THURBDAY, MARCH IB. 1814 T IN FOR RRNT- 2 suites ruunia with bath. Inquire C h ita feed ature. M 115 Hinall Half moon llroocb pin somewhere between poslof- (Ite mid l i t - aih Street Bunday Keturu to 616 Main Street (or reward. LO U T - Farmers Getting Loans fed eral l-aml Itaiik of Hpukane tliwed 433 loana I he week ending February 2k (nr a total amount of $902.800 ()( theae 3*2 were Com lutaaloner loana and 141 were land dank loana The prevloua a w k there were 402 loan« closed hut for $918.06(1 Daughter Born Mr uud Mra. L W Hlark of Wendllng are the par- euta of a baby daughter burn tu them at the Pacific huapltal In Ku gene uu Muuday. March 12. 1*34. S U M M O N S IN T H K C IR C U IT CO URT O f T H K HTATK OF OREGON FOR LANK COUNT. Kneel Uarland. Plaintiff, va. W alter It Uarland. Defendant. Tu W alter It Garland, Defendant IN T H K NAMK OF T H E STATK OF OHKUON: You are hereby re­ quired tu appear and anewer the complalnl filed agalnat yuu In the above entitled ault within fuur week« from the date of tba first publication uf thia summons and If yuu fall to appear or answer, for waul thereof the plaintiff will take a decree agalnat you fur the relief ua prayed fur In the complaint, as follows: The dissolution of the marriage relallun now eitatlng between the plaintiff and the defendant That plaintiff have the care and custody of the minor rhlldreu of said par Ilea. Jeeae Uarland atpl W alter Uarland. and (or auch other and fuither tellef aa to the court may appear equitable. The order directing the service of tbla summons by publication la dated February 22th, 1*34. and re­ quires publication for four weeks, and the date uf the first publics (Ion la March 1st. 1*34 C A W IN TK R M K IE R . At lo r ney (or plaintiff. Residence. Kugeue. Oregon. I M l 61623-3** Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN N a tu ro p a th ic P h y s ic ia n Phons *1J Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M 4M Fourth Mtreet Edward C. Privat Watchmaker and Jawalar 8P R 1N 0FIB LD •o. Paoiflo Watch In apeo tor First Class Work at Reasonable Prloea. General Law Practice I. M. PBTER8ON Attoraey-nt-Law City Hall BnUdlag Springfield, Oregon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh. Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER •4« A IL Springfield, Ore. POOLE . GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walkar-Poole KUUENE— lltb 8PH1NGF1ELD ana ('harueltou, 22* Mam Phuna »2 J Talepuune 723 GOOD SIGHT, STYLE AND COMFORT COMBINED Don't let your eye» go uncared for when you may have good sight, style and comfort corn billed In glasses by Dr. Ella Meade. Accurate prescriptions and grinding, finest modern (rumes available. DR. ELLA MEADE Optom*trlat 41 Went *th la * M t ■— CO UN TY COURT THB BPRINOF1ELD NEWS THK OF T IIK HTATK OF OREGON FOR T H K CO UNTY OF LANK. , IN T H K M A TTER OF T H K KM T A T E O F DALE E l.M E H CHAHE, DKCKAHKD NOTICK la hereby given that the undersigned as the A dm lnlstratrll M other III— Mrs. W ('. Darr's uf the K atatu of Dale Elmer Chaae, mother la reported t i be III at her Deceased has filed her final ac­ count In the County Court In the home this week State uf Oregon for lame County; Vielt* at Cobu'g— John D. Pyle ! and that Tuesday the 10th day uf April. 1*34. at the hour uf » 30 mails a business trip to Coburg o'clock In the forenoon of said day Tuesday morning. mid the Court Room of »aid court has been appointed by said cuurt an Visit at Corvallis— Mrs, Ed Houle 1 the tint« and place for the hearing' and her »on, Harley Craft, pent . of objections thereto uml the set-1 the weekend at Corvallis. tlem rht thereof. PAOB THRBB pllcants do not have sufficient a urtty to obtain loana elsewhere. I On Fishing T ri -M B Huntly and C. F Kggl inarm spent Tues day fishing near Junction City. Jasper Man Harp— W. P. Hill» and Frank Hills of Jasper were visitors In Springfield Tuesday. NEW FIRM -CROP LOAN AVAILABLE ONE MONTH LEFT WHEAT SIGNERS - Compliance With Agricultural Reduction Program Major Item in Securing Funds Farmers rnay obtain un emer Visit at Corvallis— M r. and Mrs. gency crop loan from the *40.000.' S. (,’. Delph and daughter. Hetty 00 Hrr undersigned has been appointed Is recovering now from a bad cold ........................................ .. Administrator with the W ill Annex N O T IC I O F H IA R IN O which she contracted last week end lu the County Court of the H tn te Z d of the Estate of Norris H Camp bell, deceased, by the County uf Dregun, for I-aue County. Creswell Man Hare—C. Tellefaon In the matter of the Katate of Hetb Court of Idine County, Oregon. All of Creswell was u visitor In Spring persons having claims agalnat said M McPherson, deceased. Notice la hereby given all parties estate are hereby notified to pres­ field Friday. Interested In the Katate uf Beth M. ent Ihe same, properly verified, to Has Pneumonia — la-May Irvin Mi Pliers,,n il, i eased. Unit the un the undersigned at the office of deralgtied has filed her Final Ac Wells A Wells. Hank of Commerce Is reported tu be recovering now count In said matter and that an Itld«., Eugene, Oregon, within ala from an attack of pneumonia at order made and entered therein by months from Ihe date uf the first here hume. the County Judge of lu in e County, publication of thia notice. Date of first publication. March Oregon. Monday, April 30th at ten On Coast Trip— Mr and Mrs. o’clock In Ihe forenoon ttl the ('nun 2. 1*34 Return to California— Mr and Frank l-ogan are spending some HARO LD J W KI.I.R. Admlnla ty Court room In said county has trator with the W tll Annexed time on the coast. They left Spring Mrs. Harry Bod man left Monday been aet aa the lim e and place of said hearing upon said account, G. W ELLS, Attorney. for California to visit Mrs. Bod field Saturday. wlii-i> and where al parties luici ’ ■ 6 1 68616—A a)______ man's sister. They had been visit­ . i.-.i may appear and show ■ a urea, ...... Z Z Z Z Z Z Z -------- -— ~ Visit on Coast— Mr and Mrs ing at the home ut Dr. and Mrs. W. If any. why aald account ahould N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Arthur Huberts and Mr. and Mrs ’ not lie allowed and the prayer of Notice Is hereby given that Irene W illiam Moyer spent the week end < H. Pollard. the relator In all things granted Hwetey has been appointed execu Juror Comes Home— Harry W h it­ MTKI.LA A McPHBRSON. Ad-1 | rlx ,,f the will and estate of Fred un the coaat near Florence. ney returned to Springfield Wed­ mlnlstrntrlx of the Katate of ' II Chamberlin, late of Lane coun­ Visitor from Halsoy— Miss Doris nesday for a vacation during the Heth M McPherson, deceased. ; ty, Oregon. All persona having (M 163636— A 6 12) claims ugalnet aald estate should Hay*» of Halsey Is spending a few balance of the week. He Is serving —— — —— — — i present the same duly verified to weeks In Springfield visiting at the ' on the federal court Jury in Port­ NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * the aald executrix at the office of Riley Snodgrass home. land and wtll return Monday. Notice la hereby given that the « »• A»«“ - Eugeos, Oregon, with- undersigned has been duly appoint I «»■ tin t Marcóla People Here— M r and D am age A c tio n S ta rte d — T h e er of the estate of Melinda structure, which Is Infested with ground squlr- nt the Eugene hospital un Thurs­ coast at Florence. Mr. Tyson was E llemenway. deceased rels and other noxious rodents or day. March 8. 1934. on^he coast making a periodic in­ FRANK A DePUE Attorney predatory animals, or as soon as for the estate spection of CWA projects tn that the presence of the same shall Visitor from Oakridge Miss iM 615 32 2»— A 6) come to bis. their or Its knowledge, Lynette Montgomery of Oakridge area. The weather was Ideal with the sun sbuh. been appointed administrator of effective means; and th ■ estate uf Jennie Rtrand, tate W HEREA S gray digger ground Visits at Cheshire— Miss Eunice uf Eugene. Oregon All persona squirrels (Cltellus douglasll) are MRS. HENDERER TO BE having claims against said estate noitou« rodents In Lane County, Oerber spent the week end visiting BRIDGE CLUB HOSTESS with her sister and brother-in-law, should present the same duly veri­ Oregon. fied lu said administrator at Ihe Now, therefore, all of such per Mr anil Mrs. Dale Cheshire, at Che­ Mrs. W. K. Barnell Invited as office of S D Allen. *77 Wiliam sons, firms, copartnerships, cor­ shire. ette street. Eugene. Oregon, within porations, and companies owning or guests Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. six months of the date of this no­ having dominion over land In said Cuts Chin— Richard Bartholomew Maude Bryan. Mrs. Clifford Wilson, il, D nled Mar I. 1*34. Lane County. Oregon, are hereby Mrs. Margaret Kenyon and Mrs. ELM ER STRAN D Adminis­ required to take steps to extermin­ received a cut on his chip Mon Addl - Perry last Thursday when day when he fell on a pair of stilts trator. ate said gray digger ground squlr- 8. D ALLEN. Attorney for rel (Cltellus douglasll) within at the Braltaln school where he she entertained for the contract Estate bridge club. thirty days from the date of the was playing. IM 1-8-16-22 2*1 first publication of this notice. If Mrs. John Henderer will enter such steps are not taken, a person At Triangle Lake— Mr. and Mrs. tain the group at the next meeting NOTICE or persons appointed by the county It B. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. W il­ to be held at her home March 22 OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T court of said Lane County will en lis Bertsch. Mr and Mrs. R. L. Notice Is hereby given that the Ig* up said lands and proceed to said gray digger Drury. Franklin Drury, and Miss MRS. EGGIMANN HOSTESS undersigned, administrator of the exterminate estate of Raymond A. Hopkins, De­ ground squirrels (Cltellus doug Lily Stolberg spent Sunday at T ri­ AT DINNER TONIGHT ceased. has filed his final account I um II) and the cqnt of said extermi­ angle Lake. with the County Court, and an or­ nation will be levied against said der has been made and entered di­ I» mis Mrs. C. F. Eggimann entertained Returns Home— Mrs. N. L. Poll­ The County Agrlculaural Agent recting this notice and setting Snt ard and infant daughter, returned with a birthday dinner at her home urday, March 31. 1*34. al 10:00 a. hereby designates Monday. April m. for the hearing thereon at the 2nd. as a day to be known as squlr- Io their home in Springfield F ri­ today noqp honoring Mrs. Ed Soule County Court House In Eugene, rell poisoning day" throughout the day from Miss Nelson's Maternity Uuests invited included Harley sslil Ijin e County, and it Is hereby home In Eugene where the child Craft, her son. Mr. and Mrs. George Oregon. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 28 r,M unintended that poison barley, was born. Perkins. Dr. and Mrs. H. Peterson as prepared by the undersigned day of February, 1*34. of Dallas. 8IG FR ID SEASHORE. Admin­ and representatives of the Bureau Horns Stolen— Harry Melson re­ istrator of the Estate of Ray­ of Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture, ports the theft of two horns from MISS SWEENEY HOSTESS mond A Hopkins, Deceased. be used for the purposes of such his automobile while It was parked C. N JOHNSTON. Atty. Rooms 300-810 Tiffany Bldg. Eugene. extermination. Such poisoned bar near the Armory In Eugene last FOR YOUNGER CARD CLUB ley may be secured from the under­ Oregon Thursday during the wrestling signed at his office In Eugene, IM 1-8-1622 2») Miss Thelma Sweeney will enter­ Lane County, Oregon, at approxi­ matches. tain this evening at her home for mately the cost of preparation. Birthday Surprise — Miss Faye members of the O.No card club, a Date of first publication of this N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * Parsons was given a surprise birth­ recently organized group of young Notice Is hereby given that the notice Murch 8, 1934. (Signed) O S F LETC H ER . day party at her home last Thurs­ er women of this city. undersigned has been appointed County Agricultural Agent. Administrator of the estate of An­ day evening following Ihe evening (M 8-16-22 thony Saul, deceased, and has duly church service. Members of the W ANTED qualified as such. All persons hav­ M AN O F IN T E G R IT Y . 21-45. W’esley club of the church arranged N O T IC E O F S A L E ing claims against said estate are Physically Fit hereby required to present such Notice Is hereby given by the ihe social affair. Interested in Gov't Work to w rite claims duly verified with proper undersigned as Executor of the for Information. Box 228 Spring vouchers attached, to the under­ W ill of George W Irvin, deceased field News. M 15 signed at the office of I. M Peter­ that, pursuant to the authority and HOW ONE WOMAN LOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT son at 234 Main street. Springfield. direction of said W ill, which au­ N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G Oregon, within six months of the thorised said Executor to sell and ON F IN A L A C C O U N T itnte of this notice, the same being dispose of all the real and personal Lo«t Her Prominent Hips, dated and published the first time property of said estate, not there NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : Double Chin, Sluggishness this 22nd dnv of February, 1*34 ¡»before, devised, and deeming It That the undersigned administra­ P H IL IP H. SAUL. Admlnlstra for the best Interest of said estate tor of the estate of Sarah Ann Fer­ Gained Physical V igor— tor of the Estpte of Anthony to do so. I w ill at Ihe office of Fred guson. deceased, has filed his ac­ Saul, deceased. E. Smith, attorney at law. 406 A Shspely Figure count for the final settlement of I. M PETERSON. Attorney for Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon, on aid estate In the County Court for said Estate. and after April 6th, 1934. sell at If you're fat— first remove the Lane County. Oregon, and that (F 22— M 1-8-16-22) private sale Io the highest bidder cause. Saturday, the 6th day of April. for cash, all of the right, title nnd Tnk - one half teaspoonful of 1934. at the Court Room of said SU M M O N S Ini erest of said estate and .of the IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E heirs nt law thereof, the following K R U 8C H EN SALTS In a glass of Court. In the County Court House, hot water