THE SPRlÑGFIEfitfeNEWS TH IKTY-K IK HT Y KAR HPRINOPIBLD, I j ANK COUNTY, QRBOON. THURSDAY, APK g. flC 1934 SALES IM MEEIS IE K n o w » Depressions mon m survey Govarnora and Tax Commia- eionara In Five Statai Sand Word of Naw Law 8ucce*s PROPERTY LEVIES M anufacturer* and Organ Labor Load Opposition t Tai in Other Stata* Illgb rommeudatton (or the auc- reseful rnanuer lu which tbe ea«-» la* haa saved tbelr stale* (row (la- uncial •Mbarraanaec and In ever* iastaace baa reduced the reel pro- parly cat ere coatalBed I* teller» (row high officials of five stale* waer* (ha sales lax haa beeu triad. The»« letters raoalved thia weak by (ha Schol Relief and Proparly T ai Kodactlon le a g u e ot Oregon cam* lu reaponse to luqulrle» aaul to tba governor* of tba various state whara (ha sale* t a i ba* beeu adopted Tba replies are arriving dally at tba Tax League offloe In Portland. hut they all eoetalu al taoai Identical statement» Opposition la tboaa state wblcb bav* adopted iha aalaa lax was at roe* at tba lima tba tax waa proposed. but haa practically died dowa now and lu most id Iba ataiaa lb* sentim ent la Ibat they would rather bav* tba «alaa tax than raise proparty levies New V eto la Drop Taa In New York atata where the aalaa lax waa aduptad a* an emvr- geary nieaanr* (or 16 month» It will auiomaUdally topic* on June 3* tbla yea* Geverbor Lehman baa recommended Ibat It be not ex- lauded Tba (unde are used (or sup­ port of atata government and liqui­ dation of tba deficit ibat otberwlaa would have axlatad. The rata la on* percent, food exempted. Tba atata doe* pot levy a By property tax (or a u ta purpoees Hom* own era favor the law, but far mar« and Industries oppoee. Mark Uravee, tax commissioner In Naw Yorb. aaya In bla latter that "I (blab I aw aa(a lu »aytog that we would continue the aalaa t a i rather than levy a direct tax on property tor tba support o( the atata govern m eat" ...M leM g n a Haa 1 Ferae a t Prow Michigan cornea Iba report that la * year It became evident that there would ba not lea* than M par cant delinquency In prop­ erty tax collection*. Tba legisla­ ture paeeed a I percent general aalaa tax oa the sellar <>( tangible personal property. Collection» hare averaged «3,- (00 000 monthly, the real property taa baa been reduced (row 83.57 per tbouaand valuation to «0 cent» and It la expeatad that tba property tax will be wiped out entirely at the next aeaalon. Bogie opposition developed immediately from the termers and certain Industrial ele­ ments. but It baa now t o n almost •Umlaaied Property owners woaW strongly oppose a return to the old property tax method Illinois Reduce* Land Taa In llllnola where a retailer's b i cupallon tax law baa been adopted I 'tartlag Jaly 1033. (or two years. Governor Henry Horner says that tba property tax hat been reduced from 7 to 1* percent In variance with local rate*. The tax I* sue cees(ul and has tb s general ap­ proval of tba people The Washington Tax Commit aloa report» an average reduction of property tax o( 10 par rent fal­ lowing tba adoption o( a sales tax. Lib* tb* Oregon la * , the purpose of tb* tax I* to support tb* school*. There I* no organised resistance to the law. It lx cowlderad aa an em­ ergency measure and an experi­ ment. Objections arise from the manufacturers but It is doubtful that the state will return to the old high property tax ayatsm. Finally from California cornea the report that general property taxes have been reduced by appro­ ximately 10 per cent and more than 20 mllllona of dollars bare been collected far common sahool relict since August 1038. HIGH SENIOR PLAY IS CANCELLED TH IS WEEK NO. 14 GW, Oi„„e n 5 schedules H. S. TRACK MEN NJURY FATAL TO IN 4-WAY MEEI 60SHEN RESIDENT £‘”"' a* f|([ Mll M|[s Springfield Group Nominate* Officer* and Electa Dele­ Team Travel* to Yoncalla To­ gate* to State Meet May 5 day; Sign Contest* With Lowell, Eugene Tuesday* This Is Ulrls League week at. Eugene, Unlvwraity, Cottage Theodora Bharen Succumb* To Totanua Tuesday After Grove and Springfield Via Short Ulna**; I* Cremated Friday on Hayward Field Springfield high school. Yesterday ’ A (ool Injury In wblcb teta n u s, Marlon Hrll'a Hprlngfleld blab tbe girls entertained at a taa far 2ND8 LOSE AT THURSTON school track team will h e given developed proved fatal to Theodore visitors from University high, an d , ' tbelr first real test on the cinder Hharen. 