THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T H IK T Y -F IR 8 T YEAR 11 11 ..................... - w COUNCIL ACTS 10 AID W A V E R S ' • h: s- Paaaat Three Ordinances at Meeting; Provides for In* tarait on Bank Balancee CIVIC CLUB PLANS, I FOB BENEFIT IEA ' Secretary to Mouse Combined Boys and Girls Glee Clubs Will Present Irish Crippled Children Will Be Aid­ Number Friday Evening ed By Local Group; Work On Rose Show Plans , Til» annual operetta presents 1 BALL PLAYERS H B.S. WIN GAMES n«‘ BOARD RETAINS Meet Delegates IEACHING SEAEF Lodge Groups Join in County Sign Contest for Brattain Convention Stunt; Will Aid Three Principals and Present In I. O. O. F. Dinner Field Friday at 4 With Eu­ Teachers Offered Positions gene Bible College Nine Another Year By Board Mrs. Harsh Johns. r i i / c n 11,111 ,rf oomhlned it In» clutw ol . , .. FINANCES ARE I S _ . i rtla«d *'« be eporwored »«. Mon- day, April 30, ut the home of Mrs i t I j»» the direction of Mies (Hyde and Assessment i . C its A It Van Valzah by members of With Home Loan I Dilley and Mlaa Mary K. Whitney WIN IN THREE Mrs. Olenn GAMES il,one' and **ra- Bertha Rooae were named delegates from Juanita R e NO FURTHER PAY CUTS Sign Meets With Eugene High b*kah/ ’<’«• Monday nl«h' . _~— p a 1 07 o ,end the "taU! A"B‘-rab|y i° he held Directors Seek Means to Hold r ° r A p ril ¿1 and May 8 ; Tillamook t h . latter part of May. Nine Nine Months Term Next Seek Lowel) Engagements Alternates named are Mr». Millan Year, Rule on Substitutes n \ | with Ihmiild Brown a» accompanist the Hprlngfleld Civic Club It was decided ut the monthly meeting Monile)- night wee e hu ... . . ,T Black, Mr« Maude Bryan and Mrs. l.«»H ANGKLK« . . Whea Mias •Unt ie Patrick" by Olbba la the High school baseball has assumed Katle Bm m ette lug tor members of III» Hpr 1 title of the operetta choaaii to be held Tuesday at the Library The Carolya Hhafer (above), is aeS All principal« and teachera of the tea will be held on the porch of ' “•led lu death isaaiu lag movie the spotlight position In athletic« City Count'll. T h re e ordii Member« of the lodge group will ( Hprlngfleld public school« were re- presented thia year It la aa the In Hprlngfleld right now and. al- I .. i»ail for bar born, abe ie rather the Vau Valzah home at 952 C. war» brought up unti several • > » .u . . . <<»operate with the hx-al I o. O. F : elected for next y e a r ' « t e r m u t 1 »me Impllea an Irish musical en I r.deful that she ia the ualy aeere- prK**nta,k,n of * ■tnnt ">««»tng of the board Wednesday bueluoe I maltore were ill»114 » ' •"">»« - - S X J lie held al Hants Clara on Friday terest have been paid up to dule. next morning April 13. were uamed and Include The local ooya are not afraid of Rebekah members They will take! „ the thw<> Is these cases the properly owner C ast o f C h a ra c te rs Mrs. A II Van Valzuh and Mrs competition and take on all comer» a stunt from the annual fun car j Is Improvement in the property ta i will be permitted to obtain a IO- Character roles and thoae playing David Hultsmaii Thelr latest venture Is to sign th- nival which they presented here collection the board hopes that the year extenalon under which he JI lit-in nre ua follows Eugene Bible college learn for a recently. d is,H e,'» f,nance. wll.TTow a The program for the Tue day agree« to make 20 semi annuiti pay­ Hlr Fitzpatrick (i'Urudy, A meeting was under the direction of game Friday afternoon at < » dock The Rebekah group also voted ' months school next year in .lesd of ments large euougb to fulfill (be wealthy Duhllnlle, Irving Davl«, This ought to to a ss ist the Odd Fellows with thelr 1 the eight months course taught Ihl- obligation There are many of these Colleen Lady Mary a niece, Lillian Mr». C. E Wheaton who dlai-uaaed Jacob Moore Smith Dies at on Brattain field well worth watching. pubik plate dinner which they a r e 1 year. It la felt that Bancroft assessments railing du< Holler; Lady Mary D ou n ell-O w u the culture of flowers. Hhe eg Walterville Monday; Funeral a prolonged The season opened a week ago planning for the evening of April eight months school now on which Ihe property owners er of Fall« Park Manor. Pearl