THURBDAY, MARCH 2». 1914 THE 8PRINOF1ELD NEWS A alaa« w» »h I m mi rii I» better Ihan X h T i U ' ..... ........CLUB QUESTS ATTEND BRIDGE MEETING HERE PAGE THREE TREE PLANTING STARTS IN NORTHWEST STATES HAAF PEOPLE PW NO SCHOOL TAX • «■— — TIIJC C O U N T Y C O U R T OK M r» *•••» « » * 8 Jon«». M ra C Eastern Oregon Koreata Included T D K STATIC OK OK KOON KO It K W h raton, and Mra. C lifford W II In Koreat Service A rtific ia l T H E C O U N T Y OK L A N K »iw wrr a aural» of th r t o nlrart P lan tin g Program Jasper Man More— W H Ban Oeee to Tillam oo k— Fred Buell IN T H E M A T T K H OK T H K KB . T»duv when th r T A T K O K O A I.K K I.M K It < HAHK, I ' * ' ‘ Thureday when tit w ill leave F riday for T illam oo k d rra of Jaaper woo a ba «Ine«» visi­ Portland. Ore.. M arch » — (Spe­ PKCKAHICI) froEp mvl Ml tho bom * oi M ri T h e large»! spring planting pro­ tor In Springfield Tuesday. where he w ill be employed. cial j — M ore than 300.000 people or N O T H 'K la hereby « Ire n that t h e ' Johu H end arar gram ever undertaken In the north approxim ately one-half Oracon'a uadaralanad a» the A dm lnlatralrlM Fur the neat m eeting on A pril I t , Pacific region la now under way. Buelneee V ielter— John C rabtree V ialta W ith Statar — Mrs. Jack In bn repn«»ca»ed ui o lir» near I of th r Relate of I tale Klm er Chaaa, | Mr«. W N. Long w ill be lb according to a n u o o m e m -n t from of Camp C r-e k wa» a liti»lneaa vlal­ H a r tlr of Portland la hare visiting adult population, ore contributing Bprlngfleld. Ila la n m dna 8*8. 60. ¡ Item a a rd haa filed her final ac hoateaa. the regional foreater*» office, (Port­ tor In Springfield Saturday. ! w ith her alater. Mr». M B. McKen- no d irect property nor Income taxes H illuit iiiiin tlily pay u im ia 36.00. | count In th r County Court In the for support of Oregon's tnisniclpall- land, Oregon. A total of l.SnO.OOO Hlate of Oregon for iMine County s D A L L I N Low ell Reeldent H are — Mra j °"Y- Anyone w a iitliia tilla plano plaaaa ttes. her schools, counties or the tree» are being planted on 2.880 ,°“1 in ! Attorney a t Law w rite (or fu rth e r Inform ation Tail- F rank Snyder of Ix iw ell waa a busi V r 1* ! ’/ ’ i t “ I ,h * ,,,UI ° L #. . 30 877 W illa m e tte Eugene, O re g o n , ui re T h e work w ill all be cont- • r a a k a Arm — M ra. Jam e» Ip s ilo n s ta le , according to recent compiled man l'In n o M liir«. 395 H 12th Ht., oclock til (be forenoon of Maid day I ne»s vlaltor In Springfield Friday I . . » . . . .» _____ .« received a broken arm when ahe figures released today through tha N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R ! *' *“ ' ’ ° r a“ <’ M r 11 *• Haluni. Orogun A - I l and Ihe Court Room of »aid court Patient at Hoapltal— M ra Dora fell while working at her home School R elief and Property T ax Re­ haa been appointed by aald court aa Notice 1» hereby g lre n that l h e i ’" ,,d duction le a g u e of Oregon. Most of the planting 1« being Moakop Is a patient at the Pacific last week-end. the tim e anil place for the hearing I untleralgned. Klmer Strand, hoe Kt «ah Hui« k»pt tu Ih * «tallar ab of objections thereto and the set been appointed adm inistrator of I don« by civilian conservation corp» hospital In Eugene this week. "T b e figures, closely parallel tha »o lba moti Iu ra und (re e \e u » Ih» H e m m t thereof. M cM in n v ille and Jackson county Ih estate of Jennie Htrand. tale ( w g although »nine ot the pro- Patient at Hospital—-Glen Sum haodl«d UDd'”' 'h e D ri* a u O akridge M r and M rs. | vf Springfield w a . adm itted a . school surveys which show that 58 Dotali and firs t published M arch h,a v lM ” «n|Zim», r Z S ? n .t « I d ’T . ’ a"" >*<«" a r" pallar. I H. 1834. should present the »urn» duly verb ¡nation al Industrial recovery act H,dn*7 ,,e |Ph and daughter Betty ,, patient at the Eugene hospital on percent of the fam ilies having chil­ Bale of last publication A p ril 6, dren In city schools are paying no fled Io said a dm lolid rator at the authorizations. , 'ou- and •'*r and * * ra’ Ra,pl’ fteott Monday. A. I . W M I I L I R I 1884 Attorney a t L aw property taxes upon which educa­ VK H A K M KARH. Adm inistra office of H D A llen. 877 W iliam | T b „ L e m o n t and Ot hoco nation- '*,o“ ’red “ > O akridge on Hnnday. 