PAOE FOUR TUR SPRING PIKI-D NHW8 THURSDAY. MAKUU Iß. I»34 EARLY PLANT SAMPLES WANTED FOR U. OF O. U niverelty N aturalist Making Col­ lection of l e r l y Beeson Plant Growth 10 ÖFEN APRIL 5 W ASH IN G TO N All Tributaries of McKenzie Selow Blue River Closed; Mohawk Only Exception SY^OAgFOROMOBUnr Washington. Mar. 16— Bumming j > the results of President Rooae , »It's first year In office, the geu ' al feeling here Is that It has Iteen ‘•out an even break between the Fishing Reason » 111 open In Ore­ gon on April S. ten days earlier than usual ft was decided Monday at a meeting of the State Game commission In Portland. The sea- on w ill close on November 15. Just 15 days earlier than usual. Decis­ ion to advance the fishing season was reached after a number of re­ quests for the earlier opening had been rece'ved from all parts of -the ; state. Both the local Lions club and the Rod and Gun club urged the early opening. dininlstratlon and Hie depression < The early spring which Oregon has enjoyed a season advanced s least two months over the averaae has tiol only been a source of en joynt nt to lovers of the mil of doom, hill Is a lustier of great acl eiillfli- Importance as well, it *» declared hern by L. F. Henderson curator of the I'nlverslty of Hregmi herbarium It Is of utmost Itnpmi auce that data us vottlpil d. slid Professor Henderson has called mi Interested people In every section of Hregmi to aid him III Ihla work G.E. NEET DIES AFTER ILLNESS Native of Lane County Pnaaeg Monday at Winbarry; Fu­ neral Held Wedneeday A long lllnea,i filially d a l..... | Charles Norman Neet when he died nt his home near Winhvrry Mon day evening Mr Neel was a iiullvu of Oregon having been born al Lo well on February 6, |H»3 lie hail resided al Wlnherry for the past 12 years. tin H ptember 16. 1*14 he was married Io Miss Fay Menlheny of Eugene, who survives him an do Ihe fallowing: three anna. Ronald. Verllu and Albert all at home; hl mother. Mrs, Margaret Coburn of Signal, one brother. Leas Neel of Halfway. Hregmi; and two aislers. Mrs Maude T (lluapy of Eugene mid Mrs M ilk Kai on of Signal lie was a melulier and elder of Ihe Bible Standard church at Lowell Al his request graveside services were held Wednesday al Ml. Vet non ct-meiery Rev Arthur Grayel and Rev Harry It Neal officiated The Poole Gray - Bartholomew chapel hud charge of Hie funeral l! the government hasn't aucceetled n licking hard times, neither has CLEVELAND . , , Edltoa K. list big bad wolf got the admin- ndent of ration licked And that, these Hur n1"'*"'1 , , „ . Houston, lea., schools, ia the new bservera point oat. Is all to th e1 president of the National Eilm-a Future Use Foreseen . >od. because the underlying tioual Association. lie was I n n at The university for many years causes of the depression, at home Pntriekaliurg. Imi. and ia 54 Jean has niainialned an herbarium. In and abroad, have pretty nearly which have been preserved thou ceased to function, while the gov­ local pressure from Ih • hurt» home anils of plants, with accurate re­ ernment still has pleniy of wea interests who don't want an eqult- cords of when they were taken By The commission also decided to pons left in its arsenal There are a able tariff, nor reduced tariff rules, using Information obtained from close all tributary streams of the 1 lot more experiments that can be nor anything that might coueelv these records Professor Henderson Me Ken lie below Blue river to fish­ tried. ably benefit all Ihe people If II is w hs aide Io point out the extreme ing with the lone exception of the ' NEW YORK . . . The o.l cisl portrait of President Roosevelt which la One of the most important of going Io hurl their own pock'I earllsess of this spring. Now he Mohawk river. to hang in the White House has been approved. It is shown above in the iheze. In view of many. Is that of books studio of Mrs. Ellen Eiumet Rand, who has worked on the painting sines wants Io make as complete as pos The action of the commission August of 1933. Tins is the portrait whieh failed to be approved whea giving the president power Io alter slide Ihe collecHon of early flowers If Congress does grant ibis power it showed the Presnleut smiling It was changed and lias now does not open all areas to fishing the tariff schedules nt will. This to President Roosevelt It will have snil plants for this year, so that In approved by Mrs. Roosevelt. on April 5. It is presumed that the appeals not only io those who favor pul Into his hands the most useful years Io come this mslerlal may be later opening dates in various