OREGON DOE FDR REW BOTTER CODE Dairy Regulation Program Progra Effective Monday; All But ter Must Be Marked THURSDAY, A PR IL 12, 1»»4 TH « BPWNOFTOLD N«WB PAO« FOUR cause he la the proprietor oF"the dairy industry. First, he will ex pand hia tnarkaM. and' In thstse times of surplus, expansion of mar­ ket Is as important as price. Good merchandising of any product calls for (a) reliable quality. |b) under- standable branding of that quality, #ntj (c> >B program of salt's promotion. The butter code accompllshies all three. While. In a measure, the first two items alone will help increase sales, the code also provides that creameries pay 2c for each 100 pounds of but ter manufactured Into a butter con sumption educational fund The price of an old fashioned postage stamp per hundred pounds of but ter will do more to reduce the sur­ plus than the 82.00 or $5.00 par hundred pounds processing tax. proposed by the Brain Trust, to pay tor slaughtered daigy cows. Dairy cows hung up in a meat mar­ ket are not going to pay the farm­ er's taxes in 1935 and 193«. -, « W S k .tm g Q t.~ n |j OlsOtl-Louk 111 Wedding Event L IT T L E YOUNG PEOPLE TAKE OVER EVENING SERVICE Drury - Stolzig Ä S Ä r *«"■»h,u YORK Franklin James Drury Wed« Emma Olson Becomes Bride Mia« Lillian M. Stolsig at of Edgar Louk in Home Among the hobble» Dial ate rid Hom« C«r«mony Sunday Ceremony at Pleasant Hill den haul la New York. 1» one lhat b> PL H.Ô RT2 nearly anyone with an and ill atilt fall of nick-nack might atari old I houogruph record collecting. And it can become as Ianutlcal as stamp collecting Old cylinder records nt "Walts Me Around Asaln Willie up the scale of the classics And in d- ■ tn'lv there's a shop in New York that s Ils nothing Inti re cords and phonograph while the New York I'uhll» l.lbrtti» has in endowed record booth that listener» hook up two weeks In advance The morning service at the lisp list church Sunday will he baaed on the sermon subject, "The Chat- leuge of the Cross" with Rev R E Itolens. pastor, delivering the sermon The Muttdav school classes meet al 9 48 anil the II. Y P V, at tl 30 For the evening service st 7:3« the II Y P V group will have charge of the program A group of 19 of the church young people went to Roseburg last Hun day fur the sftnrnooll uod evening «e «Ions or the t'uipqua Associa lion rally One of the outstanding of the threw* weddings In this vicinity dur lag the past week end waa that In BUILD ADVERTISING FUND which Miss Lillian M Hlolslg. daughter of Mr and Mrs. J I' Kiel State Body Will Make At­ slg of route 2. Eiig -lie. wa united tempt to Regulate Price of In marriage io Franklin James Butterfat and Retail Sales Drury, aon of Mr and Mrs Robert 1,. Drury of Springfield Effective. Monday, April 15. a The wedding ceremony was read new a«*tup In the marketing of but at the home of the bride's parents BROTTHERHOOD TO HEAR ter will he inaugurated in all parta Sunday afternoon at I o'clock by ABOUT RACE RELATIONS of Oregon. Rev F II bydegraf. Miss Faye On that date every pound of but­ e e e Francisco Tohstt. Ftltplno stu Nrwman played the wedding march ter sold on Oregon will have to be While going musical. It might In- Mr and Mrs John A. Hlolslg. •lent at the University of Oregon plainly marked with a specially de­ well to remark the eiilhuslastle brother and slater la-law of the will speak oil "Hare Relations" at signed stamp indicating whether the monthly m eting of the Metho comment of the critics aril New- bride were the attendant« it is grade “A". B“". or “C". All Price U niform for E n tire Stats diet Men's Brut har hood Monday York editorials for I he American Following u wedding dinner the butter will have to be made and . , , “In some parts of the state top evening The usual « 80 potluck opera. “Merry Mount " which made I couple left for a honeymoon on the packaged under the .««.rvtoton of qua)|ty w > m (> mlxed txcuslou Mr Drury Is a graduate of the open tree competition, all as a part It Into a pan lit which a teaspoon thus penalized The code requires A for fifty curtain calla on the after Springfield high school Ills bride of the new butter code promulgated ful of horseradish haa heen grated grade price for A grade cream, re­ noon of Ils premiere graduated from the Coburg high for the mutual benefit of the pro- It will not «our If treated In this • • • gardless of the kind of butter the school. ducer-processorand consumer of way creamery manufactures therefrom, Diego Rivera Is again III the Guests at the wedding Included the dairy farm product. and If a lower grade of butter Is news He's the artist whose fresco Mr and Mrs. J C. Stolstg. Mr slid Grades Explained manufactured, then the loss Is the ill Rockefeller Center Building was Mrs R. 1. Drury. Mr. sud Mrs It Both A and B grades are good