710 Lawrence Ot lu g a n a . Ora. e lte «tree!, Kitgene. Oregon, w ithin till al foreete, In eastern Oregon, have v tg lt, G r .n d m o t h .r _ M u.» Dori« V l , “ ®r •» Mahal— M r and Mra. tion In Oregon’s 220n elem entary »lx month» of the date of this no­ IM 6 16 23-29- A 6) ■ a la ta of A n d re w S tona barg , Dec'll. projects of 50 acre» each, where Smeed Eugene »pent Sunday O eW ” ’ C* ” ®" 8 r " and M r and school districts depend." tic e D ated M a r I . 1884. In releasing the figures, Paul T . N O T IC I W IL L S A W IL L S ELM ER HTRAND. Adm inis­ ponderona pine seedling are used. »(siting w ith her grandm other, M rs .! M r" M R Adam '' aDd * ° n- Bob OP F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Attorneys at Law trator. A ll of the trees for these plant , l(>ga Montgom ery (sp e n t Sunday at Mabel visiting Shaw, chairm an of the league and N o llia la haruby g ira li (h a i lla rb Commerça Bank Bldg., lu g a n a , Ora S D. A L L E N , Attorney for with- M r. and Mr». Charles Carson. head of Portland School DI strict Illgs are raised at Ihe forest ser­ E sta te. art Htonabarg haa film i In the No. 1, characterized the situation v ile nursery located at W ind Monroe People Here— Mra. W W N O T IC I TO C R ID IT O R S (M 1 815-22 28) i iiualy Court of _______________ th r S la te of O rr Oaoghtar is Born— M r and Mra. a» "appallingly unfair to the 154.000 gou. lit ami for Laue County, hl» Notice 1» hereby given that the R iver, near Carson, W ashington. { Squires and fam ily of Monroe apeat C. N. JO H N S O N (Inal report aa such adm inistrator uuderalgned haa been appointed Ad A rtific ia l planting Is done on areas «he week end here at the home of T M Cobh nf W e s tfir are the par­ home and farm owners who are Attorney a t L aw ■ . .. . ,, . ents of n baby daughter horn to paying the bills for the tax free w ith the w ill annexed, o f the estate m ln l»trato r of the Estate of W it Eugene, Oregon which have been no badly burned M r. a ,,d Mrs. H. E. G erber. o f Andrew Htoneberg, deceased; Ham Harold Levina, deceased, by T iffa n y Bldg., them at the Pacific hospital In Eu­ 300.000 N O T IC I , l)>at they a ll) mil re fo re ,t natural (he County Court o f the State of and lh a l ten o'clock In the forenoon R e t u r n s to Palslay— Paul Brat- gene on Tuesday, March 27, 1834. “In all of Oregon's history," said Oregon for laine County A ll per­ OK F IN A L B E T T L E M I N T i |y. it la said of Saturday, the 28th day of April lain left Sunday for his ranch pro­ Shaw. *'we have never called upon Notice la hereby given th a t the | ------------------------------- 1814. at the courtroom Ih e rc o f In son» having claim« again»! the »aid Parents of Daughter — M r. and the non-laxpaying m a jo rity to come perty at Paisley near Ixtkevlew In Eugene. Dreguu. have been by »aid «»tale are hereby notified to pre« undersigned, adm inistrator of tha □ D A t u n a e v e D m c c t ia a i Mrs. John H a P e y are the parents to tbe aid of eith er the schools or > .u ii »pointed and fixed a* the ent the same, properly verified. 1« estate of Raymond A Hopkins. De-j B R A N D A o l t o K t t L t C T I U I M eastern Oregon. little and place for hearing objec­ the undersigned gi the office of ceased, has filed his final account j q CIRCUIT JUDGESHIP j of an lu fan t daughter born to them the tax-payers of the state in gen­ tion» lo »aid report. a n d fu r th e W ell» A W alla. Hank of Commerce w ith tha County Court, and an or-| Come from Camp Creek— M r and ||)(> p ac,n<. ln EuKene eral. Now we need th eir help. Now lin a i settlem ent of the estate of Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six der has been made and entered dl M r.. Jesse Gates of ( amp Creek I M (W dar M a rth 2< 1M4 M arshfield. M arch 28 - 1 S p u lai I month» from the date of the first reeling Ibis notice and s e llin g Hal I through the emergency tw o year •aid deceased were business visitors In S p rin g -; C irc u it Court Judge James T. H E R B E R T H T O N E B E R G Ad p u lil iiu t lo h «f (hl m,Iiii- urday. M arch 31. 