THURSDAY. FWRRUARY IB. 1934 THE SPRINOFIEI-D NEWS PAGE FOUR FOOD ELECTION BOARDS NAMED CHAMBER CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN EUGENE Drama Groups In District Ikeet Presidents Mother in Typical Roosevelt Greeting The Eugene C ham ber of Com ......rev will en te rta in th e first an I uual convention of lam e County I c h am b e rs of C om m erce, to be held First Eliminations Held Last j in Eugene T hursday evening. Feb. Night; Winner* of County Precinct ruary 22. 1934 at a 6:30 o'clock To Try for State Title Each Springfield Gets Double Board for May and November Election M em bers of election boanls to serve the four Springfield precinct in th e May prim ary anil N ovember general elections w ere nam ed S a t­ urday by W. B. Dillard, county clerk. Each Springfield precinct will have a double board thia y ear to expedite the counting of th e elec lion ballot». T he m em bers of th e Springfield board» a re aa follow»: N um ber I—Elsie C. S tew art. Cora M. H inson. F lo ra H untly, Olive M Nice. F ran cis S altsm an ; (Second b o ard )—George A Cox, Maxwell Pohl. Mabel Tyson. Mai- indn H awke. John S Lorah N um ber 2—C harles Eggim ann, Maude T. B ryan. H attie E. Myers, N. L. H elterb ran d . Mae Ogilvie; (Second b o ard )—D allas Murphy. E lizabeth Page, Sadie Laxton. Mel- born B artlett. E lisabeth G erlach. N um ber 3—R obert Sidwell. Alice L. Thompson. B lanche May. Lillian Black. A rth u r C. C lark ; (Second bo ard !—John P ark er. Genevieve Louk. G race H enderer. C ivility S McKlin. Alma W hitney. N um ber -4 — C lara Snodgrass. Abbie F . W heaton. Lena Fraeder- ick. F ran k Gordon. Elm a H alsey; (Second b o ard )—B ernice Van Val- zah. Marion Maxey. Alice Doane Mrs R achel T h atch er, E lizabeth Olson. All m em ber* of all affiliated o r­ F irst elim ination series (n th ganizations of th e County C ham ber Lane county D ram atic association a re invited and urged to atten d . play contest w ere sta rte d last nlill’.t Member* of o th er local groupa who a t W illakenzie g range hall with a re In tereateu In county wide d ev ­ team s from W illak en tie, M arcela, Mohawk Mi K enzle grang elopm ent are also cordially Invited. and Subjects of county-wide im p o rt­ p articip atin g In the one-act play an ce will be p resen ted such a< presen tatio n s. Friday night a sim ilar d istrict f!oi>d control, freight rate», sh o rt road to th e sea m ineral resource», contest will be held at G oshen with ag ricu ltu ral developm ent, to u rist W illakenzie. G oshen and Elm ir.' traffic, etc. T he sales lax will he com peting discussed by tw o speakers, one f o r ! Monday groups ill th e River Koa I and one ag ain -t th e proposed law d istric t will have th e ir m u te st at T his m eeting could be th e m o s t, R iver Read school n orth of E uger im portant affair of Its kind e v e r ; when Yarnell. River Road and Wtl held in Lano county,—it all de-1 la k e n tie will com pete pends upon how many a re In a t- ( The final d istrict m eeting will tendance from th e various d istric ts.; be held Tuesday at Lowell w here NEW YORK: Herewith is shown a most unusual and moat latvrsst and how d eterm ined and unitedly P leasan t Hill. Lowell, and T ren t lng picture of the President'* mother, Mr». James D. Roosevelt, In a typlval they become upon county-wide pro­ will com pete Roosevelt greeting The picture w»» taken at one of the three birthday W in n eri of th e d istrict m eets blems. It could be m ade th e stro n g ­ parties which she attended here in honor of her eon's birthday and for will hold an o th er elim ination series est medium In Ihe county through the Warm Bprlngs Foundation fund With Mr». Roosevelt, aa host, I» shown Maj. Gen Dennis k>. Nolan. which to o btain n ecessary p ro­ in E ugene next week to determ ine gram s of county developm ent, ac- j th e county w