The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 05, 1934, Image 1

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S P ltlN C K IK L l), L A N K C O U N T Y, U K K O O N .
'U H UHI JAY, A P R IL 6. 1934
to r Summer Set
School Maata Junior
Team From Eugene
v' *
♦tain Field 4 p. m.
‘V -
Local Road Work
Mothers Are Invited to April
Frolic Program of Girls Second Payment of 25 Per
Lsagus at H. B. Friday
Cent Brings Total Returns
To Bank Depositors to 70
Hprlugfield btgli school girls,
Will Start Consideration ot
Principals at Special Meet­
ing Called for April 11
Ibalr friends, aud tbelr mothers,
will bold tbe annual April frolic
program al tbe high acbool auditor
lum Friday evening Miss Leis Pat-
eraoa Is general chairman ot the
affair and la working with Mias
Asm Vogel In making arrange
Music, slunta, aud other forma of
entertainment will be provided with
special attention being paid to Ibe
class stunts which will be given In
competition In charge of these
aluneta are Charlene Flah for the
seniors. JoAnna Heavey for tbe Jun
tors. LaMoyne Hlack (or tbe sopho­
mores. and Lillian Butler for tbe
Will Urge Immediate Action
On Mabel-Holly Cut-off; Deadline For Filing Tueeday
Seek Aid for Sidewalk
Brings Only Few Unexpect­
ed Candidates for Offices
Members of
Payment of a second dividend of
Principals and teachers for the * Camber of Commerce at their
34 percent to depositors In tbe First
Hprlugfield schools for tbe year meeting last night Instructed their MERRIAM PETITION LOST
Flrat Track
’ rlday Post-
National bank of Springfield was
i starting next fall will be dlscuaaed secretary to ask the county relief
authorised starting Tuesday of this
poned Becaut
at a special meeting of the local committee that a gravel sidewalk James King Enters Legisla­
week by tbe Comptroller of tbe
tive Field; Local Precinct
acbool board on Wedneaday even between Eugene and Springfield be
Both Coaches
Currency In charge of liquidation.
Ing, April 11, It was decided at tbe ‘ tnstructed out of FERA funds
Committeemen Lined Up
The payment coupled wltb a pre
Spilugfleld rasldants will b ar*
monthly meeting held Monday of when and If soc-h funds are made
Malte. J.
vlous dividend of 46 percent brings
available. The highway body has re-
The cover has been lifted from
their first opportunity today to see
thia week.
the total amount of dividends paid Cumiuiugs I abo««), tin- .,g<. bridar,
First consideration will be given j P®a l«‘»ly declared that they could many political ambitions during
a baseball gama this aaaaou wban
la tbe new Uwaauier u t Ine Natinaa!
all claim holders In tbe closed Démocratie ('sensiU -« M j « u ih
to the selection of principals an d ! not au,h°rlxe this construction as tbe past week, some of them known
(ba blab school players swing luto
bank to 70 peroent. Both dividend as la g s la «ha osaa s k pui tale a, e ia
arlloa agaluat tba younger Wood-
1 other faculty members will be dis- It would be setting a precedent and others unexpected, aa 376 can­
percentage« are based on the full Oua tbe Federal Lepas,i l a a t i i .
row Wllaon Junior blab playara
cussed al the meeting If time per­ which would result In demands for didates filed petitions nominating
amount of the original claim allow­ Cerpuratlua.
trow Eugaoa
mits according to Dr. W. H. Poll­ sidewalks from all parts of the them for 117 state positions and
It has been only IS months
many times that number of local
Considering tba (art (bat base­
ard. hoard chairman.
aloce the bank closed Its doors on
The chamber also beard a report offices.
ball baa not bean taughi aa a
The present school year will end
October 8. 1*31. The first payment
Only one candidate la assured of
tport al Springfield blgb arbool (or
In another six weeks The year from Judge Woodruff of Linn coun­
was made In May 1*13.
(ba paal year. Principal Huall. who
1*33-34 had been reduced to 8 ty to tbe effect that the Mabel election at thia time and that la
months at the opening date last fall I Ho,,y road wa" to
Lloyd H. Kelley, receiver, em
Justice George Rossman of the
Ig coaching tba ball team la meet­
AU girls are to come In ccvlume
phaslses Ibe fact that no payments
and all Springfield schools will ,,ndar’r »»•<« highway and that for supreme court who was the only
ing) with gratifying results
and a prise will be awarded the
can be made unless tbe claimant
close May 18.
