PAGE TWO T H » BPKINQFUDLD N BW 8 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Iju ie I'ouuty. Oregon by Springfield M AXINE SNODGRASS HAS PARTY FOR M OTHER THURSDAY. APRIL B. 1W34 MISS CUN N IN G H A M IS REBEKAHS INDULGE IN HONORED ON BIRTHDAY OLD T IM E SPELLING BEE TW O HOSTESSES OIVE COBURG BRIDAL SHOW ER Mra. Harold Greene and Mr« A birthday dinner and party Frl Member« of Jnanlla Rebekah day and an Easter surprise break lodge held an old fashioned spelling Wuller Drury entertained with a birthday parly given for her ¡fast Sunday were given during Hie bee following their Itualneas nt el brills' shower al Ihe home of Mr«. ____________________II. E. MAXEY. Editor mother. Mra. Riley Soodgraas. T h e 1 week-end In honor of Ml«« Jewel Ing Monday evening Mr» Fred (Irene near Coburg la«( Thursday Lutared a« second claee matter. February 1«, 1903. at the poeto«lee. evening honoring Ml»« Lillian Mini afternoon waa spent In a «octal Cunningham'» birthday Louk and Mrs Alice Donna cap slg >vhu 1» Io be married Io Frank- Springfield, Oregon manner. Mr. and Mra. Dallax Murphv an tallied Ihe two aide I 11 Drury on Mui-day, April ( , Thoae present were Mr« John ; lertalnad at the Friday dinner In M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Several members left early Io at Mra. Howard Freeland, I »•••■»< aa their guests Mr. and Ml-», j land a ben fit îVavey. Ore Year In Adi am- »1 50 Six Months lance given lot the' Teacher V is it» — Ml»« Audrey Me »I 00 ' FRANK PA R K E R Mrs Frank Logan. Mrs. John Tout ' M K Irish. Mr and Mr» P J Spencer Hull« Ini go bund al Ihe Two Years In advance SS so Three Monilta Me goth. Mn. William Meyer. Mr« Itnrtholoniew. Mr » >1 Mrs Clar Eugene I O <>. F iem»|«. mid do Pliersoti returned from Klamalb Full» where »he I teaelilcg achool T ill RSDAY, APRIL 5. 1934 Levi Ne I. Mrs W I Wright, Mr«. enee Cha«e. Rev. and Mr« Veltle gree iru cllce I N T E L L IG E N C E -------- at ,7 y, . r , waa poslpo c l uiilll W0,,h with her Flora Steam ier. Mr». William Cur Pruitt, Mia» Allie M inning Ml» Friday evening The discovery has been an FLOOD C O N TR O L FAVO R ABLE pareilla The trip was made over H». Mr». Edward Privai, and Mr». Clara Junes, the honor guest mol Thoae attending lh< Eua-ue nnunced that the average menial the heat and hostess, Au evenl g dunce were Mr. and Mr«. Lee Pul Ihe McKcnile pans b jm p a lh v fu r the W illam ette R iver flood c o n tro l pro- age of the American people Is near John Heuderer. of music waa enjoyed following the man. Mr and Mr». Howard Cot'on, Ject has been expressed by o ffic e rs of the public w orks de­ er 1, than IS. That 1» encouiag dinner. Mr«. Sarah John«. Mr« Alice Student Vacations—Orville Katun Ing. It »eem« that some of the partm ent. They are Impressed by the w o rth ln e tu o f the Dn Ml»» Cunningham's birthday ! . 1 Mr» Fred Louk. ard Kvu Before you buy n now oar at project and the fact th a t it is being presented to them by a psychologists who were making i» visiting with hl« parent« hero o Sunday. Mra. Olive J Itebhan en mid Mary Ann l.imk any price. Get a demonstra­ mental leal» of recruit» during the during Hie spring vacation. Ho I« terlalned a number of friend nt n humble group o f damaged property owners and county tion of the New Ford V-8. unending «chimi In Portland. war put a decimal point In ihe breakfast honoring Ml»» I'uunlug courts ra th e r than by some prom otion orgaulxution. Vialta W ith F am ily— D F Thai Cull Elmer Pyne at wnutg place, or something like that R ttu rn « from Hospital — txiuls ham. ■ her returned from Ihe M< Kenai« If the application fo r a survey is granted and the su r­ and spread A e Idea that we were Tuhy waa bronghl to h l. home ANDERSON MOTORS i-omilry where he I, employed Io Ph. 49 5th A A Springfield vey follow ed up w ith c o n stru ctio n w ork as we co n fid e n tia lly a nation of Infant» Now (hey are here Monday from the I ‘aciflr hos­ Arm y Man Vialta—Raymond Jar­ «pend III.» Easier holiday» with lu» . _ Irving to correct that mistake. vis. enllated In Ihe Culled State- pital following an operation. expect then the W illam ette \a lle y w ill see its greatest con­ family here. Without poking too much fun at i army al