PAGE FOUR FARM LOANS TO BE WITH BONDS THURSDAY. MARCH 2», 1834 THE 8PR1NOFULO NEWS LITTLE in Washington for Air Conference OLD ----------------------------- “ ----- EWVORK éy CARL H Ö KT2 Government Backs Securities "Bunk, hooye or baloney" Is the | and Urges Farmers to Seek way you'd receive It It you taw It | Data Before Selling Them on the stage or lu the movies. Hut LOAN OFFICIALS TO VISIT Easter at Church |ÿ|f]5 (Continued from Kirsi I ’tivel OIES lii HOSPITAL Theo Bartholomew. Mrs W K Buell, Helen Crandall, Mrs. W K Harnell. Doris Myers. Hulh Pollard. Funeral Service* le at Local All Type« of Loans to Be Dia- I Ikirolhea Mae Potter. Mrs 8 8 cuieed at Saturday Meeting I Potter. Mary Elisabeth Whitney. Chapel Saturday. Portland Pnetor to Have Service J I onili lle W illia m « in Co. Agent's Office it actually happened In a New York Contraltos: Velila Itartholomew, Mrs. Alible E Mulligan. 54« <1 C. W. Hansen, aecrctary-trea»- suburb. Edward Barrett in a hou e i Lane courtv farmers will he Evelyn Buell, Esther Crandall street. Hprlngfleld. died at the Pa urer of the M cKeaite Valley Na­ flotded with deadly fumes from a given first hand inforutullon on tllyde Dlllry. Mrs. Cveyln Finely. clflc hospital lu Eugene Wednes tional Farm »met association. re defective furnace tried to tale-I the new Production Credit aasoelu Mrs. W H Pollard. Mrs. Bruce d ty w ellin g followlu« an lllueaa cetved word today from Wm I. ph,me tor he)p He lnlm„. i tton through arrangemetila Just Bobin on. Mrs Bernice Van Valsali Mhe was «3 year old Myers governor of the farm credit diately after he removed the re completed by County \g<- I tl. 8. Tenors Rum Burtholoinew him Abbie Plnier waa born al Walla administration. Washington. D. C.. reiver from the took. When the I F I‘teller The Farm Credit udiiilu «Id Brown. Robert Brown, B y that K ederal land hank loans and telephone operator got no reply to latratimi la «ending one of Ita field Crandall. Irving Davis. Paul Poller. Walla. Washington on February 14 1871 and i^pde several trips to Call hind hank comm issioner’s loans her -Number please»“ she notified ; representatives to L ine couu'y Io Jack Williams torn la and return with her pareuta will he made in the future through , tester who sent a repairman to ! with farmer« and explain the Bass' Fred Buell, W K. Iluell, C. b >for* they finally «Billed In the Federal land bank Io bonds of the house The repalrmau and two function« of the new In a iH lu g .g Crandall. William Heels, May Hpringfleld lu 1X81) Here all* waa the F.-deral Farm Mortgage cor- police found Barrett unconscious, ug«nuy. inond Langwell, 8. S Poller. M»r married tu Francis Mulligan May poration. which bonds are guaran took him to a hospital. He lives' The county agent'« office hue i ria Slewart. and Fred Look 20. 1884 teed by the United States govern » » . ■ arranged for th< viait here of 11. I ment both as to principal and in- ,, .... .. Tu Ihla union were born five sons B. Howell, of Sjokutie office of the . u ... . F,,r year» there has been terest. which will be at the rate . . . . . . . . . . . . and Iwu daughter*: Alvin It of Ab DANCE SCHOOL WILL Farm Credit ndiuPiialration on Sat­ a skeleton at the annual feast of of 4 per cent per annum for the ,, bany: Cecil C. Drval (Ding) and urday, March 31, the E lite Headwalters association BE OPENED IN CITY Frederick of Hpringfleld; Ketinetb bonds to be issued at this time. k. . . , . „ . The purpose of (hla visit will he : _. . . . . . . . . . . . " was prohibition. . . . But the 1934 These bonds will take the place „ Io explain the function« aril poll ! Miss Helen C Taylor, teacher of W. of Junction City; Mrs. A O , .. . . .. .. reception and bell was all sm ooth, of the cash distribution In the dis- , . d e s of the new Production Credit i lap. hallet, acrobatic, natural and Keely of Grand Fork*. North Da , . . . . sailing Repeal was here, and Its WASHINGTON Upon the invitation of Serretary of War, George buraement o f the unclosed loans ip ,rJ( w>s # M ? nssodatlon In financing crop pro toe dancing, will open a dance kola, arid Mrs L D McKenney ul IL Dera, Colonel Charlr» Lindbergh ram« to Washington to confer with previously approve.1 by the Fed headwa)ter. or M the Secretary concerning army aviation matter* and also the airmail dying, iliidlon. Ilvestoik. ami other types ' studio lu the Vitus building lu the Marco la. eral land banks. .. ... . . . . 