« THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIR TY-F1Ä 8T YKAK H P K IN G F IK U ), LANK COUNTY, OREGON, TH L'K SbA Y, .MARCH 2V, 1934 PUPILS Lions Score h it 10 GIVE PROGRAM * “ ‘ s' “‘ e Jfc” y SIGN FOR CORN-HOG PLAN Presentation of Comedy Pro- Students Offer Double Bill) gram at High School Friday Evening Well Received Show at High School Audi­ torium Friday 7:30 p. m. The L lona" «¡ib™iplay. “Auntie TEACHERS AS DIRECTORS All Applications Must Be F‘led \ In County Agent’s Office By Tuesday Next Week NO. 11 Sportsmen hold f ir s t Cun Shoot Christy Mathewson Jr. Next Indoor Shoot to Be Fri- day Night; Rules and Regu- ‘ lations for Group Issued ---------- Endeavor Plans Sunris« Ser­ vice If Weather Permits; M. E. Plan Breakfast * First practice for the rifle a n d , A total of 37 farmers In the I i»**»*®1 division of the newly formed ‘““ I'4 “ T T" I entertainments presenteil In Spring field fur ill«4iy months by « gisal sited apprecllatlve audience Friday night a ( lit* high school auditor lutn. Kuril mem ber of Hi« east was wall suited to portray the role« (bay had to do and each did It In a flu« moaner under the direction of W K Buell, and Mias Bernice Conoly, prompter CHURCHES PLAN EASTER EVEKTS BAPTISTS SING TONIGHT Springfield district turned In Mgo M'KenxI» Gateway Rod and Oun Lower Grades to Offer Oper­ ed applications for participation In * *u*’ waa k«Id Monday night at the: Christian, Methodist Choirs the corn-bog benefit protram of Anderson Motors garage where a etta “Peter Rabbit"; Older Have Cantata Music for . the federal government at a meet target has been set up. Students to Give Comedy Evening Services Sunday I Ing held here In Taylor hall Wed There were more than 26 mem nesday by O. 8 Fletcher, county ' bera present for the shoot and they , NEW YORK . . . Christy Mathew- Oulatandlng In the «martain ■liant programa baing of» »red In agent. were divided Into two team s bead son Jr . son of the late "Big six”' i *°Un< P*°’ Eighteen other farmers took gul “ * by W alt * r Ooaaler and Harry j Math wson. McGraw's favorite! Sponsor a nMBriee Baatar aervtae ■>“» -hoot • at the lum Friday evening, Mi least 10 * j « first —• - appearance - - --------- --- since — — . . tragic I a l* ,bp church an d th e M U 111 H tim e d s w a th xa/ h l. a - y « s -a _ _ i ‘ II I usl Perhapa ibe moat outataiidln* ol atartlng at 7:30 others have found It Impracticable lba *a,ne lime. death of bla bride wife In China | ca, prorram The Christian Endea­ the caat, which Included Heine Io reduce their crop acreage al this The next ahool of the club will and In which crash he lost one leg HtudMita of the Lincoln a V vor society Is sponsoring the ser­ drlan. F II Hamlin, Viretnla lime. I be held Friday evening and all In- ------------------------ — are offering a double barreled , NEW YORK . . Mrs Beajami« vice and ask that all young people •latle. Kva laiuk, Hua ell II Harrison, 70, (above) wife of the gram alerting flral with a lart All contracta muai lie signed and teres'e<| In amali arms shooting gather at the church at 6:16 Sun­ a. John Pyle. Norwald and former 1'roodrnt Is atiU aorially ac turned In at the office of Mr. Flet­ are Invited to attend. caat presenting the operetta "Petei day morning. The service will be in er Nelson, and Mra Tyaon. tire and last week waa honor gumt Itabbll" In Ibree acts. Following Every precaution to prevent ac- charge of the Prayer meeting com­ f°r the third period Eeach will feature appropriate per. and