T I IDUS I >AV. APRIL 2H, 1 »84 T I IE S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S P A G I FOUR Eugene’s Leading Business and Professional • Men and Women • LDCftl SCOUTS III ANNUAL CIRCUS dairy plan shelved by NATIONAL AAA OFFICERS Divided senlliiient til Hie dairy Industry nationally has caused (he i ulismlonmvnt of the plan of putting ' Into effect a benefit payment plan of production control, extension of- I flclMls at Oregon Mats college have More Than 700 Expected to been notified The decision follow Participate in Carnival at cd study of the reports from the PACIFIC HOSPITAL, Inc. McArthur Court Saturday ! 15 regional dairy conferences held Thia hospital has a capacity of | Present County Treasurer lu this progre sive age no de­ j throughout the country. Mure than TOO Buy Scouts from partment of human endeavor has oue huudivd beds, all of which ate Ahalidoliiil lit or the proposed A native daughter, she lias al i »Ith safety on their warranta and Lincoln. Bouton, Lane and a pari made greater progress than that tuoderuly equipped. ways lived in Eugene, where she Is other mnltere. She Ims been coni- j plan for the present at least Is In of Ltnu counties will participate in The buildlug which houses this of Medicine and Surgery. a leading figure in civic and com mended. and Justly so. for her In­ line with the fixed policy of the the annual Boy Scout Circus to be The people are educated to de­ iustltutloii Is Uiv last word lu bus-1 dustry ami diligence In serving AAA not to attempt adjustment staged at McArthur Court in Eu­ ntuulty affairs. mand the best service in case of pital architecture, heiug beautiful i program* without ths expressed gene Saturday evening starting at Grace Schlsku Is known through her public Io the utmost of her ] illness, and as a result hospitalisa­ iy lighted and of concrete construe ability, and if she is nominated al «upport of a substantial majority 7 o'clock, according to H. B. Sallee, out the county a» a woman of high tion ba made rapid advancement. lion, sa nearly fireproof aa a build J scout executive. Springfield Boy principle* and sound Judgment and the cotnlng prlmurlei she asks the O| Hie Indu try. the announcement It is a well known fact that (he mg i an be made. nomination because of "Service and out. Scouts will participate in the big A further service la furuialn il 1 performs her duties with efficiency Experience" Nothing the News requirements of the public demand limited program of diseased parade opening the demonstration It is a responsible office ami it Is and need more and better hospitals the public by which you can local, con say will add to or take away reduction and relief pur- says Glen Martiu. scoutmaster. much to her credit that there has your physician, dentist or uursc. in every city of the land. her standing with I he people of chases financed liy funds made Many parents and others interested been no litigation In connection I The Pacific Hospital. Inc. of Eu- be calling Telephone 2500. Lane county. available by congress may be car­ in scouting are planning to attend «" »«r ,,n Uuge&e is lo be congratulated1 w'«h geue. realise this and aa a result Site Is known by her works. She ried out. The present policy of the Circus. In c I omih I hanka. Sh«* H um been CHICAGO . . . Seventy years ago on the («vi Unit »och an tuxlihition I Not only will spectators see a a belle of Pike County, Illinois have used every oudeavor to pro- is 1a he. midst and at the call ul obliging and courteous to all tax has been tried and not found want­ milk marketing agreements will i vide such an institution. ing. (Paid Adv.J also lie continu'd, hut no general huge demonstration of scout work. flourished the dainty sterling nosegay • “ »**»“« ‘ For instance, member; hip on the the public, d: y or night control plan will he Instituted until In itself very interesting, but a holder as shown by laieitle Jenkins, I above). In competition here it won We sumhlt below a list of the Iho Industry as a whole la more wide variety of thrilling and enter- second prise io the personal adorn Staff of Pacific Hospital stands staff: nearly agreed on such a program tainlng stunts hare been worked llu.