THURSDAY, APRIL 1», 1»1< T H » SPRINOFIBLD NEWS PAO» FOUR M ill 10 ATTEND MMULE.E.MEET Lane to Send 4 h School M any Eugene’s Leading Business and Professional W HITE'S "SCANDALS’' DUE on M c D onald screen The film U«or«e White's "•can- dala” opening at the McDonald theatre Hi Eugene Bunday for three days 1» constructed around a tender romnntla «tory. Intarwoven with J un« 11-23 S .t * • Dat«« for the specumular rnvuna aud nung Summsr Term at Corvelli«; 1 hila II 1» the story of a ynung Sixteen From Local Church man In »he show who. although ha Many Hava Scholar»hip« Co to Salam for Four-Day love» Ills leading lady, tails victim reception rooms by means of fold to the attraction of ■ aclieinlng Session; Poling Speaker Dates for the annual.,,4 H club It 1» an old maxim that first 'nt- Eugene's Distinguished Cl gas-A Hospital tug parlHlou*. young debutante, a celebrity seeker summer school to be held at Cor­ presnlous are everything The Christian Endeavor «1 tbs vallis have been announced as from Thus the entire dining room can of high »lending Realising thnl Thia Eugeue Institution la the city and Its abaeuce would be aadly Springfield Cfcrtatlan church will June 11 to S3 inclusive. At the pres­ The first liupreaalbu* of a be made one room for large aa ihla new romauce thrnatelia to ruin oldest established hospital In the felt In any community. It la a well be represented by a delegation ot ent time 7» of theee young people aembllea or formal balls The city his show. George Whlln. aa Ike pr“ city and la known as "The Friendly known fact that more hospltallaa stranger «b an vlaltlng a clly are sixteen young people at the state In bane county have signified their In titutlon." j Hon la needed lu every city of the lqlporiall, ----- - as U therefore able to hospitably «u duoer. devises a plan whereby the Important lu to the city — as well Endeavor convention to be held Intention of attending the school. tertulu conveutlona and we under­ young man realise» his mistake, I It la fully standardised and la land. Thia home Institution, oper (ht, Bug- ne Is Io be at Salem toda). Friday. Saturday The cost of the summer school for stand that aeveral such are already end g« „ beautiful and mo bile tbla afternoon at one o'clock, hoard, room and registration Mem­ room la unsurpassed, and Ilf rales Ndwnrda. Gregor» Rntoff, Dixie illy It la rated among the out- as well as from the aurroundlpg ,,rrn ho, B| m,» ih« Eugene hotel and oibera will leave Friday. They bers are quartered lu the dormi­ Dunbar Mat Gertrude Michael are standing h oaptuL on the Paclffe . country. You are Invited lo elali „ him at once that he la Io are extremely reasonable. will return Sunday evening Mr George M King, the uian only a lew uf the principals of tories at the college and the In ,o a .I. All departments arc lu , the hoapltal at visiting hours sn.l >(( up.,o1 50 per day Thureton Man Hers— Ray Renale "W itnessing for Christ" will be home Tuesday. foresting Plant In Eugene. Here la have suffered the loss of a loved lighted with many large windows single, which Includes of course, of Thuralon was a bualnaaa vlallor ibe convention theme. Included In Lloyd Gray spent the week-end manufactured those beautiful white one—and who has not’—you will The dining room can be divided toilet In each room These rates In Hprlngfleld Monday the convention program will be a on the Sluslaw. Memorv Stones, which express the think of that lonely one In the Into three or four sm aller room« reunion, a parade of convention Ray Mitchell left Wednesday for love and tenderness felt by the llv- church yard and the thought will and provides convenient party and appeal Io rich or poor Recovering—Mr». O H. Jarrett delegate« a pastor s luncheon, and a fishing trip on Row river. He ex­ Ing for their dead. It must be a come, have I done my full duty Is reported lo he Improving from Oregon C. E. historical