ul nn M o u iM«. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■rillHTY-KIHHT Y KA It H Piti NO Fl ELD, LANK COUNTY, OKKOON, THUftHOAV, FEHRl'AKY H. 1984 M DATES SET FOR 'O’ SCHOOLS Frank Buck Back Muaic, Drama Tournament! Planned for High Schoola Of County Thia Spring Brnttain Principal Seeks Slid­ ing Door Wall Between Two Rooms;Talk Sales Tax TH IR TY -TW O TEAMS SIGN _____ c. Prinoipala Re-Enter State A e_ eociation When Aaaured a r State Meet for Teama Tb« Bimuel Lane county "II" lue gun basketball tournamenl which hen niaaul so much tu Ihe athletic programs of tin* smaller blab schoola of the county will be held again till» year II was decided Het urdey when members of the l.ane county Principal's aseoclallon voted II 4 to re-enter the atate athletic association. Play In the tournament will atari at the Armory In Kug<-ne on March ¡¡J and will continue thruuab the neat two dnye. March 23 and 24 Winner« In the county will be eli­ gible to play In the atate “A" lea­ gue meet b> Salem If no “B" league meet la arranged before that time ludliatlona are that the "B" league tourney will not be formed until the 1136 aeaaon and that the flrat of theee will be held In Eugene. •lateen Teama Entered Sixteen boy a and the aame nutn her of girl« teama will be entered tn the county play-off according to Tbomaa Powere. Lowell, prealdent of the county group The boy« will pley a convolution aerlea. but the glrla will ptny atralght ellmlna tlon achedule. Schoola participating In the coun­ ty meet will Include Pleaaanl lllll. Lowell. Oakridge. Walker. Mohawk, Llnalaw. Mapleton. Florence. Co­ burg. Vida. Elmira. Santa Clara. Creswell. Dorena. Blue River. Lea burg, Thuraton, Crow, and l-orane Final arrangementa for the coun­ ty tournament will be made at a meeting of the principals to be held Saturday. February 17 Plan Muelo, Drama Meeta Plan« were also made last Satur­ day for the holding of county wide dramatic and music tournament«. The Dramatic contest will be held the latter part of March, and the music event« will be run off Jusl prior to the atate music contest held nt the University thia spring. Thia la the flrat time auch contest« have ever been attempted In this county. The revival of the County ”B league meet ha« atlmulated I-ano county high school athletic« The withdrawal of all but 8t. Mary a team In Eugene from the state as eociation last spring wan made a» a protest of the smaller schools who felt they were not receiving sufficient recognition on the state board Only Four In "A" Leagua There are only four team« In the county entered In the "A lea­ gue competition with about 25 In the high schools of the entire coun­ ty. hence the participation of Lane county high schools In tournament play this year would be very mea­ gre without the "B" league meet. These four teams are Eugene. Uni­ versity High. Springfield and Cot­ tage Grove. Under, the present set up It 1» possible for the winner <* the "B" league series to represent he district In the state "A" league meet If the "B" team Is sufficiently strong to defeat the "A" league rivals In the same district. % > HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS SOON A nominating committee consist­ ing of Mrs. Dallas Murphy. Mrs. Ella Lombard, and Mrs. M. R. Adams was named Monday to re­ port at the March meeting of the Happy Hour club when new offi­ cers will be elected. The Monday meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Marlon Adams with Mrs. Opal Roberta and Mra. William Moyer as assistant host­ esses. Musical entertainment was furnished by Miss Alice Woodson, contralto, and Miss Peggy Sweeney, violinist They were accompanied by Miss Mary Jeanette Den-nlston. Mra. Olive Rebhan will entertain for the March meeting of Ihe club. She will be a' slsted by Mrs. Levi Neel and Mrs. 1 .arson Wright. The program committee consists of Mrs. W N. Gossler and Mrs. W. K. Barnell RED SOX TAKE CAME FROM EUGENE ACES Members of the Springfield Red Sox girls basketball team tiad lit tie difficulty defeating the Green Aces team on the St. Mary's floor In Eugene Tuesday