THE • PAOS TWO N E W S ____________________ lumber production THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S Published Kvery Thursday a t. Springfield. Lana County. Oregon by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. K MAXKY. Editor Entered a» S P R IN G F IE L D jud «las» matter. February 14. 1903. at the poetoftke. Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Year In Advance Two Year» In advance |1 5 u $2 50 SU Monttu Three Month» »1.00 .ftOc THURSDAY. APRIL I». 1934 GRANGE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF GN SALES TAX s ta te Master Rav Gill s|H»ke for an hour and a half acainat ihe sales lax before the Coos and Curry county Pom ona m ange The grange voted 76 to 15 for the tax after hearing the eloquent Mr. Gill. The fa n n e r politicians m ust be slipping In the sight of the dirt fanners. If there is any group of people who need lo w e rp ro - nertv taxes it is the fanners. The sales tax is a d lrett duction on the property tax for school purposes It m eans a country schoool district will get part of Its school «»0“ ** from the cltv where the purchases are made instead of all out of the farm ers pockets as now if he Is so unlucky live in a district where there Is no railroad. There are 154.000 property taxpayers In Oregon and 300,000 adult persons who pay no 8ch«?1^ xe®f> a little m onev from those who pay nothing the burden can be lightened on the distressed property taxpayer, now 5( per cent delinquent. It is true that a little of this tax money will come out of the X k e t e of the very poor. It has been true for a long time th at a family is moved out of their house and home, representing the savings of a lifetime of hard work, for failure to pav the property tax. Which is the most pathe­ tic ’ Taxes are cruel sometimes in any form but we can not have government and free public schools *'ith° u« AU must ultim ately contribute something. The sales tax is i h e “ “dv m ethod ¿o far devised that will keep the public schools' running and at the sam e tim e reduce propert. taxes. , ____ □ f . C. Poioetera in Demand ' state band contest to all com»» J"*" ro adjusting one» A »trôna ileinnnd for forealry SHOWS SLOW DECLINE BE APRIL 20-21 AT O b. mind« to realities The iMitstandln* grailnnlaa ha. !»••« a.parlanced al fact that so many pe«>ple n ev er. Average R rodo.Uon Nearby HO Per The large.. aa.etuhUge of U r. Oregon «tat» <-“» • « • ,n r,M * ‘ leant 1» that happlneat ta never h» report T. J rttarker pro ».on h’gh school bard» o*»r 1° b* dependent upon poeseaalona. They C «n‘ Ba’ te r Then for P re­ f .»or «f forealry lhere M.n fro.n Plough! together ia a» tired for Ihe grow »oleum when (hey tear da vious Period L a ti Year ihe college hâve recently lahan eleventh annual t regon Slate high paaltiona In many siale» oth .r thaa i re a privation ot material thing» The moat conalatently gay fols î î F ’ T T I.K W dilttgtun. A 'rll IS »chool hand contesi al Corvallis Oregon The Gréai L ake. OtBlO look I know anywhere about, a» a eta » 1 \ total of MS itowu an i operai April 20 and »I ou the basis of »U lllltola iwo. Arkauae ihree. are the Negroes t have aucount t t mill in > i» »on and Washington Arlsona four. California al». Ns» ered more genuine gay tv in the whLh reported to Ihe Weal Coast advance entry Hate. North Dakota. Washington Black Belt ot Mississippi or In llai Lumi» rmen's sanovat ton (or the |,„ ||,n tloie are for 14 full »tid Oklahoma each on» Ont of 4U • makes business |eI„ than in Bark Avenue or othei w ek Muling April 1. produced 93. |(< , frt„„ , many F A IT H O. 8 C. m»n who look th» lateal Year» ago I heard the olasslc »huge« of wealth 71S.97X board fe.