inner. T h e w inner of I cording to H. E. Cully, secretary , th e county co n test will go to Cor NEW STATE COUNCIL vallis to com pete w ith o th e r groups of the E ugene cham ber. TOPIC OF BROADCAST during th e Home In terest confer­ ence startin g F eb ru ary 28. DAIRY CONTROL PLAN OUTLINED State D ir*c to r of New Emergency Council to T a lk of New State Set-Up F riday Night The m essage at th e m orning Edgar Freed, national em ergency w orship serv ice a t th e M ethodist council d irecto r for Oregon will go church will be "C h rist and Con­ on the a ir In a joint program to be version." T h e V esper service at presented Friday evening. Febru­ S p. m. will be a m o th er and daugh ary 16. over radio station ¡ KEX t service, w ith th e m o th ers and and KGW In P ortland d au g h ters In th e choir. T he me» Mr F reed will explain the for sag e will be “G row ing . in to W o ! First Indication of Procedure Given Bv Wallace; Some m aiion of NEC and is expected to manhood.” and th e serv ice will shed som e new light on Ihe future Farm Pork Tax Free close with a candle lighting cere tren d of relief work in Oregon rnony led by a m o th er and tw o Removal o t th e minim um limit ' He retu rn ed this week from Rev. and Mrs Fulton arrived dau g h ters, assisted by th ree young hom e from C alifornia T uesday to girls. Rev Dean C. P oindexter will in the hog section of th e corn-hog ’ W ashington. D. (' . a fte r a series spend a few days. Rev. Fulton has preach both serm ons. T h e L eagues control plan, estab lish m en t of of conferences with Ihe ranking been chosen presid en t of th e Ad­ have services of in te re st to all farm er exem ptions u n d er th e hog I heads of th e F ederal Recovery pro­ v en tist college n e a r O akland. C ali­ young people. T h e H igh school p jrocessing tax. and o utline of th e I gram and th e o th er 47 sta te direc­ fornia. and cam e to move some of league m eets a t 6:15 and th e old le u ta liv e plan for dairy production tors of NEC. control are late developm ents un th e ir things there. During his stay In W ashington er league at 6:30. d cr Ihe AAA. according to a review , on official bu-lness. M r. Freed had The L adles' Aid society m et of th e ag ricu ltu ral officials at O re­ conferences with G eneral Hugh S T uesday for all day's m eeting w ith PATRONS OF GOSHEN gon S ta te college. Mrs. N eedham. Johnson, n ational recovery adm in­ SCHOOL MEET TONIGHT T he B ridge club will m eet w ith The recen t ad d ress by S ecretary is tra to r; F ran ces P erkins, secret Mr. and Mrs. C hris H anson on Fri ary of lab o r; C hester C. Davis, ag A vote to d eterm in e w h eth er or ; W allace on "T he D airy D ilem m a." 1 day evening. T he club m et with rlcu ltu ral adjustm ent a d m in istra­ contained Ihe first a u th o rta tiv e ex ■ not the Goshen school d istrict shall j p lauation of the kind of p ro d u c t to r; H arold L. Ickes. secretary of Mr. and Mrs. Beals last Friday consolidate with th e P leasan t Hill evening the interior, and PWA chief; P resi­ union high school d istric t will be tion control contem plated for dairy Mrs. Hill from W ashington Is dent Roosevelt and other recovery taken to n ig h t at a m eeting of th e j lng hv AAA. Even il is still ten ia visiting Mrs. Jam es H ill h ere and leaders, who outlined the part NEC Goshen school patrons. Some of the live how ever, as to details, hence i expects to stay until a fte r Mr. Hill would play in the ubseqiient dev Goshen high school stu d en ts now th e m Is still tim e for 11 to be care retu rn s from California. elopm ent of the Federal rehabilita full' considered by dairym en go to P leasan t Hill and o th ers Mr. and Mrs. Dudley P u ck ett lion of industry. com- to Springfield. No high school th roughout th e co u n try looking to aDd d au g h ter from n e a r K lam ath T he function