THURHUAY, APRIL 6, 1984 THB BPR1NOF1ELD NBWB «EMI ANNUALHKPOHT «EMI ANNUAL REPORT To Vlalt Slater— Mr» R. K Moi rla left Munday for Oakland to vlalt with her »later. — uf — W. B. DILLARD, County Clerk GRACE SCHISKA, County Treasurer I.ANE COUNTY. OREGON LANE COUNTY. OKKOON — of — HKCEIPTH AND DIHHITRSEMENTS BY R IN D S Tax collection July I to December 31. 1*33 | 7*.316.16 Warrant» cancelled and returned to fund *4 6* Horticultural lien» 3100 Grey dlgxew polaonlng 48.67 Received from Clerk'» fee» ».031.06 Received from Sheriff'» fee» »12*0 Received from Inlereet 270 64 Proceed» County Earm 173.61 Received from fine» 312.60 Reporter» feea 160 00 Auto camp Inapectlon 887.60 Refund from llcenaea ' 1000 Refund from Revolving Fund 1.164 12 MlNcellaneoua receipt» 1.10*32 Auto llrenae feea 1.400 00 Tranaferred from County and State Prohibition Fund 160 18 Tranaferred from Bond Redemption Fund 22.9*8 116 * M.5O7.S7 *6.443 »3 :i.»l»06 1.035 00 31.441 6« 50.827 74 ........... Warranta Warrants Warrants Warranta Warrant» outatandlng June 30. 1933 laaued July 1 to December 31. 1933 paid and cancelled cancelled by County Court outatandlng December 31. 1933 8 41.541 20 Warranta Warranta Warrant» Warranta Warranta 29.409.56 2.501 86 14.907 96 oulalandlng June 30. 1933 l-aued July 1 to December 31, 1933 paid and cancelled cancelled by County Court outatandlng December 31. 1933 * * 17,609 81 Ite n la l- Warrant« Issued July 1 In December 31. 1933 Warrant« paid and cancelled Balance on hand June 30. 1933 Warrants cancelled and relum ed to fund Balance on hand December 31, 1933 Warrants oulalandlng June 30. 1*33 Warrants cancelled by County Court Warrants outatandlng December 31, 1*33 62.93 7.60 * 8 60.63 88.27 * Received from taxes Transferred to Bond Redemption Fund ( 2.787.61 306 50 * 3.044.11 16.00 1.261.68 Warrants Issued July I to December 31. 1933 Warrants paid and cancelled Warrants outstanding December 31. 1933 * 1.276.68 BEE FUND Balance on hand June 30, 1933 Balance on hand December 31. 1933 10.11 10.11 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANK GOOD SIGHT, STYLE AND COMFORT COMBINED Don't let your eyes go uncared for when you may have good sight, style and comfort com­ bined In glasHes by Dr. Ella Maude. Accurate prescriptions and grinding, finest modern frames available. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 61 W a t t Bth lu ta n e * * t 16.959 70 23 60 14.866.74 8 31.850.04 * 31.850.04 COUNTY SCHOOL FUND » ( 13.76 Oo *121.200.06 40 97 *121.241.02 »121.34102 PERMANENT ROADS * FORM ORGANIZATION 42.374.47 11.67 44.38 * 42.430.52 * 35,911.18 746.06 561.72 * 1.307.78 1.896.89 118.06 169.90 1.846.06 22,303.92 55.568.59 31,441.59 26.662.06 .01 »1.368.33 968.23 .00 » 2.383.14 * 6.021.02 2.383.14 COUNTY FAIR FUND Cash on hand June 30. 1933 * 3,616.86 State Apportionment ........................................... 628.47 Bank M an a t Salem— M arlon L. M iscellaneous Receipts ........... ...................... 66.57 Leaves for Portland— Mrs. I. D. Coyner spent Friday at Salem In Paid County Fair W a rra n ts.......................... .............. Larimer left Sunday (or Portland the State Banking department of- Balance Caah on hand December 31, 1*33 to spend a few bays visiting. fle a * 4,299.89 * 59.200.19 1.782.00 691.39 3.647.63 * 8.021 02 7.80 * 7.80 7.80 I 7.80 SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS ...» 25.6*7.35 _ 168.606.94 544.13 *170.775.26 24.073.17 *1*4.848.42 «1*4.848.42 UNION HIGH SCHOOL Cash on hand June 30. 