creamery's loss. covered up because he had Included P. Stolslg. Miss Grace Stolslg. Don table butter, and the difference in "Free open competition between McDonald Opens Greatest Screen groom a large portrait of la>nlu In his aid Stolslg. Mias Esther Stolaig, price between the two grades creamery operators will fix the Production fo r Five Daye M issp ells Olson played the w«l mural composition And now the Master John Stolslg. Clarence Me- should not exceed a cent a pound price of butterfat to farmers all OPENS SATURDAY i: S ta rtin g Saturday ding music which was Lohengrin's fresco has been destroyed, bringing Klbheti and Mrs. F H Lydegraf C grade is more suitable for baking over the state The minimum price forth the moot question, may art. Wedding march. and cooking than for table use of butter to retailers all over the . . . H IR E COMES THE Out doing all previous sensation Following the ceremony the fam legally acquired, he disposed of al TARGET MEN PLAN According to Max Gelhar. direc­ slate will be the same, and where the pleasure of the owner* Or does ai combinations of stars and spec ily groups and close friends attend tor of agriculture. Oregon Is the butter is consumed locally, farmers P A R A D E O F THE SECOND SHOOT FRIDAY only state in the Union where but will not be paid less for cream Just lades. Fir I National's long await Ing the wedding enjoyed a buff-1 Il possess an Intangible value which W O R L D S GREATEST should legally restrain an owner ter Is thus plainly marked in terms because they live In southern or ed International musical drama, supper in the dining room M cKenzie Gateway Gunners to I n from do Iroylng It? Well. Rlv "Wonder Bar", will be shown for The bridal couple left In a shower understandable io the housewife eastern Oregon The price toning STAR SI . . . They’re A ll In tsrtaln Eugene Group In the first time locally al the Mclfcm of rice, old shoes, and tin cans, by era's in (he news As a result she is expected to lift system has been abolished.” Competitive Events • • • aid theatre on Saturday. auto for the coast where they will butter consumption from the aver Of all futile things for a woman Kay Francis plays the leading *P*n,R their honeymoon. They will age of IS pounds per person up to­ A return watch between mem­ A red-hot poker passed slowly feminine role opposite Al Jolson, make their home al the lutxton to do. we can think of none more ward 30 pounds per person aa In ber* of the McKeiizte Rod and Gun futile than a forty-year-old telling Canada over old putty on window frames who portrays the proprietor of the apartments In Springfield an eye-specialist she's thirty. For club of Eugene and the McKenzie will remove all traces of the sub­ "Wonder Bar". Ricardo Cortex and M inim um Prices Fixed Gateway Hod and Gun club of The creameries' share in the stance This alleviates the effort Dolores Del Rio have the coveted MRS. BARBER SURPRISED with one glance the eye specialist Springfield will be held al the An knows ahe's told a lie And now. usually necessary to scrape the parts of the two dancers, while code is a stabilixed market, both W ITH BIRTHDAY DINNFB Dr Felix Bern teln of Columbia derson Motor« garage Friday even Dick Powell and Henry Kolker for the sale of butter and the pur­ windows clean University, says (hat he can tell ing Both rifle and pistol shooting have the roles of the American Seevral couple«, friends of Mr*, chase of cream. While prices of from an eye examination approxi­ will be used In (he offhand and composer-orche-tra leader and the Clayton F. Barber gathered at the both are fixed by free open com­ prone positions. husband of Kay Francis, respective Barber home last Thursday evening mately how long a person haa to petition. certain bedrock minimums At the first shoot held In Eugene live—barring accident It seems ly. Hal LeRoy. the sensational •<> honor Mrs Barber on her birth- are established. The elimination of 1s t Friday the local rifle tuen an that the "accommodating power" of unfair trade practices, and truth­ The Lea burg Scout troop 21 is Broadway player, plays the role of day. The visitors brought their din nexed a total of 434 points row ful branding will help them to perfecting its share of the program himself in a thrilling dance sequ­ nera a. d a large birthday cake the eye lens dlminlshe« constantly pared with 478 for the Eugene until d?alh. Cards were enjoyed following the realize full value out of high grade for Scout Circus to be held in Eu­ ence. leant Bud Nsusholm was high man • • • butter on which they will not have gene this month. The Leaburg boys Guy Klbbee and Hugh llerber’ dinner Those present were Mr and In the shoot with 97 out of a poe Rather good looking girls In to compete as to price with lower have received awards at each Scou’ play (he two American tourists Mrs Barber. Mr and Mrs W N slble 100. ••very thealrlc.