TIIVHHhAY. APRIL 28. 1984 T H Ï SPRINGFIELD NEW« IUKA SEWING CLUB WANTS SPECIAL MEET C. M. T. C. WILL ENROLL FIRST YEAR STUDENTS Members of the Iuka ««wing club are a k«d to meet at Kggluiaim'e tonight for a »poetai ineotlng to dlecuea final arrangement« for the l>«lieflt card party which member« of lb« Circle are holding at Taylor hall Friday night Only a abort A I . W H IIL IR hualnraa meeting with th« usimi Attorney at Law 710 Lawronoo St. Cugana, Ora. anelai formaline« will be held, Beginners or basic students will again be accepted for enrollment at Camp Hurlbart, tbe annual Cltl- xen's Military Training camp at Vancouver. Washington, according to orders received. The orders amend previous In slructlona. and specify that 3« per rent of the camp quotas for this summer may be basics during 1933 and up to today the camp had been limited to Red. White and Blue coarse men. meaning former stu- 1 dents who hod attended one or more previous camps However. I he ramp quota of 228 boa not been Increased, but through the partial change approximately <8 new­ comers will have a chance to gain admission. Enrollment for the camp, which will open July 6 and run for the customary four weeks. Is now un­ der way at camp headquarters, and application blanks already have been mailed to former student«. New applicants must be able- bodied yonng men between tbe ages of 17 and 14. They may apply directly by letter to CMTC head­ quarters at Vancouver Barracks. tatata of Andrew Atonabarg. Dos'd. NOTICK MORE STORAGE CABINETS ADDED AT EGGIMANN'S Nolloe la bar«by given that Herb­ OF F IN A L S K T T L K M K N T ert Hhmrborg baa filed Io the County Court of the Htute of Ore­ gon, In anil for Ian« County, tile final report «« curb administrator, with lb« will annexed, of the eatat« of Andrew 8tnn«b«rg, dn«oa«d; and that ten o'clock In tbe forenoon of Saturday. lb« 28th day or April 1934. at the courtroom thorcof In Ktlgf'lt«. Oregon, bare been by aald court apolnted and fixed aa tbe lime and place for h«arlng objoc- Ilona to aald report, and for tbe final eottleiui'iit of the «atate of aald dereaaed. A n«w and larger Frigidair» »tor- age culilnet baa been added to the ruulpmnnt at Egglmunn'a fountain thia week It replace« a «mull cabinet In u « Ibero for »«verni year«. Th« Inatallutlon of th« new cabinet required the moving of «onte of the other fixture« WAHIIINGTON . . . Th« HeauU Poet O«eea «ad Peat Road« CommUtoo aaked for information and opinion« from three of the United States* ».oat anted airmen and In »ark raae received mush valuable iaformatloa and helpful auggrationa. The above photo« were taken aa eaek airman appeared b. fora the committee Left to right they are: Captala Eddie Riekenbaeher, Colon«! Chari«« A. Lindbergh and Clarence Chamberlain. UNIFORM CITY LAWS TOPIC OF BROADCAST IIKItllKRT HTONKIIKKG. Ad uilulalrator. with the will an A topi«- of unusual Interest for nexed, or III« Kalato of Andrew rltliens Interesled In government Hloneherg, Dwcoaaod. will be heard over rudlo station A. K. WIIKELEH. Attorney. KOAC Wednesday evening, May 2. (M lb A 6-1] 19 2«) al 8 o'clock, when William M. Briggs. flt-ld consultant for tbe la s N O T IC K On Blue River— Mr. and Mrs. III Hare—Ed Winter la reported gue of Oregon Cities, will apeak oil O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SALK "Uniform Ordinances for Oregon t<> be III al Ills home here this week. Garold Perk spent th« weekend on NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN Blue River. that the utideralgned. admtnlatrator Municipalities." Ill «4 Homs—Mrs. Ernest Bertach of the «atate of May lloylea, do- Visit on Coast Mrs. Emery Pyle 1« reported to b« ill at her home. ceased. pursuant Io authority con Wins Bridge Prlia aud Miss Es-el Adams «pent tbe tallied In an Ord«r mad« and enter­ Tonsils Out—Ml»» Nellie Stuart week end on the coast ed by the ('only Court of th« State Miss Maxine Snodgrass won high uuderwent a tonsil operation at the of Oregon for lan e ('only on March Week-end on Coast—Miss Elea­ 21. 