THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1H4 THB 8PR1NQFU0LD N«WM PAGR T H R U T-"" ROOSEVELT INVITED TO JUBILEE PROGRAM £ •alvao Democrats became adher ents of the Republican party la the course of the next few years. DEMIIME H FOR HOG GROWERS Governor Julius I,. Meier ha« In Some uf theae old-timers say, the «Itoli l'roaldoiit Helan* Hooaevelt Republican party Is In the same anil III« party Including Hecretary Flah Tuaaday - Charlo« Kggl- fix. The “Old Guard" Is complete­ Visitor Saturday—Clifford Harris ni Agrl.ulture 11 »nr y A. Wallace. In tuann «pont Tuo day fishing north- uf McKenzie Bridge waa a visitor I ly discredited The public believes viali Oregon and Medford during wo t uf Eugonr. I that too many men got rich be State Officials Expect Word In Bprlngfleld Saturday. (ho Oregon Hlaniiiud Jubilee Cele ' cause of ihelr political affiliations To Close Application* for hratlon to bo hold at Medford Vialta at Salam— Mt»a Maalin* Ill at Moms— W It Fltta la re ’ or that too many rich men had the Benefits; Many Signed Juno 8-9 NOTICI TO CREDITOR* Hwarta «pont Hi.turdny vlaltlni with ported to bo quit« III at hla homo > I ray In the party's affairs. Any new In Weal »Springfield ) Washington. Mar. 1—As the year In part, Governor M.der'a Invita frlonda at Bulem. Nofleo la hnrohy «Ivon that Irono So prompt has been the response political lineup must leave the “Old Kwoaoy haa boon appointed oxecu tlon follow*: “Our alat» I.natala wears on toward tho general of Oregon hog producers to the Laavaa for California Mra. W, Irli uf the will and oatato uf Frati livo Assembly haa officially dealg- At Coburg Miss U anda Lowry M|>vtloa next November, at which Guard" out completely. In the pool II Chamberlin, lato uf lauto coun­ tiatnd Iho city of Mwlturd mal II Adrian loft Baturday fur Lo» Is spending tho week at her home I B¥ery meBlber , h. Huu.o of - tlon that the Gold Democrats were corn-hog production control pro­ ty. tlrogiin All paranna having In forty years ago come next Presi­ gram that half the estimated num­ Angola* tu «ponti «utu- timo viali- at Coburg because uf Illness. - Representative» must gu before claim« again«! aald oatato aliould i Jnrkwm County, Oregon. aa boat« ber of contracta tn this state have dential election. liig with bor «later. present tho «ame duly verlflod to fur Oregon’a Diamond Jubilo« volo Oo to Coast P. J Bartholomew ,h * *®Ura a,,d «•»* third of already been signed, according to the aald executrix at the office or bratto» Carrier V acations Orson Vaughn and Fred Buell made a business •*”’ Senators find them selves fac-1 The opposition to the revolution compilation of reports by H. A. H l> Allon. huKune, Ortnioii, with .... « « ... , , III ala month« from the first pub l"’b“ lf uf ,h " p*'upl” ul Or* *,M’h " »m allon tho first uf the trip to the coast at Florence Tuea-1 ,h * "a,ne urgent necessity, poll- ary program of the Administration Lindgren, extension livestock spe­ tlca In tta more practical a sp ects' to be effective, must be built on cialists at Oregon State college, llcatlon of thia notice, which la **’" "*uy 1 " Ml,,,d F °u alld M r" week, lo lloy Nico «ubstllulod fur day. Kebrunry 16, 1*94. I I chhspyp II u moni cordial Invitation mm. becomes more and more engross new lines that will admit anyone. who Is chairman of the committee Visiting Sister— Mrs. T H Tay Ing. IRRNK HWRZRY, Kxpcutrli. to viali our alate and to participate j whether he haa previously called In this state. H D A L I M Attorney fur oatato. ()(lr j u,,|,P„ Visite et Roseburg— Mias Jeanine I |or of Portland Is visiting In Hprlng The administration Is lending a him self a Democrat. a Republican 1 Noodloaa to nay, It would givo gg I Wither» «pint the w eekend at field with her slater. Mra. P. J helping hand to Its Democratic sup | or a Progressive Independent. The A warning to farmers against de­ the greatest of pleasure to have the I M«aehurg wh*-re she visited with Bartholomew, porter* In the I-ower House, fiat- name "Republican" will have to be lay lo signing Is given by Mr. Lind­ SUM M O N* privilege of enlertulnlng aa our '*r' a,,d Mr«. <-. 