1834. at 10:00 a.) 1H percent sales tax we are asking Date of firs t publication. March m lo lstraior. with the w ill an­ for the hearing thereon at the j Brand today announced him self as fie ld S a tu rd a y . Parents of Daughter — M r. and them as neighbors and good c iti­ nexed. of tha E state of Andrew >2. 1884 County Court House lu Eugene. u candidate for renutnlnatlon to 8 h e r iff H a a C old— C. A. Swarta. M i« , H u bert G ray of Springfield zens, to vole for the tax — whose H A R O L D J W E I.1.8. Adm lnls ' Oregon. Slotteberg, D eceased Ihe o ffice he has had for Ihe past I <.Ounty sheriff, haa been having a route 2 are the pa roots of a baby sole purpose is to keep our schools tra tor. A E W H E E L E R . Attorney Dated at Eugeue. Oregon, thia 28 W E L L S « W E L L S . Altorneya. seven years H e sent his filin g to ( ,fa(| co|d t |j|M w«-ek. He waa not In daughter born to them at the Paci­ going and reduce outrageously high (M 28 A 5 12 18 2«! ; day of February. 1834. iM 22 78 A 5 12 171 S IG F K ID S E A S H O R E . Admin Ihe office of the secreU ry of state h,H the tJrgt of lb e week fic hospital In Eugene on Saturday, property taxes. Is tra to r of the E state of Ray­ Iasi night. Katata of H ira m K W h ite, Deceased M arcn 24. 1834 "T h re e hundred thousand new mond A. Hopkins. Deceased. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R I N O Y iC I Judge Brand 1s 47 years old He D rive to 8alem — M r and Mra. W . ' taxpayers, even though they pay as C. N. J O H N S T O N . A tty . Rooms OK F IN A L I K T T L I M I N T Ch()d Born M . , M Notice la hereby given that the 308 310 T iffa n y B ld g , Eugene. ba lived In Oregon since I808 and K Buell drove to Salem Saturday little as 2 cents a day, can cut |2 .- Notice la hereby given that Abi­ undersigned has been appointed (VrB^,",n graduated from H arvard U . » » "•« » « • They returned the same j 180.000 off the taxes th a t property gail K C lark. K xecutrlx. and Dau A dm inistrator w ith the W ill Annex < jg i-g l5 22-281 school In 1814 H e wad appointed «'«X I „ )n, an , to them at now pays for school support. T ax C Clark. Executor of (he la»: will i-tl o f th e K a ta le o f N o rris H COBIB-I ____ < --------------------------------- — and tcatainent uf lllra m K W h U r. bell, deceased, by the County circu it court Judge by Gov rnor AtUn|th w H | th „ Pa(.lfl<. ho8plta, ln Eu(fenp on fre e folk can do thia bit without Deceased have (lied In the County Court or Ijin e County, Oregon A ll N O T IC E Patterson In 1827 and was elected ,,o, |aro1 are m aking a survey thia for the last year, are at the end JE S S E G W E L L S . A ttorney the presence of the same shall i P o rtla n d P eople H e r trlx, come lo his. th e ir or Its knowledge, Don has Just ben accorded the O re Mrit x h e ra n B Saueser of Portland week l<> detern>ih‘' w hether o r not of th eir financial ropes. T h e 154.444 IM 8-16 22-28 - A 6) D AN K C L A R K , Executor of at once to proceed and to continue gun N orm al school by being fully w ere here over , he w eeg ^ n(j y|a„ . j there are a sufficient num ber of home owners and farm ers of Ore­ the Lest W ill and Testam ent In good fa ith to exterm in ate and N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R S of H ira m K W h ite. Deceased accredited by the Am erican Asso |ng w „ h her parBnt(l M r an(1 Mrg students who want an annual to gon comprise the tw o groups that Notice la hereby given that tha destroy such rodents by poisoning, A. E W H E E L E R . A tt'y. m ake the publication