THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH1RTY-FIRHT YKAR HPRINOFIELD, LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1934 H I PASTOR TALKS A ‘ k MINSTREL SHOW holly Road Work ON WNH ATTITUDE SINGERS PLEASE Brute Strength Philosophies and Love Contrasted By Rev. Ristow at Gathering • THREE MORE New King and Queen of the Belgians Two-Mil* Section of Mohawk Cut-Off Remain* Unfinish­ Old Plantation Songs and ed; Linn Work ia Sought Portrayals of Darky Emo­ tions Applauded Here The Hprlngfleld Chamber ut Com SERMONS "M,rc* * “"** No. 8 POLITICAL AMS — j JJ w Grand Conductress, Grand Electa Make Annual Visit Chief Interest Now Lie* In To Local Group Tuesday Office* of Representative, Governor, Commissioner A series ut social and business b"ow w,'x Unn »esatoas held here Tuesday mark­ Musician membara of tha ChrUt | county court baa not yat completed ed the official visitation to Cascade GOV. MEIER TALK COMING Ian church surprised thalr fallow I ha grading or I ha (Inal two mile« I Visiting Speaker to Discuss of th . Holly cut off ro u t, ever tfce I chapter. O. E. 8. of Mrs. Inex Ola- h" * 1T ““ d* x • ” n,n« layer, grand conductress of Oregon. Severa! Local Offices Wlll Difference Between Secu- Mubawk rM„ between Marcóla I whan they blacked up I hair feces A covered dish luncheon for the and presented a real negro musical Not Be Conteeted Until lar and Sacred at Meet and Holly Mainbera of that organ! 13 local officers and past matrons satioa In thalr monthly mealing ,bow 10 ,b r" “ “ W ba* Fall General Election waa held * t the lodge home Tues­ surprised the large audience, near ■'The World to day ta an armad laat night luatructad thalr secret day noon b ou.'lng the visitor. At Political ambitions which have camp; t bar a ara mora mau uudar ary to draft a latter of Inquiry to ly a full auditorium, was the ef­ 2 o'clock. Mrs. Glaisysr held a been smouldering for months and arma lu Kuropa today than thara the Lana county court with a re­ fective and convincing manner In school of Instruction for the local even year* are beginning to he »ara In August 1914 Thara la a quest that w m s effort he made tu | which the players aud singers dis­ group. guised themselves as well as their | heard from n o * as the period be­ aartoua talk of war batwa <• «ala open thia route »oou Preceding the evening business fore the primary election In May voices. aud Japan, Europe la ero a_ 'th I-ant a u miner II waa reported that meeting the regular monthly pot­ draw* closer dictatorship* America la ç ' | aume arrangement had been made The players, representing the luck dinner was held at 9:30. Lane county will not have very pblcally laolatad. far from t Christian church choir member-) f with the I.Inn county body to com many offices to fill this year and tlcal areas, yet seem, to fee. hl((,|Way ship, chose old Cabin Home Min During the evening meeting Mr uwd of 100 new battleship. Ye. 4 .cb Would up . „#w #|M, strela by Adams as their vehicle J Ulalsyer made her official Inspec­ interest in candidates contests Is only slitern years after a grai J tion at a large gathering which will probably develop along parti­ route to the Hantlam country and made several changes to meet BRUMHELR Belgium . . . H i* supreme hoar of being declared world 'war to end war.' Yet the Included Mrs. Leona Ragen, Grand san lines. Starting at home, la vork was done but about two local condition* and the ability ofj Lawpolil I I I , King of the Belgians,” tempered by on agonizing world has possessed the Uospel for k Electa, M r*. Sam Bond, worthy ma- 8pringfleld there will be little local local talent. Rev. Veltle Pruitt J iprief at the sudden and tragic death of bis father, Albert I, killed main unfinished . tron of Evangeline chapter; Mrs political excitement until after the 1900 years." pastor of the church and music! In a mountain fall, ha* further endeared the former Crown prince * ounty ba* completed the to bis people and today he has an entire nation’s sympathy and support. These were some of the opening Angle Bond, worthy matron of Blue primary election. Only a little In­ teacher, directed the show and also grad ug ou this side of the county Top photo, a most recent picture of the new King, Ixvipold I I I aad bis statements made laat night by Ke*. River chapter; and R. 8. Bryson terest I* expected after that de­ played the part of Unc'l Toby the' line and la holding off graveling Queen, who waa Oown Princeaa Astrid. Inserts; the late King Albert I ('sell F. Htslow. pastor of the worthy patron of Evangeline chap­ spite the fact that thia year two leading darkey role, very well. aad portrait of Leopold I I I . the upper end until they are as­ Mrs W 1». Tyson as "Aunt Dllly" I Methodist church In Kugeue. who ter, all of Eugene, besides many councilman, a recorder, aad city sured that the road will be opened. treasurer are to be elected. A t pres­ other visitors. ts conducting a series of guapel the obi solored mammy, was very The Dollar lumber compauy ba* ent U seesu doubtful whether or services at the Hprlngfleld Metho­ realistic In her actions and sing- j - Following the business meeting dist church thia week. Ills sermon extensive timber holdings on the Ing. She played the leading role I , the elective officers of Cascade not there will be any changes made Locally the school election to he last