THURSDAY. FEBRUARY R, H»S4 THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO Gets President's Help WHAT BANKIK6 WENT THROUGH Heart-Breaker M c D onald HALL GELS C.C.C. SHOE CDHTRACT to feature "DESIGN FOR LIVING' Famous Stage Play By Noel Co­ ward it Opening at Eugene T heatre bn Sunday Bv JOHN II. I’l ’KI I« III K Repair Work of Six Camp* Krn«t l.ubltach'a brand new Para- ASKING In Its long career has mount picture. "Design for Living" Comas to Local Shoemaker; been compelled to withstand j I* starting at the McDonald theatre To Employ Two Workers many serious ahocka, but It run Into Sunday for four day*. the most perplex ¡ It haa for Ita leading playera W A, t Bert I Hall. Mprliigheld ing e n ta n g le Four mountain climbers returned Fredrlc March. Gary Coop r. Mir­ shoemaker, waa low bidder for Iho mentot it* whole to Springfield Sunday night much iam Hopklna and Edward Everett »hoe repairing work of six C. C. (’ history since the wiser but fortunately not sadder Horton and waa brought lo the general break tamp* In thia illalrhl and will tie for their experience of the preced down of valuea i creen by Ben Hecht from Noel gin hl* work a soon aa Hie con ing 24 hours during which they In 1929. The com­ Coward's aeiiaalional *lag<> aurce a trad haa been approved al Ihe were caught in a raging blixxard mercial a true ' of the aame name. » an Frandaco regional office*. ture of the en­ 200 feet from the summit of the Dev a Parla-hound train. Miriam The contract «alia for the repair­ tire world seem­ BATO N ROUGE . . Vndrrgrad Middle Sister which they had set Hopklna. vlvarioua young arliat. ing and rebuilding of all shoe* of 'd to have been i tie* nt tx>uiaiana HI a U i University out to climb. (Irat meets the two men who are ihe men In the «amp* affected No shaken from Its hnvr twice «leeted Virginia K II foundations and Yxiurne the school ’• champion to change her life They are Georg* In the party were Harry Wright. minimum number of ahoea to be • heart brocket. * * ( tther honors alao : Curtía, alao an artlat and Tom the marvel la Springfield. Dr. E. P. Kremer. Paul ■ «paired each week waa net. bul a boatowed art' cheer leader, a movie that the banker, Chamber.), playwright, played liy Lafferty, and Norwald Nelson. Eu­ maximum of 18« pairs waa Haled J. H. PGEt.lCIIEK with everything bid . . and a newspaper job. j Cooper and March reapectlvely. gene. The three drove almost to nceordlng to Mr Hall. ireaklug down all arouud him. waa Tom and George both fall madly Frog Camp early Sunday morning able A come through aa he haa. Winning of the contract by the K idnapped Banker j in love with her. To further com and at five o’clock started out for General business failures, agrlrul local shoemaker will meansihe em plicate matter*. Mlaa Hopklna fall» the base of the mountain on skis. lural staguatlon. Income losses, capi­ W A S H IN G T O N . . . Steve Vaai LOB A N G E L E S . . . Glainomua ploymenl of two additional wtirk- in love loo. Only ahe la too fono The party had not definitely de­ tal losses, lnablliliee to meet debts lakes is no longer sad. President Mae Waal's appearance in court to men in Ihe shop here a* noon a* ! of Tom to tell him she lovea George testify and therefore Inabilities of banker* cided that they would attempt to Ro. M-velt "w e n t to the fro n t” for again«! Edward Pried*.inn. to pay back depositors when loaus and aim lovea George loo much to alleged to have "done her w rong" Hie shoes atari coming In Mr Hall climb the mountain until they Mm when he was ordered to desist says 11« haa already pieced an or­ were not paid, were the reasons. In * hurt to tell him about Ton, ia theft nf jewels and cash amount reached White Branch and found «••Ibng peanuts and popcorn nt the most Instances, for the bank failure«. After lengthy dlncuaaton- the ing to Mime *15,000, was tin or der for additional auppliee and cob - that although the mountain was i orner of the White House grounds No profession, no department of where he’d sold them for 29 years. I I roblem la solved She la lo live ¡ eaaiou for picture fan* to pay her templntea Ihe addition of new ma covered with slippery Ice crusted The police say Steve can stav. high |*cr«oaal tribute. A life Is without it* weaker elements, rhlnery lo accommodate the In ( with them, hut ahe will be a mother' snow, the weather was ideal. but bad proper consideration been creased staff In the future. , of the aria. Sex la out entirely. I given to the relatively few instances When 3600 feet from the summit BELKNAP CAMP PASSES So with thia goal for their hup j BAPTISTS TO HEAR OF in banking, had exaggerated and the altitude began bothering Kre­ THREE-C INSPECTION startling headlines been kept In true BURDENS AT SERVICE pineas. the three of them aettle mer and he was left in the protec­ THREE-YEAR CONTRACT proportion, had bauk,ug