THVRBDAY. MARCH 16, 1984 the s P R iN o n ra .n news PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS I Whispering' Rock A new automatic br«sd wrapping machine has been Installed al the Spilngfl hl Bakery anil Is nuw be­ ing used to wrap most of the bread baked In Ihe locul bakery. By JOHN LEBAR H. B. MAXKY. Editor Entered as second class matter. February >4. 1#«3. at tbs postoffice, BAKERY HERE IN8TALL8 NEW BREAD WRAPPER The mudline attacliea In laudeui the tip of bis hat bobbed along over big meskutte, Magda sat on a raw Io Ihe electric ellcer Used for a ■» • u -ia e U , » S S M as he dismounted at the house. He ent forty-five on his hip and a Win the beat thing I could do for nty • » 4 b u o r u t sa4 ta il W tuaskla». Arlxoua breete stirred Io Mute a called Ann in a furious voire. He Chester In a sheath under his lift ward." Ruth smiled T H E BR AVE G EN ER AL r „ i k w m s 'i 4« it. Tb»» » a ir tb . harmony of peace and htlpplucat In bussto .» « _ • w «'»»m M l L w l s»l • ( looked about, ran cursing Into the st'rrup Ruth followed, then Will "How In your ward?" naked Will I k » r o o m T h » l e » » I l r» W 4ows a e S -e a l the cavern of whispering rock. "T h e general is so brave that m any men w ill vote fo r house and out again Several time David had been left behind with I.M.II.1« 1» ro u i llvor I I •I**'ul4 e » w out to o "Just fine One of Hie Sisters 1» p.«us3i «4 Ueuld bU* 1st» r o w boesls tatty THE tNJI) him in spite o f the fact he is a general.” so w rites the Ore­ he »lapped the two revolvers belted old Juan and Juana. bringing her out for th" fiesta to­ It tkto bU» to e a * Sowlag traSly, r o w to»4 a- «BHH» 3 gon Voter, in praising to the skies General M artin, dem o­ , around his hips with an air of vex ■I w w 'l 4 |g w i. I t luM 4oo»r* la tbs b i e t h . The riders were coming down Ih« morrow. Martha's a dear." i u bloat» os r o w t t o M o k Vo» ba»» a t___ c ra tic candidate fo r governor. Before th is cam paign is 5 at km— revolvers were only good al Inst hill when Old Charley sudden "Now, where are we?" asked Old FAMILY MEMBERS LEAVE tbteb, —- ----- — ■klr otta» b im ba M l — over the V oter w ill be te llin g us w ho won the war. All | close quarters. He wanted the rifle ly baited. Ills revolver sprung Into Chari, v "I wish Will had brought AFTER REUNION HERE| • r b m »»4 x m l»ol 4 o » a a b »»4 out. Y e w ebat» the generals we ever knew went over the top w ith sw lvel- j He would need it badly when a Ills hand, and he leaned forward, Martin along with Ills document Is ' 1 I t ta b » » tb o »» g«>o4, »14 C A M T I M ' S chairs and Autom obile cushions. , posse took his trail. peering at the ground. "It's Ann!" this legal business cornea too fast i The three sons and two daugli U T T U t I J V K H H u i to got tb w » two l«..u»«to ol bUa » '«in « trm tr »»4 »mbs r w He soon gave up calling Anu and Sugarfoot stood guard, growling for me. As far as I can see. Rv.tli I ters of Mr. anil Mr*, tl L. Lovsb's loto -O » »»4 op " Tbo> m a ta la esedaM sL W hy feed us a lot o f "hooey” E ditor Chapman. Let ! hastily finished packing the buck fl rcely. He would allow iio one to hasn't got a mite of Inlerea' left i who gathered here last week for i i,»>»U«m. ( M t l * < « t« i« W . .« o » » ts , S M tto g the General run on his record as the congressman fro m the «boa II r o o m 1.1 o«»lun« I I » bU» « o e t r m l l the golden wedding unnlv« rsary of J Hoi «too l u k t«x ll»»> pill» Aab lot C s rta r't th ird d is tric t. Give it to us s tra ig h t so th a t the review w ill j skin horse. The last thing he tied approach but Ruth, who did not in the ranch." on was a half »ark of rolled barley heed him but dropped to her knees I t i l i » U r w PUI» Io,ok tor lb» m m C w k tr 'i “Not a particle." smiled Ihe girl their parents, un Tuesday have set fo rth the generals' real w orth. T e ll us too w h ether or D itto IJ»»r pin« »n ib » r»4 l»b«l. M am al s not he drew double pay the firs t years in congress— re tire ­ he had Just brought from the barn beside the giantess "She's alive, "Mr. Will Thane Is nt Ibli moment started for their homes again fol ■ ob«Utulo >b«o< 4-n g alo tm . « I M