THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I U 6 art M OU» « * * ' TH1RTY-FUWT YEAH YOUTH IS KILLED C III AUTO CRASH SH tlA G kiELI), LANE COUNTY, OKKOON, TUl-KHOAV. KEHHL'AHY 16, 1M4 Good Poker," sayi She Counties Lnite [j J On Hood Control JQ * B°°th-Kellv lo Open Mill here OPEN NEXT WEEK Five Croupe Organize fot Waget to Be Advanced Under | Damage Control; Maxey to Springfield to Meet Eugene 4-L Agreement lor Open­ Head Lane Delegation ing; Plan 30-Hour Week February 21. Cottage Grove Next Friday Afternoon Organization of the five valley The Booth-Kelly wijjlll at I Springfield High School Stu­ dent Fatally Injured While Walking on Highway NO. 5 COUNCIL HEARS M REQUESTS Hadley Requests Vacation of Six Blocks of Platted Land In Brattain Addition countlea Into a Flood Contral aaao- WILL USE DUAL SYSTEM 8*,rln«M*'w wUI resume operation« ilatloii was «larted luat Tueaday ASKS BUILDING REPAIRS i next Monday morning on a 30-hour j when their county court« met at week a« aet up In -the lumber code. ' Driver Exonorated of Blaine Albany with (J. K. Hockley, «late British Radio System Subject according to an announcement Repeal of Dry Laws is Com­ Of Discussion; State Win­ made today by Citarle« G. Brlgga, ! engineer for the PWA Commit By Coroner Jury; Funeral pleted; Adrian Asks to lee were appointed and final or ners to Broadcast Talks general manager. W age, will also Held Thia Morning Creat Bicycle Zone gunlxatlon will be conaumated at be advanced for all claaaea of work Springfield high school will open he reports W ' a 1TDN: . . . Mr«. Jean unother meeting |n Albany next CHICAGO: . . . Above i« Verne llera.linl O'Qulua. 17 year-old A petition seeking the vacation »* ', of Kansas ( » I hj »») Tueaday. the debating aeaaoi. next Wednaa- The Booth Kelly company I. a Hankay, noted South Dakota outlaw of six blocks of lots In the Brat nun of Mr mid Mr«. John O'Qullin, H W. lia i ba« O '¡blWctor o f the Purl rancher, who has confessed to the An organization such as the WII ! *•“ > ,n “ >lu«*l debate with Cottage member of the Four L organization corner of I. and Kelly streets, »»« or Man » Tt lo the nio«t in. kidnapping of Charles Boettcher, tain addition just off Tenth street luuifette Itlver Flood control mm drove on the ¿ubjeet chosen for uri(j on jr^bruary 1 w ai put Into ef- killed Instantly and two cum pan portant J» ’«rtu Kicu Whan 2nd. of Deaver and Haskell Bohn, of was presented to the city council aiM'iatlon In operation In L a n ejth e high achoola thl» year, “Keaol-1 a cent« an hour wage in- SL Paul. His career u bow being at their monthly meeting Tues«lay tun» were badly Injured early Hun-1 1 skrd how » ved the appoint counly will 1». formed In all five *«d Thai the United State« Adopt | <:reaae IIiaklnK tbe minimum wage closely checked by Federal agents evening by Paul Hadley, owner of • i.p li«i poker play, day morning when they wart .it .t i i Th|. ,ncreaae wll, not countlea. They will lie condlnated the Baaenllal Feature« of the Brit . 46 •truck by an automobile while re the property Mr. Hadley told the Into effect Monday but by the Inter-county organization lah Radio Control and '»^"»tlon o,lly turning to their home« lu Bprlttg council that he had the acreage formed by the county court«. T. O. I ITan. will alno apply to all em ployees i 07689362 platted about 10 years ago hoping field Huaaell. CWA anglneer, P. M.l Friday of next week the Spring from February 1. The accident occurred a short to sell off several sm all lots but Morae. county engineer, and H. E .1 field and Kugene high team« will distance ea»t of Mmniuy'« Cabin so far had been unsu. ressful In Maxey, prealdent of the Willam­ meet In the second of the debale« at Judkins point. O'Quinn. Ida «lap-! his venture. ette Valley Flood Contra! asaoda- In each Instance the negative team, «later, Lol« Bench) 18, Olen It«« ) He now requests that the streets lion, will form the com m ittee on con«l«tlng of Renetta Miller and müssen. 