I 111 IlS H A Y K K I tU l ARY I, 1914 PAOB THRBB THU BPR1NOF1BLO NBWB SEED TREATMENT KEEPS ROT FROM EARLY PEAS TOWN AND VICINITY Mercuric Compound Eliminates Trouble of Carly Planting; Coat la »light Ill at Home— John Manwartiig la III at Home Mr» H»nry Burgher ¡ I« III at her horn» on Kaat Main reported to be III at bl» home thia . j »tr»», this week. clover. I d general aprlng pasturing reduces yields by retarding atetur tty, Increasing the susceptibility to db ease and Inaecla and damaging the »oil by puddling. JURY LIST FOR YEAR Ticaltnnnt of varly planted gar IS DRAWN SATURDAY d< n j en «cd with Heme»un uu ) Form er Resident H tro D. W. Portland People Hara— Mr. and organic mercury compouad. ba» | T w en ty Nine Spring,laid Persons Collect Bounties— Itatylon Tlioth bean found to ln»ure a m arkedly! Mr». Neil Hklnncr of Portland ’ *»ro Hoof was here front Portland Tue»- A re Listed; F irst Court Ses FRANK PAPKE il vlaltore In Hprtngfleld over the day vlaltlng with Htley Bnodgraaa ■ •dii i'i)ll»il«>il tli» lou iily bounty on blghi r Kcrnilnutlon and Incransad j •ion Opens Next Week on« bo,nut «ml line coyote, nmt J vigor of th - plant», In experiment a I week-end. III at Home— Mr» Floyd Bloxham I, Yule «-olliicted on two coyote» curried o il by the vegetable crop» WASHINGTON . . . . want» to vote Names o, twenty-nine residents •llvarton Rssldent Hare— Mre. 8 I« III at her home at the Laiton wioi on» bobcat nt th« office of lb« dapart meet at Oregon Htslq col-1 The people nt the District of Col­ o, Hprtngfleld and two rural routes apart,nenia tbl» week. (Jay of Hllverton »pent the paat couuty clerk Saturday. Both n r» , late, miibla are again demanding the w eekend here vlelting with rela were drawn for prospective Jury W A H H IN O T O N . . . Mrs. A In from Camp Craok V. Phase Borden ifarrim aa, (above) o f Wow service In Circuit court during 1*24 reeliletita of the MrKenxIe country I'ooi germination of peae planted right of aelf government. The Preal drag. of Camp Creek was a business vlsl- York, is reported te bo slated for a Haturdsy by the County Clerk. In (old. wet aotl In eprlng. or »uh- dent of the United Htatea la (ha paaMbly Poitland People Visit— Mr. and tor In Hprtngfleld Tuesday of thia A total o, 523 names were drawn Jeded to such condition» after j Mayor of Waiibington and the Uon- CONSTIPATION 6 YEARS *-i»r to 'oe of from all parts o, the county. The TROUBLE NOW GONE plutillng. la cauaed inoetly by rot x J grass of the United H tat ex 1» Hoard Mrs. Mleasner of Portland were week Induced by undda Even wh«ri lha i of Aldermen. Any cliangaa In the I guaat« her.- Bunday of Mr» Zelta first Jury panel will be chosen Feb­ John J, IH»vlw bud chronic roti pinti la not entirely destroyed. th» 1 ordinance» for the government of Cantrell. ruary 1* for the first session o, NATIONAL FIGURES TO BE sllpatlon tor six year». Ilv using prowih may In* serlounly Impaire.I. the city have to go through Ihe SPRING PASTURING CUTS the court this year. Adlerlka h» sixm not rid of It, mol Pangea Resident H ara- Mrs Ray AT CO-OP COUNCIL MEET MOST SEED CROP YIELDS On the list from 8prlng,teld are feels Ilk» a new person Adlerlku «ay Ho experiment alatim i special same legislative channels as a bill mend Grube o, Pengra was a bust Io raise billion» of Federal revenue. W. H. Adrian. Alva Armltaga. Era I» quick actlnn aate. Flattery'» tat». Heverul repreaentatives of na­ ness visitor In Hprtngfleld Hatur To pasture or aot to pasture seed eat Conoly, route 2. V. C. Chaae, Teste curried on under controlled III uk Htnre I lived In Wukhlngtun a good tional agencies affecting coopera day. crops In the spring of the year la route 2. J. B. Endicott, route 2. conti tiun» of temperature and mole many year» It la the cleanest, bent- tlve marketing will be on the pro­ SU M M O N S ture allowed that the average ger governed city In America, with the Small Boy III— Donald Cook, son gram of the annual meeting o, the frequently a question bard for a Elizabeth Gerlach. Ira Gray. Bale IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE MTATK OF OHKOON F o il LANE ml,•alien of treated s e d under un worst truffle regulations. Before of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cook. Is III Oregon Cooperative council In Port­ farmer to decide. Oplnlona differ Hendricks, route 2. Oscar Hemen and experimental results are ad­ way, Paul Hadley. Isaac Larimer, ) favorable conditions was 90 per (be Federal (Joverntnent took over at the home of his parents this COUNTY land Tuesday and