ox THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T IIIK T Y -K IIIH T YEAR KETELS OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING HPRINOHKIJ), I«ANK COUNTY, OREGON, Hawaii's Governor — i Children of Well-Known Local Couple Gather at Horne To­ day to Honor Parents DANISH FRIENDS WRITE Bride and Groom Sailed for America On Honeymoon; Pioneered on Texae Plaine THURHOAV, FEBRUARY 22. 1B34 LIQUOR AGENCY Third Dividend GRADE SCHOOL IN Due March 1st TO OPEN SOON CLOCK OPERETTA Stocks Expected to Arrive Within Few Days; Salec May Start Here Monday MANY TO ATTEND CHAMBER MEET Expects to Have Delegation of 20 at County Convention on Friday HAVE HEALTH CLINIC Founders' Day Program Held at Llneoln School Friday; His­ tory of Unit Described Organizes Students Savings Account Depositors Of Commercial State to Re­ Presentation of "Song of the ceive 20 Percent in Week Kitchen Clock” By Brattain Students* le Friday Dividend» totaling XL&dldl or 20 percent of tbe saving» account» at Hprlngfleld'« liquor agency will the Commercial Htntc bank of be opened by the first of the week Springfield will be paid out March with the aale of Intoxicating liquor 1, according to an announcement , over Id percent probably starting made tbla week by A. A. Schramm. Monday thinks Ixiyal E Bcott, local In charge of liquidation Order ap­ agent for the state Liquor Commla proving the dividend payment waa alon. signed Tuesday In Circuit Court by Mr. Hcotl expect» the atocka of Judge O. F. Hklpwortb liquor to arrive the end of thia Tbe dtvtdMid paym*-uI will bring | week. Harry Holden, manager ot tbe total payments returned In tbe the Eugene »tore which 1a not yet W A R R IN G T O N . . , aavlnga accounts to 60 percent. opened, will aaalat Mr. Bcott In B Poindexter (above) former At Only 36 percent boa been returned terway -General of Muutan», mere opening bla agency here. meetly D H District Judg« la Each peraon will have to procure to tbe commercial department. Hunelulu and Democratic leader la a 11 00 llcenae fee before he la Approximately 1X6 persons will ' ‘Jaarail, haa been nominated by receive checks when the dividend eligible to purchase liquor. The Präsident Roosevelt for the poet ef la paid out next Thursday. The license la good for one year. Lovernur o f Hawaii No liquor can be sold on Hun- dividend payment will also Include the first and second dividend o i l daya or other holidays. those claims which hud not been filed and approved when the first PARENT-TEACHERS TO two payuieota were mode. The many frlend»(j» ,’ lch Mr and Mrs John ('. K ell ■ vg made In Springfield during t- long real- dance here are uul ç 'Ith Ihelr children today to w ' em hep plneea on their Goblet ling an ulveraary. ■J Each of their five c G. I and her* one brother of Mr. Kete. are for the occasion. The ch »•I John F. Ketela and Mra. ('. * of of Portland. Mr». F. O. Cr Han Diego, California, Mr» O. H W infrey of Eugene. and Mr». K K tdwlm of Alhambra. California. There are also aeven grandchil­ dren. HI» brother. E M Ketela. I» from Horlng. Oregnu. Friend» Greet Them Today will be »lent with a fam j lly reunion group. A «pedal radio J Springfield NO. 6 A. J. SAUL OIES AT E NEAR CITY Annual health clinic for children of pre-school age and others will be­ held again thia year sometime dur­ ing the spring It was decided at the mouthly meeting of the Hprlngfleld Catholic Services Held Mon­ day at Eugene; Had Lived P. T. A. held at the Lincoln school Friday afternoon. The clinic waa In Oregon 24 Years not held last year. Anthony J. Haul, resident of Ore­ Thia waa the Founder's day meet­ ing for the association and Mrs. L. gon since 1909 died at bla home on K. Page traced the history of the Hprlngfleld route 2. Friday, Febru­ local organisation In a short talk ary 16. at the age of S3 year« Mr Haul waa born In Ht. Claire. Mrs. O. H (loud, state vice-presi­ dent. discussed the work of the County, Illinois on October 21. 