ôk: THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rillKTY-FIHHT YEAR HPUINOK1ELÜ, LANK COUNTY. OtŒGQN, T ill’USDA Y, .MARCH 15, 1934 NO. 8 H.S. PLANS FDR » BASEBALL CLUB BiuhconeoiH«,,^] BEER DEALERS Lodge Officials here bor Meet GIVEN APPROVAL Casting About Now for Dirac* tor for Ball Playera; Buell Takaa Temporary Charge Four Granted Recommenda­ tion to State Commieeion; May Vacate Streets TRACK MEN AT WORK Hall Drilling Large Number Of Boya in Track Evente; Both Sporta for School L ■ illi liahkelball definitely mil of Ihe way for another season boy* at Sprlngftsld high , school ar«-£, * turning Inward« lb» more i ' types of spring athletic« and ** ta i Iona are that the school will . © only have a good track team, bi < will also have a good ba»»bah teem Decision to reaunie baseball work at the high school wan made Ttiee- day afternoon at a meeting of the boy« Interested In the «port. A abort prartlre period waa held that aftoruooii and Wednesday evening the boy« went to Uraltalu field for their ftrat real work-out. Meanwhile track practice, with U h large variety of event« to com pete for the Internet of a ll boya. 1« progressing each afternoon and after echool under the direction of Coach Marlon lla ll. himself a form er track »tar on the I'n lw rs lty of Oregon team. CROWN PO IN T, IN D . . ... Hkerlff Lillian Holley, who ruled aver the "•scape proof” Lake County Jail from which John Dtlliagsr, notor loaa killer and bank robber made ■»la vacape with a wooden pistol be d whittled out during spare newta. 5 u ■ « I N PLACE Ik thiMIR SOCIETY Second Elections Announced Friday at H. S. Corvallis Educator la Speaker N il additional student« of Spring field high school were taken Into membership In the local chapter of the National Honor society at the Friday morning assembly. A ape clal program with Eugene Dubach, Offer All Track Events dean of men at Oregon State col­ All event« are being offered the lege. aa the principal speaker, waa boya thl« year Including low and given. hlgb hurdles. «landing and running Three of tha new members. Ruth broad Jump, high Jump, sprints and Hutton, l.ela Peterson and Mary the longer run«, «hot put. dl«cun. Biultaon. are seniors. The other Javelin, and pole vault. three. Edna Never «on. Carle« Cole Many C. A. R. Auxiliary Lead­ ers Due Here for Inspection Of Iuka Circle at Meet LIONS faton-barreth Rev. Pruitt to Read Service _____ Saturday Morning at Home state Convention Group in Of Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Eugene Invitee Springfield To Sponsor River Outing An event of considerable Interest Extensive plan» for ihe entertain Requests of four Nprlngfleld resi­ merit of moat of the state officer« ' In Nprlngfleld thl« week-end will den»» that they be recommended of the I^adlea Auxiliary of the 0 . A. I be that of Mias Edith E Eaton, for a «tate liquor license were R. when they vlalt Nprlngfleld to- daughter of Mr. and Mr». Harvey granted Monday night at the J “ ‘Kht on their o ffktal Inspection of Eaton, to W illiam P. Farrelly of monthly meeting of the City Coun ! ' “ ha ®*rcle have been completed by Portland. local officer«. The ceremony will be road at the The Iuka meeting for thl« even­ home of the bride's parents Satur Those approved were Clarence Uurkhaltor for Fred Cline, Verne ing ha« been shifted from the old W ASHINGTON . . . Mrs. Mar. day morning. March 17. at 11 a. m. Daniels, Williams Cafe, and Duve Armory to Taylor's hall where the garet Hanger, a leading advocate of Rev. Veltie Pruitt, pastor of the birth control, appeared before a Nprlngfleld Christian church will Worley. All four asked for the re­ program will be held Among the aU te officials to b e 1 senate committee to urge approval of officiate. tail boar license indicating that the Hasting» bill which would per­ The bride will wear a blue en tlu y will not offer wines under 14 visitors here tonight are Inaura Van I mit dissemination of birth coateal ValklnHburg. department Inspector In fnFmalirsau semble. She will be a«»lsted by percent tor sale In this city. from Portland; Mrs. Husanna Ham-j Ethel Rauch as bridesmaid Orval Worley, It la understbod. plans to Eaton, brother of Miss Eaton, will ■pen a beer parlor In the old First mond, department president from I Portland; Mrs. Frelda Peterson, d