! l-,lnn county to complete the pres candidate to file for tbe position.
Nearly 5 playara ara turning out
one Individual with the moat out­
brings his Receiver's Certificate of
The financial condition of the dis- ®nt rout* w<>old "»«an • change of This la a non-partisan office and
ear h evening on Ural lain (laid (or
standing costume
trlct will be considered carefully j l°r a **on later.
Proof of Claim which was Issued at
there la no opportunity far an In­
practica nad acme Intcreeling ball will be served
tlie time tbe liquidation started
gaaiaa arc being played between
Completion of Playground to hy the board members before any
People living In both counties dependent to enter the race.
lia n a were also made at the
Itoveral hundred of the checks
Nine candidates seek to become
inania chucen (rom tbe student ma­
Be Sought; Details of New ' « “ 'her contracts are let for a new. ‘ nd a,on< th® route of the roadway
Girls League meeting Tueadsy for bare been called for oo Tuesday
L a c k in g
ye“ r Acc<’rd,D« to C - P Barber, dis ar® anx,<’us »hat the highway work governer. 8even are republicans
tbe annual tea to be given for girls Wednesday and Thursday morning,
and two democrats. General U. O.
now , t,e ’ »acted at once.
The game today will be played
City official, and many work h“ ‘ »"‘ •» « “ Hn« abont 820.000 in
Springfield organisation will McAlexander. of Newport. Frank
on Hrattaln (laid and will atari at from Eugene high acbool and from but many remain These must be
University high Mia* DeKtta Bund called fur. they will not be mailed
4 o'clock
Huall haa announced
men In this city are waiting petl- warran'a- The oldest of tbe.e Is ,ah® thte «•»<«• “ P wtth the high Lonergan of Portland. Rufus C.
gathe. league president named the out. Office hours for tbe dlstrlbu- ently now to learn what I . to take d ,,«d Au* u ,t ’ *• 1933 " ‘»Ich In- * * ’' '»‘'Pactment
Holman of Salem. Charles H all and
bla alerting lineup to Include Ibe
following committee heads; pro­ (Ion of tbe checks w ill be continued
Joe Dunne of Portland. W. P. Dodd
following playera: Georg* Irvin,
the place of the CWA In tbla city. I cl“d"* ,h* ,lra* part of th® P’’®"- I
gram. Lela Peterson and Charlene until further notice from 1* until
of Hermiston, and Sam Brown of
catcher. Henry Trlnka. Kugeue
All CWA functions ceased h ere, en* ac*’°°» y®<r
Flab; reception. Irene Anderson; 3 on week-days, and until noon on
Gervais are the republicans, and
Cooper and l a o a r Braltalu aa
refreshments, Marlon Shipley; and Haturdaya
H. Jackson will be at
General Charles M artin of Port­
pltrbera with Trlnka atartlng In
Dorothy Robinson for decorations the bank during the next few days, been beard rugardln^ new project meeting Monday again granted the
land and W illis Mahoney of F lam,
tba mound
Tbe program Tuesday Included according to Mr. Kelley.
Three weddings Involving local ath Falla are the democratic candi­
Cbetwcod will atari al tlrat. with
Only two projects to Springfield
»<> ««e »he Brattaln
numbers by a quartet. Alio« Bates.
The flrat dividend approximated
■ persons with wide acquaintance dates for governor.
Scott at aecond.'Braltaln at abort
Margaret Lllua and Margaret Meek, (36.000 and the second one about remain uncompleted, (he childrens, Bround* ,or X»»®« a»>d practice, i here have been set for the week-
Three democrats, Everett Logan
atop, and Squire« at third base
and Edna Vest; dialogue between (11.000 or a total of about (67.000 park and (he armory. It la expec­
| end. Saturday night Miss Emma and Joe Shelton, both of Portland,
Hadley In led tield. Vest In center,
ted that the State Veteran's Aid
Margaret Liles and Margaret Meet; paid out to depositors
, Olson, daughter of M r and Mrs. and Horace E. W aiter of CorvaUis
and either Posey or McLagan at
commission will complete the work
tap dance by Juan Stratton, and
i Andy Olson of Pleasant H ill will be are in the race for the Secretary
right field will complete tbe lln
at the armory If no farther funds |
piano solo by Delores Nice
i married to Edgar Leak, son of Mr. of State's office. The republicans
SNOW FALLS ON McKENZIE are forthcoming. Some definite
J and Mrs Fred Look at the home of seeking the place are Carle Abrams
The announcement ot this aa the
word regarding the armory Is ex-1
j the bride.
of Salem and Earl Snell of Arling­
atartlng lineup does not mesn that STUDENTS HAVE FIRST
peeled by tbe end of this week ac i
Chester M. Gerber, nephew of ton.
other students will not have a
Mrs. Helen Bowen received a cording to Mr. Hunsaker. architect.