I 0 , M O » 111 entire possession of the Dead lowing a week's reunion for Ihe m ent pay and the salary of the o ffice o f representative. Has He would look after hts horses al I think—Ann! Ann'" ! ways. Yes. little white girl." Ann Lantern ranch I have received the ' family. \ \ ! / Z he ever been in Lane county? Did he vote the Republican With the 1 ait rope of the pack whispered faintly. "I been waitin' value of my Intereat and Murlha Due of the sons, Harry laiveh-s» tic k e t up to the tim e he ran fo r congress on the dem ocratic hers. Hut look at t h is —" Ruth sol lives at Seattle, another, drover tic k e t? These are the facts the upstate public w ants to horse In his hand, he swung him fer you.” self Into the saddle And as he nut ly tore her check In two pieces Loveless, lives at Slinger. British Let’s get her to the house." said hear. . "Hey!" shouted Old Charley. Columbia, Ihe third son llvee al W e’re not in tim a te ly acquainted w ith the General up mounted his eye.» came Io rest on Will. "Here. Dad—" the country he was to ride Slowly Will smiled That's all right. Dad Saskatchewan. Canada The daugli "Walt.” cried Ruth Ann was th is way, k n o w in g him only by reputation. . the man's eyes dropped until they whispering; the girl bent her head Ruth's Just simplifying matters " ters. Lottie laiveless, lives at Al- i rested ou the trail which passed lower. "Yeah* That's nice." replied the- Herts. Canada. and Mrs. Kiniua; over the hill. A sudden tenseness NO DUMPS W AN TED Campbell lives at Smithers. Can ! Don't move me—I alnt got but a Id man dubiously. • came to hts fare; hts lips fell to minute, little white girl 1 Jes' want "Sure"—Will pulled another do­ ada. It is a m istake fo r c ity councils and the liq u o r com ­ twitching and Jerking without part cument from his pocket — all she Mr and Mrs L o v rle » » were mar mission to grant licenses to places to sell beer o r w ine ex­ ' tng With a wild Insane yell h dug to tel yon— Mr Snavely an' me was has to do Is to sign this and she J rleit at Collinsville, McUookln coun ; Change your travel to n ip att to clusively. These are n o th in g more o r less than a m odified > the spurs Into his horse, dropped together long ago In T eia*—he's "East by South." Southern Psttbt. fo rm o f cheap saloons where the proprietor-ba rte nder lias I the lead rope of the pack animal my man—we ain't married We got comes In with us for the vaue of ty. Illinois ou March 6. 1SM4 w ill take you Favi through tbs her original Interest In the Dead n o th in g at stake but to sell as m uch liq u o r as possible. In ­ and started toward the trail Ruth a little girl—at Saini Mary's con­ warm kundtinc of C alifornia and Lantern." Hold Annual Masting Directors vent In town, she Is— Martha Jack variably these places become "h a n g o u ts” and fro m reading and David had taken. Southern Arianna al ihe lowest "Oh. yes." Old Churley lap ed and stockholders of llie Booth Kelly son—” the newspapers we fin d th a t they are causing the police < o m in year» Rail and Pullman Into thought. Before he had crossed the little Lumber company held their annual Ann rested for a moment. "Will trouble th ro u g h o u t the state. Eugene has several that can faret have hcen tu t. Delicious ’ gully south of the house, he pulled “Now there's another thing," said meeting llie first of this week It meal« in our duiutg cart tost as you look atjer my Utile Martha? not be classified as a n yth in g b u t "d u m p s" w hich are prey­ ; up his horse with a Jerk; Ann stood K Dnnaher of Detroit, Michigan, little sa Hoc For d rta ilt. tee She— don't know—who her folks Is Will. "Since the ranches are com ing on the o rd e rly beer business of stores and restaurants, ! above him on the trail, the rifle to president of the company wss here I your S. P. agent or w rite J. A. thinks good people. Don't tell her bln cl we ought to decide on a w ith large investm ents, and heavy taxes to pay. O R M A N D Y , O'reeraf F a iie e g rr her shoulder. “You cain’t hurt them no different Mr. 8navely don't brand for all the stork. As It Is, for the sessions. A g re /, ?U? Paciht B ld g , Port­ W hen a store keeper has o