0 . Van Valsati, gren as be expects soon to bear of urally, Mr. Roosevelt doesn't w a n t1 discarded, theae folks tay. IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF T IIK . Move To Eugene— Mr and Mrs. a dosin g date being established by to have any of hla legislation de ; HTATK OF OltKGON FOR LANE *"**'•• Nation a Chief Kxecu Vielt at Corvallis— Mr. and Mr Carrol Adams moved to Eugene Looking to Mid-West Washington so as to make way for COUNTY. ; Uve and hla party. The entire state Itiley Hnodgrasa apeat Bunday at feated In the House Hut llkewlse Saturday where they will make Those who feel that way. and the fust developing dairy produc­ MARIK PKTTKWAY, Plaintiff - vs • would uulle In doing everything w,lh Mr alld he does not want to throw any Ihelr home In the future. among them are some who are al­ tion control program. Lindgren WALTER HAY I'ETTEWAY, Oe- possible to make your visit a happy stumbling blocks In the way of Mra. Charlea Horry. fondant. ways factors to be reckoned with points out that many farmers wait and Interesting one." Librarian III—Mrs D, B Balts loyal Democratic members who To Waller Itay Petleway, the above Mayor Leaves — W P. Tyaon. man, Bprlngfleld librarian, haa feel that to vote with the Admlnls In national politics, are looking ed to long during the wheat cam­ Hecretary Wallace waa particu­ named defendant. larly Invited to be pr«eeut on Springfield Mayor, left Tuesday for been III for several days. Miss Faye tratlon might endanger their chan away from the two coasts for lead­ paign last year and either were You are hereby required to ap Grange l»ay In connection wllb the the southern part of the stale to Par «on» baa been taking her place cea of re-election In their home dis- ership and trying to find a figure left out entirely or had to go to 1« ar and auawer the complaint filed In the Middle West, somewhere considerable Inconvenience to pre­ Inspect C. W. A. projects. He plan at the Library. Jubilee. again*! you In the above entitled trlcts. Bo the word has been passed between Pittsburgh and Denver, pare all the necessary supporting court and cause on or before the ned Io be gone the rest of the week out that all members are free to data of the last publication of thia Portland People Visit— Mr and vote as they please on any mea­ who can be put forward aa a sym­ evidence In time to be Included In summons upon you. to-wlt on ur lie- MEIER TO BROADCAST Son Born— Hr. and Mrs. F. L. Mrs. Paul Long of Portland spent bol around which to rally those the list eligible for benefit pay­ tore the 1st day of March 1934, and Wilkes of Wendling arc the par­ the week end here vivltlng with sure so long as they see to It tha, who dislike the present drift of ments. MESSAGE SATURDAY It you fall ao Io appear and answer, ents of a beby son born to them at Ihelr sou In-law and daughter, Mr. not enough of them vote in oppo­ things. Borne of the names sug­ the pla|ntlff will apply to the court sition to put the President in a Papers to P rin t Lists gested and seriously discussed are Governor Julius L Meier will g o ' « “«•»«' h<* | Ital on Friday. und Mrs Floyd Hloxhum. and lake a decree against you for hole. A check tip the middle of Febru­ t h o s e of Senator LaFollette of Wle- ‘•‘• J * 1*** pray,’d ,or ' • aa,d co,n “ » the air Balurdav night when h e, February 23, 1934. “Vote the way that will do you plaint Teacher Returns — Miss Mury conaln, and his brother Governor ary showed that there had been HO deliver. Ike first of h l. radio mas Mov, Eufl, „ ,_ M Mr. r and und Mr. Elizabeth Whitney returned to her the most good with your constitu­ Thia suit Is brought to recover a I*aFolletle of the same state; Sen­ community meetings and 124 sign­ sa g e, to the people of the state Mr „ „ decree dissolving the bonds of mat­ Mr. and cluases at Bprlngfleld high school ents next fall," Is the message they ator Gerald Nye of North Dakota, up m eetings held at that time. on the work of his administration. rimony now and heretofore existing Lyle Montgomery moved from this week following an illness of have all received. This is expected and Senator George