' M r and Mrs. H. E. Gerber w ill be
Four seek the ofioe of superin­
chance to play ball. It means that
But the playground project
means '
collar borne and Mias
— —
. . . . . . .
married to Miss Edith Dempsey tendent of public instruction. C. A.
those seem to be the bast fitted
Students at Springfield high
either the government or tbe d ty .j E " t ,r e Membership Invited t o , a, the
paraOnage by Rev.
Howard is the lone republican and
(or tba positions at thia time. school held their first typewriting Mareu Grtbakov was badly shaken
the iucumbent. Democrats wanting
Gibara may develop after practice contaat of tbe season Friday whan
At Eugene Meet Friday
The same day Miss Lillian M. the office are J. W. I^eonhardt of
lo contest placea
the first sod second year teams tbe car In which they were driving slderable comment has been heard
Grande. Elmer 8. McCormick
piatoat every boy In Springfield went to Monroe for a practice con­ across (he MeKenxie pass left the recently about tbe appearance o f 1 _
I S tolslg. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
High achupl Is now engaged In some test In preparation for tbe state road and turned over. Tbe accident this project. The dirt has been , ’ _ Every _ member of the MeKenxie , . j . C. Stolslg of route 2. Eugene, of Portland, and Forrest E. Dunton
Jam„ D niry w n of of Molalla.
Iona of -athletic training. Tboas meet at Corvallis on April 88. The happened about 8 o’clock In (he dumped into the lot and Is an eye- > Gateway Rod and Gun club is In- > and
sore unless It Is leveled and rolled *«»«*! »» participate In the prlxe Mr gnd Mrg Robert L
Three want to be commissioner
who ars not In baseball are work­ students practiced before (be local morning.
marrJed „ the home
, he of Labor. Gust Anderson and
As much aa three feet of new down smooth The fence hss been "hoot to be held by the MeKenxie
ing In tba track events under M ar­ student body at an assembly period
io ! Hall. Many of them are work­
•now fell In the pass regiou during only partially completed*and need* R°<1 »nd Oun club in Eugene Frt- i bride 's parents,
Charles H. Gram. Incumbent, are
on Thursday of last weak
a coal of paint No eqalptnent. nor
n««h» according to N. L. Poll-1 thè
thp wMdJn?B haTe not
tbe republicans, and W alfred Shu-
ing «wt In tbe track events during
In (ha coataal the Springfield tba week-end and tbe road waa
hnlm is the lone democrat.
their gym class periods during tbe »earn averaged 60 words per minute closed to traffic far a while Sun material« far completing the pro- *rd, leader of the local club.
Ject are provided exrept ihe necee-! Final plans for the shoot were -
James W. Mott, incumbent, and
day. and are playing baaaball at with • errors while Monroe aver­ day, but Was soon opened when
sary lumber which has been lying | made last night at the Ford garage !
J. M. Devers will fight It out for
aged only 42 with 18 errors.
the congressional nomination from
A preliminary track meet sche­
Individual scores showing the of the lower hills Is fell In Ibe cool on * nearby front porch far the where two target carriers have SCOUT WORKERS PLAN
been Installed and practices a r e 1
duled (or last Friday bad to ba number of words w lrlten and the breese which Is sweeping across past several weeks
TO ATTEND SCHOOL the first district on the republican
A great deal of the work of com- »1*‘,<» weekly. It was decided not
ticket. W. A. Delxell of Salem. John
cancelled because of tba rata. Both errors were as follows: Theda Bay- the lower valley tbla week.
Ibe baseball and track work was lea 8*-6. Mary Elkow 66 4. for the
Apparently the low temperature pletlng the park project could be | *° have any team named far the
Miss Eunice Gerber, captain of D. Goss of Marshfield, and R. R.
at a atandatlll during moat of tbe second year students, and Gene- of 8* degrees of Monday night did accomplished by cooperative ef­ shoot, but to allow all members the Springfield Girl Scout troop, Turner of Dallas will seek the dem­
week on tbla account. Cottage yelve Henry 38-10 and Donald not do any great damage although forts of local residents Dr. W . H. to enter and the first five wltb the Miss Faye Holverson. Miss Vlr- ocratic honor.