display, and pects to be gone several days great pleasure to be In a business If you need his services Mr K C an liinaan of the past week She la Mrs. Felix Sparks from Blue several banquets wherein people express In enduring Lake, manager of the Lake Monu- All sessions will he held at Wil­ River spent the past week with her marble and stone their love and menl Work» at 68 West Eleventh tables are served at each meal aa at her home. Fenwick's Cafe Is located In the son. Arch Shough and family lamette University gymnasium. respect for those who have passed «tree!, will be pleased to have you fine dining rooms of the l-ane hotel. well a* meat orders and dessert Their 35-cent meal l* the heat In call and nonsuit him as to your Visiting Hera— Mrs Sybil Buley beyond. w. . „ „ This ___ ___ _ _________ at the foot of W illam ette street. It the W illamette valley, bar none. wishes. companyq Is known A beautiful monument—and all Move tc Fa r m Mrs Ed Soule of Vancouver. W ashington. Is here provided with tables for Its The average restaurant charges monuments are beautiful, for they within a radius of a hundred m iles | and son. Harley Craft, left Wed visiting with Mrs T. C. Darker. of Eugene They will treat y«m I K„aals. with clean linen cloth*, 35 lo 50 cents for a much poorer expre-s beautiful sentiments also neoday for Hoskins. near Corval eoo SEATS — )Sc right and their price» meet all com i wh| , . „ little unusual In the meal. Thalr food has the real Us where they will live on a farm Visit at Albany— Mr. and Mrs expresses the fart that those who petition. homey taale that Mother gave to average cafe. To those who like to tor the summer month*. Frank Gordon spent Sunday visit­ place these monuments are people W hether you want an expensive (Ur| their legs around a stool, ample ner her meals who can be depended upon as ing at Albany and Lebanon. monument or a small one. or re-' |uu,.|, counter apace I* provided, j |f y,,,, don't believe whal I »ay la friends As that sacred time draws go down down there there and and e»t eat one one pwirn. there t» yet plenty*of time ... «« .a___ i . . . . ■»*aa«asi«.b*m e » . *n Entertains Mothers— Mothers of We call the place Fenwick's <'*ra« Cafe, l i i true, Visit in Portland— Mr. and Airs. near Memorial Day. each real man Phi Mu. sorority were entertained or woman feels that som eth in g, before Memorial day for hl to but H should be called Fenwick's meal and If you don't like It we will here Tuesday evening at a 4:3(1 H. H. Schaffenberg and family more ubsiantlal than beautiful l assist you. Phone 415 First class Dining Room The writer give your money bock—If you can supper at the home of Mrs. I. D. spent the first of the week in Port­ hereof knows because he has eatqp get It back This le not a "report­ land. Larimer there many times. Mr. and Mrs er's story" but • real expression FenwU-h certainly know bow to from the heart, liver aod stomach Continuous service from « a. m. furnish food for hungry men and Dr. Meade haa an extensive prac­ Your reporter called on Dr. Ella io 8 p. m. women. From three to four vege- tice In tbla section of the county C. Meade to qulxx her about her b u sln es, because her business because she has been auccesful In should Interest everybody who has the past and keeps herself by study eyee. Indirectly the Doctor stated and the latest equipment lo her this thought when she remarked profession up-to-date. Dr. Meade Candidate for Republican Nomination, County Treaaurer that. "Many people are very parti­ stands well In her profession and Mrs. Pearl Schantol. a well father conducted a Greenhouse and Our new store arrangement is proving popular cular about their teeth although ha* the confidence of her patron», aa shown by the extensive and in­ known business woman residing be­ nurcery here and she assisted him when your teeth are gone you can with our customers. Everything