th e r merchandise to sell be­ I people! You got to take the other want nobody to know—but he's part uf them are carrying the Dead land. sides liq u o r he is going to be v e ry careful to whom he sells i trail to Mexico.” been payin' ter her a Utile— I lot* Lantern Iron and Ihe rest have REMEDY REMOVES CAUSE He w ants no "h a n g o u ts ” or drunks around his place d riv in g Suavely held his hands away him I'd tell If he didn't—" OF STOMACH CAS ours. We ought to have a new deal Most stomach UAH la due t o ' o ff respectable trade. In the hands o f th is class o f busi­ from the guns at his hips; a mask Again the whisper died away for all around. Don'l you think so. bowel poisons For quick relief t»se ' ness men the liq u o r business w ill survive w hile w ith a of stony hatred settled over his a moment. Dad?" Adlerlka Due dose cleans out body . "b u n c h o f dum ps" we w ill be vo tin g on local option in no , face. He said nathing. "Eh? till. sure. Yes. everything wastes, tones up your system .' "Ann," s a il Ruth. "I promise to tim e. It is now up to the wets to keep a clean house o r soon "Ride down to th* barn—you kin always look after your little girl ought to be under a new brand." brines sound sleep Flanery'a Drug the d ry s ’ adage w ill come true "give them enough rope and go afterwhile. But wait at th' barn as long a» she needs me.” Three pencils began making (an Store. ___________________________ j ... ... j they w ill hang themselves.” The K nox law gives o ffic ia ls I doan want you here where you Ann sighed. riful scrawls on as many pieces of s u ffic ie n t pow er to accom plish th is if th e y w ill but use dis­ kin talk at me." At last Ruth pushed a "Was that where you w nt, dear, paper. cretion. For a long moment the man look- those times yon used to go away design to the center of the table. ■ ed at the woman above him; his from the ranch?" "Wouldn't that do?" she asked. : face set. his eyes narrowed. Then "Yes—that was It. I seen her with The two men regarded It for a he slowly reined his horse about, the other girls—som etim es I could. moment. "It would." said Old Char­ rode to the buckskin, and gathering But she n e v r know'll nothin' ’bout ley. Ruth had drawn the outline Siie doesn't have to lx- Irish to be y o u r colleen, up the lead rope, continued on to me— don't tell her no different— of a lantern. Identical with the the barn. you know, fo r ( I i u I ' b J uki u good old Irinh name fo r she thinks I was good—" Dead Lant>rn except that In the As soon as he was beyond the Ruth was sobbing. "I won't.” center she had placed a small half sweetheart. . . . And »he ce rtainly doesn't have to be •nd which con tains Four Great Treasures i point where he would dare try to "Then — If — you'll kinda look moon with downturned horns. Irish to like the St. P al ric k ’s day assortm ent o f deli­ use his revolver». Ann settled her­ after Sugarfoot—where is you. "It's lit." said Will. "Ruth has rio u s candies from K gginiutiiis. self on a rock beside the trail, and Sugar?" Ruth pulled the little dog's lighted the Dead Lantern." , the rifle came slowly to rest on head down to Ann's cheek There AN OLD MAN’S CONCLUSIONS "She sure did," observed Old K ggiinauu's always has appropriate candy fo r her knees. She was trembling. was a moment of silence, then a Charley, thoughtfully. He teetered W henever some one recommends th a t you buy a c u r­ every occasion. Ruth had been gone half an hour. faint sigh. hack on the legs of his chair and re n t novel w hich claim s to be u ltra -m o d e rn in its cynical Ann decided it would be safe to • • • fell to stuffing his pipe. With only appraisal o f life, save y o u r tw o dollars and take down yo u r let him go. Darkness was coming It was Just after the fall round­ half a mind he listened to the Bible and read Ecclesiastes again. You w ill fin d in it every­ fast. Ann looked down at the rifle, up. David was down by the saddle voices of the young folk ; his eyes th in g th a t the G reenwich V illagers have ever said, and then at the man by the trough. He shed putting the finishing touches wandered over the distant valley. ”Wh«ri th» 8«i !f Springfield