now In - ordlng to Marlon Hall, coach i-ast week It was six straight partial bloom and ihe rains of A program arranged by Mrs. Van Hprlngftald high »«bool wlU grad Malcolm ilanaon continued Ills by (he vested choir. victories for the Hprlngfleld high Immediately following the ser­ Valxah was In keeping with the the past few days have be«ii do uala 48 senior studauls Ibla yaar winning streak lu the Willainelte school baseball team. Hinca that vice there will be a basket dinner children's theme and Included low oH-alderable damage Io the meet III which 12 (earns were en­ according Io a Hal of aenlors ra- time the team has played two more when all members of the church piano solos by Ethel Ruth Fulop. blooms, more especially the l«B»«d thia m orullig^ the arbool tered by taking eight of the Hprlng- games and It is now eight straight and friends are asked to bring tbelr rosea than the other flowers. recitation by David Poindexter, a ! Held points himself, lie took first by W K Uuell. p ' victories. Pleasant Hill has fallen dinners und enjoy the fellowship talk and exhibition of pictures of i place n the mile und was shoved Graduation Mart i * ’*»•' before the local ball players, also of the group. the work of the hospital by Mrs. ' Into second lu the half-mile by one tlulad to ba held Fi anlng. Oakridge In a second game played After the dinner Is over a busi­ Olive J. Rebban. and the reading of W KNATCHEE, W u k . . . of the Indian» from Chemawu. May 1». at ihe M«lhi '»rch here Tuesday afternoon. Hartman was next highest win ness meeting will be held luring several of J. Whitcomb« Riley's Boberto B e a s ti (a b o *« ), p retty 10 unlaaa aolua lata ekang 4» Every effort Is now being made which lime reports of the various poems Including “The Little Crip­ year old high school g irl, hae ; lug third In the half mile, and a tie In lb« langtb of the ach * *. eS neu Queen o f Blosaou ' by the players to win their games organizations for the year will be pled Boy" by Mrs. Robinson, and for fourth place In I he pole vault rule over the annual Apple The school board Inst wee. with Eugene high, the first of ■elections by the Mardlgal double F e stiv al here which comes Morris Stewart and Dtsqu. Smith , application through the FKK the two games will be played All organisations within finished fourth In the 10(1 yard dash j quartet. Mrs. 8 S. Potter. Mrs. W. earlier this ysaz, des te a funda with which to eiteud in Eugene on Tuesday, May (. Par­ the church will be represented at K Burnell. Mrs. Van Valxah. Misa und 220 low hurdles respectively present yaar another month th sons who hare watched both teams the meeting. Elmer E. Pyne Chosen Head June Danks. Miss Olyde Dllly. Miss Roseburg woli the meet with 3*% providing a nloe months school In action predict that the Hprlng­ The District Superintendent wUI1 Velda Bartholomew. Mis« Evelyn Of County I. 0 . 0 . F. As­ point« with Cottage Grove trailing year fleld boys will run away with thia second with 24 H points. The t’he- be glad to meet and talk with any Buell, and Mias Mary Elisabeth sociation For One Year Walt Word from State game also. one In regard to the work locally Whitney. mawa Indians accounted for 23H Nt> reaponae from th « s la t « board Want To Defeat Eugene and the plans for the coming year. Assisting with the tea were Mrs. The next annual Ian« County I. points. Eugene high 15ty and Uni­ has been received here yet. but Coaches, Buell and Was. Davis, Because of this meeting and the C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. Carl Olson. O. O. F association convention will versity high 16. Ijturence C. Moffitt, county school are not so sure, and are not leaving he held at Hprlngfleld about April Only a few scattered points were necessity of the pastor being away Mrs. A. J. Cowart. Mra. I. A. Valen­ superintendent through who«« of­ anything undone which might canse 2U. 1*36 with Elmer Pyne as presi­ gathered by the teams north of at Coburg there will be no evening tine, Mrs. J. Fulop. fice