THURSDAY. APRIL 11. 1M4 PAOB THROE WESTERN R. R. CONTINUE REDUCED RAIL FARES N. J. Penlrk of thè foresi Service, wlll vlalt schoois In eaetera Ore­ gon. In thè terrltory of thè Dea The forest service lecture trucks, chutea. Premont and Malheur na­ officially known as "showboats.” ilon» I foresto. which have been presenting educa­ Drive to Portland— W H llobb» CALL FOR W A R R A N T * tional forestry programs In CCC and iluusbler. Cynlhla. drove to Portland on Halurday. Defer Weekly Meeting*; Con. camps during the past year, will be> Notice Is hereby given that vention Chairman Named; engaged In school educational cam School Dtatrtct Number I t . la Lane Lsavas far Salem— Mux Daks left palgns during the next five weeks, county, Oregon, will pay at the Plan Election of Officers Tuesday for Halem w iere he la according to announcement by the office of clerk of said district, all employed ------- regional forester. Portland. Oregon. warrants to and including 3104, Members of the Hprlngfleid Lion« The Oregon showboat, which la dated October 13, 1133. Interest Entertains Texas Club — M*s.<-lub will continue their regular Jointly In charge of W V Fuller, c * * M i after April 13, 1*34. Krnest Bcrtocb wa» hostess at her meeting» twlce-a-month on the first of the state forester's office, and C. F. HAKBEH, Clerk. borne Wednevduy for a 12:3(1 lunch­ and third Fridays at least during eon for the Texas La*les club. the summer and until further sc Don 1» taken It waa decided here Pith an Caaat— I M Peterson. W. P. Tyson, and tJ. A. Horton, Prlduy ut Ihe club meeting when Ibe question of bolding weekly speul Hunday fishing on the Hlus- meetings was voted on. law near Mapleton. K. C. Stuart was named by the Meve to Springfield— Mr. F. K i president as chairman of the con- and son have „ ~ moved of the local club , Kenyou ' „ . | | vention < committee o m o u .io e o i me lo c a i c iu o ' " ,. ,’‘'" 7 L“7 T J ’ “ “ “ BUCh ha”d'e deU “ ’ ’M " connection with the state conven Spring la here and it is the tteaaon of the year when Return to Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. G Don for the local club. TOWN AND VICINITY Tha rwlui'iM pit« uuger far«» In­ augurated I hh I D»<«mb«r by west­ ern railroad» will b« «»ntlnued tor III at Hama— Ml»« Nalli« Hluarl another four month* It « u <1*-<-I<1 m rWny for chosen the first meeting In May. Notlca Is hereby given that Herb­ ert Hloneberg has (lied In the were guests at the home of Mrs ' w *r«* visitors In Hprlngfleid Hunday. their home uear Wendell, Idaho A nominating committee wlll be Cpunty Court of tha Hlata of Ore <’ E. Hwurts al their meeting lust | after visiting a few daya with hla named at the meeting on April 20, gnu. In ami for Lane County, bis Friday. Mrs Hwarta and Mias Edna Portl«"d P»®ple H a r e - Mr. anô and they wlll report at the neat . final report as sueb administrator, Mis. H J Stiller of Portland were brother, E. E Pyne. gathering. with the will anneied, of tha estate Hwarta w«re ho teases. Mrs. C. A vlalt Loa Angeles — Miss of Andrew Htuneberg. doceased; Hwarta and Mrs. 1 .arson Wright ,u e **® • * ,b * Hprlngfleid hotel on Delegate» to the stale convention and that ten o'clock lu the forenoou were guests of the club. About 20 &<*f“ rday. Abbie Cooley and nephew. Jack wlll not be chosen until after the of Saturday, the 11th day of April members were present (town from Port|. n d - N e ll Bloan Co* “ r*' bo,h * “ «•*«•• Call new officers take over their duties 1*14, at the courtroom thereof In For Ihe next meeting Mrs W N y t)r, n»'ch meet entered as Joint compliance, acres 22. 1*34 Ink of wheat on other land not under HA RO LD J. W E I.L 8. Admlnls Rtturna from Camp— Lloyd Ship I trator. contract, serial numbers of other ¡JESSE 0 . W ELLS. Attorney. ley ha» returned to Hprlngflela forms under wheat contract, use (M 22 2* A 612 171 Refreahlng House Frock from Camp Ounter, CCC organlta-1 of contracted acres, use of com­ Pattern 8144— Now that March Don where he has b *M discharged NO TIC E OF HEA RING mercial fertiliser, and amount of following two terms of active ser- has flustered through, a new dress wheat processed for home use. In the County Court of the Htate , for morning wear 1« an absolute of Oregon, for latne County. 