PAGE TWO T HVRBDAY, MARCH », 1984 TT IK SPnrNGFÎKI.n NWWR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I'ubilshvd Evary Thuosday at Springfield, lain« County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS ____________________ U. K MAXEY. Editor kutarad aa saaoud ctaas mattar. February 34. l»oj, at lha postume«. Sprtagti«t«l. Oregon Whispering' Roch By JOHN LEBAR SYNOPSIS an' says he owus three qtiurlpr» of It. Rut he didn't waul to stay here- he didn't want nothin' but money. So he went away an' I ecrapisl enough together ea>h »11 In' time an’ eeut It to him. That waa all right Then your broth« r bought that man out an' com« here. Ila come to stay, lie aline I to Improve Ihe ranch. Hood Hod »m ighty! "I am going to take you over die mountains." said Itulh evenly “Stand up!“ SCHOOL NEWS SURVEY OF LOCAL PAPER MADE The Hprlngfleld News published 165 luchisa of public school uews In November. 1*33, according to a survey made by C I lliek ley . member of Ihe class In public In formation methods, department of Journalism. Oregon State college. News of extracurricular actlvltluu —aporta, entertainment aud ser­ vice waa first with I8H luche» Other topics follow: F. T. A. second. 18H luches I'upll prugr as aud achievem ent third, l ’ tk lachea Teachers mid officers fourth. I4H Inches Attendance fifth. 6ty Inches Speeches and speakers »lath, 3% Inches Methods of Instruction seventh. 3 Inches. The survey Included 46 Oregon newspapers lor last November and 78 for November '»»--1ÍI In all. flip p in gs of Hie news aa classified by students were sent to (be 46 editora whose papers were sur veyed in thia year's class. you doan know he fell iu, does t As quickly as she could move Ruth W arren, who lived In the you?" Ruth flung open the door and step­ East. 1» willed thrao-tuurth luteraal M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T S “No no- but where else la he— ped out, the revolver, fully cocked, In the “Dead lantern" ranch In O ne Y ear in A d v a n c e ___ »150 Six Month» ___ »1 VO Arlaona by her only brother who 1« where els«»--“ Ruth was d lsty; she pointing al Stim ely's breast, lie l « o Year» la Advance »2.60 T hree Month» . 50c reported to have met hl» death fought to keep her senses. “Ann—“ stopped and hl» hand.« went up while on businaaa In Mexico. Ar Ann left her and ran Into the Ruth quietly closed Ihe d-ior be THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1»34 riving« iu Arliona with her hus­ Suavely slowiy rose and Ruth band who ha» ailing lung», and house. Ruth clltnh.-d upon the box hind her. their »mall child, they learn that again but she could not look down TAXES LOWER — STILL HIGH "Anal" Ruih's voice was ah.irp backed away Al that moment Ills the rauch la located 86 mile« from The glauteaa lifted her from the metallic. "Oo Into Ute living room.' eyet looktsl past her shoulder and Springfield folks have gotteu their tax receipts and will the neareet railroad. Old Charley box "You stand down. I'll look She wsllt-d until h heard Ann's his bead maided ever ao slightly note with some satisfaction th at taxes are lower. Credit Thane, raucher and rural mall car with this—you couldn't see nothin footsteps. "Now yuU march In!" Itefore Hulh could move greal rler agree» to take them to the tor all the reduction rests with the city council and school “Dead Lantern** gate. 6 milee from with no lantern on a rope.'* ! Snavely turned without a word strong arms w«'re holding her In board. Local millages caiue down while state and county the ranch house. A» they trudge Ann held a mirror In her hands aud wulk«al before her a vise, a big hand tiHih possession went up 3.5 mills. wearily through a gulch approach She caught the light of the sun and “Sit down -you loo. Ami." The of ihe gun Ann's voice muttared ¡ng the ranch house, a voice «his Taxes are still too high but there is little else that can pers "Go back! . . . Oo back!** At uirned It Into the well. Ruth saw girl nodded toward the clislrs In cl«»«» to her ear. "I'se sorry.' be done about it until some substitute m ethod for property the rauch house they are greeted her sm ile broadly “There. I done the table. “Ulve me that gun!