Wednesday. Feb­ MARIE PKTTEWAY. Plaintiff va ■ out compared with only iti per the management. In 187*. It hud Ita mittedly Incomplete, says the farm N ettie Metcalf. Rosa Montgomery. wMk. ruary 13 aud 14. announces George WALTER KAY PKTTKWAY, He cent among the untreated lota. crops department at Oregon State A. 8. Mowbry, Pearl Nelson. N. L. own elected Governor and leglala- fendant Vialta Parente— Mist- Edith Jobe O. Gatlin, secretary of the council college. To Walter Hay Pettewny, the above I l*«»r growth recorda abowed the live body, and It waa probably the Pollard. George Platt, route 2, Olive office ässistäni to Dr. W. N. D o*, and marketing specialist at O. 8. treated lot to average from KMI to worst-governed city of that time naux-d defendant. Observation nod experiments, Rebhan. Leathe Rychard. Daniel It banon C. Gatlin has Just issued a call week-end ut You are hereby required Io up 350 per cJ better than those un President llayea proposed that the J »pen, the for the meeting at the request nt however, have convinced tkoee who Spores, route 1. Frank Stafford, pear and auawer the complaint filed treated. visiting with her parents. Federal Government would pay half Glean B. Marsh of Hood River. have studied the case that under route 1. Glen Stone. Otto Smith. again I yoa In Ihe above entitled The treatment ta fini pis and SCO- Ihe upkeep, being the largeat pro­ Oregon conditions It doee not pey Anna Sandgatbe. route I. George court and cauae on or before Ihe Camp Creak Man Hera— Albert president of the organization. date of the last publication of (hl« uotiilral. costing ouly about a cent perty owner. If the people would Bitumens o, ('amp Creek was a . The annual banquet of the coun­ to pasture crops In the eprlng to Saunders, route 2, Mabel Tyson. «uminous upon you. to-wt, on nr be-: for each pound of seed where large let Uncle Ban, run ita own Capital business visitor In Hprlngfteld Hat cil Tuesday night when the 40 be used for seed, with the possible Ada Van Valxah. and B. A. Wash- fore Ihe lal day of March 19 it ami |O| — ar,, treated A small quantity They gave up their right to vote, member bodies make "roll-call" re­ exceptlon of rye grass and red burne. urday. If you fall an to appear aud answer? . . . . . , . the plaintiff will apply to the court 1 “r *»•- «•"“ hut got In return a low ta i rate ports of the year's business, will Attend Baptist Meeting—Rev. It und take a decree against you for the alxr of a pin head la enough and a well managed community. be upon to the geueral public. as E. Rolen» and Kenneth Tobias at- , ihe relief prayed for In »aid com (or the ordinary 10 cent packet of Home people, however, are never will the entire second day's pro­ plain, tended u Buptist church conference I seed Heed and powder arc shaken gram when must of the outside Thia anil la brought to recover a together several minutes to Insure »atlsfled. • e e at Corvallis Friday evening. decree dissolving the bonds of mat speakers are to be heard. The ses­ rlmony n o * and heretofore exletlng complete coaling A full discussion W O L V E S . . . . . . and wild dogs. Visitor from Wlnberry Mrs. W. sions will be held at the Mult­ bet wen yourself and plaintiff Marl«- of the college experiments may be There la a “wolf scare" almost With the price of milk set by the state we will Pettewav. and such further relief had In a free Circular of Informa­ every cold winter In Northern New B. Scot, o, Wlnberry was a busi­ nomah hotel. concentrate our efforts in giving you the best service Members of the council who have ness visitor In Springfield Satur­ aa may he proper In (he premise» York and New England. Tale» of at our command. Our modern, plant and skilled help­ been In Washington. D. C., lately Thia «unions la served upon you tion. No. »0 day. big timber wolves from Canada by publication (hereof In T h e , ers Insures you that your milk will be handled through report that the Oregon body has Springfield New», under and by vlr ____ _ Leaves Hospital— Miss Patty Ixiu become a strong influence In the crooning to Ht. latwrence on the our coolers and under the most sanitary conditions. tue of an order made and entered PRISCILLA MEMBERS TO Ice frighten country people, who Tomseth was dismissed from the national capital. Gatlin says, and herein on the Stub day of January MEET AT ROUSE HOME dread to go out after night-fall. Pacific hospital Saturday following that action taken by It will be close­ 1034. by the Hon 0 F. Hklpwurth. Our personal guarantee is back of every bottle we