evening. The score whs 48-11 with Gladys Mln- ney accounting for 40 of Ihe points of the Red Sox team. Friday night the girls dropped a game to the Oakridge girls leant 36-28. A return game with this team Is planned for ASSEMBLY ROOM Liquor Agency CHAMBER WANTS l o Start Soon ASKED UNDER CWA MORE FISH HERE Fund« for the conversion of two room« at the north end of the llrat- laln school Into one large room when iiiH-dml as an auditorium will lie nought by the Springfield school Imard a« a CWA project It waa decided at the monthly meeting held here Monday evening. The work will Include the re­ moval of a plastered wall and the sub tltutlon of several «tiding door« which can he shoved against the walla lo make one large room. The rooms will continue to be used as class rooms If the project Is put through. Request for thia alteration In the building wi> asked by Glen Wood, principal Al the present time there i la no one room In Ihe entire build ! In« where even a majority of the Ntudenta can aa«emble at one time. The effect of the new sales tax measure on local school finances was discussed at the meeting, but no official action was taken. Indi­ vidual members of the board ex- presalng their endorsement of the tax plan. Provisions of the sale« tax law which levies a lax of one and one- half percent on all retail «ales pro­ vide that the measure «ball become effective on March 10 If no refer­ endum Is Involved against It. NO. 4 SCOUTS PLAN BIS PARTY NEXT WEEK At Cuban Helm Commission Representative Here Interviewing Applic- 1 Route *'F” Endorsed; Plans ants to Handle Liquor For Open County Chamber Meet in Eugene Approved Eugene Kelly, field agent for the Oregon State Liquor commission, Members of the Springfield was a business visitor In Spring Chamber of Commerce want more field Monday, on official business fish released in the lower waters fcr Ihe commission. The commit of the McKenzie and Willamette »Ion will select soon the agency rivers and addressed a resolution for the sale of «late liquor here. lo the State Fish commission stat-1 He Indicated the atate preferred Ing this request at their meeting to place the agency In one of the last night. drug stores here. Many fish have been released Mr Kelly'a mission was to check In the upper waters of the two up on the applicants and sound rivers during the past year, but; out public opinion as to* whom none have been released In the should represent the state here as lower waters since Ben Dorris was well a Inspect the premises of ap-I a member of the commission It was! pllcants. pointed out. Mothers, Fathers and Troop Workers to Join Boys and Cirlg in Valentine Event NEW TROOP COMMITTEE Bert Manley Chosen Assistant Scoutmaster of Boys Here; Plan Vesper Program Boy Scout work In Springfield Is being reorganized thia week and several changes In the personnel of the local troop workers are being berrMed Lerr aj a step whieh Would p«ruitl LniUni Htetee recognition of made according to P. J. Bartholo­ Cub • -Iy fAobtien! quieting mew. recently choaen a connfy- of th«* trout i**d littin iahind. vice-presldent. and troop chairman for 8prtngfleld for the past two years. The chamber group also went on The local troop which la sponsor record as unanimously endorsing i ed by the Brotherhood of the M. the proposed Route F. short cut to j E. church, ha« a new troop com­ N EW YORK . . . Frank Buck, (abuva) has done It again, “ lit,ng the ocean, which Is being sponsored mittee consisting of Bartholomew, tag them bark alive” , , . a «buie by the Lane County Delevoptnent j F. B. Hamlin. Roy Qulney, Lawr­ ship load of wild utiimal«, capluird association. ence May, and Laurence Moffitt. during his Isleat travels through India, among whirb is Uir only male Another action taken by the Liquor Commission Warns The appointments to the commit­ ladina Rhinoceros in captivity. tee have not been completed and chamber body was the approval of Dealers to Get License as more are expected to be made this plans to hold a*large mass meeting Annual Ladies Night Party to week. Enforcement Starts Soon of all