THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS UI Wf M OU« « * * • T IIIH T Y -F IIIH T YKAK HI ’lUNOFIBLD, LANK COUNTY, OKKOON, TIIUKHDAY, MAKCH I. 103» NO. 7 —---- —— M l. CHURCH HAa EARLT RESIOENI PISSES I I HOME SERIES*0 Ver Eugen« Pattor to Conduct Specinl Week of Evening Service to Start Sunday e Whipped Sthmeling L Couple to Observe An- nt y With Family Din- Other Cities of County and Amanda Colcord Had Lived in nei v; Wed in Eugene Springfield Since 1908; Fu­ Rural Population Contri­ neral Service on Monday bute to First Days Buying Mr mi Hilt«» Miiodgraa» Lions Club Play Cast Announced S B f f l GIVEN POSTOFFICE JOB Comedy of College Life to be Presented at High School Former Officeholder Appoint­ Auditorium March 23 ed as Acting Postmaster; Takes Office Today The complete cast of characters for "Auntie Up”, three act comedy Mrs. Amanda E. Colcord. Spring of modern college life by Felida HAS NINE YEARS SERVICE field resident since I»08. died at i [ They are plumilng u large dinner Metcalfe, which the Springfield Congregation in Eugene Co-j for lli«< evening «ml expect relit- Agency Hours From 8:00 her home at 1288 East Main si reel Lions clnb will present at the high Frank Hamlin in Retiring Friday, February 23, al the age of operates in Lenten Service; | live« from Portland end Hh«dd a« Until 8:00; No Sales Made school auditorium Friday evening, Concludes 12 Years Service HI yeara. Hhe had been HI for many - March 23. was announced thia well aa other Invited guests to b« Sermon Subjects Given On Sundays or Holidays years. Under Three Presidents ! si their home. morning by W. E Buell, director. Hhe was born at Fairfield, Maine Announcement of a special aerie« The couple were married In Bu Those taking part in the play Hprliigfleld'a state liquor agency, on August 7. 1863. Thirty years Harry M Stewart, former Hprlag- PAS of eveulne services during lit« j g«ue |n 11*09 Former county Judge. the first and only one In the county , and the characters they play are as field postmaster, returned to that Celt week of Lenten aeaaon « la j -ncy In lame county, and the 1908 where they made their home freshman; Norwald Nelson. King cord and supplies to the care of the Mr«. Hnodgrnss ha« one «on. Ken­ curiosity of many persona have lore that time. operate In the aervlce which are Raynor, a senior; Mrs. W. P. new office-holder began Wednes­ acheduled Io «tart Hunday evening. neth Delausus. now living In Han combined to attract many to the Mr Colcord died here In 1931. Tyson. Mrs. Jones, fond mother of day and was completed today. Francisco. and the couple have one store for the purpose of vlewlug March 4. at 7:30 o'clock Mrs. Colcord was a nicinier of Augustus: Eva Look. Bebe Warren, Theae aervlcea will be held each daughter. Ml«« Maxine Hnodtraaa, Ihe large display of hard liquors the Hprlngfleld Methodist church At the same time that a change a college widow, and John Pyle, a evening except Saturday at Ihe living at home. and wines Eugene, Cottage Grove Hhe Is survived by oue son, i in personnel at the postoffice Is be­ : porter. They lived In Eug. ne for a while, aamo hour and will continue and Junction City have all contri­ George, and one daughter. Mrs ing made announcement Is also Regular practices have been held through the following Hunday, later living at Coburg They alao buted their quota of vlallora and Ethel Neat, both at home. One being made that the postal depart­ . for the past two weeks and pro­ lived at Carter station for a while March II. purchasers «ay« Loyal Scott. man sister. Mrs. Ixivlna Roundy lives at ment will receive bids for a loca­ duction of the play Is already well Arrangement« are being made for before coming to Hprlngfleld where ager of the agency. Renton. Maine. tion for the Springfield postoffice Basketball Season Near End; under way. Rehearsals are held they have lived for more lhan 20 apeclat music each evening In ' (Inc large caac Is filled with liq­ Funeral services were held Mon-1 on and after October 16, 1934. 