of NEC as an ward possible changes or additions , is m aintained a t Goshen. Falls have been v isiting relativ es before th e final co n tract form s are agency to d irect NRA code com h ere for several days. pliance. to coordinate recovery ac­ arriv ed at. Forest W o rk e rs in England M is. Ray Baugh retu rn ed hom e tiv ities and th e report Io the P resi­ V o lun tary C u rtailm ent Unemployed w orkers In England la s t Sunday a fte r spending sev eral dent through NEC headquarters In T he plan proposed by W allace days w ith relativ es and friend have been a signed to sm all “su b W ashington, will be explained sisten ce farm s" In re tu rn for which calls for an Individual voluntary | n e a r Junctio n City and Shedd. farm allo tm en t am ounting to 85 Mr. H ufford and son. Leland each man puts in about 6 m onths p er cent of th ■ av erag e annual LANE FOUR-H WORKERS a y ear on fo rest im provem ent work. w ade a business trip re Drain last ON N. B. C. PROGRAM At the sam e rate, the 160 million production of each dairym an over Monday. acres of N ational F o rest in th e th ? past th ree 'e a r s . T h u ’ , co­ T housands of 4 H club m em bers U nited S tates would em ploy 650.- o p eratin g dairym en would agree to Forest Product» Used for Money all over th e 11 w estern sta te s will reduce production 15 per cent un­ In th e early days fcand-riven 000 men. he tuned in on KOW at P ortland, d e r th e base period. ced ar shingles w ere used in lieu N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S For such reduction, to be m ade Friday. F ebruary 16. to h ear a dele­ of m osey, nnd som e of he country- by any plan they saw fit to adopt, gation of Oregon buys and girls Notice is hereby given th a t Irene sto res m aintained a shingle yard Swezey has been appointed execu they would be com pensated by ad put on a 45 m inute program dur­ in stead of a cash reg ister. In many trix of th e will and e sta te of F red Justm ent to be financed from a pro­ ing the W estern Farm and Homi- p a rts of the country, products of H. C ham berlin, late of L ane coun­ H our sponsored by the U. 8 De th e forest a re still exchanged for ty, Oregon. All persons having cessin g tax on b u tter-fat which partm en t of A griculture. The foodstuffs and m anufactured goods claim s ag ain st said e sta te should would reach a m axim um of five p resen t th e sam e duly verified to cen ts p er pound, with a com pen broadcast will begin at 12:15 th e said executrix a t th e office of sato ry tax on oleom argarine. As o'clock Pacific stan d ard tim e, and Lum ber and W a ter S. D. Allen. Eugene, Oregon, w ith­ su b stan tial an advance paym ent as will be heard over ail w estern sta T he w eight of a thousand board in six m onths from th e first pub­ lions of the N ational B roadcasting feet of lum ber d ecreases approxi­ lication of th is notice, w hich is possible would be m ade to each dairy farm er soon a fte r his con­ system . m ately 22 pounds for every percen F ebruary 15, 1934 T he W estern Farm and Home IRENE SW EZEY, E xecutrix — of m oisture rem oved from th e wood S. D. ALLEN. A ttorney for estate. tra c t is accepted. hour devotes one hour each month by seasoning. Expansion P erm itted tF 15-22 — M 1-8-15) to a 4-H club program made up of S ecretary W allace prom ises to contributions from th e various keep th e plan as flexible as possi- stales, hut Oregon Is th e first sta te hl? so as to perm it expansion of to be Invited to put on the en tire th e in d u stry as fas as consum er de­ program . m and w arran ts. T h ere a re o th er Lane county chibs will be rep res­ angles of th e plan about which ented on the program by four Lane m ore will be announced later. county club m em bers. Melba An T he change on th e corn-hog plan drew« of Bethel, one of the out­ allow s any grow er of hogs to join