Vancouver barrack». Van­ stru ctio n job o f a ll tim es in progress. There is no th in g th a t I «kaae " i y c k ^ ’a t 7 far there 1« J A M E S K. K IN G couver. Washington, visited » llh | wdl affect the fu tu re o f this great valley more than the j r*®11? • great deal be »aid ... in ___ to „ _______ Attorney a t Law relatives here Sunday. their I am glad that Fugane, Oregon protection o f its riv e r bottom lands. In these lands rests favor f,ro r of ,h* ,r work. work- 1 ®"' « >««1 » *»»« i Mln* r Bld» - Mlaa M axine Sn odgrass wga hoet- «'»» lant Thuradav afternoon at TH E W ILLA M E TTE PRESS N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S the fu tu re greatness o f the valley and its capabilities o f sub- * h* i 1 Vial« at Junction C ity — Mi nud ' always believed Thai I» that musi NOTICE IS HEREBY HIVEN Mrs E C. Stuart mid fam ily, .pent sisting a large population. P roperly protected fro m floods the undersigned , .---------- p i u i c v i c u ir u u i n o o n s people have reached their full now that p o ï ha» n been ap , ; . ; r ................. and erosion w ill m ake in tim e the garden spot o f the west era of reasoning and learning by »All* XVF elv.-t l l ’t l l . ___ 11 9 J Vilena Wickwtre. deceased, by the Mr» Ella Fruni. mid hi» out of the W illam ette valley. i the time they are 17 or so. County Court of Lane County. Ore- »uni. Mr». A. J Katsei at Junction A conservative estim ate is th a t the W illam ette valley has suffered more than tw o m illio n dollars damage in the last ten years fro m floods. Surely this is w o rth protecting, A erial surveys and pictures o f the whole valley from the a ir have been arranged to supplem ent the brief o f the flood aaaociation. When these are doue action on our case is expected shortly. ----------- —«------------- Congressman James W. M o tt has introduced an am endm ent to the O. & C. land tax b ill w hich w ill insure 2ane county o f $511.000 a year more revenue fro n t th is law than fo r the past tw o years. He also has a b ill before the appropriations com m ittee ca llin g fo r $6.000.000 in em er­ gency road w o rk fo r Oregon. Som ething com ing up is better than n o th in g in sight. v H a iry Hayes tells us the new road up the McKenzie ,m«tr t h ^ Ve x D,a|?, SprÜlgs is to 80 th r °u g h the gorge past the tw o high falls. These are beauty spots in the Cas­ cades few people have seen. W ith General M cAlexander in the republican ranks, it now seems we are to have a cam paign between a field general and a sw ivel ehair s ta ff officer. A report says th a t 1.632,58» Am erican individuals are ?»o eXCe8S ° f ft does not “ -v w hat ‘ he other 1-0 m illio n s are w orth. Some candidates are ru n n in g on a cheap w hiskey plat- . 1 *S aniUR,ng to hear how cheap w hiskey w ill pro­ mote te m p ra n e e . Free pubhc schools are those to w hich vou can send y o u r children w ith o u t ,.aying any taxes, the anU -w les taxers would have us b e lie v e ? L e t the o th e r fe»ow pa? or t ™ ? 'b l'°« g ó ' *" ,he T iU ni y° Ur e-ve8, ,eastw ar'l The old tim ers say w hile there is snow on Saddle B lanket m ountain w in te r is 'still on. Q jfe FAMILY / DOCTOR % JOHN JOSEPH GAINES MQ ALW AYS A R IG HTEO US M AN • In every wicked reign there was a righteous man o f God who could be n e ith e r bribed nor intim in a te d . He stood fo rth c ry in g "Thus saith the L o rd ,” and though the king w rithed and fum ed and sought to destroy, the prophet was the victor. b o n d er Food 9 What this country will a be like gun All person» having claim« City from Mtaltut »aid estate are required to ■■ ! literally, upon « h a t im prossto^" he present them with the proper L. U RAY vouchers to the undersigned at 410 the M ,n ,r B l î r ° P" * y V u g .'n *. Oregon I K K ln *; youngsters who are now between i 17 and 35 get from their contacts Miner Building. Eugene. Lane N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G with their elder» In the next two County. Oregon. within six t«i month from Ihe date of this notice ON F IN A L A C C O U N T lo r three years Dated al Eugene. Oregon. I III» NOTICE IS HEREBY (HVEN 28th day of March. 