John Shearer aa Grand­ Bosch, violin; Barbara Barnell. —.... . . the largest bog-producing districts completed the breech m int be which ended last week. They had music. piano; and Betty Byrne, cello. The) daddy long-legs ■ total of 16 names listed. The Rev. R. E. Rolen» at the Baptist E B. ('. male quartet billed ou the : Percy O’Brien and Chamber- In the county In nunih-r of h o g s1 “P*’“* 1 The biggest b«an. Hobby lllck s; program failed Io return from a< lin Brothers Successful B id - ra ,- w l- aa»a M r H s tch e r. Only the amount of ammunition «»Phomore and senior classes were church will have hl» usual service Teeny Weeny Bean. Delores Kee coast trip In time for .heir part on dera for Next Four Years No ■«curate estim ate «» to th ei “> be used shall be placed In auto- tor s e c o n d j l.e e with fourteen at 11:00 Sunday The subject for ler; First lettuce. Joanne Ward, names each. The Juniors had but the sermon will be “The Back- _ ............... _____ cash benefits which farmers in this m a,*c firearms. the entertainment. ground of the Cross.” Two special and First pea. Arllsa Jean Klein Contracts to carry the United i district will derive from the corn ' The person holding the gun la six names on their list. Staging for the show was pro­ One more eight weeks period or "'»■Teal numbers are planned. “Al­ Other peas are Claire Toomb. vided by Wright M4M1 Huns Kirk-' i,,a,ea l,lal1 on ,h * ,w o a,ar roules hog plan can be made until a check responsible for any acldent or dam ls made of the number of hogs In age done by accidental discharge ’•chool. with seven weeks remain- lelula by Norman, and “Hall. Day Cleone Putman. Hetty Qulney. AT- land Moral compauy, the High nut of the Springfield postofflce '"g after Friday and the present Light by Holton. Wilfred Cook lias McChesney and Patty Ixiu Tom have been let this week according yolved In the reduction program, or ricochet. School and others. Any person habitually showing year wl11 ** ended. School will be direct the choir Ruth Carlton. selh. to notices received al the local post according to Fletcher. --------------------------- . arelessness or reckleaaness in the ‘»e year on Friday. Norton Pengra and Mr. Cook will Carrots Graydon Lewta. Hobble oftc. Thomas. Hobble Moffitt, Gerald Percy O'Brien, was the success NEW SOCIAL CLUB GETS handling of firearm: may be for Msy lg ' w“ h the holdl”< of the •* «HosHO. I’chytll. Pay Htratton. and Wayne C (T Y bidden the u se of the range commencement exercl.ee. The young people meet at ( 30 ful bidder on the MeKensie star ORGANIZED IN Thomas In order to Insure uniform am -: Students whose names have b;-«a *nd ,he e,,en4n« »«Trice starts at nm le. and Chamberlin brothers of B o o m : Hobby Hicks. Jackie BUI [ 30 " “ b a aer“ on on the subject. | Eugene were successful bidders on Happy Hour Group Sponsors Jun munition, the club will buy the listed on the honor roll are Vaughn, lone Van Lydegraf. Paul- shells In large qantitlee. and sell follows: The Two Essentials of Balvatlon." the Mohawk route. Both contracts lor O rg anization ; F irst M eet­ to« Clement. Hobby Hlack. Onia them to the members. Any profit , _ , Tonight Pengra and Cook will re for four years each, ing H eld Last W eek derived shall be used to pay the „ , / men °»ep Andrews, An- sing solos and duets from Stainer's Mae McNelt. Donald Fandrem. and _______ 1 McNutt Brothers of Eugene have The Happy Evening club, a Jun -xp en ses of the range. High speed 0 1 6 ^ ° M a r v ^ a X r la Ruth »* Delores Keeler Happy Hour Club and G*rlt to - h**,d both contracts for the past lo ttu ce Joanne Ward. Wanetta lor group of the Happy Hour club or «uper-power shells shall be bar er IX)r((thv Hannah o h , “ ** eT®n)n« “> «1-week service. The Divide Entertainment for | four y"ar' bu‘ d,d no‘ "ubm,‘ b,d" was organ.xed h e r . las, Thursday red Don, the present Indoor range son GU4ys s h ,.n , r BernicH Smlth Thomas, Yvonne Nott. Marjory ^ r T .