PAGE THREE THC SPRINGFIELD NEWS THUKBDAY, APRIL 1». 1934 FALL CREEK MAN HURT IN UNUSUAL ACCIDENT Week-end Outing— M r au'l Mra P. J Bartholomew and family spent the week end at a cabin near Ihe dam on the MrKwisl* river C W A W orkers U nearth Mastodon Skull When some lumber which ha wax I House Quest— Mr. and Mw Ro­ hauling on the eld« of hl* car began Noti People Her*— Mr and Mrs. bert L. Drury had aa their week­ Io become looae and away, Charles Ta Klamath Falla— Mr and Mr* end gu es t Mrs. John Poppy of Kla Michael, Fall Creek, reached out ' Gen* Delph left Friday for a visit V. J. Deedon of Nofl were visitors math Falla. here Saturday Io pull It In the «Ida of the cur A at Klamath Felle. wind wing bothered and we« Visiters Her* — Mr». Mildred Fiah on W illamette— Merle Cas­ C elled* Bounty— Bud Klntxley of ■hoved aside but fell, alrlklng him , lamnox of Bonanza and Joe Berger. ■ Dexter Saturday collected the coun­ teel and Levi Neet »pent Saturday on the arm aud aev ring an artery flablng jcci the upper Willamette Noil, were visitor* at the D. O. HAVE GOOll Used Upright Haun ty bounty of 8« on four bobcats. lie loat a great deal of blood before Ftaber home the past week-end. river. « lu b* rapoaeeeeed at «lira uaar e lurtMiuull waa applied Fish Sunday— I M. Peteraon and Hprlitgfleld Ila lane« dua »»»&<) Visit at Tangent— Morgan Chan Wendling Men Here—J. T Rat W. H. Hobbs arent Sunday morn­ Xiuall monthly payments HOC tery, E E. Crandall, and B T. dler and Robert MrLagan «pent ing fishing on Bear Creek. Auyuua wauling thia piano please Alaska Man Here— Harden Hmlth Grant of Wendling were visitors la the week-end at the ('handler home wrlia for further Information Tall of Felrhanka. Alaake. wa* a b u si-1 at Tangent. Both are high school Leave* Hospital— Mr*. L. O Moi Hprlngfleld Saturday. uiau Plano Store, 385 M IJflU BL. neae visitor In Hprlngfleld Friday ley w»> dlamlaaed Friday from the gator student* here. Halaiu. Orrgou A -II Bon Bom— Mr. and Mra. Joe Eugene boepital where abe had STATEMENT Play Bridge— Mr. and Mr*. F. B. Johnson of Ma reels are the parent* been a patient. Flanery attended a meeting of their Of the Ownership, Management, of a baby son born to them at the A. I . W H E E L E R •alia for Alooko— Elmo Long left Eugene hoepltal on Friday. April bridge club at the home of Mr and Circulation, ato., Required by the Attorney at Law Mr*. W F Walker In Eugene Sat Beattie Saturday for Seward. Ala- 13. 1834 Aot of Congreaa of Augoat 24, 710 Lawrence St. Eugene, Ore. aka. where he will upend the sum­ 11,2, of The Springfield Nawa urday evening I elate of Andrew Bteneberg, Oeo'd. Return* to Reedaport — Walter mer month* mining. Publlehed Weakly at Springfield, NOTICK Visit at Salem— Mlaa Ann Mc- Conrad left Monday for hla home Oregon for April, 1134. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Barber Home H. W. Whitney at Reedsport after spending several Gonkin apent Sunday visiting with I apent the week end al hla home week* here at the borne of hla Mi a Mildred Saunders at Salem Notice la hereby given (hat Herb Htate of Oregon. County of luine.aa. art Htonabarg bee filed In the i here returning to Portland Monday brotbor-KPlaw and slater. Mr and They were classmate* In training Before me, a notary public In and CHICAGO . CWA worker*, while digging near Aurora, 111., uaearthed t'ounty Court of the Htate of Ore- for the Htate and cuuuly aforesaid, j morning to resume hla duties on Mra. William Curtla. at St. Vincent's hoepltal In Port­ Uw skeleton head of a huge Mastodon. the axtiaet epeclee wkleh roamed gun. In and for bane County, hie personally appeared II. E. Maxey,i federal court Jury. land. final report aa euch adiulnlatrator. who having been duly aworn ac- the North American continent aume 20,000 year* ago. The bead la 4 Yt , • Visit* from Astoria— Ed Soule with the will annexed. of the estate cording to law, depoaee and aaya I inche« high and 2 ft., 10 iachr. wide and weigh* 350 pound*. . Prof ( Flth on MeKonxIo— Mr and Mro. R e t u r n * to M e d fo r d — Mr*. R. P- of Andrew Htonabarg. deceaaed. that he la Ihe publlaher of The' R Braith of Aurora College, pictured above with maetodoa akall, elaaelllce was hero-over the week-end to vtalt Roy Wallace and Mr. and Mr*. Ar­ aud that ten o'clock