„, . Not* the silver ring for: First, physicians and surgeons Surgery—Ur. W. H. Hale, Dr. F. nut by the boys The first will be and chain to present dropping. The Pacific Northwest gsve who have earned the degree of M. Day. Dr. G. 1. Hurley. Dr. M Candidate for Republican Nomination. County Treaaurer a grand parade, in which the 7001 —----------— —— strong support Io the proposed ad­ G. Howard. Dr. A. F. Sether. Dr. E. M D. or more scouts will take part. This After moving to Oregon, her justment plan and may prdIHon Mrs. Pearl Sehantoi. a well Second, doctors who by their pre- L. Zimmerman. will be followed by mass signalling, father conducted a Gre«mhouse and I that certain portions of It be made Internal medicine und diaguosls known business woman residing lie- ! paration. qualifications, and char wilh 250 boys demonstrating vari­ nursery here and she assisted him effective in this territory, accord­ tween Eugene and Springfield. Is acter have been approved by coun Dr. I. K Fox. Dr A. Il Ross ous systems of communication. The in Ihe business and kept the books ing Io Dean Wm A Hrboenfold. ■ ty. state and national organlza Genito Urinary surgery- Ik V asking her friends, and she has flags and other paraphenella will Her husband died 10 years ago. () It C.. who presided sa chairman many, and her enemies. If any, to | tions. I). Donahue. Dr. U. W. Robbins. make a colorful display. ■rid left her a amali home and four „( the Portland regional meeting vote for her in the romlng primar­ Third, every member conforms Physicians and surgeons—Dr. F. The featur? of the evening will H e a d o f A m e ric a n B a n k e rs children to support. She has brave-1 ■ ■ * to the ethies and requirements of E. Adams, Dr. W. U. Bundrunt. l)r. ies for the republican nomination be a thrilling chariot race, in which A ssociatio n Assures P resi­ ly and uncomplainingly taken up j for County Treasurer of lame the American Medical Association. W. II. Chapinau. l)r. R. C. Faust, 15 teams of five boys each will take the battle, and has set an example, d e n t o f C onfidence and Fourth, this standard is maintain Dr. G. F. Gulilager. Dr. Melville county. She Is asking thia for the part. Many of the teams have been for other women left In like clr reason that she wants the office D e s ire to C o o p e ra te i ed solely to Insure the highest pos Jones. Dr. S. M. Kerroti. Dr. H M. training for this event, one of the and believes she Is qualified for It. iitmalanrea, without a husband, to A m o n g B a n k e rs ; sible quality of service to the pub- I’eery, Dr. C. H. Phelteplace. I)r moat spectacular that can be Im­ (Continued from First Page) fight for her and family. Bhe Is a I Hr. R. C. Koiulg. Dr. 11 F Scalefe. Dr Horn In Adair county. Iowa, she agined A picturesque Indian page­ member of Ihe local Eastern Star, graduated from the Greenfield, high FASHlNGTON. D. C C. President Tills hospital is a thoroughly 11. H. Talbot. Dr. M V Walker. Dr. ant, and a pioneer dramatization. WASHINGTON. school In 1909. and her father being also Ihe Rebekahs. She la not ask­ McKenzie highway. ™ Roosevelt in his address before modern, staudardiaed hospital uud A. O. Waller In which 500 will take part, will ing 'his office through charity, but The next meeting will be railed Eye. ear. nose and throat Dr. county auditor, he was appointed alto be a part of the event. About the NRA conference here on March therefore is recognized by the Am a deputy, and for several yeara In-caure she Is a Republican. Is for Monday. May 28. it was decided erlcan Medical Association anil G. C. Dyott. Dr. O. It Gullton. Dr a half-doten bands have been en­ 5 announced that he had received filled that Important office Her quaiitted. and for Ihe further rea­ at the gathering thia week gaged to provide entertainment for the following telegram from Francis American College of Surgery With D. C. Stanard. Dr. J R. Wethorbee. father then became postmaster and son that after a reasonable time, Want Flood Oates Closed out the recognition of these two Obstetrics— Dr. (1 S Beardsley. M. Law, President of the American the evening. turn about la fair