Olin; hlblted a [iu 111 tier of plants and had for several Services Held Wednesday today when the Hprlngfleld boy» 23 at the Odd Fellows hall, are unable to make payments ' Squire Mathew Baxby—A neighbor. the members guess the names of I years will be detrimental to the stn- them Mr» D o . Fisher. and Mr». almost lost thelr first contest to ----------------------- — The second ordinance num ber! Bob Brown, Darby Duffy—An old i dents who are unable to complete Funeral service« lor Jacob Moore _ „ . . | ’he prescribed work In the regular d“"''*r"u« *“ ««r Ml provide« for the acceptance by servant. Joel Cowden; Kathleen Van Valzah tied for honon» of Smith, long time reMd.nt of the W alterville d l.trlct were held In "'i** p,*yer" W o o d r o w Wilson the d ly of bond« of ih e Home Ixtan | D'Mann- Servant. Juanita Beaman guessing the moat correctly. manner but must be harried style« of clothing for Hprlngfleld from the Poole41r.y ,h,k | through the term. Corporation al par value In pay Dan T yran-G ardner. Charle« In , a . Current 1 Bartholomew chapel Wednesday h ' VP *nd iu .n l ot street. sidewalk. and >»w«r| geraoll: N o ra -D a rb y » wife. Luclle ' P * a”d " ,,n,ner w'>a’' and » • No vacancies will exist thia year ____ ______ _____ .. “7 | ‘he Visitors took an early lead in aaaessmenla Davl«; Maureen O'Connell- Coqu material« from which to make morning In the Springfield school system un­ at 10 o’clock. Elder Dustin Under a recent ruling of (be Fed « lie from Dublin, Ruth Stratton; th ese were dencrlbed by Mrs Carl of the Heventh Day Adventist j the scoring which Springfield less som e teachers resign. Nearly oral Home Loan bank all loan« In Molly O’Tool Maureen's country Dl«on who attended a style «how church In Eugene officiated and In-1 unable to batter down until the all teachers are handling a large Ihe future will be made with H obb - | trleod. Ellen Moekop; Felix Mur al the high «chool earlier In the le rm e u t wws made In laiurel Grove final Inning when the game was number of students but there will halted with the score 13 11 for the First Cinder Competition An- be no increase in staff unless there Owner» l-oan Corporation bond« In phy A light filled money loader. I afternoon. cemetery locals. Dale Carson proved to be Plan» for the annual Rose Hhow lieu of cash and these bond« are Arlow Atkinson; Fulry Queen Mr Smith died at the borne of nounced by Coach Hall; All Is added enrollment this fall. guaranteed as Io Inleresl and fin a l' Alice Bale«. “,ld children's parade were dla- hla adopted daughter, Mrs. H. A. a coming pitcher In his mound Grade school teachers now draw Events Are Included work in this game p a y m e n l by the federal govern- Playing purl« aa fairies are Lola ) CUa<*d Ul n“ ’,,“ n8 The early Morris, at W alterville Monday nirnn a month and the principals The very next day, Friday, the men! The ordinance * u passed so Wilson, Klva Boyles. Uladya Hhel l’prl”* “ ’’“ ‘her Indicate« that the following a long Illness Track prospects for Hprlngfleld $105. High school teachers range in team met Coburg high In another: a person might «ecure a federal ley. Katherine William *how * UI probab 1 y b* held ln ‘he He was born at Uwkport. New high school will soon be known. salary from 890 to 2110 a month loan on hl» property for sufficient Chorus of friend« and neighbor«: i mldd,e ”f May A comm ittee of the York on September M. I860 -nd Wh'Ch end*d Announcement of the first of a and the principal 2150. to lake up all outstanding debt« In Ahaphia I'alaniuk. Ituth Pollard ‘ ,Ub WUI ,e * k to baTe local *‘ore> moved to Nebraska when a y o u n g. The board made a change In the series of track meets for the local The third game of the season eluding the assessm ents. Hoy Crandull. Doris Robinson. Mur dB<'<’r“ ,,‘ thelr window» for this man. Here he met and married cinder and sawdust men was made method of employing substitute played Tuesday of thia week re- The third ordinance deals with gurel Haack. Edward Hansen. Eu Bow* r "how event, Mb« May Morrison. today by Marion Hall who an- teacher». From now on the board suited in a on^-sided game against th» vacation of certain street« and nice Rhlnevaull. Morris Stewart. 