1933 _____________ Rec’d from Taxes .... .............. .......... ........... Paid District Clerks ___ ______________ I Balance Cash on hand December 31, 1933 1.341.49 14.321.69 14.181.18 1.482.00 ( 16.663.18 _________ _______* 17.766.76 TOTAL 2,01495 FOREST FIRE PATROL Cash on hn-nd June 30, 1933 ................ Rec'd from Taxes Wild Stkte Forester Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1933 * * .00 General Fund ................... „...................... County Roads ............. Special Roads ........... Market Roads .............. County School Fund .......... Stain School Fund .................................. County High School TuiUon Elementary Millage Fund ................. Library Fund ................. Deficiency Fund ......... State Tax Fund ................. Indemnity F u n d .................... Port of Sluslaw ........ Forest Fire Patrol ............ County Fair Fund Fish A Game Fund ........ ring Tax Fund ........................... Bee Fund ..................................... ............ County Prohibition Fund ........ State Prohibition Fund ... ..................... Special Cities ............................... Permanent Roads Bond Redemption Fund County High School Fund ....................... Beach Road Special ....................... Special School Districts Union High School Districts ............... Sinking Funds ............................................... 1.089.70 218.08 Overdraft June 30. 1933 ...........................................* 1.266.68 Rec'd from Taxes 11.00 Transferred from General Fund Transferred from County Road Fund 1.276.68 Miscellaneous Receipts ............................. Paid State Treasurer . ....................... j Transferred lo County Road F u n d ....................... Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1933 ......... 10.11 * 10.11 ' INDEMNITY FUND 6.021.02 O. A C. F u n d _____________ 4.631.28 31.279 90 1.307.78 28.3*2.76 22.998 06 1,597.66 8,211.72 Caah on hand June 30. 1933 ........ ...................... » Paid County School Superintendent’s Order» Tranaferred to Unaegregated Tax Fund ____ Balance Caah on hand December 31, 1933 ____ Unaegregated Taxes * 35.911.18 * 29.834.82 51.755.39 15.31 17.289 64 Caah on hand June 30. 1933 ...... .......................... * Rec’d from Taxes ... .................................... ............ _ 27.459.16 ................. ............... 1.890 95 * 69.044.93 M iscellaneous Receipts Paid Bonds A Interest. Special Schools ...... .... 41,146.61 Paid Bonds A Interest. Union High Schools 5.606.88 Refund to School D istricts ............. ........... •........ 263.33 Transferred to School D istricts ...................... 544.13 18,0*5.44 16.810.19 O v e rd ra ft December 31, 1*33 ................................ 33.42 * 29.365.41 * 29.365 41 * 16.843.61 SUMMARY OF BALANCES ON HAND DECEMBER 31. 1933 25.895.37 10.016.81 DEFICIENCY FUND Cash on hand June 30. 1933 * Rec'd from Taxes ........ ................. Transfered to School Districts .............. 1.261.68 Balance Cash on hand December 31, 1933 ........ 1.782.63 * 3.044.11 STATE TAX FUND 141.20 34.»7».48 4.966.26 60.627.74 1.6*7.66 * 15.663.18 ....... * 14120 SINKING FUNDS * 69.044.93 7.60 80 67 Jack W illiams was elected presi­ dent, and George Irvin, vice-presi­ dent, of a new boys' club organised at the high achool Wednesday morning. Tho name of the club will he selected luler. It will follow closely the line of organisation of the Girls League 80.38 Cash on hand June 30. 1*33 ............... * 2.24300 Rec’d from Taxes ..... ..... ....... ..... 118. »*8.02 Paid City Treasurers .................... Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1*33 Caah on hand June 30. 