lakes tariff reduction but to those who of all weapons with which Io carry used by research students and and streams of the state will be re­ believe that it is a sldii that the on the tight against Hid Man D» olbere. tained or modified in accordance administration has come around I'ersons In any part of the slate , , pre sion And If It does not glv with the new open season. dennltely to the realisation that ‘ . . . . . . . ... . , , him what he asks for tl will he nolle« early hiooming plants o> Hi - depression is not a liaal affair , , . . . . . Fishing license or the combina­ , , I, . . , , . , ihe first time II has denied him flowers are urged to send them to LUMBER PRODUCTION but world wide, anil that it has Ils . . . tion hunting and fishing license are anvthlng. and there, again, Ihe ma Professor Henderson. In care of Hie roots in International conditions DROPS; ORDERS UP now on sale at Wright and Sons j Jorlty of the members of both university If these amateur bolan hardware store in Springfield. W allace, C lear T h in k e r houses are likely to face reperdis 1st i desire any information on their Seattle. W n. March 15 A total There has been a good deal of sloes from buck home- and there's findings, this will I h « supplied by The placing of a large assortment of 674 down and uperallug mills In uneasluess over whai s eniei, like a general election coming on next Professor Henderson on request. of fishing equipment in all ranges Oregon and Washington which re moves toward a policy of narrow November' E arliest of 60 Springs of prices In the hardware company ported to the West Coast laimhrr rationalism In the Culled Htate window Tuesday assured local peo- j Professor Henderson has Iteen nwn'a Association for the week end Your correspondent' < best guess, i just at a lime when several of the pie of the approaching season collecting plants and oh erring con­ ing March 3. produced 90.163.663 I other nations of the world wen« therefor«, is that Mr Roosevelt will Many persons have been seen ditions In this pari of the country hoard feel of lumber Thia was a gel what he asks fur beginning to abandon their nation standing before the window study­ for 60 rears, and stales that this la decrease of approximately 300.00« alistlc policies. Some of Ihe most ing the equipment which will be in by far Ihe earliest spring of hla ex­ feet under the preceding week The vocal of the president's advisers use this season. THREE-C COMMANDER TO perience lie is spending much of average prmlucllon of Ihla group have been outspoken In their advo­ his time collecting specimens In of sawmills Idli 1*34 has been 78. cacy of building a wall around the TAKE MONTH S VACATION tunic county, with the assistance of *17.3*3 feel, during Ihe same per C H IC A G O . . . A nation wide ' United States and proceeding Io try CIVIC CLUB TO SPONSOR naira is under way for Louis W M a jo r Charles H. t'urleti. former Sidney King, staff writer for Hie lod In 1*33 their weekly average , io straighten our affairs out as If I'taipera wa 64 2*7.830 feel ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW Grobei, (above) former purchasing there were not other people In the ¡< on.mander of the Eugene C C C Eugene Reglster-tliiard agent for the Atlantic and Pacific district, will leave Thursday morn Hon of people In this county, as The new business reported Iasi world but us. P relim inary Plans fo r Exhibition Tea ( X , who is alleged to haw ing for a month's vacallou In Okla­ well as nut over the entire stale, week 566 mills was »8.368 735 hoard 4 -if mndud his crap knars of apprnti It Is regarded here a* a victory Made Tuesday; Annual Plant homa and New Mexico before pro will he nereaaary. however. If the feel against a production of 8*,*86 n aie tj CWOjOOO for the sane and well considered And Bulb Exchange Held i ceding for W# hlngton, D. C. Io collection Is to he made as complete 01* feet and shipments of *1.668 002 analysis of our situation by Henry Is desired report for duly on the war depart (eel Their Ublpmenls were over Wallace, secretary of agriculture, Plans for the annual rose show RESIDENT OF MOHAWK meni general staff corps. production by I * percent and their whose reputation for having the and flower display of the Civic DIES AT HOME TUESDAY current salee were over production dearest, most logical and beet In Major 1'orlett has been granted a TWO INJURED AS CARS club were discussed Tuesday at the . ----------- by * 3 percent The orders booked formed mind In the whole admin month's leave effective Thursday P A L M SPRINGS . . . They