e ' be the best man. National hauls building al Second parlment patriotic instructor of Miss Eaton was graduated from and Multi streets. Dallas; Mrs. Grace Lansberry. J Nprlngfleld high achool in June, Petitions for the vacation of sev Nprlngfleld, uepartnient registrar ; 00633960 1929. She graduated from Ashland eral streets and alleys which have and Mrs. M yrtle Egglmann. Spring normal school In 1931. never been graded In the Eastern field, council of administration Mr Farrelly is a former student set-lion of the city have beeu post chairman. at Washington State college. He is ed and a request will be made of Mrs. clarino Putman and Mrs. Unusual Program of Enter- . now employed by the General Pet- the cnuncllmen for their approval tainment to Supplement roleum company at Portland where Edith Laxton w ill have charge of at the end of the statutory time the dining room for the evening ) “Auntie Up" on March 23 ,he coup1e W,M make ,he‘r home- limit they were told Monday night. _______ They plan to leave immediately Refreshment« will be served fol An unusual program of added en following the ceremony. There seems to be little opposl lowing the business meeting. Ion to Ihe proposal within the tertainment to be given In conjunc-! -------------------- --— council Itself, and It waa Indicated tlon with the Lions club three-act' THREE INJURED DURING *— A T ||n F ||T A n rrm that tha request would be approved If formal proteata were not pres w e ek en d a c c id e n ts . ------------ Ion Friday evening. March 23 has « ’ « « L H I U U l I L II enled to the council. LIONS CLUB SHOW ^ ¿ 7 ^ ., .xTaXrZ ^ |l I STUDENTS OFFER H.S.STUBT SHOW DIRECTORS FAVOR PLAN Weekly Meetings end Other Buetness Matters Scheduled To Come Before Meeting Whether or not the Springfield Lions club will sponsor a large flab fry on the McKenile thia summer during the state convention of Lions club which la to be held In Eugene from June 7 to 9 Inclnstve will be decided tomorrow at the regular masting of the local or­ ganisation. The Nprlngfleld club has adopted policy of bolding one of these Lah fry affairs annually In honor of Dr. W. C. Rebhaa. late member of the club, and the Eugene con­ vention committee baa Invltad tha local group to bold their outing on Saturday afternoon. Jane », as a convention feature. The board of directors of the lo­ cal club have discussed the mat­ ter with tbe Eugene elub members and will recommend to their club that the project be undertaken at the time stated Just where the fish fry would be held, has not been decided. It has been» suggested that It be held at son. P. J. Bartholomew and Harry the water board lake on the Mc­ M Stewart. Kenzie Just below Vida. There is a Howard Robinson, three-year-old These numbers themselves would Annual L&ughterosque Pro­ large open area Just across from son of M r and Mrs. R. B Robinson be worth the low price of admission gram to Present Novelty the dam which could accommodate received a broken leg Sunday when If there were no feature attrac tio n / the crowd. T ift opportunities for Stage Numbers Friday^ he waa struck with a swing while Two spring «porta give each boy and Mary Trotter, are member« of which there Is and which w ill pro-1 various forms of outdoor recreation playing at Triangle lake He spent a chance to participate In events the Junior class. vide some very humorous Incidents Some clever stunts and some uni­ are better here than at few other which he Ilk«». and a chanca to do The Nprlngfleld chapter of the Victory Tonight Over Blachly Sunday In the hospital and was during the evening. que stage Bettings are promised places along the river. Boating, then taken to hia home. so during hl» regular gymnasium Honor society waa organised last Heading the list of special enter j for ‘ h® »unual High School Lang both on the river and on tha lake, Assures Top League Place Norman Smith of Creswell was period If he Is unable to remain winter at which time DeEtta Sand- _______ automobile ,a,nment wl" be an Instrumental tere8 ®venlng at t o'clock, many student» who come Into the | Vail. and Evelyn Klckbusb were The freshman class have chosen Nprlngfleld basketball fans who early Sunday morning when their ^ » e l l . piano; and Betty Byrne.. Original plans for the fish fry city on the bus or In