1*33 ..... .................. Rec’d from Taxes ......... ............................... Transferred from 9tnklng Funds Paid District Clerks ....... ............................ Balance Cash on hand December 31, 1*33 Caah on hand June 30. 1933 8 3.748.30 Rec’d from Taxes ............................. 25.746.63 M iscellaneous Receipts 14.15 Rec’d from Oregon State Highway Comm. 2.340 96 I*ald Market Road Fund Warrant« Paid Inlereat on Warrant« Balance Caah on hand December 31. 1933 ___ Caah on hand June 30. 1933 .............. * .00 Certificate of Deposit ........................................ 3,627.02 ............................. 9.95 I. W. B. Dillard. County Clerk of lame County, State of Oregon, Miscellaneous Receipts Certificate of Deposit hereby certify that the foregoing report la correct aa 1 verily believe. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and af­ Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1933 fixed the seal of Lane County, State of Oregon, this 2nd day of January, * 3.636.97 A. I). 1934. (SEAL) W. B. DILLARD, PORT OF 8IU9LAW County Clerk of Idine County. Oregon. ('ash on hand June 30. 1933 .... 1 1627.59 Rec'd from Taxes 340.64 Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1933 ......... SALES TAX WORKERS TO | HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Ameetlng of state committee members of the Sacliool Relief and Property Tax Reduction League, now wnglng a campaign for the retention of the Sales Tax luw, Is being hold In Portland thl« after­ noon to dlu-uaa the future activities In the campaign. Paul T. Shaw of Portland la chairman. 9 *8.76 « 44.455 08 2.014.96 4.014.61 3.817.09 4.291.46 14.866.74 17.289.54 33.42 44.38 10.016.81 218.08 1,845.05 5.994.07 3.636.07 968.23 00 2.562.00 7.50 1,793.53 10.11 .00 .00 40.97 141.30 8.211.72 3.547.63 7.80 24.073.17 1.482.00 18.095.44 »108.584.39 STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF LANE SS. I. Grace Schiska. County Treasurer of Lane County. Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statem ent of receipts, and disbursements, and balances by funds of Lane County, Oregon for the term ending December 31. 1933. as appears upon the records of my office and In my official custody as auch Treasurer. 71.096.75 W itness my hand this Slat day of December. 1933. 14,278.81 GRACE SCHISKA. County Treasurer. 6.9*4.07 I Connteralgned. W. B. DILLARD, County Clerk. * »1,368.33 Major Operation — Mrs. Grayce Hotel Guest — James Caalin of Mitchell underwent a major oper­ Redmond was a gueat at the ation at the Pacific hoepltal In Eu­ Springfield hotel Friday. gene Saturday morning. SR. TALK CAMPAIGN TODAY ¡ 86 38 00 63.75 Cash on hand June 30. 1933 ________ Balance Cash on hand December 31, 1933 MARKET ROAD FUND * 29,834.82 IK1G LICENSE FUND * BEACH ROAD SPECIAL 4.291 46 * 29.834.82 Balance on hand June 30. 1*33 Llcenaea sold July 1. to December 31, 1933 Warrants laaued July 1 to December 31, 1933 Balance on hand December 31, 1*33 10.11 COUNTY H1OH SCHOOL FUND 5,671.70 38.261.72 504.84 26.82 39.823.25 340.38 * LIBRARY FUND Caah on hand June 30. 1933 88.27 I Rec'd from Taxes Paid Superintendent's Orders Ralanre Cash on hand December 31. 1933 A C. FUND * 50.00 13.76 * 59.200.19 * 93.249 27 COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL TUITION FUND 26.392 .75 22.998 06 Cash on hand June 30. 1933 ........ * 19.626.47 1.597 66 Rec’d from Taxes ......... .. ................ ........... ..... 22.460.63 8.211.72 Rec’d from Tuition ................ 