-t of luiubei rill- BttuMil|( Hl(l| contestants from civil servir» »xamlnallon for Junior anecdote ot the Utile girl who. ----- wa apt roxlmalely 1,500.000 ‘ houle not entering ferm ier ail but iw o w .re bumms - W |t orggg|ggtiona. Jefferaon hen asked In Sunday ».hoot what C O U N T |E S f 0 GST FUNDS te»a thnn the preemllng week Ho- a meant by faith, replied "It'» , verace pimlm Ilon of till- group & , chuol of Portland, Silverton fui believing what you know ain't so.' F O R G R A S S H O P P E R F IG H T or saw m ills In 1934 haa bean «5. ||(1| M„ „ ary academy are the «Sf. 353 feet; during III« »ante per-1 i three claai winners of last year Faith. of course, la belief In what Oregon counth1» that are facing annot be proved. And It llee at the lod in 1933 their wekly average w a ., w)|1 champion» a possible aerloui grasshopper In bottom ot all human relation» 54,796.797 feel Now doing CuBtom Grinding festatlon this year will be enabled The new bualtwas reported last Challenger» In «laa» A entered for farm ers or exchanging All business la done on faith; to obtain M a ra t aealatagce to Orgn| #nj R(loae*alt ol flour for wheat. We alto that Is. on the belief that a dollar carry on eradication work under week h.v 571 m ill was X4.25ll.S21 j Invested here will somehow, som e­ the terms of a recant appropriation. boanl feel agalnat a production or 1>or(UnJ ( 'orva|||, . Ug Urande. m ake graham , whole when! Medford. Eugene, and mid breakfast cereal» time. come back, bringing a few A comm ittee headed by l*»ul V S3.437.3S« feet and shipments ol cents with It. That sort of faith 1» M#rlg director of extension at Ore- 87.307.298 feet Their »blP«»»»1« 8a|#w | n claaa it early eiilrlm Bring up your grain. A19 baaed on ao much experience that atM(e b0t.,( „„ were under production by <» H I1***’ were Marshfield. Oregon City and cent anil their current Allea were Woodrow Wilton Junior high of Eu the probabilities can be reduced to by w A Schoenfeld. dean almost a mathematical certainty. uf agriculture, to et up organise- under production by 7 9 per ceni gene Ulaa» C conleataiila aaaured Th-» order» boohed last week by I |(gr| y ar„ imaverton. Burna. Kala Just now we are going through tlons In the cowatiea to bring about this group of Identical mills w"re ,.»«la. St Helens. Hood River. Ar NEW V-8 FORD NOW period when almoet everything the cooperative control work Thl» under Ihe preceding w w k by about „ n<(o|| probably Dallas ami ON DISPLAY------ must be based .on faith. There Is was done on Instruction» from 9,000,000 feet or 9 4 per cent Tlllamixik llanda are classified ac no experience to fall back on. to Washington. For Domonetratlon The unfilled order file »1 these cording Io enrollnienl In Ih» high calculate the chances of the sue Eradication work must be car m ill alood at 387.402.745 board Call Elmer Pyn# at school Additional aololata entered cees of the enormous efforts o f the rled on. however, on a community feet, a ilecreaae of approximately early from Milwaukie. l. ANDERSON MOTORS government to stimulate the return basis The federal funds ure to be 4.000,000 feet under Ihe week be­ University high and Roosevelt Juu Ph <9 5th A A Springfield devoted largely to purchase of sup­ of prosperity Humanly speaking, fore. lor high. Eugene; and Franklin the majority of people have faith plies for poisoning operations The segregate Inventories of ISO Successful control work was car I mill» are S.5 per cent more than high. Portland that we are going to come out all right, but owners of dollars are rle«l on In Klamath county fur aev at thl» time Inal year. still waiting IO see the figures i ral years under a plan worked out 1 think that complete recovery by the county agent utid experl- will come when the actual figures meat station entom ologists, but H S. AGRICULTURE of busineas being done give ground» j county fund» for carrying on the STUDENTS SET MEET for renewed faith, and not before campaign have not lately been • • • available. D elegates from nearly every high 4 ^ HLXa W A S H IN C TO N Jasper, Ore., Mills Fresh and Sparkling «chool In Oregon where agriculture ta taught will be guests of the Th«-way these »«»serpents keep LAMBS PARALYZED BY popping up all over the world DOCKING INFECTIONS school of r.grlculture at Oregon A NEW CHANCELLOR State college for the sixth annual means either that there are rnons _______ Chancellor William Jasper Kerr has resignedi asi head ters In the sea of which science | An | B<.reaj,e |n paralysis among Futur«' Farmer of America con­ knows nothing, or that the human yoeag lambs rati frequently be vention at Corvallis April 24 28 o f th e unified state higher educational system. It is now un to the regents