THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS fju ii HPHINGFHC14), LANE COUNTY, OKMGON, TIIIH TY -K IH H T YKAIl HILL BILLIES 10 MEET LOCAL 1EAM FEDERAL PLAN Of DAME CON1ROL UP * ~ Springfield Team Has Si« Straight Victories; To Play Oakridge, Pleasant Hill Member« of il Organila tion Oppose € d Fee« for Sportsmen II Forest« NATIONAL 8L Y DUE Reduced Member Until June 1; Cun Shoot Nights; Has Members of McKensle Gateway Hod and Gun club of Hprlngfleld are watching cloeely the steps be­ ing taken by the Federal Govern iiieul In a program of controlled game management In the national foreal areas. The club members voted at their monthly meeting CLEVELAND . . Both Hughes Monday night to Instruct their sec retary to communicate with pro­ A antae, 15 year old high school girl w New York City, is the new national per authorities aud urge Ibst no rhaniptou for 1934. Hhe ’» singles champion license fees In addition Io the stale fees be placed on Oregon cltlXens sWp Io three straight gamer, I owl lag Pomoa, defeodiag rhai'giion. who wish to hunt or fish In the national forest sones It was fell . that Oregon cltlieus now pay I enough for the privilege of enjoy lug these sports. Roosevelt O rders Survey LIONS WILL NAME OFFICER GROUP Springfield high school baseball players, led by their coaches. W. K Buell and William Davis. con tinned their championship march Tuesday when they went to Oak­ ridge and defeated Gilbert Hpra- gue's bull team 8 to 1 In an ex­ citing same Dale Carson pitched for Hprlngfleld, and George Irvin received for him This was the sixth game of the season and the sixth straight win fur the local team. They hold vic­ tors over Woodrow Wilson Junior high school. The Eugene Bible col lege. Coburg, Thurston, Yoncalla, unil Oakridge The second learn 1 dropped a game to Thurston. The Hprlngfleld ball players have ) m et some s tro n g c o m p e titio n In | their previous games, but It will i not be until the next two weeks that the actual strength of the team will be known for during that time they will meet the leading | high school teams In the county. Friday the Hprlngfleld team goes to Pleasant Hill to meet one of the teams usually considered as one of NO. 15 THURSDAY. APRIL 26. 1V34 RUBBISH CLEAN-UP STARTS ON MAY 1 There will be a<> organised ■leanup campaign In Hprlngfleld this year as Most of the clean up work In the alleys snd on the streets was done here under the CWA projects^ but the city will haul away all rubbish and un­ wanted articles from the prop­ erty of cltlsons startle« the first week In May provided that thia accumulation Is gathered In boxes or sacks and placed In the alleys where they are usable, or on the front parkftig This ma terlal" will then be hauled away free of cost to the resident SALES TAX MAN WILL SPEAK BEBE TRACKMEN TAKE IL Lane Tax Reduction League Brings C. P. Strain Here Tuesday; Chamber Meets Hanson Looms Strong in Milo And Half-Milo Events; Un­ defeated in 6 School Moot C. P Strain. Josephine county farmer and motivating spirit be­ hind the present sales tax law which was passed at the special session of the legislature, will -peak at the monthly meeting of the Hprlngfleld Chamber of Com­ merce next Tuesday evening at Taylor hall on behalf of this re­ ferred law which Oregon cltixens have been asked to approve or dis­ approve of at the primary election Moy 18, at 8 o’clock. Mr. Strain Is chairman of the leg- Islatlve committee of Pomona grange Io bis county. He taught school for several years and than One of Thrss Girls to Havs became assessor of Umatilla coun­ Nam« on Cup; Elsct Nsw ty for 18 years where be gained national recognition aa the man Officers Next Tuesday who raised railroad valuations for Between Mary tenltaou. presi­ taxing purposes from 84.000 to >12.- dent of the high school student 000 per mile He Is traveling over the state body. De Etta Handgatbe. president uoder the auspices of the School of the Girls League, and Mias Lela Peterson, active wogker In the high Belief and Property Tax Reduction school, will rest-the honor of being League, and comes to Lane county the most representative girl In the under the auspices of Lane County high school until the morning of Tax Reduction League organised May 18. when the Otrla League recently with Virgil Hawkins as -pun sors their annual breakfast president, E. U. Lee as secretary. and announces the winner whose Members of the executive commit­ name will be engraved on the Wo­ tee of the Lane body are H. E. men's Civic Improvement club cup. Maxey. Hprlngfleld; Ben F Keeney. These three girls were nominated 11 W. Titus. Matt Wilhelm, and for this, the highest honor In the Harry Gordon, Eugene; C. E. Duck­ high school, by their