344.62 Paid County Superintendent's Orders 8121.996 96 Paid Interest on orders ........................................... Balance Cash on hand December 31, 1933 ____ * 26.392.76 * 42.430 62 88.27 O 58.680.82 1.591.64 26.662.06 1,597 66 3,817.09 * 16.843.61 » 10.11 O v e rd ra ft Juna 30. 1*33 ........................................... * 62,7*6.77 44.455.08 Cash on hand June 30. 1933 Rec'd from Taxes 60.63 - Paid County Superintendent's Orders Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1*33 60 63 * | Rec’d from T axe. ....................... ....................... Forest Reeerve Rentals ............. .......... ....... Tranaferred from General Fund ........................ Transferred from County Road Fund .... ............. Transferred from O. A C. Fund ...... .......... ....... Paid Intere«» on Bonds A Exchange ..... ............ Transferred to General Fund ............ ................... Tranrferred to County Road Fund Balance Caah on hand December 31, 1*33 ELEMENTARY MILLAGE FUND * » 1.086.00 STATE SCHOOL FUND Cash on hand June 30. 1933 * 31.55 Rec’d Interest from Stale Ijmd Board 16,812.06 Paid County Superintendent’s Orders ____ Balances Cash on hand December 31. 1933 PERMANENT ROAD BONDS 3.06*11 on hand June 30. 1*33 ..................... * 141.20 28 82 Cash ‘ on nana 31.441.6* Balanc* Cash °n hand December 31, 1*33 ___ 50,627.74 : 141.20 4.014 61 BOND REDEMPTION FUND *1*1.018.43 i « 62.795.77 »121*96 96 8 26.392 75 8 8PBCIAL CITIES ....... * 11,143 07 * 29.408 56 Caah on hand June 30. 1933 Rec’d from Taxes 66.247.08 Forest Reaerve Rentals 1.662.08 2.70 * 16.959.70 Miscellaneous Receipts 61 37 Paid County Superintendent’s Orders ............... 388.74 Balance Ca«h on hand December 31. 1933 34.979 48 4.966 26 60.627 74 1.697 66 29.834.82 Tranaferred from General Fund Transferred from County Road Fund Tranaferred from O. A C. Funds O verd raft June 20. 1933 ....................................... Warrants laaued July I to December 31. 1933 Tranaferred lo General Fund Transferred lo County Road Fund Balance on hand December 31. 1933 Cash on hand June 30, 1*33 Rec’d from Fines ____ _____ I Transferred to General Fund __ __ Balance Cash on band December 31. 1*33 »>.»63 81 3.919 06 i *.126.61 Caah on hand June 30. 1933 28.717 17 Rec’d from Taxe« ......................... 340 38 M iscellaneous Receipt» 2.622.36 Tranaferred from General Fund Paid Special Road Warrants ....... ( 38.806 42 Paid Interest on Warrants Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1933 BOND REDEMPTION FUND Tax collection July 1 lo December 31. 1933 Furcal II- » e l n Rac'd from Sheriff Fee i Rec'd from Fine» SPECIAL ROAD FUND * 17.409 81 1.266.6» 1.7*3 63 72.83 13 75 88 38 Rec'd from Clerk Fee» * 14.907 96 23.60 14.478 00 » STATE PROHIBITION R IN D ( 93, 249 27 1.246 46 25.746 83 2.366 11 61 37 167.00 1*11 Cash on band Juna 30. 1833 ... ... 2*.834 82 Rec'd from Fines 00 Transferred to General Fund Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1*33 00 (1*1.018.43 57,328 26 COUNTY ROAD R IN D 1.6*1.64 26 862 04 Caah on hand June 30. 1*33 * 28.830.87 1.6*7 66 Itec’d from Taxes 27,»53.22 Rec’d from Fines 342.60 *101,606 70 For Use of Euqlpmeni 16.188.30 Apportionment from State 2.288.46 Miscellaneous Receipts 1,769.75 5*680.82 Tranaferred from State Tax Fund 14.278.61 S 80 Transferred from Bond Redemption Fund 1,6*7.66 40.9*4 4» Paid County Road Fund Warrants Paid Interest on Warrants 2100.686.21 Transferred to State Tax Fund Transferred to Bond Redemption Fund Balance Caah on hand December 31. 1*33 MARKET ROAD R ’ND Balance on hand June 30. 1933 ... ............ Tax collection July 1 to December 31. 