6*ra' *«• K. Page and Mrs David The couple lived In Nebraska for Thurston which ended 22-1. Despite n° U"Ceaf made arr“nge- will employ the substitute and pay alleys In (he Hadley addition to Bob Brown, Carmen Stafford Jack 'ialt niau w*r* hostesses Tuesday a while before migrating westward p ments for a meet with Mohawk the teacher 90 per cent of the con­ the score, the game was interest ! Hprlngfleld east of 10th atreel This Williams. Woodrow Bates Violet ------------------------— to California where they lived until union high school Wednesday after* tracted teachers' »alary by a school Ing. Such events as 8cott's two wa glevn Its second reading al the Poller. Warren Vail. Lawrence j 180# when they came to Oregon. noon. April 18 at 3 o’clock at Mar warrant. Time on leave will be de­ home run hits provided a great meet lug and will be taken up fori Chase. B elly Mersdorf. Thurman They returned to California in 1913 ducted from the contracted teach­ cola. final action al the May meeting I Ixtunlnx where his wife died, bill later re­ deal of the action desired by all This Is only the first of a series era pay. Heretofore the contracted •porta fans An agreement was made with the' Htudenis at tin high school have turned to spend the last seven of test m eets which the schools: teachers arranged for and paid years of h l. life with h l. daughter. I , " ‘ 7 7 " ““T " ' ^ ” er Ameri“ n I'nlled m a les National bank In Eu been working on the operetta for of Lane county are holding before their own substitutes. u . i. ____ I-eglon junior baseball team pitch- gene whereby that bank will puy several month The student body He Is survived by two sons. The board authorized the pur­ th district meet. Efforts are now (he clly Interest at Ihe rale of one- ha« an unusual number of good Aaron BmlLb In Haa -Aarnardiao. er. went Into the pitchers box for under way to secure a fonr-way chase of a new lawn mower for the Springfield In this game. He ’ Is _______ fourth of uue percent per year on singers this season mid some good high school. California, and L. L. Smith. Fresno. recovering from a foot injury and i “ T the average dally collected balan­ entertainment Is expected. Funeral Services for Elderly California. 11» also leaves four did not Bitch m «e. ’ nlTepsl‘y High and Springfield. did not pitch more than the first ces of Ihe city. This Is required by On the production staff Is Don Resident of Springfield Set grandchildren and one great-srand half of the contest when he retired Just when this can be held Is not MOHAWK TYPISTS COME s state law, child. aid Brown, huslnos-. manager; decided yet. FOR NEXT SPEED MEET For Saturday Morning In favor of Carson. Russell Is be­ Home discussion was also heard Everett Lajole. stage manager; The meet must bp held before ing counted on to do the hard about the playground project which Jack Clark, advertising and M a r Typewritlng students at Mohawk May 5. when a W illam ette Valley Mrs. Anna Gerber. 83. died this ENDEAVOR SOCIETIES IN pitching work foi the local team was left In an uncompleted condl garel Meek, programs meet will probably be held. Dis union high school at Marcóla will mi rnlug. April 12. al Ihe home of PRE-CONVENTION RALLY If his foot does not cau se him too tlon by the CWA setup It was de­ trlct elim inations will be held Mav come to Springfield next Wednes­ ■ Io on, H E Gerber, following a ----------- much trouble. cided Io awall some further news NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS i llngi ring Illness. Christian Endeavor societies ol Other members of the team are ’ U t* fin“ '8 “l CorT®n ,s day morning at 10 o'clock for an of Ihe FERA plans for the smaller Ihe Lane county district held the playing good ball also Few bat °" MaT 19 P1’*8'*’1’ da,es *‘an was born in Noble county, HAVE BIRTHDAY PARTY districts before any action he taken A shadow fell across track pros the county high schools are partici­ Indiana on Junuary 2t. 1851 and on first of a serlei of four pre-con lers have been able to put the ball as It la expected that this urgunlxa Mrs. H. II. Hchaffenberg and Mrs Deiem ber 17. 