play. The club secretary was also in­ she filled acceptably the position icstitutions a hospital Is not fully Dr. C. E. Hunt. Dr. L. S. Kent The whole affair has been care­ Bankers Association: of assistant until hla term expired. She must depend tor support on structed to communicate with the standardised This hospital la Non Pathology—Dr. E. 1». Furr« r. fully worked out so that each event “On this your first anniversary Radium and X-ray - Dr A. F. Bar Thus as a young woman, she had the generosity and loyalty of her proper authorities and see If the will run on schedule, and specta­ please allow me in behalf of the Sectarian. oxten-'lve experience In public of- friends She Invites them to help flood gatee on the Leaburg dam nett. Its pathological laboratory and tors will find something exciting country's banks to express our full cannot he kept closed on Sundays 12th Mce Af,er h“r her hu*' her. and help her now. X-ray departmen's are in the Paul Brigg-, manager. E. and Interesting going on at all Ciiluiplalnta have been made re . , confidence and our sincere desire to hand being In business at Creston. charge of Physician Specialists and and Hillyard. Telephone 2500. Eu timee The circus le expected to be Her phone Is Springfield xtl W really that the gate« are opened Iowa, she assisted him by keeping . cooperate iu your courageous efforts only graduate nurses are employed. gene. Oregon. the biggest and most elaborate in Osv hi-lnar o He'll it rPiuiVprV ••• Tnt» on Sunday and the water below the (Paid Adv.) books. the state, with the exception of dam become« so muddy as to ruin banking structure of the country is that recently held In Portland. GRAND ORCANIZER IS PLAY CAST TO RESUME fishing. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK Scouts are now engaged in a sound and liquid and banks have Al a meeting of the rifle and PRACTICE NEXT WEEK VISITOR TO WOODCRAFT never been in stronger position to competitive ticket selling campaign pistol division nt the club lmmedl and report an enthusiastic response function effectively. Conditions have SUCCESS TO BE TOPIC Two rehearsals of the Lions club Neighbor Davis of Denver, Colo­ ately following the session of the oa the part of citisens of the vari Improved to the point where it is no rado was a visitor and speaker here play. "Auotle Up", which will be OF CHURCH SERMON larger group It was decided to hold ous communities longer uecessary for banks to be last night at the semi-monthly given at Willakenzie grange hail on shoots on setmrale nights. Rifle taper-liquid.*** There is a definite meeting of Pine Circle. Neighbors Friday. May 4. will be held next “Spiritual and Financial Hue (|,oota will be held on Mondays call now for banks, not to extend of Woodcraft, at the . O. O. F hall. week it was announced today by cess" will be the subject at the fiareaHer. and pistol shooting will NATIONAL AWARDS WON morning service at the Christian bt, h„|(, on Fridays All score cards loose credits or to make improper Following Mrs. Davis' talk M. A. W. E. Buell. The tirst will be held BY O. S. C. ENGINEERS .oans, but for a most sympathetic Pohl guardian neighbor, and offic­ In Springfield on Tuesday evening church II has been announced by to be signed and turned In to Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor There Itay Nott. secretary, after each Three O »" cT ^ g ln eerin g stu- «“ » “«i8 toward ‘« “ imate credit ers of the local circle, were chosen and at the Grange hall on Thursday evening. The play is being spon­ will be special music. shoot. He will compile the result« dents have been given outstanding needs and for a recognition of re­ to head one team in a membership For the evening service the pas aud later divide the groups Into sored by the Garden Way P T A. « -y » '» ■*>’**■* c drive. Rav Stevens, captain of the awards for their technical accom­ sponsibllity for their proper and drill team and members of her and all receipts above actual ex­ Designed In sizes. 14. IS. 18. 