ulgbt was In answer to the U n n county aide of the divide and In the performance opposite Mr. j chapter and the state officer were question. Why do we still have war Is anxious to *ee this route opened Pruitt. guests at a chop suey dinner at held this spring haa possibilities after 300 years of Christianity and both a* a possible timber cutting the borne of Mrs. E. E. Fraederick, of developing real Interest. Dr. W. Other leading characters were If paganism makes Its final appeal advantage and for more adequate Lily Vl'let, M arjorie Mushier; Op­ i past worthy matron at whose home H. Pollard will conclude a Ion* per­ fire protection. to physical force. In what does Mrs. Glatsyer was a house guest iod of years of service to the helia. Pearl Helterbrand; 81*' Des- schools of the city, and may or Christianity trust? The t hamber of Commerce ubo lnllB<.nt of bla pl“yer" a«’Pear- d “ Mrs. W. H. Pollard will entertain thing It wishes to attain, and It week from Gooding College al Wes ._ ner will precede the monthly busl- score prize was won by Miss Doris many friends. Rufus Holman, stats leyan. Idaho, stating that the school d 7 ^ e Îe n ta « , 'a n d bx »nd Inland Chase. John Patterson in the telephone Thursday at 12:30 p. m. (P. 8. T .) considerable political smoke waa discussing the determination of our Maids of March" party which «he J “ " h. m t ° v, ' building in Eugene. The classes as a part of the U. 8. Department the announcement that W illis C. destiny and whether or not man Girls League of Springfield high J"? BEAUTY SALON OFFERS which met every Wednesday night of Agriculture “Western Farm and Hawley would not seek election as can be loyal to more than one school will sponsor for all girls of ,, ' rHnb SENIOR GIRL PRIZE were sponsored by the Obsidian Home Hour." congressman from the first district. Ideal. iHsx s . h ^ i „«si 4V. I tu u I Member« of the committee o tN IU K U IK L K K ir t the achool and their mother« h ave1 ... . . .. . .. . . , _______ club. James Mott, Incumbent; and J. Services Close Sunday wi^h to thank those who as«i«ted H. Devers. Salem, have both an­ senior girl at Springfield The Bunday evening service boon made and group* are now at In the party PROGRESSIVE DEGREE Prizes at bridge were won first ! h,* h sdho01 wlth ,he bef" Krn . . . . . . . P*’«’ »’ for "BOO.” Second and third TAYLOR HALL TONIGHT Mrs. Mamie Richmond, and Mrs. prizes were won by Mrs. Mrs, D aisy' M r*' Abble I’«™0” » gave demon- named captain of the team. musical programs are arranged CHANGE MADE IN CHURCH , prises Clarine Putman "are on the enter stratlons of benuty work at the each evening by groups from the COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP «’lover and Mrs. Ray Nott. Mrs An Illustrated lecture will he a Semi-monthly meeting of the tatnment committee. Rosa Montgomery received the cob - Tu<>,’da>' »secmhly. church choir of 76 voices. feature of the next meeting to be Springfield American Legion post Rev Poindexter will preach on Mrs. E. A. Cole was named chair- solation prtxe. held March 21. number 40 will be held tonight at Haa Birthday Dinner the subject “He That Hath This man of the Church Night commit­ A chair prlie went to Miss Max­ KENSINGTON CHANGES Taylor hall. The meeting will be Hope" at the morning services at tee of tho Christian church laat ine Swarts. Two door prlxes were Mrs. E. A. Cole entertained at preceded by a potluck supper at AU TO M O BILES COLLIDE PLACE FOR MEETING the church Sunday. The regular Thursday at the weekly potluck won by Mrs John Sankey and Mrs. The front left fender of her auto- the Cole home last Thursday even­ 6:30 o'clock according to Oswald Bunday school and Blblo clauses dinner gathering replacing Mra. George Prochnow. Miss Crystal The one o'clock luncheon to be mob',to wc bent and the lighter ing with a birthday dinner honor­ Olson, adjutant. will be held at 9:46. A Fem e Richards, resigned. W illiam Bryan received a pride because her sponsored by the Kensington club automobile heln>; driven by Frances ing her husband and Beryl Thomas. Cox and Owen Thomas were re­ score numbers were nearest those Friday has been changed from the Gates of Cf ’swell was more badly The evening was spent with an In- Our Gang Club Meets Expected Home— Mrs. Elsie Poll­ appointed members of the commit­ of the troop number. 24. basement of the Methodist church damaged here Friday evening formal musical program, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Page enter­ ard and Infant child are expected tee. 1 1 1 1 Teddy and Peggy W right, and lla to the Marigold tea room In Eu­ when machines driven by Mrs. O. ] tained at their home Friday even­ to return from the Nelson Mater­ D. E. Ferguson and Dallas M ur­ and Roberta Putman, all members gene. Mrs. W K. Barnell. Mrs. W. H. Jarrett and Mr. Gate« collided Visits Father—Mrs. Helen Knight ing for members of Our Gang dlub nity home In Eugene this week-end, phy were named members of the of the troop, assisted with the serv­ E. Buell, and Mrs. A. J. Morgan at Fifth and "B" streets. No phy-1 of San Francisco Is here visiting I of the Methodist church. About 49 steal Injuriea resulted. 1 with her father. Tax Knight. 1 persons attended. probably on Friday. pulpit supply committee. ing. are the boateaeea. STUDENTS WORK LIONS WILL START ON H.S. FUN SHOW SALE OF TICKETS SPORISMEN FORM