repre entative bodies affilia­ Be February 16; Plan Ini­ Another change made in local ted with the I-ane County Chamber The first schedule of license fees scont work Is the selection of Bert tiation for Club Members of Commerce when Eugene plays host to that organization the latter and required bonds to be set up Manley of Chase Gardens as as­ Members * of Springfield Lions 1 part of the month. The action was j under the Oregon Liquor Control; sistant scout director to help Scout­ club will entertain their ladles at * urged by representatives from Eu-; Commission was released this week master Glen Martin or to take over their annual Ladies Night party at! gene who want to make this an and all retailers, wholesalers, and the work when he la unable to be Taylor hall, Friday evening. Feb-! open forum meeting at which many manufacturers of wines and beers present. ruary 16. It was derided at th e! Plans were also announced this of the problems of the day can be are urged to make application at P. J. Bartholomew Chosen regular luncheon meeting last once for the proper forms on which morning for a large dinner and discussed. President of South Willam­ week. The evening's program will to apply for license and bonds. En­ Valentine party to be sponsored by begin at 6:30 with a turkey dinner forcement of the law requiring the the Boy and Girl Sconta of Spring- ette M. E. Brotherhood The entertainment is ta-ing im­ licensing and bonding of dealers. field in the basement of the Meth­ COUNCIL TO CONSIDER P. J. Bartholomew was elected ported for the evening and will In-- Jobbers and distributors will be odist church next Wednesday even­ president of the South W illamette1 LOCAL LIQUOR CONTROL qlude a wide variety of musical started within a few days accord­ ing. February 14. Valley Methodist Men'« Brother ! numbers under Ihe direction of I. ; ing to the Liquor Commission. Tills will start with a potluck The manner In which the Spring- hood at their quarterly meeting Applications are to be made di­ dinner at 6:30 for which the boys Held City Council will seek to re- M Peterson. W E. Buell, and P. h< ld nt Cottage Grove Tuesday | J. Bartholomew. Lion committee. rectly to the headquarters office o f ; will cook the coffee and aaslst the gulate the «ale of liquor under 14 evening Ralph Fullerton, of Wendl Two district officer». Lion Presi­ the Oregon Liquor Control commis­ girls In the serving of the food. percent alcoholic content will be tng. a member of the Springfield discussed at the monthly meeting dent, Ed Shea, and Lion Secretary. sion at Salem by all manufacturers Members of both troops, their par­ Frank Tate have been invited to Three Residents of River As­ and sellers, both wholesale and re­ ents and families, and members of Methodist church, was re-elected of the Council Monday night. Ac-| secretary ■ treasurer Bartholomew attend and have promised to be semble Pictures and Data tail. of beer containing not over 6 the two troop committees and their cording to Instruction« of the State! waa recently reelected a vice- here. On High Water Damage percent alcohol by volume, which families will take part In the event. Liquor Commlai ion received thia : prealdent of the Springfield Broth week by I. M Peterson, city re-i For the entertainment at the are affected by the licensing pro­ Following the dinner Rev. Dean Reports and surveys of flood visions. erliood. • C. Poindexter will lead in the play­ corder, each city In Ihe »tale will j noon luncheon last week Glen The various classifications of ing of some games and a few pro­ Ilr. E K. Det’ou of the university establish Ila own means of regulat­ Wood. Braitain school principal, damage and flood hazards along the was the principal speaker tor the ing and controlling the aale of beer presen ted the toy orchestra from McKenzie river were started this dealers. Jobbers. manufacturers gram numbers will be arranged by evening taking for his subject J and wine under the 14 percent rule.! his school In natty white and red week by three property owners and resellers. Including the fee and Mrs. W. K. Barnell of the Girl along the river. They are J. B. bond requirements for each c la s s i­ Scont committee and Mr. Bartho­ "IMS In Retrospect." The state body will collect th e , costumes. They were directed by Endicott. 