17. and a brother. Arthur | and alleys as shown on his plat be county organization for thia county. burlile Davi«, will travel for Bench. were walking ea»t from Ku | vacated. Doing thia will entitle him Preparation of data on flood dam- Bprtngf leid while Franela Stile« gena and the flrat named three R e s id e n t of Springfield for State Officers to Be Guests; to a lower county tax assessm ent. nge and demand for control such i and Lela Peterson will remain at •truck ny by an automobil« were «truck Colorful Program Planned He does not seek to have the pro­ Two Years Dies at Home aa has been done during the last home to uphold the affirmative drlveu by Harry Neel of Cottage perty set outside of the city limits. During Turkey Dinner Sunday; From N. Dakota three months In thia county will Af, er , h„ flrat tw„ Jpbateg a Grove, also driving e a s t Ml»a The councilman took Mr. Had­ > . . . r e .l.le n t ol ,OUDtlM WhHn c • « ' . „ lu d front wl„ , a|nB (>f to the Pacific hospital where both which re Saturday; University High program at which time members agreed to Investigate the requested ...................- were found Io have Buffered con­ X T ' . , X . ' J X . » 7 . ” " ' " 7 " “ of the Springfield Llona club will propo»al before the next morning. Repeats Again Tuesday cussions of Ibe brain and bad Inc Miss Bernice Conoly who coach­ entertain for their ladle«, were here Bunday following a abort III- _______ Church Seeks Repairs eratlona. The girl may possibly ed the Springfield team Into a dla- Springfield high school basket- completed this week by the com-1 The council also heard a request neaa Bhe waa born In Cedar coun have a fractured skull according Io trlct championship last year la not hall players will go to Reedsport mlttee in charge consisting of I. of Rev. L. D. Hoffman of the Bible ty, Iowa on January IK. 1856. Ibe attending physician She 9» so enthusiastic over the season Saturday night In an effort to an- M. Peterson. W E. Buell and P. J Mistion at 321 Main street for per­ on June S. IK K 1 «he was marTleo ■I the hospital Haaiuuaaen was about to open. Several members ot naa another win to their meagre Bartholomew. mission to make som e repairs to taken Io hl» home Monday. Arthur to B N Roberta They moved to her debate team have been and are holdings of the present season. The Th* evening's entertainment will the building they now occnpy. They North Dakota In 1902 and lived Bench was uninjured now III. It la possible that the Wed 11 Shea, governor of the Lions building and make a few slight which Investigated the accident She leave« her widower. S. N Project Activity Ordered Sus­ defeated Springfield for the cham f 3W victories won by the local team ' clubs In district 3«. Frank Tate, dis changes on the interior. The build­ Tueaday afternoon Testimony at Roberta, two sons. Howard C, Kte pended Indefinitely After plonahlp of the north half of the (Ms season trlct secretary, both of Portland. ing is an old wooden structure (he Inqueat Indicated that the wea Perla of Kelso, Washington; Roy Western Oregon division. Roseburg, another cellar position an The order |„ a|| inclusive and selected their winners by March 15 burg 11. Fred Buell with Mrs. Buford Roach for permission to paint off a bicycle car He turned hla car and struck children. : affect« all projects in the county. Following thia the slate Is d lvl-! Tuesday night the U niversity a*'colnh“ni,'t- selection on the xylo- parking zone on Fifth street In ibe rear of the Brooks machine In Bhe waa a member of the Meth j ug( bow long the projects will ded Into an Eastern and Western high school team came across the Phone M,as Barbara Barnell. a front of his bicycle shop and to an effort to avoid the accident odlat church. i*. held up remains uncertain al- division and the districts have un- river to administer a 34-13 defeat vlolln »o*»» by Mr. Roach with Mrs. erect a bicycle rack. His request Testimony as to the poaltlon of Funeral services were held from though the official order stated til April 18 to decide the aectional to the local boys. Springfield start- Roarh as accompanist, a reading, would keep many of the bicycles the young people on the highway Ibe Poole(Irav Bartholomew chapel Dial the men shall not work on Fri- winners •*<• strong In this game leading 6-5 The J*'w,"b Wedding.” by D r.1 front being parked on Main street, varied with som e «tallug that they In Eugene Tueaday afternoon at 2 ’ day or Saturday, but should report It I. finally planned to have the «1 the first quarter. At the half H°"" Eugene, selected he contended. The request was were all walking ou the highway o'clock with Rev. Harry H Neet for work ou Monday and they will ” ^ ' “ ndlng p team« engage Inj ...........................................