In the forenoon Hprlngfleld New*, and that the fol­ the skull aa a rare And. with Mrs. Soule and their son. Har­ Mortensen left Monday for her of Haturday. the Idth day of April lowing la, to the hoot of knowledge thur Roberta apent Saturday ft -h home at Medford after spending maud can be met by releaaln,; Ing on Ihe Mc-Kenxle They report ley. Sunday they spent the day 1*14. at the courtroom thereof In and belief, a true etatemmil of the several day* here at the home of with Mr and Mr* Clinton Trotter Kugene. Oregon, have been by eald ownerahlp. management, etc . of the I more production among contract good catches. court apolnted and fixed aa the aforeaald publication for the date, at W alterville. Mr Craft returned her parents, Mr. and Mr*. A. J. signer«. More Important, It waa time and place for hearing objec- ahown In Ihe above caption, re ' Parenta of Son - Mr. and Mrs. to Astoria where he la working Schnetxky. brought out. la the far t that none Ilona Io eald report, and for the qulrtd by the Art of Auguat 14. of the planned reduction la to be John Downing of Marcóla are tbe Monday. final eettlemrut of the nutate of I ll s , embodied In aectloii 411. Foe Break* Arm— Billy Colbert fell »aid deceaaed In the preaent market milk aupply par nta of a baby son born to them tai la w * and H«gulatlona. printed from a tree In which he was play­ Attend County Meeting — Mra. on the reverie of thia form, to-wlt: but rather In the aurplua that at the Pacific hospital In Eugene H E R B E R T BTONEBERO. Ad Hattie Hall. Mr«. Sam Betti*. Mra. ing at the home of hla parent* Fri­ 1. That the name and addreee of average* from 10 to 40 per cent In on Thursday, April 12. 1834. mlnletrator. with the will an John W, Gate«, and Mr*. Pearl day evening and broke hta arm. the publlaher. editor, managing uexed, of the Eetate o f Andrew Federal Officials Study Re* lu every major mllkabed Schantol attended tbe meeting of He waa taken to the Pacific hos­ editor, and bualneee manager Ip: Return to Springfield— Mr and Htonabarg. Deceaaed. Needy to Drink Milk Publlaher. editor, managing editor, suite of Regional Meets; A. A E WHEELER Attorn«» Mr* William A. Yoat have returned tbe Coun«y Federation of Club* at pital but la now at home. Aa a matter of fact. AAA official* bualtwaa manager. H. K Maxey. (M 2 8 --A s-is i n a i A. A. Will Not Force Plan to Springfield from Newport and Santa Clara on Friday. They re­ Springfield. Oregon. _______ ay the conaumpdon of fluid milk Attends Democratic Meet—Glenn I. That the owner la: H. E. Agricultural adjualnient official* I |n cities la expected to be actually are living In th-lr residence on presented the Glenwood Commun­ B. Wood attended the Young Demó­ Seventh street. ity club. Maxey, Hprlngfleld. Oregon. NOTICE buck In Waahlngton. D. C., to re-1 Increased aomewhat by the work crata banquet In Portland Saturday 3 That the known bondholder*, OF A D M IN IS T R A TO R ’S SALK Portlander Hare— Jack Hewee mortgagee*, and other »ecurtty view lb« reaulta o t 15 regional I | ng out of the plan, aa five million Extended Visit — Mra. Almeda evening. He la not at a reserve NO TIC E IB HEREBY O1VEN holder« owning or holding 1 per meeting* dealing with the proponed! t]o ||ar, will be expended outright of Portland arrived last week-end Steinm ett haa aa her housegueat officer.! training at Vancouver. that the undersigned. admlntatrator cent or more of total amount of of Ihe ealala of May Boylae. de­ bond*, mortgage*, or other eecurl- dairy urplua control plan hav« be-1 , o provide milk for underfed c h i - to vlait al the O. L. Clement home. for the cumme,. her slater from Washington. fore them Ihe almost unanimous | dren He U recuperating from an oper­ Long Beach. 8he will remain here ceaaed. pureuant Io authority con­ tie* are: None. tained In an Order made and enter­ Injured on Nail — Billy Wilson, endorsement of Ihe basic principle* H E MAXEY. Owner. during tbe tim e her husband Is on. The proposed reduction from Ihe ation. ed by the Conty Court of the Slate nine year old daughter of Mr. and Sworn to and aubacrlbed before of Ihe plan by representatives of 1132-33 aalee quota« would come an eight-months cruise In the At­ of Oregon for Lane Conty on March me thia 12th day of April. 