In Lane county major interest
Qrovs, University high. Albany Brown 17-18 for the first year stu­ lu places a eras! of Ice was froten Pollard has offered to donate a best record from each will be used gfnia Christie, and Beth Meaklns.
number of maple trees which can In computing the winning cltib.
are planning to attend an all-day centers on the candidates for the
Corvallis and other schools are dev dents. Mias Mary Elisabelh Whit- on slandlng water.
be planted on the two lots at once
Only the prone and offhand scout leadership training school at legislature with the filing of Ho­
eloping track teams and want to ney accompanied the students to
and which will provide very wel­ shooting will be used Friday night. the log cabin back of Skinner’s ward 9. Merriam of Goshen still
bold competitive meets before the Monroe. A return malrh will I hv
come shade during the summer Plans are being made to hold an­ butte in Eugene Friday. Mias Vaal undecided this morning as the
district and state (Inals to be held held al the local high school lo­ STAR MEMBERS HAVE
other match here at some unan- Start, regional commissioner, will whereabouts of his petitions were
on Hayward field In Eugene and morrow at 1:46
When and If relief work Is re- nounced date at which time the be here for the day. At 4:30 she sought between Eugene and Salem.
Hell field a f Corvallis reapectlvsly
It la uncertain yet whether or
Members of Cascade chapter. (). suined In Springfield under the kneeling and sitting positions will will talk to a large gathering of They were said to have been mail­
oot a district or county meet will
Girl Scouts and several from ed Monday night but failed to ar­
ANDERSON RETURNS AS be arranged Ibis year according to E 8. enjoyed a "program of stunts FSRA Is uncertain. This work and be used.
Springfield are planning to attend rive In Salem. He was to be a
Misa Claraba) Wagner, bead of the and games which was fallowed by the park project will be among
candidate far the house of repres­
at th lt time.
commercial department at Spring- a luncheou after tbelr business the matters to be discussed at the
meeting at tbe lodge hall Tuesday monthly council meeting next Mon­ LIONS TO HEAR PASTOR
Mrs. W . P. Tyson and Mrs. C. E. entatives.
W ith the cessation of all CWA field high school.
Other republicans who want to
evening The membership was divi­ day night.
FROM EUGENE CHURCH Wheaton will attend the dinner and
work. Lum F. Andsrson. supervisor
meeting of the Ixtne County Coun­ fill one of the three seats Include
for rsllef work in this district, has GLENWOOD CLUB ELECTS ded Into two groups beaded by
Rev. Cedi F. Ristow, pastor of cil Friday evening. Mrs. Tyson Is Earl H ill and C. A. Huntington. In­
completed this work aud became CONVENTION DELEGATES Mrs. Pearl Schantol and Mrs Bea STUDENTS PRESENT
the First
Methodist Episcopal a new member of the council re­ cumbents. Kenneth Nielson. Em­
again Street Commissioner and
church In Eugene, will be the prin­ presenting Springfield scouts.
mett Howard. F. C. Heffron. and
Mrs. 8chantol was adjudged the
Police officer of Springfield.
Four delegates from Ibe Glen­
cipal speaker at the weekly meet­
James K. King. Democrats seeking
During the period of the CWA wood community club to the coun­ winners. Visitors were also enter­
Students at Springfield high ing of the Springfield Lions club
the offices are Bene Lydick, C. F.
work Mr Anderson waa given a ty Federation of Women's clubs to tained.
school presented a radio stage [ meeting Friday noon according t o | T W 0 STUDENTS BECOME
Hyde and Dr. Frank Csrll. They
leave of absence and John Ixrrah be bald April IS were elected Fri­
show as It may be presented 20 F. B. Hamlin and M C. Kirkland
MEMBERS OF HOUSES will have no opposition in the pri­
was employed In his stead.
Mr day at tbe March meeting held at HAPPY EVENING CLUB
years In the future as part of tbe members of the program commit-
Lorah turned bla temporary work tbe Olenwood school. The dele­ MEETING TUESDAY NIG HT
assembly program Friday morning *e®'
Miss Ruth M. Carlton of Spring-
There will be no contest In the
back to Andsrson Monday and tbe gates are Mrs. Hattie Hall. Mrs.