1933 Stale and other refunds Warrants cancelled and returned to fund Warrants laaued July 1 Io December 31, 1933 Paid Inlereat on warrants Balance on hand December 31. 1933 3.06*11 »6H5J66.10 17,766.7» Cash oo hand June 30. 1*33 Balance Cash on hand December 31, 1*33 1703.021 88 73.32*36 79.316 16 »,021.05 »12.*0 812.50 10 00 270 64 173.51 48.57 150.00 1.400 OO 387.60 1.154 12 1,135 06 150.13 22.998.06 (241,974 6» Rg| -I from Llu-nae Interest on County Money Proceed» County Farm * »*.»53 61 For Grey Digger Polson 84 6* Reporter's Fee» 128.216.63 Aulo Feea Auto Camp Inspection» (228,263 83 Refund from Revolving Fund , M iscellaneous Receipts Transferred from County A State Prohl. Transferred from Rond Redem ption Fund Paid General Fund Warrant» Paid InlereHl on Warrants Migratory Chattels A Fee» Transferred Io Special Road Fund Transferred to State Tax Fund Tranaferred Io Bond Redemption Fund Balance Cash on hand December 31. 1*33 8 41.64120 » BEE FUND 2*.834.S2 GENERAL R IN D Ca»h on hunil June 30. 1*33 Rec’d from T ale» • 39.R23.26 48.8« 1.669 0» Business Directory » 10.11 • 38.806 42 14.824 03 26.717.17 14*60 7 60 2.762.81 303.60 I .00 36.410 20 3.841.62 48 86 604.84 t COUNTY PROHIBITION R IN D Cash on hand June 30, 1*33 Rec’d from Tassa Transferred io Bond Kodt-inptlon Fund Balance Cash on hand December 31, 1*33 SPECIAL HOAD DISTRICTS Warrants Issued July 1 to December 31. 1*33 Paid Inlereat on warrants Balance on hand Di-cember 31. 1*33 1 C ast on hand June 30. 1*33 R ec’d from LI- »-aa* Fees Paid Dog Fund Warrants Balance Ca«h on hand December 31. 1*33 O, A ('. R IN D 8100.685 21 O verd raft June *0. 1*33 .167.00 »703.021 83 *101.806 70 * 43.268 96 37.328 26 Tax collection July I to December 31, 1933 Received from O. A C. Fund» Warrants cancelled and returned to fund Mlscellaneoua receipt», refund», etc 7 60 14*80 DOG TAX FUND UN8EGREGATED TAX FUND Amount unaegregated June 80. 1*33 * ».20038 Heft’d from Sheriff. Cash 847.43362 Heed from Sheriff. Warrants 46.363 50 Transferred from County High School 881.2* Tax Segregations Balance Desegregated December 31, 1*33 OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Warranta outalandlna June 30. 1*33 Warranta laaued July I to December 31. 1*33 Warranta pald and cancelled Warranta cancelled by ( 'ount y Court Warrant» uut-landlii» Ih-ceinber 31. 1*33 Cash on band Jon* 30. 1*33 ... 3 Rac’d from Kin*» .............................................. Palo State Game Cnmmlaeloner Balanv* f'aah on hand December 31. 1933 For Term Ending December *1. 1*33 A. S. W H I I L I R Attorney at Law Overdraft Juna *0, 1*33 ................................. 710 Lawrence St. Eugene, Ore. Warrants laaued July 1 to December 31. 1*33 Paid Internet on warrant» Batata ef A ndrew «ten s berg, Oee'd. Paid migratory chattel» and litigant» feea * N O T IC E Tran»f«-rred to State Tax Fund OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Tranaferred to Rood Redemption Fund NoUce la hereby given that Herb rrt Hloneberg haa filed In th* (241.974 6* County Court of the State of On- Warrant» outatandlng June 30. 1*33 *111.80*90 gon. lu and for latne County, hl» Warrant» laaued July 1 to December 31, 1*33 »6.443 »3 (Inal report a» auch admlnlatrator. Warrant» paid and cancelled with the will annexed, of the eatate Warranta cancelled by County Court of Andrew Hloneberg. deceased Warranta outatandlng December 31. 1*33 and that ten o'clock In the forenoon of Saturday, the 28th day of April *238.263 IS 1*34. at the courtroom then of In COUNTY HOAD R IN D Eugene. Oregon, have been by »aid court apolnted and fixed a» the Tax collection July I to December 31. 