the financial aid retjuests are their playera to lose thia first Eu­ service. dent of the I. O. O. F. groups for M ne county. Corvallis had 11. Oak- bandied, says he «Sped« to have a gene game. Both Buell and Davis, The Leagues will hold a Joint __ tbe next year It was decided af the - |an(| j, Halein 3S4. Silverton and Native Of Lane County Dies who has voluntarily offered hla ser­ decision within the neat day or meeting held at Collage Grove Iasi ! Stayton each three, und Hill MIII- atltete Hally at 6:30. Plana for the S P R IN G F IE L D L IO N S TO In Hospital; Funeral Ser­ vices, have worked hard with the two annual Bummer Institute at Suttle REPEAT COMEDY FRIDAY Thuraday. An all day meeting was tary Academy 2 team during the present short sea­ Just how the extension of the held at Cottage Grove with a public vices Held In Eugene — Lake wUI be dlacusted at this time. No track or field meet la planned son. Their team has played more school year would be worked out program In the evening during Local Cast Goes To Wlllakeoxie Coburg Methodist Charles H. Powell, lifelong resi­ games than any other high school here If the request la granted has which visiting clubs presented for this week-end. The boy« will To Present Play For Garden “The Divine Covenant” will be ro»l In preparation for the district dent of Lane county, died at the team in this district, and that is go­ not been determined. AH arrange- stunt« Way P. T. A. Benefit elimination meet to be held on Hay­ the theme of the meaaage at 6:46. Eugene hospital Bunday following ing to prove a decided advantage menla for the commencement ex­ The Springfield delegation pres­ ward field In Eugene on Saturday. The Church school meet« at 10:30. a three-months illness over Eugene high who have only ercises on and prior to May 1* have ented the «kit, "The Light Went Hprlngfleld people who did not Dr. Magln will preach at 7:30 and Funeral service« were held Wed­ played two regular games, oae been made, the etudente have or­ Out," with a cast of both Odd Fel­ ld»y 12. one week preceding the the fourth quarterly conference will see the Lions club play. “Auntie dered their graduation announce­ lows and Rebekah members Chas i late meet which la to be held at follow Ihe evening service. Up" when It was presented here nesday at 2 o’clock from the Poole- against the Bible College men and ments for the May date end theae P. Poole and W. F. Walker were Corvallis this year on May 1». recently wltl have another chance Gray-Barthotomew chapel In Eu- one against the Chemawa Indians, have been received el the school. to see this three-act college comedy rene with Rev. Mr. Lindley, pastor both of which they won by small also on the program. ¡STUDENTS NOMINATE Friday night when It will be re- of the Methodist church, officiating. scores Student opinion as to the poesl Included In the delegation from LIONS TO NAME OFFICER Following their 10-4 victory over hie additional month of achool ta Ibla city were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest' H. S. COUNCIL OFFICERS: P«*ted at the Wlllakenzle grange Irterment was made In the Mulkey CROUP AT FRIDAY MEET _______ ball for the benefit of the Garden cemetery. aomewhal divided, but with a large Pleasant Hill there last Friday the Black. Mr. und Mra. lx-e Putman. Carter Hartman. Jack Williams. Way P. T. A. majority expressing their etrong Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunkey. Mr. and Arrangements For Free Band Con­ Mr. Powell was born In the upper Springfield team does not expect and Jerry Clark were nominated The Hartman trio and Russell McKenzie country on December 24, much trouble in taking the second disapproval. cert To Bo Made At Noon Mrs Roland Moshler. Mr and Mie. as candidal«« for president of the Jones In a novelty aklt. will provide 186*. the son of Mr. and Mra. Giles ’ game from that team here May 11. An explanation of the high school Elmer Pyne. Mrs. Neill« Jordau, ! Meeting of Local Club Hprlngfleld high school student entertainment between the acts, a week from Friday. The second Powell, early eounty settlers. situation was made thia week where Mr and Mrs Fred Louk. Miss Mary _______ Players In the comedy are F. B under the present short term those Ann l-ouk. Miss Thelma Sw eeney/ Members of the nominating com- council Tuesday. Other offices and On June 5. 