to find another chancellor, and they race has developed a new prop of (rarath of hum an progress It m ar s the spot where one man stood against trem endous odds and by his own single-handed courage turned back a naBon to spiritual worship. Of him we m ight say what W hittier wrote of another champion of righteousness; The world redeemed from superstition’s sway Js breathing free for thy sake to-day. We are told that Elijah never died but was snatched up to Heaven in a chariot of fire. Elisha, who had been his assistant, put on bis m antle and continued bis w<^ k ' a power In the land for m any years. So great was his vitality th at even death could not destroy it. a business man I would try to pro­ duce and sell chiefly merchandise that appeals to people under thirty . . . GAYETY - - - - alw aye available | One of the things the matter with i most of us these days Is that we are entirely too solemn In our out­ look on life. We are taking econ­ omic pressure too seriously. In cas­ ual conversations overheard on the streets and In trains I seldom hear the note of gayety any more. That J may not be true everywhere, but It i certainly Is the case In the regions where I go the oftenest. i It Is entirely possible to maintain, i a gay outlook on life even In the midst of serious money troubles. It And It came to pass, as they were burying a man that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man Into the sepulchre of Elisha; and when the mr.n was let down, and touched Ihe bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet. The earlier prophets did not write their serm ons, but about «00 B. C. some of them began doing bo . The first to write was Amos. He was not trained in a theological school ami did not belong to the j.rlstly party or wear the union label, so that when he began to preach an officious priest tried to stop him. Amos would not be stopped; he had plenty of courage. at Tha Naw» Offica of Springfield SPECIAL SPRING OFFERING OF HIGH GRADE SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE You C an’t Beat Fulop's Prices If Quality Is Considered Marshall Field 8n Square Print yard 19c Cretonne yard 15c Broadcloth. Plain Colors yard 12c .Men’s Overalls 89c Garden Hats 10c Irftdies Lisle Vest 50 per cent Linen Toweling yard 12c Yard Wide Heavy Outing yard 14c Rayon Dance Het 59c 11.49 Men’s Dress Fur Hals Men’s Short Sleeve, Ixmg lx’gs, Sum m er Union RuitB TWO INJURED WHEN AUTO CRASHES STUMP 9c ......................... .............. 69c Men’s B. V. I). Union Hult 49c Young Men’s Wool Flannel Pants Fred Wright of Marcola lost one finger and suffered from two other ] badly Injured ones, arid Dave Mun sel received a broken rib Baturday evening when tin* automobile in which they were riding b cam e un­ manageable and struck a stump along the side of Ihe road. $2.98 80 Square M. Field House Dresses, thto week only 89c Men's Rayon Dress Hose 15c Men’s Rockford Hose .2 for 25c Marshall Field Best Sheeting yard 39c C urtain Screen yard 10c JOHN D. GOSS acme quality Men’s Bummer. Work Shoes $1.69 FOR DEMOCRATIC CHOICE A8 U. 8. R E P R E S E N T A T IV E HOUSE PAINT Ijadles Dress Shoes, white or black $1.98 Senator Ooss U a forceful speaker and an experienced leg­ islator. He has had life-long contact with lumbering, manu­ facturing, ranching, mining and general business as owner and attorney, and Is peculiarly quali­ fied to represent the first dis­ trict. Will work for econom ies and tax relief; establishing a n d distribution, of Bonneville power financing o f settlers ; federal d is­ tribution of Bonneville power; contributions by U. 8. to coun ties In proportion to federally owned land, and flood control of Willamette valley. 100 PER CEN T ROOBEVELT —Paid Adv. N e w E ra C o s t s le s s p e r y a rd of s u r f a c e C o v e r s t h o r o u g h ly a n d w e a r s lo n g e r th a n o r d in a r y p a in t b e c a u s e o t its BALANCED FORMULA Wright & Sons H ardw are — Furniture Radios — Paint Children'a Shoes, Special lot, not in all sizes 98c 2 Pounds Wool Bat, Special 98c We Have Bargains in All Departments. Come, and We Save You Money. Fulop’s Dept. Store J. PULOP, Prop. 334 Main St. Springfield, Oregon