every morning— In 3 'n Eugene. Oregon at ten o'clock In STATE OF OREGON FOR described real property, towlt: the forenoon, has been by said LANE COUNY The northeast quarter of south weeks get on the scales and note Court fixed ns the time and place Elsa L. Foote. Plaintiff, vs. Robert west quarter of section 29. town how mnny pounds of fat have van fo r hearing objections thereto, and II Finite D efendant ship 17 South of Rnngt* 1 West of Ished. Note also that von have gained for final settlement of said estate. TO ROBERT H. FOOTE. Defend­ W illamette Meridian, containing 40 L. L. RAY. Administrator of ant. acres of land, more or less, and lu energy— your skin Is clearer— th? Estate of Sarah Ann Fer­ IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE together with the right of way con­ you feel younger In body— KRU- guson. deceased. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ tiguous to and going with said pre­ S C IIE N will give any fat person a L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. quired to aitpear and answer the mises. In section 2». said township Joyous surprise. (M 615-22-29— A 5) Get an 85c bottle of K R U 8C H E N cnmnlslnt filed ngalnst you In the nnd range. In I^ine County. Ora. shove entitled suit on or before the gon; also, the east 68 feet of lot 7 SALTS from any leading druggist last day of the time prescribed In and of south 10 feet of Ix»t 6 In anywhere In America (lasts 4 SELF SERVICE STORE TO the Order for Publication, to-wlt: Itlock 18 of Mulligan's Donation weeks). If thl first bottle doesn't HAVE FULL BASEMENT convince yon this Is the easiest, on or before the expiration of four to Eugene, Lane County. Oregon. •afest and surest way to lose fat— weeks from the date of the first The first described of said tracts Work of excavating for a full publication hereof, and If you (all of land will be sold subject to a your money gladly returned. h-;einent under the W illiam ’s Self- to appear and answer, for want mortgage for the principal sum of thereof, plaintiff will take a decree $2000.00. all other liens and enrum Estate of Hiram F. White, Deceased Service store at 77 East Broadway NOYiCE against you for the relief as prayed brances to be paid by said estate, 111 Eugene which started last week for In the complaint which Is for und Ihe second of said tracts of O F F IN A L 3 F T T L E M E N T I now under way and by May 1, n decree of the court dissolving land will be Bold subject to an out­ Notice Is hereby given that Abi­ the marriage contract now existing standing contract of sale upon gail E. Clark. Executrix, and Dan th project Is to be completed pro­ between plaintiff and defendant which there Is approximately $3,- E. Clark. Executor of the last wtll viding the store with an additional and fo rth a care, custody and con­ 700.00 with accrued Interest unpaid, and testament of Hiram F. White, 2000 squaro feet of floor space for trol of the minor child and for such all taxes and other liens to be paid Deceased have filed In the County their display of merchandise. other and further relief as to the by said estate. The Executor res­ Court of the State of Oreron, In The store has malnetalned a court may seem Just and proper. erves the right to reject any and all and for Lane County, their iloal re This summons Is published pur­ bids for said parcels or either port as such executrix and execu­ stockroom and men's clothing sec­ suant to an order of the Hon. G. thereof. tor; and that ten o'clock In the tion In the cramped quarters of tho F. Sklpwnrth. Circuit Judge of Imne This notice la published for four forenoon of Saturday, the 14th day basement for the last eight years Opunty, Oregon, made and entered consecutive weeks In the Spring- of April, 1934. at the courtroom February 28. 1*34 and published field News, a newspaper of general thereof, tn Eugene. Oregon, have since the store was opened In Eu­ In the Springfield News, a news­ circulation, possessing the legal been by said court appointed and gene by Joe B. Hayward, manager. paper published In Ijin e County. qualifications for publishing legal fixed as the time and place for AH stocks of merchandise have Oregon, said publication being for notlcee. In Springfield, Lane Coun­ hearing objections to said report mover! onto the main floor for the once each week for four consecu­ ty. Oregon. and for the final settlement of the remodellr.g period and warehouse tive weeks. The date of first pub­ Date of first publication March tstate of said deceased. lication thereof Is March 1. 1*34 8th. 1934. AB IG AIL E. CLARK. Execu­ stocks h ve been moved upstairs. and the date of the last publication When the new base men t Is com­ W IL L IA M O. IR V IN . Executor trix. hereof Is March 29. 