1 three times a week. eluded In thia mualcal program will Fears. uors arranged In krnupa enefa aa day from the Poole-Gray-Bart holo- , Meet Grove There Tonight; Bids will be received for at least Mr Huodgra«« haa been cm blended whiskies, aged whlaklea, mew chapel in Hprlngfleld. Rev be »election« by a choir of 76 men Track Work Starts 100 square feet of floor space and ployed with the Houtbern Pacific LELA PETERSON IN and women on alternate evening« gin. rum. and hrandlea The wines Dean C Poindexter officiated and may be submitted with or without railroad for many yeara, and la are In a separate case. Each group was assisted by Rev, Harry R. With Eugene high school in the These la Repentance STATE MISSION OFFICE safe and other office equipment now brakemun for that line. undisputed lead of the district bas­ 1» arranged according to price Neat. Interment was made In I>au- The general them« for the «or-1 ketball "A” league play. Spring- Springfield Church W ins Presi­ such as mail boxes. The present vice« will he "A Call to Repentance range« with card» under each Hat­ ret Hill cemetery. equipment excepting the scales, field players are now busy bring­ or Our Neglected Gospel." Hubject« i ing the number of each variety dency of Oregon M issionary cancellation machine and a few ing thi-lr own season to a rapid and Gospel themes for the evening and the price per unit whether In Body at M cM in n v ille other items are the property of the close. AUTOMOBILE STOLEN pints, fifth«, or quarts, but there aervlcea each night have been an defunct Commercial State bank. Coach Hall will take his players la no name on the cards. nounced a» follow»: Miss Lala Peterson was elected HERE MONDAY NIGHT to Cattge Grove tonight, and he is president of the young people’s The postal department now owns Hunday "The Ooapel and the In- 17306445 Haa Complete Stock considerable equipment which is In A complete stock valued at »1600 dividual." “ What la Man’“ How The new Ford delivery truck be­ trying to advance the date for the missionary work In Oregon among storage in various parts of the was Installed In the agency for the longing to the Mountain State« final game with Roseburg up to the Chrlatlan church group at the did Jesua apprnlae mao and doea country and will utlllxe It if desir­ opening Small quantities of each Power company was stolen about Tuesday of next week. tiod care for the Individual? annual meeting held at McMinn­ able. Hall is starting track and field ville Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Monday- The Ooapel A Way «> Achievement Badges to Be of the many varletle« stocked by 8:46 Monday evening while parked In resuming his position as post­ Live " "What Shall I D o r What la Given at Court of Awards the State Liquor Commission are In front of the W. K. Barnell resi­ training for some of the boys not Miss Pterson is a member of the Included In the «tock. All sixes and dence. Mr. Barnell had Just left on the basketball team. This work Hattie Mitchell circle of the local master. Stewart returns to posi­ Christianity and what la aalvatlon? In Eugene Tonight, 7:30 shapes uf bottles, some of them the car a few minutes earlier. It will get under full sway within the Christian church and has taken an tion which he held for almost nine Tuesday—The Ooapel A Rond of very attractive one« from a physi­ was found about midnight on the next week or two If the weather active part In the work of that years In the Wilson administration Fellowship “Who 1« My Neighbor?" Members of the troop commit­ cal standpoint. Prices range up­ south end of Hillyard street in Eu­ remain« suitable. A discussion of can a man be a tee of the Hprlngfleld Girl Hcouta group and o7 the Christian Endea­ from 1913 until 1922. He succeeded Boxing Is also gaining many en­ vor society. She will preside at the B. A. Washburne In 1913. Christian If he withdrew hlmaelf will sponsor a benefit bridge party ward« from »0 cents for the pint gene where It had been abandoned At that time the postoffice was from all contact with other people? ; at Taylor hall Friday afternoon. and fifths sixes. The- same evening the Chrystler thusiasts at the school this semes­ next annual meeting of the socie­ located in a wooden frame building Whv are war and ra<;e prejudice March 2. at 2:30 o'clock. The liquor will be sold during sedan belonging to Dr. Carl Phet- ter. Several pairs of gloves have ties to be held a year hence. been