PAGE FOUR T H U R S D A Y . M A R C H 2», 1 M 4 T H S B P R IN O n m .D N B W 8 BANKING RETURNS TOWARD NORMAL FON SHOW DRAWS CROWD AT SCHOOL GRANDE DUE IN THREE-C CAMPS Reconstruction Finance Cor­ poration Loan Repayments Show Banka Lead Pro­ cession in Recovery Seniors Win First; Sopho­ mores Travel Pageant Sec­ ond; Freshmen Win Third J N ight School Clam of Elderly Farmers Graduate^ TOESPONDEHI MAN JAKES OWN LIFE Charlca E. Daadmond Sita Under Bridg« and Uaaa Sticjt to Fira Rifle Many Lana Camps to Ba Shif­ ted; Soma Man Through, Othars to Co East Soon Indicating a rapid return on the Springfield high school's annual part of the banka to a normal self- A complete revamping of Iho per- I.aughteresque program broke pre- ■ ustainlug basis, 51 per cent of the onnel as well aa location of sev- loans which they made from the Re- ■ral of the T hreat' camps in Ore- vloua attendance record« Friday construction Finance Corporation to ton. Including lavn« county has night when even «landing room was tide them over the dlttlcultles of the at a premium. past two year- have been repaid by lieen ordered to be effective shbrl- A very unique program featuring them. It Is showu in a recent report. Iv at the close of the second en the four skits by each class group The R. F. C. report, issued ou liatment period. was presented in a pleasing man­ There will be 111 camps on fed- March (. save that the Corporation ger. wtth the seniors winning first since it began operations In Febru­ ral. stale or private land iu Ore­ place They chose the frog cartoon ary. 1932. hail made uggiegute cash gon during the summer of 1934. Idea for their skit but completely advances to railroads, agricultural and It Is expected that an addition- revamped the idea leaving only the and home loan agencies, insurance I ul six ramps will ho located on opening and closing effects. Even compaulea aud various other Inst It u- tlons In the amount of 34.78« n"d "a‘,o"al parha within the those were altered using two large Of this sum banks ami trust com- j These will lie administered birds instead of the usual dog and panics, to the uuniber of 6.793. re- b> the park service of the V. 8. do boy. All dialogue and songs were V A N I1O RNM B VII I I . N V. . . . Dvwr 100 fanners and villagers re celved actual cash advances of partment of the Interior. eaieevl diplomas in the llr-t night school graduation class of Vaa n iloi written expressly for the event 31.570.510.000, but have already paid Many of , he meM atalkMUHl |„ ,u„ ville Central School, founded by Aiwep D. Young Many of the graduates which was directed and presented back 3SS0.Iii0.00O. or 51 per . c W(U b(, dis(.har|t.,tl were older Uian Mr Yourg, "ho presented tbs diphunaa. . . , Photo S E A T T L E . . . Bob Galer loial of 573 down ami operating received 3111.070.000 aud have re­ tury of Progress Miss Bernice Con- paid 35J.SSO.OOO. or over 37 per cent, the men moved closer to the work mills In Oregon and Washington oljr and Miss Aiida Thirlwell di­ and Insurance companies, whose bor- . which they will be aaslgued Io do which reported io the West Coast Spring Weather Make» Early rected. Lumbermen's association for ill ■ Outdoor Work Poteible; rowings totalled 3SS.590.000 and re­ Oregon Locations Listed payments 334.340.000. or nearly 39 The first year students under the Second Year Men Train Following are Ihe locations of the week ending March 10. produced per cent. None of the major non gov­ direction of Miss Clarabel Wagner j catups for which Ihe forest service 92.396.94» board feet of lumber ernmental Snancial groups showed Track coach Martrai Half Is busy This was an Increase of approxl offered "Madatne Monte" a coeds to high a ratio of repayment as the approval Mount Hood ; tnalely 2,000.000 feet over the pre now training hla conleslanla (or ihe bedroom scene in a dancing school j Farm Prices Begin to Show banks aud trust companies. national forest; latiourelle. Zlgtug. Gains Over Costs of Pro­ Their three beds and the dancing __________________ plaxa. Uak Grove; W lllauielte me ceding we>k The average produc spring track sea -on which wlll open lion of this group of sawmills in soon. Although no meets have been scene were very artistically pres­ duction During February lloual forest. Mury'a Creek Coffin ented to win third place. 