THURSDAY. MARCH 22. 1»34 TU B SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO If thè render does noi understaud less tor building a new highway Arthur Hind collection w\-re atte equipped with engines which were thè Impili allotta of III» phrase ' hot j discarded as Inefficient by commer Honed off at a trifling »4&.000 at between Junction City and Eugene doga" he ehituld ratuetulwr thal tha A policy of general sidewalk con (he Waldorf Astoria Hotel laal No d a l concern» several years ago. greal leader of lite radicai eleliionl Published Every Thursday at struction through the state will d - vetnber. The resi of the collection built to designs wlildi make speed lu tbv adinlnlatralinn la F elli impo slble. And ihe aiiuy flier» are Springfield, Lane County, Oregon by hty highway project» and make has been purchased by a British I still galling the same sort of train Craukfurter. and hls youug di» ■ syndicale for an amount believed longer waits for needed Improve­ THE WILLAMETTE PRESS tlp les come bv tlivlr nlckuaui» uà ments In highways than the people , to be something over a mere half i Ing they go! during the war Mr tt K Maxey Editor New». H. E. MAXEY. Editor lurally. . million! Tha Promised Veto of this slate are now struggling Sprlugfleld. Oregon, at ihe poatoftlc«. second class matter, February 24. 1903 Entered as Thera le a general feeling hers with. Dear Sir: Arm Braktn- David l’uliid Ilei Springfield Oregon ( I hut Ihe president'» promise Io vein lu other word i, this Is a prsc- In your l»»ue ot March I you l iliali soli of llev alni Mrs. Uaan (' any bill for lucrvasltig payment« Io discuss the question ot stdcualk tl. ¡«1 questlou The Highway t'otu MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE l'olntlexler brohe hi» unii w lille veterans will not have a very sari iiilisiou Is not utiwllllug to build 31 00 ! construction by the State Hlghw* plsylug laat weeh ous reaction on Ills political popu $2 ihre» Month« ...................... Depart meat between Eugene an t -.idewalks but It believes that Its SOc Two Yeaix lu AdvAUce lurlty. Congres will yuss such » Springfield Junction, aud quest Io; duly Is to build highways THURSDAY. MARCH 22. 1934 bill, because II seeins Uoceaaary Io WATER W ITH MEALS 19 nt) atateiueul that “The fund» ot I’liere is no questlou that a side- a good many congressmen Io go GOOD FOR STOMACH Ik ta tieedetl between Eugene the State Highway Department, lx on record In favor of II. if tbe> MR. SCOTT’S ANSWER n I Sprlugfleld Juuction. but under ing derived trout the motoring Ira Water w.tb incula lielp sienutcb wall! to lie reelected ils all ol Julces. aids iDgesHon circum stances it seem s incutu ot a sidewalk between Eugene tic. should seem ingly be applied to If bloalod them do Hui II Is belivv <1 lier* wKli gas add a spouliful of Adler and Spnngiield on the Pacific Highway we print in another the Improvement ot highway . aud c. I upon local agencies to build thaï there Is a strong public seuil ika One dose (leulis ulti pulsati» column the reply of Mr. Leslie Scott, chair man of the high­ not to the construction ot side uch a sidewalk. Clearly, such a meut against this particular form and washes IIOTII upper sud lower idvwalk If for local use more than Washington, March 22 The way commission, to au editorial appearing in this news­ walks.'* You say that ueither the oowels Elanerys Itnig HI ore paper. Mr. Scott continues to question whether the high­ Pacific Highway uor other slate lot slate use. Clearly also, such a popular expression nowaday:- when of governments! extravagance, way funds derived from the motor vehicles should be used roads In Lane county have been a.dewalk will Improve local pro two political observer» meet and Eveu the pre Ident's closest to build sidewalks. At the risk of seeming impertinent we wholly built with the money or perty. It would seem the proper everybody In Washington is either friends concede that he will not business ot the county or the city a pollliciuii or a political ubaerver have such a unanimous congress say to Mr. Scott we consider his reply au excuse instead of motorists r the local district to build auch a reason why the sidewalk should not be built by the high­ la "Well, the honeymoon’s over next year There will lie a good I expected this reply to be The reference Is. of cnur»‘, Io Hie liiuuy Republicans elected to sue way department. made and do not take Issue with It local utilities. If Mr. Scott speaks for the motorists and says that directly. I am thtareatad lu your I am glad to comment on yout love-fettsi in which the yrc.ddctit. cecd Democrats next November their money should not be used for auy other purpose than comment on my statement and be­ ■ ditortal remarks and I trust that congress, business, industry, agri­ There iloee not seem Io be auy aigu building and maintaining road beds for motor vehicles to lieve that you have met the laauv In you will receive these words in the culture. labor and all the other de- at thia time, however, that (here spirit of cordiality in which they inciils of the American population will nut be a comfortable Demo­ travel over then w e say the motorist point of view is a self­ an able wav. are written. The Favor «4 f r o m > « w r li»»» »ni*» y vM f ¥ .’ * * • * • y u u r d * « a y a i n »uwt U * v»Ia I lite the pliruse is that Mr. Roosevelt Is t o u r w h X I..V.K ...t e le 1 -1 k a . d a i.d ing copies of litis letter to Mr »veuille happens between now and year for a number of years on the highway betweeu these eral sources which is not the money itM U d V ,.«i S «i >«llxw V i u i s » . «si s , w o l n is s tlt. two cities. Surely no one who drives over the road can ot motorists. This la also an In­ Nelson, Editor of the Junction City i.ol so likely to have everything his election And Hie president's doiu ■Ul s Is k s ill, t« , e « ix ss ip . le u s . » « u ilo x u » « s . i r i>»sds. k as. .1 . . I X - • , I lie prob Innnce Is so greet lhal b« can af Times, to Mr. Anderson. Editor of own way from now on S I . S ............ ,.,1 , I. - I .. X fx u l.T O .ll. question but that this is a benefit to the motorist. Safety teresting comment. tir. •*» •• -0» i »U»»» ji ►♦.• mw - » ••*» ha»» !*»•! is the first consideration in all highway traffic whether ou Construction of highways la only the E ugtne News, and to Mr. S u w ably will gel most everything lie furd Io lose a good deal of his as »wur I* «»♦••••> •*.»»• »•«!• t u a (i« x u > u a . part of the expense A large sum yer. Editor of the Bend Bulletin, oes after, for another year or -p cemluucy and still be in full con lu Hut loot or on wheels. 4‘»nl Iah* »ul’». itil>M>t(l catara. Then we come to the question of finances. The state of money has been expended upon whe have made coutinetilg ainillai to come; but lie will have to light irol of public uffulrs tor what he gets, or much of it highway system is but part of our enormous road system the maintenance of highways in the to your own. There is a growing belief that Hie There is, at. yet, uo effective or but it is stressed to the point that the remainder is almost enduing years, and this monay. Your» Truly. president Is not so greatly Influ forgotten in discussion. The cities have bonded themselves under the present laws must be de LESLIE M. SCOTT Chairntuu gunited opposition, either within or clued by som e of his radical atlvls O n ly a p r a flow o f »»»or VU» b»lf» * 4 1 without the Democratic parly; almost into bankruptcy to build streets up to the standards rived from motorists. The construe ers as had been supposed, bul on ato» »M» decay |>*.laon fw »ui» h«»«»la T h » oh» »»Ila h»if«»tBl4» >»»«•• f » n® « h ie n atarte nothing whatever that can be call the motorists have demanded. Many of the motorists have tlon of a sidewalk would be follow . • la • a ita r • the contrary is genuinely concerned a fr«« flow «»f »• >*» >■ Ir T in i. I J . . Í I di , b ■ . I x . l i m . » . r » l ■si organisation among llte Itepuh not contributed one nickel to this expense while many a ed by long years of maintenance, with maintaining the exlaling cup in C srt./s , indir »s«, ijid.1 » ...ta h i» •atiat 4av at 4»u« au»f»a. what policy Io pursue or whether io R rfo aa - » . w r t M i t i «>••« • • fo r It street that his local travel did not justify. Then this county money of m otorists should be up- would make II more difficult fur may »»»F». i»»ur travel t«>n>|*aaa to If you must walk, go and build your own." We need a little many other things hadn't been needed then. Hut they food and drug Industries and cur ■ “ haat by SoMb»** Southern Pa«itK men in (he first two weeks, and the But the chief reason for refrain­ of the doctorine of the forgotten man in Oregon. If there almost called out the riot squad w ill take you I am through the tall advertising does not now seem is a forgotten man he is the taxpayer—until his money ing from construction of sidewalks for (table. He tried to get out of doubt as to whether there bail lie-n likely to bo enacted, even In Ils warm »unahinc of < a h h u m a and Southern A riro na at the low rat with the funds at the disposal of the theater a couple of timed and sound ground for Ihe burring of is needed. present modified form Neither j toat in yeara. Rail and Pullm an the State Highway Department, had handkerchiefs stolen out