“ Snavely taxation is found. Less thau half the people pav all the suspiciously by the gaunt rancher 'o f you he waru't down there! The hug woman and Ihe pale darted toward Ann as Ihe giant«-»» taxes. It is obvious that if the tax burden is to be’ lowered partner. Suavely, and Indian Anti, Snalchlug the mirror from the eyed man seated them selves. Sna released the girl. Ann backed awsy then some money must be gotten from the half who are a herculean woman of mixed negro ground where the giantess hail velV gradually lowered his arms. shaking her head Snavely slopped and Indian blood. Snavely Is dlffl- now paying nothing in local taxation. The only redeeming ; cult to understand but regardless. dropped it, she climbed upon ih "I've got noihlng agalvat vou. Ann , w)f„ y ,o Hulh feature we see in the sales tax for school purposes is that Ruth takes up the task of trying to hex Just as the lower limb of the , A"u fron> ••- Out If you won I yo're little boy and ride away quirk adjust their three lives Io the it compels everyone to pay something. and its development. Ken­ "" touched the western mountain help me you'll have to go with this -h u rry . Mis. Hulh. 'fore he m ake. it costs about $55 a pupil to operate the school even ranch m„ <|ve h | - „„„ neth, Ruth's husband, caught In rang«\ The light from the mirror murderer " on the present eight m onths term . The parents of more chilling rain contracts pneumonia struck downward, wavered, and I "Wha what's that --" Suavely "Ann. help me—you have the than half of the Springfield school children are not taxpay­ and passes away before a doctor came Io rest on the cloth hanging I gasped and his eyes i lured wildly. Mrs. C a s u a l Heeteee gun. help me to take him over tu ers. If by the sales tax or some other m ethod they would arrive». Ruth tries to carry on. She from a nail purl way down Ih Ruth spoke io Anu, without Regular iiiiwling of Ills I'rlectlla not encouraged by Snavely In Thanes' place." begged Ruth, contribute $8 or $10 a year tow ard the school funds then Is club will be held this afternoon nt plans to try and atock the ranch or well. Ruth stared at Ihe d oth a» lurnlng her head "Ann, will you The giantess roared at her. "M> property taxes could be m aterially lowered. Improve It. She write» to her the light slowly faded Before it help me now? This man murdered the home of Mrs. Merle Casteel at This is only a fair request it seem s to us iu light of the father in the East asking a Ioan was entirely gone »he knew what Harry Urey, hl« partner. You must Gawd, git away Ilk«, I Ini' you!" 3 o'clock Mrs. Cecil Mathis will be with which to buy cattle. She re- Neither Snavely nor Ann moved fact th at the school districts are now furnishing free text that d oth was. Once »he had sent help me tie him «o that we call lb«> saslslaut hoalesa. celves no reply. Will Thane comes books. We think also th a t most parents would not object home to visit his father . . . and Harry, her brother, a present i lake him to ihe authorities............. until the sounds of Ruth's horse to contributing to the operation of the schools if a satisfac­ Ruth m eets him. A rancher near red silk handkerchief with an odd Well? Are you on my side or his?' and David's quosllonliig voice had N O T I C I died away. tory method could be found. by decides to retire and offers to design of large while horse hoes Ann's face was a study For a WIIKHKAH In chapter 117. gen Snavely. white with rage, spoke We might as well m ake up our minds tb a t property sell Ruth and Snavely his livestock David Ju»t then came trudging moment she regarded Suavely, Iheu era) laws of Oregon, enacted In credit. Snavely tries to balk scathingly. "Now give me that gun. 1B1B. Il Is declared Io be the duly taxation will never again support entirely a governm ent on the deal but Ruth buys to the limit up from the gulch lie couldn't Ruth. No one spoke you black— !" as socialistic as our is growing. of every person, firm, copartner­ of her three-quarter Interest In understand all the concern about "Well. Ann!" ----------- «------------ The gun In Anu's hand wavered ship. company and corporation Dead Lantern ranch. She Is assist his absence. "F ore Gawd. Miss Huth I doan owning, lensing, occupying, poaaaaa- ed by Old Charley Thane and his ILLITERACY DECLINES Ruth stepped from the bog, took know- | diwin know—" Ann wrung uncertainly. "Jea' a mtuute." she Ing or having charge of or domln son. Will Thane. A Mexican family faltered. Ion over any land, place, building, There are still more thau 4,000,000 Americans over ten has been hire«] to assist with the David