24. young Uoahen resident, today will entertain a group from Local* Coma From Behind to and sawduat path* Friday afternoon who died at the Pacific hospital Eugene high Feature* of tbe pro Win Over Bible Player* in NCW Y UKK . . . Eberhard Fab*» when H;«y particípete In a four- Tuesday morning following a abort gram include a o o ea ct play. My[ Extra Period* Hare Friday eve), peavll king e f the U . *. 71 way meet on Hayward field In Eu lllneas. Cougtn from Sweden.” given by I selebratas bla 7Mb birthday gene. Included In tbe events will be Mr. Hbaren was born near Oo- Margaret Liles. Marian Shipley.I Springfield high school baseball .,eath. says ke kas »peel grty *99 active years ae aa u«»e» e f hl* teams from Eugene high. Univer­ »hen on November 28. 1009 and Flegence Bells jrtab. Clara Brook», players will travel to Yoncalla this sity b'gb, Cottage drove and ttprlng- hail spent his entire lifetim e In this •eatpeay aad bae gone through ~ ” T Ila Putman. Benetta Miller and afterneon for their fifth baseball dr pi »illoin of all klad. He saya tba field. depressio*» vicinity. NEW YORK . Away beck ebea , .. d v M1 , h. **' ( °* otr ‘be game of the season and they expect issat depreaatoe w a l Ila It da| Hprlngfleld'* track team might I He la survived by his widow. Mra. M Edna Sever»?" lone candidate fa r ! Hufford as batteries, with Platt, were completed The dinner will be netermlne In Iryout* nt tbe school a second showing at W lllakenxlei year will follow at the next m eet-. president; Joanne Seavey and La- Fox. Thompson. Wbitbeck. Jean*, given *1 ih<- lodge hall next Mon­ ngnlnat lim e or existing records. grange hall on Friday evening. May ! Ing according to Mra. W. C. Wright. venve Pugh, vice-president; La-j Wllfert. and A. Smith tn the other day evening. April 23. starting at The other team* In tbe Friday meet 4 Tbe second presentation of the local president. Other business will Moyne Black and J’earl Helter i positions. brand, secretary and treasurer; Ea­ No F riday Games Signed (:3 0 o'clock. It la being sponsored hare each had tbe benefit of at comedy ta being sponsored by the also be taken up at the meeting sel Adam-, and Frances Stiles, so­ Places on the local schedule have by the Odd Fellows under the lerat one previous meet. Cottage P. T. A of the Garden Way school An extensive program far the leadership of Rrneat Black, general Urove anil Roseburg held a very and prvM-eed* will be used to build afternoon has been arranged under cial promoter; and Florence May been nearly all filled now with four and Jean I wok, reporter. More no­ feature contests listed on coming an addition and permanent stage at chairman, and Mra. Lee Putman, even m e * lael week, while Eugene the direction of Roy Quiney, Lin­ Tuesday afternoona. Games have Ihe Uardeo Way school. Mra. V. C. coln principal, and teachers there. mination, may be made later. leader of the Rebekah workers train plot! badly over Univer­ not been listed on Fridays because Davis ta chairmau of (be arrange­ A large <1*legallou la plannlog to sity blgb. First on the program will be a of track m eets which will be held ments committee alien« tbe eounty convention at skit, “In a Backwoods School” Hprlngfleld may or may not go those afternoons. Rehearsal of tbe play will be