THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IB, 1984 PAOS THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS r America ara losing roopact fur tba LUMBER PRODUCTION office of preaidant. Wa do not pay UNCHANGED FOR WEEK tha prealdent a big enough »alary; Franca pay* bar* three tlm»a aa Portland, Feb 15— t'rratlon o f a Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 15—A total much and demand« far lea« from |l.oOQ.uuo corporation financed by of 663 down and operating milla la him. I think It la one of the weak- Iho Industry, to buy up null ill» Hera from Codar Flat - J. B < * < • » •"> W raktogtos which re- Vlalta from Oeartvorn— Mr» J H na aaa of a democracy that we manti« old (actorlaa which are au O dell and family of Itaerhorn were Endicott of Cedar Flat . . . a vial- P®«»0 “ » ‘he Weet Coast Lumber I think of the man, ratbor than the I uneconomic burden on lh« Induatry men'« association for the week end­ 1 office h» hold». Aa a man no on« vkltora In Hprtngfleld Haturday tor In Springfield Tueeday. i waa propoaad lu a coiiiniuiilcalloii ing February 3. produced 73.333 I la antltlad to more reaped than School Haa Program—All glades 541 board feet of lumber. Thle wa» Vlalta Slater— Mlaa Juanita WII- io tha national racovary admlnla another of equal character, but I aon left Saturday for Loa Angela« at the Lincoln school held a Val­ an Increase of approximately 4.- STOP CAS PAIN8! GERMAN (ration Imlay by th» m a n u fa c to r y , would Ilka to ace the president, to viatt with her alater. entine party at the school Wed­ 000.000 feet over the preceding REMEDY GIVES RELIEF ’ of kraftboard and puparboard, ac ' iia auch. bald In auch high reaped nesday afternoon. week The average production of cording to word received hara ut ¡that, by reflection, the government Acting on BOTH upper and low or Visit at Salam— Mr. and Mra. W this group of »awmlll« In 1934 has huw«la Adlarlka wnatrna out all pul- | llm Orngou NHA compliant« dlvl- Ill at Home— C. I. Oorrte haa of which he la the head la looked j H. Adrian «pent the week-end with been 71.132.501 feet; during the CAREENS . . . often aocldantal ■011» that cauaa gas. narvouanaaa j «Ion headquarter«. been III at hla home east of Spring up Io. rather than held In contempt relative» at Salam. and bad alaap. ttoa. tltia* glv«a ra- , If lh» approval of Prealdent same period In 1933 their weekly F»w people know when they are field for several daya. He Is Im­ ll»t at one* Flanvry'a Drug Htur«. Hooaevell and tb» NHA I» given to ! vary young what their life-work la LINOBERQH.....................and wlfa average wa» 63.424.190 feet. Visits In Portland— Mias Anne proving now. The more I e« dmt read about The new bualnea» reported last { ibe plan, mauufacturara would going to be Moat or them find McOookto went to Portland Satur­ Col. Lindbergh and hla wife, the Mayer to Coast— Mayor W. P. week by 487 mills la 82.376.114 day to »pend the week end visiting Play In Recital— Marie liolllatar i reala the corporation by them selves In career» which Ibey leas reap« i t 1 hflve for the horde Tyson will leave Friday for the board feet against a production of and Wayne N> «trota ware among ■«lllng «took throughout the In never dream «1 of. There 1» Ted of nolorloty »eckcra who get their with friends. Coast to Inspect CWA projects. Mr. 76.379.200 feet and »hlpments of He went I he children who played lu the i ilualry. Manufacturer« would be Oelael, for example names and picture» In print so fre­ Motor to Corvallis— Mr. anil Mra. Tyson is district safety engineer 31.738.728 feet. Their shipments plano recital at the I’reahylerlaii obliged to buy atock In the new through two or three unlveraltlea, quently and who try to c a a li In R. L. Drury and «on. Franklin, and were under production by 11.4 per under the CWA. church In Eugene Sunday after- «■orporatlon on t i l e buala of 50 cent« Intending to become a great author on the publicity which their antics Ml a