1876 Mla« Anna Mor­ ventlon rally's at the chapel of the out of reach of both the field or 7 7 " ,’O^”í ' ha, M° ndaV when Ken pating in before the state meet at lion will lake over the uncompleted Corvallis next month, according to e" n’,na’ed from William Moyer were hostesses al rell WHS married to George Wash- Central Presbyterian church in Eu­ •nfleld players on hits. George Irvin projects. gene Saturday night from 7:15 Is holding down the catcher’s posi­ tlon following an Injury to his Miss Clara bel Wagner, head of the Inv’i n Gerber. Mr. Gerber died in Ihe home of the former la«l Thurs­ City finances were also consider­ hand. commercial department. ed at the meeting as Council mem day afternoon for the regular meet Hprlngfleld on December 24. 1931. until 9:15 o’clock. A three fold tion. Last Thursday the Monroe team Hall still has som e very promis­ Shortly after the wedding the program of entertainment, study her. examined the financial state. ,lu b T"‘ v had Mr’ W Lineup« for the Tuesday game ing material for the different came to Springfield and were de­ menl as of March 31. the close o f ' K ,’“rn‘“ 1 and Mr" Arthur R<>b"r‘" couple moved to Missouri where and drams was enjoyed. A large i were as follows events and has listed those to par- feated the second tim e by the Ihe first quarter of (he budget us thelr guests. About SO members theY llvw* for »everal years until delegation from the Springfield Springfield T h u ra to n H rfp a fe „ c fo llo w s : Springfield typists. Springfield stu­ were present. 1NM when they moved to North year During the month of March S"1,tb Shot put—M cljigan and Clifton: dents piled up an average of 53 The surprise feature of Ihe after-! Dakota. In 1923 they came west to president, was In attendance. Russell p the city has pair off 12.500 In F °n dl8cua—Hartman. Chetwood. and words per minute with 7 errors The state C. E. convention Is Vest lb bonds Operating expenses have noon was a lurge birthday oakel W ashington and later to Monoe _ ° X W illiam s; javelin—Chandler. Mc- while Monroe reached only 47 with scheduled lo convene at Salem on Scott 2b been kepi well within the amount served In honor of Ihe birthday of <,r’’*t,n •’"‘»e years ago they came Mrs. C. F Barber. j lo Springfield (o make thelr home April 19 lor four days with an en* Squlree I-aaan. and H ayes: high hurdles— 9H errors. 3b budgeted, and Ihe warrant Indebt­ Whltbeck In the individual writing Theda Smith: low hurdles—Smith; 100 rollment of more (han 600 dele- Mrs W C. Wright and Mrs L*r- wl,h *helr "°n Brattain SS edness has been reduced. Platt yard dash— Stewart and Hndlev; Bayles was high with 87 words and Mr«. Gerber is «urvlved by four gates »on Wright will entertain Ihe club Cooper rl..... Hufford Mary Elkow wrote 81 words with mile— Hansen. Henson, and Ht’l. at (he home of the latter will) a sons. David W. at Albany. Joseph COUPLE WED SUNDAY The S58— Hanson and Clifton: no errors. one o ’clock luncheon on April 19 W In Minnesota; Henry E. In LEAGUE COMMITTEE IS Trlnka ...... ---- If..... Jeans AT M. E. PARSONAGE for thelr next meeting. Sprlngfleld. and George M al Two game« have been signed up pole vault—Hartman and Brattain; LOOKING FOR CAMP SITE Hweetbome; also lwo daughters, : with Eugene high The first on 220—Stewart: 440—B rattain: high HONOR SOCITY HOLDS Miss Edith Dempsey, daughter of Mrs. Gladys Miller In California. The outing comm ittee of the April 27 and the second on May 8. lumn— Brattain Have«. Smith and ANNUAL BANQUET MEET DEPOT AGENT GIVEN Mr and Mrs. NgHti»-k of Spring- BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ""l MrH *'*‘,a 8<‘ulre" *“ Monroe; j Christian Endeavor society of the Negotiations are also being sought Clifton; broad jnmp — Stewart. field. and Mr. CMmler Gerber, son New members of the hprlngfleld as well as 24 gratidchlcldren and Springfield Christian church Is now with Lowell for two games accord Bra,,ain Smlfh an"t *r«"'l‘'hlldren. seeking a suitable site for their Ing to Buell. of Hweethnme. were united In mar was surprised at his home Salur and Hadley. ciety were given a surprise ban­ Funeral services will be held annual outing. Members of the En , ------ rlage at the Methodist personage day evening by members of th e ' Sal,,rday mornlng from the Poole- quet at the school last Thursday deavor group want to hold a w eek-« T" Sunday with Rev Dean C. Polndex evening by the senior members. METHODISTS TO HEAR hlrthdav club on the occasion of Gray Bartholomew chapel. Spring outing early In June In som e at-i^^AN ORGANIZATION OF ter. performing Ihe ceremony. Mias During the evening a wooden pla­ his birthday. Bridge was enjoyed field, at 10:30. Rev. Dean C. Poin­ tractive and yet somewhat secluded SALES TAX SUPPORTERS OF “MYSTERY OF FA ITH ” Pearl Dempsey and M Ilion A que bearing the official emblem of _______ I ________ during Ihe evening Present for dexter, pastor of the Methodist spot. One site above Lucky Boy Doane attended the couple. the social affair were Mr. and Mrs. phureh ° f which Mrs, Gerber was camp. Boy Seoul camp, was Inspec- Announcement of a called meet A‘ ‘he ele*en o’clock hour at the the National Honor society was Guests at the H. E. Oerber home Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W hit­ n member, will officiate, and Inter­ ted recently and others are being j Ing for the prpose of effecting an Methodist church the pastor. Rev presented to the group by Raymond Sunday for the wedding were Mrs ney. Mr. and Mrs. Elvln May. Mr ment will he made In la u rel Grove Investigated according to William organization in Iptne county to sup- Dean C. Poindexter, will preach narr H. O. Miller of Enclnlto, California, Guests at the banquet were Ruth Cox. member of the committee and Mrs. W. K Bnrnell, Mr. and cemetery. port the present sales tax law i from the theme, "Prepared to Mrs Verne Gerber of Han Diego, Mrs. Dan W. Crites, Mr. and Mrs. which has been referred to the Preach In Rome.” The m essage Button, Lela Peterson. Mary Smit- Mr and Mrs D. W Gerber of Al­ John Henderer. and Mr. and Mrs. HEALTH SERVICE WILL BRATTAIN PRINCIPAL TO voters In the May primary elec- Y°r ‘he 7:30 hour will be: T h c 1 s0”- ^ harleR Cole, Mary Trotter, bany, and George Gerber of EYweet and Edna Severson. These were N. L. Pollard and Infant daughter. ATTEND OFFICER CAMP tlon was made today. The gather M ystery of Faith.” The Church borne. START FIRST AID WORK, Caroline. Ing will be small but rep resen ts-: school will meet at 9:46 a. m. The initiated after the banquet. Several Glen B. Woods, principal of the tlve of the various elem ents and Junior Leagu- m eets at 5 p. m. members of the Torch honor so­ - , A ten-weeks first aid course will IUKA PLANS BENEFIT Rrattaln school, will leave Satur­ will be held Monday, April 16 at j The Epworth and W esleyan lea- ciety of last year were also In­ POSTAL BUSINESS SHOWS he started In Hprlngfleld next Wed- vited to be present. CARD PARTY APRIL 27 GAIN FOR FIRST QUARTER nesday. April 18 for all Interested day for Vancouver Barracks, Van­ 8 o'clock at Ihe Eugene Chamber Rues meet at 6:30. H ostesses for the evening were Coburg Methodist adults. The class will meet at the couver. Washington where he has of Commerce. Member« of Iuka circle number The them e for the service at 9:45: I,t‘ E ,,a Santh Val1' E” »lyn KlckbttSh. period of one and one-half hours Organized Officers Reserve. He : BETTY JARRETT TO BE R. will hold a benefit card party at office for the first three months day Church school m eets at 10:10. an<1 ,he,r adv,8or- Ml8» Mae Hewes. each week or a total of 16 hours was called for two weeks hut says PRESENTED IN RECITAL Taylor hall on Frldny, April 17. It of 1934 oevr the same period In In Ihe ten weeks. Mrs. Della Fitz­ he will try to return In one week. was derided last Thursday follow­ 1833 was reported nt the end of MUSICAL NUMBERS ON During his absence F B. Hamlin gerald of the county health office Miss Betty Jarrett, daughter of PAST MATRONS ELECT ing Ihe regular meeting held al (he Hie first quarter by Harry M Stew ­ MRS. ROUSE PRESIDENT H‘ S‘ ASSEMBLY PROGRAM Is making the arrangements for the will substitute for him at the Mr and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, will be home of Mrs. Clifford Lansdon In art, acting postmaster. Total re­ class There will be no fee. but school. presented in recital at Gerlinger Eugene. With Jack Williams as master of ceipts this year amount to 21.671.05 each person Is required to purchase hall o n 'th e University of Oregon ______ Mrs. William Rouse was elected In charge of arrangements for for the quarter as compared with ceremonies, students at Springfield thelr own handbooks. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS campus next Thursday evening. ’ president of the Past Matrons club the party will be Mrs. Lee Putman, 21.322.82 for the same period In , high school presented a musical HOLDS PARTY ON FRIDAY Aprl1 19 at S ° ‘r,o<'k by ,1Pr In : of Cascade chapter. O. E 8. at thelr Mlaa Eva Louk. Mlaa Melba Harris, 1933. structor, Mrs. John Stehn. Miss m eeting Tuesday evening at t h e ! pr? 7 am f° r th<*ir a8SeInb,v P*1-'0«1 HARRY W RIGHT SEEKS Miss Jean Louk. and Miss JnLana Members of the Sunday school Thelma Mtorrlson. violinist, with home of Mrs. Opal Roberts, now F *7 "“’T?"J. B<,nnU' Holn,M FINAL CITIZEN PAPERS Putman. class of Mrs. A B. Van Valsah held Ptano accompaniment by Miss J a n e , president. Mrs. Pearl Schantol will yr‘la McKinnon sang a duet MISS WAGNER HOSTESS Members of the sew ing circle of a social at the home of thelr teach ! Alice Pengra. will aHSiRt Mias Jar- he the new secretary-treasurer sue- UR ®cco®P*n' Harry Wright went to Portland the auxiliary will meet this after­ FOR CARD CLUB TONIGHT er Friday evening Miss D o ris' re“ - MtH" Morrison Is a student « fjceed ln g Mrs. C. E. Wheaton "*■- ” ' ® ,,"ar,pt' a«d Wednesday to take the examination May meeting of the club w l l / Ï e CaHer Har,ma"- Ja‘>k Williams. noon for thelr needlework at the Miss Clnrabel Wagner will bn for his final citizenship papers. He Myers and Mrs. Ralph Cline were m1r" Vivian Malone. Egglmann parlors. held at the home of Mrs. Clifford “."A M,’rri" S,ew art' 8a"*' hostess at the home of Mr. and was accompanied by his mother. In charge of arrangements. About Michaels played saxaphone solo«, Mrs. Iley Snodgrass tonight for the Mrs. 8. C. Wright, and Mrs. Harry 16 attended. HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS Wilson. FINGER CUT IN SAW with ptano accompaniment by Miss regular session of the O-No bridge Whitney and Mrs. Carl _________ Olson who INVITED TO EUGENE Olyde Dilley, and Harley Craft play AMPUTATION NECESSARY club. Meetings of the club Hre held served as witnesses. The party re- BAPTIST QUARTERLY LEGION PLANS POTLUCK ed harmonica solos. every other Thursday. turned to Sprlngfleld today. Patronesses of Mu Phi Epsilon MEETING IS TONIGHT SUPPER HERE TO NIG HT Wayne Kendall cut his left honorary m usical sorority Invite Styles Exhibited Here thumb so badly on a saw In the In fe c tio n B o th ers C ou sin V is its The quarterly business meeting members of the Happy Hour club A potluck supper starting at 8:30! Mrs. Dawlet Engle, style special manual training department of the Jean Prlvat. son of Mr. anti Mrs Miss Marjorie O’Dell, cousin of of Ihe Baptist church will be held (o a program and tea to be given is planned by members of the 1st from the J. C. Penney retail high school Monday that It was Edward Prlvat was at the Eugene Mrs. Olive Rebhan, has been visit at the church tonight. Principal at the Osburn hotel In Eugene on Springfield American Legion post stores offices In New York exhibit necessary to amputate It back to hospital the first of the week re 1 ing at the Rebhan home here this Item of business to be discussed Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock. In­ numb r 40 to precede thelr regular ed a number of late models In the second joint. He was taken to calving treatment lor a facial In- j week Mr-, Rebhan motored to will be the annual budget. A pot cluded In the program will be an business m eeting at Taylor hall to ladies and m isses clothes before the Pacific hospital, but was back fectlon He Is getting along nicely Salem this afternoon with her luck supper at 6:30 will precede ' address by Dean John J. Lands ulght according to notices sen t out the girls of the high school Tues In school agaiu Tuesday afternoon. now' 1 guest who returned to her home. the business meeting. berry of the school of music. 1 by Oswald Olson, sdjutaaL day afternoon. LOAG ILLNESS IS FATAL 10 J. SMUG M O W N SIGNS H.S. TRACK MEET MRS. ANNA GEGGEG DIES GERE TODAY