1934. will, on aud after the 281b honors at the semi monthly meet­ office of a local physician Monday. day of April, 1834. al the law office ing of the O-No club which met nor Smith spent the week-end at Visitor from J sapor—Percy Bliss Newport. of Gordon 8. Well» In the Miner al the hottie of her parent« last Building. Eugene. Oregon, offer for Thursday evening. Miss t'larsbel of Jasper was a business visitor In J aale and aril to the highest bidder Coast Visitor»— M r and Mrs. Don Springfield Monday. for caali, subject to confirmation by •Vagner waa (he hostess Meaklna spent the week-eDd visit­ said Court, all of tbe right, title Fingor Infoetod— Doc T a y lo r was ing at Newport and Waldport. H A R R IS , S M IT H A BRY SO N ao Interest of May Hoyles, deceased. out of school several days this week Attorney« In and to the following described M iner Bldg., Eugene, Ore. i with an Infected finger. Waltarvilla People Hare — Mr. real properly, to w lt: and Mra. John Klckbush of Walter- The Weal one half of the Houth N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Jasper Man Here—Nick Bell of villa were vlsltora in Springfield weal Quarter of Kectlon 2 In NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Township 17 Houlb. Itangr 8 That Jasper was a business visitor In Friday the County Court of tbe State West of the Willamette Meridian of Oregou Springfield Saturday. fop lain« County has ap­ In la n e County, Oregon, contain pointed Flora Stourmer as Admin Visits Parent»—Mrs. Lewis Ship- Ing eighty acrea. Visits from Trent— Mrs. L. C. ley of Long Beach Is tsltlng here JOHEI’II ACHERON. Admluls. Istratrlx of the Estate of W. H. tralor of the Estate of May Steamier. Deceased. All persons West of Trent wsa In Springfield at the home of her parents. Mr. having claims against aald Estate visiting with her friends Saturday. Boyle«, deceased and Mrs. J. ft Fish. are hereby notified to present the I.M 2» A 6 12 18 281 same, duly verified. Io the under-! Osxtsr Man Hsrs— Emmet H um Moves from Kugono—I. E. Hod BAPTISTS CHANGE DATE signed Administratrix al the law ’ uiussc-u of Dexter as a visitor In gea of Eugene has moved from that Office of Harris. Smith A Bryson. I OF LADIES AID MEETINGS Miner Building lame County, Ore- * 1 this city Saturday. city and is now living at the cor­ gon within six months from tb e . v is itin g Here— Mrs Thomas Put ner of South Second and E streets Itegular meetings of the Baptist date of thia notice. rick and Herbert Rooper of Carl­ Visits at Klamath Falls — Mrs Ladles aid aoclety will be held ou Dated this 26th day of April. 1834 FLORA 8TEARMER. Admlnl"! ton are visiting at the M A. Pohl John Current left Friday for Kla­ Thursdays Instead of Wednesdays tratrlx of the Estate of W H.! home this week. math Falls to spend the week-end In lb« fulure. Starting today tbe Steamier, Deceased group will have an allday meeting HARRIS. SMITH A BRYSON. Cushman Folk Hera— Mrs Dan visiting with friend?. at the church with a potluck din i Attorneys (or Administratrix Cooper and daughter. Mary Lynn, Drive to Resort— Mr. and Mrs tier nl noon. of Cushman. were vlsltora Satur­ W. K. Barnell and daughter spent (A 26 - M 3 10 17 24» day at the I. D. Larimer home. the week-end at McCredle Springs O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N O T IC E Flab on Willamette— Henry Fan- fishing. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: dretn. Clayton Barber and Walter Professor Hors— Professor and That Hessle F. Howard a« Execu­ Ooaaler fished on the WllUmette Mrs. Fred Roth of Monmouth were trix of the Estate and I mat Will and In Springfield Sunday calling on Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Testament of Je«sle It Howard. De Sunday. ceased, has filed her Final Account Naturopathic Physician Return from Outing— Mr and friends. an such Executrix and the County Mrs H. E Oerber returned Wed­ Visits In Finland—Mrs. Mildred Court of the State of Oregon for Phons 11-J Lane County has fixed Monday, nesday from a four day outing on Lennox, house guest of Mrs. D. O. the 28th day of May. 1834. at the the coast streams. orfica Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. FDher from Bonanxa, spent the hour of 10.00 o'clock In the fore­ 408 Fourth Street Deerhom Folk Hero— Mr and week-end with friends In Portland. noon of said day at the County Court House In Eugene. Lane Coun­ Mrs. Arthur Easton and Mrs. Fred Return from Springs— Mr. and ty, Oregon a» the tino- and place Easton and son. Marlon, of Deer- Mrs. Joe Hilts have returned to for hearing objections to said Final Account. All persons having ob­ hc r were visitors In Springfield Springfield from Kltson Springs Watchmaker and Jeweler jection: Io snld Final Account must Friday. where they have been for several HPRLNUF1ELD file the same on or before said So. Pacific Watch Inspector Daughter Born — Mr. and Mrs. weeks. dale. First Claaa Work at Reasonable Dated this 26th day of April. 