of one a fin­ must pay tbe biggest p art ot these undersigned haa been appointed A d­ trapp ing or other appropriate and elation of Teachers colleges, the H a rry M Stew art. (M 1 6 - 2 2 » - A A l l ) ancial success. Those students who two cbllgations. T o ask 304.000 peo­ highest ratin g association In the m in is tra to r of the Estate of l,ea- effective mean«: and W H E R E A S gray digger ground U nited States for Institutions pre­ Bank Man Returns— M arion Coy- want to purchase an annual are ple who a re property tax free to lle A le v in s , deceased. by lh<- County Court of the S la te of ■qulrrel» (C ltellu« d o u g la ill) are paring elem entary teachers. ner ha» returned to Springfield and being asked to make a deposit lift a m ere tw en tie th p a rt o f the Oregon for lotne County. A ll per­ noxious rodents In M n e County, "T h e curriculum shows a sub­ his position in the liquidation of the which w ill be refunded if the book burden o ff tbe shoulders of the sona having claims against the aald Oregon Now. therefore, all of such per stan tial core of subject m atter tn Klr»t N ational bank follow ing sev­ Is not issued. An annual was Issued m inority for th e next tw o years 1« e«tala are hereby notified to pres­ ent the same, properly verified, to »«ina. firm s, copartnerships, cor­ several fields which are of special eral weeks stay in Albany. last y e a r for the firs t tim e tn sev- certainly fa ir, p a rtic u la rly when the undersigned at the office of porations. and companies owning or benefit e ral years. • d irectly untaxed enjoy a ll the bone- In providing adequate Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN the having dominion over land In said V is itin g M other— Mr«. Lulu Les­ W ells A W ells, Bank of Commerce background for la te r teaching.' the ----------------------- — — , fits and fre e services of our cities. N aturopathic Physician lam e County. Oregon, are hereby Bldg . Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six ter is here from Portland, and her the raonties and state, and all free months from the date of the first required to take steps to e x te rm in ­ Inspection report states. "T h e re Is brother. Lloyd M ag ill, of Bend, both Phono 81-J a te aald gray digger ground squir­ MAN S HEART STOPPED , ugos of schools and other state ptibllratliMi nf this notlre. also a noticeable sequence or pro­ (t'lte llu s douglasll) w ithin per order of the Includes! courses. to visit th e ir mother. M rs. M ary C. D e le of firs t p u b lic a tio n . M a rc h rels STOMACH GAS CAUSE . m aintained facilities. O ffice Hours: 1 to k F. M. th irty days from the date of the M ag ill, who is q uite ill. 22. 1834 i “ Demagogues and self w illed and H A R O L D J W E L L S . Adm lnla flrat publication of thia notice. If Teaching methods courses are com­ 4M Fourth Street W L. Adams waa bloated so w ith »f s«*« < w *.«x « . reaction ary politiciAos and pubh- To Salem— M r. and Mrs. W . H . such steps are not taken, a person prehensively covered and subject , Irator. that his heart often missed K or persons appointed by the county m a tter has been w herever possible Adrian went to Salem Saturday gaa JE S S E O W E I.I.B , Attorney . , j cations have m isrepresented con- tlm e court of said Lane County w ill en­ professionalised so as to m ake it evening on a business trip . They beats a fte r eating. A d lerlk a rid d iU on i ,„ ng „ nough N> o n l° " l " lb«'fore devised, and deeming It A H o rre y a t L aw . . . . . . . . Springfield, Ore. ,he P»rcnts of a baby son born to ! for the beat Interest nf said estate Stanley Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon. io do so, I w ill at the o ffice of Fred them at the Eugene hospital on I (M l-8-15 22-29) Formerly Walker-Pool« N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Thursday. M arch 22. 