W. Norris of County agents estim ates Indicate bet won yourself and plaintiff Marie The message will he released over to result in an apparently strong P elt,w ay, and such further relief stations KBX and KGW from Port­ Bprlngfleld to Banta Clara Satur­ several days. . Nebraska. To those who object to that Oregon will have a total of day. sentim ent among Representatives as may he proper In the premises. Many Attend Dinner— Nearly 70 for more favorable action in re­ those namea as having rather too around 7500 contracts in this cam This «unions Is served upon you land between the hours of 9:30 radical a connotation, the namea of palgn. Named Administrator — Philip persons attended the chicken din­ by publication thereof In The j a,,d 10 P- gard to the aoldlers’ bonus, for ex­ Senator Borah of Idaho and Sena­ Haul has been appointed adminis­ ner which members of the cooking Bprlngfleld News, under and by vlr- - —.. Information on production and ample. Members from districts lue of an order made and entered n i l l i u r i r n / ' u c p a i i c tor Arthur Capper of Kansas are trator for the will of his father, the club of the Christian church held herein on the 29th day of January D U L l H E A D A C H E G O N E other figures from corn and hog where the veterans' vote is well offered. late Anthony Be ul. The proporty Is at Taylor hall Friday noon Pro­ producers who sign the production organized will feel free to vote for 1934. by Ihe Hon 0 F. Bklpworth SIMPLE REMEDY DOES IT valu. d at *4.000. ceeds were turned Into the cbnrch more liberal treatment of the ex- Judge of the above entitled court. So far this is mostly talk, but out reduction agreement offered under requiring publication thereof In aald „ . . . . fund. service men. first cautiously mak­ of It may come conclusions as to the AAA ts to be published tn the The Bprlngfleld N ew , for the per „ ” "ada‘ b"a bY conatlpa Loaves Hospital— Roy Brew er lod of once each week for four con *? " • ,*n,,r ®"? d7 ® ®f Ad has been discharged fr m the Pa preach«» In Eugen >—Rev. K. E. ing certain that there are enough JUMt w*>at sort of leadership the newspapers of the counties. It ts aecutlva and surer»«! ve weks 17 « > • * ’»• • » P®»«®«« °»*> clflc hospital In Eugene where he' n o|B[li> pastor of the Baptist votes that will be cast on the other people who prixe the rights of the announced by Washington AAA of­ The date of the first publication i "f. B,,T? 1 and lo" » r b«w el. Individual above the rights of the ficials. thereof Is Feb 1st 1934 sod the i,,r ®a better sleep, ends nervous- has been convalescing for several church, conducted the fellowship side so that their apparent defec­ Government might be willing to ac­ tion will not result In anything the weeks following an Illness date of (he last publication thereof ! Ftuurry * Drug Store service at the Sunset home Chapel Published information will In­ cept. and what sort of a program wll be March 1st. 1934 In Eugene Sunday afternoon at 3 president doesn't like being done. clude total acreage of farms under Haa Operation— Mrs. M H Hunt or statem ent of policy could be WM W HARCOMIIK. Attorney That is merely one phase of prac­ o’clock. Musicians from the local NOTICE TO CREDITORS contract, annual average corn acre­ ly la recovering at the Pacific Hos­ for Plaintiff I* O. Adre«« 301 tical politics, as it is played In framed that would appeal to age for 1932-33. annual average church also provided musical num Notice Is hereby given that the Tiffany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon pital In Eugene from a mujor oper enough of that sort of people to hers. Tho home is an Interdeno- j W'ashlngton. It doesn't mean a undersigned has been appointed IF I I I S M - « I) start som ething moving toward the number of litters farrowed and hogs Administrator of the eetate of An­ allon which she underwent on Fri mlnatlonal home for the aged. thing except that the gentlemen In formation of a new political party. produced for market from these lit­ thony Kaul. deceased, and has duly d“Y- Has Dinner Party Mr and M rs., Co"Kre«s want to stay tn Congress. ters for 