-l cafe al dinner Go-sler Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Fan- grades circus at which they have com­ with Ruth Donnelly and Loala** In the pistol shooting Springfield “Under the new code, minimum peted. Fazenda as their wives, in Im­ drem. Mr. and Mrs. Larson Wright. hour They ll-tened to that Insldl nten garnered only 278 points com- ons suggestion: "You ought to go Mr and Mrs Clifford Wilson. Mr cream prices, f. o. b. farmers' door. The community dinner and re- portant comedy and character pared to 329 for the host team In Oregon average 2c per poundJ ception celebrating the close of role«. Robert Barrat has the part and Mrs. Donald Too mb. and Mr on the stage " . . . And who among Kenneth Tobtaa of the Springfield (hem will go home a failure* In­ more than the maximum cream Rev. Ralph dark's fifth year as of the army officer, who drives his ami Mrs William Mover. group waa high man with 79 out stead they slay on. going from one prices under a similar code in the | pastor, of the Leaburg church wa-- auto over a cliff and uncousclously ~------------------------ less expensive room to a lesser, of a possible 100 point stale of Washington. The minimum held with Rev. and Mrs. Clark as covers up a murder Flfl d'Orsay T R E N T MAN SUICIDES Shooting In the rifle competition drifting slowly down the r.cale resale price of butler of the sam e1 honor guests last Friday evening and Merna Kennedy will be seen W ITH OWN SHOTGUN Home with real talent. Thousands for Springfield were Gossler. To­ grade Is lc less in Oregon than in A party at the A. J. Irvin home as the two flirtatious hostesses in bias. Fandrem. Booth and McPher­ without. Washington. Oregon dairymen ano i Saturday night was given In com- the fashionable Part-Man night club Despondency brought on by 111 son. Those in the pistol dlvlslou As "Wunderbar.” this unique mu­ health and financial reverses were houacwives should know that Ore- Pliment to Wvetta Spriggs and were Tobias. Booth. Toonih. Fan gon creamer'es are operating under i June Burkhart, houseguests of sical proved an International sen­ believed to have been the causes H. 8. GRADUATE DIES drem and Carlton. a code spread of 3c less than Mary Irvin. sation a few years ago. It played which le d Charles Frederick IN PORTLAND ACCIDENT In scoring the shoots as many creameries in Washington, and can ' The Leaburg P. T. A. holds an- for mocths In all of Europe's capi­ Powers. 38. to take hl- own life men a » want to may shoot and the Carl Wagner, former student al cnly make a go of it if high grade i nual election of officers at its tals and was brought to this conn with a shotgun at his home near team la chosen from the five in cream is delivered so that high meeting April 18. Pie will be try as a stage Marring vehicle for Trent Wednesday about 4 o'clock ! Springfield high school was In­ each club with the highest aver grade butter may be manufactured, brought as supper dish, Al Jolson. He lived with his sister who had stantly killed In an unu ual acci­ age. and If hou ewives support the pro Erv Hart has rented his garage gone to attend a community meet­ dent In Portland Tuesday, where Busby Berkeley, creator of the gram. at Waltervllle to E . N. Henry who ing nearby when the man took his he was working over a large truck musical numbers that featured Dairymen Principal Beneficiary has taken charge. life. He left a note for bis sister tire which exploded causing the "The dairyman gets more out of ’---------- _ _ -------------- ------------ —* “Gold Diggers of 1933"—"42nd Powers wa horn near Elmira rim to strike him on the head Street” and “Footlight Parade." the code than ah the other groups T ill] T if f in Mr Wsgner was 20 years old on September 1. 1895 He moved created and staged the special mu­ combined, as rightly he should, be . ____ " to Arizona In 1898 and lived in and hnd heen a student nt the sical spectacles on a scale never Colorado before returning to Ore­ University of Oregon for one year i Miss Margaret Campbell from before attempted gon In 1915. He served In the World His father operates a service sta Salem visited relatives here last war and he and his sister were the tlr>n midway between Eugene and week returning to Salem on Thurs­ day. CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS only surviving members of the Springfield. A sister Is a nurse In NO the Pacific hospital In Eugene family. Perry Price and Arch Hhough TOPICS FOR SERMONS Funeral services are to be held ADVANCE motored to Portland last Saturday Returns from Hospital — Mrs. Friday from the Poole-Gray Burtho returning on Sunday. IN "The Middle Wall' will be the Dora Moskop was dismissed from lotnew chapel In Eugene. Clark and