standing girls chosen at the state and receive benefit paym ents In fair, will talk and to g eth er with A fine stock of groceries at prices which m atch re tu rn for reducing his production H elen M ichael of C hase G ardens, by a t least 25 per cent. P reviously E lizabeth Holcomb and Theda those to be found anyw here is carried Jiy this m odern an av erag e of th re e litte rs a year Phibbs of P leasan t Hill, will sing store. We aim to give this com m unity the best gro­ was th e bottom lim it n ecessary be­ two 4-H club songs w ritten by Mrs. cery service to which you are entitled. fore a m an could sign a hog con­ Alice Callison of Fall Creek. tra c t. T his change Is expected to in crease th e to tal Oregon signup Saw m ill Production very m aterially, as m ost hog rais­ E arly saw m ills w ere hard push­ ers In th is sta te a re relatively sm all ed to produce five thousand feet producers. of lum ber In tw enty-four hours. T he change In th e hog processing Modern mills can produce 750,000 tax allow s each fa rm “r an annual feet in eight hours. BEST FOODS exem ption of 300 pounds of pork products he ells o r tra d e s from Birthday Honored — A surprise PINTS slau g h terin g s of hogs of his own birthday party was given for L. K. raising. T his applies only w here Page Tile day evening by m em bers his to tal of product* in any m ark et of his .Sunday school class end of ing y ear do not exceed 1000 pounds Ibe E rg ath a class. Thurston Irish-Murphy Co. Salad Dressing 17c LUCKY SAIL Crab Meat 2 FOR E. JOHNSON DIES Lane federation NILENBDRG DOME Springfield Women's Organi- zation Plan* Exchange of Nntlvs of Lsnburg Lwivss Widow nnd Fivs Children; Plants; Chairman Named Funeral Held Wednesday d in n e r m ee tin g . MOTHERS. DAUGHTERS IN M. E. VESPER PROGRAM Club J o ÌRS H.S. INTERCLASS GAMES STARTED Freshman Girls Upset Dope In Sensational Win From Seniors 20-6 Monday lu lerclass basketball gam es be­ tw een both boys and girls team s started al Springfield high school this week with the first game play­ ed Monday afternoon Two gam es have been played every afternoon th is Week and the series will be com pleted Monday a fter which the playoff of Hie lending team s will decide which cla»< shall win the points tow ards the student activity cup. T he first gain.- of the series, the rnish senior girls gam e provided ih e big upeet of Iho series so far when Ihe first year girls coached by Gladys Mlnney topple«! the sen tors 20-6. Juan S tratto n and Jean ine W ithers w ere the forw ards; J is ii Lloyd amt E lizabeth Johnson wi-ro guards: and Edna Vest and Bernice ^ n lth were th e centers T he sam e afternoon Ihe senior I oys defeated the freshm an boys M embers of Ihe Bprlngfleld Wo m en's Civic Im provem ent club voted to affiliate them selves with Ihe 1 aue County Fm lersllon of W omen's clubs al th« Ir monthly ilivcllng h ere T uesday. Mrs. Pearl Schanlol explained Ihe function ot the comity orgaiilsatloii ul Ihe meet lug Mrs Fl ank P rall of E l i gene nlso gave un lllu atra'ed talk on photography C om m ittee chairm an for Ihe yeai were nam ed at th e m eeting by Mrs D II. F isher, chairm an They are Mr A It Van Valzati. publicity: Mrs f . K. W heaton, program s: Mrs. David Bailsm an, en tertain tnenl; and Mrs R. <1 P rivat, mein liership Me in tiers of the club will hold a potluck 81. P ulrlek's luncheon az the home of Mrs Meila ('etching for th e ir next m eeting March IS The annual plan! exchange of the d u b m em bers will be held at Dial time. Ellas Luke Johnson, native of ilia Leahiirg vicinity died al his hom e th ere Tuesday m orning lie wa* the »on of early plouaer*. Agrod ami Rodv Johnson nnd was born al I -'»burg on S eptem ber 23. 