is out In sight and creasing practice she has built up tween Eugene and Sprlngfluld, la In the business and kept the books buy artificial teeth that will an­ marked for your information and quick service. In the seven years she has been In asking her friends, and she haa Her husband died 10 years ago. swer the purpose nicely Eugeni- Her office Is at 14 W est many, and her enemies. If any. to n d left her a small home and four OREGON PRODUCTS WEEK Is here and we offer 'Not so you eyes. Once gone, Eighth street and she can be found vote for her In the coming primar­ ihlldren to support She baa brave they are gone forever. How Import­ the following Oregon made food specials. None better there at all business hours. Ap­ ies for tha republican nomination 1) and uncomplainingly taken up ant it is. then, that your precious ask for them. pointment* may be made by phon for County Treasurer of lame the battle, and haa tat an example eyesight should be carefully and county. She Is asking this (or the for other women left In like clr thoroughly examined by an experi­ Ing 330. Dr Meade suggests that a yearly reason that she wants the office rtimatancea, without a husband, lo enced optometrist. E s p e c i a l l y fight for her and family She la a should parents look carefully alter eyesight examination should be ob­ and believes she Is qualified for It. member of the local Eastern Star, tained by all. In her examinations Hom lu Adair county. Iowa, ahe the eyesight of their children. also the Rebekahs Bhe Is not ask the Doctor will tell you truthfully graduated from the Greenfield, high Young people's eyes can be tralued whether you do or do not need school In 1909. and her father being Ing Gils office through charity bat to better eyesight so that at matur glaHMHH. county auditor, he was appointed iM.aure she Is a Republican, la It) they will have little trouble. ' a deputy, and for several years i.unulled. and for the further rea filled that Important office. Her on that after a reasonable time, Bock "hi»self” Beer R e tu rn s to S ta y to n — M r«. Hen father then became postmaster and turn about la fair play. Every dollar she makes now Is Hast and daughter. Marte, have re- she filled acceptably the position RUDY W A L L i l , turned t« their home at Stayton of assistant until his term expired. needed for the support of her fam­ JIMMY D U RA M TCZ following a week's visit at the home Thus as a young woman, she had ily. and she has no money to spend A L I C I F A Y B i? , OREGON of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. THREE SISTERS extensive experience In public of­ for a campaign She must depend for support on the generosity and ' Clement. ADRIENNE AME fice After her marriage, her hue- i band belng In bualness at Creaton. 1,-yalty of her frlends Hhe Invlte« GREGORY RATOFF Iowa, ahe aaalsted htm by keeplng them tc help her. and help her now C. A. WINTERMEIER CLIEF EDWARDS/ bookR j Her phone li »prlngfleld 88-W Attorney at Law 1 OR SPAGHETTI GEORGE WHITE' 734 W illamette Eupene. Oregon After movlng to OTegon. her I Pald Adv.) • Men and Women THE EUGENE HOTEL THE EUGENE HOSPITAL 1 Thurston • i LAKE MONUMENT WORKS FENWICK’S CAFE MWMIÀL» < Starts Sunday ) DR. ELLA MEADE, Optometrist Irish-Murphy Macaroni String Beans 3 for MRS. PEARL SCHANTOL 25C 3’/ a Lb. Size, 19c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING CONTINUED NEXT WEEK In the County Court of the State of KNIGHTS MAY DAY CATSUP SALMON 2 fo r 2 for 35C ■ - M 5 L.1 «■■■■. 