of his commercial companies from the dims the bill for Ihe regulailon o f. fare» have been cut. IhrlicioilA mall routes aroused a storm of pro­ whether local funds or federal. Is breast pocket every time. “If you AN ADMINISTRATION ALPHABET slock exchanges, in anything like meala in our dining tara curt at this obvious fact: the cost will run pin them to your suspenders." says test her« among Democrats ns well little AS *u>r Fur details, aee the form In which It was Intro- ; We went to the trouble the other day to check up on into hundreds of thousands of dol Gable, “they might pull your shirt us Republicans, which the presl duct*d. your S. P agent o f w rite J. A. That bill, as drawn up by | alphabetic bureaus in Washington under the New Deal. We lars and even millions. The high off.” . . . . "I know him personally.' dent in-1 by ordering malt-carrying O H M A N D Y . 6<»«rw / Pwn<«grr thought we might like to use a few of the letters ourselves, way between Eugene and Spring- said one big blonde, "’cause I got by the Army uspended except un­ the "hot dogs" of Ihe administra ! A gttU , 705 P a u lk Hldg., Pun- but there doesn't seem to be much left except Q, X, Y and Z. field Junction is but one sector of a very nice letter from him once, der the most favorable conditions Hon. artfully concealed many soc [ land. But folks are getting so used to seeing a lot of initials in 6500 miles of state highways. If and an autographed picture." Pat and start ing the machinery for the lallstlc Ideas, which might easily I print, w ithout being sure what they mean, that we thought the State Highway Department Is rolman O'Neil nearly called tin restoration of the air mail services have resulted in putting a rompit le ; end to Investment In securities In ; we'd try to make a sort of dictionary arrangement of them. to build a sidewalk there. It will wagon for her. to commercial companies equipped stead of It, u moderate measure I aid manned to perform Here they are: have to build sidewalks to many • s s drafted by Secretary of Commerce other places This question has No better proof could he adduced AAA Agricultural Relief Administration. Circumvention They tell me Roper probably will be adopted. been before the Slate Highway that’s a big word for beating the of the president's political acumen CABCousumers Advisory Board Commission for many years, law. So the powers that be are >hun the appointment of Col. I.lnd CCC—Civilian Conservation Corps. whether to build sidewalks. Nearly going to prohibit the rale of "nips" bergh on the comm ittee io tnvi-ati I CSB—Central Statistics Board. every city and town In the state In liquor store lu New York be­ gate the whole subject of army and CWA—Civil Works Administration. has presented this question. Port-1 cause of complaints that the Utile commercial aviation. DLB—Deposit Liquidation Board. land has done so. Thus far the two-ounce-for-t went.v-cent» hotties EC—Executive Council. Outcome— Better Service state has refrained from this con -' of whiskey and gin are being con EHC—Emergency Housing Corporation. One outcome of Ihe whole air struct Ion. On bridges the slate ! aumed on the premises or In near mall matter Is to force Into (he ‘ EHFA—Electric Home and Earm Authority. Ducks itiitl tiruki-s, I iuihi I cm has provided sidewalks, but this Is by alleys. Half pints will he the consclousnes of the ’.merlcar. peo i EACA—Federal Alcohol Control Administration. obviously necessary. ECA— Earm Credit Administration. ami chicks, eggs ami other sm allest quantity sold In liquor pie and of muny In Washington For current projects of primary stores. . . Ho-hum. You can’t buy who did not understand the facts, ECT—Federal Coordinator of Transportation. Eustcr camllcH are awaiting highway construction the State Just enough io get warm. It must the Ihe 3.000,- be enought to get tight. EERA—Federal Emergency Relief Administration. are away behiud those of commer quality candy. 000 from federal sources to apply . • • FESB—Federal Employment Stabilization Board. d a l companies, in speed, quality There’s ou - man In New York ' on >100,000,000 of projects through- FHLB—Federal Home Loan Bank Board. aud equipment of plane« and in the{ Conte in and make your out the state It Is obvious that very that has 239 Jobs and gets paid for i skill of their aviators. This Is the J HOLC—Home Owners Loan Corporation. selection today. little construction can be done with IAB—Industrial Advisory Board. only one. He says that today it result of several factors, one of this >3 000.000 compared with the might be 239. but hurry, becau e them being the fact, of course, that JEB—Joint Economy Board. aggregate