1934 Milo Cn leel are the parents of a Attend Opera— Mrs. Ella Lom­ Prlese. BESSIE F. HOWARD, Execu­ baby girl born to them at their bard and Mrs. N. W. Emery spent trix of the Estate and Last Will and Testament of Jessie born-- Tuesday morning. April 24, the week-end in Portland and at­ General Law ITactlce 1934 at seven o'clock. It Howard. Deceased tended the grand opera perform­ HARRIS. SMITH A BRYSON ance In that city. I. M. PETERSON Eeturns to Csllfomla— Mrs. S Attorneys for Executrix Attorneyal-law O. Miller has returned to her home IA 26 - M 310 17-24) O akridge People H ere— M r. and at Enclnltls. California following a Mrs. Sam Montgomery and chil­ City Hall Building L. L. RAY visit ut the H. E. Gerber home In dren and Martin Montgomery of Springfield, Oregon Attorney at Law M in er Bldg.. Eugen«, Oregon this city. Oakridge were Saturday visitor« at the Fred Louk home. N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G Takes Beauty Shop— Miss M a r­ T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y Business Directory Edward G. Privat ON F IN A L A C C O U N T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Thai the undersigned, a« executor of the Last Will and Testament of Mary E Bryant, deceased, ha« filed his account for the final set­ of I'ltliburgh. Pa. tlement of said decedent's estate In j the County Court for Lane County. i Oregon, and that Saturday the 20th ! day of May: 1934, at the Court , It mini of said Court In the County I Court House. In Eugene al ten Represented By o'clock In the forenoon, has been | fixed by said Court aa the time E. H. TURNER and place for hearing objections 846 A 8L Springfield, ora. ' thereto, and for the settlement thereof. ARTHUR BRYANT. Executor of the la st Will and Testament of Mary E. Bryaill. deceased. POOLE - GRAY L. I,. RAY. Attorney for Estate. IA 18 26 — M 3-10-17) BARTHOLOMEW Reliance Life Insurance Co. Funeral Directors Formerly WalMer Poole FI'GENE—Utb SPRINGFIELD end Charnclton. 228 Main Telepuone 723 Phone 62-J SMARTEST OCTAGON SEE WELL FEEL WELL Correct eye glasses dii more for you than merely assist you In seeing bolter. . They Improve your rppenrance and most gen­ erally mprove general health. . . . There Is no need to suffer from defective vision when the cost of materials are lower than they huve been In the last twenty-five years. Our service charge Is most nominal. Exami­ nations are free. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Wset Stb Bugene garet Swarts has taken over the At McKenzie Cabin — Mr. Beau Monde Beauty shop In Eu­ Mm. W. C. Wright and Mr. gene. She Is being assisted by Mm. Roscoe Perkins spent Miss Doris Gerber. week-end at the Wright cabin Juror Return«— Harry Whitney Is McKenxIe Bridge. and and the near spending “ week at his home here Attend Card Party— Mm. Pearl now. He will return to Portland Schantol. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, for federal Jury duty the first of and Miss Maxine Snodgrass at­ May. tend d the Rebekah benefit card party at Marcola Friday evening. Purchase Acreage—Stokes broth­ ers have recently purchased a three Vlett In Portland—Miss Clarabel ncr tract of land near Thuraton. Wagner. Springfield high school The brothers came here a short teacher, ard her mother from Cor­ while ago from Arlxona. vallis spent the week-end In Port­ land. Sunday Questa — Among guests the home of Mrs. C. I. Oorrle. Sr, Married by County Judge — Sunday were Dr and Mrs. C. O. Joseph Russell Minnick of Dexter J A M E S K. K IN G Van Valsah and daughter, of Rose­ and Pauline S. Edwards of Jasper A ttorney a t Law M iner Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon burg T. C. Gorrie of Portland, and were married Saturday at the coun­ Harry Withers of Corvallis. ty court house by County Judge N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Football Star Her«—John Lon- Fred Fisk | that the undersigned has been ap ilnlll. former star player on the pointed Executrix of the estate of Mother baa Birthday— Mr. and Vilena Wlckwlre. deceased, by the Oregon football and baseball teams Mr-'. W. N. lo)ug motored to Salem County Court of lan e County. Ore­ was In Springfield on business gon. All persons hnvlng claims j Tuesday morning. Mr. Londahl’s Sunday to visit with Mm. Ixing's mother. Mm. Sarah E. Jones on her i against said estale are required to j present them with the proper home Is al Betid. ninety fourth birthday which came vouchers to the undersigned at the Guests at Hotel — Among the on that day. 