purchased and many of the and competition enemies of the Other delegates to the church at Second and Main streets where Ir ihnrge of the arrangements the regular business hours of the teplace was stolen from 2173 Alder Proa« of Chrlat? and can one he a for the afternoon play are Mr». W I drug store which are from 3:00 a street and It was found in the ditch boys are finding needed exercise gathering were Mina Peterson, and the Larson Service station now Christian and put harrier« between K. Rarnell. Mrs W. C Wright, and m until 8:00 p. m. dally except near the Springfield municipal air­ exchanging punches. Florence Vail, from Springfield and stands. Another incident recalled The gloves are very large and Miss Henrietta ErvIngham of Eu­ today by Mr. Stewart tn resuming men? Sundays and holidays says Mr port the next morning Mrs. R E May heavily padded This makes It al­ gene. They were accompanied by his work was that John Nice, rural W ill Dlacuaa W ar Mrs. C. E Wheaton. Mr». O. H I Scott. He strongly stresses the most impossible for any of the boys Mrs. Marjorie Mushier. mail carrier out of the local post- Wednesday—The Ooapel a latw Jarrett, and Mias Eunice Gerber, fart that his store closes promptly MANY GUESTS INVITED to get hart, bnt at the same time of Love T h ey That Take the »cout leader, are members of Ih e! at 8 and he will not make any The conference Includes all of office. had been serving tn that FOR PRISCILLA PARTY affords an opportunity to learn the young people's missionary so­ capacity at the time he first enter­ Hwnrd “ Discussing why we still reception committee aah-a after that hour. methods of self-defense. hare war after 2000 years of Christ­ cieties of the Christian churches ed the postal service. Bert Sankey. No Prom otion Allowed The following Girl Hcouta from , A large number of guests were ianity. and If paganism make- Its Hprlngfleld will be awarded hndge« in Oregon. Several of the churches carrier of the other mail route, has Liquor salee are made here In final appeal Io physical force. In at the Court of Awards to be held strict conformity with the regula- invited to the ITtsctlla club card ENDEAVOR CROUP HAS have boys In their membership and not served as many years out of party at the I. O. 0 . F. hall last the local office, but he has served what does Chrlallanlty trust? ! tonight at the Presbyterian church tl'iis set up by the atate commis­ LARGE DINNER MONDAY some boys acted as delegates. as both city and rural carrier in Thursday—The Ooapel and the to Eugene starting at 7:30 Friend« si" n. No attempt to sell the liq­ Thursday evening when Mrs. H. O. Houl’s Hunger "To Know H im ” ] and relative" of th<- Olrl Hcouta uor« will be made aa the agent Is Dlbblee and Mrs. E. C. Stuart were Pennsylvania before coming to More than 70 young persons at-; BRIDE GIVEN SHOWER hostesses for members of their club Oregon. How to know Him, how He la re­ are Invited to attend. working on a fixed monthly salary and their husbands. During the play , tended the Christian Endeafor din at M c P herson home vealed, and can He be found Hamlin first entered the Spring- The Hat of girls and Ihe activi­ which carrle« on regardless of the high and low prlxe In bridge went ner at the Christian church here Friday— The Ooapel and the ties for which they will be given volume of the business field postoffice while teaching In Monday evening Delegations from Mrs. D. R. Logan, formerly Miss to Mrs. M. V. Walker, and Mrs Houl'a Dedication. "To U ve la awards haa been prepared by Ml»» other churches helped swell the Evelyn Harris, who was married Springfield in 1922 In the Harding Tin procedure require« that the Christ." How to determine ”ur j Gerber a« follow» Rom-- changes luiHvtdual when making a first John Tomseth respectively. Mrs. E number present. last week, was given a miscellane­ administration. He has served con­ G. Prlvat won the traveling prlxe destiny, ('an a man be loyal to muv be made later. William Cox. local president, ous shower Tuesday evening at the tinuously under Harding. Cool dge. I urchase secure a yearly permit In 500 Mrs. W. F. Walker and Mrs. more than one Ideal. Can we Justify presided ofer the program which home of Mrs. Alvin