1*10 he was married game with Eugene to be played senior« who gradustr and who want Mlsa Arab Nell Arnold. Ml»» Doro- nilltee of the Hprlngfleld Lions club the candidates are VIce-preeldent. Hamlin. Mrs. W. P. Tyson. Vlr- to Mick Inez Children of Irving. He here on May 16 wUI close the sea­ Io so on to college will have to take (hy Girard. Miss Doris Girard. Mias' will report and election of new ot- Jack Clark and Faye Squires; tree-' glnla Christie. Eva Louk, W. H. was a member of the United Breth­ son for the local tea*. Oakridge Game Unusual additional entrance work without Maxine Knndgrass. Mrs Riley Hnod- (leers for the next year will be held surer. Pearl Helterbrand and Flor- Adrian, Norwald Nelson. Russell ren church In Eugene, and ot the la the Pleasant H1U game the credit to make up the shortage of grass. Mr. and Mra. Linn Rlone. Friday at the noon meeting of the ence Fish; secretary. Bonnie Holm Jones. John D. Pyle and Tbelmer South Benton grange, study hours from their aenlor year. Mrs. Harsh Johns. Mrs Pearl Hch club at Taylor hall. A president. and Bernice Smith; and social pro- Nelson. W. E. Buell and Miss) Surviving are his widow, Mrs. boys scored 11 hits and made 10 This would eo< have to be taken It antol. Mrs Hletla Eaton, and Elmer vice-president, secretary-treasurer, moter, Jack Ixigan and Wendell Bernice Conoly are directors. Inez Powell, two sisters. Mrs. J. B. runs. Pleasant Hill batters were un­ Bartholomew. Mrs. V. H. Davis is making ar- the extra month 1» added, «ay sen­ Findley. Wilhelm of Grants Pass, and Mrs. able to garner more than 3 hits. tall twister. Lion tamer, and two Each student Is to make an ad rangements for the program. The Oakridge game here Tues­ ior student«, most of whom are H. O. Wimmer of Irving, and two directors are to he named. dress before the student body Frl- -------------------------- day was the moet unusual game of favorable to an extended term. The program for the meeting will brothers. George P. Powell of Irv­ COUNCIL URGE REPAIR day at the weekly assembly. Elec­ Program Given lie directed by John Pyle and I. M. ing, tnd Bruce P. Powell of Med the season in that It went the full TOWN TEAM COES TO tions will be held May 10. cine innings and was completed In OF BROKEN SIDEWALKS Peterson. Regardless of any action on the fori. YONCALLA ON SUNDAY less than one hour and a half. Th«y will present a group of part of the FERA req««»« <*>«’ Both team hit the ball, usually mencament detail» have been ar­ Moss On Roofs Also Subject Of freshmen at the high school In a EUNICE GERBER GUEST Springfield's town baseball team BENEFIT CARD PARTY Warning; Must Be Removed the first one pitched, and is most ranged at the high school and will kit, “Wisdom Teeth." The cast of AT BIRTHDAY SURPRISE will open their schedule Sunday If A Fire Hazard DRAWS LARGE CROWD Instance» they were put out by an be followed until a change la or­ four students will be directed by _______ with their first game being played airtight support Oakridge made Mis Clarabel Wagner. dered Friends of Miss Eunice Gerber at Yoncalla. Cottage Grove will Nearly 100 Perrons Play a t Tables five hits and accounted for only Notices (o a few owners of the Final arrangements for the free This program provides for the gathered at her home Wednesday come to Hills Creek and Benton properties In this city where the ¡ . . . ,__ . . In Iuka P a rty Friday A t three runs, while Springfield bat­ I concert to be given here at Ihe Junior Senior banquet on May U. • sidewalks have been alowed to Methodist church on May 16 under evening for a surprise birthday Park will play the Modern Wood- T a y lo r H a lf ters