lick monthly meeting of the organiza Funeral Services fo r Mrs. Sarah A COLLIDE IN EUGENE last week by ihb group of Uh-ntl fresh desert dates and dunk them lstratlon group Is growing in Ills He and Mrs. Corlelt will visit rein T allm a n Set fo r Friday: tion held at the home of Mrs. Meda cal mills were over the preceding in hitherto forbidden beverages and widely-circulated article. "America lives in Oklahoma and then spend in te rm s n t at Marcóla Catching. A potluck luncheon was | Mis Carl Steeii. daughter of Dr. week by 16.500.000 fw t or 1(7 per •at them as appetizers in the smart Musi Choose," Mr. Wallace point siime time on their ranch In New held at this meeting which was | anil Mrs. W II Pollard, and Mrs set here. Ruth Holly is shown bring­ Mrs. Sarah A. Tallman, resident ing in freshly picked dates for the ed out that Nationalism, pursued Mexico. They will leave April 17 E Mannaugh, slster-tn-lnw of W cent. also the annual plant and bulb ex­ The unfilled order file al these to its logical conclusion, could lead from Suu Francisco on an artuy A. Taylor, »ere both badly shaken of the Mohawk valley for the past dunking process. change of the club. mills stood al 367.26P.633 board only to either Faaet m or Comm transport for New York, I 44 years died late Tuesday evening up and received minor bruises feet, approximately the same as Ih- The group visited several flower | a, the honie of her gon> Vgtle TaH. tinisni. He did not think America -1 Wedneeday afternoon In an auto week before gardens in the city during the day. I man. was ready for either. International­ accident at Eleventh and High The aggregate luveiilorles of 130 The early spring this year makes 1 She was born In Crawford coun BAPTISTS LIST SERVICES ism. he agreed, has Its dangers, as -dreets In Eugene Their car turned mills are 4 I percent more than at it necessary to advance the date ty, Arkansas on April 3, 1854 and has any other policy. AT CHURCH ON SUNDAY over In the accident which also M mbers of the 8-two« of the Lin-, If America were to continue In this Hme Inat year for Ihe flower show as these plants moved to Troy, Kansas when three ----------- Involved the automobile being will he blooming much earlier years old Ten years later -he went coin school will publish a new^- its International relations on the Rev. K. E. Rolens will speak on driven by Dodd Miller than usual. The exact date will not to Beloit. Kansas, and in 1875 she i paper on Friday of thia week. Th»* principal that other nations must the subject "In Ihe Shadow of Ihe In Hospital—llarry lloues of Jas­ previouN issue of the paper was put! buy our goods hut we would not Cross" at the II o'clock service at be announced for some time per was admitlcd as a patient at I was married to David Mercer who out by the S-one group. Baby Boris— Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ihe Eugene hospital Hie flrd of bpy any of their then we would the Baptist church Sunday morn died three months after their mar­ A program ia being prepared by be laying up plenty trouble for our- ing His evening service topic at Jones are Ihe parents of a baby the week. riage SCHOOL LEADERS FORM the members of the school to b e , „elves and de-troying all ihe for 7:30 will he "Twice Born Men-." boy born to them at Ihe home of O d December 31. 1882 she was Marcola Man Her« F J Wald of CROUP FOR SALES TAX married to James L. Tallman and presorted at the Lincoln school on e|Rn market «, on which so much of The II Y I' I' will me. I at 6:3(1 her parents Mr. and Mrs Ve t on Marcola was a business visitor In Friday, March 30 The program will ()Ur income front natural products, in the evening, and the Sunday North Fifth street Wednesday j they came to Oregon in 1888. liv­ A temporary organization of consist of an operetta “Peter Rah farm products and factory products school at 9 45 a. m Kprlngfleld Tuesday. evening. March 14. 