by the hand and led him Into her hards and rose to her feet. "Give It here!" structure. wharf, pier or dock work. A peculiar sickness develops her room. After locking the door 'Menan. Miss Ruth—I can't he'p years old who cannot read and write, the National Advisory with Ann cringed, turned the revolver which la Infested with ground squir­ the livestock. Snavely calls It Committee in illiteracy reports. That is 000,000 fewer than "liver fever” . . . . and says he has she took Will»' revolver from th clv o u 'gains' him." Auu walked to butt forward and held II out rels and other noxious rodents or trunk and sal down on the tied | Ihe door, hiwltatetl. returned a few predatory animals, or aa soon aa ten years ago. Georgia lias more illiterates than any other a powder for the water to cure the Snavely BBBtfbad the weapon, ths presence of the same shall steps, then went back aud stood state, some 300.000, while Wyoming has the fewest, onlv disease Ruth’s whole future Is at beside her son. stake on the development of the The handkerchief . . . Harry al near the window. In an agony of and ralaed the in u tile to Ann's •ome to hla, their or Its knowledge, about 3,000. herd to mes-t her notes following ways wore It. Old Charley h:id| Indecision. face Then he pauaed. and lowered at once to proceed and to continue Considering that at the beginning of our uatioual life the first round-up. ihe gun "Cllt my hor ca, damn you! in good faith Io exterm inate and said If her brother wn alive, how All right. Ann. think It over."! destroy such rodents by poisoning, hardly more than one person in ten knew how to read aud At the round-up Rut has enough They’ll come back—Ihe Thanea'II trapping or other appropriate and itl«l it gel half-wav down the well! Hulh stepped close to Ihe man In: right, th a t only within our own memory practically no stock to sell to meet her notes on the Dead IdUitern ranch* If h elH ie chair Her voice was clear and come an' glt me! They'll coop me effective means; and Negro or Indian could read or write, and that school atten d ­ NOW OO ON WITH 8TORY- WHEREAS gray digger ground up! Hurry along— glt Buck an' were not. then according to ihe I sharp. "You murderer!" ance was not compulsory anyw here in America, it seems Ann groaned and the Joints of throw a park saddle on him Run. squirrels (Cltellus douglaall) are Mexican who had reported his Suavely shrunk hack In hla chair noxious rod«o my Joints—with my first bottle be used for Ihe purposes of such cism. Most politicians are schem ers instead of thinkers. and sorting evidence, Ruth found since returning from the mall box hy myse'f no inure—I couldn't gtt | I went on a diet and lost 23 pounds extermination. Such poisoned bar and now feel like a new man." Ordinarily, she would have been herself with a clear, convincing him to go.” ley may lie secunx] from the under­ . To lose fat safely and quickly signed at hla office In Eugene. \ eltie P ruitt inform s us th a t fish which are spawned only mildly disturbed—the snakes picture of the whole plot. She "You didn't have lo murder l“ kB one half teaspoonful of Kru I.ane County. Oregon, at approxi­ knew as plainly as though a hund­ in the fall grow twice as large as those whose birth is in were gone thin time of year. him!" schen Halts In a glass of hot walai mately the cost of preparation Then Ruth’s heart stopped: a red Investigators had compiled the spring. We alw ays wondered why some folks were Date of first publication of thia "I hated him. I y„u! He done proofs for a hundred days that the few feet from the board fence large and others were small. Ilo ilo March 8. 1M4. wlml all people do—I hated him It at any drug store In America letter was a lie; that It was Snave- (Btgnedi O. H FLBTCHBR. around the old well lay a box. It like I Jiale all the rest. I got to he _ lr "«I Joyfully satisfied after Ihe County Agricultural Agent. lay as though It had been placed ly's final effort to get rid of bar. by mvse'f. I been alone since I was first hottie- money hack. IM 8-15-33 Equal rights for women in Russia seems to have earned on end against the fence; In im­ And Harry Harry was dead. His horn. Every man I ever knowed body lay under a pile of rubbish at them the privilege of ditch diggers along side the men. agination. Ruth saw her son stand­ tried to git somethin* off me. Every ---------- r - ------------ ing on tiptoe, leaning