Thoae lo charge of the radio pro­
Rev. Ristow s subject will be field waR announced as a member campaign tor tbe senate post until
commissioner has been grading the Bam Beilis. Mrs. Cedi Griffin and
Second meeting of the Happy
gram were Echo Tomseth. Ijim a r
The Spiritual Price of Economic of Alpha Omicron Pl sorority at the fall as only one candidate from
illy streets and alleys which ware Mrs. John W. Gates.
Evening club will be held next
Brattaln. Morgun Chandler, and Recovery." This Is the address I University of Oregon this week. each party Is in the Held far the
softened by the rains of last week
A musical program fallowed the Tuesday evening at the home of
Alys Thatcher. The broadcasting
which was so well received f®*j George Marx of W altervllle was the office.
Miss Dorothea Mae Potter, presi­
business meeting.
slurs were Jack W illiams, ( arter
cently when given before the Ro- oplv fraternity selection. He join-
H. C. Wheeler, republican, and
Plans were also made far tbe
Hartman. Mary Smltson. Everett »ary and Klwanls clubs In Eugene, ed pi Kappa Alpha.
L. L. Ray. democrat, will contest
election of officers at the April her having any new suggestion for
Chetwood. Dtsque Smith. Bruce
Lion members who have not yet
Miss Carlton was named on the the Lane senate seat in the gen­
meeting which will be the final a name of this club which Is being
Squires, and Morris Stewart.
turned In their ticket oney from ; university honor roll far the winter eral election. E. A. McCornack. re-
Among tbe larger family gather meeting of the dub before the sum­ sponsored by the Happy Hour club,
Rev. and Mrs Dean C. Polndex- j the club play are to bring It with le rm Inst ended. Se was also I publican, and C. A. Schooling, de
Inga held hare on Raster Sunday mer vacation. The annual piente are requested to turn them In to ter also presented their Blblcal ! them to the meeting and leave It named on the honor roll far the f a l l ! mocrat. will contest the Joint Linn
Miss Doris Girard.
was that held at the home of Mrs w ill be held In June.
drania, "1 Go A Fishing." during with Harry Stewart ticket chair- : term. She is a sophomore and is I Lane senate seat In the fall elec­
C. I. Uorrle, Hr. Out of town peo­
the morning program.
specialising In social sciences. She tion.
ple hers (or the event were Dr. and IUKA MEMBERS COINC
The question of weekly metlngs Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Two republicans. O. E. Crowe. In­
Mrs. C. O Van Vnlaah and daugh
for the clnb members, and other Roy Carlton of 230 E street.
cumbent. and G. W. McFarland,
t*r, Margaret Rha-nnan, Mr. aud
business matters will be taken up
To be named on the honor roll want to be county commissioner.
Mrs. E. 0. Faye of Portland, James
When Springfield high school
Members of Iuka circle number
SERVICE FOR SUNDAY Ia* »»>® meeting.
students must earn a grade point W alter Holland Is the unopposed
Gorrls of Tillamook, and Mrs. D. 37. Indies Auxiliary of Ihe O. A. R. students took a (Ire drill last week
average of 2:50. In the computa­ democratic candidate.
C. England and children of Eugene. will go to Eugene tonight to attend It was as unexpected by members
For the first Sunday after Easter
Grace Schiska and Pearl Schan­
tion. three points are given (or an
a miscellaneous shower being given of the faculty as by the students. Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor of the HOLD MISCELLANEOUS
"A", two far "B” and one for “C." tol republicans are In the field for
for Mrs. Vernon Lansdon, member It seems that students from the Baptist church has chosen "On the
county treasurer, as are Roes Mat­
thews and Jesse Inman, democrats.
OF PROBLEM SOLUTION of the Rich Mountain circle in Eu­ Lincoln school were practicing In Emrnaua Road" as the theme of his
gene. Her daughter Is a member Ihe building and out of curiosity sermon at the morntng worship
Mrs. C. W. Cornelius. Mrs. Z. E.
Judge G. F. Sklpworth is un-
SCHOOL PROGRAM oposed locally for the Judgeship of
one of them set off the alarm. Out hour. The usual Sunday school ses­ Sheeks and Miss Leona Sheeks
"Giving and Receiving" w ill be of Iuka circle.
went atudenta and faculty members sion with graded clnsaes will be were joint hostesses for a miscel­
tba subject of the morning service
the second Judicial district.