1934 ing in Eugene for a short while school workers to organize a cam­ bit" by the lower grades, and a two- depends. "' ' * ' » paign in support of the sales tax , before moving up on the Mohawk. let play. The Arctic Architects by Wallace's conclusion Is that thi —... , ------ Survivors include the son. and was formed in Eugene Saturday ; the Junior high grades as well as - nation should follow a mlddle-of- when F. H. Young. Portland cam­ one daughter. Mrs. Charles C. Hay­ several other features. »be-road policy, neither wholly na paign manager for the Oregon den. also a Mohawk resident. She A girls baseball team has been tlonalistic nor wholly International was a member of the Christian School Relief and Property Tax organized under the leadership of ¡Istlc. And that, his admirers say. Reduction League, met with them church since she was 13. Lulu Johnson who has been elected Is wha» Mr Roosevelt has In mind Funeral services will be held at the County School Superintend­ captain Miss Thelma Sweeney is In asking Congress for authority to j from the Poole-Gray Bartholomew ent's office Saturday. acting as coach. Members of the elevate or reduce tariff schedules H. L. Gooid. Roy L. Quinev. L. C. chapel in Springfield Friday after­ team are Fern Miller and June by executive order without having noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Norman Moffitt, and R. L. Henagin of Co­ Burkhart, catchers; Lulu Johnson.: *o submit them to revision by con burg were named members of the Workman will officiate, and inter­ pitcher; Wyetta Spriggs, first base; gress nor wait upon the slow ment will be made in the Marcola committee. Wilma Williams, second base; ''studies'' by the tariff board nee- cemetery. Alice Logan, third base; Valera e sary under the existing law Koch and Isyl Keeler, short stops; ( The Roosevelt Courage MISSIONARY GROUPS ARMORY COMPLETION IS June Burkhart. Fern Miller. Fern Mr. Roosevelt's friends call this HAVE JOINT MEETINC ASSURED TH IS WEEK Cornell, and Nora Lanning, fielders the greatest display of courage he, The eighth grade boys team play ha" *,ven X*1 For there |B no P° Members of the Senior Mission­ Improvement work on Spring- ed the seventh grade team In a Htlcal topic which carries so much ary society of the Christian church field streets under CWA funds will practice game Monday night. Cap dynamite In Itself ss the tariff and of the Hattie Mitchell society be brought to a close this week lain of the eighth grade boys Is MnrP ,han "n,‘ udmlnlstratloe hns held a Joint meeting Tuesday even- wh“n remaining funds appropria Wilbur McPherson His players are been wrecked on the tariff rock Irg at the home of Mrs. Ren Hol­ ted for this project will have been Pet“ Taylor. Robert McChesney, On,‘ promising candidate for th e lister. Mina Peterson reported on exhaused It was announced today Bill Martin. Obert Keenen. Billy presidency. General Winfield Scott World Fellowship meeting she at­ by Lum F. Anderson, local super­ Burnett, Emil Uchytil, Dudley Hancock, who ran on the Demo­ tended at McMinnville and Miss visor. Westlake, I.a verne McPherson. cratic ticket against General Gar I'ldine Oartin sang a solo. Mrs. Work will continue on the alley Henry Chare. Id-Roy Garvin and field in 1880. probably would have Ella Lombard was leader of the project for some time and consid­ been elected had he not Incurred Arthur McChesney. program. erable more work will be accom the hostility of eastern manufactur Several new pupils have entered Refreshments were served by plished in this manner. classes at the Lincoln school era by his perfectly truthful but the hostess. Largest of the projects remain­ Among these are Perry Bishop and politically tactless statement that ing unfinished in Springfield is Merdith Ebbert in the eighth "the tariff is a local Issue.” that of the Armory. Workmen It Is Just because the tariff Is a grade; Donald Ebbert In the seven METHODISTS TO HEAR this week placed the windows and th; Ardeth Ebert In the third and local Issue that It is so dangerous. ‘•HAPPIER WAY OF LIFE’ hung the front doors of the build­ It can stir up more sectional anl Marian Ebbert In the first grade. ing and It Is now locked up at mostly than anything else in poll "A Happier Way of Life” will be night. The plastering of the lower ...... , Minstrel Member III— Mrs. Ro- tics. There Is nothing for which the subject at the morning worship „ floor was completed this week, and w . , . , j ,,, , land Mo hier Is ill at her home. It the average congressman will fight service at the Methodist church carpenters have started nai ing the .. is uncertain whether the Minstrel o bitterly as for tariff protection Sunday morning. The choir will j pIy wood on the ceijIn)? for tho Industries of his home dis sing special music, "The King, of Instructions received this week show of the Christian church can trlct, for not only votes but cam Love, My Shepherd Is by Shelly cau for finishing of the entire be given at Thurston Monday paign funds depend upon his record and There is a Green Hill Far j building, both upstairs and down night as she Is In the cast. In that respect more than In any Away" by Gunod. _________________ other particular. The evening sermon subject will I