needs. If the State High­ tomorrow it might be 241. His , army and navy flyers are trained LAB—Labor Advisory Board. way Department is to launch upon titles read. "E. P Summerson Sec­ for only one thing, which Is war; NCB—National Compliance Board. a slate-wide policy of sidewalk con­ retary." and then the names of 239 and a fighting plane Is not intended NEC National Emergency Council. struction. which it will have to do companies. It all came about when to carry cargo or passengers or to 'Where the Servie» Is DUIareni' NLB—National Labor Board. If It builds a sidewalk between Eu General Electric’s offspring be­ make scheduled flights "blind" at NRA—National Recovery Administration. gene and Springfield Junction, this came parent of u whale of a’ lot ot night. PAB Petroleum Administration Board. will deplete funds for highway con­ public utilities with children anil «A nother important factor, how­ PLA—Petroleum Industry Association. struction. There will be less money adopted children of their own Mr ever. Is the governmental Idea, PWA—Public Works Administration. for the construction of the W illam­ Summerson is secretary Io most of which applies to everything any SAB— Science Advisory Board. ette Highway, less for Improving' them. TVA—Tennessee Valley Authority. government does, of "standing put the .McKenzie River Highway, less I • • • USES United States Employment Service. on fixed Ideas and designs for We have left out of a lot of initials which were in use for improving the Pacific Highway. The United States stamps in the I everything !4o army planes are THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS W ASH IN G TO N Concerning the building HOW WOMEN CAN WIN MEN AND MEN WIN I LITTLE OLD EWYORK Go EAST through CALIFORNIA ---- <---- Southern Pacific Easter Candies r g g im a n n ’S RINTING before the New Deal came, like those of the Federal Res­ erve Board, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Veterans Relief Administration and others. But we must not omit to list one set of initials of greater consequence than all the others. FDR The man who’s running the whole show! ..— ' "I ■ One Can Stand Just So Much EFFICIENT PROMPT Inexpensive I I Q / m F A M IL Y / DOCTOR. ‘Y jO H N JO S E P tl GAINES M.D. A CASE REPORT Cerebral hemorrhage! How the term appals us—a bursted vessel inside the brain, causing parlysis! Everybody may well be interested. It’s a “grown person’s job” to deal with it, either as medical man or patient. I was called to see a neighbor, age 65 years. A man of very temperate habits; no overweight—no heart disease— no overeating. He had been sweeping snow from a porch. I found him unable to put out his tongue—unable to speak coherently. Very weak—the right arm and limb per­ fectly limp and useless. It all came without warning within fifteen minutes. I found the family weeping—the much­ loved father had had a "Btroke.” Of course we got him undressed and put him to bed, he being utterly helpless. There is much of vital importance In the management of these cases, that the family should understand. It is necessary to keep all indication of alarm from the patient, —sometimes hard to do. Commonly all the relatives and neighbors crowd about the bed. Of course the family phy­ sician must be summoned, and a good nurse is worth her weight in gold in such emergencies. Be sure and remember that no emotion whatever must be displayed in the pres­ ence or hearing of the patient. Of course the outcome is related to the extent of the hemorrhage and the general condition of the patient. A temperate life here bears valuable fruit. If you get out of the affair with a live patient you con­ sider yourself fortunate. The leg may "come back," but the arm may be damaged for life. My patient is doing well. Phone 2 printing service consists of more G OOD than delivering a certain amount of ink and paper in the form ordered, flood printing consists of careful consideration as to the form in which the Idea is to he presented, Ihoiight f i l l selection of type faces, the right grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ ate composition and skillful printing. . . That is the kind of printing service you may ex­ pect from our shop. . . . amt it costs no more than inferior printing. No matter whnl you printing Job may lie or In what quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ mate of coat moat interesting, workmanship moat efficient and promptnesa In delivery moat gratifying If you find II Incnnventlent to vlalt our office, phone mid we will call. . . , You are under no obligation In auklng us for an eatlmate. The Willamette Press Opposite P. O. Springfield