classmates at worth and Peter Colgaard. Elmira; Thornes Nelson, Junction City; and the school Tuesday morning. Selec­ tion of the final winner will be Mrs. E L. Baaford of Florence. This will probably be the only made by a faculty committee which speaker to visit Springfield on be­ wlU consider, student activities, scholastic work and general atti­ half of the sales Ux law. In order to make It possible for many per­ tude In making the award Election of officers for the next sons to hear Mr. Strain, the Cham­ year will be held at the meeting of ber of Commerce officials are mov­ the Girls League Tuesday of next ing tbeir meeting date forward one week. Those nominated for the night from Wednesday. The meet various offices are: Edna Severson ing will be open and all interested and Eunice Rbinevault. president; parties, both men and women are Joanna Seavey and Laverne Pugh, Invited to attend. Regular Chamber of Commerce as vice-president; Barbara Barnell, business will be transacted before Lola Wilson, Easel Adams, and the Introduction of the speaker. Francis Stiles aa social promoter; Chamber of Commerce members Florence Fish. Ruth Pollard. Flor are urged to meet st the hall at 7 ence May, and Jean Louk as re­ o'clock, according to I. M P e te r­ porters. A total of twenty nine girls at the son. H. S. IN FOURTH PLACE Hall to Take 12 Students to Salem for Willamette Val­ ley Competition Saturday Coach Marlon Hall will take about twelve of his leading track and field men to Salem Saturday for the annual Willamette Valley Field and Track meet to be held at Willamette University. Men who will make the trip and the events they will compete in are as follows: Stewart and Hadley, C H IC A G O . , , Above is Arthur W C at tea, Grout Trader here, whom 100 yard dash; Hayes, 44«; Han­ Secretary e f AgricaRare, Heary son and Hartman, 880; Ruth and Wallace, seeks to bar from doing Hanaon. mile; Smith and Kendall, business la aay U. 8. market for low hurdles; Smith, high hurdles; alleged violation of the grain futures Hayes, high Jump; Hartman, high Jump; Chetwood and Williams, discus; Chat wood, shot; Chandler, Javelin; Stewart and Brattaln. broad Jump. The main meet will start at 1 o’clock. Preliminaries In the 100 and 220 yard dash, and 120 and 200 high and low hurdles will be run off at 10 o’clock as will the Springfield High School to qualifying rounds In the shotput, Send Four to Corvallis for discus and Javelin. Competition Saturday Each school is limited tn two en­ tries In each event and each en Typing students at Springfield trant Is limited to one field and high school will go to CorvallH two track events or two track and Saturday to compete in the annual one field event pins the relay. state typing contest sponsored by Schools to be represented will Oregon 8 tate college Include Cottage Grove, Oakland. Two teams will represent the Roseburg. Eugene. University high, local high school. Theda Bales and Springfield. Corvallis, Salem. Al­ Mary Elkow will be entered in the bany. Chemetakwa Indians, and advanced dlviaion. and Genevieve possibly others. Henry and Donald Brown will be In Springfield athletes won fourth the beginning competition. Mias Clarabel Wagner, head of place tn the six school meet held the commercial department, will be at Hayward field last Saturday and accounted for 20 points. Roseburg, w ith the team at Corvallis The Springfield team has held by winning first in the relay, won trial meets with Monroe and Mo­ the meet from Cottage Grove which hawk high schools during the re-1 was second. Eugene placed third. This was the first competition cent weeks In preparation for the state meet The final of these , for the Springfield men and Hall meets was held Tuesday of this was pleased with the manner In week at Marcola where Miss Elkow I which his men performed. The wrote 72 words per minute without I work of Malcolm Haason of Walt making a mistake. She has pre- ervllle who is attending Springfield vlously established a 73 word pee high school was the bright spot in high school went to Eugene Mon- ' minute record without an error, the meet for the local fans. Hanson day afternoon with Miss Ann TOWN BASEBALL TEAM Miss Mary Elisabeth Whitney Is was entered In the two distance Vogel, their advisor, and Mis« BOOKS PRACTICE GAME the second typewriting instructor events, the 880 or half-mile, and Alida Thlrlwell. to attend a tea _______ at Springfield high school. the mile races, and took first in given In their honor by the Eugene Mulligan Signs Pre-Season Game ________________ - each of the events thereby acconnt- high Girls League. W ith Woodmen Nino From Eu­ asicc d i i n unm noFn ,n< ,or 10 of the 20 «’ointl8 won by CIVIC CLUB COP CANDIDATES