1934 ha been 80.302.059 feel; dur­ signed yet high schools al Alhnoy. LINCOLN SCHOOL HAS Mounlalu. Seven Mile Hill. Bel ing Ihe same period In 1933 their Cottage Orove, Eugene, and Culver Juniors opened the program wtth Moat farm prices made substan- F IR S T SPRING CLIN IC snap.. Rigdon; Deschutes national | weekly average was 54.513.976 feel a skit “Little Grass Shack" sug tiai gains during February, and as ally high have asked for (heiu forest. Udell Lake; Fremonth u. t . The new business reported last geated by the name of the current a whole these gains were greater The district elimination meet wlll _ .. . .. , _ . , . , The first of a series of two school i [Rjg bake; Whitman u. Su un «•eek by 564 mills was 96.557.838 be held at Hayward field on May popular song. The theme of ihe than increases in prices by farm- ... a _. .. ' r clinics to be held in Sprlngfteiil vilie U m a tilla n f M ottet C reek story was that of the motion pic- ers. according to the monthly Agri w>, hel„ „ , h# ( lncolll “ J Coverda e ttohoco board feel against a production of 12. with Ihe stale tueet the follow Track Men Work bor Team Place Price Trend On barm Moves bp »2,056.899 feet and shipments of ing Saturday. May 19. at Corvallis ' / ,-eeek Siusi.w n f 76.068.734 feet Their shipments Several students with Iasi years , 8l, were under production by 17.4 per­ experience are again turning out pper cent and their current sale were for track. volcano. Eggs were the only major com- Local doctors assisted in the exam ' klyou n. f.. Agues«. Cold Springs. over production by 4 9 percent. The Between act entertainment in modity that did not share in this | (nations. The events for which students ('bina Flat; Rogue River n. f.. Ap­ orders booked last ww-k by this eluded a boys' quartet, the Hartman prlce increase. Aa com are training and the sliidt-nla In The second of the two clinics will plegate. Upper Rogue River. 8 brothers. Jack Williams, and Mor- t0 January. m ,n. 3 i be held at the school next ' l PP*r KO“ “* * group of identical luilla were under each group are 220 and loo yard the preceding week by about 3.000 dash, both by Morris S 'ew a rl. quar­ ris Stewart; solo by Pearl Olin: frutu and vegetables nine Tuesday. March 27 Mother, w hoae' music bj the orchestra. June Gel- points, meat animals 9 pointa. nnu children are to start school next > qua n. f.. Steamboat. Devil's Flat. 000 feet or 19 percent. ter mile, Randall Hay. James Hill. ger and Evelyn M a n ly with their dalry products four points, while fall are urged to have their children Tiller. Oregon A C alifornl« laud Hob Benson and Hill Orr; half tulle Hawaiian music, and the tumbling eggs dropped nine points, examined now Many defects which ' *r"n‘ ‘ a,np* are Ty'*>' Brudtord. and mile, both by Malcom Hausen; boys. Verlln Posey. Morgan Chan-! Use Pre-war Index j might hamper their successful pro- •'*e,roae aod McKinley, located In high Jump. Kenneth llayea; pole dler. Lamar Brnttain. Robert Mc- In terms of pre-war condition«, gross In school work can be ferret- D®“« 1“* and Co<* counties. A « ta le vault. Carter Hartman and l-ainar Lagan. Robert Brown, and Don Nel the February index of all farm ed out In these clinics and rente- -■ mP- Walker. in Douglua county James Hill has returned from ) Brnttain. son. prices stood at 78. the Index of died before the opening of school. Private land camps Boyington. California after spending Ihe win­ Javelin. Morgan