1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH IK TY -FIK H T YKAIt HPItlNGFIKLD, l»ANK COUNTY, OREGON. CIM WORK PBOKESE BIHEFIT10 O n Fuzniturt . . . Too Much Armory Only Project Provid-; Ing Work for Many Man in City; Allay Work to End PLAN FOR PALM SUNDAY TIUKHDAY. MARCH 22. 1934 Sport Body has Election Meet [|0(|g NO. 10 N ew Cue Champion FISH FRY PLANS W. Coealer to Head McKenzie Methodiete to Have Baptismal Gateway Rod and Gun Committee Starts Work at Club; Have Committees Service; Special Evening of Once Planning Event; Date Mueic at Baptist Church Set for Saturday, June 9 "The McKenxIe Gateway Hod and LIOKS READY M “AUNTIE-OF” SHOW Director Pronoun«« Every­ thing it Ready for Opening Curtain at H. 8. Friday Hpeclal nutate and «errilo» fur Gun Club" was tbs name finally Members of the Hprlngfleld Lions SPECIAL ACTS ARE BILLED Paini Bunday In the Hprlngfleld selected for the local sportsmen or- dub voted at their meeting Erlday - «hurches were announced this “•"J“ '*"" ,h*,r “ *"•*"< M«w (.rK hul„ |n g : | r. Peteraon * * * X held a run of 153 by Ponzi, a world nvonl uudar way will be completed but | rehearzal la scheduled for tonight She was grauled a divorce •bn message at tha 7 30 evening aer foga, . Ilarry Fandrem. entertain me<*lng and planned a Imitative in title e - no new work will be started uuder starting at 7:10. The show la ready menu and budget of expenses. They < vice will be: "The Voice of Author Ibla name Regulations lor dis- ment; Ray Nott. membership; H. I lo open declared W. E. Buell, di­ Ity and tbe Cleansing of tbe Tern K Maxey, publicity; and C. E. Mar are holding regular meetings with , buraeiuenta uuder tbe Emergency rector. following last night's re the convention committee of the: Pl«' Relief Administration provide» that ber. auditing. , hearsal. Eugene club in .making tbe arrange-! Coburg Methodist Church no fund» »ball be spent for mater­ A special drive to enroll members ments. The location for the fish I Headlining tbe big program will Ood Abldeth Faithful, la the tbe c|ub wm ,J(. »tailed at once ials. This provision It seems will ih .,,.. ih - » . .. p h o . . i il U I . -----— fee fry lie the three act comedy of college me of tbe preaching at 0 9 46 wHb , . h„ r^du<.e<1 theme W|tti the reduced members membership (lni| bas not been decided at this defeat the purpose of the act as few j life. "Auntie Up” by Eellca Met­ I The Church school meets at 10:30 r,0 <•»„„ Tbg reduced fee ill be borrowing units such as school dis All members of the Springfield calf. presented by a home-talent trlct» aud misnlclpelltle» are In a The Baptist congregation will : «°°d ,,nl> d,,r‘nB ,h* •*»«»«• "• Lions club are asked to contribute cast. It is Impossible to say that position to appropriate fund» other Springfield Resident Dies Fri- h"’ r •**»- K B- Rolen» preach on this month and for April after fish which they catch to the fl«b g jn^ ie|d fo M eet Junjor there are any leading charaeter. In Ilian for operating expen»ea Many which the annual dues will be »1.00 ** f thlap H I «1 F ils lay.th tV » Yl a-V a l l a e s i /»(s a tin s » « n k ar- ee day at Home Of Son; Fu- 'he subject. "Crowned or Crucified ,, . . , , fry. Members of the Eugene club — eyallaredlatln ctch of these groups »pent money during ' "d-f 'he Plan of organization hav„ volunteered to donate some of High Team in Practice Tilt a<.terixa„on, and play d,Merw,t , _ . . . . *1 the morning service. The even nera! Servtcet Monday |n, w|)| gUr, „ 7;30 w„b . adopted by the group there will be ,he,r ,.at<.hM the t'WA prog rum which they bad Wednesday Afternoon type of roles. appropriated for operating expen­ half-hour of musical entertainment several divisions within the club, The matter of holding weekly ' Philip M Goaaler, resident of Cast Is Listed each group of enthualasta In a parti- ses. Springfield baseball players will I Oregon since 1900. and resident of , by the Devereaux family of Eugene. cular sport getting together for the meetings of tbe dub was brought The ladies roles are played by Two P rojects Unfinished before the group by the Board of get their first chance to play a ball Mr# w p Augustus Thia musical program will con development of their particular Directors jj,re<.tora with the recommend»- game thia season next Wednesday Joneg Only two of the t'WA project» In Hprlngfleld most of that lime, pass- Hprlngfleld are Incomplete at this i ed uway Erlduy evening at the «1», „t an instrumental