1934 That the undersigned administra . r.DNA L. KLINK. Kxecutrlx of tor of the eittate of Sarah Ano Por* I B U S IN E S S ....................... « t h e too Hie Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre i'iseii. deceased ha« filed hl» a< Al Yale University professor deceased. count for the final settlem ent of I have been testing the intelligence iM 39—A 5-13-19 26» aid estate In the County Court for u a e O autr, Oregon, and that I of chimpanxee« by teaching them W ELLS A W ELLS S a tu rd a y , th e 5 th dav of April. how to transact business. The A ttorneys at Law 1 1934. at the Court ILsitn of sald i chimps can get "money" in the Commerce Bank Bldg.. Eugene. Ore C o u r t , in the County Court Moïi«ë' I form of colored chips by doing cer­ In Eugene. Oregon at ten o'clock In N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S the forenoon, has been by »aid tain work. They quickly learn that . i i!er’? ’r f the Estate of Dale Elmer Chase. | of us would like to believe. Perhaps WELLS A WELLS. Attorney» Deceased has filed her final ac­ iM 22-39— A 5-12-17) this Yale experiment will be put count li, the County Court In the I State of Oregon for Lane County I forward by some future "brain N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S mil that Tuesday the 10th day of I trust*' as proof that business men N otice 1« hereby given that the April 1934. at the hour of 9:30 receive too high a premium for the under,igne.1 h a. been appointed o'clock ^’n d ’the' li, thi- forenoon of said day I exercise of their talents. Administrator with the Will Annex |)a. ........ iT d ‘'V I • • • “ « r a l a - s r s s j y ...............- ............. A M B IT IO N workers The movies and some of the person» having claim« agalnat »aid popular periodicals give a wrong estate are hereby notified to pre» Dated . — . and first published March slant on college life. They put the ent the same, properly verified, to ,, , Date of last publication April 6. em phasis on sports and on the an the undersigned at the office of 1934 1 tics of rich men's sons, until a great Well» A W’ella. Bank of Commerce I VERA E. MEARH, Administra Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon, within six many folks get the Idea that our months from the date of the first _______ iM 8-15.22-29— A 5) universities are luxurious retreats publication of thl» notice. Date of first publication. March for loafers. N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G 8. 1934 When I was young most college HAROLD J WELLS. Adminls In the County Court of the State students were poor men's sops who trator with the Will Annexed of Oregon, for la n e County had to "work their way through JESSE 0 WEf.I.S, Attorney. tn the matter of the Estate of Seth (M 8-15-22 29— A 6) college, by doing what ever odd M. McPherson, deceased Notice Is hereby given all parties | Jobs or vacation tasks they could Interested In the Estate of Seth M N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S find. And I was Interested to read Notice is hereby given that the McPherson, deceased, that the un- report from Harvard that the undersigned has been appointed Ad 'terslgned ha filed her Final Ac same condition obtains now as fifty mlnlstrator of the Estate of Lee- ''mint In said matter and that an I A. Levina. deceased. by order made and entered therein by years ago. More than two thousand He students of that oldest of all Am­ th« County Court of the State of ,h<' County Judge of Ijine County. Oregon for Lane County. All p e r O r e g o n . Monday. April 30th at ten erican colleges are working their son« having claim« against the said o'clock in the forenoon at the Coun- way. doing all sorts of things. Some estate are hereby notified to pres-i *v Court room In said county has work as cooks and nurses In prl ent the same, properly verified, to t,e*'n ®«t as the tim e and place of undersigned at the office of "aly. why said account should hot be allowed and the prayer of give music lessons or work In gar publication of this notice. Date of first publication. March *•>* relator in all thing« granted ages. 22. 