McPherson. and Hoover until today, a period of Fave Holveraon—Healthwlnner. (■"«ting »100 The Individual Is allegiance to any other Ideal than rook. Olrl Scout aide, and home then told to go to the case and C. F. Egglmann were prlxe winners. | Included the following numbers' I Hostesses for the shower were 12 years. Riley Snodgrass won first prlxe C|irl«l. decide what brand« and site« he and Walter Gossler low prlxe In Reading, Ed Dyer; male quartet Mrs. Joseph Sankey, Mrs. Percy < Efforts to create an extension on nurae. Hunday, March 11—The Ooapel , Da Put mar—Home nurae. host-, desires making a note of the num from Eugene Bible college; and a Briggs, and Mrs. McPherson. rural route out ef Springfield to for All Life That Yc May Have fM n w cy<>,la, Jun,or ' hers of each The manager then solo. talk by Rev. Veltie Pruitt. Guests included Mrs. Logan. Mrs. extend from the present tern-inns A program during the evening Life " I. there a deatlnatlon be- rook 0 |r , g ^ , f|r>, cUg# I list« these on a sales slip, also featured piano solos by Mrs. Levi . Miss Jewel Cunningham had W. D. Franklin. Mrs. Alva McPher nt the Walterville power house to tween the »acred and the secular? h(>IIBId Faye Nott. nesday on their annual sneak-day panies noon at the homo of Mrs. Donald day evening on traffic safety The monthly meeting of the Aeneas school Friday of last week will be outing. The class group were ac­ Toomb. The next meeting will bo Hprlngfleld troop has changed Its club. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett was a guest held Friday of this week. The NEW CCC COMMANDER companied by Mrs. Marlon Adams. ' NORVAL FOSS GIVEN held March 7. with Mrs. W. K. meeting night from TiA>sday to j at the meeting. The next meeting meeting was postponed one week NAMED FOR TH IS AREA Mrs. D. B. Murphy, and Glenn Mar PARTY ON BIRTHDAY Barnell as hostess. tin. Ideal weather, with the sun Wednesday and will continue to will he held at the home of Mrs. because of the death of Clarence B. Kratx. Glenwood resident. Major Ca«per B. Rucker, 7th In­ shining nice and brtghtly at the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss enter­ meet at the Methodist church. Two S. C. Wright. fantry. has been selected by Major coast was reported by the visitors.' tained with a birthday dinner at new members have Joined the local IUKA TO PRACTICE FOR General Malin Gralg. commander of their home Friday for their son. STATE INSPECTION troop. They are Jesse Lanning and MRS. STEWART HOSTESS LIONS LUNCHEON TO Marrlaga Licenses Issued Norval. who had been visiting at John Phillips. BE HELD ON FRIDAY tho ninth corps area, to replace FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB Hegular meeting of Iuka circle, Major Charlea H. Corlett, as com­ During the past week marriage home on a furlough from the Navy latdles of the G. A. R., will be held Members of the Needlecraft club Semi-monthly luncheon meeting mander of the Three C camps In licenses have been granted to Har­ at San Diego. Following the dinner Laavs for Portland at the old armory tonight at 8 Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Wright, Mrs. will lie entertained this afternoon of the Springfield Lions club will this distclcl. Corlett will leave Eu­ ney Rousch. and Edythe McClellan, the evening was spent with bridge. o'clock. Practice for the annual In­ lairson Wright and children, and at the home of Mrs. Harry M. Stew­ be held at Taylor hall Friday noon. gene March 16. for Washington. D. both of Notl; David Mlnlch. Eula, Kenneth Gustafson who was a spection of the circle by depart­ Harry Wright left Wednesday art. Mrs. Elvtn May will he the W. K. Bnrnell and John Pyle are In C. for -duty on the general staff Mildred Davidson, Eugene; James guest of Mr. Foss during his leave, ment officers on March 16 will he afternoon for Portland where they uaslatlng hostess. The meeting charge of the program for the nieet- corps. His successor arrived In Eu­ Ryan. Eugene, and Elaine Skora, returned with him to San Diego held following the meeting. gene today to assume his duties. Tacoma. Monday morning. will spend the balance of the week. starts at 1:30. 1M- LARGE CHOIR TO will ct'lt'br. .t«lr «liver wedding SING »iinlversary