trio, flute. sport and holding as many meet tlon that It be voted on again. Thd' afternoon in a practice game with time. Final fund» on tbe alley Ini-1 home of his aon, Walter N. Gossler. cello and piano, vocal trio, solos and Inga and doing whatever aeeins ad­ matter waa laid over until the next the Woodrow Wilson junior high as Sally Caldwell, tbe secretary; and Eva Louk as Bebe Warren, a provemenl project will Iw spent 234. Tenth street, lie suffered a musical readings The sermon on visable. school. No r-'-hedules have been i meeting. college widow. Regular meetings of the larger within the next few day«, and work paralytic stroke some weeks ago the subject. "What Will You Do Merton Eerebee entertained the worked out yet, and the boys are] w)(h Reverai yoca, aoloa. He Just beginning to find theroselvee Members of the male cast in the on the armory 1« progressing rapid­ and had been tn poor health since With Jesus?*' will follow the mual- body will be called by the board o f . «I i — .... I I a — _ . ral program. director«. ly. the main floor being almost roni- that time. was accompanied by Mlsa Jewel on the field. The diamond has not order in which they appear on the At the Christian riturch Veltle He was born In Bentunsport, pleted except finishing and laying Cunningham. been prepared yet on Brattain Held ’tage are Thelmer Nelaon as Dean Iowa on October 24. 1Hhuwk. She rect|on of Mrs. Clarlne Putman and Urhytil would like to play first base BettE Byrne, cello before the cur alleys aud the leveling and gravel­ gene. Mrs B E Goodpasture. Lea ' until last iani iiiumtiu, »» ut 3 Oa-.E#..»« I _ _ . tain. was „,..„¡...1 married *«. to vi M. 1 E. Stafford on I Mrs. Edith _ I»xton. position. Uchytil ___ . _____________ would like ___ to ing of several which have not been burg, and Mrs. Margaret Day. Bell they lost a game 1*16 to Blachly August 21. 1889. Included In the list of state of catch. Between acta one and two the used a great deal for traffic before Ingham. Washington. : on the local floor. Monday the Besides her widower she leaves ffre„ prw,ent were Mrs. Susanna Woodrow Ware is the lone aspir , |ah wUI Present the Quartet Funeral services were held Mon Townies defeated Elmira -to close this time. dnry".nL;n«M,n'.','2 Jcl'.x-k'from'.he Z'lt’hTne'Te’^ t for'^Lh1 ! * “ " - rr> « “>"’<>"«’ 8 « » ^ ,! Halnrtond. department president; ,„r short stop, while Carl A school project resulted tn the PooleXlr.« Bartholomew chape. In .he Blachly and Hprlngfleld teams h' r«'J*"“ »* '> '» * « « » • : Mrs. laura Valklnsburg. depart- Stevenson wan,- to play at second, ^ r a o n w « « ,,,, of the Four MarJ filling In of low places on the grade brothers, th e se singers are said to Hprlngfleld Rev Dean C Polndex The »core Monday night waa 32 10 “ *ra"dchll**•'•> SPRINGFIELD C. E. WINS „ A new _ hydraulic .............................. ... , ------------------------ h#^ nlahed about half; park work, labor Brume,le nigh, a, Juanita Rebekah •»»«• nal"’" T'’u^m“n' J'r w ",an COUNTY UNION BANNER des"t" ,oK<‘,h<‘r wl,h aU late FOR O-NO CARD CLUB for ,he past week the dlrec. »1000. materials »150; alley dev­ lodge when members held a aur Katie Brum- *iulre», Arlan Hchantol. Joe Oer- _______ qmodel greasing equipment is be- _______ elopment. labor »1770. materials prlae party for Mrs. tlon of Harry M. Stewart. Bach and Lloyd Young People of Christian Church Ing In-talled a, the Matt Hart aer Mias Eunice Gerber won first member of the club has tickets for »300; schools, labor »500 materials ette who won the distinction of be- ber- U«>rxe Thatcher, vice station The new equipment Is and Miss Crystal Bryan I the“eyeBlng7hOw “^ d th « ^ m a y Z Retain Pennant for Most Out­ »100 The original armory project Ing the best ticket seller In th e , Mattison. designed to care for the new s yle | prlles at the meeting of the O,No purchaged from them Thg prlce |g standing Work In Area « ailed for »3000 for labor and »600 organisation recently when the or-1 automobiles with knee action, bridge club a, the home_of Miss , 5 cenU an(J 1R no materials from the CWA. and »500 ganlxallon sponsored their annual KOZY KORNER KLUB The Springfield Christian Endea There cars have no front axle un- Thelma Sweeney last Thursday regerTed geatg tunterlals from the State Veteran» fun carnival. Mra. Brumette »old SURPRISES HOSTESS vor society, headed by William Cox. der which a hoist can be placed evening. Mrs Crystal Male and Aid