1934 STELLA A MCPHERSON. Ad These young men will not regard minlstratrlx of the Estate of HAROLD J WELLS. Admlnle trator. Seth M McPherson, deceased their education as something lightly IM 15-22-29— A 5-12) come by. A boy with ambition JES9E 0 WELLS, Attorney (M 22-29— A 5-12-17) enough to earn his living while car­ rying on the genuinely hard work F R E D E. S M IT H Attorney a t Law of a university course has got the Ml ner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon making of a man In him. S pring w eather und Hprinx fever go together. The heBt pep” builder In KgR liiianu'a candy. A few piece» o f randy I n the best iiu *d lrliie fo r Hpring fever. We have a wide va rie ty o f good randies, und they roet little mure than the cheap kind. O ur reputation as randy m akers are hark o f all o ur products. We want Io pleaae o u r ruatom era alw ays and we have been do­ in g it fu r n very lung tim e. E ggimann ’S W liar« tli» Hervico i» D>(T«r«itt M ilk la Hit« beat food fu r c h il­ dren. It la an all around food that supplies heat and energy to gro w in g bodies. All c h il­ dren ahould have m ilk to d rin k. Pasteurised m ilk 1» the nafe kind. We guarantee Maid O’ Un am m ilk to I n > clean, fresh, pure and wholetitinie. Ask your dealer io Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. T e a c h e rs You can earn several hundred dollar» this Mummer, and you can secure u better posit ion and u larger »alary to r the com ing year. Com plete in fo rm a tio n w ill he mailed on receipt o f a three cent »tamp. Send fo r It to-day R ural School» and C ity School» Sum m er W ork and School Year Position» C O N T IN E N T A L TEACHERS IN C . 1850 Downing St.. Denver, Colo. Covers the E N T IR E United States "Thanks far sending me »0 many guud positions to apply far over 30 during the fir t five days I was enr..ll«d " -A n Illinois Taecher -------------- SC H O O L O F F IC IA L S :— W e can put you In touch w ith ths very fine»! teachers. O ur service is tree to you. The firs t o f this exalted com pany was N athan, who was court preacher in the reign o f David. W hen th a t m ig h ty m onarch had stolen the w ife o f the brave soldier U riah and compounded the crim e by sending U riah in to the fro n t line N O T IC E O F 8 A L E of the battle. N athan appeared at the co u rt and announced L I G H T ....................... a new horizon Notice 1» hereby given by the th a t he had come to te ll the k in g a story. There were tw o I f fen a« W Executor of the If ten month» teem from . now .a the one >00- I underalgned WU! of George Irvin, deceased men in a certain city, he said, the one rich , having m any flo i ks and herds, and the o th e r so poor th a t he possessed I Inch telescope len» for which the ! that, pursuant to the authority and only one little ewe lamb. And the rich man, desiring a ban- ' gins» was poured the other day, i direction of »aid Will, which au turns out to be flawless and un- | thorlzed said Executor to sell and <|uet, had spared all of his own big flocks and appropriated dispose of all the real and personal : cracked—they can't tell until It property of said estate, not there the poor m an’s one Iamb. SEASON eools off—then astronomers will he ! able fa perceive stars so distant that the light from them ha» been [ more than a billion years reaching the earth, traveling at the rate of 186.OOt) miles a second. The extent of the visible universe will be multiplied by ten. when this ! new light gathering instrument is set up and In action. In a literal as well as figurative sense, that mankind need» and ha» i always needed. 1» more light. Saint Paul was right when he .«aid that human beings "see through a glass darkly.” • • • Inbefore devised, and deeming It for the best interest of said estate to do so. I will at the office of Fred E. Smith, attorney at law, 406 Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, on and after April 6th, 1934, sell at private sale to the highest bidder P icture to yourself the spectacle. The k in g on his far cash, all of the right, title and golden throne surrounded by his lords and soldiers; the Interest of said estate and of the heir» at law thereof, the following^ penniless preacher, clothed in rough skins, w ith no pow er described real property, towlt: but Truth, no protection but the fla m in g sword o f m