1863 Dii January II. 1872 he was mar­ ried Io N ellie Founlalli. daughter >f McKenzie vnlley pioneers Hhe died III 1823 August 8, 1831 he wa - m arried Io Evelyn lla rrlll of Leabnrg who su r­ vives him as «lues five children They are J«-»» Johnson. Itoaeburg; Mrs, B ertha Ream. Gild»; Roy Johnson, B end; <'larw«w Lynne Johnson ami alpli Johnson of Quee inel, Il C He elee leave« two slater*, Mrs Ann Nicholson of Ku gen«- ad Mrs Ju lia Kluni Leetewnl. lie was a mem ber of the Haptlal church. * F uneral services were held Wed m-sday afternoon from Ihe Vealch chapel 1« Eugene at I o'clock. H er. DOGS MUST HAVE TAGS Itryant Wilson officiated and In­ BEFORE END OF MONTH term en t was m ade In Ihe G reen wood cem etery al (.eaburg All dogs In lam e county one year or older m ust be licensed be DATE SET FOR OPERETTA fori- March 1. according Io a w arn­ BY BRATTAIN SCHOOL ing notice Issued by th e county court m em bers T he f«««s th is year The o peretta. "T he K itchen are 31 00 for male or sayed fem ale dogs, and 31 50 for fem ale «logs flo c k " will be gtevn at the high A fter March an extra charge of school auditorium on Friday ev en ­ 25 re n ts per m onth will he aildml ing. F ebruary 23. II was announced during March. April ami May After this week by Ulen B Wood, prln that lim e lhap licenses will coal elpal. All the teach ers at the Brat- tain schiMil are arrlatlng with ihe 32 00 nnd 32 50 o peretta, th e m usical background for which will be provided by Ihe I. O. O. F. Encampment to Meet school's (oy orchestra. T he reg u lar -'eml-monthly meet lng of W lm awhala E ncam pm ent of R ancher I* Visitor-— Paul Brat- Odd Fellows will be held at Ihe I O. D F tem ple In Eugene Friday ; tain, ran ch er In Ihe Paisley dl* night of thia week S ere Ail mem 1 ir ltl Is visiting at Ihe llra lla ln bers of the order live In Spring huu e lit Mprlngfleld Mrs. B rallalu (¡.•Id Sm ell r< ed at 6 45 latdlea has Iweu III. but Is now able to be ■ ulsldc agalu a fte r two week«. of p atriarch s a re Invited SUN. - MON. - TUES - WED. "Love Your Neighbor— Love Hi* Wife"— that was the strange moral code of the— 14-6. T i.e day Ihe Junior boys won 16 14 in n close game with the sopho- rio res. The girls gam e was one- n d e d with Ihe Junior girls winning 14 2 over the second year girls. W ednesday the freshm an girls 1 -peated th eir show of pow er by i! -ft atlng th e sophom ore girls 26-2 while th e boy were defeated by th e sophom ore boys 12-11 In a hard f« ueht game Today the sophom ore and seniors term s play and Friday th e fresh- i-a n nnd Juniors v. Ill meet Monday •’•t Juniors and senior* windup t h ' n terclass play T hese gam».) pre sta rte d about 2 45 < ach afte-noon and a re open to th e public w ithout adm ission. Som e very Int« resting basketball gam es can be v-i'.iesst'd these a fter noons. LINCOLN SCHOOL BOYS LOSE BASKETBALL T IL T T he eighth grade hoys basketball team al the Lincoln school lost to the P leasant Hill M idgets In a thrilling game Friday night. The score wus Springfield 24. P leasant Hill 31. L ineups for the two team s were: Springfield L. M cPherson, 2 F F T aylor, 9 W estlake, 2 C G P edersen. 1 D McBee, 6 8 Keenan, 4 Pleas. H ill Jordan, 8 Hills. 9 Finch G u litln a . 8 Farh-y, 6 8m all Saw m ills In w estern Oregon and W ashing­ ton th ere a re over 700 saw m ills with capacities of less th an 60,000 board feet of lum ber per day ac- coardlng to th e Pacific N«»rthwest F orest E xperim ent S tation. Over 400 of these can produce less than 10.000 feet In 8 hours. In enstern Oregon and W ashington th ere are abolii 200 sm all mills of which one- half can produce from 1,000 to 10,- 000 hoard feet per day. THERE'S NOTHING BIGGER THAN ESKIMO! SPECIAL SALE • ON SLIGHTLY USED Late Model Gas Ranges W ITH CLOSED TOPS, AUTOMATIC CONTROLS AND MANY OTHER MODERN FEATURES Prices $ 15 to $45 Upper Willamette ] N e w S p r in g ALSO SEVERAL USED AUTOMATIC STOR­ AGE GAS WATER HEATERS. Sport Oxfords For W om en Northwest Cities Gas Co. Springfield