private car» , elected to membership mal® quartet in atlon a t ‘ The sophomores will of- If the affair la given as a conven­ Hut baseball, on the other hand. |nBmbergk,p W|R be ayyanged before high achool gymnasium tonight was removed from the wreckage ,he,r lnlP‘‘ r’«»’ atlon« of the Four f®r 'Century of Progress.” Juniors tion feature. The original Intention ba« a glamour of Ita own for all the end of Ihe present achool year wb-n the Nprlngfleld Independents which had caught on fire before he Marx bro,her8 These four young“ * * ‘ heir cne from the popular of the club was to designate a Sun­ boya and moat men, and the deci­ waa burned He I . In the Kugene men' & l Dyer- A r,hur Waters. Tin ’ <>“ «. 'L ittle Grass Shack.” while day or early holiday for the affair Election to the society la baaed meet the Blachly five In what 1« sion to have a regular bn ebull hospital. x'y Chample. and Gerald Childers. ‘ he seniors have named their act expected to decide the winners of and to select some place np the learn 1« arouuluf much more Inter­ on three factors; scholarship, loy­ the American league. Saturday evening Miss Lucille haye 8O,nt' very c,eTer nnmh®rs and Our Metamorphto." McKenzie river. The club would alty and character. Select Iona are est than bad been anticipated Stewart of Kugene was badly haTe * * * " a b,< b,t »herever they pl»»» Presents one skit or then make efforts to catch the fish made by vote of the faculty. This will be one uf the beat bas­ Nprlngfleld high school alwaya ________ shaken up when sbe was thrown haTe h0* ” number all of which la to be ori and would fry the fish and furnish ketball games seen here in some u— beau a baseball achool and baa I from a car car drive»? driver? by by Staaford Stanford! , Other numbers . .which will please * lnal Each group is also required _________ months predict members of the Io- prepare their own Individual bad learn« until the past year At R q q CLUB HOLDS Brooks The accident happened ‘ he audience will be the presenta- ,o ",ru<’k | ,lon of “A narkey Sernlon ' Ru»-I COD' invited to bring a basket dinner the close of the 1932 aeaaon a good ain M ,(u . T ,nN evening |in(„ Monday nl(tht when a pr|n„. will be held at Elmira in May It many members of the Eugene June Geiger. Ruth Manley, Carter duled to be brought np at the Frl- first Lions club and others from that anticipated th l. «.ason M field meet. Elmira here. T h l. will was decided at the close of the Hartman. Verlln Posey. Don Net- day meeting in Taylor hall. Among The problem of finding a base N *' V * *' ° a |«u be a good game, but an easy: gathering held in the Springfield | city have Indicated that they w ill son. Morgan Chandler. Robert Me these will be the question of hold- attend assuring a full house. Those ball roach Is vexing Ihe high school * * 'r* "I”" "" Pr<‘"l< ' Al victory fòr Springfield Is anticipa- church Monday. wanting to be sure of a seat are l-agan. Robert Brown. Ia m s r Brat- ing weekly meetings. More fr-jqu- Pohl, Frank Rennie and Larson More than 100 attended the all | led. The trouble now Is to unnex authorities right now. It Is Intpos- urged to buy their tickets at once tain. and Buford Roach. Everett eat meetings have been urged by .. j . . „ s i W right were nominated for secre- slble for the basehal. and I . k w n (>|ifr >r(i another victory over the Blachlv day session here which Included from any member of the local club. Lajofe Is stage and business man- gome members of the local club for several sermons, n basket dinner five. men to practice on the same flehL a* er- several months. The play itself Is rapidly being at noon and a potluck dinner In _________________ _________ _______ _ The exact nature of ___ the ________ program i It la Impossible for one coach to There are three basketball lea­ , t i . t . d n treasurer. the evening under the direction of "haped together by the cast which kept secret and no, d|TUlce<, K c a iS fa jt t T n w z». i i d Wac h e8Pec“ ve ‘ N>*» on mo-' the Brattalo school w ill present and Mra' A 1 Morgan were the means may be found to shift this meeting Monday night and Mrs. W illam ette rivers as well as local- Young men In Springfield who _ dern college campus. Frank Ham the program tomorrow when the hostesses. Mrs. Buell was 111 and responsibility to other shoulders. ly. The organization will give these have bee„ doltlK much , o favorabIy | ( ora " aa « ' * “ ‘d " » her lln as the college president. Is also Springfield P. T. A. unit meets at unaWe 10 attend. Guests Included School Closing Nears person, an opportunity to work represent th l. city on the Independ P „ , , , -- -— -------------- very interesting character, that building for the March see- Mia# ET«‘yn B“®H *"»d Mrs. E B. No schedules have been drawn together In a large unit In seeking ent basketball floor of the county Xex‘ Mond“ -V ®»®nlng will be sur- others In the cast v o ih in III lu v \.