THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 1M4 THE SFmNQFMLD W W i PAGE FOUR FLOOD SURVEY IN liFLANE FINISHED STATE GROUP TO BACK SALES TAX Eight Valley Counties Per­ fect Flood Control Organi­ zation at Albany Tuesday Diversified Croup of Leaders Unite to Support Sales Tax To Protect Schools GARBO PERSONALITY DOMINATES PICTURE Directing Army Flying of the . "Qusen C h ristin a’’ F ea tu re * »wed Ish Actress at McDonald Thtatr* On Bunday The role that Greta Garbo por- ! trays In her new MeireGoldwytt Mayer starring picture. "Queen Christina," which come Sunday io the Mi lkmaid tlu iitie. Is similar III many respects Io Iter own glamor ous personality. Critics are ui auluious lu the opinion that the picture affords ! Garbo the greatest characterisation she has yet cs»ayed. Garbo had the story ot "Queeu Christina In mind for several . years Slid explored deeply ill Slock holm archives durlug Iter recent visit to Sweden to study the char after she was vailed upon to play. Queen Christina has been de­ scribed as a seveuteetilh century woman who lived a twentieth celt lury life On the throne she was a spectacular figure She disdained lhe finery of feminism for (he more mannish garb of her military rank and harassed her palace advisers through her uticouveiilloual Inter­ ludes. II is during an Incognito Jour­ ney that she m eets a handsome Spanish envoy, portrayed by John Gllberl. and permits herself io fall madly In love with him When he flually reaches the royal eourl to seek diplomatic favor, he Is utuatvd to see the girl he had met sillin g on (lie throne Christina was a woman who might have lived io day. so modern were her views and modes of living She was a ruler and a soldier Not until she fell In love did she startle her court with her fondness for gorgeous rloihlng and Jewels. The picture, directed by Roubett Mamnullan, has a cast that In eludes, beside. Gllberl. tan Keith Lewis Stone. Elisabeth Young. C Aubrey Smith. Reginald Owen. Georges Renevenl. David Torrence. Gustav Von Svyffertlta anti Ferd Inand Mu tiler. Formation of a sta tew id e com Final work on the detailed flood m ittee of leaders in ail walks of damage report of the W illamette lifts for the purpose of combatting Flood Control Association is being the campaign being waged against completed this week with the ex the sale, tax adopted at the last ceptlon that the facts and pictures session o( the legislature was an­ contained therein will soon be on nounced from Portland this morn their way to Washington, D C. Ing where they will be used In an ef fort to Impress upon the present Paul T Shaw, chairman of the administration the necessity of committee, is a representative ot flood and erosion control work in the SHtaw Supply company at Port- this vicinity. ; land Dr. Harry F Titus. former chairman of the Eugene school j The report will show an esti­ NEW YORK . . . Aa inspiring mated damage from these two ' board. Is Lane county's represents- | »»on ahead. b rin ging w ith causes of »1.077.000. Benton, Linn. S p rm - tive on the committee. Representa­ it m ai > iivw bonnets which inelndew Marion. Polk. Yamhill, and Clack­ those i ft the tnee models, causes tive* from other conntle Include amas counties all have estimate» fem inine thoughts to turn to attract* many farmers, dairymen, sheep W A S H IN G T O N . . . Above are the H ig h t oltkers m a k in g up the ranging downward from that of this tive coiffures. The beautifu l E lisa growers, bankers, and others in General Staff in command o f the Army ’a job o f carrying the air mail under the order of P os tm as te r G e n e ra l Karley They took over the job on county where there exist three both Allen, screen favorite, in now terested In school work. F>b. lWth. No. 1, B r ig Gen. Oaear Westover, in c harg e o f A rm y t'o rp a pricipal