1 it waa reported Photo show* Secretary Hern greeting Colonel Lindbergh of agricultural lot*:; The associa near future. 8h e also leaves two brothers and _. . . . .. „ , , „ i they like to call them selves, rind The bonds of the Federal Farm , hejr when the tall flyer armed at the Army building, hatlcea and without one sister, Fred Filner of Ukiah. lion covering lathe county has Ils ' Miss Taylor studimi dancing uu overcoat Mortgage corporation, according to onc t the Federal Farm „ , he approprillIe , lmt> for dlnln< •• teams. Springflell held a three point Miss Alice Pugh In Los Angeles Mortgage corporation bonds will be sald another -Theil we cook lead. 18-15 at the half and advanced who came here lo take charge of one of the most b. loved characters I LILIES the J mn I v . and four other Inters, "f American fiction, with hla role an attractive Investment. "They wlth clT„l«atloa.‘ this to 32-23 at the final whlRtle. HYDRANGEAS w ill be as readily m arketable as . . , Both teams will meet at Biachly Mrs. A. H. Hunter, and Mrs Pete , In the Fox Film release. "David AZALEAS bonds of the United States govern­ tonight for the second game. If Mvers. both of Rock Springs. Wyo llarum." which Is playing a full ment and they will be quoted In all Hobbles, more bobbles . . . And Springfield wlus this will end the tiling; Mrs. May A. Wilson of Earn ! week nt the McDonald theatre Th EASTER CORSAGES of the principal markets," he con- you've never seen a fencing series, should Biachly take the ston. Wyoming, anil Mrs Toblthn novel by Edward Noyes Wnetcolt CUT FLOWERS tlnued. “Holders who have to dis match. It's difficult to realise how game another will be played. Nielson of Spring Canyon. Utah make a delightful and thoroughly PLANTS pose of these bonds should not sell graceful a hobby fencing ca® be --------------------------- enjoyable film that shows Rogers Buy them at the Green houi Players for both team s were them without first ascertaining •'kud March Is the time for the Im- al his very best. It was because of Where you know they are freeh Biachly 23 their real market value." por'ant contests at the exclusive Springfield 32 the numerous requesta of theatre­ F _________________ little Fencers Club In East SSrd H a w k e ..... .... . „ Clark goers that the Fox officials pro- We Deliver street. And such resounding names Thatcher ...... F Robertson ' duced the picture Tuesday evening the men of the ,io|(t,rs h<> hBj) )(j hl> PRISCILLA CLUB PLANS among the women contestants and Ernsting C Johnson # , ru|y G Biachly W altervllle church entertained the r,„ H NO-HOST LUNCHEON dlrectora: Mr» Stuyvesant Fish. Leathers of _______ Mrs. Charlee H. Voorhees. Mrs. Mattison G Miller women with supper and progranV ab,„ perf()rniaIll.„ Th„ EuKene-Sprtngfleld Bridge Phone Springfield M-W Group singing by the men. solos by Kv„ly„ Vsnable and Kent Taylot S Members of the Priscilla club 'Harold van Buskirk. Miss Maude Thurman ... d(.,)|{h, flll,v a|ncer. Th(( The Pleasant Hill team handed Rev Ralph Clark and Frank Page were entertained last Thursday Van Courtlandt Oakee, Miss Marla the locals a surprise package on Special features by Malrolm Han members of the cast. Louise Pres- afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Cerra- Miss Amy von Hansa! Monday night when they defeated se.. and W R White were Included Mer H, pp,n F|,t(,h|| Noah Seavey in Eugene. Mrs. Matt Hart • • • Mlddl(>ton; them 22-20 in a hardfought game The even, marked the close of H(lgpr hnh))f was the assistant hostess. Prixes “There's less Immorality In a Sarah an<| in the games were won by Mrs nudist camp than on Park Avenue.” on the local floor. William Cox Is Rev