1*33 3 27.»63 22 lim e and place for hearing objec­ Received from ftnea ( 342 60 tion» to aalil report, and (or the Use of equipment 13.IN8 3O final aeltlem ent of the eatate of Received from State refuuda 2.288.46 agld deceaaed 1,78* 76 HERBERT STONEBERG. Ad Mlarellaneoua receipt» and refunds * *0 mlnlatrator. with the will an­ Warrant» cancelled and returned to fund 14.278 61 nexed. of the Eatate of Andrew Tranaferred from State Tax Fund Tranaferred from Rond Redemption Fund 1.6*7.33 Mtoneberg. Deceaaed O verdraft Deoembar * f , 1*33 ................... 37,177.30 A K WHEELER. Attorney O v erd raft June 30. 1*33 ........................t 16,426.00 (M 2 * A 3 12 1*28 l Warranle laaued July 1 to December 31. 1*33 Paid Inlereat on warranle Eatate of Hiram F. White. Deceaaed Tranaferred to State Tax Fund N O T iC E Transferred to Bond Redemption Fund Notice 1» hereby given that Abi­ gail K. Clark. Executrix, and Don E Clark. Executor of the laat will and testam ent of Hiram F. Wh’te. Deceaaed have tiled In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon. In and for l,aiie County, their tlnal re port aa auch exerutrlx and execu­ tor and that ten o'clock In the forenoon of Saturday, the Uth day uf April, 1*34, at the courtroom thereof. In Eugene. Oregon, have hern by aald court appointed *nd fixed aa the tim e and place for hearing objections to aald report and fur the final aettlement uf the ,tate of aald deceaaed ABIGAIL K CLARK. Execu­ trix. DAN E. CLARK. Executor of the lotat Will and Teatament of lllrain F White, Deceased A E WHEELER, A tfy. (M 16-13-2*— A * 1 » FIHH A GAME FUND — of — GENERAL FUND HAVE (101)1) Used Upright Plano to be ri'poaaraaad lit once near Hprluiflvld Balance due »88 60. Hmall molilhly puy incuts IN (Ml. Anyone wanting thia piano pleaae write fur further Information Tall­ man Plano Htore, 3*6 H 13th H t, Salem. Oregon A ll PAOB THREE 3.627.02 9.96 * N O T IC E F R A N K A. DE PU E A tto rn ey a t Law 3.636.97 Stanley Bldg., Springfield, Ore. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S I Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint­ 968.23 ed Executor of the estate of Melinda E Hemenway. deceased, any and all persons having 968.23 und claims against the said eatate are hereby required to present aald i claims, duly verified as by law re­ quired. at the office of Frank A. DePue. attorney for said eatate. at * 2.383.14 , Springfield, In Lane County, Ore­ 00 gon, within six months from the ■ date of thia notice. * 2,383.14 Dated and first publlaed March 8. 1934. Date of laat publication April 6. 1934. OSCAR E. HEMENWAY. Exe tutor of the estate of Melinda 1.737.89 E. Hemenway. deceaaed. 2.662.00 FRANK A DePUE, Attorney I for the eatate. « 4J99.89 (M 8-16-2T29— A 6) OF A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S BALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of May Boyles, de­ ceased. pursuant to authority con­ tained In an Order made and enter­ ed by the Conty Court of the State of Oregon for Lane Conty on March 21. 1934. will, on and after the 28th day of April. 1934. at the law office of Gordon S. W ells In the 'Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confirmation by said Court, all of the right, title an, Interest of May Boyles, deceased. In and to the following deecrlbed real property, to-wit: The W est one-half of the South­ west Quarter of Section 2 In Township 17 South. Range * West of the Willamette Meridian In Lane County, Oregon, contain Ing eighty acres. JOSEPH ACHESON. Adminis­ trator of the E state of May Boyles, deceaaed. (M 29— A 6-11-19-2»)