1932-33. and the number of qualified as such. All persons bar-j Mrs. Lucy Robbins Uluk entertained with a din- and lf ,hey can *et re-elected by Ing claims against said estate are Slater Die contracted acres. hereby roqutred to present such and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith went ner pBri y at her home Sunday making every class of voters in Wooden Sign Lasts 23 Years Decision as to the manner of pub­ claim« duly verified with proper Vernonia Friday to attend th e' , h o n o r of o f the t h e twenty-1 t w e n t y -I ,h ‘'lr respective districts think they __ . honor lication, allocation among news­ DR. 0. A. BROWN vouchers attached, to the u n d er-', . , , . D a A wooden sign board that has ftlllt* r u l (O r M m H o U O IIIM s l s t c v r , | | fifth g |F « 9 , t birthday * ls * t)> /4 x s v o n u ir ■(>■■ n jiir n r Slgne.| St Ihe office of I M Peter i fu"**r“1 ,Or Mr* R"bbln"' of r i their son. Edgar. ha»e “ >®‘r ,» ‘” ^®ta at beart; ‘bey papers. and the agreement 00 print­ will go the limit to put that Idea been in constant use tn southwest D e n tia t sou at 234 Main street. Bprlngfleld Mr» Herman V .al They returned rhoHe present were Miss Emma ing rates for such publication will UTer Oregon for 23 years and is still in ! Olson of Eugene, Mrs. Mary O Oregon, within six months of the Ì Sunday, Formerly Or. Emtry'e be made by each Individual County To he sure, there are other con- K00*!- serviceable condition, has date of this notice the same being More H“ **- Mr- and ^ rs. laiuk and Dentist Office corn-hog control association, which dated and publish* d Ihe first lim e; Many Attend Market Tou sidt-ratlons that actuate a high pro b**a turned In to the school of for- daughters, Mary. Eva and Jean. is to be responsible for its own pub­ Phone 20-J this 22nd day of February. 1934 ,h»n 5 Four H club boys and girls portlon of members of Congress. ®slry at Oregon State college. Ele- PHILIP H SAUL. Administra-1 from Bprlngfleld attended (he an j lication costs. and the Inference should not be ments have worn away some of the lor of the Estgte of Anthony The purpose of printing Informa- nual Marketing Day Tour In Eu ¡TRUCKING CODE WILL draw n that they are working for ; ¡*ttka spruce wood around the paint- Raul, deceased gene Saturday and visited many In­ INCREASE EMPLOYMENT their own pockets all the time, any ed «n‘» these stand out as tlon from contracting producers Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN I M PETERSON, Attorney for said Estate dustrial manufacturing plants. ----------- ’ considerable percentage of them though embossed. An official of statem ents Is to give all producers Naturopathic Physician (F 22—M 1 8-111-22) the forest service who found the old an opportunity to check with their k,|M I An Increase tn employment of j New Student at H. 8, Phone 91J New Party Proposed sign reported seeing a metal sign community committeemen any [ 300,000 snd an annual payroll boost ¡ Mvrna Nott, sister of Ray Nott, NOTICe TO CREDITOR* On the other side of the political has enroll«! In Bprlngfleld h,g„ of 1280.000 will result from the ap- beginning ,0 be nearby that had lost Its usefulness statem ents believed to be inac- Office Hours: 1 to I P. M curate. . , u,l m i . . N e l l c a n ... t o Borins proval of the code for the trucking | fen“ “ ,llcre are beginning to be in half the time. Notice Is hereby given that th«- . i . ( . i IK 40« Fourth Street MJl M I mk N()tt < am* IO « pliHK 1 heard HsaorsI more m orn v rumbling* t i r r v h l i m v n of t an an. on ap­ underalgnml has been sppolnted field recently from Colorado j Industry by President Roosevelt Executor of the last will and testa- : The code became effective Febru proaching storm which may put menl of Edna W. Hobbs and of her! 81 rings. Colorado the old Republican party complete­ ' ary 25. estate, and has duly qualified as Milk is your best food. Drink such. All persons having claims ' Hit By Falling Limb—Carl I*owry The trucking Industry now pro- ly out of the picture and lay the more of it. If it is pasteurized Watchmaker and Jeweler agnln«t said estate are hereby