'law offices of James K King. 410 ; Miner Building. Eugene. Lane. gut Is at the Springfield hotel Sat­ Visit« from Washington — Mrs. County, Oregon, within six <•> ] urday night were Fred M. Raque of month from the date of this notice. Rainbow. William Crabtree of Har- Rose Hazelton of Bellingham. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this' Washington Is a guest here of Mrs. rlilmrg, and A. R. Ruthven of Jas­ 28th dav of March. 1934. Ellxa Wlnxenreld. Saturday the EDNA L. KI.1NK. Executrix Of per. two and Mrs. Ruby Beaver of Bu­ the Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre. A cldort Victim Better — Mrs. gene drove to Salem to visit deceased. (M 28—A 612-19 2«) Si Unix of Fall Creek who was pain­ friends. fully Injured last Thursday when C. A. WINTERMEIER her car turned over Is getting along ' Visit at Albany—Mr. and Mrs. M. Attorney at Law cry nicely now according to her R. Adams and son. Robert, spent I 734 Willamette Eugene. Oregon physician. She received »evere lac­ Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Erneat at Albany. They NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING erations In the accident. brought several of the Endeavor In the County Court of the State of Weodllng People Hero— Among members home from the state con­ Oregon for Lane County. the out of town visitors In Spring vention at Salem that evening. I In the Matter of the Estate of field Saturday were the following Herbert Cadby, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the from Wendllng: Mra. Clyde Taylor. Marriage Licenses Issued undersigned administrator has filed Mrs. Frank Cralger. Mrs. George his final account In the above en­ John on. Seth Gard, and Mrs. R. M. During the past week marriage titled matter. That the above en- licenses have been granted by the Watt. ■ titled court has appointed Friday county clerk to the following: the 18th day of May 1934 at ten Visit Kltson Springs — Dr. and George Brownson and Mildred o’clock In the forenoon as the time for the hearing of objections to said Mrs. W. H. Pollard and daughter. Smith, both of Cottage Grove; final account and the settlement Ruth, drove to Kltson Springs Sat­ Walter Allen. Cottage Grove and 1 thereof. All persons Interested may file objections thereto If any they urday to visit old friends. Dr. Poll­ Lillie Snell. Denver; Arthur Knick­ ard caught a few fish while there erbocker, San Francisco, and Vir­ have. aud tried fishing In the Willamette ginia Shlncks. Olympia; Joseph Dated April 19th. 1934. W. W. CADBY, administrator. later In the afternoon without suc- Mlnlck, Dexter, and Pauline Ed­ C. A. WINITERMEIBR. attorney. wards, Jasper. ceaa. (A 19-36 — M 1-10-17) h I PAGE THREE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS SET JUNIOR WEEK-END Major League’9 Oldest Classes W ill Obeorve Birthday at State and Uaa Plone»r Tham e In A ll of tho Evento Mothers day and Junior Week «ad on tbe University of Oregon campus will be held simultaneously thia year on May 11, 13. and 13. Mothers will have their own meet­ ings. Mothers' Day banquet, and other affairs, and may also enjoy the annual canoe fete. Junior prom, frosh • sophomore underclaaa mix and other dlveir.lona on th» pro­ gram. The week-end will also com­ memorate the diamond anniversary of statehood for Oregon, and th» canoe fete and other events will have tbe pioneer days as a theme MIAMI . . . Abovs is the aewest and moat recast picture of Coaaio Mack, part owner sad maaagrr of th» Philadelphia AUIet.es (A.L.), who *» eo»4ittoaia< his players for Qw etart of hi» 31st year aa manager of a major league baseball tram. Mock le the deaa ef all baseball ■uaoagero. Special committee« have been ap­ pointed at the University for both the Junior Week-end programs and entertainment and for the Mother«' Day event. All mothers of students at the University are urged to at­ tend. Mrs. A. M Dibble of Portland Is president of the Oregon Mothers and will preside at the meetings. farm Purchasing LOCAL SNAKES HAVE NO Power Reduced RATTLES MEN FIND FOREST ROADS ARE IN There waa not one rattlesnake POOR CONDITION NOW Forecast of Crops Indicates found In tbe entire number which Heavy Potato Yield; Wheat were blown out of their dens on The roads on the upper Willam­ Good; Eastern Fruit