^ _ _ . . . 1 for the work this year. Walley, LaVonne Johnson, and Benefit Tea Monday e v a s iln . at th e h o m e of Mrs. Mil No Person Is to go to the target „ ........at 7 ° c,oca O'Brien Is one of the oldest rural Juan Htratton. Rotiert Tobey. Ula Margaret Kiser tou V Walker und-r the auspices b« " a without first speaking to the w Kath#rlnw W1„ iamg C h ristian Church Cantata Annual Girl Seoul benefit tea mall carriers In this vicinity In v-tavvsrai officers ■ »FFI s-as «-&! and u n »I then viiste» nof an, until ikatl I f - *Y*Vv ai ORvteFI» stBa«ee>>,l« choir — t — J Is to All thee« parts are being taken with Mrs. ran*e Tb’’ Christian n Church of the parent elub point of service He has carried (he by students In the lower grades A sponsored by members of the ' orders are issued to cease firing. he augmented by the Evangelistic Walker as advisor large chorus of girls from the alxth Happy Hour elub will be held Mon­ mail on both the McKenzie and At the order "cease firing" those i Junior»—Obert Andrews. Charles singing class of the Eugene Bible day. April 2. al the home of Mra Mohawk routes, and has more than Miss Dorothea Mae I otter *,“* ,,n the range are to open the breech , t o,e. Mary Elkow, Clair Hadley, clllege and will sing the cantata, grade will sing In the operetta. UII- ,,f their gun and keept It open until L*orls Robinson. Mary Trotter. “Easter Memories” by Tillotson Leading characters In "Artie Ar­ Dean ('. Poindexter between the ' 30 >f‘* ra of n,all carrying (o hl- chosen president; U iudelle chitects" are Olmateln and Welaen- hours of 3 and 5 o ’clock. The pub < red" H” UHwl tu ,a rr’' ,h e nial1 Hams, vice-president; and Doris the order is given to resume firing Sophomores— Lester Anderson “ nd CrMwel1 tb,B ««ernoon nt 3 * h“n Girard, secretary-treasurer. Meet­ plmpfle two Jewish architects Ile I» Invited to attend Ibe gather up ,ha All general expense» of the rifle i^M oyne Bla< k Charles Clement ° ’clock in the N” * Christian church l„g eoa I lies made frequent trips, he ings will be held on the second whose parts are played by Bill Mar hilus If used horses to deliver the Tuesday of each month In the and pistol range shall be paid fo. Ronand Farngworth> Map Godard' *» Eugene. tin and Dean Van Lydegraf The The program will be divided Into out of the profits from the sales Edward Hen-en. Caroline Hicks. S,lnda-T morning Rev. Prnltt will I letters and papers. m m it n I • Isxei onzl (si nei- __ kbus« . nmo/th n a Resurrection D AmawwaBAsw» 3 sermon. ----- ■ levelling The first to be held at the siF of n ammun|t(on and n-hnn when jn Bny j _ ohn Ki< h Therman tan n in e preach The _ boys have a reputation for doing two sections. The first will be prea home of Miss Potter on Apr I 0 month B1K.h prt>f|tg are not suffi Florence May Albert Rodaknwskl Eu 1 > may a be . Manley They are aaalated by Joe Keever scout troop and their leaders. SOCIAL COMMITTEE Vide recreation entertainment ling Word.” as Buster Warren, a young re­ - In an instructive form, such as lec- assessed a fee