not been down together In (heir triangular tion of a large rock ledge with ail W ork Program for McKenzie C -C . "A Meaaage of Hope and Cheer FOR LOCAL HOPS SIGNED used as a target for political self- love neat. But happlnea* len t won the surplus coats and knapsacks. C. Boya Includes Landing to Bearers of Burdens" will bo the seeking and with vote-seeking mo- *o easily, and the manner In which The sun was shining brightly now Field. Campgrounds theme of the morning aervlce at lives, had unfounded rumor* not James W Heavey last week an­ they eventually do get together and the men carrying their coats been spread the people's confluence the Baptlat church Sunday accord nounced ihe signing of a contract bring* the picture to a moat amus­ tied to their knapsacks. Camp Belknap. CCC. Feb. 8 — might have been retained and far Ing to announcement made by Rev with au English hop buying firm ing ending. The three then shoved off and (Special)—At a recent camp in­ less would have been their losses. R E Rolens, pnator. for 60,00« pound* of hop* annually ST PAUL . F.dnard 0 Bremer, There were (actors in our bank­ after nearly 3tXm more feet of spection by Lieut. H. W Killpack. The evening service will be pre­ (or three year* starting in 1936 at shove, the kidnapped hanker held ing experience which every earnest SHOW HOW TO PRUNE climbing on skis reached the pin- district adjutant, the Belknap camp for *200,000 ransom, shout whom ceded by the Mlaaton school claaaae a price per pound of 86 cent*. Mr banker deplore* — factors which oacle where the skis were aban­ rated 29 "excellent*" out of a total many had worked years to elimi­ so much national concern waa felt FRIDAY AND SATURDAY starting at 8:30 The Aretanla Heavey ha* already signed a con­ due to early clue, on a bloodstained doned and the final climb was of 44 items graded Guild will have charge of the de tract for 76.000 pound* of hope nate, which It was fearfully recog- automobile which indiiated a atrug Proper pruning methoda for votlonal period for this service. started on toot. It was near the There were 14 items graded "sat uixed would aggravate any difficult gle when kidnapped from the 1934 crop with the aame young peach and cherry tree* will For the evening service al 7 30 the summit of this precarious pinnacle ¡«factory" and only one point, the days which might arise. Oue of the concern. be demonatrated Saturday morning of rock and ice that the three were recreation hall, was classed "un­ worst of these was due to political paator will apeak on "The Women caught in a sudden blizzard. Imme­ satisfactory." Within the last few regulation which chartered many PROTECTION FOR SMALL at 8 o’clock al the J H Endicott of the Orient." BUSINESS GUARANTEED I (arm al Cedar Flat, The demon Expected Home Boon— Mr* Lum diately it became necessary to days efforts have been made to banks that should never have been. That there have been incompe­ atratlon will be conducted by O. T F Anderson la expected to be able chart directions by compass with bring the recreation hall up to the 8. 8. Board Meets — Monthly tence and d: honesty In banking is Portland. Feb. 8— Protection for McWhortoB. extenalon apeclnllat all landmarks obliterated by the high standard set by the rest of admitted. That the Instances that meeting of the Sunday School board to return to her home here Friday snowstorm and it was during the the camp New articles of rustic did occur were used grossly to In­ the small busin-.s* man who feels at Oregon State college and the of the Methodist church will be or Saturday of thia week. She baa next two hours that they groped furniture constructed by Charlie crease fear in the public mind, we that the NRA ciste authority gov­ demonstration« are being arranged held at the church Tuesday even been coBvalBectng following an operation at the Pacific boapltal their way along the mountain Boucher have been Installed. affirm. We »hall continue to strive erning his business 1« dominated by O. 8. Fletcher, county agent. Ing of next weoh. by larger units of the Industry I- Saturday at 10 o'clock walnul ridges, at times narrowly avoiding All points graded in the iness for higher attainments in our profes­ stepping over sheer walls of Ice hall, including food, were rated "ex­ sion and strive for laws that require auiranteed In the Instructions for pruning will be demonatrated al 500 feet high. It was biting cold cellent" with one exception, which competence and ability lu manage­ the adjustment of complaints re the H. W. Eyler farm near Thurs­ ment. That *e cannot legislate hon­ too as they left most of their heavy was "satisfactory.” The fire organi­ esty and unselfishness into either a eeiveb from Washington today by ton. Young filbert pruning will be clothing half way down the moun­ zation was rated "very good." Im­ banker or a borrower must be con­ the Or* gon NRA division of the na­ demonstrated at the H. W. Dunn tional emergency council here. farm at Riverview the same after tain. provements in exterior police and ceded, but dishonesty, wherever The orders from Washington noon at 1:30. They could not find their skis in mess managements were particu­ found, should be punished. It Is as February 14 On Friday Montmorency cherries true in banking as elsewhere that no specifically state that If the small and were about to lacve them (they larly commended. A lurgc assortm ent of cum |c and art Valentines are matter how good the law, dishonest buslnes-i man believes the code au­ win be pruued at the Wilmar Wal­ were useless, even in the descent, To C lear Landing Field thority Is Influenced by "hostile or ton farm at Santa Clara at 8 here to help you obnerve ibis old custom. and incompetent men can make It with practically no visibility ahead! Superintendent J. R. Mitchell an­ It’s an occuRiou you should nut uverluuk to when they picked up a track lead nounces some work plans for Bel­ ineffective. Good laws are essential. monopolistic Interests" a complaint o'clock. Twelve year walnut and We must strive for ever better ones, spread good cheer. Ing them to the skis. In the mean­ knap. one being the construction but their enforcement will come «hall be made direct to Edgar prune tree* will be demonatrated time. Dr. Kremer, who was a of the Paradise landing field, a 15- only us the public recognizes that it Freed. Oregon state director of the at the Ernest Danner farm near "Try Your Drug Store First." stranger to the mountain, worried acre clearing. Read construction is a matter not of laws or codes national emergency council, who Santa Clara at 10 o'clock, and both over his own fate and those jobs under way are Belknap. Horse alone but of the men who adminis­ will direct a thorough Investigation. young apple treea will be trimmed Any firm operating under an ap­ at the- James Gardena on Goodpas­ of this companions, as the storm Creek and Blue River. The latter ter them. Our people must be brought to prove«! code is guaranteed the ture Ixland at one o’clock raged over the entire mountainside. was started last week by a group realize that the welfare of our coun­ right to appeal directly lo the state The storm broke near the bot­ of fullers. try depends upon Its banking sys­ director's office against alleged dis­ FIRE DESTROYS HOME; tom of the mountain and most of Several public camp ground clear tem. that tin- strength of the bank­ the party vow that they have learn­ ings and constructions are contem­ ing system depends upon the pub­ crimination. and may carry hl« case MRS. WINFREY BURNED to the national rcoverv adminis­ ed a lesson and will never again plated for the vicinity of camp. lic's faith and understanding, that tration at Washington if dissatis­ molest the mountain peaks during Mrs Wilbur Winfrey of Unity, a Supt. Mitchell has several large the majority of bonks, because of their hibernation under sno-w and trees spotted a i possible menaces faithful service rendered, even fied with the decision of the code ' short distance above Fall Creek, authority or the «late director. Ice. waa badly burned about her two! to the camp and these are being through the whole of tbls general breakdown, had the right to expect arma. her face and head Monday felled as rapidly as possible by Ira the people's trust and confidence. TALK HOP ROOT CONTROL when the Winfrey home waa burn Isham and Arra D. Johnson. In every great catastrophe, no TO LIMIT PRODUCTION ed to the ground. Mrs. Winfrey waa matter wbat its nature, no matter lnjur«l In carrying peraonal be­ what Its cause, someone must be L. 8. Crlstofferson was re-electml , longings from the house. Moat of HOG MINIMUM REMOVED crucified. The banker was this time president of the Lane County hop IN LATEST INSTRUCTION selected, in the late 90’«. political growers at their annual meeting these were saved. agitation started a tirade against One aon. Authoron Winfrey, re­ the railroads. Some railroads may held at the Eugene Chamber of i ceived burns on both hands, and Springfield Com m unity Meeting it have done reprehensible things, bul Commerce Saturilay. Clinton Mur­ Oscar Drury was also burned In Progressive 22 Invites Public Postponed: More Farmers the agitation became so general and phy was re-elected vlce-presldpnt. To Program; Booths and salvaging household belongings Eligible for Benefits so violent as almont to destroy one and Stewart Hurd, secretary, at The Winfrey family la now living Stands to Vie for Patrons of the fundamental factors in the The requirement that a farmer progress of a country. Today the the meeting. Ivan Anderson was with her parent*, Mr and Mr*. Gilt- Final plans for the annual fun must have a minimum average of same thing bas been done to the electwl delegate