held which Includes the fallowing cast, Cottage Grove on Thursday. April r.aces Friday. Indication* are that At the present time Coach Buell 3« at wblcb tim e tbe local lodge the lack of competitive m eets will the first week In May according to teacher, and old American Tory. has lined up games with Lowetl group* will unite In tbe presenta­ be a handicap. W. E. Buell, director. Dean Van Lydegraf; John Jones, : on April 24 there aad May 1. here; tion of a stunt. mayor's son. Lawrence Thompson; On* student at Hprlngfleld high. and with Eugene high on May 8 and Refreshments and a social even­ Malcom Hanson, la expected to Bill Smith, preacher's son. Dean ! 15. Only a few more games can be ing were enjoyed by the group force his competitor* In the dis­ ROD AND GUN CLUB Wllron ; Sam Walker, dentist's son. I played on the local schednle. present fallowing the business tance event*, especially tbe mile. MEET CALLED MONDAY Junior Endicott- Jake Hicks, p on y, _ . . . Although Springfield high now meeting. Included In tbe number He will also run In tbe 880 with express man", son Bob Nice; Jo* Y° “ ng Springfield Pianist to has won games from Wilson Junior Second regular meeting of thej were >3 visitors from Eugene Blood, laxy man's son. Clarence Be Heard at Gerlinger Hall; Clifton. Hill la acheduled far tbe high oi Kugene. Cobarg. Thurston Violinist Witt Aasiat mile run with Hapeoo tor Spring- MeKensle tlatw ay Rod and Uun Clark; Jim Barnes, store k eeper’s and Eugene Bible college, and three club U being called tor Monday son, Peter Chace; Sol W est, farm­ field GUILD REORGANIZED Jarrett. seven-year-old j ol them have been won In the last Olbera entered In tb* meet are night at 7:30 at tbe Ford Garage er's won. Don Richards. The time Is I Betty AT BAPTIST CHURCH Stewart and Hadley In (be 100 yard by Walter Goaaler, president. 1799 and the location In the Ken- daughter of Mr. and Mra. O. H. Jar-| 1 inning or overtime periods, it waa Immediately fallowing the busi­ tucky hills rett will be presented In a piano not until last Friday when the local Older members of Aretanla guild daab; Hartman and Brattaln. pole ness nieeliag members of the fire­ Another skit. "Getting Acquaint- recital at GerlJnger hall on the team actually surprised even Buell vault; Stewart. 320; Brattaln. «40; at the Baptist chuich withdrew arms division o( the flub will hold ed With W illie.” will be presented University of Oregon campus to­ and William Davis, assistant coach, from the urgantsnilon at a dinner Brattaln, Binltb, Hayea. Clifton, a practice »boot In the sam e build­ by four characters: Perry Bishop night at 8 o ’clock by her teacher. '’T ^ ta n ln g the Bible college same, high Jump; Stewart, Brattaln, meeting Monday night and turn d In this game Springfield started ing. A meet scheduled with tbe Eu­ as Mr. Bronson, the new teacher; Mrs. John Stehn. (be guild society ovor to tbe man­ Smith and Hadley In tbe broad gene club has been called off until off strong but soon trailed the Frank Anderson, a mtschevtous Jump; Stewart, Smllb. McLagan. Mtas Jarrett will be assisted b y ; agement of tbe high erbool group In members of the local club have hoy; Albert Shearer. Charlie Wil­ Miss Thelma Morrison, v io lin ist,1 visitors. Harvey Russell was off the church Tbe older members will and Hadley In the relay; McLagan time to do more practicing. lie's chum; snd Thelma Johns. W il­ and Jane Alice Pengra. accompan­ color and Cooper In the field let a become affiliated with tbe Baptist and Clifton In the abot put; Hart­ hit ball touch the ground In an The showing of the local club lie's mother. ist. Miss Morrison Is a student of Missionary Circle Heretofore there man. Chetwood and Williams, dis­ last Friday In making 315 points as early inning thus giving the visitors The two skits will he given by Miss .Vivian