1 L ? » "” 35c 1 Hell Round With LEO CARRILLO, LOLA LANE. LLOYD HUGHES A 100", Talkie at Taylor Hall In the Matter of the Estate of Herbert Cadby, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator has filed his final account In the above e n -! titled matter. That the above en­ titled court has appointed F rid ay' the 18th day of May 1834 at ten o’clock In the forenoon as the time for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. All persons Interested may file objections thereto If any they have. Dated April 19th. 1934. W. W. CADBY. administrator. C. A. WINITERMEIER, attorney. (A 19-2« — M 3-10-17) T w o New Advisers in by Tiffany. vl»ed. 8 O’Clock I Come Out and See Thi« Thrilling Gangster Pioture at Springfield’« New Movie House. ADMISSION 10c AND 25c — WASHINGTON . . . Here are two- new fares In the Treasury depart meat whose appoiatmenta forecast Treasury activities. On the left, 1* Prof Jacob Vlner of the University of Chicago who hae been appointed special adviser to Secretary Morgenthau of the Treasury, to assume his duties about April 1st. .'. HI* duties, it is reported, will be to carry out aa Informal agreement between Great Brltlan and the U 8. to pre vent wide fluctuation* between the pound etorling and tha dollar, pending Anal stabilisation. On the right, is Tom K. Smith of 8t. Louie, who has talus ovae the datlee of advising the Treaeury oa banks aad bank la* ‘ T H K K ITC H E N SURD N A R D I A COAT O P R E Q U A L I T Y IN T E R IO R G L O S S F IN IS H James Cruxe super NEW FLOOR COVERING LAID AT MEAT MARKET -Al so- SELECTED SHO RT SUBJECTS McKenzie Valley I Teachers hired nt Vida for next Entertainment Palace Feature year are B. T. Merrill, high school; "Hell Bound” at Taylor Hall Miss Ruple Ross, primary and Mia, Cochrane, upper grades An elaborate night club where Oscar Millican aud Robert Milli­ smartly dressed women and men can made a two day trip to Paisley make merry, will be seen In the James Cruxe production. "Hell this week. Mrs. J. W. Fountain has harvest­ K .. 'ï“ m Hound." showing Friday evening at NEW YORK ed several menses of strawberries to w n r r ra m e dow n the ‘ , , )(J m . - i » . u . u w»»4„»«ia1<1 Taylor Hall. Springfield Hastings. N. Y. to wia the utle from her Gold Dollar, New Ore In the merry - mak ••Mr Manhattan’’ and I1"*« ■** IWc — — midst ------- of — the ..... ...........- symbol for the «ret legal bock beer ,n(? a g| lp of a g| ri renders a song gon vines. A large crowd attended the three season in some flfteeu years H i s that ..................................... » heart throbs brings tears and one-act plays given at Vida Friday same was ‘ ‘ Pretsel '. io her listeners. Ixila 1-ane portray­ night by the Vida high school. ing the heroine of this gripping Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and son, the Treasury story of gangland written by Ed Orris, left this week via Ban Fran­ ward Dean Sullivan and Adele Co- cisco for thalr home In Indiana. mandlnl, singe a song that was The Mickey Smith family moved especially written for her charming, hack to their Leahurg home flrat plaintive voice. It Is entitled, "Is of the week lit love"— a haunting melody A union service will be held l.eo Carrillo has the leading role In "Hell Bound," as the sympathe April 29 at Fairmount Presbyter­ tic gang-leader. "Hell Hound" Is dl ian church by the Leahnrg Walter reeled by Waller Lang and released vllb--FnlrmoHnt congregations. Friday Evening Springfield BRAND NEW NICHT CLUB IS IN TOWN A new bright colored linoleum floor covering has been laid In the Independent Meal Market ihla week. The entire floor space on the front side of the display casee Is covered In one piece. It adds much to tha Inviting appearance of the market Interior. LITTLE BUSINESS TAKEN UP AT LEGION MEETINGS There was little business tran­ sacted at the semi-monthly meet­ ing of Hprlngfleld American Legion post number 40 and the Auxiliary here liiftt Thursday evening. Mem her» of troth grout» enjoyed a pot luck supper preceding the hudneas period. The Legion membern will go to W altervllle for their next seat Ion. is id e a / lo r h itc h c n s a n d b a th r o o m , w a lls , c e ilin g s a n d w o o d w o r k SF.Ml l D S1H F - DURABLF - WASH AHI f Wright & Sou Hardware — Furnitur« Radio« — Paint