THVRBDAY, FBllRUAHY 22, 1984 9TORK SHOWER HELD HERE FRIDAY EVENING THE 8PRINOFIELD NEWS PAGE THR1 Istradon officials to draft It and removed many of the fear of uapl send It to tbe Hill. tai, which Is beginning to come out All attem pts to organise opposi­ of hiding and look for Inveetment. Mr». John ('. Ilnlney w ai honored tion to the Adonloletration and the Gold Is flowing back to America with u «fork »bower at the home Democratic party have proved fu­ from Europe. There Is a sounder, of Mr». Bolvln Duane Friday «van j tile so far. Former Secretary of the deeper feeling among business men Teachar III— Ml»» Mary Ellxaheth Vida Man Mara— Arthur Mlnnay Ina Th» evening wa« »punt playing I VVhltnay waa III and unubl« to maat Treasury Ogden P. Mills Is the only that we are really on the road to of Vida wa» a busln •»» visitor In gain»» mid In ronver a,loo At ti Important voice that has been recovery. i bar i la»«»« Tuo ilay. Springfield Tuesday. Into hour a lunch wan »«rved Io raised In protest. Mr. Mill's speech It Is Mr Roosevelt's hope that by tha following luvltad guwate: was expected, by old-line Kepubll tbe first of May business and In­ Teacher at Newport—Miss Elea­ N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R S Plctur«« Takan— Mani hara of tha Mm Aii.lrrv Miller. Mr«. Fl«»»l- can party workers, to he a sort of dustry will really have taken up nor Smith spant the week end at Notice 1» hereby given that Iren« Wycoff, Mr« Harold McPh»r«on. Maiilor atam at tha hlgh »chool had N wport visiting with friends. FRANK PARKER rallyiag-cry which wotfld bring an most of the slack of unemployment. Hwaiay ha» Iraan »ppolntml «xecu 1 Mr« Ihin Palmar Ml» M lhlia.t thel'’ •'“’•»•«Inal picture» tukan F rl Instantaneous response from the It Is also his hope that Congress trig Of the will ...d aatata of F r u Wy,.„rr M|, w ||,Uni Hml|h day m antis«. Oregon City Man H«re — E P. four corners of the Nation, and cry will pack up and go home about II. Chamberlin, late of Lana coun . Itarde of Oregon City was a bi»«I Washington, Feb. 22 — If these •tallM Republican sentiment Into ty. Oregon, All person« having Laton. Mr», Harvey Flu ton V isit from Mareóla that time. George neas visitor In Hprlngfleld Friday weekly reports on the state of the something like effective opposition claim» ngaltMt said «state should I Mr» Varna Crane, Ml»» Evelyn yish r F w it .» ri. . . ■ -ai. p r«..n t the »am . duly varlfled to Jacob».,,,. Mr., H J a c o b in Mr Tb,*n— nation seem «omewhat one-sided. It had no such effect. Willey were In Springfield Sutur Cuts Thumb— Ml»» Wilma Clark the »aid executrix at I he office of 11.111» ...... ,, , . , ABRAMS SEEKS POST AS Ihe answer Is that there Is only one M D. Allan. Bugene. Oregon, with " " V Mr. Ralph In ' day from Murcola, i ne very men who were relleo of Coburg cut her thumb quit» bad side to the picture presented here • - Mrs. Harold, William«. Mr» SECRETARY OF STATE ln »I» month« from the fir«, pub ly Monday while chopping wood at Everything bears the Roosevelt upon to back up Mr. Mills and en­ llcatlon of thia no,Ira, which I« Wuyn« Klllott, Mr» AI Townsend Visiting Stater— Mr«. A. C. Chase tourage the effort to reorganize thr her home February 16, 1934 Carle Abrams, Salem, will be ■ Mr«, F, <), Bennett, Mrs Her, brand, and that goes for Congress Republican party not only failed to Myrtle Point )« here visiting IRENE HWKZEY. Executrix candidate for the of,re of Secret Doane, Mr». Cecil Matki», Mrs w,,h her sister. Mrs F rei Loak. as well as for all the long list of Down from Oakridge Ted Leo come to the rescue but some of H II AI.I.KN, Attorney for «»tale (HI* Hpnre*, Mrs. Harry ,'hace. mother. Mrs Mary Howe hart spent the week-end with hl» alphabetical commissions, bureaus them thought I, was Ill-advised for ary of State at the primary elec­ (F 15 32 M IN If,i Mi « Guy llalaey, Mr» Pearl fk han parent« here. He 1» employed on anil "silmlnlstratlons." beginning Mr. Mills to make »uch suggestion« tion on the republican ticket In M arcóla People V is it— Among the May. He has publicly announced loi. the honor guoaf, und the ho»t with AAA and running down to at this time. highway work above Oakridge. SUM M O NS visitors In Hprlngfleld Saturday hH decision to seek the office, and eaa. PWA. » IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE Eyes on Pennsylvania were Carl Martin. (', E McDonald. »aye that he will make a formal In From C edar F la t Mr. and HTATE OP OREGON POR LANE Thus far there has developed Nothing could Illustrate better A C Hhunk. K Lee and J. B Erick- statement In thl« regard within a Mr». Joe Itart of Cedar Flat com­ COUNTY. M arcóla People Hero — ... only one