1934. E. Sm ith, attorney at law. 408 M iner Building. Eugene. Oregon, on Notice Is hereby given that the H O W A R O M. B R O W N IL L and a fte r A p ril 6th. 1934. sell at tinderslgt ed Ims been duly appoint 9tud»nta See S k it — Russell B Attorney at Law S P H IN O F IK L D KUOKNK— lllb pre„ente<, the b|a ck.face ,k lt . 728 W illa m e tte Eugene, Oregon private sale to the highest bidder e,l Bxecutor o f the estate of 228 Mota and C haraalton, fo r rash, all of the rig ht, title and M elinda K. Hem enwajr, dweaned, i I S U M M O N S Phone 82-J Interest of said estate ‘and of the and any and all persona having Darkey Sermon at the weekly Talepnone 723 i IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E heirs nt law thereof, the following claims against the said estate ere high school assembly period Friday STATE OF OREGON FOR described real property, tow lt: hereby required to present said morning. LA N E COUNY. T he northeast q u a rte r of south­ claims, duly verified as by law re­ | El»a L. Foote, P la in tiff, vs. Robert west q uarter of section 29, tow n ­ quired. at the office of F ra n k A. H a, o p e ra tio n — Miss H a rtle 01- H . Foote. Defendant ship 17 South of Range 1 W est of ........ . > « T O R O B E R T H. F O O T E . Defend­ W illa m e tte M eridian, containing 40 ant. acreB of land, more or less, and gon. w ithin six months front the 'h e Pacific hospital ln Eugene ltxst IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E together w ith Ihe rig h t of way c o n -jdnt,. of this notice Thursday. She Is reported to be get- O F O R EG O N : You are hereby re- tlguous to and going w ith said pre­ Dated and firs t publlsed M arch ting along very nicely by h er at- i qulred to appear and answ er the mises, In section 29. »aid town»blp lending physician. ' coinplalnt filed against you In the nnd raqge. In Lane County. O re­ 1- 1 M L Date of Inst publication A p ril 8 / above entitled suit on or before the gon; also, the eaat 68 feet ot lot 7 Many See Train— A large number last day of Ihe tim e prescribed I n 1 and of south 10 feet of Ix it 6 ln 1934. O Sl’ AR E. H E M E N W A Y . Exe Springfield re Idents watched . the O rder for Publication, to-w lt: | Block 18 of M ulligan's Donation cutor of Ihe estate of M elinda I on or before the expiration of four in Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, j the new Union P acific high-speed E. Hentenw ay. deceased. weeks from the date of the first The firs t described of said tracts I train as It passed through the city publication hereof, and If you fall uf land w ill be sold subject to n F R A N K A D e P U E . A ttorney F riday noon. M any others drove GOOD SIGHT. STYLE ! to appear and answer, for want mortgage for the principal sum of for the estate (M 8-15-22-29— A 5) t.i Eugene during the aftenoon and [ thereof, p la in tiff w ill take a decree 33000.04. all other liens and encum AND COMFORT ' against you for Ihe re lie f ns prayed hrances to be paid by said estate, 1 evening to Inspect the tra in . L. L. RAY for In the com plaint which Is for and Ihe second o f said tracts of Attorney a t Law COMBINED n decree of the court dissolving land w ill be aold subject to an out­ M in e r Bldg., Eugene. Oregon Attend P a rty — Mrs. Fred Louk. the m arriage contract now existing standing contract of sale upon her daughters. Ma^v Ann. Eva. and between p la in tiff and defendant which th e re Is approxim ately |3.- N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G Don't let your eyes go uncared Jean, and Miss M arjo rie Howe, and for the rare, custody and con­ 700.00 w ith accrued Interest unpaid, ON F IN A L A C C O U N T tro l of the m inor child and for such all taxes and o th er Hens to be paid for when you may have good N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : went to Pleasant K ill Saturday to other and fu rth e r re lie f as to the by said estate. T h e E xecutor res­ T h n l the undersigned adm inistra­ attend a party given In honor of sight, style «nd com fort com­ court may seem Just and proper. erves the rig ht to