sufficient to meet I _ For the club member part of the! A special musical program will -Ruth Button. Flora Cle- Senio porter: Dudley W estlake, aa Com program Ihe song. “Hills of Home,'” Decree Team Changes Meeting lures, music and literature. For these expenses be presented In the evening featur­ ment. Béatrice Elraer. Wayne Ken­ N ight fo r A p ril; E n te rta in ­ the first program last T h u r s d a y ---------------------------- mander Query; Donald Richard« will be sung by Mrs. D. B. Murphy ing the Marphy-Moshler quartet, dall, Evelyn Kickbusch, Dorothy m ent Group Is Listed ! Miss Doris Girard and Miss Potter aa Doormat Hencoop (colored); with Miss Jewel Cunningham pian­ the Bible college male quartet, Nice. Lela Peterson. DeEtta Sand- —— — played plnno duels; Mrs. D. B. STUDENTS NOMINATE law ren ce Thompson as Captain ist. and violin obligato by Mrs. and the Easter cantata which will gathe, Eugène Rlchey, Grâce Shel Mrs Maude Bryan. Mrs. Blanche Murphy. Mrs. C. F. Barber, and Heave: Henry Chace aa Olson Gib Clayton barber Mrs. Veltle Pruitt OFFICERS FOR 1934-5 E ch o’^ t h . E H ,.?eth V . ? aon: le a n Wilson aa Chief Boat will Illustrate the song In a chalk j Dnnlels, and Mrs. Bertha Rouse Mrs. Walker presented Instrumen- ------------- i>„». u n Evangelistic class will assist the Betty Mersdorf, Violet Potter. «wain; Alice Logan a« Mr». Span sketch as It Is being sung. were nnmed members of the social (al trio numbers, cello, violin, and Jerry Clark and Carter Hartman local choir. Post Graduate— Donald Brown. her. su ffrage!; June Burkhart as In concluding Ihe club pari of the <‘<,l,ln,l,,ee of Rebekah lodge for piano, respectively. have been nominated aa candidtes Members of the choir to (.resent First members of the club are for presidency of the Springfield! Kugeaile. a flirtation» young maid; program the Madlgal club under j Aprl1 a* ,b<‘ weekly meeting Mon the cantata are: and Fern Miller aa Mrs. W elssen the direction of Mrs Buford Roach d>' n,8h*' Thla waa fr,ends night Miss Dorothy Girard. Miss Mar)” high school student body for next GIRLS LEAGUE WEEK Sa; rann— Marjory Moshier. Irene plmpfle. wealthy wife of each of will sing. "Venetian Suite" b y ' a,,d KU<’a,a *ncluded Mrs. Inez G il-< Elizabeth Whitney. Mrs. L eota' year. Elections will be held on ! Anderson. Mrs. Lambert. Haze! SET FOR APRIL 16-20 Burnett. Uldlne Gartln. Pearl Hel- Ions, and Mrs. Grimes Rodenbough. Miss Margaret Gor- May 10. the heroes In turn. Ethelberl Nevln The play Is being presented by The second half of the program 1 |i’oll°wlnF the business meeting rie. Miss Edna Platt. Miss Alta o th er candidates for the various . a - . u - i r ^ , i , * ,, terbrand. Mrs. Edna Whlsler. Der .sts a be . In chance S I fh«* M uilIliniF MI Minx J a V r I Cunningham. i ' l l l l l l i l i e h i t 111 n>*ax- Edna IZzls.n Severson Q . « »»»<3 r° IC On pnl students In the Junior high school will of . Mina _ E u n ice1 ,h e fi(*ffr»'»» de d| rec.tor Mansell; piano solo by JoLana Put , D„„„" 1 1 ’ ’„ treasurer, and Mrs. Ogilvie Is pub CHURCH CLASS PLANS Btti " de<’ . . . . W8R eXPI"',1,r“.d *T hcplav has been set te n ta tiv ely ; "“"’S ukele,e tr,° by Jean Louk ford Roach, violin; Barbara Bar­ nell, piano; and Betty Byrne, cello. Hetty chairman In (he rounty or The next meeting of the club will Those making the trip were Mr. FOR WAFFLE SUPPER Frances Keeler and Julia Peterson They will play "Llebestranme” by gaulxstlon. be held on April 6. at the home and