- - number-1 by the Hartman trio, and University high led 15-8. delegated to the street committee abreast and olhero declaring that officiating Interment was made In ' be Informed at that tim e whether' n _ ... , . . talks by the visiting officers, with power to act. a radio broadcast over radio sta- Brattain ana Smith played for- they were all off the highway The " „ ... ,_ _ ______ , , . .__ _ . Plans for an initiation ceremony- arrangements for the continuation lion KoAt Haven cemetery. at Corvallis about ; ward for SprlngDeld. Hartman at . . . .... , C ity Lots For Gardens accident happened about 12:30 Sun . . . , . . , . have been dropped this year. of (he work hare been completed 1 May 6 ; <*nter. continued to lead his team A request for the use of city lot day morning and several persona The order means no CWA work Bprlngfleld h .a eight student» mates In scoring, and Cox. Squire«. either witnessed the accident when FUN CARNIVAL DRAWS for garden purposes was heard and debate question for Irvin 'rvln and Carson have been shift ^ I ^ I O N CROUPS ^ IL L In Bprlngfleld thia week. A sid e, udvlng the dpba,p It happened or came by Just after granted. Members of the council LARGE CROWD FRIDAY from a little work being done at this year and several of them may ‘ “bout —* — J- — at ------ guards with *»-- the *— tw o 'OBSERVE DAY OF PRAYER expressed their w illingness to have It had happened the armory where a new tar roof be given an opportunity to take « « » mentioned getting the call In The dead youth waa horn at Brll- A large group of people milled Mission societies of the three all the vacant city-owned property h.< - been put on the main portion part In one or more debate», most of the games, llnnl. New Mexico on June 11. 1918 about the rooms of the I. o . t) F Springfield churches will unite to­ thrown open to gardeners. All pro­ of the building, no project work Among these students are Jark and moved to Colorado when five hall Friday evening for the annual morrow afternoon for the observ­ perty would be used subject to ha» been done. The men here hav- lx»gan. Marjorie Burkhart. Kather SCOTT GETS LIQUOR years old In 1928 he came to Ore­ Fun Carnival of Progressive 22. ance of the special World Day of sale, however. Iny been put to work on (he varl- Btrunk. and Leonard Ruth. gon and had lived In Bprlngfleld degree team of Junnila Rebekah The m atter ot replacing the awn­ on« projects for «lx hour» on Fri­ AGENCY FOR CITY Prayer. The m eeting will be held The three Judge system will be j for three years He waa a Junior lodge, at the Christian church this year ing at the city hall was discussed days and Saturday« and for three uaed In the debates this year. The In the Bprlngfleld high ochool. A door prlxe quilt was won by . . , i Druggiat Awaits Instructions from where the Christian Mlssionarv so- and a bid submitted. The recorder hours ou Mondays making a total number of . . Judge« forming the de He was a member of llie Seventh Lawrence Johns. . .... , L iq u o r C o m m is s io n ; O p enin g c ie tv w ill be th e host group. Mrs. waa instructed to investigate the of 16 hours, the maximum allowed Imd Adventist church of Eugene A *1 » n o . . . , ’.„n ,. Expected in Two W eeks Veltie Pruitt will have charge of matter further and report to the Entertainment tncladed the Hart­ ill .-Itlea under 2500 population. case of a tie In the district com and was a member of the Senior man trio, reading by Ila Ihilman, the opening devotional« and Mrs. council. Although no reason for the ahut petition. Missionary Volunteers of that orchestra music by the Kentucki­ CJty ordinance number 559 was The Scott Drug Store operated Marjorie Moshier will have charge down on the CWA was stated In church. ans. and a short sklf, "And the the announcement It Is believed by Loyal F. Scott has been named of the general music. Miss UTdine given its third and final reading Survivors Include besides hla par latmp Went Out" with Mrs. Glenn PRISCILLA CLUB TO the agency of the Oregon State Gartln will