A large group of persons saw
Into a hard ahower.
held at 1:46. There will be no laneous shower at the home of the
at tba Methodist church Bunday at ARETANIA OUILD MEETS
In Springfield two democrats are
evening meeting of the B. Y. P. U. former Friday evening honoring the operetta "Peter Rabbit” which entered as candidates far precinct
11:00. Rav. Dean C. Poindexter will
as most of the young people will Miss Evelyn Miller, bride-elect.
preach. For the evening service the
committee men.
They are Oten
be at Roseburg attending he As­ Quests Included Miss M iller. Betty school presented at the high school Wood and Welby Stevens In the
Mrs, Homer Chase was In charge
pastor has chossn "The Solution to
OF EASTER GATHERING sociations! B. Y. P. U. rally at that Mersdorf, Mrs. Harry Mersdorf. on Friday evening. Another Inter­
Our Gravest Problems" as his sub- of the program of the Aretanla
third and second preclncta. Repub­
esting feature of the program was
Ject al 7:80. The Sunday acbool Guild meeting held al the Baptist
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Curtla en­ place. The pastor will deliver an Miw. John Lay, Mrs John Haxby, the Comedy, “ Artie Architects" licans have a full slate as follows:
, Miss Lucille Haxby. Mrs. C. N. Jen
classes will meal at *:46 and the church Tueeday evening. Final tertained at their home with an evening sermon at 7:30.
W N. Dow. precinct J; W. K. Bar-
presented bv the upper grades In
sen and Mrs. Paul Gnrboden.
Epworth Leagues will meet at 1:30. plans for the Umpqua association Banter dinner Bunday for Mr. and
nell. number 2; F. B. Hamlin, num­
the Lincoln building. Teachers of
rally at Roseburg were discussed Mrs. Riley Snodgrass and daugh­
ber 8; amd C. A. Swarts, number 4.
the school \.ere In charge of the
at the meeting. A number of dele­ ter. Maxine. Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Almost 50 persons have made out
( -ji
new registration cards at the city
SPEAK HERE SUNDAY gates from the group will leave to Snodgrass of flhedd, Mias Eunice
-------------------a^. .
attend the sessions this week-end. Gerber, Mr. Lloyd Garrison, and
hall so far. Changes in registration
Details of a stunt which mem­
SPRINGFIELD PRINCIPAL can be made up until April 18, one
W alter Conrad of Reedsport.
Rev. Bryant Wllaon, pastor of the
bers of Springfield I. O. O. F. lodge
The Four-H Club G ill" will be
AUTHOR OF NEW SONG month before the primary election
First Baptist church In Eugene, NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS
number 70 will present at the coun­ the subjects of the first speaker.
to be held May 18.
will exchange pulpits Sunday morn­
ty convention at Cottage Grove on Mrs. Kate W. Jameson, dean of
"The Vanishing Herds" Is the
ing with Rar. Veltle Pruitt, pastor
PARTY FOR BIRTHDAY April 0 were discussed al the regu­ women at Oregon Stale college, on title of a new song written recently
Buys Home Here
of the Springfield Christian church.
Members of the Needlecraft club
lar meeting of the lodge here Wed­ the Monday night club broadcast by Glen B. Wood, principal of the
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vic and fam
Rev Wllaon will speak on "A Four­ will meet this afternoon at 8 o'clock
Little Bobby Sensensy, three- nesday night, preliminary plans over station KOAC at 7:30 o'clock I Brattaln school. Words are by Mr
lly of Garden Way district have
fold Love." The music w ill be fu r­ at ths home of Mrs. H. H. Schaf- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
were also discussed for a public D. C. Smith of the farm crops de- Wood, and the music by Mrs. Agnes moved Into Springfield this week to
nished by the Murphy-Moahler fenberg. The usual program of Senaeney was host at his home to
supper to be given In the near fu­ partment will talk on Growing the Schaffenberg. Copyright projection
make their home. They have pur­
quartet. In the evening Rev Pruitt stunts, gamss, and needlecraft
a number of his small friends at a ture. Attendance at the lodge meet- Four-H Corn Crop, and Four-H
has been granted the authors and chased a home and property just
will praach on the subject "Easter work, followed by refreshments
birthday party Wednesday after­ Ings has been Improving during the j news Items from over the state
It will be placed on the market off of Main street on South Second
Echos.” Ha w ill a lio sing a solo.
hes been planned.
past few month*.
will complete the program.