THUKBDAY, MARCH 22. 1934 | IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F , T I I K S T A T E O F O R EG O N F o lt T H E C O U N T Y O F I.A N E IN T I I E M A T T E R O F T H E KB T A T E O F O A L E .K L M E R C IIA H E , W ANTED M A N O F IN T E G R IT Y , 11 46. I'h y a l.a lly F it llita r» at*d In Gov't W ork to w rite for Inforiuatlon B o i 228 Spring- field New». M 16 FO R KENT b e lli 1 aultas room» with »lore M 616 Inquire t'hle'a feed CALL FOR W ARRANTS M .u il th e re o f H ie p la in t iff w ill ta k e Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Physician Uhon» 11 J O ffice Hours: 1 to 6 U. M 4 M Fourth B traet Edward C. Privat W atchmaker and Juweler HI'HINOFIELD So. Pacific Watch Inapactor F lra t Class W o rk k t Reasonable Price». General Law Practice I. M. PBTER8ON A tto rn ey -et-Law C ity H a ll Building S pringfield, Dragon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER 14« A 8 t BprlogflaJd. o r a PO O LE - G R A Y BARTHOLOM EW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole H P R IN U F IU L D KUUKNK— lllh 221 Main aud ( haruelton, Phone 62-J Talepuuna 723 GOOD SIGHT, STYLE AND COMFORT COMBINED Don't let your eyes go uncared for when you may have good sight, style and comfort com blued In glasses by Dr. Ella Meade. Accurate prescriptions and grinding, finest modern flam es available. DR. E L L A M E A D E O ptom etrist 41 Weet Sth Bufane JUSTICE PERFORMS U N IF O R M O R D IN A N O !» W ill Duet Rasa W ith Airplane Oregon City Grow er» of Auatr- P R E P A R E D POR C I T I ! » MARRIAGE ON FRIDAY |al, wlotwr (laid p«aa In tb» Bar ________ . „ low area are planning to have th e ir DMCKABKD Juetlce of the Peace, ( lark E cropa duated by airplane to control N O T IC E I . hereby given that tbe P-rform ed h l: f lr .t m ar pea weevil, report» J. J. Inakeep. III at Hama Mrs. M ary C. M agill 1 Vida Man Hera— Alroon McDon u n ilw a lg n a il a» the A d m in is tra trix rt“ «« rarauiony Of Ih e y e a r, and county agent. Ho fa r dueling or ! Is reported to be quite III thia week. aid of Vida was a bualnaas visitor of Ihe E»late of bale E lm er Cha»». Hi si-ronil during hl» term a» Jua Ih-euttHixl haw file d her fin a l ae u ,,. ......... I’. lo re F rld u v a fte r »praying hae not been found prac­ la Springfield on Saturday. count In the County Court lu the) T| p u rl, „ w. r. tical for thia peat. One grow er 1» Silverton Man H ara— Rax R u ss e ll, Hint» of Oregon for lean« County , * \ also planning to uae an airplane to of Silverton waa a gueat at the I V is ito r In C o rv a lll» — Mias Evelyn and that Tuesday the 10th day of M l*" N l" “ H»'"l»«i-d and K eith du»l hla peach orchard for brown Springfield hotel Monday eveuUig , H a rris la »pending the week visit A pril, 1034. at the hour of 9 :S 0 'n a ril, both of Douglas county. The Ing w ith friends at Corvallis. o'clock In the forenoon of »aid day ' ceremony waa read at the C ity H a ll roL In ju rs s H a n d — Henry T rin k a In and Ihe Court Room Of aald court w ill* Chief of Police, Lum F An Drive to Portland— P. J B a rt ho jured hla hand while working last ba« been uppoltiled by aald court aa ’ lomew and M C. K irklan d made a Ihn tim e and place for the hearing deraon, and I. M I ’elarson, city re week end. of objection» thereto and the aet- ■ order, aa wltnuaaea. W heal on was bualneaa trip to Portland Wednes­ I ib'iu nt thereof. re ie tilly Inviteli to perform a m ar V is it on Coast— Mias Edith Jobe day. T h e y returned tba «am-- day. Hated and flr«t publlahed March rlage ceremony In a w restling ring anil Mias Ann McCookln spent the 1114 In Eugene, but i^ clltc-d the honor week-end visiting w ith friends os W e n d lln g Resident Haro— Mrs. Hate of laat publication A p ril 6, the i-iMist at Florence. 1134 Pearl K n ow ler of W endllng waa a V E K A E M E A R » . A d m ln lalra GARDEN SUGGESTIONS Returns from C alifornia — Mr». business visitor In Springfield on Ir li. TO COME OVER RADIO N e llie B a rtle tt has returned from Tuesday. iM 1 15 33 21 A 6) ««— V E-ftY /.-AlfST Notice I» hereby given that Hilm ol D lalrli-t No. Ik, In lam e County, Oregon, w ill pay al the of NO TIC E OF HEA R IN G flee of clerk of nubi d is tric t, all w arrant» to and Including 2964. In tba County Court of the State . ,, . i of Oregon, for Ijtn e County, dated May 31. 11.14 Inlereat c. aaea , h„ B a t U r , he ,,f H„ lh a fte r M arch 21. 