sing during the devo- at the meeting. This ordinance re­ that available funds have been ex­ ants, two brothers. Arthur and Mar Stone, Mrs. Stella Kalun, Miss Llquor commission to handle and tional period, according to Mrs. D. peals all of ordinance 513 which ENTERTAIN HUSBANDS pended and the new appropriation vln. and two slaters, Ixtla and Her Thelma Bweeney, Mrs. Wanda prohibited the manufacture, posses­ sell intoxicating liquors over 14 per B- Murphy, general chairman. ha not been made available yet by nice. Barnes, and Mrs. Genevieve I»uk congress. Some light on the future Meinliers of the Priscilla club cent | n Springfield. The first part of the afternoon sion, barter, exchange, sale or giv­ Funeral aelvlce-* were held this Proceeds from the event will be of the work may be shed Friday »*•' entertain their husbands at a Scott was interviewed laat program will be in charge of the ing away of intoxicating liquor. morning at 10 o'clock from the uaed In the purchase of robes for night by Edgar Freed, national George Washington party which «-eeg by Eugene Kelty. inspector Baptist Mission group. The Meth- The ordinance was superseded by Bprlngfleld l*oole Gray Bartholo­ the degree team. emergenry council director for Ore- they will hold nt the I. O. O. F tbe commission, but has heard odist group will have the «'cond the state laws and the repeal of mew chapel. Elder Dustin of Eu­ gon In a radio broad« ant to be hall Thursday evening. February nothing about his future activities, part of the program, and the hoot the eighteenth amendment. A city gene officiated und Interment was given over alallons KEX and KOW 22 Mrs H O. Dll.hlee and Mrs. E He was told that he will have to group will conclude the program ordinance remains operative to CARD CLUB MEETS AT made lu Rest Haven cemetery. C. Stuart will be (he h ostesses furnish his own display case and which Is to start at 2 o'clock and curb intoxication on the city ALBANY HOME TONIGHT Portland, starting at 9:46. streets, disturbing the peace and Mrs. Cecil Mathis entertained for has already made arrangements continue until 4 o’clock, MRS. WALKER HOSTESS the club at her home last week to use one of the larger ones In A tea and social will be held otherwise creating a nuisance. Members of the D-No card club MRS. DIBBLEE HOSTESS and had as her guests. Mrs. Pratt b4g gtore for tbIg purpoee H e Is after the program. FOR KENSINGTON CLUB will go to Albany tonight to be FQR j y KA MEMBERS Holverson and Miss Faye Holver- ajgo arranging a special counter at WOODCRAFT TAKES TWO guests of Mrs. I-enne Safley at A colonial party waa enjoyed by "on. which to handle this business. BAPTIST TO HEAR OF her home there. Mra. Safley was a MEMBERS AT MEETING Members of Iuka circle. Ladies members of the Kenalnglon club Members present at the meeting K wln probabiy bp two weekg STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY member of the club when she lived Auxt|,ary of , he o A. R number when they met nt the home of were Mrs L. C Moffitt. Mrs. John yp( before the ltqnor Is available Karie Koppell and Ida Hills were Ir Eugene nnd decided Io Invite „ wt„ lodge kitchen drive from February 14 to 25. the Daisy Pugh, Mrs. Daisy Clover. Beamon, a tap dance by Page Iasi Thursday evening. As­ and Jnulta ............... . ....... , church h.v V eltie Pruitt, pastor. The lives here and on his ranch at ;. (g beetl kai sjn i|nod bv the men dates for the state drive, were Elsie Lambert and Jew el Heiter- sisting Mrs. Page wore Mrs. L. E. M I hh Olvde Dilley «ubject of the evening »ermon will Paisley» was one of the signers of Mrg Sarah j ohns won the prisP ma(le here laat Thursday night at hrand Mrs. C. F. Eggimann was Baaford. Dorothy Girard. Cynthia | be “Do You Actually Know God?” the Oregon State Constitution j -,« ld for ide'Ui'y'bg correu iy the semi-monthly meeting of chairman of the program commit­ Hobba, Edna Platt, and Glen B The men's chorus will sing. when It was adopted on February of the ha e-'toed pictures ,f Bprlngfleld American Legion post tee. and Mrs. Putman had charge Wood. Mr Wood nnd Mr. Basford SHOEMAKER STARTS ON 14. seventy-five years ago. I ,hp members. number 40. M. A. Pohl, Oswald Ol­ of the refreshm ents. won prlxes In the gnmea during