1X60 and lived (here for 59 years before ■late and national offices. Other entertainment Included coming to Oregon. selections by the boya trio. Jack ’ He wa« a member of tbe Catholic W illiam». Robert Brown, and Mor church. rla Stewart; a reading by Ila Put , Three sons. Anthony at Seattle; man. and violin solo« by E velyn . John at Houth Gate California; Buell with MV» l^-ota Hodenbough Philip at home; and two daughters. a» accompanist. Mrs. C. O. McBee of Goshen and ----------------------------- | Mr«. Lew Kimball of North Bend, survive him. IUKA STARTS PLANS EXAM WILL FILL POSIOFFICE JOB Postmaster General Calls for Competitive Examination of Candidates for the Post MANY STUDENTS IN CAST HAMLIN'S Production Outstanding An­ nual Program Venture of Grade School This Seaton Applicants Must File Names Before March 9; Selection To Be From Three Highest The Brattain school operetta, “ Song of the Kitchen Clock," to be N E W Y O R K . . . Miss Amy Hem given at the high school auditorium in way J one« ( almve ) Divisto« Assist Friday evening. February 23. sta rt-. ant o t the Carnegie Endowment for Ing at 7:30 o'clock will be the out­ In te rn a tio n a l Peace, announce« th at standing event of the week In . dSI In tern atio n al Relations Clnhs have been organized in universities, Springfield. rollege« and normal school« ot tbe An Interesting program which I I i..u 2 I- late« Torse clubs a rt org*u Includes most of tbe students at the feed Ih «ehi».tv throughout the t.orld, school has been arrange^ by the to im p a rtia lly study world p.-oc« faculty members at the school who c r-d i'rir - are directing th* production. Members of the toy orcbe tra In, nice Rust, Joy Rebbau. Doris To­ their natty red and white uniforms' bias. Nadlyn Peters. Dolly Sbar-1 will provide additional music and I man. Dorothy Walker. Barbara lend a touch of bright color to the W alker. Carrol Wicks. Romalae program. The Raggedy Anne girls > Waldrlp. Melvin Younger. Candidates for tbe poettnaatar ship of Springfield will have to take a competitive examination and the selection by the Postmaster General of a candidate to recom­ mend to tbe preeldent and the sen­ ate will have to be made from the three highest In the examination according to notices received here this week. will also he seen and heard on the | program. TREE VICTIM IS Admission prices have been set j at 10 cents and 20 cents, proceeds ■ will be used to purchase equip-1 ment for the school building. TERM ENDED Oregon poetofflces included In the order are located at Florence. Nehalem. Springfield, Turner and Union. Salary for tbe Springfield postofflce b set at 82200 annually. All applications for tbe examina­ tions must be made on or before March 9. The examinations will be held on or about fifteen days fol­ lowing the closing period for re­ ceipt of applications. Candidates for tbe local postofflce will have to take the examination at Eugene. broadcast over ntattou KOKK wav j given lu honor of the aged couple thia morning Many of Ihelr rloae Applicants must submit photo­ Prologue of Dreams Hprlngfleld Chamber of Com­ friend» are planning to call at their graphs at the time they take tbe The operetta will consist of mu­ borne thin afternoon and evening merce will be represented py at examinations. They must be more sical numbers, dancea. and dialo­ lwi»t 20 persona at tbe first Lane Frank Apgar Crushed Under than 21 years old and under 68. to congratulate them. gue. The operetta la divided Into County Chamber of Commerce con­ John Ketel« wan born In the vil­ Falling Tree While Work­ This latter age lim it la waived In two parts and opens with tbe pro­ lage. OchbolHi on the North Erie»- vention Io be held at the Kugene case of veterans where document­ logue In which the Night Lady ing on Road Construction tan coast of Hchleawlg llulnteln on Chamber of Commerce rooms Frl ary proof is presented. The appli­ weave« dreams for Sleepy Children, June 17. 1XXU Ju»t four year» be­ day night starting with a dinner at Frank S. Apgar of thia city was cants must have lived in the city and tells them the story of the fore 8chle»wtg Holstein was taken S 20 o'clock according to I M Pet­ night, promising to show the chil­ instantly killed last Thursday. Feb­ for a year before the date for the over by tlermauy In 186d HI» par­ erson, local secretary The meeting dren . I range «Ights. when they are ruary 15. when a tree fell on h im ' examination. ent» kept a wayalde Inn and al»o Is open to both men and women and while working for the Gate» Con-1 Under the provisions providing asleep. delegates are urged to bring their had quite a large farm structlon company 15 miles above: for the calling of examinations no The second part of the program, Mra Ketel». IngeHoe Klyng. waa wives. the play itself deals with the Kit-1 Oakridge on a road contract. one now In the postofflce who The county convention la a gath born on the l»land Foebr, a few He wa« born at Brownsborough. * could have been recommended for chen Clock which Is discontented mile» off the coa«t In what at that ertng tor the first time of as large with hl* life and complain» b itte r-! Jackson county. Oregon on March retention or advancement Is eli­ times belonged to Denmark on a representation from the member­ 15. 