over the the bottom of the well . . . that was storekeeper tried to cheat me. why Snavely'-. pale eyes strayed Remember possession of hard liquor is still unlawful fence, hitching him self farther over there so often. Kvery ran« her tried to fence off to see better, losing his balance, —unless you have a permit. part of my land—every time I got She heard Suavely'» voice shout the box falling away as his feel n good thing somebody tried to get --------------- *--------------- March may come in like a lion and go out like a left its top. With a cry of anguish ing angrily for Ann. then the It nway ft»r his own se'f. T hat’s all thump of his hoots as he entered she ran to the box. stood It up. and iamb but H h different at EggiiiiHnn’R. You may come humans do! Their whole lives Is mounting, leaned over Ihe fence— the hoiis». “David." whispered Just spent trying to get something in feeling like a tired lamb but one of our refretdiing "David!" The name rang hollow­ Ruth. "Mama's going to trust you somebody else has g o t!” ly and died away. "D-a-vId—" With to do as she says: stay on the bed “Well?" demanded Ruth. drinks m akes you feel an fit hh a lion ready to go a moan. Ruth slipped from the box and don't be afraid—Mama'll In- "When I come here there w a s! back pretty soon." Holy Bibk” . . . . The next Instant, It seemed ahead with your work with renewed energy. and which con tains Four Great T r e u u res twenty thou-and acres of this ranch to her, Ann was helping her to her With the revolver In her hand an' the house was In the middle of feet. she stepped to the door, silently It. I couldn't see no fence which­ E gglm ann’g in the oldest inatltution of Ita kind "Ann! Ropes! bring rope» unlocked It. and stood with het ever a-way I looked I bought (his SOLOMON’S SHREWD PROVERBS in l^ine county. Everybody knows We m ake 'em like quick!” Ruth struggled to tree her­ left hand on the knob ranch. I could slay Jiere. I had my : Most of the Proverbs by Solomon could hardly be called self from the giantess' arms. "Let In the kitchen Snavely abruptly horses an' I had enough cattle to you like ’em. religious. They are the shrewd guide-posts to worldly me go! Oh, God. don’t let him be «■eased to upbraid Ann. and the keep me busy an' to feed me. | wisdom, by which a man may m ake his way through life In there— ” boots thumped across the porch bought tills ranch fair an' square. with m ost profit to himself and least discom fort to other "Now waft. Miss Ruth—wait— "By God, I'll show her who's—’’ Then a man comes with a paper people: The fear of the Lord Is the beginning of knowledge: W bara lbs Service i» D lttarsni but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a Just weight Is his delight. As a Jewel of gold In a sw ine’s snout, so Is a fair woman which is without discretion. The simple bclleveth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. Better Is a dinner of herbs where love Is. than a su ited ox and hatred therewith. He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. LIONS and LAMBS »BAkiUN SCHOOL DAYS Many of the phrases and sentences have entered into our common talk. Everybody knows them, but not every­ body knows where they originated. Go to the ant thou sluggard; consider bis ways, and be wise. Hope deferred maketh the heart tick. A soft answer lurneth away wrath; but grevlous words stir up anger. Where there Is no vision, the people perish. He that spareth his rod hateth his son. A man that hath friends must shew him self friendly. Wine Is a mocker, strong drink Is raging; and who­ soever is deceived thereby is not wise A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. Some of the wisent and most memorable observations iv e n e s 8 fOrt ‘ “ P° e t k " g " iS e’ Wh‘Ch addH t0 th e lr im Pr e 8 «- There be three things which are too wonderful’ for me. yea, four which I know not: The way of an eagle In the air; the way of a serpent upon rock; the way of a ship In the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid. For three things Ihe earth is dUqulted, and for four which It cannot bear: For a servant when he relgnelh; and a fool when he is filled with meat; For an odious woman when she Is married; and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress. These, latter selections are not Solomon’s, but come from a man named Agur, the son of Jakeh, about whom we Know nothing. E ggimann ’S