THURSDAY. MARCH I , 1984 TUB BFRINOnDLD MOWS CONSTIPATED 30 YEARS AIDED BY OLD REMEDY "For thirty ysars I had conitlpa tlun Hourlng food from stouiach cbukrd ins. Hlnca taking Adlarlka I am a new paraoo. Constipation la a thing ut tha p a«t."--Allea Burns Flanary's Drug Hlora. N O T IC I OF H IA R IN Q ON F IN A L ACCOUNT PAGE THREE ter 36 degrees below rezo’ where are the model T a nowT Folks who were certain (hat the They hare been replaced by better Gulf Stream bad changed Its course cars, which In turn will be replaced and made the Atlantic coast per­ by still better cars. manently warmer are trying other | Let someone Invent anything gueoaea now to account for the which will do any Job twice aa well cold weather. Nothing gives moat aa existing machines and coat half people more pleasure than to try aa much and every machine of the their hands at weather forecasting old type becomes obsolete And nothing Is more futile than I (»«grange weather predictions. TOWN AND VICINITY Here from Glendale — Mr. and Goes to MaraMleld— Dr Milton Mra C. II Royer of Glendale were V. W alker maria a hualneaa trip to I visitors In Hprlngfleld Haturday. Marshfield Haturday afternoon. N O TICI IH IIK R K H Y G IV E N Vlaltor at Albany _ W illiam G Ill at Heme — Charles Nest of R E N T 1 »Ullaa rooms with Thal thè underaigned admlnlatra Moyer made a hualneaa trip to Al­ Full Creek la reistrlad to be quite SOCIAL CLUB PLANS tur of thè eatate of Harah Ann Far bath. Inqulra Chlc'a toad atora. FPANK PARKE« bany Friday. III at bla home. guanti, deceaaed. has flled hla ac ! IN S U L A T IO N . . . . Naw Method M H l DANCE FOR SATURDAY count for thè final aettlement of Aa everybody knows, the trouble On Jury Duty— Harry Whitney ill at Home— Mrs. John Nice 1» — eald eatate In thè County Court for with most houses la that they let IN T H K CO UNTY CO URT OF lame County, Oregon, and that left Hunilay for Portland where he reported to be III at her home this C A R E E R S ....................Man Made Another of the dances being held T H K S T A T E O f O M Q G N F o il Haturilay. thè ftlh day of Aprii la »erring on the Federal grand week J "A mao's life la what he chooae- I loo much heal out through the | each week at the social hall 310 ( roof» and walla In winter and let Main street will be given Haturday T H K CO UNTY OP LANK 1*34. ut thè Court H im iiii of aald ¡Jury. to make It,” I heard an eminent IN T H K M A T T K It OF T H K KH- Court, In thè County Court llouae. W eatflr People Hara— Mr. and too much heat In through the same evening It haa been announced by scholar say not long ago. Il sound- T A T K OF DALE KI.M KR CilAHK, In Kugene, Oregon at ten o’clock In «coûta Have Sale— Mem liera of Mra. Roy Anderaon of Weatflr were DKt'KAHKD ed like a pretty broad atatement. routes in summer There are many ! J. L. I-abree. dance manager The thè forenoon, haa Ir-en by aald the Girl Seoul troop of Hprlngfleld vlaltor In Hprlngfleld Monday Court flxad un thè lime and place hut aa I tried to analyze It I came ways of Insulating an ordinary 1 music la furnished by the Hungry NO TICK la haraliy glvcu that tha for hearing objectlona thereto. and held a doughnut aale at the Hprlug •re n la g - to the conclusion that he was right. house, some more expensive than 1 Four dance orchestra. One of the uudaralgnad as tha A d iuliilalralrtl for final aettlement of aald eatate. field Bakery Haturday. i dances was held Tueaday evening of tha Katata of Oala Klntar Chaaa, Cota Leg— I-eyf Neet received a [ Moat people won't agree, because others, out all expensive. L. L RAT. Admlnlatrator of Now the discovery haa been this week. The dances were orb Oaraaaad haa filed bar final ac­ Visit at Portland — The Mlaaea had gash Inn bla leg Tueaday after- mo»> people are not satisfied with thè Retate of Harah Ann Fer count In Iba County Court In tha guaon. deceaaed Doria and Dorothy Girard apenl noon while grinding knives at the wh»' 8beejr hare made of their Urea, made that »beet aluminum, less glnally scheduled for Thursday mate uf Oragun fur lama County L. I,. HAY, Attorney for Estate than 1 100 of an Inch thick, will In- evenings but later changed because Ihe weekend at Portland rlaltlng Booth-Kelly »awmlll and Imagine that If they had "got and that Tuaaday tha 10th day uf IM 3-13*3-3*— A