Albert Parrot have theme of the morning service at PRICES! the Pacific hospital Wednesday and a t Th» New» Office ! gone to Hood River, working on the Christian church Sunday morn­ brought to her home here j their father's ranch there. V isits from Medford ing. Rev. Veltle Pruitt will preach. On Fishing Trip—Mr and Mr» Mr and Mrs. Al Flora of Medford Mrs. Frank Campbell's school There will be special music by the I closed last Friday. She has taught choir. For the evening service the G. H. Turner are spending the are visiting at the home of Mr l at Fall Creek the past year. pastor will preach on the subject week on a fishing trip to Loon lake and Mrs. Donald Mcakina. The Thurston high school base "The Christian Heart.” There will ball team defeated Dorena's team be special music for this service last Friday on the local diamond. also ate to be found In a home-owned store Prosperity C e rta in ly it’» luxury to own Miss Emma Glson. >»ttllff si daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \ndy Ol son of Pleasant Hill became III. bride of Norman Edgar I. ’uk. so of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Louk of Springfie d at a beautifully quiet ceremony at, the home of the bride's pareuls Saturdai evening April 7. The double ring ceremony was Used tiv Be» Victor Mitchell former pastor of the Plea ant Hill Christian church who officiated ir the living room which had been decorated to resemble an old fash ioned garden with a profusion of lilac, spires. Iris and calendula« The couple stood n front tof an arbor of lavagder lllnca and white spirea with tall yellow candles on NEW YORK . . . Mim S u ta a a e either side ldtrge hoquets of lav Davis (above! of Boston is ike new ender and yellow flower were womoa's Sgure and fsacy ire skat­ placed throughout the rooms ing champion of the United States The bride, dressed in white silk She won the title from a big Held and carrying a shower of yellow at tbs national meet held here. rosebuds was attended by Miss Eva l.ouk, sister of the groom She ALL STAR CAST COMES wore a yellow gown and carried lav­ Alvin Olson, IN "WONDER BAR” FILM ender sweetpeaa brother of the bride, attended the f trnoNAL» WONDER _ >4 b A r « McKenzie Valley -X B igger V a lu e s a refrigerator like this new Norge. But think o f a luxury that pays for itself—a luxury that actually saves up to $11 a month — month in, month out— the year round, year after year. See this new Norge. You’ll see reinemeots and conven­ ience features you never saw on any other refrigerator. Ask about terms and you'll hnd the Norge more econom­ ical to own than to be without. Come in. RINTINS Irish-Murphy Co. EFFICIENT FOR BETTER SERVICE PROM PT For your convenience in m aking grocery selection« we have re-arranged our sto re putting in more bins and plainly m arking price tags on each group. We are ever trying to improve our service to our cus­ tom ers and the quality of o ur m erchandise. Inexpensive OOD printing service consists of more than delivering a certain am ount of ink and pa|ter in the form ordered. Good printing consists of careful consideration as to the form in which the Idea I h to be presented, thoughtful selection of type faces, the right grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ ate chrnposition and skillful printing. . . T hat is tiie kind of printing service you may ex­ pect from our shop. . . . and it costs no more thun inferior printing. PAYM ENT« L O W AS $ 1 1 9 .5 0 No matter what you printing Job may bn or in what quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ mate of cost most Intere ting, workmaoshlp most efficient and promptness in delivery most gratifying If you find it lnconventient to visit our office, phone and we will call. ■ ■ ■ You are under no obligation In asking us for an estimate. The Willamette Press Wright & Sons Opposite P. 0. Snowdrift and Wessen Oil Special fresh mayonnaise in 90 seconds! Quick m ayo n xil.e maknr and can of W i m o i i Oil • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ G DOWN At M-M-M! WAFFLES AND HOT CAKES from Cen­ tennial Mills flour. These morning« pancake« or waffles and real butter go good. 6 lb«. Snowdrift - 7 9 c ’/a Gal Wesson Oil 5 9 c Phone 2 NORGE will return sooner to you if you spend your money in a home town store. Springfield NU BORA WASHING POWDER 40 02. Pkg. 35C WONDER FOAM Granulated soap, Lg, Pkg, - - 2 3 f i ASPARAGUS, Home grown, pound.................. IO C Radishes, Green Onion«, Carrot» Fresh Daily. SEE OUR DISPLAY Heinz Oven-Baked Beans SPECIAL THIS WEEK Medium Size Tin« Large Size Tin» 3for....... --27C 2 f o r ..................... 2 7 c Dozen........ $1.05 Dozen.................. $1.59 Fine to Take on a Fishing Trip 10c White Front Grocery w. A. TAYLOR Phone 9 - Springfield, - - - Oregon 4