to the state meet­ son near Fall Creek. SUN. - MON. . TUES. - WED. carnival to be staged at the I. O. three Utters of pigs per year to be banker. In spite of all that has hap ing to be held at Salem on Febru O. F. hall tomorrow night by mem eligible to sign a contract with the pened, the fact remains that even ary 17. TED PURSLEY INJURED A lengthy discussion of the Cali­ bers of the Progressive degree government for the reduction of most of the banks which failed are WHEN CAR HITS BRIDGE paying out infinitely better than In fornia plan of refusing sale of hop team of Juanita Rebekah lodge will hog production has been removed vestment« In almost anything else roots as a production control m ea-' be made this afternoon. Members according to County A’ ent O. S Ted 1‘ursley of Eugene waa aev on the romraittee are Mrs. L. E Fletcher. Anyone who produced B a n k e r * A id in g A g r ic u lt u r e sure was held but no action w a s, erely Injured Friday evening when taken The plan provides for the I Stone. Mrs. Roland Mo-hier, Mrs. hogs during 1932 or 1933 who Is State associations of bankers in sale of only a limited number of the automohlle which he waa driv­ Lee Putman. Mrs. Stella Findley, willing to restrict crop and live­ ing struck the railing on a culvert many agricultural states are giving and Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. stock production In accordance time and financial support to encour hop roots, thereby preventing the on north Fifth street and turned sudden Increa e In hop acreage be­ An open program of music, skits, with the corn and hog production age practices among their farmers over. Ilia left arm waa badly cut. songs, recitations and other enter­ adjustment contract offered by th- that will bring about better farm re­ yond the absorption ability of the severing several ligaments and market. tainment will be held starting at secretary of agriculture may sign sults. Twenty-eight growers were re­ miiaclea He waa given first aid at The major activities reported 3:15 under the direction of Mrs. a contract, regardless of the num­ a local doctor's office and taken from one state to the Agricultural presented at the meeting Moshler and Mrs. Putman. ber of hogs produced. to the Pacific hospital In Eugene Commission o' the American Bank The county agent states that peo­ ers Association which le nationally Streaked fog was blamed for the Mrs. Findley Is In charge of the IUKA PLANS COOKED accident. The driver becoming con-! various concession booths which ple who did not attend community active in promoting this line of co­ FOOD SALE IN MARCH fused about the bridge railings and will include side shows and all meetings or obtain contract blanks operation are as follows: at his office because they thought 1. Drought relief work: Locgl kinds of concession stands such as Flans for a cooked food sale to thought he should be on the left that they were not eligible, may banks have played a vital part in hatid aide which took him off the hot dogs and candy. obtain complete Information and tbls work, being represented on the be held at Egglmann’s March 31. road. were made at the regular meeting county committees for passing on A rmall charge will be made at material for use In making out a all seed loans. These committees of Iuka circle. Ladles Auxiliary of each of these stands. Proceeds contract by applying at his office. met practically every day during the O A R last Thursday evening from the event are to be used by The meeting tentatively sche­ the spring to pass on the loan* In when they met at the home of Mrs. the degree team in their work. duled to be held In Taylor's hall order to get as quick action as pos­ - - ...... — - ■ — Walter I^axton. The Faat Prcal <— in Springfield on Wednesday, Feb. sible. A total of 914 applications Rev. D. A Thompson, Portland, dent’s pin was presented to Mrs. ruary 11, has been postponed for were received and handled by one executive official of the Presbyter­ : Nellie Carr. BAPTISTS GATHER IN one week or more to give additional committee, 833 being grant, d. ian synod, preached at Waltervlllo The meeting of the sewing circle 2. Four-H Club work: Bankers EUGENE NEXT WEEK people time to prepare material for church Sunday morning. lo have been held thia afternoon at _______ V contracts. The date for the com­ helped stimulate 4 H Club work, The Worker's society is meeting financing many members who other­ the home of Mrs. Alice Doane has Many members of the Baptist munity meeting will be announced with Mrs. Gina Momh Friday after­ wise could not have enrolled. They been postponed. church In Springfield are planning later. noon. also helped finance fifteen 411 Club Iuka circle will meet February to attend the Mid-Winter Rally of delegates to the club convention. The Ladles' Aid society la having 16 at the home of