1134 Visit on Coast— Mias Theda Bay the Pacific Northwest Industry aa primarily _____ out of the aurplua milk lea and Mlaa Ruth McKee spent the lantic ocean. Tuesday the two Mrs. C. W Wilson of Marcóla cut II. 1IS4. will, on and after Ihe Idth I M PETERSON. a large gash In her leg Sunday day of April. IIS*, al the law office (My commlaalon expire* May 25, expreaaed In Ihe Portland confer I , upp|(e , Bnd would not exhaust week-end vlaltlng at the home of ladle* drove to Harrisburg to spend evening when «he fell on a nail of Gordon H Well« In the Miner that aurplua. S tatistics ahow that Mlaa Bavlea at Waldport. Both are the day Vlaltlng with their mother. ___ ________ _ enee. Building. Eugeue. Oregon, offer for 193« 1 ___ __ _ while playing at her home. Organised opposition to the * pro- i farmers Mra. Leach. producing .....— -- — ta rtiiers p roou , , , , , milk for nearly high acbool students here. aale and eell to the blgheat bidder FRED E. SMITH duct Ion control plan, reported t « l a || larger cities are now forced for caeh. subject to confirmation by Attorney at Law eald Court, all of the right, title Miner Bldg.. Visitor* From Bend — Mr and Eugene. Oregon have been active- In some of l h e | |(} nlarg et fr„ni 10 to 40 per cent an Intereat of May Boylee. deceaaed. regional meeting«, waa not evident of thetr output aa aurplua for man­ Mra. Vance Barber and Mrs H. L. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In and to the following described at the Portland conference, though ufacture Into butter, cbeeee, evap­ Barber of Bend »pent the week-end real property, to-wlt: Notice I* hereby given that Em The Weal one-half of the 8outh eat R Endicott haa been appoint­ there waa aonie opposition, prln orated milk and otffbr products. here at the home of Mr. and Mra. weat Quarter of Section I In ed by the order of the County dpally from a few who felt that This brings them much lower C. F. Barber. Towneblp 17 South. Range I Judge In and for lame County. the whole economic system needs prices than they get lor first claaa Weet of the Willamette Meridian Oregon, a* the Executor of the Return from Trip—Mr. and Mr*. market milk. In Lane County. Oregon, contain l.aat Will of Reason P Endicott u radical overhauling George H. Turner have returned Must Be Voluntary Ing eighty acres deceaaed All peraona having from a week'« Catling trip at Loon W ould Stabilise Price OU can learn Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand and JOSEPH ACHE8ON. Admlnla- claim* against said eatate are here What the decision will be aa to The plan proponed would aim at lake Fishing there waa reported trator of the Eatate of May by notified to preaent the earn«, putting the plan Into effect will Typewriting a t home In half the tim e, and at one-fifth Hoyle*, deceaaed with Ihe proper voucher*, to aald not be announced until officials I bolding gross sales of dairy pro- very good by Mr. Turner. the cost of attending a business college. You can com­ (M 28- A 512 112«) Executor, al the office of Fred complete the examination of the I duct» at about where they have plete th e course In bookkeeping or banking, and receive Viaita Parent* — Miss Lucille E Hmlih. Attorney at la w , 4M been In Ihe late winter and early your diploma in two m onths. You can l«am to write over Miner Building. Eugene Oregon, eeport* from all of Ihe 15 meeting«. Richmond was here from Portland 100 words a m inute in shorthand in less than two m onths, within six month* from the dale Federal officials al the Portland spring,of thia year, which 1« mater­ Sunday to visit at the home of her of .thia notice and you can become an expert, rapid typist in six weeks. meeting were not at all certain that ially below Ihe high average of parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rich­ Haled April 19lh. 1934 any plan would he launched, aa 1382-33 even though the total cow mond. With Miss Richmond were ERNEST R ENDICOTT. Exe A small down-paym ent and easy m onthly term s will get they aald tbe AAA has no desire population U much greater. It la Darrell Layne. Lee Fisher and An- rutor. you started immediately. Complete satisfaction and a good to force a plan upon the Industry the threat of the great possible In­ gellne Yedd. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN FRED E SMITH. Attorney for iyosition guaranteed, or your tuition will be refunded in full. Executor. or to launch one If th« Indualry crease that la sought to be avoided Naturopathie Fhyalelan Send ten cents in coin or stam ps for complete descriptive (A 112« — M 3 10 17) by Ihe control plan? T he flood of la seriously divided In suppuri of Visit at Lebanon—Mr. and Mrs. literature of the course in which you are interested. Do it Phone Il- J milk now possible from tbe cows L. L. RAV 1. E. Murphy and Mrs. E. D. An­ IL on farms would undermine dairy today. Attorney at Law Chief modifications of the pro derson and daughter. Patsy of Eu­ Office Houra: 1 Io I P. M Eugene. Oregon po ed plan asked by the Oregon, prices, drive herd owners out of Miner Bldg.. gene, and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mur­ A M E R IC A N 4M Fourth Street Washington and Idaho producers buslnes and leave consumers fac­ phy of Springfield motored to Le­ NOTICE OF HEARING CO RRESPO NDENCE SCHOOL ON F IN A L ACCOUNT W mid first lengthen the base per­ ing a real worry as to milk supplies banon Sunday to visit with Zola 1850 Downing S t. Denver, Colo NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: il from two to three years In ar- and prices, the national leaders be­ Earhart. They also slopped at That the undersigned, aa executor . . . Covers the ENTIRE United States of the I a s i Will and Testament . vlng al a dairyman a average pro­ lieve Plainview to visit with Mr. and Watchmaker and Jeweler of Mary E Bryant, deceaaed. haa ductlon, would use other than pro Mrs. Arthur Murphy. SP R IN G F IE L D filed hla account for the final se t-, tax funds to finance the ¡PREDICT BIG GAINS IN Be. Pacifia Watoh Inspector tlemenf of «aid decedent’« eatate In ,, ,.„„trol features of the First Cleae W ork kt Reasonable Ihe Countv Court for Lane County. * . . . Price*. TOURIST TRAVEL WEST Oregon, and that Saturday Ihe 2«lh I Ian. and would «tfenglhen Ihe re­ day of May. 1834. al (he Court quiremenl for a compensatory tax I’l-edlctlng a marked pickup In Room of «aid Court In the County „„ „i^,,margarine. The conference General l-aw I ’ractlc* ____ - ____ Court House. In Eugene at ten passed a-sep arate _________ reaolntion tourist travel Io the Nurthwest (his o’clock h v In a Ihe a ld forenoon, Court aa haa the been lim e -ddreaaed directly to the president I year, the Southern Pacific company I. M. PETERSON fixed place bv aald Court aa objection* the time f skint hit. support for the proposed I has announced material reductions for hearing Attorney at-Law and p i e c e i . „ r * „ •-« ■ ■ ■ ■ » ...................................... -------- . «,1__ II.. ....... «8 4 - l e ................------------— a l e o H u r u i r l B t 1(111 f(»r til»* in roundtrip transportation for the therein, and for Ihe settlement tux ,,n imported veg, table oil«, City Hall Building thereof. x number of producers speakln* unttner season. Sprtngfla’.d, Oregon Wlil ..n J T e s u m e n .| ■" of Ihe proposed plan of The low fares will be In effect reduction In sales of from 10 to front May 15 to October IB. with of Mary K. Bryant, deceased L I. RAY. Attornev for Estate. 2o per cent, pointed out that there returr limit of October 31. accord ,A 18 2« - M 3 10-171 might be some defects In the plan ing to repres?ntatlvea of the rail­ and It might l> ■ more difficult to road. JAMES K. KING Intermediate and coach rates will operate than with some other com- Attorney at Law Mln*r Bldg.. Eugane. Oregon modltle*. hut that with more cowa he cut particularly. It was staled, of Pittsburgh. Pa than ever before, the Industry Is aud all classes of roundtrip fares NOTICE to c r e d it o r s to Chicago will be reduced to ac NOTB’E IS HEREBY GIVEN confronted with a crlal In Ihe form that the underalgned has been ap of probable price collapse to un­ commodRte travel to the World nolnl“d Executrix of Ihe estate of for dairy product* un- Fair, scheduled to reopen May 2«. Vilena Wlckwlre. deceased, by the less ................. some form of control Is Inaug­ Krpreteoted By County Court of I-ane County. Ore­ gon All peraona having claim* ural-,I quickly. STAGES START ROUND- E. H. TURNER avnlnat aald eatate are required to No M ilk Shortage TRIPS TO BEND MAY- 1 preaent them with the proper Consumers of milk In Oregon 848 A BL Bpriaghald. Or*. voucher-, to the undersigned at the iltles or elsewhere need have no I law office« of James K King. 410 Regular trips of Ihe Mt. Hood Miner Building. Eugene. Lane fear that the proposed dairy ad County. Oregon, within alx (8) |„ intent progrr.m will cause any- Stages system between Eugene and mnnth from the date of thia no*ice approaching a milk "famine Bend will be started on May 1. 