Lily Htolslg drove to Corval­ cent and current »ales were for uv»ry ton of 1932 production. or a college professor. or both Hut uoou bring them Moat of them are com lis Sunday to visit with friend». over production by 9.2 per cent. The new corporation would ac­ one day he drew a comic »ketch S. C. ELECTRIC SCREENS pletely lacking In the qualities Tbe order» book«an ever before I. being ar Inapector H o m » -W F Tyson, B. Holmes of the U. 8. Fish com­ wll be March lat. 1934 worrv rural folk who have "holed' ranged for the fourth annual Home inspection engineer for the WA mission has enlisted the aid of the by the men falling, slipping, lift­ WM W HAKCOMHE. Attorney UP tor the winter, with plenty of In'erea.s conference a. the school | spent the *«-k^nd_ at_ h i. home engineering school In these studies ing or pulling; the improper uae NOTICE TO CREDITORS (or Plaintiff T O Adreaa 301 of tools, and the falling of trees He has been working in Tiffany Bldg . Eugene. Oregon Notice la hereby given that the salt pork and cider In the cellar of home economic« at Oregon 8 ta t e , here and other objects. (F 1 8 I 5 23 M 1) college February 28 to March 3 an- ¡ Southern Oregon for the past week j undersigned haa been appointed and forty cords of birch and oak In MANY ATTEND SECOND The largest number of injuries Executor of the last will and testa­ the woodshed If they can't get ou' nounces Clarlbel Nye. director of Mother III— Miss Theda Boyles. were to the hands and fingers— 86 ment of Edna W. Hohba end of her home economic« extension The OF MASONIC SOCIALS In all. Next In order are 40 foot, estate, anil haa duly qualified aa lo the movies, and the K. F D. car- conference Is open alike to organi­ Springfield high school student, auch. All persona having claims f rler 1« delayed by snowdrift«, they was called to her home at Toledo About 35 persons were present heel and toe injuries, followed by zation leaders and Individual home- agalnat »aid estate are hereby re- .-an at lea»t gossip with tbe neigh- last week-end because of the Ill­ for the second of a aerie» of »octal some form of injury to 31 eye«, 29 qulred to present .u cb claim« duly ,MirH ()¥„r i . 1 . . ThBi « the makers. DR. C. A. BROWN ness of her mother. gatherings sponsored at the Liber­ kneea. and 18 hands. The complete verified with proper voucher» at- , This conference has become In­ tached. to the undersigned at the ”ur D e n tis t Leaves for California — Mrs. ty Masonic hall by members of the list of injuries reads like an an­ creasingly popular from year to office of I M Peterson at 134 Malh hundred year» In America, and we lodge last Thursday evening. Fol­ atomical catalogue. It is said, but F orm erly Dr. Em ery'« street. Hprtngfleld. Oregon, with are Just a« reatatant a» they were, year aa an Bnnual clearing house Harry Calkins has gone to Callfor- for plana and programs connected nla to spend a month visiting with lowing a potluck supper for mem­ only one insect bite and 5 cases Oantlat Office in «lx months from the date o t thl»' if on|y thought so. notice, the »ame being dnted and • • • with home life and betterment a brother and other relative», She bers of the lodge and of Cascade of poison oak and ivy are recorded. Phene 20-J Figure» on accident» occuring in publlahml the first time thia 3 th , chapter of O. E. S. and their fami­ . through the state. Laat year 301 will he gone for two months. day of February, 1934 lies. an evening of cards and danc­ the enrolled personnel of the civil­ , , , . , . . persons attended, representing 52 WILLIAM H HOBBS, Kxecu I hear a lot of talk about a "plan ‘ . ... Collect» Bounty — The county ing waa enjoyed. ian conservation corp» are not In­ tor of the laat will aud testa­ ed economy" for the United State». type- of organization» The total bounty on one bobcat and one Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Harry Stewart. Harry Whitney cluded in this report, as these re­ ment of Edna