Thia year there have been so many an operation for appendicitis. Judge of the above entitled court, ly watched. Most of the national put out. Mrs William House will enter requiring publication thereof In aald »heep and cattle killed In the north­ Visits Father— H F Ooasler o, movements In the agricultural The Hprtngfleld New« for the per­ tain at her home thia afternoon ) ern Adtrondacka tha, the stale ha» Jacksonville Oregon was here Hun “•>«» deal" will be up for discussion iod of once each week for four con for member* of the Priscilla club. put a bounty on wolf scalps. I day to visit with hl- father. P M <“ ‘he ae-slon. together with the Ask your dealer In Eugene or Springfield for serutlve and successive weks Mrs Ernest Black will be the ae 1 I haven't heard that any bounty Gossler, and with his brother. W. I recent Oregon developm ents such The dale of the first publication Maid O' Cream Butter I h . - i e o f 1« F e l l 1 s t. 1*34. amt the slsllng hostess. money ha» been collected, either N Gossler “ ,h e AAA law and the new mllk date of the last publication thereof I there or In Pennsylvania, where control board. wll be March 1st. ,834 Taken to Hospital—Roy Brewer | --------------------------- ) there 1» another wot, scare. WM W HARCOMIIK. Attorney N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S We staged a wolf hunt In the of Fall Creek was taken to the S O p H O M O R E S for Plaintiff I* O Adress SOI STAGE Notice I. hereby given that the , winter, Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon Pacific hospital In Eugene the firs, ¡undersigned has been a p p o in te d 1""” ... . . . . I F 18 16 22 M II FAKE BASKETBALL GAME Executor of the luat will and testa- »*° The "wolf turned out to be o , the week. He has been II, for ment of Edna W. Hobbs and o , her a tinge German “ police dog” which some time. mock basketball contest be- estate, und has duly qualified as hj>(1 heard the call of the wild and Leavaa for Colorado— Ray Not, tweell Springfield and the Cot- aueh. All persona having claims ; , he wood,. | have Qrore ^Igh school teams was »gainst said estate are hereby re- . _ loft Tuesday morning for Colorado qulred Io present such claim» dulv «a«**» » ' “ > » *ood huntera Springs. Colorado on a motor trip. glaee(j at high school here last OR. G. A. BROWN verified with proper vouchers a, and naturalist» since, and they are He expects to be gone about three p rj,|ay morning as a part of the inched, to the undersigned at the pre,iy well agreed that the recur- weeks, during which l i m e he will weeg,y assembly program under D e n tis t ..Mice of I M Peterson at 134 Main f r„ d, CB„ „early visit a brother who 1« IB. and other th(j tjlrectlon of the Sophomore Form erly Or. Em ery's ! »tree,, Springfield. Oregon, with . . „. . in six months from the dale of this always be traced to wild dogs, us- relatives. Dentist OHI«» d a -s . Stanley Zlolkowskl also en- notice, the same being dated and uully collies or Alsatian shepherds Entertain at Dinner— Mr. and tertained with a number o, har- Phons 20J mibllshed the firs, time this 8tli „( (he type culled "police" dogs. Mrs. E. C. Stuart entertained at ( monk-a solos. dav of February. ,934 Those two breeds an- many genera­ their home last Thursday evening WILLIAM H HOBBS. Kxncu tor of the last will snd testa­ tions nearer the ancestral wolves with a dinner honoring Mr and Students to H o ro r President j Every girl appreciates a Valentine, of course, but Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ment of Edna Hobbs. Deceased from which all dogs are descended, Mrs. Ted Charles and Frank B. Corvallis. Feb. 8— To show their when it conies in the tangible form of Egginiann’s N aturopath!« Phyaislan I M I'ETEHHON. Attorney for and when they break away from appreciation and support o, Dean Candy, you know they love it. . . . There are special Reid of Eugene. said estate. domesticity they know how to take l'bona »1-J assortments of bon-bons and chocolate creams in spe­ Census Enum erator— W illia m G. George W’. Peavy, recently appoint- (F 8 IK-22- M 1-8) care of them selves In a wild slate Hughea o f Springfield has been ed acting president of Oregon State cial Valentine boxes, and regular assortments here I .