11 POOLE - GRAY Dated at Eugene, Oregon. " > or ever anv shortage It was em- wa announced here today. The trip BARTHOLOMEW 2Sth dav of March. 1934. . . . Io Bend will be made leaving Eu EDNA L KI.INK. Executrix of phnalxed. Eugene In the afternoon and ar­ the plan Is the Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre. In the first place riving In Bend In Ihe early evening. deceased n t n t l ■ so flexible that any prosper- Formerly Walker-Pool* IM 28 A 5-12-18-181 j live shortage brought on by the The singe will retura to Eugene | expected Increase In consumer de- In Ihe forenoon. W ELLS * W ELLS EUGENE— 11th 8PRINUF1KLD Attorneys at Lew end Charnelton, 338 Main Commerce Bank.Bldg., Eugene. Or*, j DAIRY MEN WAIT CONTROL n N EARN MONEY Y Business Directory Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. Funeral Directors Talepaons 723 Phone ll-J NOTICE TO CREDITO RS SM A R T f.ST w w OCTAGON SEE WELL FEEL WELL Correct eye-glaaaea do more for you than merely asslet you In seeing better. . . . They Improve your appearance and most gen orally Improve genernl health. . There la no need to suffer from defective vision when the cost of materia!* ore lower than they have been lu the last twenty-five year*. Our service charge le most nominal. Exami­ nation* are free. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W ert Bth ■ u ftn * Notice is hereby given that th* underalgned has been appointed Ad- mlnletrator of the Eatate of Wtl-1 llant Harrison Levins, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Iotne County All per­ sons having claims against the aald estate are herehy notified to pres ent the same, properly verified, tl the undersigned at the office of Wells «■ W ells. Bank of Commerce Rldg . Eugene. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice Date of first publication. March 22 1934 HAROLD J WELLS. Adminis­ trator. WELLS t WELLS. Attorneys. _______ (M 22-29 A 5-12 171_______ NOTICE TO CREDITO RS Notice la hereby given that the underalgned haa been appointed Ad-, min Is trator of the Eatate of Lea- 11« A Levina, deceaaed, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. All per­ sons having claims against the aald estate are hereby notified to pres­ ent the same, properly verified, to Ihe undersigned at the office of W ells ft W ells, Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon, within six months front the date of the first publication of thia notice. Date of first publication, March 22, 1934. , HAROLD J. WELLS, Admlnl* trator. JESSE O. W ELLS. Attorney. (M 21-18—A B-1I-17) Our Meat Is an Oregon Product Tills is Oregon produc ts week when the effect of buying al home on the local jtayroil dollar Is em pha­ sized. Il is said that there would be no unemployment In Oregon if everybody in the state would buy the products of Oregon farm s and factories. Our meat is an Oregon product, grown on Oregon iiirins and slaughtered by Oregon butchers. There Is more reason for buying .hom e-grown m eats than for almost tiny other product for we have everything you need. ARE INVITED TO INSPECT the finest refrigerators Kelvinator ever bBflt, display in our store. We are proud to display th*» new 20th Anniversary Models and you will enjoy seeing the latest developments in electric refriger­ ation. Just think of four refrigerators in one. all fully automatic. The Food File, Vegetable Crisper, Dairy Basket Thrift Tray for leftovers, Pastry Set, Water Cooler, Frost Chest and The World’s Faateet Freezing Speed are some of the noteworthy features. Why not come into the store at once while our stock of models is complete. The place to buy hom e-grown m eats is in a m eat m arket. We specialize In o nly first quality m eats. I n d e p e n d e n t M e a t C o. E. C. BTUART, Prop. 4th and Main Eta — Ph*ne 88 «St MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY KELVINATOR