1880. When 16 he moved to Linn i ly over his constant work. The tea , county living near Lebanon where I gible to enter the competition. March Id. 1X69 She waa the daugh­ ships of the bodies affiliated with Kettle and other friend« feeling * The term of F. B. Hamlin, local ter of Captain and Mr«. Peter the Lane Chamber as 1» possible to sorry for the Clock, undertake to he was married In 1906 to Miss Min­ postmaster, has expired. Congress assemble at oue place. It Is being Klyng nie Ingram who survive« him. They , give him a good time. However the arranged for by H. E Marrlau Married en Island lived there for one year, then man W alter M. Pierce has urged Cook loses the key and neglects t o : The couple were married on Feb­ County Chamber president, and H moved to the Mohawk valley where i the appointment of H. M. Stewart wind the Clock, which runs down they lived for 21 years. Five years I during the Interim until a successor ruary 22. 1HH* In the Lutheran K Cully, secretary of both the coun and narrowly escapes being taken church of Hl Nlcholal on the l»land ty bodv and of the Kugene Cham­ The Rosary services were held ago the fam ily moved to Spring- ■ is named. This has not been done FOR OFFICIAL VISITS to Rickety Row by the Rag-Tag- yet and Mr. Hamlin will probably where Mr Ketel» wa» born A ber. from Ht. Mary's Catholic church field. Man. The Clock Is finally saved by , carry on In his position until a week later they «ailed for the Plana for the entertainment of In Kugene Monday morning at 9 Most of the subjects now Inter He was a member of tbe I. O. O. his friends who find the key and | permanent postmaster is selected United State« on their honeymoon eating I-ane county residents will state officers of the Ladle« of the o'clock. Interment was made In F. lodge at Marcola and had been wind htin just in lim e and the trip to make Ihelr home In this be taken up for a forum discussion O, A. K. auxiliary to be held about Mount Calvary cemetery. working with the Gates company following the examinations. Clock 1» glad to get back to *ork at tbe meeting A special feature of March 15. were discussed last country. since November. I The Leading Players They arrived off New York the meeting will be the presents Thursday night at the semi-month­ MRS. M. LUCHTERHAND Survivor» Include, besides hl» The children In the various char­ March 22 and were there tranafer tlon of arguments both for and ly meeting of Iuka circle which met widow, four children. Mrs. Ilia T o -' DIES AT FALL CREEK acter roles and the member» o f , man of Eugene. Frances. Jane and I red to »learner going aouth and on against the sales tax law by two at the home of Mra. H. O. Dtbblee the choruses are as follow«: April 1. they landed at Oalveaton. speakers. at Santa Clara. Donald at the home at 605 Second Funeral Services to be at Sutherlin Inez Oram. Night Lady; Sidney The group also accepted an Invl Tela» In July of the same year street. One sister. Mrs. T J.; School Friday; Adventist Ward. The Cook; Raymond Batn -| they «ettled ou the Staked Plain», tallón to uttend a potluck luncheon W alker of Alsea and one grand j WILLAMETTE VALLEY Elder W ill Officiate bridge. The Kitchen Clock; Dorothy , In what I» now Midland county, meet tug to be sponsored by Rich child survive. PLEASES AFTER TRIP Mountain circle of Eugene on Sat­ Flanery. The Tea Kettle; Bobby; Texa». Here they lived until IKS# Mr«. Minnie Luchterhand. resi­ Bennett. The Dust Pan; Billie Dow. j Funeral services were held fro m , Local Brotherhood Cancels experiencing all the hnrd«hlp« of urday at one o’clock. Mr and Mrs Hay Nott returned i Ml«» Abbie Ford of Marcóla was dent of Fall Creek vicinity for the The Broom; Belle Robbins. The the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel pioneer life before coming to Ore­ Monthly Meet to Take Part in Springfield Saturday morning at Saturday after a two weeks motor I received as a transfer m ra b e r Into past three year« died there Wed­ Stew Kettle; Ethel Ruth Fulop. j gon. In District Gathering trip to Colorado Spring« where Iuka circle at the meeting last nesday morning after i^t extended Feather Duster; Don Moyer. Rag-1 10:30. Elder Mark Conner of Leb­ In Springfield Since 1920 anon officiated and interment was they visited relative». The trip was Illness. Tag-Man. In Oregon they flr«t »et I led In week. The monthly meeting of 9] ring- made in Nye cemetery near Leb­ She wa« born near Berlin. Ger­ Baker county, later they lived In made over the Lincoln highway Star»— First Grade, Howard Neet. field Methodist Brotherhood w 11 be anon. many on June 22. 1X80 and came Marie Hollister. Howard Bainbridge. | Portland, and In 1920 they came to through Idaho and Wyoming and CHURCH LEADERS TO BE cancelled for February and the with her family to America when Helen John«. Mary Pederson. Don­ Springfield where they have made the weather wa« Ideal for the trip group will go to Eugene tonight IN METHODIST CHOIR they reported. Although tt snowed 7. On September 1. 1903 Mis« Min­ ald Caudell. Juanita Aldridge. Ruth NEEDLECRAFT HAVE tbelr home »Ince that time. In a body to attend a potluck sup. nie Newman was married to Otto Mr Ketela la n member of Lib­ eighteen Inches at Colorado Spring« Mary Hicks. Dorothy HUSBANDS AS GUESTS i er at the Methodist church. The message for the 11 o'clock Luchterhand. They came west the Carrels. while they were there they did not erty Masonic lodge of Springfield, The meeting tonight is the first worship service Is: “Deep Calleth same year and made their home at Speck. Le May Irwin. Ronald Wet- and of Baker City lodge number 25. see any «now along the route ex­ Husbands were guests of th“ir of a series of easicu« called by tlnto Deep" Rev Dean C. Poin­ Oakland. Oregon for 20 years. They zell. ' cept In the high mountains. The Independent Order of Odd Fellow» Sleepy Children: Dorothy Cau­ wives at the meeting of tho N- eard. official hoard. Church school teach- Mrs. Bessie Holgate of Sutherlin. Virginia Lee Pohl. Donald Sneed. a« active worker In the Methodist country, says Mr. Nott. luck «upper the club members en­ and Dr. R. E. Dlffendorfer of the Virgtuln Stelnmetx. Benny Steln- ! era and officers. Aid Bix-lety. Bro Mrs. Ada Bottenberg of Redmond. ladles’ Aid society. joyed an evening of games during foreign mission board. Bishop Titus therhood. Leagues, Missionary, and , Katherine In training at the Port­ mets. Pleasing to Mr. and Mr». Ketela, HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL which Mrs. Gossler and C. F. Bar­ Lowe of Portland w ill also a*tend Gnome« and Elves: Lolmae Ro- ull other officer» or leaders. T h e , land Hanltorlum. Pauline at home; Hr »re the many letter» of con­ tbe meetings and will «peak at the HONORED ON BIRTHDAY message will be: "lenders In the and three sisters. Mrs. Herman denbough, Kathryn Moyer. Leota ber won prizes. gratulation which have been pour The next meeting ot the club closing session Friday evening. Bertach. Mary Alice Bartholomew. . Church." Stang and Mrs. Charles Stang. and In on them, many of them coming Elaine Schaffcnburg. Betty Jean w ill be held March 1. at the home Mrs. W. E Buell entertained Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pnator Mrs. Freda Hunt. all of Wisconsin from childhood friend» aero»» the with a birthday dinner at the Buell Jacobson, Betty Pat Aldrich. Ro­ of Mr». Harry Stewart of the Springfield M. E. church Funeral services will be held F ri­ ocean. Home of these we had al­ home Monday night In honor of FIRST OF CLUB DANCES berta Rebhan. Imogene Wick», will have charge of the mornin ; de- HELD HERE WEDNESDAY] day at one o'clock from the Ad- Nova Jean Heiser. Margie Sever­ most forgotten about, »ays Mr. her husband, W. E Buell. It waa a NEW EAGLE INSIGNIA votionals at the Friday morning evntlst school at Sutherlin. Edler Ketel». son. surprise affair and was attended by gathering starting at 9 o'clock. ' The first of a »erle» ot weekly J Dustin of the Adventist church of EASILY OBTAINABLE Shadow People: James Smith. Mr. and Mra. Marlon Hall. Clarabel