disagreement, arid that a how far the fortuoee of the Repub­ MAMIE PETTEWAY. Plaintiff vg - W II oui Addington. Carl Hwnggar. ' ,»' «• 234 Main «tree,. Hprlngfleld. church meeting held there Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Findley. Mr. timber would be u«ed. but upon the icctlon, they are «till less eager to week-end here, being registered at 1334, by the Hon G F Hklpwortb. ' •Tegon. wlihln »1» months of the and Mrs. Lee Putman, and Mr and ancient principle of Individual take an attitude which would cer­ the Hprlngfleld hotel. Judge of the above entitled court. <•«'•' of thia notice. Ihe same being R«»urn from Coast Mayor and Mrs. Fred Louk. The evening was requiring publication thereof In auld dated and published Ihe fir», lim e Mr». W p Tyson mid , tainly cost them thelr sea,«. And right« and. especially, the rights of spent playing cards. The Hprlngfleld N ew , for ihe per I hl» Sind day of February. 1934 Mllrle, returned High School Grows—Harry, Don­ they are convinced, practically the taxpayer. Bunday Mfter lod of once each week for four cou P illi,IP II RAUL, Administra ald aud Juanita Clark, all of Oak­ every man Jack of them. Republi­ Those who are active In promot­ lor of the Eatjite of Anthony »•>«• <«»yw Oil 111»’ COUMt ■«O live and successive weka. Ill a t We«t Springfield— W. R. The date of the firm publication 84 ill. Mr Tyson Inspected CWA project» ridge have enrolled in Springfield cans and Democrats alike, tha, to ing the new party Idea point out Fltta is reported to be quite 111 at high school during the pa«t week. thereof la Feb 1st. 1934. and the I M PKT ERBON. Attorney for oppose the President’s policies In that the great "middle class' of while on the c-oa»t. his home In West Springfield. date of the laat publication thereof *»M Kulfite. Visitor from Mountain»— Mr«. J any respect would do Jus, that. Let small ouainee- men. small property wtl be March tat. 1934 a*t lo o ted. Y ou y e s1 t Z je ' llo w New P a rly and M eantim e In Congress, who usually can tell In < - In »lx months from Ihe dale of this “ Hfornla. parents, Mr. and Mr«. Wallace ____ _ pim ple», du ll eye*. How far this movement for a advance what Is going to happen Phono 20-J _ taate. ya*. dtxxine**. h Inotlee. the «am» being dated and „ . Hawke. ieo become an ugiy-lookii published the fir«, tlni- thl« Rth "oa’maater at Portlalnd— Mr. anil next, are utterly a, sea. All they "Centrist" party will get is any­ •o u r-th in k in s person. charm . ___________ E v e ry _ ________ personal ________ y w a n t* day of February. 1634 Mr«. F. B. Hamlin wen, to Portland Sailor on Leave — Norval Foss can say. In answer to questions as body's guess. Many pooh-pooh It, your to n run fio m you. W IL L IA M H HOURS Exeeu Friday lo attend funeral services arrived home Friday for a ten-day to the legislative program. Is. "We many think It has a chance, a few B u t do n ’t take s a lt*, m in eral w a te r*, Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN o il*, la x a tiv e p ill*, la x a tiv e randies or lor of the last will and testa- r„r Mr i .„,«. , ■ b e w in« i x r yu u m * . and e expect x p rv t them them to <*" e x tra c t*. I f you w ould b r i a r back your «nlnlatrator of the Estate of Haxel . ... ner. and W F. Sales all of Wendl Since then Mr. Rainey has talked lowed the fixing of the price of gold to w ia m en. start ersonal 'a a r te r 'e L ittle L iv e r P ill* according M Relchenhack. deceased, by the '’•»»"tary Group Sews— Member» Ing were Saturday visitors In with the President. Now he thinks a, »35 an ounce, making the Inter- P directions today. 2 M a t d ru g stores. County Court of lam e County, Or,» ”f 'he American la-ginn Auxiliary Sprlngfleld. Watchmaker and Jeweler R efuse M*o m e tb in r Just a * rood*', f o r It there will be some such bill. Con- national dollar worth 59.04 percent con All perann« haring claim« « wing group held their weekly m ay rrip e . loosen teeth o r scald rectum . S P R IN G F IE L D gress Is no, drawing It up. how- of the old gold dollar. A«k fo r C a rte r's L ittle L iv e r P ills by nam e n m l H Z i ‘ to " h,'r,'by « " « " " « »' 'he Methodls, church So. Pacific W atch Inspector Collect Bounties— Dayton Thom notiri«»'p of l-ane. an wold. of Otls, Oregon. Howard Ro­ tv. Oregon on th«- 24th dav of empowering and directing berts of Kelso. Washington, and { Janiinrr 1934 In a suit wherein ” ' ' Superintendent of Banks to dls- Mrs. Edith Alderln of Salem all ! Edith I. l aPorte was and Is plain " ">,r<> dividend of 2 « ^ on left Friday for ihelr homes after tiff and Herman T«ehans and Ef 8l’ or'>''tnry deposit claims filed Represented By flee Tschanx his wife; Otto Tseh- ?n