sources of damage, the W il­ >}• *ix, this entrancing wind "The new sales lax Can solve the mail operations with head»,uai ter» here. No 2, Maj Ityron vj Jones. Mow t) w;tve lam ette and McKenzie rivers, and. grave financial problems that con Eastern d ivision , Newark, N J . N o , t o I 11 »»nice M H ic k m a n . Central the Long Tom bask These latter NEW YORK MAN FINDS front every one of Oregon's 2200 division, Chiaaga; No. 4. L ie u t C ol Henry M Arnold, Pncifte dmtion, counties have already started work OBJECTION TO EDITORIAL elementary school district t..! m g on m a il at Newark. It can S a lt Lake City. Insert* Army , on the preparation of reports sim i­ _______ keep our 200.00« boys and girls at lar to the Lane county one being Committee for Self-Containment their studies and in school safe compiled by H. E. Maxey, presi­ Cashing-In on Fourth Largest Diamond Of America W rites Criticism frm the tem ptations and destruc dent of the flood association He O f A ttitud e O f News Uve irresponsibilities that can so has been assisted by T O. Russell. _______ easily attend enforced Idlene a. ! CWA engineer, and residents in Proof that the Springfield News says Mr Shaw various parts of the county. circulation extends far and wide “It can stop the ever growing Following the start made in this and that it is read carefully was and long list of schools that are al county the other counties men- t . n . In “th e con,aine<’ ,n a l<,tter received this n ,ady closed. or tire closing, or tinned have joined Lane In the _ _ „ v « . __ ... a . h u . . ___... week from James W. Girard of >4obrtenlng their terms dangerously formation of a larger W lllahette New Aork. tn eTery section of Oregon. Valley Flood Control assosfatlon Mr. Girard, former ambassador Although the elem entary schools County Judge. D. O. Woodworth of Linn county was elected president g u |e > |hp Wor,d war * have already reduced their current of the association Tue day. with no< chalrman of com m ittee «P endH ures by more than »3.500, Judge Fred Flsk of l-ane county as ff>r Americ, s , , f.CMUlnHl He 000 this last year; they are at th­ vice-president. T. O. Russell, na ends of their financial ropes read the editorial. “A Self-Con­ tional know:- engineer, at present tained Nation. " which appeared In Teachers' salaries have been re CWA engineer for this portion of ,he N er H«'«’”"*" a '"< chauffeur _______ permits. They also weigh the Nine tables were in play at a ’rucks for overweight loads. bridge party Monday evening at --------------------------- the home of Mrs. L. C. Moffitt CHANCE ARMORY PLANS when Mrs. Moffitt and Mrs. Larson NO CEILING PLASTER Wright entertained for a number of their friends. High score prize A mtxup In Instructions for the went to Mrs. Carl Olson, and the work at the Springfield armory last second prize to Mrs. Elvln May. week resulted ln a crew of lathers and plasters nailing lath on a good- portion of the celling on the lower floor. The work was stopped The W altervllle Ladies' Aid so­ ciety sponsored a party at W alter­ however, and the lath removed. vllle < hurch Friday evening with Thf‘ c,’t'lnK* >” building are to I their hottsbands as honor guests. be covered with panel,« of veneer Beginning with potluck dinner al wood. Pies That Make Pleasant Sur(n ises McKenzie Valley cHRi&rinn I The glamorous romance that I brings the one and only) I Garbo back to the screen! With John G ilbert — Ian Keith Lewis Stone — Elizabeth Young • Plus - "COMING OUT PARTY” —The Low -Down on the Debutante Racket: FRANCES DEE GENE RAYM OND Chriatian Church Singara to Give Show at Grova Mon­ day: Hara on Tuaaday Members of the choir of the I'lirisllan chinch will pteaeul a negro uilnatri'l show in song al ths high school uudiiiiriuui Tuesday lovulng at 7:45 under Ills dirs« Golt of Re». Veltle I’rulti Rehear