20 tor will talk on the subject. "It two teams with the two highest plishments in national competition vital part iu the program of re- team were chosen to lead the other penses will be turned over to that , wlth corresponding bust measure, Only Thundered " Rev Pruitt will as captains, and the next two high­ within the last few weeks Two covery." 32 34, jg. 38. 40. and 42). Size 18 sing a solo at this service. group. Other members of the circle organization. est each on different teams and of these students, Don Finlay, of The Soundness of Bonking will be added equally to the two so on down the Hat. Competitive — —— ------ requires 4’a yards of 39 Inch mu- Portland, and Ray Schwartz. Myr In an address before a recent teams. shouts will then be held between SEVERAL PLAN TRIP terial with 1-3 yard contrasting LEGION TO CONSIDER tie Point, took first and second trust conference of the association's the teams TO COAST FOR OUTING prizes in a national technical eaaay BUSINESS AT MEETING Favorite Spring Frock It was also derided to organise Trust Division in New York, Mr. ERGATHA ENTERTAINS contest sponsored by the Boeing Several Springfield people are PATTERN 8178- Daytime fnsh- 5 a circulating library of outdoor Law said: School of Aeronautics at Oakland. Several matters of business will > FOR WOMEN’S GROUPS planning a trip to the coast Sunday Ions for prlng and summer are dis I magazines and other literature “A depression cannot long survive lie taken up ut the semi-monthly California. a sound banking structure if the to participate In the unnual Rhodo- tlnguished by Interesting sleeves , which la Interesting and Instruc­ Members of the Ergatha class of Finlay, a student in aeronautical banking structure is responsive to meeting of the Springfield Amerl ) dendron day celebration being and slim skirt lines. This design tive to members of the club This can Ix-glon Post number 40 when i engineering at Corvallis, submitted legitimate needs and functions in a Ihe Methodist Sunday school, enter­ answers all tlje requlreineots for an will he maintained by N. L. Pollard sponsored by the Sluslaw Cham­ tained at the church Wednesday a paper on aircraft performance way that is virile and alive. The It cunveevs at Waltervllle tonight. calculations for which he will re­ most cheering fact of the present afternoon for the women's classes ber of Commerce. The members of the auxiliary will at his plumbing shop. A sea food dinner will be gerved ceive a year's course for a master situation is the knowledge that onr of the Christian and Baptist also have a meeting tonight at the churches. Mrs. W E. Buell is from 12:30 to 1:30 for which a pilot, valued at »5200. Schwartz banks are in strong position. W <) W hall In Waltervllle Both g£CRETARY WALLACE charge of 35 cents will be madp “Recovery, even to the most pes­ president of the class and was as- award Is for more limited instrnc meetings are acheduled to start at! _ _ 8 O'clock. WILL BE AT MEDFORD tion valued at »1020. This is the simistic. is no longer a myth or a isted by the following committee rumor, nor is it merely psycholog­ Mrs. Wheaton Chairman first time two of the four national ical. Abundant evidence and proof chairmen: Mrs. Roy Palmer, Mrs. Medford. Ore.. April »»—(Bpe­ Mrs C. E. Wheaton was chair Charles Myers. Mrs. Pratt Holver- awards have been won by students lie on every hand—tangible proof. Take Outing—Mr. aud Mrs. O. D llai j—-A«rlrultnre, and the Import man of the annual costume party Ron. Mrs. R L. Drury. Mrs. P. J. in the same college. With a return of- confidence the Metcalf and Mr. and Mrs Arthur «at part It played In early Oregon of the Amaranth order at the Ma­ Waldemar Schmidt. Portland, a wheels have begun to go round and a Bartholomew. Neet spent the week end at Flor­ history, will he stressed on Friday. sonic temple In Eugene Monday sinior in chemical engineering, has great many well managed busi­ ence. June 8, of Oregon's Diamond Ju- The consumption of forest fuel- evening. The party was attended been awarded a »250 scholarship nesses may look for a profit during blle<- celebration In Medford and by 55 who dre-sed as children. this calendar year with fair assur­ woed in Oregon and Washington at Massachusetts Institute ot Tech­ Tonsils Removed — Joan and Jacksonville next June 3 to 9 Def­ ance at least. For what has been annually amounts to about 1.700.