Hohba. Deceased cumulative «enslon attendance waa I have observed the planned eco­ cougar wa» collected at tbe office and John Henderer wert in charge. cords are kept by the army. Naturopathie Physician I M PETERSON. Attorney for 2521 nomy of Italy at first hand 1 have of the county clerk Saturday by J. »aid ratal«. An interesting feature will be Phono 91-J (F 315-31— M 18) rend about the planned economy of D. Yale of the upper McKenzie the state final» In the community Russia and Mr. Hitler's effort to country. Office Hours: 1 to 5 P. M NOTICE TO CREDITORS drama contest« Five countie« will Introduce something of the sort In 403 Fourth Street Notice la hereby riven that the he entered In thl» thl« year com Mold Valentine Pasty — About undersigned ha» been appointed Ad Oermany, The general Idea, a» ap- pared with two laat year. Winning fifteen memh-r» of the W esleyan inlnl«tralor of the Eatate of Hazel pli d to the United States, leaves group» from Clackamas. Columbia, j o( Methodist church enjoyed M Relchenbarh. deceased, by the me cold Lane. Jackson, and Josephine coun- „ social at the church Friday even- > County Court of Ian « County, Ort« Every Imaginative man haa at tie» will produc« one-act plays the lnR Misses Faye Parsons and Watchmaker and Jawalar von All persona having claims igalnat the «aid eatate are hereby time thought of or been Impressed af ,ernooB „„<( evening of March Velda Bartholomew were in charge, 8PHINOF1KLD I notified to present the same, pro­ by the Idea that thia would be a j for , he champ|(,nahtp „f the state. So. Faelfla Watoh I nape« tor perly verified, to the undersigned, perfect world If everyl>ody would First Class W ork kt Reasonable topics for thia year's Road la Closed—The north bank at the office of Well« A Well», I'rloea. An OatatanJing Hank of Commerce Building. Ru­ coooera'e for the common good. So conference Include better housing. road along the McKenale river be­ an(, ,jr,ia control, money mak- tween W altervllle and Camp Creek gene. Ijine County. Oregon, within It would be. but try and make em! foot, __________ f in ic a l Inatrument »lx month» from the dale of the Tin* only wav any sort of planned la«,,, for the homemaker. has been closed during the CWA Uenaral Law Practica (lest of this notice 1 oecnomy can be . Imposed . . et publication piimication or inis notice on any I »n r . h e h o m e a n d a nanel construction which has left la so o f Q jality Date of first publication. January „ . . » . ... - : book'' ,or *np home, ana a panel I. M. PETERSON |M> i i le 1» by force, as the examples ! j discussion , .. . . .„J by Dr Om ln e n t state led prominent state muddy in places that tt is alm ost 25. 1934 Attorneywt-latw I have mentioned indicate. DALE M SMITH. Administra leader« on "How the American impassable. PHILCO 18x City Hall Building tor. As long as great groups of people Home Contributes to Changing WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. Sprtngflald, Oregon M is sio n M e e tin g P ostpo ned — disagree with the plan, or have American Ideals." (J 9 5 - F 1 8J6-221 other plans of their own. there Isn't First report on the rural housing Monthly meeting of the Baptist any way to put any national plan conditions In Or>-gon as revealed Missionary society to have been NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL into effect except by force. I have- In a CWA survey of needed hulld- held Tuesday evening was post­ PROPERTY ON EXECUTION Reliance L ife n't heard anyone suggest that, a n d . Ings and Improvements, will be poned because ot Umpqua assocla IN FORECLOSURE BIG FEATURES What a value l h \ Notice Is herebv given that bv 1 am ,iUre ,h o ' * ■ • * * “• *«•"» •« “ >• conference I f I. the tlon meeting held In Eugene that marvelous neo Insurance Co. G asata» P H IL C O B a laa cW Be- virtue of an execution and order never tolerate methods which have general understanding that the gov evening. the world's -argt I » « h M v rv d