w-------- -- ---------------------------------- A There Is a pretty general agree­ be “The Conflict in Gethsemane." ment among Republicans as well «-------------------- --------------------- - as Ik-moerats that the tariff In­ The functions of advertising are to sear< h out buyers and Inform thorn The Lane county Christian En- The young peoples Sunday school creases provided In the two tariff QUARTET TO SING AT of new m erchandise styles, explain values and tell where and at whai J deavor annual convention will be clns held a business and social law enacted by the Republicans prices they may be had. (letting these hnslness m essages delivered |n as CHURCH ON SUNDAY i held at the Pleasant Hill Christian meeting with Miss Jessie Beals In 1921 and 1920, ran the Import j church Saturday. There will be a last Wednesday evening. The next duties on most o f the list up to an efficient and Inexpensive m anner, as Is consistent with good taste, and, The mixed quartet from Hie basket dinner at noon and a ban- meeting will he held with Mrs. unworkable p< aks, and by Inciting through a medium that insures attention and acceptance, Is a m erchand­ t'hrlstian church In Eugene will ,)11Pt |n the evening. Jordan. oilier nations to set up defenses ising problem that was solved years ago by the establishm ent of the good -«ng at the morning ervlces at I The Home Economics elub of the Th Bridge dub met with Mrs. against American agression in their reliable and dependable newspapers. . . . The Hprlngfleld News Is a good til Springfield Christian church Trent. Dexter and Pleasant Hill Needham last Friday evening. markets, whlli shutting them off Sunday it was announced today by i communities met at the home of newspaper . . . .It will get your sales message, Mr. Merchant, and Business Mrs. Ira Gray was called lo Yak from our markets, hud a great deal Rev. Veltie Pruitt, pastor. Melvin Mrs. C. E. Jordan Wednesday of iina, Washington, several days ago to do with prolonging the situation Man, into the homes of this community. Advertising display space In Ihe Traxler will speak on "I^ooklng Un last week and completed the sewing hy the seriousness Illness of her precipitated bv the crisis of 1929. Springfield News Is the most economical method of parading your m er­ to Jesus.' For the evening service project on which they had been father, returned home last Monday. Tariff to the Front chandising offerings before an attentive audience who are the home news­ Rev. Ren Hollister will deliver the working. The next project to be Her father, Mr. Kumtn, passed Now Mr. Roosevelt has bravely paper readers of this community. sermon. taken up will be “Home Craft." The away last Thursday, his funeral brought the tariff right up to the ----- j next meeting will be held at the was held la!t Saturday. front of politics again. By all the u i i w t i v u c a n c i/c - r o home of Mrs. E Gulstlna. The mak- Rev. E. V. Stivers was 111 and rules of logic and economics this HUNTLY HEADS VETS |n(f of hooked rnga w)n dpnJon ttnuble to fill his pulpit here last complicated subject certainly ought The Springfield News Is equipped to supply a cemplele advertising service to Morin, GROUP IN EUGENE strated at the meeting. Sunday. William Platt gave a very to be administered by the Execu­ field business and merchant advertisers. This Includes fine merchandise Illustration, ----------- Word has been received of the Interesting talk following Sunday tive, either by the President single- Major M. B. Huntly of Spring birth of an eight pound baby girl school. attention-compelling layouts and merchandise moving copy A phone call will brtn< a handed or hy a commission respon­ field has been elected Commander named “Karen Jane” to Mr. and representative to explain all de,all and assist with sales promotions, „ destmd Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and sible directly to him, and under of Eugene Post No. 3, D. A. V. Mr». Kay Olsen of Portland. Kay family motored to Junction City rules of hi making, rather than This Is an organization of veteran-« Olsen formerly lived at Trent and Iasi Sunday and visited Mrs. responsible to congress and Its re­ who have been disabled during ser graduated from the Pleasant Hill Baugh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. strictions. But whether the present v*ce- 1 high school. James Calvert. cuugress will he able to resist the LincoInSchool Notes THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Gets the Business Message Into the Homes of Buyers Upper Willamette Thurston Complete Advertising Service