and Mrs. Ralph Clark s fifth m ,lk year In their triplicate pastorate. u l „ , n atuar| d(, aplendld|y w|(h William Curtis, Mrs. Wm. Rouse ' “Y» the publisher of four maga manager of the local team K'alrmount, W altervllle. I.eshurg |h e|r rolp|| and Mr9. Ernest Black. tines that have Just been barred Place for a church supper to be _____________ „ . . . . . . . „ trom S ew York news stands And held Tuesday evening at Leaburg V A | , F v . . , MQ F D _ he talks of his magazines this way: were postponed until Friday night I- L f c Y L U M B E R M E N mother. Mrs. « .w a r t and her .., ,t.g an ’¿ T . " ‘’“ ’'•A “’1 Take a girl of 18 or 20. They ge, TO TALK PROBLEMS Honoring Mi s Emma Olson, who April I. at «;30. due to Mrs. Clark's Betty Seavey. .Members attending educated in the sex life and are I» to become the bride of Edward illness. were Mrs. John Toniseth. Mrs. W il­ Forestry of the most practical The Waltervllle-Leaburg C. E. better able to defend themselves." Louk of Springfield. April 7. Mrs liam Curtis. Mrs. Norman Howard. kind intended to eventually make societies are planning a Joint bust . . . . Ho. hum. Four of hi« maga- Eugene B. Tinker gave a miscellan- Mrs. E. L. Hopson. Mrs. E. O. Pri- the Douglas fir region of the Pa zines are “La Paree,” "Spicy , eous shower at her home at Pleas- ness 5nd social m e-tirg next Mon- vat, Mrs. William Rouse, Mrs. Storles." "Pep." and "Gay Parisi- ant Hill Saturday afternoon. March day night at the home of Mr and ‘ ,flc Northwest a permanent source Ernest Black. Mrs. Merle Casteel. P™«*™'»» supplies in large enne." 24. After the guests had all arrived Mrs. Rennie Koozer Members to "f Mrs. Frank Logan. Mrs. Lynn bring cake or sandwiches quantities for the American public The steel work of the Knicker- alarn> clocks went off at stated In- Stone. Mrs. William Moyer. Mrs. The Ladles Aid society met all ls ,0 b*‘ the O’«®« “f a nuwtlng to bocker V illage low-cost housing tervals as «iRnals for the bride lo Flora Stearmer. Mrs. E. C. Stuart. day Wednesday at W altervllle *** held at the Osburn hotel In begin to search the house for gifts church social room for quilting I Lugene on Friday evenlug, March Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, and the project Is up some six stories or more, and occupancy is slated for Miss Olson received many lovely hostesses. | 30, tartlng with a dinner at S:30. Visitors the past week In this sec gifts for her new home „ , December of this year. Knicker- O. It. Miller, presldnnt of the Plans were made at the meeting bocker VUUg# rep,aceg {he oW tlon include Luclle Millican. Ash The Juniors entertained the sen­ W<• net'tl not HtrpHH tilt* point to experienced HiiKlertt for a no-host luncheon to be held "Lung Blocks" of the lower East I lom "f the Pleasant Hill high school land, at the home of her parents Pacific Logging (-ongreas and A o f the HatlMfact>on In luting tackle In which one hue Whisnunt. secretary, will attend. at the Tiny Tavern in Eugene for Side, and Is plainned as a Com­ at a week-end party at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Millican Mrs. the utmost confidence. . . . All of our tackle Is tested Adeline Alllnehuni al home of Miss 1 S 1 hapman. chairman of the their next meeting on April 12. munity of medium rental apart­ They camped at Newport about tackle and It costs no more than Inferior brands and •" IW**« oonaerva- four blocks from the ocean. The B e ll.. M tlli.