y n r w itk PaW aM » la - contemplates offering of sale In foreclosure laaued out worked In other countries. We'll ernment rttaa» SaaaSiac » a a r» . . . of Pittsburgh, Pa. radio in an exquisiti "aljw Two Collect Bounties — Archie Balaace» P a w w Claaa A " A a ­ of the Circuit Court of Lane Conn continue Io "muddle through" aa In- long-time loans at low Interest for lnet of fine matched woods. sia Svatwa 3ka4aw T a n ia « ty, Oregon, on the 24th day of dlvldualslata. A a to a u tte V a i a » C a s tra i i such Improvement» once the facts Williams of Rainbow Saturday col­ No other radio at any­ January 1934 In a aull wherein Bava C e a a a a a a tia « Tasa lected the county bounty on one • • • are gathered and tabulated. where near the price ap­ Cantr» Naw Edith L. LaPorte waa and 1» plain­ bobcat and one coyote. William P. G lactra-O yn aaic Sveni proaches the new PH ILC C tiff and Herman T«rhanx and Ef- M A P S ........................ from th» » lr , P H IL C O H la k - M v ta a a r Burch of Mabel also collected the 18X iu volume and purity Hepreaan tod By flee Tschanz hla wife; Otto Tach- Rwalvee natica aa« al I never knew what my farm MANY SHEEP KILLED BY ralla n . ìdltian te re s a la r » ra - e f tone. See and hear It bounty on one bobcat at the office nnz and Mvra McFarland Tachanx looked like until n few months ago. gram«. M a r n ile « » * e»bla«t ot hla wife; Martha Rngh and Ixiyal, . . ,, , . I DOGS HERE LAST WEEK of the County Clerk Saturday. E. H. TURNER «OTtly Rugh her husband; Emil Tachanz; whe" °" e wealthier neigh- 343 A BL Bprlngfleld, Or*. and Esther Tachanz hla wife; Ly-i hors who own« a great deal more Several farmers north of Spring- Resign» Church Poat — Mrs. dla Tachanz n single woman, and ian<| ,h»n I do. and wnntod to dev- field lost sheep from their flocks Esther Adams has resigned a» cor­ Oodfred Tachanz. a ",nx‘p P|op part of It for summer home». week when sheep-kllllng dogs responding secretary of the Christ­ were and are defendants and where : , lost -------------- In on the 23rd day of January 1934 enraged an nerlal photographer to | their farm». Mias Mar- ian church and Mias Lela Peterson POOLE• GRAY -aid plaintiff recovered Judgment map the whole township from the Knrpt Morris lost eight aheep on haa hen elected to her place. Mr. BARTHOLOMEW U d T S vi«ld rt'de?Jndantiht, he'»um "'r " Pr” " VllU** ( "ach of two different nights. Welby and Mrs. Adams are to make their HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT of 31000 00 with Interest at 7 ^ per P“ bl,c Wb*r* U *’ Bb'"” Stevens lost »lx and Mr. Hannah home In Eugene. Funeral D irecto r* annum from February 26th 1930 m<>M‘ Interesting display. ,ogt )w() Thp farlner!l have posted Formsrly Walker-Poole tie»« 310 00 pnld) together with There 1» only one way to find H rpwar)1 (or the killing of 3100 00 attorneys fees, costa tnxed . n„t Just what each farm has on It. , h hy ftn aer(al photo- KUUENE— 11th 8PKINUF1WLD at 329 60 which Judgment was en I fln(, th#( rolled and docketed In the C lerks __ 1 and Charaolton. 338 Main office of said court on the 24th day j Krapher. So the Federal Govern- Conducts Service— Rev. Ren Hol­ Telepoone 733 Phone 83-J of January 1934, and «aid execu men! propose« to map great farm lister went to Vaughn to conduct tlon to me directed and command- areas that way. aa a part of Its do­ the service In the Christian church ing me In the name of the State of i meg(|c allotment program. It may i Oregon In order to satisfy »Rid I . . , , n _ Sunday during the nbsence of the of Springfield ludgment. Interest costa, and at. ’ have other effects, also. In one Con- regular pastor. torneva fees and accruing coats, to nectlcut town a few year» ago an sell the following described pre­ aerial map disclosed a dosen or m ises and properly In Lane County. more houses and buildings which Oregon, to-wlt: The East 51.82 acre» of the had been overlooked by the tax Southwest quarter of Section 32 