< a c v i « a ie V II are Virginia .ion accordine to Mrs W C May M r" Mary Kps‘ ey ’ril1 • c ‘ er’ yet for either sport. The baseball prise night according to members chrlRt,p>. Eva Louk Norwald Ne, W right, president. ,ain for the next meeting March 23. leant will probably play more ”B" changes and benefits for I238,184.24 and two county war- NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS Main street Buturday night of this It Is an annual event at the school Mis. Flora Steamier. Mra. John OLD AGE PENSIONS u — v — u , . t. u _ rants totaling >32.96. This repres- and everyone enjoyed the day Im­ we»>k. The lmfl will be appropriate­ la rk e r. Mrs. Ernest Bert.ch, Mrs SENT OUT TH IS WEEK , en t, a saving of nearly >7000 In HAVE MEETING TODAY mensely. Rlley Snodgrass, Mrs. Ernest Black, ly decorated for the event. the company's taxes In Lane county Several groups have been making Mrs. Linn Stone. Mrs. John Toni Members of tbe Needlcrafe club W arrants for old age pensions as „ lone under th„ n#w prOTlgl(Mk seth. Mrs. Norman Howard. M rs .! approved by the Countv Court have 7 "i” U*e neW. ’’5.°™ *°? wl11 hold their regular meeting this use of this new hall for social and BROTHERHOOD TO HEAR W illiam Curtis, Mrs W ll.lam b t n mailed this week ‘ o ‘ b o l l other gatherings during the past EDUCATIONAL TRENDS Rouse., Mrs. Frank Logan, and Mrs. eligible to receive them. The war- venr-g ta x ’*** 1 H ' 1>(>llard- Mra- R - H - ‘ "ulbertson few weeks slnoe It was remodeled rant„ are caghable at once ag , w ill be ths a . dating hostess. The Lions club play cast will meet H. R. Goold, superintendent of the H. O. Dlhhlee. there tonight for a rehearsal. city schools of Eugene will be the n i v c u D / i n - r e re C'en‘ *ftX m" " * y h* ” PaM ™ dp b* tbp Pa‘ <«‘' Telephone com I ------------------------------ speaker at the monthly meeting of the Methodist Brotherhood at the PROGRESSIVE DECREE church Monday evening. Mr. Goold SOCIAL GROUP NAMED will speak on "The Trend In Mod­ ern Education.” Mrs. Alice Doane was named The usual potluck supper will be chairman of the social committee held at 0:30 and the program and of Progressive 22 degree team for business meeting will follow. April at the hualness meeting held Friday night. Other members of the Surprise Quilting Party committee are Zella Cantrell. Wan­ About 20 ladles of the Baptist da Barnes, and Stella Eaton. The church gathered at the home of group held a 8t. Patrick’s party last Mrs. R. E. Rolens Tuesday for a Friday evening In the I. O. O. F. surprise quilting party. They held hall. a potluck luncheon at noon. DAVENPORTS HOLD for the GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY ,pen"'°" first few Installments. The pary whirh a,mog, $40 000 t0 Oru(|oiat Raturna_ F B F Iang ry, confections and novelties now in the front window at Egglmann't re­ mind ! one that Easter is soon here. April 1. this year. New in the Eas- ter novelties this season are two small sise chlc'a which are worn on coatg or uged „ ornainenta aDd g fuigy bunny wh)ch « « « .» • « -« — i -■.» operates a «mall air bulb. ---------------------------- LEGION WILL HAVE BIRTHDAY PROGRAM Members of both Springfield Am­ erican Legion post number 40 and of the Auxiliary w ill hold their next meeting at W altervllle March 22. A special program has been ar­ ranged for that evening at which tim e the founding of the American Legion will be observed. ODD FELLOWS TO SEE FILMS AFTER MEETING ch* f k" ranRe downward pj,,. , bejr taxea |n f„u for »be v e a r, returned Wednesday from Hood | _______ | from >26 to >7.60. I _________________ 1 A series of motion picture films River where he spent the first of wlll 5