t ) sulate against the penetration of of tbe wrestling matches in Eu­ with friends. ; the breaks" their careers would i April, 1*34, at the hour of * 30 Portland Polk Hare — Dr. and somehow hare b'en different. But, heat as well as 20 Inches of con- gene. o’clouk In the furanoun of said day NOTICC TO C R E D IT O R * Son Is Born— Mr. and Mrs Ho­ Mrs Win Foster of Portland spent , lookl„t b. , , k of and tha Court Room of aald oourt falh)r, ... aM w, „ <-re*e or »welve Inches of brick. Dances at the social hall are not Notice la hereby given (hut the haa bean appointed by aald court aa lier! liltikaon of Blue H irer are Ihe I Ihe week-end here visiting at th The discovery was made when a affiliated In any manner with the underaigned haa been duly appoint , aa the aurcesaea among men I have tha time and place for tha hearing parents of a baby son born to them home of M ri. Foster's parents, Mr. known for years, I think the pro- youhg mart tried wrapping cigar­ unemployed council which held a of objertlona thereto and the aet ed Executor of the eatate of Melinda K Hemenway, deceased, at the Pacific hospital In Kugene on and Mra. Frank DePue. ettes intended for export to Africa final free dance at their former Urine nt tboreof. f»»»or was right. and any and all persona having In aluminum foil, and found that headquarters on Fifth street F ri­ Haled and fleet published March clalma against Ihe aald eatate are Hunilay. M arch 4. 1*34. Parents of Daughter— M r. and The failures failed I k - csub « they was the only protection against the day evening. The group have now 3. 1*34. hereby required Io present aald Auailiary Saws Tueaday— Mem Mrs. Charles Hcraon are the par- did not or would not make the nec­ tropical heat. It has been tried on Hate of laal publication April ft, clalma. duly verified aa by law re­ moved to a residence on Mill 1*34 quired. at the office of Frank A hers of the American I .eg Ion Auxl enta of a baby girl born to them a essary effort to attain the goal of many houses and It work» perfectly street. VERA M MKARH, Aduilnlalra Delhie. attorney for »aid eatate. at llary sewing club held their weekly the home of Mr Pierson's mother Ihelr ambitions; Ihe successes suc­ and costs almost nothing, those trlx Hprlngfleld. In l-ane County, Ore­ meeting at the Methodlat church on Friday. March 2. 1*34 ceeded Itecause they put all they who are experimenting with it say. (M *1 6 I I 1 » - A 6) gon. within alx months from the I Tueaday a'ternoon That is only one of many new REBEKAH S HAVE QUIET date of thia notice. At O fficer's M eeting — C. A had In them Into the job. To the failures their succes»es seemed to SU M M O N « Dated and flrat pnbllaed March SESSION ON MONDAY inventions which will make the 8t. Louis Man Here—C C. Hop- Hwarta drove to Hillsboro Hatur 3. 1*34 have been easily achieved, but only new homes of the future more kina of HI. Louis, Missouri was an day to attend a meeting of Ihe IN T H K C IR C U IT COURT OF T H K Date of last publication April ft. The last silver offering to raise HTATK O F OREGON FOR 1*34 overnight vlaltor at the Hprlngfleld , Northwi-al Police Officers' associa the man who has succeeded knows comfortable and economical to run. how much harder he has worked O B S O LE S C E N C E . . . . Interpreted Springfield's share of the expenses LANK COUNY. OHCAR K H E M E N W A Y . Kxe hotel Monday. He la working for Don, Kuael Garland. Plaintiff, »a. W alter than did the man who fallt-d culor of (he eatate of Melinda a national range manufacturing Owen D. Young has brought Into for the Joint picnic sponsored each It Uariaud, Defendant. K. Heiuenwnv. deceaaed Roseburg People Here— Mr and public notice a word that is not summer at Lost Creek ranch was company. W O R D S ....................... How Many) To W aller It Garland, Defendant FRANK A DePCK. Attorney taken Monday night at the regular Mrs. Glenn Itadahaugh were here for Ihe ealale How many words does it take to given enough consideration when meeting of Juanita Rebekah lodge. Named S. P. Doctor— Dr. Milton from Roseburg Sunday to visit at IN T H K NAMK OF T H K HTATK people disnuss tre replacement of IM 8-16-22-2* A 6) express one's self clearly in the Following tbe business meeting a OF ORKOON: You are hereby re­ V. W alker haa been named