Chandler. Robert Judges of the skits were Ken­ prices paid by farmers for commo- The clinics are being sponsored 1 *al op l'ount7; Wendllng. la in e ter there. .Mil.agun, llayea. nod Hansen; neth Shumaker from the Univer­ dities usually bought stood at 118. bv the P. T A. under the direction ' coun,y; Beehers. Tillamook count) Lawrence Gossler and Hay Baugh broad Jump. Stewart aud llrattaln; sity. Joe Holiday. University high each had the misfortune of losing high hurdles. Dlsque Smith. Wayne and the purchasing power of the of Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and Mrs Camp» Benefit Many Workers sch o o l. A summary of Ihe large , xpendi- a hors,» during the past week Kendall; low hurdles, the same; farm dollar was 64 per cent of pre­ Walter Laxton. The muslcul minstrel play given shot put. Albert Clifton. Everett tures in the purchase of materials war, or parity. The farm dollar in The P. T. A. group voted at their N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice Is hereby given that the February with a purchasing power meeting laat Frlllay to pay , he h(w. and food for the Civilian Canter by Ihe choir of the Springfield Chetwood. Johnson, and Charles In­ undersigned has been appointed Ad- of 64 per cent of parity Is a much p| tai hill for one of the grade v“tiou camps in th e first two camp Christian church was s ta g e d at the gersoll; discus, the same group ininistrator of the Estate of Wll better dollar than the farm dollar „chool students while had tonsils P«1’*«*« I" contained In a report hall here Monday evening. It was liam Harold Levins, deceased, by of a vear a)to which had a purchas- were removed. made recently by Robert Fechlier. enjoyed by quite a targe crowd. Visitors from W a lte rv ille — M r. the County Court ot the State of . . . » . . The Poole quartet from Eugene and Mrs 11 C. Page. Mr. and Mrs. director, to the president of the Oregon for Lane County All per- P0 * " of on,y 49 P*r pent ° ‘ sang several numbers al Sunday Frank Page, and Mr. and Mrs. T. »ons having claims against the said parity. This 15 point gain in pur- United States. estate are hereby notified to pres chasing power represents slightly IRON M IKE TO RULE The rep< rt sh o w : that 300 inllliun school and church services here W Carney of W alterville were last Sunday. ent the same, properly verified, tl , , han , thlrd of the galn that vl-llors In Springfield Wednesday. W R ESTLER S T O N IG H T feet of lumber were purchased for the undersigned at the office of \ . j v ____ Wells A- W ells. Bank of Commerce mugt made bpfore ,he farm do1’ this purpose. Slightly In excess of Beware of too much bluing in the A u . nd 8tJ1„ M. „ _ j ark W„ Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon, within six Inr will have an equal exchange Mike Mlkulak. all-American foot­ 319.000,000 was expended for luiu water in which you riu e your : ||Mma and Carter Hartman are at months from the date of the first value wtth the industrial dollar, ball player from the University of her. other building suppli-s and la­ publication of this notice. white goods. It will yellow them In Salem attending Ihe stale basket The purchasing power during Oregon, will referee at least one bor coats. Twelve hundred and Date of first publication. March time. I bull tournament. February of som e of the major and maylv two of the matches at eighteen sets of buildings, including 72. 