assessors! Townsliln 17 South. Range 4 W rit Anyway, air maps are quicker of the W illam ette Meridian. We carry the largest aseortment of Drees Prints in Lane county. ami cheaper and far more compre­ NOW THEREFORE In the name hensive than any other method of of the STATE OF OREGON: The colors are guaranteed fast, the finish is beautiful. In compliance with said execu­ surveying, and 1 look for their gen­ tion and order of sale and In order eral adoption. to satisfy said Judgment and de- j • • And You'll Jump Out of Bed in cree and Interest, coats and acettr- . m i . . Ing costa and attorneys fees 1 w ill, PRM ,t>EN T ................. th * oftle* FOR BETTER the Morning Karin’ to Go on Monday the 5th day of March i "Block Sam" Frounces, who was 1934 at the hour of One O'clock P. the steward of the president's I I you leal «our and »unk and th a world SCHOOL REPORTS M of said day at the southwest hnUaej,old when George Wnshlng- look* punk, don 't awallow a lo t ot ulu. mio- front door of the County Court « a . ,-rnl w ater, oil, laaatlva candy or chawing gum Children's Vision should be House In Eugene. Lnne County, lon " v,'(1 ln ‘ herry Street. N tw « id »«pact them to m .k a you »uddonly »weot checked regularly. Physical ■Old buoyant nnd lu ll ot aunahina. Oregon, offer for sale and sell for York, before the national capital change In children la rapid and For they can't do It. Th e y only m ove the HOUSE DRESSES OF THIS MATERIAL, SPECIAL cssh at nubile auction, suhlect Io W as moved to the Dlatrlct of Col- howaia and a mere movement doaan't gat at constant. When It 1» a question the cause. Tha rcainn lor your down-and-out redemption os provided by law, all ,„„n|a pnld no attention to the of eyesight or proper vision, the 1.,-lln« ling 1» la vour your liver liver. I It t should chould pour out two tw o the right, title and Intereat of all child, nine times out of ten doe» po i n d l of liquid bile Into your bowel» dally. of the aforesaid defendant» and of general's remonstrances agalnat I t tbla blla 1» not flowing Iraaly, your loud not know what la the matter the luxury of the presidential table. doesn't dlgaat. I t lust decays in tha bowel» , all peraons claiming by, through with him or her. Proper vision Gaa bloats up your atomaeli. You have a or under »aid defendant» or either "He may discharge me. he may tld nearly always make» for better rk , bad tecta and your breath la foul, of them. In and tn »aid premlaea. kill me If he will, hut while he 1» ■ktr. often break» nut In blamiahas. Your hrad school work. «etna and you feel down nnd out. Your whole Dated this 1st day of February, prealdent of the United States, and ■yctaaa la poleoned. All ot our service charges are 1934 t h o le g o o d , o ld C A R T S It'S C A. SWART8. Sheriff of Lane I have the honor to he hla steward, l . I T I t T l ta . K k e s LIVER very reaaonabl«. r t l . l . B to gat than» tw o County, Oregon. hla establishment shall be sup­ pound» ot b lla flo w in g Iraaly nnd make you leal " u p and up " t hey eo-itatn wonderful. By A. E HULBGAARD, Deputy plied with the beat of everything Examination« Are Free. harmlaM, gentla vegvtehl» »«tract», amaalng Date of first publication Feb. let, the whole country can afford," »aid when It cumaa to making tha blla flow fraaly 1934 DR. ELLA MEADE B u t don 't nak lot II v ri pill». Aak tor Carte»'« I Jttla IJ v » r Pill» Look lor tho name C arter'» Date of last publication March Sam. Optometrist U t t la L iver Pin« on tha tod label. Rwyat » I have frequently »aid, by word ■ubatltuta.XBt 1st, 1984. at drug tturca, *1441 0. M.Co. 41 Waot Mh Eueeno (F 1-816-23— M 1) of mouth and In print, that we In »1.000.000 CORPORATION TO PURCHASE FACTORIES T O W N A N D VICINITY Business Directory Edward C. Privât PHItCO $105 4 W r ig h t & Sons FULOP’S DEPT. STORE T h e h om e o f th e WAKEUP YOUR LIVER BILE— fam ou s M arshall Field D ress Prints and H ouse D resses WITHOUT CALOMEL 8 0 SQ UARE PRINTS