associ­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A men by machines. He said the English language? Shakespeare quired to appear and ana war tha social period was enjoyed under ate Houthern Pacific doctor for (hla Taylor. other day: NOTICE TO CREDITO RS used more than 35.000 different complaint filed agalnat you In tha district. He succeeds Dr. K. P. “Science Is the mother of obso­ the direction of Mrs. Glenn Stone. above nnllllad ault within four Son 1« Born— Mr. and Mrs. Ro words in his writings Some years Notice la hereby given that the! Mortensen who ha- moved to Med Miss Maxine Snodgrass, and Mra. lescence." Weeka from the date of the flrat bert Cline of Pleasant HUI are the ago a student of such things re­ Clara Snodgrass. publication of thia aummona and If n-derslgned. Klmer Htrand. has . , been appointed administrator of ported that the average uneducated What Mr. Young meant was that parents of a hsby son born to them you fall to appear or anawer, for th« eatate of Jennie Rfrand. la te , M waul thereof the plaintiff will taka of Eugene. Oregon All persona < " * • ’*» *" Endeavor Group— Mr at the borne of her mother In mutt used not more than 700 differ- It is the function of science to send a decree again«! you for tha relief having clalma against aald estate " nd M r»- w - *■ Taylor were hosts Hprlngfleld on Monday. March 5 ent word«. Some savage tribes old machines and old methods to GIRLS CROUP HOLDS aa prayed for In the complaint, aa have vocabularies of only 300 the scrap heap, to make them obso­ 1*34. should present the same duly vert-1 «• their home Hunilay evening for PARTY FOR BIRTHDAY folio wa: words. lete. There is ho danger of the Tti« dlaaolutlon of the marriage fled to aald administrator at the the weekly fireside meeting of Ihe *.fre,e." BV .en w O r ^ T f h T n <’hrtaU“ ‘ “ e Easterners Vlalt— Mr. and Mrs. relation now existing between the Members of the Terpischorena In the effort to compile a dic­ world becoming overcrowded with plaintiff and tha defendant. That »lx month« of the dale of this no-1 «•»« m »«»« church service, Arthur Bodman of Rockville, Con- tionary of English for use In the goods of man's production, so long club held a birthday party Friday plaintiff have the care and cuatody ■ectlcut are visiting with Dr. ann education of persona speaking as scientific research continues to evening at the home of Miss Jean uf the minor children of aald par lice Dated Mar 1. 1834 Drive to Portland — Mlaa Clara Mrs. W. H. Pollard this week. M r R IM E R HTRAND Admlnla Haa. Jeaae Garland nipt W aller other languages, the faculty of New find new machines or methods Louk honoring the birthday of Faye tralor Jones and Mias Alta Manning went Bodman Is a mall carrier and 1« Garland, and for auch other and York University has come to the which ~!!l perform the same rune Hoi verson. Miss La Moyne Black D A I.I.K N . A tto rn ey for to Portland Haturday to »pend Ihe taking a six months vacation dur­ further relief aa to the court may conclusion that not more than 900 tions better, or do new things that was the assistant hostess. Mem­ Estate appear equitable. week-end. They were accompanied ing which he la rlsltiig many IM 1 8-16-22 2») words are really needed to carry no machine hag ever done before. bers present for the evening of The order directing the aervlce aa far aa Monmouth by MTa Leota friends and relatives in various Some people thought there were games and dancing were M is; Hol- of thia aummona by publication la on all ordinary conversations. That Itodenboiigh who visited there parts of the United States, haring NOTICE dated February ¡SHth. 1*34, and re­ doe., not Include technical terms, enough automobiles in the world verson, Miss Black, Barbara Bar- while they were In Portland. OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T quire« publication for four weeka, driven 5500 miles In the south cen of course. when Ford finished making his nell. JoLana Putman, Irene Ander­ and the date of the flrat publlca Notice la hereby given that the| tral states before coming to Mon­ fifteen-millionth “Model T .” But son, and Jean Louk. Marcóla Man H urt— N O. Eck tlon la Match lat. 1*34. undersigned administrator of the) Too many persons have a tend­ i - ..... —— — ■» 1 (' A W IN TK R M E IK R . Atlor estate of Raymond A Hopkins. De­ land of Marcóla received several rovia. California where they visited ency to use unusual words where nay for plaintiff. Realdence, ceased. haa filed hla final account cut« on hl» left arm and hta left her sister before coming to Spring- ordinary ones will answer as well Kugene Oregon. field. with the County Court, and an or­ shoulder was bruised Tuesday (M l (-1&22 2*) or better. Sometime« I think th? Milk is the supreme health der has been made and entered di­ recting thia notice and setting Hat­ morning when hla automobile was world would understand itself bet­ food. It is the best food chil­ urday March SI 1*34 at 10 00 a side swiped by another car He ‘SIX OF A KIND" IN ter if nobody were allowed to use dren can be given In that It is m for lh« hearing thereon at the was driving with his arm out of complete in itself. SIX-STAR FILM HIT more than 900 words, and those County Court House In Eugene ihe window. were so clearly defined that no­ Oregon Pasteurized milk is the only Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 3* 'Six of a Kind." the Paramount body could misunderstand their Bank W orker Return»— Marlon day of February. 1834 safe and sure milk to use for meanings. picture starting at the McDonald H IG F R ID R E A S H G R K . Adm in L. Coyner has returned to Spring Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN drinking purposes. When it is Istrator of the Estate of Rav | field after apnodlng several weeks theatre Sunday 1 a real screen W E A T H E R ................... Down East Naturopathie Physician pasteurized in our modern nimid A Hopkins. Decea«ed The month of February, 1934. at Albany where he a«slsted lu the comedy, played by real comedians plant by experienced cream- C. N JOHNHTON, Atty Rooms and directed by one of the best Phone »1-J was the most severe w inter mouth liquidation of a closed hank He Is 309-310 Tlffany Rida. Fugene, j erymen our milk loses none assistant In charge of the liquida­ comedy directors In the business In the Eastern United States since Oregon of its fine flavor and is safe Office Hours: 1 to ft P. M There fore. It is needless to say the winter of 1777 78. when Wash­ tion of the First National bank IM "1-8-16 22 2*1 nourishing and delicious. 40« Fourth Street it Is a solid hit. ington's army camped at Valley here. The featured east Is 100 per cent Forge and nearly froze to death. NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS : Completes Flrat Aid W ork— Lum famou- Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for comedians, comprising There have been heavier snows, Notice Is hereby given that the > \nderson, supervisor of CWA work Charlie Ruggles, Marry Boland. W Maid O’ Cream Butter but not in connection with such low Watchmaker and Jswslsr Fields. Alison Hklpworth. George temperatures. At my farm there thonv Haul, deceased, and has duly 1 flr"1 “ ,d »»»’ ruction and training Burns and Grade Allen. HPR1NGFIBLD was at one time three feet level So. P aolflo W aU h Inspector qualified as such All persona hav­ under John Patterson of Eugene, The story takes the first four depth of snow, with drifts as high First C lass Work at R easonable ing claims ngslnst said estale are ' l l CWA superintendents had to on an auto trip across the country as twenty feet, and the thermome- Prices. hereby required to present such take a IB hohr course in first aid. They get as far as Nuggettville « claims duly verified with proper vouchers attached, to the under­ The class In Kugene was organised Nevada, pursued by detectives who G eneral L aw Practice signed at the office of I. M Deter by W P. Tyson, safely engineer suspect Ruggles, a bann clerk, of »on at 334 Main street. Hprlngfleld, for this district. Ihe theft of *50.000. Here they run I. M. PETERSON Oregon, within six months of the Into Miss Sklpworth. In the role of date of this notice, the same being A ttoraey-at-Law NOTICE TO CREDITO RS hotel keeper, and W. C. Fields dated and published Ihe first time C ity Hall Building Notice Is hereby given that Irene as the sheriff. this 22nd dav of F>-bruarv, 1*34 Hprlngfleld, Oregon P H IL IP H SAUL. Admlnlstra Swexey has been appointed execu The arrival of two detectives and lor of Ihe Estpte of Anthony trlx of the will and estate of Fred