re- of Goshen was struck on the head v|des employment Increase of 25 foundation for a new line-up. One tnilk front our creamery it ib S P R IN G F IE L D qulr«t to present such claims duly Saturday afternoon by a falling percent over the 1.200.000 men In of the most astute of Washington's So. Paclflo W atch Inspector perfectly safe. | verified with proper vouchers at­ political observers, has come out First Class Work kt Reasonable tached. to the undersigned at the limb. He was grubbing out trees the United States. In this Industry. boldly for the formation of a new ITIoea. office of I M Peterson at 234 Main and stumps when the accident hap- an(t wages Increased 27 percent Iiut only by this scientific street. Bprlngfleld. Oregon, with pened. The Injury was not serious. The code provides a basic 40-hour party which he would call “Consti­ method of treatment can you tutional Democrats.“ as opposed to In six months from the date of this! General la w ITartlce notice, the same being dated and Leads Ski Outing— Harry Wright be sure. the present Democratic party, published the first time this 8th j,,.,, rhsrge of the sports program hours weekly for drivers, mechan which he term s Socialist Demo­ I. M. PPTERSON les, helpers and other employees, day of February. 1934 . . , ... . WILLIAM H. HOBBS. R lw ,u , for Ihe nnnu,-.| Obs.dlnn outing held with a leeway for seasonal de­ crats. Our milk comes from selected Attorney *t-laiw lor of the Inst will nnd testa- ■< Pro* Comp Sunday. A number mands and emergencies. W ages for dairies right here in Lane Probably neither the name nor City Hall Building rnent of Rdnn Mobbn. neceanpd of gumcR wi*re played with the county. When you help the drivers and skilled employees the scheme will get very far. and Bprlngfleld, Oregon I M PETERSON. Attorney for players wearing «kls. farmer you help yourself. range from 37 H cents to 56 cents nobody thinks that Mr. Lawrence said estate. expects his plan to be adopted. But ________ (F 8 15-22—M 1-8)_______ | an hour, depending on population. Return to Alpins— Mrs Margaret Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for M-e und daughter. Nadine, returned em ployee, are to be paid the attention that is being paid to Maid O’ Cream Butter the Idea Itself, of trying to line up NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL to their home at Alpine Saturday from 914 to 916 a week minimum. PROPERTY ON EXECUTION those who still believe In the rights after spending some time here IN FORECLOSURE of the individual as superior to th* visiting with her parents. Mr. and STUDY COURSE OFFERS rights of the state, tn some form of Notice Is hereby given that by ¡ M of Pittsburgh, Pa. virtue of an execution and order Mr* C. A. Bwarts. EARLY OREGON W RITING effective opposition to the tendency of sale In foreclosure Issued out i to regulate and control all human of the Circuit Court of I^ine Coun- ; Eugene, Ore., March I— Lltera- activities by a paternal govern- ! CARD OF THANK* ty. Oregon, on the 24th day of We wish to thank our many ture of Oregon, dating back even ment. Indicates the possibility that Jannarv 1934 In n suit wherein Edith I, l.aPorte was and ts plain 1 friends who remembered us on our j before the white man came to this a new “bloc" If not a new party Represented By tiff and Herman Tvchanz and Rf-1 Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. I section of the country. Is Included may be built around a nucleus of flee Tschanz his wife; Otto Tsch-1 tn one of the new couraes that la forward looking Republicans and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ketels. E. H. TURNER nnz and Myra McFnrlund Tschanz offered by the General E xten sion ! conflprTatlTe nemocrats. his wife; Martha Rugh and Ixiyal 848 A 8L Bprlngfleld, Or*. Hugh her husband: Emil Tschanz CALL FOR WARRANT* , dlvtalon of the Oregon State Sys and Esther Tschsns. his wife; Ly-1 Notice la hereby given that «ducatton aa one of Cleveland and Bryan dis Tschsnz a single woman, and Thoae with long political memo­ No 19 In L « n e ',b ® proJFH course« In adult Oodfred Tschanz, a single man.! School District ries are recalling what happened POOLE • GRAY were nnd are defendants and where | county, Oregon-, will pay at the of- education. It was announced here by Alfred Powers, director of ex- to the Democratic party In 1896. •n on the 23rd dny of .Tanuary 1934 f|CP o( the clerk of said district BARTHOLOMEW «aid plaintiff recovered Judgment „ . , , , . . . . tension, who with two graduates of I when it was hopelessly split over decree nnd order of «ale that th e r e :“" and "»Cl»d'n8 29™- the University of Oregon haa work­ Free Silver and other Populist is la due bv said defendant« the sum I d«ted May 29. 