1134 M McPherson, deceased N otice la hereby given a ll parties C . F IIA H U E It Clerk Interested In the Estate of Belli M McPherson, deceased, that Ihe un­ T in w a re may he cleaned by a dersigned baa filed her F in a l Ac piece of molalmivd n e w . pa per uu count In aald m a tter and that a n , which l i a s Iteeti put 111111» common order made and entered therein by aoda Polish tin w ith a dry piece (he County Judge of l.ane County, of newspaper u ntil 11 looks like ty Court room lu aald county has new. been set as the tim e aud place of m i hl hearing upon said account, S U M M O N S when and where al parties Inter IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E listed may appear and show caiirse. STATE OF OREGON FOR If any. why said account should LA N E COUNY. not be allowed and the prayer of Knael Garland. U la ln llff, va. W a lte r Hie relator In all things granted It Oarland. Defendant. S T E L L A A M c P IlK R H O N . Ail m ln la tra lrlx of Ihe Estate of To W a lte r It. O arland, Defendant Beth M M cPherson, deceased IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E IM 16 22 I F A 6 121 O F O R E O O N •«. You are hereby re ­ quired (o appear and answ er the com plaint filed against you III the NOTICE TO CREDITO RS above entitled suit w ith in four Notice la hereby given that the weeka from the date of the first undersigned has been duly appoint­ publication of thia summons and If ed Executor of the estate of you fa ll to appear or answer, for M elinda K Helm-Il way. deceased, a decree aguluat you for the re lie f ua prayed for In the com plaint, aa follows i T h e dissolution of the m arriag e relation now existing between the p la in tiff and Ilia defendant. T h a i p la lu llff have the care and custody <>f the pilnor children of aald p a r­ ties, Jeaae O arland aipl W a lte r G arland, and fo r such other and fu rth e r re lie f aa to the court may appear equitable. T h e o ld e r direct mg the service of thia summons by publication la .dated February 28th. 1134. and re ­ quire « publication for (our weeks, and the date of the first public» Hon la March 1st. 1134 C. A W IN T E R M E IE R . A tto r­ ney (or p la in tiff. Residence. Eugene. Oregon ( M l » 16-22 28) paobthmb THE 8PRINOFIELI) NSW8 San Francl co where »he has be*n A. G. II Roquet, professor of w ith her daughter. Vegetable cropa at Oregon Stati- For G rad u ate s college, w ill apeak over radio ata S tu d e n t H o m e — Ml»» Blanche S le n d e rizin g S styls timi KO AC at Corvallis Monday Bates, student at Monmouth normal evening. M arch 2«. on the subject \ Pattern 8 1 4 8 - Let her make thia school, 1» »pending the spring vaca­ "Bugge»tlone for the 1134 Vegetable drwM beraelf It la n t d ifficu lt at all. tion al her home here. Garden " T he talk w ill he given T h e ,IIBte rla l 1» navy blue with Visiting R elative»— Mrs. Thomas ■luring Ihe huir hour period from w|,)te dot». Don't you thin k It la I 7:30 until 2 tM-luck It T H im » ,; p re tty J A w hite capelet la pert Patrick la h -re from C arlton v is it­ ing with her parent , M r. and Mr». profeaaor of V eterin ary Medicine, ( aud a ttra c tiv e for contrast. w ill discuss M ain tain ing H e a lth In | ( make« a lovely graduation or A. J. Schnetxky, aud M r. and Mr». Livestock during Ihe same confirm ation drea. In white organ M. A. Pohl. broadcast period - 1 - dy, crepe or net. Many young girls muke th e ir own dresses for gradua NOTICE TO CREDITORS Returns to Portland — H arry W hitney returned to Portland Sun day. He 1» serving on the Federal i Ircu lt court Jury for the spring Notice la hereby given th a t the undersigned has been appointed A dm in istrator w ith the W ill Annex term . t-d of Ihe Estate of N orris 8. Camp- P o rtla n d T e a c h e r H e re — G eo rg e 1,,-11 ib-ceaaed, by the County Court of Ijin e County. Oregon All W illiam s, teacher in the Benaon persona having claims ugalnst aald P o ly te c h n ic school a t P o rtla n d , estate are hereby notified to pre»- «pent the week end at hl» home eul the same, properly verified, to tile undersigned at the office of near Rainbow. W ells * W ell». Bank of Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, w ithin a ll V is it at Ashland — Mr». D. B. months from the date of the flrat M urphy and her brother, Delbert publication of this notice. M itch ell. r.pent the week-end at Hate of first publication. M arch ; Ashland, visiting w ith th e ir par- 1. 