sills fur thu piiwluctluu have been under way si the church for several nninlhs. amt tegular practices are heltig held every Bight (his week The entire choir will participate In the show. They will ell be black "d for Hie occasion and some very reallallc negro characters have been developed lu the group say those who have watched the re­ hearsals Mrs. W I* Tyson ’I»* old "Maiiuiiy ' ha the leading role and Is sttpporled by Veltle Prultl In the leading male role Many other* In llie church have been assigned In­ dividual parts and the others sing in the chorus. The cast will go to Collage Grove Monday nlgbl Io present their work as a preliminary Io the performance In this city. W. C. T. U HAS PATRIOTIC PROCRAM ON TUESDAY Tlte birthdays of Washington and Lincoln ami Frances Willard were oliservetl willi a patriotic program al Ihn monthly meeting of the Hpringfleld W C. T U unit held Tuesday afternoon al 2 30 al the bottle of Mrs E 0 I’rlvst. Six teeu persons attended The W. C. T V Is now launch Ing an educational campaign against the une of alcoholic liquors ANNUAL SCOUT CIRCUS DATE SET APRIL 28 April 28 has been eel al the date fur the annual Boy Reout cirrus of the Walamet council Including Linn. I.lncoln. Ben lo ti and Ijtne counties. Approximately 700 boy scouts will participate Committee« for the cirrus have already slgrted work. NEW MEMBERS NAMED ON STUDENT COUNCIL t'liarllne Fish was selected sen lor repre lentatlvv. and Joanne Seavey, Junior representative on the Springfield high school stu­ dent council last week They suc­ ceed Juanita Beamon, junior re proscntatlve, and Dorihy Rice, sen­ ior, both of whom have served a full year on the Council beforo re signing NOTICE TO CREOITORB Notice Is hereby given that the u-derslgned. Elmer Strand, bus been appointed administrator of ill .-state of Jennie Strand, late of Eugene. Oregon All persons having claims ngainst said estate should present the same duly veri­ fied to said administrator at Ibe office of S D Allen. 877 Wiliam e lle street, Eugene. Oregon, within six months of the date of this no- im - Iin ti.l Mar I. 1934. ELMER STRAND. Adrolnis trator 8. D. ALLEN. Attorney for Relate. (M 1 8-15-22 29) • 1 i'. I ‘y G:30 at which 57 guests were seat­ IE is always a wslcome dessert— and doubly welcome with a his- ed. The entire evening was pleas­ Class Has Party cioua “surprise” filling. Serve one antly -pent. Mrs. Ralph Clark was M -rubers of Mrs. A. B. Van Val- ! t-hsee pies some day soon Guests will in charge of the games. , i angle for another invitation to dinner Born to Mrs. Jean Barreau. New xah t Sunday School class al the and tbe fsmllv will give you three musing cheers. York City, a daughter, Feb 23 Mrs Methodist church held one of their Santiago Chocolate Pnddlng Barreau Is a daughter of Mrs. W morthly social gatherings Tuesday 3 squares unsweetened cliocolr.te C. Thienes, Deerhora. evening at the home of their teach- 3% cups milk Charles Jack has moved from 1 ff- Games, stunt« and refresh- % cup sugar 44 cup sifted cake flu...* Camp Creek to their Deerhorn ¡ menta were enjoyed % teaspoon salt 1 ♦_______ - place. 1 egg or 2 egg yolk « , »: New residents in the Leaburg 2 tableapoone buiti-r H i teaspo ons v a n illa district Is the Miller family. 