commission. All Items In this 60 ticket» for thia affair. in charge of the show are John president, won the right lo retain Washing equipment is also befog Miss Bryan were guests of the club. Anderson. Mr. Stewart and P. J. Memhera of the Progressive 22 project have been Increased several Miss Evelyn Buell Invited mam- , hp i,ane County C. E. banner for Installed a, the service station, Members present were Miss Doris Bartholomew. times since the original project has degree team were hoateaMea for the parly and a gift waa presented the her» of the Koxy Korner Klub to t n e X | g|s months at the annual rf° top will be placed over the and Eunice Gerber, Theda and been started honor guest. Following the buai- her home Friday for their regular lneetlllK he|d a, Pfouaant Hill Sat- equipment for the summer, but a Ione Rhodes. Natalie Edmiston. roof will be placed before next Glyde Dllly. Clarabel Wagner, Arah O. E. S. PLANS FOR ness meeting games were enjoyed ■ meeting, and when the members of ,,rday STREAMLINED TRAIN TO Th„ banner |g awnrded each six tai’- Nell Arnold. Wllda Cotton, and and the prlte of the evening waa the club arrived together with thelr DISTRICT MEETING PASS THROUGH TH IS CITY the right to escort the honor guest guests they proceeded to stage a I mon1hg , 0 , he „oclety showing the Maxine Snodgrass. Miss Theda Rhodes will be host­ to the dining room which waa won surprise birthday party for the greatest progrès In Endeavor WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS Arrangement» for Springfield'« The new three-coach Union Paci­ hostess. Guests were Mrs. Marlon work during the past six months ess to the group a, their next meet­ Cascade chapter O. E. S. participa­ p(_AN CAFETERIA MEAL by Mrs. Wllda Cotton. fic streamlined train with the high Hall. Mrs. U. Q. McElhaney. Mrs, ing March 29. period. This means that the Spring- _______ Mrs. Corn Hinson was Installed tion in a district meeting In Eu­ speed delsel motor will he exhibited aa financial »»crelary replacing A. B. Van Valzuh. and Miss Vir­ field unit will carry the county Members of Pine circle. Neigh gene on April 13 were made at at the Houthern Pacific depot yards ginia Chrlatle. banner to the state convention nt b„ra o{ Woodcraft, will hold a cafe- BOY SCOUT CAMP SET Mrs. Nellie Pyne who resigned be­ the regular meeting Tuesday even- In Eugene Friday from I until 10 Members present were Doris Salem In April. teria dinner a, the I. O. O. F. hall cause of III health. FOR OPENING IN JULY ing. The local group will have p. m Mr. Cox was also re-elected sup next Wednesday evening. March Next Monday night will be Myers. Mr», Oeorge Cole. Faye _______ charge of balloting anl escort work. This new train which Is making friends night at the lodge. Each Paraona. Ila Bartholomew, Doro-1 erlntendent of the Tenth-Legion 28. starting at 8 oclock. The gen Annual summer ramp for Boy Blue River and Evangeline chapters an exhibition tour over the South­ then Mae Potter, and the hostess work In this district oral public Is Invited to attend the grouts ln Wallamet council will will be the hostess group. ern Pacific lines will come to Eu­ member la Invited to bring one or Twelve members of the local or- djnner which will preoede the re start on July 1, this year It has Several of the Springfield mem- gene from Klamath Falla and will more of their friends. Cinn FFI I CllA/Q DFH FK A W 4» ganlzatlon attended the all-day gU]ar evening meeting. been announced at district acout bers are planning to go to dottage pass through Oakridge at 11:40 U U U rL L L U V vo, K t B C N R n a e(lng #( p,gaaant 8aturday. ,Vocee<,9 from ,„ e dlnn6r are t0 offices in Eugene. The camp w ill, Grove Friday evening for a dls- noon, Lowell at l»:20 p. m.. and FAMILY EATS POTATOES SEE FILMS AFTER MEET) — be ased by the drill team for »up- be divided Into two weeks periods | trlct meeting. Hprlngfleld at 12:47. FROM OWN GARDEN GOOLD DISCUSSES TREND „tie.. and a fee of »11.00 will be charged I -------------------------- The train will not be open for ---------- Four reels of motion pictures each boy for each two-week period Inspection here, nor Is It certain IN MODERN EDUCATION Frank DePue Is convinced that wflre abown „t the meeting of the The Boy Scout camp Is located FREE GARDEN SEEDS TO CHURCH CLASS HOLDS hprp n|f(h, that the train will stop, but the this has been an unusually early , Q o p on the upper McKenxIe highway Members of the Methodist Men's BE GIVEN