Mrs. C. A. Swarts. Mrs. Lena with piano accompaniment by Llsxt. Members of the Friends class of of Mrs. C. E. Swarts. Miss Edna , Fraederick. Mrs. Roscoe Perkins I school auditorium. Druclle Ogllsvle. For the evening service the choir Ihe Christian church will hold a Swarts and Mra. W N. Dow were Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Miss Edna ( 0 -N 0 CLUB MEETS IN will sing "Gallia" by Gounod. A re­ waffle supper at Taylor hall Friday assistant hostesses. ! Swarts. Mrs. Pearl Schnntol. Mrs. COUNTY TREASURER SPRINGFIELD TONIGHT C. C. C. CREWS WORK ON ligious drama. “I Go A-FIsblng” will evening starting at 7 o'clock. All Pratt Holverson. and Mrs. Charles p a v e s A K IO TU C D QPiWn EXTENSION OF ROAD be given during the evening ser- Members aof the O-No club will cluss members are Invited. Miss MINSTREL SHOW PLAYS Paddock. vloe. The drama depicts the experl- meet this evening at the home of Jewel Heltebrand Is in ch a.gc of A payment of (1261.26 was sent AT OAKRIDGE MONDAY An extension of the Camp Creek ence of Peter from the time he Miss Theda Rhodes for their fort­ arrangements. SECOND HEALTH CLINIC to Now York Monday by Grace road over the mountain to Wendl-1 denier his Lord until he became nightly meeting. Bridge will he the Members of the Old Cabin min-1 AT LINCOLN SCHOOL, Schtska. county treasurer to apply Ing is now brlrg started by the "Peter, the Rock" whom God could IUKA AUXILIARY PLANS diversion for the meeting. | strel show cast went to Oakridge ------------ on the bonded Indebtedness o f : boys of the Wendling C. C. C. cam p .' use as a foundation stone for hl* FOOD SALE SATURDAY- Monday evening and presented , The second of the child h ea lth ! chool district 19. The payment re-¡A sub-camp has been estab lish ed 1 kingdom. Birthday D in ner Held their show before a large receptive clinics sponsored by the P. T. A. j presented one bond and interest. | at the end of the road during the The entire Methodlat choir la to Mr. C. Manning and Laverne Members of Iuka circle. Ladles audience. This was the fifth per­ was held Tuesday at the Lincoln , A payment of (4.000 of the bonds period of the work, go to Coburg tonight where they Pugh were honored at a Joint birth­ auxiliary of the G. A R. will hold formance of the show by this cast school under Ihe direction of M rs.! of Lowell union high school dis - will present a pre-Easter musical day dinner at the home of Mr. and a food sale at Kgglmann's Kandy composed of members of the Christ­ Della Fitzgerald, county health trlct was also made Monday by the Leaves for K lam ath Falls service and the religious drama. Mrs. Roy Pugh Tuesday evening Kitchen all day Saturday, March ian church choir. Proceeds from nurse. Dr. Melville 8. Jones did the treasurer. The Springfield bond Is Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Delp left Members of the choir are: Miss Thelma Mweeney and Miss 31, It was announced this week, the performances are being used examining for the setxMid clinic. A due April 1, 1934. w hile the Lowell Tuesday for Klamath Falls to Sopranos; Mra. E. W . Albers, Altle Manning were additional Mrs. Kgglmann will have charge to purchase a grand piano for the first clinic was held at the school bonds are not due until January 1, spend a few days visiting with rela­ Barbara Barnell. Ila Bartholomew, guests. of the sole. church. the week earlier. tives. MS*. (Continued on Page Four) LEAD H.S. HONOR ROLL STAR MAIL ROUTE CONTRACTS EET SCOOT BENEFIT PROGRAM M l ; aw o w zi