-Her than most other breeds. orfica Hours: 1 to t P. M NOTICE TO CREDITORS named one o, Ihe census enumera- college, the Associated Students o , ready for you. 40* Fourth Street Notice Is hereby given that the tors to take a business census o, "the college are sponsoring a , or- undersigned ha« been appointed Ad­ A U T O M O B IL E S . . . . more com fort Lane county. The project ,s being mal dinner In his honor the night m inistrator of the Estate o , Haxel I went to the New York aulomo- o , February 14. Dean Peavy h a s 1 M ItelchenbiK-h. deceased, by the examined all the new undertaken under Ihe PW’A. been with the college 22 years and ; County Court o, Lane County. Ore- ’,(l*” B'IOW “,,u ' ... “ W h e re th e B srvtcs is D iffe re n t gun All person» having claims » >d. many o , them, odd looking W atchmaker and Jewaler has been close to student life' BORROWERS MUST AID ngnlnst the said estate are hereby cant. One thing Impressed me par SPRINGFIELD throughout the period. notified to present the same, pro- ti,.u|ar,y and that Is the effort of Bo. Pacifia Watch Inapactor IN CROP CONTROL PLAN perly verified. Io the undersigned. , oward grealer com First Class Work kt Raaaonabla at the office o , Well« A Wells. . Price» Bank o , Commerce Building. Eu fort In riding In such matters a Governm ent Serves Notice It W ill gene. Lane County. Oregon, within Independent front wheel suspen- N ot M ake Loans to Farm ers six months from Ihe date of the H|on, moving the rear sea, forward Opposing Reductions G»naral law Practice firs, publication of this notice. ' |B not rtght over ,h e axle. Dale of first publication. January ,.nm,nrtahle I. M. PETTERSON In Its relations with agriculture 25 1934 roomier and more com «,nam e Attorney et-LAW DAI.E M. SMITH, Admlnlstra »eats, new kinds of windows to pr» the federal government has decided City Hall Building vide ventilation without drafts, definitely to "let Its right hand lor. WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. larger and softer tires, and many know what Its left hand is doing ' Springfield, Oregon (J 25—F 1-8-15-22) minor details, the emphasis Is all In fact, orders have been given for Farm Credit administration on the on comfort. N O T IC E . O F SA LE O F R E A L Greater speed through "stream one hand to cooperate with the P R O P E R T Y ON E X E C U T IO N lining" Is another trend to which AAA on the other to see tha, pro-1 IN F O R E C L O S U R E ull Ihe makers are moving. And due,Ion loans do not work against Notice Is hereby given that by . have , seen gUi.h tt variety the purpose of production control virtue o , an execution and order ,IUWP . .. „..»„«nn. The extension service at Oregon of sale In foreclosure Issued out of color. Inside und out of Pittsburgh, Pa. State college hag Just received o , the Circuit Court of Lane Coun biles. ty, Oregon, on the 24th day o , Manufacturers and dealers were word tha, It Is to assis, in complet­ Jnnnarv 1934 In a »ull wherein , Sn,,.1( „ the ghow were ing arrangements to see that the Edith I. LaPorte was and 1» plait, 1 u te h e .i exoec tiff and Herman T«chanx and Ef f«r tn o«6«"* " f ,he h lKhe'', expe® activities of these two agencies Electricity H«prsseut«d By flee Tschnnx hl» wife; Otto Tsch- tatlon». This Is going to he a good of the federal government are co (Turned O ff nnx and Mvrn McFarland Tschnnx yeol- for the automobile Industry, ordtnated In this slate. hl» wife: Mnrlhn Rugh and Ixiynl . . . W<>1|,(, «uggest to anyone who E. H . T U R N E R Agreem ent Is Necessary f to Save 1 c Rugh her huabnnd; Emil Tschnnx nrder Under an agreement reached be and Esther Tschsnx. his wife: L y wants a new car to place h l. order •4« A BL Hprlngflald, Ore. Ian Evening dla Tschanx a single woman, and now. for the faclork s are already tween the FCA and AAA. produc Oodfred Tschnnx. a single m an.1 behind the demand. Also, prices are tlon loan« through the newly form were and are defendants and where ... . . u„ be, ore the year Is ed production credit association« In on Ihe 23rd day of January ,934 * POOLE - GRAY will be granted only to those grow ■aid plaintiff recovered Judgment over- , » • ers who either have Joined In the i BARTHOLOMEW decree nnd order of snle that there Is d,u> by said defendants the sum RESOURCEFULNESS . . . . a girl production control movements in of »1000 00 with Interest nt 7<£ per) , am in, pregaed by one result of- which they are eligible, or those annum from February 25th 1930 . . . >. stimulated Formerly Walker-Pools Hess »10 00 paid) together with »“ «' €t Service Our Watchword r Springfield Creamery Co. Business Directory ★ The Suburb Gift for Your Valentine FG G IM ,A N N ’S Edward C. Privât YES Reliance Life Insurance Co. YOU CAN SAVE ON YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Funeral Directors BUT.