But the pioneer held another son. and J. M. Larson are members THREE-C REPAIR WORK RLD SOX WIN GAME the evening. Mr. and Mra. M. R. I honor, one even greater. He was IONS PLAY CAST of the drive committee. REVENUE OFFICERS TO FROM PLEASANT HILL one of the signers of the original Adams and Ml«a Jewel Cunning W. A. Hall. Springfield shoe re­ AID INCOME TAX WORK ham were additional guests. pairman had two additional work Snrlnafleld's Red j constitutions of the states of Iowa N tA K L T L U M r L t l t Members of MRS. SCHANTOL HOSTESS men assisting hint nt hie shop Wed­ 1 and Illinois where he resided be- Sox girls basketball team defeated F. C. Ptirsley. deputy tax collec­ W. E. Buell has been selected to FOR PAST MATRONS CLUB nesday when the flrat assignm ent the Pleasant Hill team on , h e lr ' fore coming to Oregon. BAPTIST YOUNO PEOPLE ......................................... direct the Lions club dramatic pro- ________ tor for the department of Internal of shoes were brought In from a own floor 42 23 Tuesday evening u for ,hlH m ,n tbttt the Brat' i duction, "Auntie Up. a three-act HAVE VALENTINE PARTY Members of the Past Matrons Revenue announces that represen­ nearby C. C. C. camp for , repairs. I Next Tuesday the girls will play I ,aln •«’ho° 1 W88 nnn,ed college comedy. Most of the charar-; club of Cascade chapter O. E. S. tatives of the departm ent will he Most of the shoes «re given new a. la. a. m . i ................... ...... ■ — About 30 young people of the . . .. another game with the Town team ter parts have been assigned local were guests Tuesday evening at at the City Hail in Eugene until FORMER RESIDENT IS Baptist church gathered there last half soles and heels Hall has a L at . Oakridge. people and first actual rehearsal of the home of Mrs. Pearl Sehantol. February 19 to a ssist citizens in contract to repair the shoes for si* night for a Valentine party. Games MARRIED; VISITS HERE the play la scheduled for the high past worthy matron. Following a making out their income tax re­ were played and refreshment» ser­ of the C. C. C. ramps in this part Major Oparation— Dick Unlley, school auditorium tonight at 7:30. business meeting the group played ports. The tax officials will return of the state. ved under the direction of Maude elght-year-old son of Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lucas of After that tim e it Is expected that card«. Mrs. W. C. Wright will en to Eugene again on March 1 and Chase. She was assisted by Mrs. W. A. Balle.v. underwent an opera- Chico, California are here this a complete east of characters can tertaln the organization at her will remain there until March 15, Dorothy Cyr. Mrs. Everett Chase, NEEDLECRAFT INVITES I Don for appendicite at the Pacific week visiting with Mr, and Mrs bp announced. No date has been home for their March mebtlng. the final date on which to make and Mra. Clarence Caudell. HUSBANDS TO MEETING ¡ qhospltal Wednesday David Suitsutan and other friends gPt for presentation, but If is ex- the returns. ------------------- ' Mrs. Lucas Is a former resident of ported to be given either March Have Valentine Party — Young Daughter la Born— Mr. and Mr» Husbnnda of members of t h e , Plan Church Night— Another of Springfield, when her name was 1« to 23. people of the Christian church Entertains Needle Group—Mra. A a Rhlnevault of Wlnberry are Needlecraft club have ben Invited the monthly church-night dinners N ellie Luce. The couple were mar- .................... ............ were guests at a Valentine party B essie Endicott entertained at her the parents of a baby daughtei to attend a 8:20 dinner and social and programs will be held at the rled Sunday and are enjoying a t 0 Oregon City— Kenneth Cas- sponsored by the social com m ittee home yesterday for the meeting born to them at their home early evening tonight at the home of Mr.. Methodist church Friday night It' wedding trip to the Pacific North-, teel went to Oregon City T uesday, of the Christian Endeavor. Wodnes- of the Needle club of the Royal Wednesday morning. and Mra. U C. Moffitt. haa ben announced. wesL on a business trip. day night. Neighbors of America. COMPANIONS IMPROVING l ;,ELB BALL TEAM PUNS « 5 PROGRAM REEDSPORT TRIP CWA WORK STOPS FUTURE UNKNOWN