oral The northeast quarter of south- courage. Thou a rt the m an.” The effect was im m ediate. west quarter of section 29. town ship 17 South of Range 1 W est of And David said unto Nathan, 1 have sinned against the W illamette Meridian, containing 40 Lord. And David fa ted. and went in. and lay all night upon acres of land, more or less, a n d ) the earth. together with the right of way con tlguous to and going with said pre m lses, in section 29, said township A fte r N athan came E lijah the Tishbite, a h a iry man, and range, in Lane County, Ore i liv in g alone in the woods, d rin k in g the w ater o f m ountain g o n ; also, the east 68 feet of lot 7 streams, and fed by ravens. He it was who stood o u t against G 0 L D .............................from the tea and of south 10 feet of Lot 6 In' Die fo u r hundred prophets o f the religion o f Baal w hich the Forty years ago or »0 a Yankee Block 18 of Mulligan’s Donation w icked Queen Jezebel had im ported, and challenged them to , minister nam^d Jarnlgan formed a to Eugene. Lane County, Oregon. The first described of said tracts a life and death contest. They were to build th e ir a lta r and . company to extract gold from sea of land will be sold subject to a lay th e ir sacrifice thereon; he would lay a sim ila r sacrifice ; water He sold stock In- his com n*ort8aKo for the principal sum of j on the a lta r of the Lord. W hichever god sent down fire pany and got Into a lot of trouble »200° ®" "‘her liens and encum fro m Heaven was the one who deserved to be worshipped. But h e »,111 brances to be paid by said estate, But he was telling the exact truth and the second of said tracts of F rom m orning u n til noon the false prophets leaped upon when he paid there wan enough I*nd will be Bold Bubjeot to an out­ th e ir altar, ca llin g out to Baal, w hile Elijah taunted them. sold in the Atlantic Ocean to pave Bfani,,ng contract of Bale upon North America. His only trouble i '¡’ v™ *" aPPf"l l ’n®‘®| y Mr; And It v a n e to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, 700.00 with accrued Interest unpaid, and said, Cry loud; for he Is a god; either he Is talking, or he wa« that It cost more to get It out all taxes and other Hens to be paid i than the gold was worth. 1« pursuing or he Is in a Journey, or peradventure he sleepeth by said estate. The Executor res­ and must be awaked. Now, with gold worth 335 an erves the right to reject any and all I for said parcels or either ounce instead of about »20. chem [ bldg "heJeJ? evening when the fo u r hundred had proved th e ir , 1st» are giving serious attention to This notice Is published for four in a b ility to deliver the goods, E lijah laid up his own a lta r the problem of recovering gold consecutive weeks In the Spring- placed the sacrifice on it, stacked up the wood, and poured I from the sea. At the American field News, a newspaper of general w ater over it to make the test harder. Then he prayed. Chemical Society meeting the other circulation, possessing the legal qualifications for publishing legal day a chemist who is extracting notices, in Springfield, Lane Coun­ riien the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt bromine from sea water commer­ ty. Oregon. sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and cially said that the same process Date of first publication March licked up the water that wa In the trench. "Ionizes" the gold In the water, 8th, 1934. WILLIAM O. IRVIN, Executor And when a ll the people saw it, they fell on th e ir faces; making It more nearly possible to of Last Will of George W. filter it out. and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord he is the Irvin, deceased. I learned a long time ago not to FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for executor. regard anything as Impossible. (M H 6 22-29— A 6) And David'» anger wee greatly kindled against the man; and h said to Nathan, A» the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing »hall surely die. . . . And Nathan said to David, "Thou art the man." AGENCY, Tell Him To Fly His Kite Away From E le c tric Wires.. And Not to Use W ire as a Kite String M ANYlMfMCNCY CALL M ountain -S tates P ower C ompany