- nology to continue his studies. Jackie, children of Mr. and Mrs. C. inite assurance have been received achieved let us thank the President, 000 cords, according to the Pacific Hat Operation — Mrs. Laurence I F. Barber, had their tonsils re­ from Washington. D. U.. that Bee- who has labored with courage and Northwest Fore t Experiment Rta- C. Moffitt underwent a major oper­ moved Wednesday. I retary of Agriculture Henry Wal- ECCIMANN COUGH DROPS patience and vision. Let us thank tion. Douglas fir makes up over ation at the Pacific hospital In Eu the Congress, whose members dur­ i lace wilt be In attendance. gene on Monday morning DISPLAYED IN EUGENE ing the emergency have put the pub­ ihree-fourths of this fueiwood. Creamery Man In Salem— John Secretary Wallace, one of the lic welfare above partisanship. Let D Pyle of the Springfield Cream key men of the administration, will The first sawmill In the Wiliam When No. 1 Douglas fir logs sold A display of Eggimann's cough ns thank one hundred twenty-live ery is In Salem today on business. deliver the address of the day In drops is being held in the window million of our own citizens who for $24 per thousand feet In 1925. ette valley was built at Newberg. In 1837 or 1838. It was swept away Medford and has announced that have refused to be stampeded, but they were worth slightly legs in of the Hoffman Jewelry store in Take Marriage L lc e n w - Robin hp h(|H R n„.BRaK„ of par„ ru, . r |n. Eugene this week as a part of the rathpr who hive kept alive the exchange for other comnexfitlee by high water In the winter of Gordon Bam s of Springfield and terest Io agriculturists snd to resi­ divine spark of faith and hope. than when they sold for »16 in 1840 41. Home Products campaign. The Edna Elsie Starr of Eugene ap- dents of Ihe state as well Cause for Confidence 1932. cough drops have been made here idled for a license to marry Wed­ Price fixing under the NRA lum­ An agricultural parade, with en­ "We may reasonably expect that for many years by Mr and Mrs nesday at Ihe county court house tries open to all communities of ber code had a precedent during the recent action of Ih* government It costs about »1 75 per thous­ C F. Eggimann and have found a the state, will also be featured that wide market extending as far as In stabilizing the dollar will have a and board feet to holli logs a dis- the World war when the govern­ Parents of Daughter— Mr. and day, as well as a picnic basket marked tendency to encourage in­ the Orient where many shipments dustrial and other bnsiness commit­ li'iice of eight miles with motor ment established maximum prices Mrs J. V llucklns of l^-aburg are lunch In the city park. for lumber. have been made to the Chinese. ments. Business men need not be so trucks. the parents of a baby daughter exclusively encaged in taking coun­ horn to them at the Pacific hospital A l The Dinner Party W ith Dr. W irt sel of their fears now that uncer­ In Eugene on Wednesday. April LIGHTNING DAMAGES tainty does not haunt them. 25,1934 *6OOP PAINTINÖ "Much has ' e:i i - I 'milt the POWER COMPANY LINES loosing of credit by hanks. During W E A TH ER ? Tonsila Taksn Out—Miss Bernice Considerable damage to property the acute period of the depression WHY MAN - I T f ^ O'Quinn underwent a tonsil opera banks for the most part have not of the Mountain States Power com been lending normally, nor should tion here Wednesday. pany In this vicinity was caused by ¿.” ¿¡3",.',, \ VillV put.li«- confl the lightning rtorm during the past dence ghatterPd ,ile ),anker was prop- Between 1925 and 1929 nearly ten week end. Transformers seemed erjy eoncerned In liquidity, having Designed in sites, 14, 16, 18, 20 billion bourd feet of timber were to be eligible for the greatest dam in mind his primary obligation to (with corresponding bust measure, remov' d annually from the forests age In one Instance it was report pay off deposits. The situation has 32, 34. 