1933. Interest ceases sues; so completely split that a ed out the course. of 91000 Oft with Interest at 7**c per March 1, 1934. Formerly Walker-Poole Two of the chapters have already powerful faction, headed by none annum from February 25th 1930 C. F. BARBER. Clerk. been completed and are tilled “Ore­ other than President Cleveland, re­ (less 510.00 paid) together with 9100 00 attorneys fee«, coat« taxed EUUENU— U th BPKINUF1ELD gon Literature Before Ihe White fused to follow the party's candi­ SUM M O N* nt 529 60 which Judgment was en­ and Cbaraelton, 238 Main Man Came," and “The Literature date. Mr. Bryan, and put their own IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE rolled nnd docketed In the Clerk's Talepnone 723 Phone 83-J of the Explorer«.“ The earliest "Gold Democrat” candidate In the STATE OF OREGON FOR office of anld court on the 24th dav I. ANE COVNY. known literature was surprlslngly field to contest for the Presidency. of .Tnnuary 1934. and ««Id execu­ tion lo me directed nnd command­ Elsa L. Foote. Plaintiff, vs. Robert rlch In poetry, song and other That marked the end of the old II. Foote, Defendant. ing ine In the name of the State of party control, and a high percent­ forms. Director Powers declares. Oregon In order to satisfy aald TO ROBERT H. FOOTE. Defend­ age of those who had called them- ant lodgment, Interest coats, and at­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 8 U M M O N 8 torneys fees and accruing coats, to sell the following described pre­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR m ises and pronerly In Lane County, quired to appear and answer the OOD printing service consists of more complaint filed against yon in the Oreron, to-wlt; LANE COUNY than delivering a certain amount of ink The East 51.82 acres of the above entitled suit on or before the Ensel Garland. Plaintiff, vs. Walter Southwest quarter of Section 32 Inst day of the time prescribed In R. Garland. Defendant. and paper in the form ordered. Good printing Townshln 17 South, Range 4 West lie. Order for Publication, to-wlt: To Walter R. Garland. Defendant consists of careful consideration as to the of the W illam ette Meridian. on or before the expiration of four IN THE NAME OF THE STATE NOW THEREFORE In the name weeks from the date of the first OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ form in which the idea is to be presented, publication hereof, and If you fall quired to appear and answer the of the STATE OF OREGON: thoughtful selection of type faces, the right DON'T TAKE CHANCES In compliance with said execu­ tu appear and answer, for want complaint filed against you In the grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ Don't use eye-washes, oint­ tion and order of anle and In order thereof, plaintiff will take a decree above entitled suit within four to satisfy said Judgment and de­ against you for the relief as prayed weeks from the date of the first 1 ments, ulves, or other remedies ate composition and skillful printing. . . That cree and Interest, coats nnd secur­ for In the complaint which la for publication of this summons and If A ’id You'll Jump Out of Bed in unless advised by an eye-sight ing coals nnd attorneys fe e . I will n decree of the court dissolving you fall to appear or answer, for is the kind of printing service you may ex­ the Morning Karin’ to Go specialist. on Monday the 5th day of March the marriage contra<*t now existing want thereof the plaintiff will take pect from our shop. . . . and it