1 TM:e' Approve Oats for Pasture necessity. In selecting a pattern In the rantter of the Retate of Heth An important ruling as to crop- Return from Portland— Dr. and no better choice could be made M. McPhereon. deceased. ‘ b* corn-hog Notice Is hereby given all parties Mr" M v W alker and family re than this style. Consider the s m art! •” " * Interested In the Estate of Seth M. Dimed Monday from Portland white collar and turn back cuffs o r ' con,^■^,,, wai' received hv the state ^ e « la 7 e " d \.dserf7 e " d \e ? ail,',I:!‘ ha u T v i'i 1" department made a run to put out coin (for each pattern desired) W 1 A. N C r H h R m i N , A<1- « is » » . « . . . •- Oregon crops eddrd to the basic your Name, address, style number m lnlstretrix of the Batate of " ,lrP ln ' b" c8r ‘»'“»onw«»* to Ever commodity list In Ihe farm act and DBw, Heth M. McPherson, deceased, ‘‘•t* LxJole of West Hprlngfleid F ri hence come under the restriction (M 15-22-29— A 6-1 *)______ day evening. L ittle damage re- field (Oregon) News Pattern Dep't.. against Increase of acreage or »ulted. 116 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. NOTICE basic commodities nr numbers of A OP A D M IN ISTR A TO R 'S SALE Informal Bridge — Mrs. C. E. ) basic livestock by corn-hog con­ NO TIC E IH H ER EB Y G IVEN j Wheaton entertained for three COUNTY P. T. A. TEA IS tract signers. Any Increase made (hat the undpr»lgned. administrator tubles of bridge at an Informal SET TH IS AFTERNOON b’,,on‘ ,be dH,e ,br',,e were added of the entate of May Roylea, de­ _______ Is exempted. ceased, pursuant to authority con­ party at her home last Thursday tained In an Order made and enter­ evening. Prises were won by Mrs The annual sliver teg which Is Tb‘’ corn hog state board of re- ed by the Conty Court of the Htate) Hchaffenberg, Mrs. W. E. Buell, and glven for presidents of the local | Tll>w for Oregon Is now organized of Oregon for Lane Conty on March Mrs E G I*rlvat units of the P. T. A. In Lgtne county and baB "tarted con Iderlng the 21.' 1984, wlll. on and after the 28th and their staffs wlll be held this contracts submitted by the various day of April, 1934. nt the law office Missionary Is Speaker — J. M. of Gordon 8. Wells In the Miner Shelly of Corona. CallfornluA who afternoon from 2 until 6 at th e 1 counties. Building, Eugene, Oregon, offer for home of Mrs. Fred E. Hughes. ------------------------------ sale Hnd sell to the highest bidder Is leaving soon for the missionary for cash, subject to confirmation by fields nf Korea was a visitor and prelsdent of the Eugene council. B U D G E T DIRECTOR WILL said Court, all of the right, title speaker nt the weekly church night Each president la to brliffc a guest STUDY O. AND C LAW and her officers. Mrs. G. H. Good, j an. Interest of May Boyles, deceased. dinner and meeting of the Christian In and to the following described a state vice-prealdent and Mrs. H. The O. and C. land grand law church last Thursday night. real property, to-wlt: A. 81ms, county preeldeitt, are to amendment Introduced In the house The West one-hAlf of the Houtti- Vlalt at Junetlon City — Mrs. pour. west Quarter of flection 2 In » jv of representatives In Washington Township 17 South, Range * George Carson Jr., and Mrs. Marlon Mrs. Pratt Holverson of Spring- by Representative James W. Mott, West of the W illamette M eridian, Adams were guests nt Ihe home of field 1s one member of (ha commit­ has gone Into committee hearing In Ia»ne County, Oregon, contain Mrs. Sarah Adams at Junction City tee In charge of arrangeihents. and Is now being considered by Ing eighty acres. JOSEPH ACHE8ON, Adminis­ Friday. Mrs. Adams had ben visit­ Budget Director Douglas. Mr. Mott trator of the Estate of May ing at the home of her aon and The top of Ihe -stove can be feels certain that the proposed law Boyles, deceased. daughter-in-law here and returned cleaned easily with a belt black w ill ba acted on favorably by the (M 2*— A 6 12-19 88» to Junction City Friday. board eraser. budget director. ' * ’• DELICIOUS/ . . . . I'm w re hi fever of (M * New Art of Motori* Cooking“ And now yon too oan have one of the new Hotpoint, automatic r&ngee in yonr own kitchen. Finances need no longer prevent yon from enjoying the economy and convenience of electric cookery, which adds a delicious full flfcvor and nutritious goodness to all foods. Electric cookery is faster, cleaner, cooler and more economical. By eliminating waste and shrinkage, as much as one whole month’s meat bill is saved every year. Ask our salesman about the big surprise. It will be a V E R T pleasant one that will make YOUR ownership of one of the new up-to-date electric ranges almost a certainty. ELECTRIC RANOE Æ MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY