PAGE FOUR T H « B P R IN O ra L P NEWS Office Opened to Make Seed Loan THVKSHAY, APlUL 6. 11*34 TOWN AND VICINITY County Agent Will Receive Emergency Loan Applica­ tion« This Week Only IDEAL WEATHER Camp on Rlvsr Bank — Dalton Ill at Homs— Roy Brewer la re ' rhuruian and Arlan Hchsnlul are ported io bo ill at hla homo at Fall on a ramping trip on Blue River Creek Sportsmen Start Annual Trek To Favorite Waters For Early Opening of Seeson Vielt Saturday — Mr and Mra. P s n g ra M an H e ro — Haymond ' I.ewla McBee of Oregon City wore Grubs of Pengra was a business | Saturday visitors In Springfield. visitor in Springfield Tuesday. A temporary office for receiving applications for emergency seed loans was opened In the Hank of Commerce in Eugene on Tuesday of this week, and will be open the remainder of this week, according to County Agent O. 8 Fletcher L. 1 I. Curtis Is in charge of the office. I The county court is cooperating In making this service available to SAN DIEGO, CALIF. , Lane county fanners. A hrtglit day with waters In all streams receding rapidly following Ihe heavy reins of Ihe past week and the warm weather of Ihe early spring which has brought io lit» many in acts for flab food all com­ Brown left Friday for Elmo. Wash Returns Homo-- Nale It. we re I bine to make the- opening of the ngton to visit with her father turned to bis home here again Frl CHICAG O . . . Mae Matoi t, Ths fishing season today on» uf ihe Blue Rlvor Man H ere- Bert Vln- day following an operallon al the (ab ete), who claims to hr the n tfr best In many years The t M « w Is of Basil Hatighail, Tough«.« gang Isle of Ckarlas la the Galapagos Pacific hoapllal In Eugene. Farmer» desiring loan» should cenl of Blue River was a business opening Id days earlier than II has tier «hu «sa seuleared Io 00 apply between the hours of t oo Ulaads group, «00 aule» off Ecuador visitor In Springfield Friday for many yeara In Ibe past on the equator, donned unaccustomed Orlvt to Portland—F B Fianery for kidaaptng, must herself be re a. m and 6 0 0 p ni Any farmer! apparel There la little snow In (be tuoun Glenn Wood and Ikirothy Fianery turned to Nashville, N C tu Staad At McCrodls Sprlngo— Mr sud trial tot connections with a 4105, who secures a loan must state that of the G. Allan Hancock expedition tains thl- »eaaon and waters im drove to Portland Friday returning Mra. Joe Filila have girne io Me- 000 mail (ruck robbery there. he does not Intend to Increase his which put la there. The ihe McKentl» river should be clear ou Saturday Cretlle Sprinta for su Indefinite "Adam and Eve" are Dr Fried crop average or crop production In and good for fly fishing mu»l of ths viali r«h Ritter and hu mate Frau Dore violation of the Agricultural Ad KicrtiM. uf Berlin who deserted Returns to Wangling— Mrs Cliff lime The breege coming off of Ihe UNIVERSITY TO OFFER Juatnient Administration program aocicty and respective marital V ialting B latte— W u lle r Cournil Abram- relurued Io her home al hills which were blanketed with a mat so fonr year, ago to mtabhak WEST PICTURE EXHIBIT light snowfall last w eekend will of Heeitaport la viali|ng bere w ltli Wendling Ihe first of the week The minimum emergency crop their Gsrdsa of Edea oa the deserted hi» sister. Mra W illia m C u rila lilla after spending the week ud here tend to make It cool for the boat loan is 926 00 and the maximum Is inland Soon thereafter, their domain "Bome Western Oils" a collection week. 9250.00. Applications for loans in • n. invaded by Baronena Bvusequet Car Stolsn — Frank Tuhy report of oil painting» by artists In the fishermen - . „ . — — — - tlirce Many realdeuta gathered their any amount from 925 to 9150 may I* Wagner of Vieana (belowI, who are etill there, each camp minding Visiting Son— Mrs. Sarah Adams ed Ihe theft of hla automobile from region west of Ihe Mississippi. lu landed across the island oa thr op- its own business. Those photos pic be accepted by the emergency crop poeitc shore aad declared herself «ur. them » . they are today * of Junction City is here this week Ihe parking lot back of Ihe Eugene eluding some from Honolulu, will tackle loday and began iheir an nual campaign against the wlley loan office provided the farmer Ivalting with her son and hla fam hotel Tuesday evening be exhibited In the gallery of the trout Home went to the coast does not have sufficient security «ly. Mr aud Mra. Marion R Adams art building on the university cam Go to Portland — Mrs Maude LUMBER PRODUCTION to obtain a loan elsewhere. waters and others remained at Bryan and daughter. Crystal, went pus. from April II to 25. under the home Io fish on the McKensle and Visiting from Washington— Mr.- FOR WEEK IS SAME auspice» of the American Aasucia A farmer applying for 9150 or Ellen Frost of Woodland. Washing Io Portland Tueaday for a few day» Willamette rivers, two of the best lion of Universlly Women visit. more must first make application fishing al reams In the state Seattle. Wash.. April 5— A total ton is here visiting with Mrs WII to the Production Credit Associa­ The paintings were selected by All during the morning a siring of 577 down and operating mills in Ila ui Stac«y. Sunday Visitor»— Mr and Mrs Ihe Western Association of Art tion for a loan from It Rejection Of river boats pasaed Ihrnttgh lha Oregon and Washington which re Hoy Dunbar and Mr- Hulbert ol Returns to Portland — W H of this application by the Produc­ Museum Director» from the regimi» city on their way up the McKenzie ported to the West Coast Lumber Whitney returned to Portiaud the McGlynn were gueata of Mr and In which Ihe member Institutions tion Credit Association will be con­ Sales Tax, County Debt Limi­ This was an attractive sight as men s association for the week elid­ first of thia week to reaume his Mrs O. F Kizer on Sunday sidered sufficient evidence that of ibis association are active most of them have been reflntahed. tation, Criminal Trial and ing March 24. produced 09.09g.784 work as a federal court Juror. other credit is not available and The pa I ti I Ing» are being brought and several new on»» have mad» To Vlait Daughter— M ra. Arthur board feet of lumber. This was ap­ the applicant may then make appli- j New Hospitals Included proximately the same as Ihe pre- H ,r* ,rom Wsatfln—Thad Barber Jobe of latbanuii is expected (o ar Io Ihe university by Ihe A A. V. W their appearance. cation to the emergency crop loan Mestflr came down last week rive here today to visit with her for Ihe benefit and enjoyment of Five measures will be found on ceding week. The average produc- I Among those from Hprlngfleld office the general public and a small fee who deserted their work for the lion of (his group of sawm ills In ‘‘"d ,o »*»*« with his brother. Clay- daughter. Miss Edith Jobe the ballot when voters go to the will be charged for adiuiaalon opening day are Dr Milton V. 1934 has boen 83.860.874 ft.; during ' ,on Barber Son Born— Mr aud Mra. Ralph tickets polls at the primary election. The the same period In 1933 their we k Walker. John (tenderer. Dellas SCOUT BENEFIT TEA act arousing ihe greatest interest l.v average was 56.111.1C0 feet. W ild Orchids Shown — A large Mix of Wendllng are Ihe parents of Murphy. Veltie Pruitt. Dr. W N a tiaby son born to (hem at Ihe A aeries of lectures given by display of wild orchids are being WELL ATTENDED HERE is the one creating a sales tax of Dow. and Mr and Mra. C F Kggt hospital on Saturday members of the art faculty are to The new business reported last shown this week at the Egglraanu Pacific one and one-half percent on all re­ week by 565 mills G irl Scouts and C lub M em b ers be conducted during Ihe period Ihe m atin Others who could not leave was 89.989.078 | candy store. They were found near March 31. 1934 tail sales. U n ite in P re s e n tin g P ro g ra m board feel against a production ol Goshen exhibit Is showu The purpose of their bualneaa are planning flab OsughSer Born— Mr and Mrs I these lectures Is Io Inlerprel ih» Ing parties for the coming week 00.494.344 feet and shipments of F o r A id o f T ro o p The second deals with county in­ Mr«. Cole H ottest— Member* of i W . Jack are the parent» of a babv subject matter and themes of the end .■,596,076 feet. Their shipments debtedness and is an amendment were under production by 22 per the Cooking dub of the Christian ! (laughter horn io them at the Pa various paintings A large number of persons called to the constitution. It provides lim­ WRESTLERS TO CO FOR cent and Iheir current sales were church were entertained at their clflc hospital In Eugene on Tuea at the home of Mrs. Dean C. Poin­ ■lav. April J, 1934 O utof (own people are especially itation of county debt by requiring under production by 9 6 per cent monthly meeting Friday evening at I dexter Monday afternoon for the THREE OF FIVE FALLS urged to attend a two-thirds vote in counties Io au­ The orders booked last week by Ihe home of Mrs. R. A ('ole annual benefit tea which members R eco rd er at Hillsboro— Mr and thorise county Indebtedness ex­ this group of identical mills were of the Happy Hour clnb sponsored Waiter Achlu will meet Robin B an k W o ra r k e r ueave L a a v e i — Marlon L. Mr» 1 M Peterson and daughters. wu ceeding 25.000 for roads; authoriz for the local Girl Scout troop. Mrs. r r * * • 6~ ' < * " • ' ' • « Reed of Reedsport In a five fall for Pendle Doris Helen, and Hazel Jean, spent COUNTY AGENT GETS ing counties to issue warrants evi 6,800,000 feet or 8.3 per cent. Poindexter was assisted by Mrs. wrealllng match nt the Eugene ar ton where he will aasiat In the llqu (he Weekend visiting with Mra denclng liabilities Imposed by law FEDERAL ASSISTANT niory tonight as the main event w c . Wright of the troop com The unfilled order file at these idatlon of a closed bank He has Peterson's parents and which they are powerless to mittee and Mrs. Clayton F. Barber H. Bruce Shawe, who served as attraction The match 1» arh» prevent; authorizing any county mills stood at 397.954.581 board been employed here and at Albany V is itin g M o th e r — M rs W W and Mrs. J Fnlop of the club mem­ feet an increase of approxim ately; for Ihe past eighteen months clerk lu Ihe office of County Agent duled to go for five rounds or until upon approval by two-thirds vote Squire» of Monroe ha» beeu visit bership. 1.500.000 feet over the week before i O. 8. Fletcher during the wheal the winner can lake three out of of electors voting thereon, to Issue In« at the H E. Gerber home where The aggregate Inventories of 130 i Honor,d “ P‘ rt> ~ For the club portion of the pro­ bonds in amount equal to amount campaign last fall and who has five falls This Is the loage»t met her mother. Mrs George W Gerber * ' * par' y * ' ” ‘n * ' ,h *‘ gram members of the Madrigal club of its outstanding warrants Decern mills are 8 1 per cent „tore than 7 “ ’ been a alstlng In the corn-hog pro­ match staged In Eugene for several la 111. ",”"e ° f hl" paren,s Mr. and Mrs ■«ng the "Venetian Suite" by Ethel her 31. 1933. with interest thereon at this time la-t year. gram since February 15. has been years ________ " E. Buell, last Thursday evening. Pert Nevins under the direction of Sieve Okay and Cowboy Helm W o r k e r In ju re d — R McCresscn appointed emergency agricultural to election date, but not exceeding Mr Buell left Friday for Tillamook I of Lowell, employee of the Lewis Mrs Buford Roach. Members of the aaalaianl for Lane county by the will meet hi Ihe preliminary aa will 2Vi per cent of assessed valuation BRIDGE CLUB MEETS io be employed at ihe Henkle mor I Lumber company received a had group Include Mrs. W K Barnell. of all property in such county; sup Agricultural Adjustment Admlnla Sailor Trout and Art Perklee. luary. Mrs S ft Potter. June Dunks AT RHODES HOME HERE cut on hl- head Monday when tratlon to »salat the county agent erseding existing special constitu Mary Elizabeth Whitney. Evelyn slrnck by a plank In organizing (he county for the METHODISTS HAVING tlonal debt funding provision fori M a n y a t W a ffle Feed— A group of Buell. Mrs. A B VanValzah. Velda M- tuber« of the O-No Bridge club various AAA production control Benton. Clackamas. Crook. Curry. MISSION MEET TODAY 20 young people attended the waf Return» from H o»plt«l— H a rile Bartholomew. Glvd- Dillv, with programs. Klamath and Linn counties; bin met at Ihe home of Miss Theda fie feed which the Friends class <>l»on has recovered sufficiently Oorothe Mae Potter as accompan Rhodes la t Thursday evening for Several members of the Mlealou not releasing any existing llablll Mr Shawe I» a graduai» of lha ary society of the Methodist church ¿•I their semi monthly bridge party of the Chriitlan ponsnred at Tay ­ from a major operation at the Pa ties. lor hall Friday evening. A social i , clflc hospital to be able to return Oregon Agricultural college and are a( Dallas today to attend a Mr». Wilda Colton and Mrs Flor­ Mrs Veltie Pruftt Illustrated the evening was enjoyed following the io her home here Sunday. taught Smith Hughes agriculture gathering of Foreign Missionary song “In the Heart of the Hills" I The third is also a constitutional ence M.dlius were winners of the feed. for a umber of yeara after gradual- I amendment providing by constitu Prizes. Miss Irma Nolf was a in a chalk sketch while It w as' socletl»» In thia district Un Tuee- R e tu rn s fro m W e n d lln g _ M rs Ing from (he college He ha» also sung by Mrs. Dallas Murphy with tlonal amendment that in criminal guest of the club members. John I^nhart returned Friday had wide agricultural experience day a delegation went to Albany Ball Team Ends Season — The for a series of Home Mission meet­ accompaniment by Miss Jewel Cun trials any accused person, in other Townies, Independent basketball from Wendllng where she ha- been In thia state. ings ning.ham. piano, and Mrs. Clayton than capital cases, and with the team of Springfield', ended Its sea­ visiting with her brother Ip law F. Barber, violin. consent of the trial Judge, may son Friday with the second defeat and sister. Mr and Mrs G H i The second half of the program elect to waive trial by Jury and at Blachly. Blachiy players de-1 Worth was given over to talks on scouting consent to be tried by the Judge of 1 Harold Hart left last Thursday fsated the local boys on Thursday j C re a m e ry H a t N e w T r u c k __ bv Miss Alice Spurgin, county scout the court alone, such election to for Alaska He left Portland on and by taking both games won th- new Ford panel deliver« truck has the ship last Saturday. be In writing; provided, however, executive. Mrs. Wendell Van Loan, George Simmons left last week championship of the American lea I k**”' PUri haaed thia week by the I .om m issloner for the Eugene that In the circuit court ten mem gue They ~ meet Wendllng for the Springfield Creamer, company for ,ne*, Wp' scouts, and Miss Eunice Gerber, bers of the Jury may render a ver for Redmond to spend some time gU“ r T"ey eh»mn,e e .k ,. 1IÄP ln (helr ()ellrpry buslnpM / h; ; ; | Mr and Mrs. Harry Endicott who C ° UD,V ch‘ mP‘0D'lh'P diet of guilty or not guilty, save local troop captain. and I d Kugenn. Mrs. W. K Barnell and Mrs. W, and except a verdict of guilty of are attending O. S. C. at Corvallis | Start for Hom«— Mr. and Mrs. C. 1 first degree murder, which shall spent the week-end In Thurston N Gossler had charge of the pro­ E. Penna of Goodland. Kansan, left Teacher III—Olen Martin, manual Mrs. A. B. Mathews. Mrs. Fred gram Mrs H. O. Dlbblee. Mrs C. be found only by a unanimous ver­ Saturday for Albany on their re ' training Instructor at « a»«/1 Springfield ---- - « t u g ì IC» I (J Gray. Mrs. Martha McKinney and E. Wh-aton and Mrs L. K Page i dict. and not otherwise. turn to Kansa» after visiting relu- h,Fh school, was III this week and Misses Elva Gray and Lois Mat­ presided at the tea tables. The fourth and fifth meaTS??« hews motored to Signal last Wed­ lives and friend» on the eoa I. i "na,,'p In meet his classes Everett I The May meeting of the club will | provide for the building of a slate nesday and spent the day with While in Springfield Ihey vl»|ted and Freeman Squire, h, Te be held at the home of Mrs Milton with Mr and Mrs. C. E. Hwarls. »ubstlluiing for him tuberculosis and a state insane hos­ Mrs. Lum May*. V. Walker. former reoidents of Uoudlaed. They pital in Multnomah county. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peterson planned to spend the Easter week- S slem Boys Hsr» — Verne a w elk in d ' wlth°M Sa' T 8I”‘n' ,he end W',h ‘ "«««»ter in Albany David Scott of Salem are here week-end with Mr. and Mra. Lawr ' ence Gossler. I visitors H e re — Mr and Mrs. W. »pend Ihe week with Iheir uncle| Mr. . r and Mrs. John Lucy from 1 Patrick or route Sprlngfleb and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. W rout? 1. Springfield The Salem school» McMinnville drove up Saturday had as their guests over the iveak Adrian »nil spent Easter Sunday . __ ■ . . | evening and end their son-in-law and daughter, closed this week for »prlng vacn with Mrs. Lucy's parents. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs C M. Corning and | (ion. Mrs. Walter Edmlston. iheir son, Stanley Corning, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Safely from • heir »on and daughter-in-law. Mr Id aho People Hsr»--Mr and Mrs Albany spent lent Sunday at the and Mrs. L. L. Patrick of Boise, O. A. Pyne, their daughter, Flor­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmis- Idaho. Mrs. Corning and son will ence. and son. Stanley, arrived here) ton. remain here for the summer. Mr, Wednesday evening from Wendell. Clifford Weaver and Mrs. Mary Corning left the first of the week Idaho to visit with Mr Pyne'sl McElroy drove up from Salem last for California where he will Join brother and sister In law. Mr. and I Saturday and spent Sunday witn his shipmates on the U. 8. S. West Mrs Elmer E Pyne. . .Mr. and Mrs. Weaver. Virginia for a cruise to the Eastern United States coast. Former Teacher Vtolts — Miss Juanita Demmer, former teacher In Hprlngfleld high school, visited at the high school Friday She to teaching In the Medford high Sheldon Stutx who Is attending school and was spending her vaca Now la Your Opportunity to BBOure this New college at Albany Is home for the tlon here. Modern Cat Range at a Laster holiday vacation and work­ ing at the Giustina mill. Endeavor Hat Program — Mem Z > O O D printing service consists of more Mr». McLeod gave a surprise din bers of the Christian Endeavor so­ V I than delivering a certain amount of ink tier party Monday night honoring ciety were In charge of the weekly I and paper in the form ordered. Good printing her son. Earl birthday. Covers church night program at the consists of careful consideration as to the were laid for Maxine Baughman. Christian church last Thursday! Lucetta Baughman Mildred Swift, evening following the potluck din­ form in which the idea is to be presented, Bonnie Jeanne Tinker, Max Baugh ner. Numbers on their program In­ thoughtful selection of type faces, the right man. Howard Parks. Homer Parks, cluded the E. Il U. male quartet, grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ Karl McLeod. Harold McLeod. Rm Marie Hollister, violin, Boyles sis­ ate composition and s killfu l printing. . . That bert Hammond, Mr. and Mr». Me ters in a vocal trio, and Bonnie| Leod. is the kind of printing service you may ex­ Holm, piano. Thirteen members of the Trent It i* «11 , n a m .1 , h „ , u t o m a , | c f u || , |M pect from our shop. . . . and it costs no more Christian Endeavor are planning to than inferior printing. oven. ar< |n t u U t t i i attend the C. E convention at WILL DEBATE SALES TAX Salem April 19 to 22. Several from IN W RITTEN ARGUMENTS! •torage compartment No matter what you printing Job may be or la what , Pleasant Hill hope to attend. quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ The Home Economics club met Something new In the field of I mate of cost most Interesting, workmanship uoet with Mrs E. Giustina Wednesday politic» will he launched In Oregon [ SOLD ON EASY TERMS efficient and promptness in delivery most gratifying April 4, tor an all day meeting. on Sunday, April 22. when the Sun­ If you find II inconventlent to visit our office, phone Homecrafts" was the topic for the day Oregonian and tho Portland I and we will call------- y ou are UIlder no obhgat,on day. The making of rag and hook Journal will become the arena for in asking us for an estimate. tugs was demoriMfrated A covered the publication of a debate of the dlsli dinner wan enjoyed at noon. sales tax bill with Ray W. Gill Ore­ Gregory Giustina who is attend- gon grange leader and opponent of NEW YORK N o r . ^ , ! ? I Ing a boarding school In Portland B ..J . the tax bill, and Paul T. fthsw. spent the Easter week-end with his chairman of the School R elief and U . t o « non. of t t . parents at Pleasant Hill. Opposite P. O. Hprlngfleld Sugane, Property Tax Reduction league up­ tog whtoh mad. her world shampio» Mrs. George Brown has gone to holding the sales tax, each present­ •ffare skater ■»■ha retante to hprlngfleld saa rink* to datoad hs»^ Elmo, Washington to visit with her ing their sides in written argu­ father, who to in very poor health. ments. Visitor from Mohawk— Mrs J M Collects Bounty— Waller ll.mne Kennedy of Mohawk was a visitor of McKeitiie bridge. Saturday col In Springfield Saturday. locted the county buunly uu I we ’ To Vielt Father — Mrs G A. coyote pelts BALLOT 10 HAVE FIVE MEASURES Thurston Introducing the MAGIC CHEF Range *8 1 EFFICIENT PROMPT Inexpensive Upper Willamette Phone 2 Special Low Price $59.50 The Willamette Pres» N oriiim tl Cities Gis Co.