1*34. of Last W ill of George W. DAN E. CLARK, Executor of pleted the store w ill he divided HOW ARD M. BROW NELL. Irvin, defeated. the Last W ill and Testament Into various departments. Attorney for Plaintiff. FRED E. S M ITH , Attorney for of Hiram F. W hite, Deceased. The serve yourself and save Residence: Eugene. Oregon. executor. E. W H E E L E R , Att'r. (M l-6 1 6 8 6 8 *) poUcy w ill be continued. (M 8-1688-1*—A 8) (M 1623 26—A 613) fly to make loan - not exceeding the cash cost of growing crops during the year 1934. for summer fallow­ ing, and for winter wheat to he planted In 1934 and harvested in 1935. An amount from the fund, not to exceed *1.000.000. may he used to make loans to purchase feed for livestock In areas desig­ nated by the governor of the Farm Credit administration as drought and storm-stricken. The fund may not be used to make loans to re­ place work stock. The maximum amount which w ill be made available to any one farm er this year Is *250 and the mini­ mum Is $25 according to the regula­ tions. The Interest rate w ill be 5^4 per cent per annum. Provisions for taking crop Hens have been worked out under r. Garwood's direction and detailed regulations will be placed in the hands of local emer­ gency crop loan committees. The time and place where theae com­ mittees w ill receive applications will be made known locally within a short time. M u s t S h o w Good F a ith Before any farmer may secure a loan, however, he must first obtain a statement from the County Pro­ duction council where one exiata. that h? does not Intend to Increase his acreage or production In opposi­ tion to the A. A. A. Applications for loans from $25 to $150 may be made directly to the emergency crop loan offices provided the ap- New Rulings Made Affecting Persons Eligible for Bene­ fits; Seek Local Group Oregon wheat growers who have not heretofore signed acreage re­ duction contracts will h aw until April 15 to Join with the owners of 82 per cent of the state's wheat acreage already In the nationwide plan of controlled production on the allotment basis with benefit payments, according to word re­ ceived by the Oregon State college extension service. New rulings permit any growei who had applied for a contract be­ fore January 1, but who for some reason did not complete It, to go ahead now and carry through tbe contract and receive all payments on the 1*33 crop as well as those to come. One Y e a r Men E ligible Now Another concession made is to tbe man who raised wheat only in 1932 of the base period and thus would have been allowed to raise only a third to a fifth of that acre­ age under the contract. The new n!an Is to let such “one-year men” raise thaf same acreage less tbe 15 per cent reduction, though their allotments on which benefit pay­ ments would be made w ill be fig­ ured the same as previously, by taking the 54 per rent of the aver­ age production over the base per iod. They would get all payments. Others who made no application al all may Join. They will receive the remainder of the 1*33 payments amounting to something less than 8 cents a bushel, and whatever pa/ments are made on the 1934 and 1935 crops. Must Keep Average Down It a new- applicant has already planted mote than 85 per cent of his acreage be will have to reduce • o that figure, either through plow­ ing or disking the excess acreage or using it for pa ture or hay under the same restrictions as present i on tract no’ders. A11 new applications w ill be pub­ lished in the newspapers the same «8 formerly, and contracts will go to the board of i eview. The plan Is not to put on any new campaign a such, but it is hoped to inform all con signers of their opportunity aod then let them go to their coun­ ty wheat production control com­ mittee and made application If they are Interested. Easter Eggs and Baskets A beautiful selection of Easter Eggs and Fancy Baskets are here ready for your Easter. Also a large assortment of dyes to color eggs. ORDER YOUR EASTER LILIES NOW We are now taking or ders for Easter Lilies to be delivered just before Easter. To be sure of nice flowers order yours now. Scott's Drug Store LOYAL E. SCOTT? Prop. Get on the Safe Side Pasteurized milk and « ream is the safe and sure food. In no other way can you be sure of your milk supply, and your children's health. Our milk con. a from carefully selected dairies and then is pasteuriztd in our modern plant by expert creamerymen. It is pure, wholesome, delicious and SAFE. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O' Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. telephone does so much, and costs so little, that it simply does not pay to be without one.99 f You can order from any telephone employee or just tell our busincsn office. T he P acific T elephone Business Of floe: 136 - 4th Street and T elegraph C ompany Telephone 73