costs no more 1934 at the hour of One O'clock P. between plaintiff and defendant a decree against you for the relief I It you feel »our and sunk and tha world Don't wear glasses not pres­ nnd for the care, custody and con­ as prayed for In the complaint, aa lot ka punk, don’t swallow « lot of aalta, aun- M. of aald day at th e southwest than inferior printing. cribed by an eye sight specialist. erul water, oil, laxative camly or ehawin| fua front door of the County Court trol of the minor child and for such follow s: •n I aipaet tham to make y ou suddenly awaat Don't fall to visit an eye-spe- House In Eugene. Lane County, other and further relief aa to the The dissolution of the marriage an 1 buoyant and full of sunahina. Oregon, nffpr for aale and sell for court may seem Just and proper. relation now existing between the l’or thav can't do It. They only move tha ,’lallst at the slightest sign of Nu matter what you printing Job may be or In what This aummons la published pur­ plaintiff and the defendant. That bowels and a mare movement doesn't fat at cash at public auction, subject to eye trouble. th. causa. The reason for your down-and-out quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ redemption ns provided by law. all suant to an order of the Hon. G. plaintiff have the care and eustody ftM ine la your liver. It eht uld pour out two mate of coat moat Interesting, workmanship most Your eyes are your most valu Ihe right, title and Interest of all F. Sklpworth, Circuit Judge of Ixine of the minor children of «aid par­ po naa of liquid bile Into > our bowels dally. of the aforesaid defendants and of County. Oregon, made and entered ties. Jesse Garland at9d W alter If thia bUe Is not flowln« frevly. your food efficient and promptness In delivery most gratifying. able possessions. Guard them all persona claiming by. through February 28, 1934 and published Garland, and for such other and dtxen't digest. It Just dec»,ye in the boweia. If you find It Inconventlent to visit our office, phon« with periodic examinations Get bloats up your etom«ch. You nave a or under said defendants or either; In the Springfield News, a news further relief as to the court may thick, bad taste and your breath M foul, and we will call. . . . You are under no obligation which you nothing. Glasses skin often breaks out In bletntehee. Your hand of Ihem, In and lo aald premises paper published in I^ine County. appear eqtillnhle. and you f.w’ down . nd out. tout whale In asking ns for an estimate. are not recommended unless you Dated Itila 1st dav of February. Oregon, Raid publication being for The order dlrrctinc the service eystoae Is poisoned. 1934. once each week for four consecu­ of this summons by publication Is need them nnd Ihe prices arP I t takes thoeo nood. old C 4R T B IV S C. A SWARTS. Sheriff of Lane tive weeks. The date of first pub­ dated February 28th. 1984, and re­ U l T l ' l L1VEH PILL6 to get these two within reach of all at County, Oregon lication thereof Is March 1. 1984 quires publication for four week«, po inds of bile t!. vlng freely and "up and wu." They contain Ry A È. HULEGAARD, Deputy. and the date of Ihe last publication and the date of the first publica­ feel harmless, gentle vagetable ex tract«, aw DR. ELLA M EADE Date of first publication Feb. 1st. hereof Is March 29, 1934. tion Is March 1st, 1984. when It comes to making the bUe flow 1 O p to m * tr l* t 1934 HOWARD M. BROWNELL, C. A. WINTERMBIER. Attor­ But don't aek fori; ver pills. Ask for ( Opposite P. O. Springfield ttia Liver Pill* t o k for the name ( 41 West 8th tugena Date of last publication March ney tor plaintiff. Residence, U Attorney for Plaintiff. U ttle ijver 1’IIU on the red label. T 1st. 1934. Eugene, Oregon. Residence: Eugene. Oregon. eubwtnte. l i e at drug «torea. C IM I < W A S H IN G T O N Business Directory Edward G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. Springfield Creamery Co. RINTINQ E F F IC IE N T PROMPT Funeral Directors I n e x p e n s iv e Phone 2 WAKEURYOUR LIVER BILE— G WITHOUT CALOMEL The Willamette Pres* (F 1-8-lM t—Il 1) (M1-8-1*22-39) (Ml-t-16-22-2*)