1934. ~ — — n — i i s H i HAROLD J. WELLS, Adminis­ farm commodities in relation to the Eugene armory tonight accord barracks, recreation halli and trator. parity was as follows: Eggs 59 per- ing to Herb Owen, promoter, other structures, were constructed WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys. cent, chickens 76 percent, wool 121 Y outtg Tarzan and alter Achiu t., b o u se a (juarter <>f a million in n IM 22-29—A 5-12-17 > percent, lambs »4 percent, beef cat- will have the main event berth on Tlx» camps have been of benefit tie 60 percent, hogs 45 percent, the card Stan Crowley and Jack a, , 0 t0 , ht. where est butterfat 70 percent, wheat 69 per- Curtis wlll appear In the opening abltghw|. according to the report cent and potatoes 107 percent. event at 8:30. and Joe Kirk will Farniera th„ v,cta| , y ,h The outlook report also Includes meet Art Perk*»a In the semi final t.anipH hav„ tH.en Iurn|,,hcd a cash brief commodity notes, among e»cnt market for fresh farm product which are note« on poultry, lambs The proprietors of stores located and potatoes. within striking distance of the tore “Bird of Paradto." wherein it e u ltn r l Situation and Outlook re-, school alartlng at , 30 Mra became necessary to sacrifice a port Just prepared by the Oregon FUl William Rouse was hostess United States as a whole, bookings for "ch"lCk_deliverl«s after February « her rh o® e Wednesday for mem - e r e about 13 7 percent ie .s than ^ . r ^ d ^ l Y r c h ^ M r 0.' X - The men hav^ from ,3 for last year. George Prochnow and Mr«. Mabel j to *6 earh- or an of »B0° " •1 The early lamb crop Is .ligh tly the assistant 31000 per camp, to spend each larger and the condition of lambs __________________ __________________ month. The camp administrative is better than last year. An earlier Goes to Dallas — Fred Buell Is “«><* supervisory personnel also than usual market movement 1« ex­ spending a few day at Dallas thls spcnd part of their salaries neat pected. week. | the camp each month. Preliminary estim ates ot pota­ Among the major items of equip­ to plantings indicate that they will ment purchased for the use of the be larger than last year 8o tar corps were 14.000 truck . 30.000 the bulk of this increase appears Church society m eetings the past h e a tin g and cook stoves, 16.000 fire to he In the early and Intermediate wef,k and announcement« for the extinguishers. 1,000,000 pairs or s“»1*"- near future In this section are: The ! „hoes. 300,000 complete outfits of l-eaburg Ladles Aid society met clothing. 651 tractors, 572 tractor- Thursday of last week at the home trail builders, several hundred tons of Mrs Theodore Backer. | o( dyliarnltF, 100,000 axes, and A reception is planned for Tues of o, her artlcIe„ American The senior class of the Pleasant day evening at the Leaburg church railwayf, and other transportation Hill high school took their skip complimenting the pastor Rev R. „ 316,695.000 day Tuesday of this week and went E. Clark and Mrs. Clark, who are of freight and passenger business n r c D i r c B A T i n u ,0 CoburK brldKe where tbey p,c completing their fifth year at Lea­ supplies by the E. C. W. organiza­ n t r n I U L n A I I U PI nicked for the day. burg. tion. The annual week-end trip that The W alterville Ladies Aid so- the Junior« of the Pleasant H ill' elety 1« «pedal guest of the Lea high school give to the seniors will burg group at a silver tea sponsor- S E N IO R CLASS STARTS I be taken this week-end to Newport ed by the Leaburg Ladles aid so- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doane and son ciety at the home of Mrs. Louis W O R K ON SPRING PLAY Jack, have purchased the Skllbred Bettle Thursday, April 5. ----------- A cabinet so beautifully de­ farm at Pleasant Hill and will take Their first annual “arbor day" , 8 *'lectlon of the ca8t for “Jonsey ’ to be presented signed as to make all other possession as soon as the Skllbreds was celebrated by the W alterville ? ,hree-act [..idles Aid society Wednesday of by the "enlor claa" at th® h ,&h re frig e ra to rs obsolete. . . an vacate. Sheldon Stutz who is attending last week who met Wednesday this 8Cho01 1,1 un(l«f way this week. Miss almost everlasting mechanism college at Albany spent the week- week again all day for quilting. Marguerite Mlllhollen Is director. with power to make plenty of end with