H. Chamberlin, late of Lane coun­ the real thief mixes things up some Haul, deceased. ty, Oregon. All persons having more and adds to the furious pace I M PETERSON, Attorney for claims against said estate should of the comedy It is Impossible to snld E state. present the same duly verified to (F *2— M 1-8 15 22) the said executrix at the office of give a clear idee of the fun In the 8. D. Allen. Eugene. Oregon, with­ picture, which must be seen to be NO TIC E TO CR EDITO RS in six months from the first pub­ appreciated. lication of this notice, which Is of P ittsburgh, Pa. Notice la hereby given that the February IS, 1934. DISSO LUTIO N NOTICE undersigned has been appointed IR E N E 8W E Z E Y . Executrix. Executor of the last will and testa­ 8. D. A LLEN. Attorney for estate. Notice Is hereby given that ment of Edna W. Hobbs and of her IF 1S-22 — M 1-8-16) meeting of Ihe Board of Trustees estate, and has duly qualified as and Members of Eugene Bible Uni such. All persons having claims R epresented By NO TIC E OF SALE verslt.v will be held Tuesday. March against aald eatate are hereby re­ Notice is hereby given by the 20. 1934 In the Administration Build quired Io present auch claims duly E. H. TURNER verified with proper voucher« at­ undersigned as Executor of the Ing of Eugene Bible College. 11th tached. to the undersigned at the W ill of George W. Irvin, deceased Ave. and Alder St., Eugene. Ore., at A 8L Sp rlagfleld , Ora. p. m„ for the purpose of dlssolv office of I. M. Peterson at 224 Main that, pursuant to the authority and street. Hprlngfleld, Oregon, w ith­ direction of said W ill, which au­ Ing said Corporation. H. BENTO N, Secty. in six months from the date of this thorised said Executor to sell and (M 8) notice, the same being dated and dispose of nil the real and personal published Ihe first time this Sth property of said eatate, not there­ Old Grads to Hold Reunion inbefore derlsnd. and deeming It dav of February, 1*24. Members of Ihe 1*09 class of O W IL L IA M H HOBBS. Execu­ for the best Interest of said estate tor of the last will and testa­ to do so, I will at the office of Fred C. nt Corvallis will be Ihe "silver ment of Edna Hobbs, Deceased E. Smith, attorney at law. 408 Jubilee" class at the coming June Miner Building. Kugene. Oregon, on M PETERSON. Attorney for Form erly W a lk sr P o o ls and after April 6th. 1984. sell at commencement, and graduates In snld esta te. private sale to the highest bidder this group are already making (F 8-1B-22— M 1-8) KUUBNlft— 11th HPH1NUF1I0LJJ for cash, all of the right, title and plans for their 26-yenr reunion. SU M M O N S interest of said estate and of the and Charaalton, 33S Main IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E heirs at law thereof, the following Members of Ihe class from Albany. T alepnone 731 P hons 81J Newport and Corvallis have ar STATE OF OREGON FOR described real property, towlt: LANE COUNY. The northeast quarter of south ranged to send out the call to the Elsa L. Foote. Plaintiff, v», Robert west quarter of section 2*. town 9« per cent of ihe class still living H. Foote. Defendant. ship 17 South of Range 1 West of TO ROBERT H FOOTE. Defend­ W illamette Meridian, containing 40 hut now scattered throughout this ant. SOT«« of land, more or less, and and foreign lands. IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STA TE together with the right of way con OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ tlguous to and going with said pre­ quired to appear and answer the mises, In section 29, said township ’1 complaint flled ngalnst you In the and range. In Lane County, Ore­ above entitled suit on or before the gon; also, the east 88 feet of lot 7 last day of the time prescribed In and of south 10 feet of Ix>t 6 In the Order for Publication, to-wlt: Block 18 of Mulligan's Donation on or before Ihe expiration of four to Eugene. Lane County. Oregon weeks from the date of the first The first described of said tracts publication hereof, and If you fall of land w ill be sold subject to a DON’T T A K E CHANCES to nppear and anawer. for want mortgage for the principal sum of thereof, plaintiff w ill take a decree *2000.00, all other Hens and encum Don't uae eye-washes, olnt- against you for the relief as prayed hrances to he paid by