The Friday evening meeting will which she was a member, will offi­ There«» Ware. Robert Smith. Ho­ Wagner. Marguerite Mllhollen, Ber I club dancea to be held at 210 Main METHODISTS PLAN FOR Firms still operating under the staret at 6 o’clock with a banquet ciate and Interment w ill he made street wa« held la»( night with a SERIES OF MEETINGS nice Conoly. May llewe«, Olyde good attendance. Music wa« fur- at Wilbur. The Poole-Gray-Bartho ward Miller. Harold Squires. -Cur president's reemployment agree­ sponsored by the Wesleyan Foun­ tls Parcher, "Cleona Maxey. Myrtle Dilley Allda Thlrlw ell, Anne Vogel, dation group. A mass meeting will ' eler. Mildred Fletcher, Russell PVIday evening. Mr«. Guy Halsey, ed man of all work. An offering morning. Ramon Rhlnehelmer en DEBATERS SPLIT FIRST Oates. Robert Robbins. Lawrence MRS. CARR HOSTESS FOR will be taken following the play. Mrs. R. L. Drury, and Mra. Charles PRISCILLA GROUP TO tertalned with cowboy songs and Harwood. Colt Wnldrlp. Vergie MATCH W ITH EUGENE Myers are on the entertainment IUKA SEWING CIRCLE The school of missions w ill be ENTERTAIN HUSBANDS the boy« trio, Robert Brown, Jack Bitxxard. Geneva Hollis. committee. continued this week at 8:30 Sun­ W illiams, and Morris Stewart, sang Springfield debutar« won one and Second Tea Kettle Chorus: Peggy Members of the refre«hment com­ Members of Iuka sewing circle day night. Mrs. H. O. Dlhblee and Mra. E. several numbers. The senior elass lost one debate Wedne«day when W right, Gloria O ree», Gladys Peer- mittee assisting Mra. Buell are Mrs. 0 . Stuart will be In charge of the will meet this afternoon at the had charge of the program. they opened their debating season sen. Hester Jean Thompson. Penrl "Grace or Disgrace” will be the P. J. Bartholomew and Mrs. (). H. party which members of the Pris­ against Eugene high. The affirm a­ Gibson, Reetha Young, Jackalvn home of Mrs. Nellie Carr on "D" subject for the morning sermon at Stiles. cilla club are giving for their hus­ tive learn, Frances Stiles and Lela Whitney. Thelma Burkhart, Ione street. This Is the semi-monthly the church according to Rev. R. meeting of the sewing organisation. bands at the I. O. O. F. hall to­ DAUGHTER BORN TO Peterson lost their debate here In 9. verson. Iva Gillette. Mildred E. Rolens, pastor. The Sunday FRUIT GROWERS CALL night at 8 o'clock. Carda will form school meets at 9:dS under th* di­ MR. AND MRS. POLLARD the afternoon, but the negative Smiley, Inex Oram, Louise Smith. EUGENE TRAFFIC MAN FOR ANNUAL MEETING the principal diversion of the even­ team. Benetta Miller and Lucille rection of Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. Orchestra Listed ing. Caroline Is the name chosen by Davis won the evening debate held Toy Crehc tra; Bobby Aldrich, BOY SCOUT SPEAKER The annual meeting of the Eu­ Mr. and Mrs. Nell Pollard for their at Eugene high school. Dick Ba Iholctnew. Eddi • Burkhart, View« Road Site— B. A. W.ish- gene Erult Growers will be held at Visitors from Wsndllng— Among ten and one-half pound hahy daugh­ W illiam Haviland, traffic patrol­ burne returned the first of the week Joyce Church, Joe Clv'ce, Lloyd the chamber of commerce rooms the visitors In Hprlngfleld Satur­ ter born to them at Miss Nelson's Returns from Portland— W illiam Darr, Richard Flanery, Betty Gar­ man In Eugene, will address the from the Coast where he spent sev­ In Eugene Saturday morning. day to attend the Apgar funeral M aternity Home In Eugene Tues­ O. Moyer, salesman for the Moun­ rett, Ann Marie Gossler. Betty Jar Springfield Boy Scouts at their eral days as one of the official March 3, with seaaloni starting at were the following from Wendllng: day evening, February 20. 193d. tain 8(atea Power company return­ rett, Clair Irw in, Joan MacFarland, meeting nex' Tuesday at the Meth­ county road viewers Inspecting the 10 o'clock and continuing through Harvey Geiger, Gerald Christopher Mother and daughter are getting ed Wednesday from Portland where Wllmu Morefleld. Allene Morefleld, odist church. He will talk on pro­ proposed site for the new route F the afternoon. and Peter Johnson. along nicely now, aaya Mr. Pollard. he spent the first part of the week. Hallie Markham. Nadyne Neet, Ja- blems pertaining to traffic safety. weet from Eugene. METHODIST MEN AT CITY MEETING +