- i.ti W a lt e r v llle M r and J,,u" ' ments for white-collar workers. makes . . . It's time to replenish that tackle box Mrs. Raymond Lynch and sons, and ,lon Bll<1 A K K°b«r1". represents W. C. T . U. Has Meeting tim e was spent on the beach, see­ come in and brouse through our fishing equipment Ted Leafdahl nt the home of their llve" of ,h,> We"t CoM‘ Lu,u,),'r Miss Eliza Nelson was hostess at ing the different atractions along department. P ublic C onfidence Return* , the highway and roller skating. mother. Mrs. John Currie. Leaburg ,nen'g ""»»elation will also attend. her home Tuesday afternoon for Direct information indicate, con- They were cbaperf>lie(1 by Mr„ F the monthly meeting of the Spring- 8. H. Putnam drove to Bend to SEASON OPENS APRIL 5TH cluslvely that the hanking situation field unit of the W. C. T U. F. Cooper and Mrs. Jean Eberhart. visit his family. HOW IS YOUR TACKLE? Is showing definite and steady Im­ Mr and Mrs Morris visited their C o u n ly K ey B a n k e rs Mr and Mrs. Doane and son Jack provement. J. F. T. O'Connor. Comp­ Shakespeare Fly Rods from $4-50 to $18.00 daughters who are attending 8 D Describing the activities of Ihe j troller of the Currency of the United have moved onto the ranch they A. school near Portland. Mrs Mor A g r ic u ltu ra l Commission of the States, said in a recent address He recently purchased from Mr. and Fly Rods 85c to $3.75 Is r e m a in in g f o r tw o weeks. Mr ',jnI‘‘,‘rg Association th . pointed ont that the decided drop Mrs. Skilbred, who has moved to rls . , _ t Director. D II Olla, says "With President Tapered Lines which has occurred In money In cir­ and Mrs. McDonald. Spokane, arc , 5M agr,ruUuraIly m(nded banker. Bailey Hill. 12:30 C O N T IN U O U S 11:30 $6.50 culation shows that the public has Miss Blanche W heeler who has visiting his cousin. Mrs. Richard designated as county key bankers, Other lines from largely ceased bonding. 10c up there Is enlisted a tremendous force ben spending her spring vacation Hart and family. On March 1, 1934. the Federal HELD OVER! -------------------------- for the Improvement of agriculture. with her parents at Pleasant Hill Myers Flies 2 - 25c Reserve Board reported that the These key hankers bring organized HURRY! HURRY! volume of money in circulation returned to Monmouth where she JOINT BIRTHDAY PARTY Bucktail Flies assistance to progressive hankers, 10c ea. amounted to $5.355.000.000. which Is attending the State normal LEAVES SATURDAY IS EVENT OF TUESDAY who are led to sec the possibility of was a decline of $1.077,000.000 since gch(M)1 Leaders 10c to 75c ___ agricultural work In their comm« March 1. 1933. It was a drop of i hi c..i . i ... nltles. Banker farmer tours are em- J A M E S K. K IN G We Issue Fish ing Licenses $2,226,000,000. or over 29 per cent, . . phaslzi'd as a tnr-nnr o f a cq n nfn tln g A tto rn ey a t Law nature of a gathering of those faml bankers, farmers and other business from the all time peak of $7,581,000,- M in er Bldg., Eugene, Oregon 000 reached on March 13. 1933 About lies of the Methodist church in men with first band knowledge of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S one-half the decrease, It was pointed which one member had a birthday how agricultural Improvement meth- NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN out, reflected the return of currency during the month of March was ods are working out In practice, that the undersigned has been ap- from the public held Tuesday evening at the home These give an opportunlly for the Money in circulation declined rap Vdienl*1 d°f the HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT tdiv . : ' C° *'lena the of Mr. and Mrs. U. O. MeElhany k,,5' bankers to contact country bank- n M aX n it na a • » « ... MBnL' Un,y Wlckwlre, Court of deceased, by Ore with Mrs. MeElhany and Miss Eve ° r» «»d w»rk out new Idea.," In March, 1933, and has continued gon. All persons having claims I* at hi* inimi­ since to decline from week to week, against said estate are required to lyn Buell as hostesses. table best in thi* "notwithstanding the Increase In the present them with the proper A potluck dinner was served In racy role bring­ demand for currency arising from : voucher - to the undersigned at the a room decorated with the St. Pat ing to vivid life enlargement of pay rolls and In- law offices of James K King. 410 rick color- anil around a large d e­ an A m e ric a n crease In the volume of retail trade," Building, Eugene, Lane classic the Comptroller said which lie r ° ,,n l>'- Oregon, within six ifl) corated cake made by Mrs. C. H. added. “ Indicates a continued re tu rn J r'’T 'la,e notl5 e Mvers. The latter part of the even Ing wns spent listening to music Earlier than usual. . . . and talks on 81 Patrick’s day by facilities were reestablished." Smarter than ever. . . . EDNA L. KLINK, Executrix of the Estate of Vilena Wlckwlre, Rev. F 8. Clemo, and on Easter by More attractively priced. deceased. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. .. . Greater valuett. . . we (M 28— A 5-12-19 26) Those attending the dinner were: present out first showing with Mra Genevieve Beaman from Mr. and Mrs. MeElhany, Mr. and of Spring styles In wo­ G O RDO N 8. W E L L S Gold Beach spent the week-end Mrs. William Oantz, Mr. and Mrs. Attorney a t Law Louise Dresser men’s shoes. There are here with her mother, M ra. Beulah M lner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon C. H Myers, Miss Faye Parsons, street shoes and dress Evelyn Vensbl« Harbert, and slater, Mra. Lawrence N O T IC E Doris Myers, Rev. and Mra. Clemo, shoes In beautiful white eoo Kent Taylor Goasler. and family. OF A D M IN I3 T R A T O R ’8 SALE Rev. Polndpxter and his mother-ln models. Priced very rea­ Mr and Mra. Quinn from San NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN law, Mrs. Porter,, Mr. and Mrs. sonable. Stepin Fetchit Fra-nclaco motored over the McKen-; 'hat the undersigned, administrator Lawrence May, Mr. and Mrs. W. ; zle pass last Saturday and spent • of the ”»ta*« of May Boylee, de- E. Buell, Loudell* Williams. Fred There are models here , Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James '.„’’« '" n "a l ° a“ thor'ty ‘i0 "’ Buell, M. C. Kirkland, Evelyn Buell, Plus a Rare Treat :: which might, easily be talned In an Order made and enter- : ed by the Conty Court o f the State Mrs. A. B Van Valzah, and Mrs. priced much higher . . . Mrs. Hufford from Myrtle Point of Oregon, for Lane Conty on March Janie Cruzan. and attract you just as spent some time last week with ' 21- 1934, ^*11, on and after the 28th quickly. . . . Your size Is relatives here, she left for her home day of April, 1934, at the law office To Return Home— Mrs. M. B. here. of Gordon 8. Wells In the Miner Sunday after taking Mr. and Mrs. Building, Eugene. Oregon, offer for Huntly Is expected to return to her Hufford and family here to the Mc­ sale and sell to the highest bidder home here today from the Pacific MANY BEAUTIFUL SWEATERS have arrived which for cash, subject to confirmation by hospital in Eugene where she has Kenzie pass summit. A Foromownt Ficivre said Court, all of the right, title been a patient for som e time. • are very attractive for spring wear, la te st colors Born, to Mr and Mrs. Hubert RICHARD ARLEN an, Interest of May Boyles, deceased Gray a six and one-half pound in and to the following described and styles make these sweaters very snappy. Get SALLY EILERS ■ « m t U l l i i n i daughter at Pacific hospital in Eu­ real property, to-wit: CALL FOR W ARR ANTS one before Easter. can m an - me* nn The West one-half of the South­ gene on Saturday, March 24, 1834 Notice Is hereby given that west Quarter of Section 2 In School District No. 19. In Lane :: P L U S :: Township 17 South, Range 9 Before you buy a new car at West of the W illamette Meridian county, Oregon, will pay at the of­ MICKEY MOUSE any price. Get at demonstra­ In Lune County, Oregon, contain fice of clerk of said district, all In tion of the New Ford V-8. Ing eighty acres. warrants to and Inclhdlng 3073, JOSEPH ACHEHON. Adminis­ dated August 31, 1933. Interest Call Elmer Pyne at J. FULOP, Prop. "CAMPING O U T ” trator of the Estate of May 334 Main St. ANDERSON MOTORS ceases after March 29, 1934. Boyles, deceased. Springfield Ph. 49 5th A A Springfield C. F. BARBER, Clerk. (M 29—A 5-12-19 26, For Better Easter F lo w e rs ^ McKenzie Valley I Kirkland Floral Co. Be Confident Upper Willamette of Your Tackle MCOOSALD 2 Major Features Wright & Sons MILL ROGERS NEW White Shoes Spring -* DAVID HARUM .................. " ssz.u ;'''" '""" Streeters Thurston S H E ! Straps and Ties B E D Fulop’s Dept. Store