said estate, ments, salvea, or other remedies for In the complaint which Is for and the second of said tracts of The Favor of Other Men unless advised by an eye-sight decree of the court dissolving land will he eold subject to an out­ Unlcsa two pinta of bil« Julc« flow dally Just think how useful that 12 to 20 cents a month would be. from your U ybc into your bowels, your specialist. the marriage contract now existing standing contract of sale upon food decays in youi howrl«. Thia poisons between plaintiff and defendant which there Is approximately *3,- your whttie body. .Movements «et hard and Dad could have another package of cigarettes, or by saving for Don't wear glasses not pres­ You set yellow longue, yel­ and for the care, custody and con­ 700.00 with accrued Interest unpaid, eonstiimtv.1 low shin, p.mple . «1. II eyes, bed breath, cribed by an eye-sight specialist. three or four month«, the average fam ily of three or four could trol a t the minor child and for such all taxos and other liens to be paid pad tests, gea. d m ts. headache. 1 ou becoiee an Uj Iv-louking. foul smell­ other and further relief aa to the by said estate. The Executor res­ have Don’t fall to visit an eye-ape- go to the movie* on« extra time. (O f course mother might be ing. smtr-tiuiikin;- *c tuon. <|uj»av« lost court may seem Just and proper. ur person«I charm. E vsiyt erves the right to reject any and all riallat at the slightest sign of too tired to go but she could use her share of the money to buy run riom you. This summons Is published pur­ bids for said parcels or either eye trouble. But don't take salt«, mineral waters. two or three spool* of thread to mend the family hose while she suant to an order of the Hon. O. thereof. oil», Isxativa pill», laxative randie. Your eyee are your most valu shewing guma and expect them to set £ . F. Sklpworth, Circuit Judge of Lane This notice Is published for four of retted.) And then there is the fam ily car . . . 12 to 2 0 cent« a thia polaon that deatroys ytmi- iieieensl County, Oregon, made and entered consecutive weeks In the Spring- ehsrm. T h .y can't do It, for they only nbin possessions. Guard them month would buy nearly on extra gallon of go«. February 28, 1*34 and publlahed field News, a newspaper of general move out the tell end o f your bowel, and with periodic examinations dnees't take swev enough of the de­ In the Springfield News, a news­ circulation, possessing the legal that cayed poleon. Co»meti<4 won't help St all. which cost you nothing. Glasses paper published In I^tne County, qualifications for publishing legal Only a frve flow of your bile Juice will Oregon, said publication being for notices, In Springfield, l-ane Coun­ etop thle decay polios In your bowel». The are not recommended unless you one mild vegetable inedictne which eterte once each week for four consecu­ ty. Oregon. ; free flow of vour bile tutce le Carter e need them and the prices are J ttle Liver n il» . No calomel (m ercury) tive weeks. The date of flrat pub­ Date of first publication March within reach of all at n Csrter'e. Only fine, m 'ld vegetable MOUNTAIN STATM POWER COMPANY lication thereof Is March 1, 1934 8th, 1*34. extrsete. I f you would bring back your msl rhsrm to win men, etsrt taking and the date of the last publication WILLIAM G. IRVIN, Bxecutor tr'e Little Liver Pills according to DR. ELLA MEADE hereof Is March 29, 1*84. o f I-aat W ill of George W. tlnne today. 2I< at drug stores. Optometrist HO W ARD M BROW NELL. Refuse -eomethlng Just as good", for It Irvin, deceaaed. may gripe. teeth or ecald rectum. A ttorney for P lain tiff, 41 WoM Sth Eugana FRED E. SM ITH, A ttorney for Aik fo r Carter's Little Liver Pills by same R esidence: E ugene, O regon. executor. sad get whet you ask for. 014*1.0.11. Co. ►XtH Ll< Business D irectory f or.... HEALTH STRENGTH Edward C. Privat .»’r x , i "■ ........ ...... «• Springfield Creamery Co. you CAN Reliance Life Insurance Co. SAVE 3c to 5c « WEEK IF YOU D O YOUR W A S H IN G By H A N D POOLE « GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors your HOW WOMEN CAN WIN MEN AND MEN WIN ELEC TR IC BILL W o u ld be 12 to 2 0 cents a Month Less C J E (Ml-ft-16-U-l*) 1 L 1 C T R I C I T Y IS T H I C H I À P I S T S I R V I C I Y O U C A N I U Y (M S-16-12-19—A I)