reject any and all tor of the estnte of Sarah Ann F e r­ bined In glasses by Dr. E lla This summons Is published pur­ bids fo r said parcels or eith er guson. deceased, has filed his ac­ Miss Em m a Olaiiu who Is soon to Meade. Accurate prescriptions suant to an order of the Hon. O. thereof. count for the final settlem ent of m a rry Edgar Louk. son of M r. nnd F. Sklpw orth, C ircu it Judge of Lane This notice Is published for four said estate ln the County Court for M rs. Fred Louk. anil grinding, finest modern County, Oregon, made and entered consecutive weeks In the Spring- Lane County. Oregon, and th a t frames available. I February 28. 1834 and published field News, a newspaper of general Saturday, the 6th day of A p ril, V isita M other — Jim m ie W est In the Springfield News, a news­ circulation, possessing the legal 1934. at the Court Room of said paper published In l4»ne County, qualifications fo r publishing legal Court, In the County Court Houne. m em ber of last y e a r’s senior class Oregon, said publication being for notlcea, In Springfield, Lane Coun­ In Eugene, Oregon at ten o'clock In al Springfield high school, was a once each week fo r four consecu­ ty. Oregon. Ih e forenoon, has been by said visito r In Springfield the la tte r part tive weeks. T he date of firs t pub­ Date of firs t publication M arch Court fixed as the tim e and place of last week. H e visited w ith his lication thereof la M arch 1, 1934 8th. 1934. for hearing objections thereto, and DR. ELLA MEADE and the date of the last publication W IL L IA M O. IR V IN , Executor for fin a l settlem ent of said estate. mother. Mrs. John Sankey, here and hereof Is M arch 21, 1984. of Igtat W ill of George W . OptomBtrlBt L. L. RA Y . A d m in istrator of left S aturday for P o rtland lo sail H O W A R D M. B R O W N E L L . Irvin, deceased. the Estate o f Sarah Ann F e r­ for the M aine coast. H e Is employed 41 W est Ith Attorney for P la in tiff. F R E D E. S M IT H . A tto rn ey for guson. deceased. ■uflana by Ih e A m erican-H aw aiian »team - Kesldenoe: Eugene. Oregon. executor. L. I,. R A Y , Attorney for Estate. ship company. (Ml-S-IB-»-») (M t-18-21-2>—A 5) (M 8-15-22-»— A 8 ) Attocaay-alLaw City Hall Building Springfield, Oregon Reliance Life Insurance Co. T e a c h e rs You can earn several hundred dollars this summer, and you can secure a better position and a larger salary for the coming yeai. Complete information will be mailed on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for it to-day. Rural Schools and City Schools Summer Woik and School Year Positions * C O N T IN E N T A L TEACHERS AGENCY, IN C . 1850 Downing St., Denver, Colo. Covers the ENTIRE United States POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW "Thanks for »ending me so many good positions to apply for, over 30 during the firs t five days 1 was enrolled.'*— An Illin o is Teacher. Funeral Directors SC H O O L O F F IC IA L S :— W e can put you in touch w ith the very finest teachers. Our service Is free to you. E a s te r E g g s a n d B a s k e ts A beautiful selection of Easter Eggs and Fancy Baskets are here ready for your Blaster. Also a large assortment of dyes to color eggs. ORDER YOUR EASTER LILIES NOW We are now taking orders for Easter Lilies to be delivered just before Easter. To be sure of nice flowers order yours now. S c o t t 's D r u g S t o r e LOYAL R. SCOTT. Prop. B e S a f e - Use Pasteurized Milk Milk is your best food yet medical authorities report that more sickness is due to disease germs ln milk than from any other cause. Pasteurlied milk la absolutely safe, and when It comes from our plant it has lost none of its fine flavor. Our m'lk come from specially selected aid In­ spected dairies and is then handled under the most scientific care at our modern Springfield plant. You take no chances when you use Maid O’ Cream pasteur­ ized milk. It costs no more to be safe. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co.