Off ette. Halt Creek and Salmon creek have not been worked yet thia year by the forest service and are In poor condition fishermen found last week end. Slides, trees down and mud holes are the chief obstacles to travel. No limit catches have yet been reported from the upper Willamette area. The water Is high and cold and there seems to be plenty of food In the bottom of the streams. Trout are not hungry. The road on the 8outb Fork of the McKenxIe is very rough also, and Is almost Impassible beyond the first five miles. A CCC sub­ camp on the East Fork has been used for some time during the widening and straightening of tbe road, but Is now closed during the shifting of the camp companies. Miner F R E D K. S M IT H A tto rn ey a t Law Bldg., Eugene, Oregon N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that Ern­ est R. Endicott has been appoint­ ed by the order of the County Judge In and for Lane County. Oregon, as the Executor of the Last Will of Reason P. Endicott, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are here­ by notified to present the same, with the proper Touchers, to said Executor, at the office of Fred E Smith. Attorney at Law. 404 Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 19th. 1934. ERNEST R. ENDICOTT. Exe­ cutor. FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for Executor. (A 19-26 — M 3-10-17) A L IA S S U M M O N S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY THE STATE LAND BOARD OF OREOON. composed of Julius L. Meier. Governor of Oregon. P. J. Stadelman. Secretary of State of Oregon; and. Rufus Holman. Treasurer of Oregon, Plaintiff. Effie L. Rankins, a widow; Cora Barton. George W. Barton, her husband: Rena Shelp. Bert Shelp. her hueband; Hattie Cook. P. F. Cook, her husband; Merrill Ran­ kins. Jane Doe Rankins, his wife; John Ranklne. Pearl Ran­ kins. his wife; Ruth Oibbtns. (sometimes spelled Gibbons). Roy QIbbins. (sometimes spelled Olbbone). her husband; Louie Rankins. Lucy Rankins, his wife; Orville Rankins. Jane Doe Ran­ kins. his wife; Lane County, a bodv corporate and politic In and of the fttate of Oregon; School District No. 10. a body corporate In and of Lane County. Oregon; Road District No. 40. a body cor­ porate and politic in and of Imne County, Oregon. Defendants. To Cora Barton. George W Bar­ ton. her husband. Rena Shelp. Bert Shelp. her husband; Hattie Cook. P. F. Cook, her husband; Merrill Rankins. Jane Doe Rankins, his wife, and Ruth Glbblns. (sometimes spelled Gibbons) and Roy Olbblns (sometimes spelled Gibbons), her husband. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON: You, and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear nnd answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled «nit within four weeks from the day of the first publication of this sum­ mons; and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will ap- nlv to the Court for the relief there­ in demanded, towlt. for the fore­ closure of (hat certain mortgage owned and held bv plaintiff, execu­ ted and dellevred by C. W. Ran­ kins. now deceased, and Effie L. Rankins, as hts wife, recorded In Book 63 page 619 of the mortgage records of Idtne County, Oregon, being a Iten upon the following land, towlt:— Beginning at a point «0 rods south of the northeast corner of the J. B. Southworth donation land claim No. 60, running thence Routh 60 rods, thence west 80 rods, thence north BC rods, thence cast 80 rods to place of begin­ ning, In section It. township 16 south range 6 west of Willamette Meridian. In l^ n e County. Ore­ gon. together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances, and for such other and further re­ lief as the Court shall deem Just nnd proper, together with attorney fees costs and disbursements. This summons Is published pur­ suant to an order of Hon J. T. Brand, a JudgeCof said Court, dated April 24th. 1934. and requiring the publication hereof for not less than once a week for four weeks. Date of first publication April 24th. 1934 FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for Plaintiff. Res. — P. O. Ad­ dress 406 Miner Building, Bu­ gene. Oregon. (A M — M S-10-17-14) Kelly butte last week by a powder The purchasing power of farm man for the city following a re­ commodities decreased slightly dur­ port that a nest of the poisonous ing the month ending March 16, reptiles had been found there. The according to tbe monthly agricul­ dens were blown open and the