NEEDY AGAIN speed of the train will he reduced aeaaon. The other day Mr. and Mra following the regufhr hualneaa meet­ TEA FOR MOTHERS on Scout-owned property on B lue. while passing through the towns DePue were guests at the Ott Men ing. Members of the Rebekah lodge Brotherhood and their wives heard Those persons who are unable H. R. Goold. superintendent of the an that persona along the route ilia home on the old Vltua farm were guests. Girls of the Queen Esther class to purchase seeds for a vegeutbl« Eugene school system, talk on of the Christian church entertained < will obtain a better view of the and were aerved new potatoes from During the business meeting a garden, and who have the neces­ the garden. The potatoes were delegation of five members from "Modern Trends In Education" at their mothers at an informal tea GLEN WOOD ORDERED train In operatli n. large and of good quality although Cottage Grove appeared on behalf theln monthly meeting Monday at Taylor hall Friday aftenfoon jq ACTIVE CAMP WORK sary tract of ground for such gar­ den will again be furnished frea grown from volunteer plants. The of the county convention to be held evening. The address followed the Mlsa Uldlne Gaitln sang several _______ COUNTY P. T. A. MEET usual potluck supper. A short busi­ numbers. A total of 21 girls and family has been eating (he potatoes at Cottage Grove on April 26. Several reserve officers In this I seeds by Lane county. The seeds UNDER WAY AT COBURQ for the past several weeks avers ness meeting followed the talk. I heir mothers attended the tea i dlatrlct have been ordered to Van- ar® l”>t yet aTal,abl«- bu* W,H b« More emphasis on high school which was under the direction of c0,ivcr Barracks for two weeks dlstr,bu,ed al tbe c ,ty Hal1 wben Coburg will entertain delegates Mr. DePue. training was stressed aa one of the Mrs. Walter Laiton MINSTREL PLAYERS TO 1 active duty. First Lieut. Glen B. they are ready for distribution. from all Lane county P. T. A. units necessary changes In modern ele­ .Wood, of Springfield, will go there: Only those who cannot buy the today for the county association WALTERVILLE PUTS ON SHOW AT OAKRIDGE April 15 First Lieut. Earl L. Brad J W,H be se®da' mentary education. He also enter-l \/QTER REGISTRATION meeting The program begnn this LEGION ENTERTAINMENT ed a discussion of the sales tax law Veltle Pruitt will take hla negro MAY BE MADE HERE N 0 W if'a'd Chiloquin, will report April, UCUBCD« Tft morning and will continue through­ later In the evening. _______ 29. Second Lt. William J. B Trip- CKIÖLILLA W ltMtlfcKÖ IU Regular meeting of the Spring- minstrel show of the Christian out the day with speakers discuss­ New registrations and chnnges In lett of Bend, will go May 6, and ( MEET IN EUGENE HOME ing the vurlous projects undertaken field American Legion poa, number church to Oakridge Monday even­ ----------- by the county unit». Ho, lunch re­ 40 will be held at the W. 0 . W. ing for their fifth performance. The MRS. HENDERER HOSTESS former registrations can now be Second Lt. Elno A. Bofto, of Man- Members of the Priscilla club port», and scrapbook actlvltlea will ban In Wallervllle tonight. The troup haa already presented the FOR CONTRACT PLAYERS made at the City Hall with I. M. : pin. will report June 3. Dr. Robert S. Lang mack of, will be guests at the home of Mrs. Peterson who has been designated Waltervllle members of the Legion show at' Cottage Grove, Yoncalla, also be diseased. Mrs. John Henderer will enter­ as official registrar for the district. Sweet Home, has been ordered be- John Seavey In Eugene this after- Mra. D. C. Ogilvie, Mrs. Pratt post are providing the entertain­ Springfield a-nd Thurston. The ad­ Holveraon, and Mrs. H. H. Church, ment anil Invite all members and vance ticket sale at Oakridge Indi­ tain at her home thia afternoon for This must be completed before fore the board at Eugene for exatnl- noon starting at 2 o'clock. Mra. are delegate» from the Springfield the Auxiliary to attend. The meet- cates that a large audience will the regular meeting of members of April 18. one month before the pri­ nation for a commission as first. Matt Hart Is to be the assisting lieutenant In the medical reserve, hostess. mary election on May 18. see the show. the Contract bridge club. in« w ill start at 8 oclock. club. ERA WORK UNCERTAIN r i * J ILLNESS CLAIMS PHILIP GOSSLER RASEBALL TEAM GETS FIRST GAME MOHAWK PIONEER PASSES Al ROME i i ir ii i ii