Malone. ba« h<-en no mission organisation cus; Chandler. Mclmgan and Hayes, compared with 359 far Eugene in a substantial lead. the seventh and eighth grades. The Javelin; and Smith In the low and The program tor the red ia l to­ to laterest members of tbe high Russell was sen t to Oxiper's field the rifle shooting was not so had. first, second, and third grades will high hurdles. night u-fll be as follows; school age position to rest and Dale Carson but the pistol shooting In which present a dramatisation of the Gar­ Mrs Carol Holtan, Aretnnhi Minuet, by Bach; polonaise by was »eat la to pitch. This tall lanky Hprlngfleld men scored «3 to 362 i den Song. The public is Invited to worker, was named counsellor In FLORENCE PLANS FOR Bach: Sonatina op. SS. No. 1, Alle­ lad repeated his performance of the points was worse. attend the meeting. tbe new group. Mist Virginia Chris­ gro. by Xuklau. in the first group. Junior high game with his slow •I, RHODODENDRON SHOW ti* will be the president; Druellle T he second group- M tnuet. Mo­ deliberate actions, and hits were MEDFORD WANTS RELICS z a rt; Allegro. M oxart; F irs t Lota. few and far between off his base Ogilvie, vie* president; and Ruth Plans far a large Rhododendron •THE DIVINE COVENANT" Keeler, secretary-treasurer show to be held at Florence and OF EARLY STATE LIFE Schumann; Soldiers’ March, Schu­ balls. The Bible men did run In a IS METHODIST SERMON mann. few more scores, while Slas held nearby vicinity on Sunday. April Prominent in the Diamond Jubi­ The third group: Hunting Song, the Springfield batters down with “The Divine Covenant" Is tbe WOMAN EDUCATOR VISITS 29. have been made by the reel- lee celebration to be held at Med­ David Palascko; The Dancing Lea- a fast underhand hall. dents of the Sluslaw bay region HIGH SCHOOL APRIL 18 and they Invited all realdents of the m essage far 11 o'clock at the M. ford and Jacksonville on June 3-9 son. Paul Ducelle; Fairy Boating At the end of the seventh Inning B. church. At 7:30 the theme will is the pioneer parade and exhibit. Song. Paul Ducelle; Perpetual Mo­ the Springfield boys ran np their Dr. Kate Jamcaon. dean of wo­ county to come for a drive up and be " ly rist. The AN* Savior.'' The All persons over the state who tion. Carl Bohm. played by Thelma score to eight to tie tbe game, it men at Oregon State college Was down (he co* t highway during the Church school m eets at 9:45 a. m have or know where pioneer relics Morrison, violinist. was scheduled far only seven In- most beautiful season of the year and the Leagues at 6:30 p. m. Rev. I a visitor In Hprlngfleld Wednesday are located are invited to communi­ The last group: Cotton Pickers, nlngs. but another was played to and spoke tw ice at the high school. on the coast when all of the Rhodo­ Dean C. Poindexter will preach at J cate with the Diamond Jubilee Dorothy Gaynor Blake; The Elf .break the tie. Neither team scored both service*. At 9:16 she spoke to members of dendrons are In bloom. committee at Medford Arrange- • and the Bernice Bensen Ben- In the eighth and the ninth was The people of Florence are plan Coburg M e th o d !* the senior class stressing reasons m enu have been made for the tley; The Lamentations of a Doll, started The Bible team failed to nlng a seafood dinner Sunday noon Mrs. Ada Jolly. State Secretary why students become discouraged transportation and safe keeping of Cesar Franck; Three and Twenty ¡score and Springfield brought In In college. I,*ter she addressed the to which they Invite participation of the W. C. T. U. will he present all articles borrowed for the cele­ Pirates. Marie Seuel-Holst. by the Inland residents of I^ine : one run and the game ended as and speak at the 9:46 service. The entire student body on “Etiquette.'' Squires reached second base with Sunday Church school m eets at bration. Mr*. Jameson's visit here wes county. a score of 9-8 far the locals. 