1134 H A R O L D J W E L L » . Adm lnla I unit any and a ll persona having nuts, Mr. and Mr». H . T. M itch ell. tra to r w ith the W ill Annexed , claims against Ih e said estate are hereby required Io preaent aald J E S S E (I. W E I,L B . Attorney. Parents of Son— M r. and Mrs. |M 8 16 22-29— A 6) claims, duly verified as by law re­ j Fred E. R ichter of O akridge are quired. at the office of F r a n k .A ......- — - --------------------------------------------- i the parents of a baby hod born to DaPue, attorney for i-atd estate, at N O T IC E them at the Pacific hospital in Eu­ Rprlngfleld. In la in - County, O re­ W H E R E A S In chapter 127. gen-1 gon w ithin alx months from the gene Sunday afternoon. M arch 18. i-ral laws o f Oregon, enacted In date of this notice. 1»34 t i l l . It Is declared to be the duty Hated and Oral publlsed M arch of every person, firm , copartner­ 6. 1134 V is itin g P a re n t» — Mis» Naomi ship. company and corporation Hale of laat publication April 6. owning, leasing, occupying, posseaa Carlton is spending her spring 1134 Ing or having charge of or domtn 1 , vacation here visiting w ith her par- O SCAR E H K M K N W A Y Exe Ion over any land, place, building, tu to r n l the eatate of M elinda atructure. w harf, pier or dock i entB. Misa C arlton 1» school nurse E Hemnnwuy. deceased which la Infested w ith ground aqulr-1 , at the Southern Oregon N orm al at F R A N K A D eP U B , Attorney rela and o ther noxloua rodenta or Ashland. for the estate predatory animats, or aa soon as IM 8 16 22 29- A 61 , the presence of the same shall Parents of D a u g h te r— M r. and I come to hla. th e ir o r tta knowledge, ! Mr». John Gate» of Camp Creek at once to proceed and to continue NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS In good fa ith to e x te rm in ate and are the parents of a baby daughter f ./jm Notice Is hereby given that the ¡ deatroy such rodenta by polaontng born to them at the Nelson M a te r­ 3161 undersigned. Elm er Strand, has trapp ing or other appropriate and n ity home In Eugene on Sunday. been appointed a ilm ln latrator of effe c tiv e mean»; and 1^-uifMt-d in eiuw - M H i- estate of Jennie Strand, la te W H E R E A S gray digger ground ». 4» . 4L’, A4 4«, 4». jC March 18. 1934. an*! S3 H i m ,ck lin e 1» alw ays acceptable and For pattern», send 16 cent» In coin (fo r each pattern desired», your name, address, style number and »Ixe to I ’a trlc la Doy. Spring field News. 1‘a lle rn Dept.. 116 F ifth Avenue. Brooklyn. N. Y. Iro n rust spots may be removed NOTICE TO CREDITO RS from any fabric by a m ixture of Notice la hereby given that the ,sHK„e d ) O. S F L E T C H E R . salt and lemon. T h e spots should underalgned ha» bean appointed County A g ric u ltu ra l Agent. A dm in istrator of the eatate of An­ be rubbed w ith the m ixture and (M 8-16-22 thony Saul, deceased, and hae duly then held over a ves-el fu ll of hot qualified aa auch. A ll persona hav­ i w ater. NOTICE OF SALE ing claim s against aald estate are hereby required to present auch 1 Notice Is hereby given by the claims duly verified w ith proper undersigned as Executor of Doughs that contain baking pow- vouchers attached, to the u n d e r-( W ill of Oeorge W . Irv in , deceased, shoul(, ,le handled as little as signed at the office of I. M Peter ! that, pursuant to the auth ority and ller 8houW son at 234 M ain street, Springfield, direction of said W ill, which au ! possible Oregon, w ith in six months of the thorlxed said Executor to sell and dale of this notice, the in m e being dispose of a ll the real and personal Boots and shoes that have been dated and published the firs t tim e property of said estate, not there hardened by w ater w ill become soft this 22nd day of Feb ru ary. 1934 Inbefore devised, and deem ing It P H IL IP H . S A U L . Admlnlstra-1 for the best Interest of said eatate und pliant If soaked In kerosene. tor of the E state of Anthony to do so. I w ill a t the office o f Fred Sntil. deceased. E. Sm ith, atto rn ey at law, 406 NOTICE OF HEA R IN G I M P E T E R S O N . Attorney for M in e r Building. Eugene, Oregon, on ON F IN A L ACCOUNT said Estate. and a fte r A p ril 6th, 1934, sell at I . . . . . . . Hi.v, . . N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : private sale, tc. he highest^^ »'dder^ tfce u n ie r, lgned adm lnlstra ( F 21— M 1-8-16-221 fo r cash, all of the 8»1»- ‘ l l ^ > »' , or of , hl. ea, „ e of Sarah Ann For- Interest of said estate and of the guson, del-eased, has filed his ac­ S U M M O N S IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E heirs at law thereof, the follow ing count fo r the final settlem ent of STATE OF OREOON FO R described real property, to w lt : said estate In Ihe County Court for T h e northeast quarter o f south LA N E COUNY. l.ane County, Oregon, and that Elsa L. Foote. P la in tiff, vs. R o b e rt, west q uarter of section 29, town Saturday, the 6th day of A pril, ship 17 South of Range 1 W est of 1934. at the Court Room of said H . Foote. Defendant. TO R O B E R T H F O O T E . Defend­ W illa m e tte M eridian, containing 40 Court, In the County Court House, acres of land, more or less, and In Eugene. Oregon at ten o’clock In ant. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E together w ith the rig h t of way con­ the forenoon, has been by said O F O R E O O N : You are hereby re­ tiguous to and going w ith said pre­ Court fixed as the tim e and place quired to appear and answ er tho mises. In section 29. said township for hearing objections thereto, and com plaint filed against you In the and range. In Lane County. O re­ for fin a l settlem ent of said estate. above entitled suit on or before the gon; also, the east 68 feet of lot 7 L. L. RA Y . A d m in is tra to r of last day of the tim e prescribed In anil of south 10 feet of L ot 6 In the Estate of Saorti Ann F e r­ the O rder for Publication, to-w lt: Block 18 of M u llig a n ’s Donation guson. deceased. on or before the expiration of four to Eugene. Ij»ne County, Oregon. L. L. R A Y , Attorney for Estate. T he first described of said tracts weeks from the date of the first (M 8-16-22-29— A 61 inihllratlon hereof, and If yon fall of la n i w ill be sold subject to a mortgage for the principal sum of to appear and answer, for want lhereof, p la in tiff w ill la k e a decree 22000.00. all other liens and encum­ E state o f H ira m F. W h ite , Deceased NOTICE I against you for the re lie f ns prayed brances to be paid by said eatate. OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T for In the com plaint which Is for and the second o f said tracts of N otice Is hereby given that A b i­ a docree of the court dissolving land w ill be »old subject to an out- Ihe m arriag e contract now existing j standing contract of sale upon gail E. Clark. E xecutrix, and Dan between p la in tiff and defenda,nt which th e re Is approxim ately 23,- E. C lark. Executor of (he last w ill and for the care, custody and con- 700.00 w ith accrued Interest unpaid, nud testam ent of H ira m F. W h ite , trnl of the m inor child and for such all taxes and o th e r Hens to be paid Deceased have tiled In the County other and fu rth er re lie f as to the by said eatate. T h e E xecutor ree Court of the State of O reron . In court may seem Just and proper. ervea the rig ht to re je c t any and a l l 1 anti for L an e County, th e ir lin a l re Thia summons la published pur- bids for aald parcels or eith er port aa such executrix and oxecu- auant to an order of the Hon. G. thereof. to r; and that ton o’clock In the F. S klpw orth. C ircu it Judge of Lane T h ia notice la publlahed fo r four forenoon of Saturday, the 14th day County, Oregon, made and entered consecutive weeka In the Spring- of A p ril. 1984. a t the courtroom February 28. 1934 and publlahed l field News, a newspaper of general thereof, In Eugene. Oregon, have In the Springfield News, a n ew s -1 circulation, posaeaalng the legal been by said court appointed and paper published In Lane County. | qualifications for publishing legal fixed as the tim e and place for Oregon, said publication being fo r nntlcee, In S pringfield. L an e Ooun- bearing objections to aald report and for the flnol settlem ent o f the once each week for four consecu- ty. Oregon. D ate of firs t publication M arch •'.la te of said deceased. tir e weeks. T he date of firs t pub A B K IA ir, E. C L A R K , Execu­ llcatlon thereof la M arch 1, 1984 8th, 1934. W IL L IA M G. IR V IN , Executor trix . and the date of the laat publication D A N E. C L A R K , Executor of o f I.a a t W ill of Oeorge W . hereof la M arch 