tural situation and outlook report snakes partially dismembered, but Just released by the Oregon State on none of them were any rattles college extension service. During ; found. An Investigation by a too- this period the Index of farm price« logist at the university reveals that remained at 76 per cent of tbe 1910- the snakes were only the common 1914 level, while the prices paid by garden snakee. farmers rose from 119 to 120. HeDce the purchasing power of farm comtE'-dltles dropped from 64 to 43 per cent of pre-war "parity.” Roseburg, Oregon This decrease cancels one-fourth of the 4 point gain made the month for previous when the purchasing pow?r of farm commodities rose from SO to 64 per cent of parity. Second Judicial District The report states that a winter wheat crop of nearly 492 million Which Includes Lane County. bushels la Indicated by the April 1 There are three circuit Judges to condition of winter wheat plantings, compared with a very short crop of be elected In this district this year. 361 million bushels last year. In Mr. Wimberly is a candidate for Oregon a crop of nearly 17.6 mil­ the position made vacant by the lion bushels of winter wheat Is ex­ death of Judge Hamilton I d July, pected. The five-year average is 1933. Pending the election of his successor by the people, the office 19.3 million bushels Potato growers have Indicated Is occupied by B. L. Eddy, an ap­ that they Intend to plant about 3.4 pointee of Gov. Meier. million acres. If yields come up to Carl E. Wimberly is 44 years of the 1928-1932 average of 112 bu­ age and for the post 22 years has shels per acre, such an acreage been actively engaged In the gen­ will produce about 375 million bu­ eral practice of law in Roseburg. shels of potatoes. A crop of this He is essentially a lawyer and slxe would be about 38 million not a politician. bushels more than the 1933 crop and 20 million bushels above the His election will Insure lawyers average crop of the past five years. and litigants of courteous and fair- Fruit prospects In eastern and minded consideration and will pro­ northeastern United S u tes are the mote prompt and Impartial Judi­ poorest in many years, due to cold cial decisions. weather in February. Peachee and (Paid Adv.) pears seem to be damaged more than apples and cherries, but all have suffered heavily. The circular, which also contains articles on the farm real estate tax situation, the form labor supply, the farm mortgage financing situa­ tion. and other Information of cur may be hed free from any coun­ rent interest to farmers. Copies tv agricultural agent. Carl E. Wimberly C ircuit Ju d ge Upper Willamette At a meeting of the Pleasant Hill high school board of directors the present sU ff of teachers was re­ elected to teach next year. They are ITtncIpal Perry Price, assistant Mrs. F. F. Cooper and Mrs. Jean Eberhart. The annual Pleasant Hill picnic will be held at the picnic grounds June 2 under the auspices of the Pleasant Hill cemetery board. The proceeds of the picnic will go to­ ward Improving the present site and buying more land. The annual senior play of the Pleasant Hill high school will he given at the high school gymnas­ ium Friday. May 7. Miss Arab Nell Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Arnold of Trent has set May 20 for the date of her marriage to P. E. Brlckey of Crow Stage. Miss Arnold Is a gradu­ ate of the Pleasant Hill high school and the State Normal school. She taught scohol two years at Trent I and Is now teaching In the Olen | wood school. The couple plan to I make their home In Eugene. D u ll, d in g y lo o k in g k itc h e n s a r e m a d e b r ig h t a n d c le a n ACME QUALITY INTERIOR GLOSS FINISH <:FMI tUSTFF- WASH8BIf — DURÍ61F Wright & Sons Hardware - Radios Furniture • Paint T e a c h e rs Yen cun earn several hundred dollars this summer, and you can secure a better position and a larger salary for the coming year. Complete information will be mailed on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for it to-day. Rural Schools and City Schools Summer Work and School Year Positions C O N T IN E N T A L TEACHERS AGENCY, IN C . 1850 Downing St., Denver, Colo. Covert the ENTIRE United States "Thanks for sending me so many good positions to apply for. over 80 during the first five days I was enrolled."—An Illinois Teacher. SCHOOL O F F IC IA L S ;— W e ean put you In touoh with the very finest teacher». Our eervlee le free 8» you.