10:3« sponsored by Ihe Oregon Stale MUSIC CROUP HEARS 1 Lineups far the game were aa fot- BAPTIST PASTOR TELLS Board of Higher Education which K REBEKAH’S TAKE REW MEMBERS P.Ì.A. GROUP TO NAME NOMINEES BETH JARRETT RECITAL TONIGHT the represented on behalf of all the school of higher learning In the state. WENDLING MAN PASSES RELATIVES UNKNOWN TOWN TEAM WINS IN FIRST BALL CONTEST M. W. Myers, etnplyee of the Booth Kelly Lumber company al Springfield's town baaeball team MRS. STONE ENTERTAINS Wendllng for the past 16 years defeated the Belknap Three-C TONIGHT FOR IUKA died at the Kugene hospital last camp team In the'opening game of Members of Iuka circle number 38. Ladlea Auxiliary of the G. A. R. will be entertained thia evening for their regular meeting at the home of Mra. Linn Stone. Final plana for the benefit curd party fa be spon­ sored by the Circle on April 27 will be formulated. The card party will be held al Taylor hall. Thursday fallowing an lllnena of one month. He w»< about 84 years old and had lived at Donna far sev ­ eral years before moving to W’endl- log. Nothing la known of any relatives whom inay survive. Funeral ser­ vices were held Saturday from the Poole-Gray-Bartholoniew chapel In Eugene. OF CHURCH SERVICES Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor of the Springfield Baptist church will preach on the subject. ‘‘Out of the Ivory Palaces" at the morning wor­ ship hour Sunday at 11. For the evening service at 7:30 the pastor will preach on the subject. "The Lamb of God." The B. Y. P. U. will meet at 8:30. the season here Sanday afternoon 4-0. John Lynch and William Sword pitched far the local team of which Ding Mulligan is manager. The local (earn will open Ils official schedule on May 8 by playing Yon­ BAPTIST CHURCH MAN calla there. SPEAKER IN EUGENE , Springfield E. B. C. Members of the Happy Hour club went to Eugene Friday morning Chamberlin ................... Irvin to hear Dean John J. LandsbUry. I Ill ...... McLagan Chamberlin dean of the school of music at the Moors ...............« lb ... .............. Scott university, speak at the first m eet-: Boaltman .«u 8b.............. Squires Ing of the Landabury Music Club t White .... ....... .. .aa.... ___ Brattate at the Osburn hotel. Regular meet-1 Trinka Clark ............... ...... If..... ....... Inga of the club will be held ev ery ; Allan ........... . ___cf.. ______ Poaey Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Pryor ............. __.rf.... ..... ..... Cooper The club Is sponsored by the pat-| Cayles Carson ran* and patronesses of Mu P h i, Epsilon music honorary. TO SPEAK HERE FRIDAY LARGE CROUP ATTENDS DISTRICT O. E. S. MEET Dr. O. C. Wright, executive sec­ UNIVERSITY BAND GIVE FREE CONCERT MAY 15 retary of the Oregon State Baptist —— GRANGE HEAD TO TALK SALES TAX FRIDAY Ray W. Gill, master of the Ore- ' gon gtate grange, will discuss the members ot Cascade ~ , * 8URPRI8E PARTY QIVEN conference far the past 81 years . Twenty COUPLE MARRIED FRIDAY . ' _ „ A Oregon Sales Tax law at the regu- Work on tbe senior class play at chapter. O. E. 8. went to Eugene , , . . . . Arrangements were completed will he In Hprlngfleld tomorrow, FOR AL POHL FRIDAY .. , lar meeting ot the Lowell grange tbe high school waa dropped thia TO LIVE AT WENDLING here today far a free concert to be and at 7:2* he will deliver a lec­ Friday evening to attend , the meet-1 _ , . , " . , .v . . Friday night. The meeting Is open week following knnouncement that the pluy will not be presented, at leaat during the present school year. It waa planned to be given May 4. Tbe ruih ot school activi­ ties tb* last of the year and tba fact that tbe school term ends one month earlier makes It neceaaary far the graduating students to de­ vote more time to tbelr olasa work. Friends gathered at the Pohl residence Friday evening to sur­ prise Mr. Pohl on hla birthday An Informal evening of cards and game* was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Linn Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gir­ ard. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Pyna. Mr. and Mra. Dodd Miller and Mr. and Mra. Pohl and family. Miss Mnrjorle Johnson of Spring- field became the bride of Walllam Pakulak of Wandlin« Friday at a simple ceremony read by Rev. Harry R. Neat, paator of Light­ house temple tn Eugene. In hl* study at 11 a. tn. The couple are making their home at Wendllng. given by the University ot Oregon band at the Methodist chureh on May 16. A program lasting about one and one-half hours will be pres­ ented by the band under the di­ rection of John Stehn. bandmaster. The Springfield Lions club Is spon soring the concert. COUNTY CHAMBER MEET Vlelt Parent* — Mr. and Mrs. SUNDAY SERVICES AT Wayne Hawke of Dallas were her* CHRISTIAN CHURCH AT WILLAKENZIE TONITE COBURG TAKES FIRST IN DRAMATIC CONTEST to spend the week-end with hla Coburg blgb subool atudenta with their presentation nr "The Valiant" won the loving cup In the annual rural school dramtlc contest held In Eugene Saturday night. Dorena placed second, and Lowell third With "A "The Middle Wall* will be the subject of the morning service at the Christian church Sunday morn­ Rsturn Hom»—Mr. and Mr*. J. It ing. For the evening service Rev. Halverson returned Io their home Veltle Pruitt will preach on the at Crescent Lake Monday follow­ subject. “God's Solution far World ing a visit at the home of Mr. and Problems.” There will be special Pratt Holverson bar*. mualc at both service*. parents, Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ture on "Oregon Pioneer Work." The lecture will he Illustrated by moving pictures, many of which Dr. Wright has taken him self In Ore­ gon. The public Is Invited to at­ tend. RESIDENCE CHANGES TO BE MADE SOON Ing ot -Chapters In this district. . .1 . „ ... . .u ■ j to the public and everyone Inter- All officers of the local club and , . , , , . . . .. . , ! ested Is Invited to attend. Mr. GUI several others attended. . .. , .. . . . _________________ has been the leading figure In the campaign against the tax bill and Washington Folk Here — Mrs Is trying fa prevent It's being ap­ Miller of Ellensburg, Washington was here Monday visiting with Mr. I proved by a majority ot voters In the primary election on May 18. and Mrs. George Valller and Mr. I and Mrs. William Davis. PRISCILLA CLUB PLANS Leaves for Alaska— O. F. That MEETING HERE APRIL 26 lb a three-way move announced ] cher leaves today for Seattle. He Mrs. John Tomseth and Mrs. E. her* this week. Mr. and Mrs, C. A. will go to Seward. Alaska where he Candidate* for all county offices »warts will a»ove to Eugene and wlU spend the summer doing work L. Hopson will be hostesses for members of |h" Priscilla club when will be welcomed to the m onthly. their preeent Lome will be taken | under the civil service. member* of that organisation meet meeting of Ihe I-ane County Cham­ over and occupied by Mr. and Mra. Leave* Hospital— Mr*. O. L. Cle­ here on April 2« It was decided at ber of Commerce at Wlllakenste Ray nott. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Chan­ grange tonight. Tile meeting will dler will retnrn to Springfield to ment waa brought to her home here the regular meeting held la * week. start with a dinner at 1:30 after occupy their home now occupied by Sunday from th e Eugene hospital The gathering waa in the nature which each and every candidate Mr. and Mrs. Nott. Tbe change will where she had been a patient far of a no-hoatesa luncheon and was held at Tiny Tavern In Eugen*. a week. will be given (tve minute* to talk. ba made about May 1/