SEI TYPING STUDENTS IN STATE CONTEST Uecause of I’resldenl Roosevelt's keen Intermit In game and wild life conservation, which finds for-1 ___ r _______ ... th e lea d in g c o n te n d e rs In th e coun- mal ___ expression In the recently Is rued report of his committee on Names Nominating Commit- May l. the Oakridge team will Wild Life Heatoratlon. the toreot tea; Home Products Cam­ come to Hprlngfleld. and on May 8. Hprlngfleld will meet Eugene high service has been Instructed Io give paign Details Art Told in Eugene. Then on May 11. Pleas- more attention In Ihe future to wild life matters, and to lake a A nominating committee consist­ ant HUI will co m e here for a re­ much more prominent part In the ing of H. E Maxey. W F. Walker turn game as will Eugene on May conservation of the nation's wild and F. B. Flauery. the past presi­ IS. This will complete the local Ufe i esources dents of Hprlngfleld Lions club, schedule for the season as school Two biologists have already been was named at the semi-monthly will be ended on May 18. Coach Buell Is trying to sche­ employed by the Federal Govern­ meeting of the organlxatloo Friday ment to make surveys and studies to submit names of new candidates dule another game with the Wood of game conditions In Pacific for Ihe offices during the next row Wilson Junior high team for Northweal national forest areas year They will report at the meet­ his Freshman team on Brattaln A new regulation Just made by ing to be held on May 4. at which field Saturday the Secretary of Agriculture. H. A. time elections will be held and Wallace, covers the administration i new officers take over their duties of all game matters on the national | Outgoing officers are C. F. Bar-j forests. Io addition to providing her, president; I M Peterson, vice-j summer range for most of the big president; Thelmer J Nelson, sec game animal- of this region, and retary Treasurer; II. O. Dibbles, 1 many of the fishing streams, pro- tall twlsler; W E Buell, lion vision is also make for Ihe creation , «aster; and the following directors., snd administration of federal tulg ' John Anderson. John Pyle. All j ralory bird refuges The work also «lections are for one year except All Popular Card Games to extends to game and non-game the directors wh.. hold office for Q# |nc|u6 from Survivors Include four daughters. day afternoon on the porch of Mrs. were nan.e.1 on « nominating com | ficgrg designate the authorised official lo (.hur(>h workers his father, then In the general mer­ ing the business meeting. whom application for permit sh all, four sons, Mrs. Earl Moore of A. B. Van Valzah's home. 952 C mlttee of the Hprlngfleld P. T. A cantile business, by Isaac 8tevens. be made, and describe the terms Klamath Falls; Mrs. Flint Delpli ■tr«et. A complete program is be­ at their meeting held at the Lin­ of the Baptist church. Following a Sprlngflell; Mrs. Prentice ing prepared for the afternoon and coln school Friday afternoon. They business meeting at which future NEEDLECRAFT GROUP TO Harry's father. J. W. Stewart oper­ and conditions under which hunt­ of plans for the church work were ated a large store on Mill street ing and fishing shall be conducted Wheeler of Pleasant Hill. Miss everyone la Invited tn attend. will submit names of candidates HAVE PICNIC ON MAY 3 for 38 years. Isaac Stevens, uncle discussed, the guests enjoyed a so­ with a view of carrying out the pur­ Helen Tucker, Leo Tucker, Luvern Members of the local club have for the various offices at the next of Welby Stevens, came to Oregon pose of this regulation. Public no­ Tucker. Louis Tucker, Jr., snd Ar- taken an artive Interest In the meeting which will he held on May cial eevnlng. Twenty-one were pres Members of the Needlecraft club In a covered wagon In 1847. and tice of such designation shall be lean Tucker^ all at Goshen. work of this hospital and have 11. one week early because the reg­ ent. planned at their me ting last week gave the knife to Mr. Stewart be­ given by such means as the For­ made cash contributions to the ular meeting date. May 18. la also to hold a picnic on Thursday. May work at different times out of club the last day of the present school BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN 1. The members will meet at the fore he died several years ago. ester shall deem adequate for thej LOCAL PASTOR WORKS The knife Is one of these general purpose. Carcasses of animals or year. LIQUOR STUDY GROUP funds. FOR W YETTA SPRIGGS home of Mrs. Carl Olson at 10:30 utility tools with a blade for every­ fish taken under permit shall bq that morning. The site for the pic­ thing.' marked or tagged for Identifica­ Rev. Dean C. Poindexter has BAPTISTS WILL HEAR Mias