36, 38, 40 and 42). Bits 18 of western Oregon nnd Washing ed that three of the transformers Improved to the point where super- requires 4 ^ yards of 39 inch ma­ ton, according to figures compiled terial w»i> M yard contrasting had been struck and wrecked. i„ liquidity no Ion :- r seems necessary. ■ by the Pacific Northwest Forest Conditions have materially changed. one place the lightning followed attractive spring or summer dress' Experiment station. These logs, cut Banks will desire, for every reason, - the power line to a residence and to return to a Inore normal tending for the street. The tucked sleeve I to meet the demand:) of Ihe wood- shattered the main switch, meter, policy. This means a sympathetic at­ ! oflly bloused ai the elbow, the gay using Industries, would furnish and destroyed the radio. titude and a re ‘ignition of respon- j butterfly effect of the Jabot, the enough lumber to construct 600,000 siblllty for his proper part In ths molded hip lines and flaring hem average sized residences. program of recovery by the banker CALL FOR WARRANTS ull contribute to the pleasing ap- Notice Is hereby given that as he passes upon and meets sound |e iirunce. credit requirements of business as McKenzie Valley I School District number 19. In Lane In (lie mutter of selection of nm- It swings Into and continues on the county, Oregon, will pay at the tipper Camp Creek school defeat­ lerials, pastels crepes, periwinkle upward turn.” office of clerk of said district, all ed Deerhorn school In a hall game blue, moss green or Ihe new soft warrants to and including 3173. 9— shade of (lusty pink are the first on their diamond Friday afternoon Thurston dated October 27. 1933. Interest suggestions for spring. For sum- by a score of 33 to 12. will cease after April 26. 1934. The Waltervllle N. O. W. lodge | mt r. printed voile, hostile or triple Mrs. Owens, Miss Helen Eyler C. F. BARBER. Clerk. sheer could be used effectively, had an special guests their or­ and Mrs. Hazel Edmlston motored ' N ew Era ganizer, Mrs. Davis and her hua- with white accessories. to Monmouth last Saturday and at­ For Pattern, send 15 cents In coin hand. Friday night at their regu­ C o sts less p e r yard tended a teacher’s meeting. (for each pattern desired), your lar meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely from I o f s u rfa c e name, address, style number, and The Leaburg ■ Waltervllle - Fair- Albany spent the week-end with ] Covers thoroughly and wears size to Patricia Dow, Springfield, mount congregations will unite In Mrs. Safely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I ,'lo n g e r th a n o rd in a ry p a in t (Oregon) News Pattern Dep't,, 115 services at Fairmount Presbyterian Roy Edmiston. b ec a u so o f its church Munday morning. Leaburg Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Price have church choir will assist in provid­ BALANCED FORMULA I returned from a trip to Montana. - ing music. A basket dinner will fea­ Maks Trip to Salem 1 Mrs. Price’s parents accompanied I WASHINGTON . . . Pictured above are the peraonx named by Dr Wirt, Mr. and'Mrs. E. E. Pyn • drove ture the noon hour. them to Portland on their return; Gary, Ind., educator, aa having attended a dinner at which the “ Brain to Baletn Bunday evening to bring The Leaburg Boy Bcout troop trip. Trust revolt talk'' was a auojeet of discussion. Each of those named, but home a group of local young people completed preparation for the big Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Endicott have satellites in government affairs, emplistically denied any such discussion m o v e d t o I ebanon Mrs Endicott and Dr Wirt was termed by one • ■ a monologist, who talks all the time ” .. who had been attending the three Scout Circus In Eugene Saturday W J il Hardware - Furniture moved to Ix-banon Mrs. Endicott U p p e r C oyi*, Marr Taylor and AlUe Barrow. Inserts, day session of the state Christian at their meeting at Leaburg Wed is going Into beauty parlor work |J , Laureace Todd sad right, Mias HUiegard Knseland, those who f Radios ■ Paint ueiday «venlng. Endeavor. at The New» Office there. ths “ GRACE SCHISKA MRS. PEARL SCHANTOL DEFINES BANKERS' PART IN RECOVERY GAME CONTROL • » » * VtflY LÄVt 5T MARSHALL ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT SKINKS Wright & Son»