his parents at Pleasant Mrs. Z. C. Potter entertained the cold on the hottest days . . . Trent Resident Her«— Mrs. Tom Hill. Workers society at her home Thurs­ new features . . . certainly this J. A. Phelps motored to Philo- day p. m. of last week. A shower Carney of Trent was a visitor In new Norge has everything you math to visit with his family. They complimenting Mrs. James Huckens s (,rlngfle|(| Wednesday, could want in a refrigerator. spent Sunday at Newport and re- of leab u rg. was special feature of And remember . . . it costs no port the weather exceptionally nice the afternoon. N0T,CE T 0 CR8DITOR8 I McKenzie Valley j Upper Willamette T S R O LLA TO R IN THE NEW NORGE I i u , . more to buy and less to use. Mrs Eugene B Tinker has Issued e W h en you've seen th is n ew invitations to friends for a party Norge . . . compared it with Saturday afternoon. March 24, hoc- other refrigerators . . . you’ll oring Miss Emma Olson, who will agree with us that Norge is lie an April bride. The A. B. C. study club met at really years ahead of its ^arTr the home of Mrs. Glustlna with Mrs. time.Come in and seeit. . _ Notice is hereby given that the A special Easter program wlll he undersigned has been appointed Ad- glevn at 7:30 Sunday evening, mlnlstrator of the Estate of Les- April 1, replacing the regular C. E. Ile A- Levins, deceased. by service at the W alterville church. 1 the County Court of the State of , , „ , . . , „ Oregon for Lane County. All per- ■I J I eplot as idialrman, f arey sons having claims ugainst the said Thomson and Ira Elston as dlrec estate are hereby notified to pres­ tors, Mrs Eleanor Carter, secret ent the same, properly verified, to Clayton Kimball assistant hostes». ary-treasiirer were retained for the ',Ih/ ,,,Un„de,r^ l?,n ed . at the office of P R IÇ E P AS LOW AS last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Evans i coming year at the annual election Bldg., Eugene.’ Oregon, within six $ 1 1 9 .5 0 Wright & Sons gave a talk on 8t. Patrick. The held by Greenwood Cemetery as- next meeting wlll be with Mrs C. soclation at ih e chapel, 1:30 p. m. Rice and Mr«. Bob Evans at the Monday, March 19. Improvements Rice home. Mr«. Garmire wlll give a planned Include completion of talk that day. A dainty lunch was driveway and new entrances Into served to the twenty-one women the cemetery and a special clean- present. ' up d»y. rgonths from the date of the first publication of this notice. first publication, March 22, 1934 HAROLD J. WELLS, Admlnle trator. JE 89E O. WELLS, Attorney. (M 22-29— A 5-12-17) THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Gets the Business Message Into the Homes of Buyers The function« of advertising arc to gcarch out buyer« and Inform them of new merchsndiHe style«, explain value« and tell where and at what price« they may he had. (letting these buslnen« me««age« delivered In a« an efficient and lnexpen«lve manner, a« 1« eon«l«tent with good taste and through a medium that insure« attention and acceptance. 1« a merchand- iHing problem that wa« solved year« ago by tl...... of the good reliable and dependable newspaper«. . . . The Springfield N cwh 1« a good newspaper-----It will get your sales message, Mr. Merchant and Buslne«« Man, Into the home« of this community. Advertising display space In the Springfield News Is the most economical method of parading your mer chandising offerings before an attentive audience who are the home new«* paper readers of Ihls community. Complete Advertising Service The Springfield News Is equipped to supply a lem plete advertising service t„ S n rln . field husiness and merchant advertiser«. This Include, fine m erch an d i.. Illu.trntlon. attentlon-compelUag layouts and merchandise moving ropy. A phone call W||| brta< . representative to explain all detail and a ..lz t with sales promotions, If d .s l’ d Simply Phone 2. uesnwu.