2», 1984. the I^aat W ill and T estam ent Irv in , deceased. H O W A R D M. B R O W N E L L , of H ira m F. W h ite , Deceased. F R E D E. S M IT H . A tto rn ey for Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence: Eugene, Oregon. (M1-H6-22-29) executor. (M 616-22-19— A B) A. E. WHEELER, A tfy. (M 1622-29—A 611) U niform city ordinances covering robondtog of assoosmogto. refund Ing. wholesale trade vehicles, alco­ holic liquor, dog licenses and city planning commissions have boon prepared by tba Bureau of M an i ctpal Rasearcb and Barato» of the Unlvarstty of Oregon, and are ' ready for distrthntlon to any city desiring them. It was tnnouncad here by Herm an K ehrll. director of the bureau and executive secretary of the I-eague o f Oregon Cttlea. T h e ordinances were prepared by W m M Brigg», for 12 years city attorney of Ashland, and now eon sultant of the Am erican M unicipal Association. A large num ber of or dlnancoa were studied and the heat points of each Incorporated In the Visiting with Uncle — Mrs. Don uniform form prepared. Several Meakln* has gone to (iorbott. Ore­ city attorneys and other city o ffi­ gon to vlalt with her uncle, Oeorge ciala collaborated In the work. Lusby. V is it la Portland— M r. and Mrs. CWA COURSES POPULAR MANY STUDY BY MAIL W llliaa» Robertson have boon spending the firs t of the week In A total of 30» person» has en Portland. They are expected to re­ rolled In C iv il W orks Project cor­ turn today. respondence courses, through the U n ive rs ity of Oregon, It waa an­ Scouts Build Cabin— M embers of nounced today by Ml»» Moselle Boy Scout troop 2 of Eugene spent H a ir, head o f the correspondence the week-end at the W a rn e r ranch division of the Oregon State Bya- near Jasper cnttlng logs for a scout tem of H ig her Education. W ritte n cabin which they w ill build on the English, w ith an enrollm ent of 6», ranch. Some of the boys are spend­ leads, and preparation for short ing most of the week there during story w ritin g Is second w ith 66. th e ir spring school vacation. Elem ents o f geology has 16 sad com m ercial a rith m e tic has It. Tough meat can be treated by Common soap, lathered, aud placing It in a saucepan w ith a piece of fat or suet and allow ing it placed on burn». Is more effective to brown on both dldes. Then, fry than ordinary grease. A bit of salt the meat or cook It, and It w ill be should be sprinkled oo over the deliciously tender. lath er. Easter Eggs and Baskets A beautiful selection of Easter Eggs and Fancy Baskets are here ready for your Easter. Also a large assortment of dyes to color eggs. ORDER YOUR EASTER LILIES NOW We are now taking orders for Easter Lillea to be delivered just before Easter. To be sure of nice flowers order yours now. Scotfs Drug Store LOYAL E. SCOTT, Prop. A Home Institution Your local creamery is a home institution and aa such guarantees everything it sellB to be first class. Your local creamery is the one place your neigh­ bor farmer can bring his cream and get caah for it, thereby getting some money to spend with stores in town. Obviously when you buy Maid O’Cream products you are helping the whole community by creating wealth right here at home where we can all use It. Think it over! p Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Buttar Springfield Creamery Co. YES YOU CAN SAVE ON ^YO U R ELECTRIC BILL Eyestrain is dangerous^— and glosses are incon-b g venient. |) A wash board is hard on clothes but you con save 3c to 5c a week on your •lectric bill. BUT. nothing else you con buy will give you oe much comfort, good health ond convenience as electricity. Keeping your toaster on the shelf on entire month would save le u than enough on your electric bill to buy one gallon of gas for the car. W hen you ore away in the evening, a dark house is an invitation to burglar*. One light left on costs less than one cent on evening ond is ex­ cellent burglar insurance. The difference between on abundance of light for safe, comfortable seeing anywhere in the living room, for ail of the family, and one small light around which everyone tries to crowd, would save less than enough on the elec­ tric bill to toke the entire family to the movies once. Yes, you con save on your electric bill . . . but a t whot a sacrifice! t MOUNTAIN STATES E L E C T R IC IT Y IS T N I CHEAPEST POWER COMPANY S IR V IC r V O U CAM IM T