Mrs. H. O. Dlb- Umpqua Association of their church 8. Livestock feeding: The banks Its monthly business session at the Six in Fam ily Attend College to be held at th? Baptist church cooperated with the Extension Ser­ blee near Santa Clara. social room of the Waltervllle in Eugene next Tuesday. This will Mrs. Golden Weber of Corvallis vice in this state and the railroads church Thursday P. M. with all day be an all-day session. ha the distinction of being the In increasing the amount of live­ quilting. stock feeding. Assistance was given mother of five students now enroll­ The McKenzie Valley Consollda The morning will be devoted to the feeders in securing finances. ed at Oregon State college, and one 4. Crop Improvement: The bank­ a conference for child workers Mrs. Andy Olson who underwent ted Telephone lines held annual other son who Is a graduate of ers took part in the crop standard­ within the church under the leader­ a major operation at the Eugene meeting at Thurston Wednesday the college. Mrs. Weber was left i ization program of the Extension ship of Miss Hundurep of Portland. hospital last week Is reported to evening. a widow with six boys 17 years Service and encouraged the farmers Maurice Richardson returned he doing nicely. Denominational Missions will be ago, but has. with their coopera­ to use pure seed, and in many case* home a few days ago from a four Mrs. Ralph Laird has recovered made loans for this purpose. the principal subject of the after­ tion, worked to see that all will get enough from a recent operation at weeks' cruise In the navy. noon meeting starting ft 2 o'clock. a college education. Needless to the Eugene hospital to be moved to During this period the speakers •‘■ay all are working their way the home of a friend In Eugene. will include Dr. Starring, executive through college, but still find time FATHER-SON SERVICE Mrs. O. H. Wangelln, mother of secretary of the Oregon State Bap­ to take a prominent part In campus AT METHODIST CHURCH Mr . E. B. Tinker, haa been 111 the tist conference. Dr. Petzholt, mis activities, Including athletics, the Mrs. Roberta Baugh is visiting past ten days and Is confined to sionary to the Crow Indians In Y. M C. A., dramatics and Journal­ The theme for the Lincoln Sun­ her bed. relatives at Shedd and Junction Many people have renewed their subscriptions to Montana, and Dr. Hagen of Port­ ism. day worship service at eleven Mrs. E. Giustlna entertained thej City for several days. The Springfield News during our special offer. So land. director of religious educa­ o’clock is, "The Passion of a Larger Thimble club of Dexter last Thurs­ Mlsa Grace Rhodes motored to good has been the response we have decided to con­ tion in the Oregon Baptist conven­ LADIES OF G. A. R. PLAN Claim.” Rev. Dean C. Poindexter day at her home at Pleasant Hill. Salem last Sunday morning and tinue (he reduced rati1 for two weeks longer to give tion. will prearh the sermon. spent the day at her home there. Mrs. Jacoby gave a surprise SEWING MEET TODAY any who have overlooked the opportunity tim e to The Church school meets at 9:45. birthday party last week for h er, She was accompanied by Mr. and A large open meeting will he held come In and renew. The monthly meeting of the 8ew-j Mrs. Richard Hart., Joe Hart, Mrs. The 5 o’clock Vesper service will j son Edward. The evening was spent at 7:30 at which time Dr. Starring and Dr. Petzholt will be the speak­ Ing circle of Iuka circle. Lpdles o f 1 feature fathers and sons In the j playing five-hundred and making John Edmlston and Shirley Bon­ the O. A. R. will be held this after­ choir. We will have all our men -mall booklets concerning the fu­ ney. Mlsa Norma Hart spent the ers. noon at the home of Mrs. Harry members and friends of the church, j ture of the guests. day with relatives In Harrisburg. Wlckum. The meeting had been an­ who have sona or sons who have * The Pleasant-* Hill basketball Goes to Portland—P. J. Bartho­ nounced at the home of Mrs. Alice fathers available, to sit together teams took all the three games Visits in Salem— Edith Johnson lomew made a business trip to Doane earlier In the week and as we consider the theme, "My from the Lowell teams at Lowell left Wednesday for Salem to spend Portland today. later postponed. a few day* visiting with relative*. Boy,” says Rev. Poindexter. last Friday. Thrilling Experience Related By Men Who Climb Middle Sister Peak Early Sunday a American Banker» Association B * » Valentine’s Day SCOTT’S DRUG STORE TW O FOR D IE and ORE FOR FWOf Degree Team to hold bun Event fHEORIC MARCH GARÏ COOPER MIRIAM HOPIINS HORION ^ lO S Á W A New Deal FOR OUR SUBSCRIBERS Continued Two Weeks McKenzie Valley I Springfield News 1 1 Year $ 1 .0 0 1 Upper Willamette 1 ---------------- ------ » Thurston »---------------------- • O ld o r New Subscribers Offer Expires Feb. 17 1