1 baked 9-inrh pie »hell A patriotic program was given Mr. and Mrs. John Lucy from H cup cream, whipped and »•■ ’at­ ened at Deerhorn school Friday P. M j McMinnville motored up to Thurs *4 cup chopped raisins nr dates Mrs. Fred W illiams, Jr., was ton Saturday evening to Mrs. 14 cu p b ro k e n n u t m e a ts i hostess to a group of her friends Lucy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Add chocolate to milk and heat ln at her Leaburg home Friday P M t ter Edmlston. Mr. Lucy returned double boiler. When chocolate is melted, beat with rotary egg beater The afternoon was devoted to 500. home Sunday, Mrs. Lucy returned until blended. Combine sugar, flour Mrs. Irene Crow won high honors, J home Wednesday and sa lt; add small amount of choco­ - Mrs. Francis Elston consolation I Miss Mildred Price, who is teach- late mixture, stirring until smooth; return to double boiler and cook until Mrs. Royal Glck and Mrs. Crow as- ing at The Dalles, spent the past thickened, stirring constantly. Then j -dated the hostess. week-end with her parents here, continue cooking 10 mlnutee, stirring occasionally. Add «mall amount of Claude Campbell’s twentieth Mr. and Mrs. John Price, mixture to egg, stirring vigorously; birthday was the occasion of a sur- Mrs. Beulah Harbit who has been return to double boiler and cook 2 prise party at the home of his par- an Invalid for past nine years had uiautea longer, stirring constantly, ’.amove from boiling water; add Out­ I ent Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Campbell. J the misfortune to fall from her! er u d vanilla. Cool slightly and turn ¡Twenty guests besides members of win el chair last Wednesday serl nto pie shell. Chill. Before serving, jvor with sweetened whipped cream the family attended. ously injuring herself. > which reís ns ur doles and nuts Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elston have Mrs Helen Peterson and son of ■ave been added. j returned home with their son, Mar Salem are here helping care for j Vault) Fair Coeoaut fusiard Pie vln, who was so seriously Injured her mother. Mrs. Beulah Harbit. Pie cruel 3 eggs, s lig h tly Oeatvu when struck by a falling tree six Arch Shough who has been here '4 toespuor. salt weeks ago. Marvin Is steadily lm- j with his family for som etim e left *4 oup eu g a r proving now but Is not yet allowed Last Saturday for eastern Oregon 3 oure milk, scalded I cup ahre.ld.-d coc. 6ut caller*. I where he has employment. P Q ueen j CHDID10 OFFED NEGRO MINSTREL Thurston Line pie plate with pastry, rolled to 14-lnch thickness, allowing pastry to extend 1 Inch beyond edge. Fit loose­ of ly on plate. Fold edge beck to form standing rim and flute with Angers. Combine eggs, salt, snd sugar; add milk gradually, then add coconut, at.d mix thoroughly. Pour Into pie shell, i Bake In hot ov en <400* F .) 15 mtnutee i then deereaae heat to moderate <3Wr F.) and bake 20 minutes longer. CooL I ’eaeh Pie 1 package o mge-flavored gelatin 1*4 cupa peach Juice and water 2% cups canned sliced peaches, drained Special $49-50 1 baked 9-inch pie shell Dissolve gelatin In warm peach juice and water. Add peaches Chill. When sllghtiy thickened, turn Into cold pie shell Chill until Arm. Her vs with whipped cream. Chocolate Created Custard PI* H recipe Pie Crust To her ,M im in g tatlon uh nhe give much credit for her repu "the beat cook In the neighborhood.” Such u record for u range! and there are 3 eggs, slightly beaten H teaspoon salt *4 cup eugar 3 cups milk, scalded the atory of high-quality m aterials, careful w ork­ 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 square unsweetened chocolate, manship, and m anufacturing integrity to a con­ melted 3 tablespoon« hot water 2 tablespoons sugar Lins a deep l-inch pie plats with pastry, rolled to Mi-Inch thickness Combine egge, salt, and uigar. Add milk, stirring constantly. Theo add vanilla. Pour Into pie «hell Rake in hot oven (4A0*P.) 18 mlnutee. ihsn ae- crease heat to m oderate O AffP.l and , bake 30 mlnutee longer, or until knl’e Inserted oom ee out clean. Combtne chocolate, water. an< eugar, and blend. Pour over pie Alling, place in slow oven i300*F.), and bake 7 in 10 minutes longer, or until choco­ late Is ssL Cool. thouaandH of Montag Range« In the Went telling stantly widening circle of good W eatern coolta. Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — R A D IO S _ PAINT