hit aeven times to bring in to be followed by the baccalaureate break up because of growing tree the auspices of the local club will party In her honor. Three tables men Of America In Eugene, five rnas. sermon on Sunday evening. May 13 of bridge were in play during the Bprlngfield defeated the M. W Almost a capacity crowd aasemb- roots or other causes, have been The lineups for this game were: be made at the meeting. at which time Rev Deen C. Poin­ evenlng at which thoae present, A. team to a practice game by a ie’' »nd Ml»8 Bu‘‘” Tonight is ladles night at the Bruce Iqulres. Dorothy Roblneon, William Barton, a cousin of Mrs. Gerber, high; Miss Pearl Dempsey, Eugene armory and all ladles who Back to Christ, or Mrs Clarence Chase wilt enter- Wayne Kendall. Dorothy Nice, Arby lxtn»bery, arrived here Sun­ on the subject low Men. Theimer Nelson, high; arrive at the Armory before 8 party for„the| — ‘70W* Helen Swarts, Marian Shipley. Rod day from the Philippine Islands EDNA SEVERSON HEADS ( I tin to Chao».“ There will be spe- <»'" : group at her home on May 11 at' o'clock will be admitted free. May hlgn and Fred Louk tow. ney Veal. where he ha» been granted a 90-day Promptly at 8 o’clock Frank E. GIRLS LEAGUE GROUP, Attention 1« called to the fact 1:30. Velma Severaon. Henry Trlnka, furlough from the United States The door prize was won by Mrs. Lonergan. candidate for the repub­ that the evening service will sta rt: DeEtta Sandgnthe. Jack Sandgathe. army to come to the mainland to W. E. Buell. Ml»» Edna Severson was elected at 8 o'clock Instead of 7:30 for the CHURCH CROUPS PLAN lican nomination for governor, will Violet Potter, James Davla. Betty visit relatives. Lemon pie and coffee was served pre»ldent of the Olrls League at speak for 16 minutes. summer months. The sermon sub­ Meradorf, Raymond Davis. Lucille From Springfield he will go to SOCIALS FRIDAY NIGHT after the playtag by members of Springfield high school Tuesday to Wrestling matches scheduled by ject will be "The' Object of Our Davis, Everett iJtJole, Ethel Cur Seattto to visit his father, then on the sponsor organization succeed Miss De Etta Sandgathe | Herb Owen inclnde Walter Achlu . x Faith.” There will be special Both the high school and senior rant, Robert Marx. Elisabeth Vail to Minnesota and eventually Ken- for the Jiext year. Others elected i versus Henry Hill newcomer from Epworth League groups at the Uoyd Ellison. Laura Clement. Mark lucky to visit other relatives He NURSES RENOMINATE were Joanna Seavey, vlce-presl- ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ North Dakota; Popeye Kirk against Methodist church are planning so­ Smith. ha» spent three year« In Ihe de­ dent; IxtMoyne Black, secretary-j MISS McOOOKIN TO POST Jack Curtis In the semi-final, and Lela Peteraon, Eugene Richey, fense service In Ihe Philippines. cial events for Friday evening. The 'reasurer; Florence May, reporter; SALMON START TREK ., , Jack Gorman and Mickey McGuire Lucille Perry. Beatrice Elmer, Ken high school group under Florence E sel Adams, social promoter. Miss Anne McGookin, Spring- in the main event. neth liayei, Grace Shelley, Eugene TO SPAWNING GROUNDS Belle Fish will have a marshmal­ | field, nurse, was renominated as Installation of officers will be MRS. NELLIE WEAVER -------------------------- Cooper, ’charllne Fish, Phoebe Lee low roast, weather permitting. PASSES AT CRESWELL i at annual Girls I-eague The college group will meet a t | ‘re“ “rer ot the Lane County Orad-| N EW R ED CROSS HOURS The annual salmon run In the Ruth Button. Robert Montgomery. | breakfast to be held on May 18. “ tbeir| Willamette and McKenzie rivers the church with Velda Bartholo-! u“ted Nur’ e Evelyn Klckhuah. Harold Krog FOR CITY ANNOUNCED Mrs. Nellie M. Weaver, aged 57. monthly meeting Tuesday. She Is has started and many persona have mew In charge atadt. Ruth Ebbert. and Arlo Atkin­ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | the only candidate for this office died at her home near