June Burkhart was hostess nic will be announced later. Mrs. tion as directed by the Forester." ben named by the Eugene Minis SCHOOL BOARD TO TALK OF “THE SONG OF MAN’ at her home Saturday evening for Larson Wright and Mrs. W. C. Reg T 8H . Upon National For terlal Assollatlon ns a member of LOAN FROM FERA FUND LIONS CLUB NEEDS a surprise birthday party honoring Wright are the hostesses. Their est lands designated under Reg. a committee to arrange a county Rev. R. E. Rolens will preach on Miss Wyetta Spriggs. About 18 special guests were Mrs. 9. C. FISH FOR DINNER Hprlngfleld schol board will meet the subject. "The Bong of Man" at I young people were present for the Wright. Mrs. Roscoe Perkins. Mrs. G-20 A the following acts are pro­ wide meeting In Eugene on Mav hibited: 20, Bunday evening to discuss the this evening to consider whether the morning worship* service at the ' evening. John Henderer. and Mrs. Levi Attention of all Lions club "Hunting, trapping, catching, dis­ present liquor situation. All dry or not District No. IB will make ap­ Neet. members Is called ln the neces­ Springfield Baptist church Sunday. -------------------------- turbing. or killing any kind of game forces In the county Including the plication for any FERA funds to sity of laying away of trout For the 7:30 service In the evening- PRISCILLA MEETING IN or non game animal, or game or Oregon Antl-LIquor League will be pay teachers' salaries. Districts are now If the club Is to have suf­ the pastor will speak on the sub­ FAMILY HONORS AGED EUGENE TODAY 2:30 P. M. non-game bird, or taklrtg the eggs represented at the gathering which now eligible for relief which had ficient fish for the large trout ject. “God's Clock." MAN ON BIRTHDAY of any such bird, except during has as Its purpose a full under­ warrants out on March 1 older fry planned for June 6 during The Sunday school hour will Members of the Priscilla sewing hunting and fishing seasons estab­ standing of the problems and ac­ thHii May 1. of last year. Spring- tho stale convention In Eugene. start at 8:45 In the morning and club will meet this afternoon at the Members of his family honored lished by the secretary, and In ac­ tions needed rather than any dran- field’s warrant Indebtedness now the B. Y. P. U. will meet at 8:30. Members of the fish dinner A. J. Schnetaky on his seventy-six home of Mrs. E. C. Hopson, 1488 cordance with the terms and con­ tic Immediate attempt to wipe out exceeds >20.000 and It may be pos­ committee have rented a cold Washington street. In Eugene at th birthday Monday when Mr and sible to reduce this debt some by ditions of a permit Issued by a duly liquor. storage locker where the fish 3:30. Mrs. John Tomseth la the as- Mrs. M. A. Pohl were hosts to Mr. the federal loan as most of the SPRINGFIELD LODGES authorised officer which Is valid can be froaen and kept for a and Mrs. 9chnetsky, Mrs. Thomas h«” “”” Indebtedness Is for teachers' salar­ SEND GROUPS TO GROVE! and subsisting at the time.” City Pays Another Bond Patrick, Mr. Herbert Rooper. both long period. It was agreed by the club mem­ One more of the >500 defaulted ies. of Carlton. Joel Cowden, and the Rimer Fyne Reachsa Finals Any person, whether a member Several members of Juanita Re­ bers present that the Introductory city of Hprlngfleld bonds was paid Elm er Pvne reached the finals tn Pohl family. of the club or not. who catches bekah lodge and of the I. O. O .'F , Entertains Aeneas Club membership rato of 50 cents for Iasi week out of tax money which a surplus of fish Is Invited to Mrs. J. T. Moore was hostess at lodge will leave at noon today for the fifth flight In the Oakway golf the first year he continued until had been turned over to the city. Drive ta Cervallls contribute some towards this the first day of June. The club The bonds were defaulted In 1931. her home Tuesday afternoon for Cottage Grove to attend the district tournament Sunday afternoon. He Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson dinner. the regular meeting of the Aeneas convention being held there all-day was defeated in the finals match was organised a month ago and The fish may be left with E. and evening dome of the local peo­ Tuesday evening by M Klrtley of and son, Alton. a"d Miss Ethel Sev­ now has nearly 40 enrolled mem Taken to Hospital—Joe Hill was club. The afternoon was spent so­ Bugene who took an early lead In erson. drove to Corvallis Sunday to C. Stuart or with W. K. Barnell. hers In Hprlngfleld and along the, (#knn to the pacific hospital Mon­ cially and refreshments were ser­ ple left for Cottage Grove thia visit friends. the play. morning. ved. day tor medical treatment. UNA'S BENEFIT PARK IS TRIBUT (Continued on Page Four)