Creswell Fri­ reported catching these large fish. Miss Rowena Nissen. Red Cross son. for which elections will be held In representative for this district, will day afternoon following an Illness. JUNIORS SEEK SENIOR Chprles I>addock caught four. the{|jgRARY RECEIVES June. Miss McGookin Is planning have office hours In Hprlngfleld on Funeral services were held Mon­ BANQUET ORGANIZATION largest of which weighed 60 pound» SLABWOOD DELIVERED DONATION OF BOOKS to attend the state nurses annual Tuesdays and Thursday« of each day afternoon from the Schwerlng Tuesday. F Final arrangements for the an­ FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR chapel at Creswell at 1:30 with the meeting In Portland on June 2 week It was announced this week. These salmon can be seen jump­ Creswell O. E. H. chapter In chage nual Hprlngfleld junior-senior high ing at the racks near Hendricks' . Fourteen volumes were donated gn(j 3 She will be at the City Hall from The annual supply of slabwood of the service. Interment was made school banquet will be made Fri­ to the Springfield Library Saturday bridge dally now. 9 until 12 each of theae mornings. by Mrs. Wallace Hawk according to for the schools of Springfield has In Ihe Creswell cemetery. day at a meeting of the Junior class. Drill Team Plana Dinner She will not be bere on May 8 as Mrs. D. B. Saltsman. librarian. The been delivered to the three build­ Any local organization desiring to Members of the Neighbors of ings by the Manerud-Huntlngton library Is always pleased to receive -woodcraft drill team are planning she will he In Portland attending prepare and serve the banquet Is MANY ENTERTAINED AT __________ a conference of workers that day. MASONS INVITED TO Fuel company from the Booth-Kelly Invited to communicate at once MAY DAY BRIDGE PARTIES J”"“ b° ° ki n"‘*a* "*’ *i t sawmill here. No bids were called DISTRICT MEET MAY 8 with Miss Clement, high school sec­ horn? of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Adams as the total purchase was less than retary. Friday evening. About 1* are ex FRESHMEN CLASS PUT A large group of Springfield All members of Liberty Masonic $600 according to Dr. W. H. Pollard, CARD CLUB MEETS AT pected to attend. ON SKIT AT HIGH SCHOOL ladles were entertained Tuesday lodge nave been Invited by Edward school hoard chairman. and Wednesday afternoons at a SWEENEY HOME TONIGHT Visitors Here—Mrs. Isobel Scott F. Bailey, district deputy grand “Wisdom Teeth” a »hort aklt was Many Attend C. E. Party master, to attend the annual dis­ and daughter Mildred, of Ingersoll, May Day luncheon and bridge Glvs Program At Horn« presented by the Freshman class A large group attended the Fool­ Members of the O No bridge club party by Mrs. L. II. Neet and Mrs. Members of the Christian En­ trict meeting of Masonic lodges in Ontario, Canada, arrived here Tues ish Bug party sponsored at the at Hprlngfleld high school Friday will meet tonight at the home of W. C. Wright at the home of the deavor society of Hprlngfleld went this district In Eugene on Tuesday, day evening for a short visit at morning under the direction of Mlaa former. The May day decorations Miss Thelma Sweeney for their Christian church Monday evening to Eugene Tuesday evening to pres­ May 8. The meeting will start at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. by the social committee. Moat of Clarabel Wagner. Thoae Lu the caet semi-monthly meeting. Miss Arab with May poles were used. Five ent a program at the Old People's 8:00 o’clock In the evening accord­ Adrian. They had been spending Wall Arnold will be the hostess for the persona present came dressed were Bonnie Holm, Mabel Blemeeu. tables of card» were In play home which the Christian church ing to Information received by I. M. the winter In Los Angeles and are Jack Ixigan ana Huale Blkow. In costumes. the members. afternoon. Peterson, secretary of Liberty lodge. returning to Canada. uiatatans there. CITY LODGE GETS . DISTRICT MEET CHARLES POWELL FISSES SUNDII