8. Y. Bartholomew and fication are as follows. lomew. Delegations from M E. churches license fee for the e«lBbli«hments Mrs. Alene Basford and were ac­ W. A. Ayers. License Fee Bond This party and dinner is a part companied by Mra. Leota Roden-j In all parts of the district attended i in accordance with a table provided : $400 - $100« of the scont week program which Mr. Jindicotl will assemble data Brewery ...................... the meeting The Springfield : In the Kuox law The«e license J bough. Bobby Rebhan entertained church sent a delegation of fifteen will lie Issued only on endorsement I with a tap dance number. Marie on flood conditions and actual dam Winery ....................._.... 250 - 1000 will start in Springfield Sunday Including the following: Dr. W. H of (he dealer by the local City Coun­ Hollister and Wayne Nysten played , age along the river from Hayden Farmer's Winery .......... 25 - 500 with a special vesper service at the a violin duet, and a number of the bridge east. Mr. Bartholomew will D istillery_____________ 100 - 1000 Methodist church for the Boy Pollard. L. I- May. Frank and Sam cil. .............. 250 - 1000 Scouts and their fathers. children In the toy orchestra pres­ cover the area from Hayden bridge Wholesaler Bartholomew. Mr. Hanns. Mr Bar 100 1000 ented a skit. "Raggedy Ann" ar­ to Coburg, and Mr. Ayers will re­ Restaurant................... tholomew. Rev. E. (’. t randall. F. It REBEKAHS PLAN BABY 100 1000 ranged and played by Mrs. II H. port on the stretch from Coburg to Hotel __________ liamlln, Ib-au C. Poindexter. Chas. NIGHT NEXT MONDAY Schaffenburg. C lub_____ 50 - 1000 EUGENE OFFICER HERE the river’s mouth. Myer«. Ilev. Frank Clemo. W. K Package store, class A - 10 - none FOR GUARD INSPECTION Page. Mr Fullerton. Frank Bailey.! Atl members of Juaplta Rebkah Members of the orchestra are Findings of this committee will Package store, class B 10 - 1000 and E. A. Turman. Marte Hollister. Anne Marte Goss-j be used In the larger report being Druggist lodge are requested to bring a pic­ ................... 10 - 1000 Annual inspection for Springfield Meeting« of the Brotherhood will ture of themselves when they were ter, Joanne McFarland. Doris To­ assembled by H E. Maxey, chair­ National Guard unit. 162nd Head­ be held every three month« say« babies tn the next meeting Mon­ bias, Dick Bartholomew, Wilma man of the Lane County Flood Con­ Railroad, club or dining car .................. 50 - 1000 quarters company C was held at Mr. Bartholomew. The next gather­ day night. The program and enter­ Morefleld. Joy Rebhan. Joe Chace,! trol association, which is seeking ing will be In the nature of a pic­ tainment will he organized around Bobby Aldrich. Janice Rust. Donald to secure first federal survey of Boat ......................... ..... 50 - 1000 the armory here last night. Barge ......... ............. 200 - 1000 Major James H. Tierney of Eu­ nic, the time and placq to be de­ the display of pictures. Sneed, Dorothy Walker. Lloyd the local flood control problem, 15 - 1000 gene. represented the state office termined later. Darr. Allene Morefleld. Dick Lar­ and secondly some Improvements Retail beer .................. D« gree staff practice was held Industrial alcohol, except and was the inspection officer. •his week Immediately after the son, Wayne Nysten. Madlyn Peters. to prevent the washing away an­ licen.-e druggists ....... 100 - 3000 The personnel and roster of the Nadine Neet. Hallie Markham. nually of much valuable farm soil. business meeting. The degree team NEEDLECRAFT CLUB local company is as follows: Curtis Mattison. Barbara Walker. The report will be used in Wash­ Is getting ready for their fun car­ First Lieut. Charles A. Swarts; Carrol Wicks, Joyce Church. Ed ington. D. C. by the Oregon con­ GIRLS LEAGUE PLANS HAS ORIENTAL PARTY nival tn be held tomorrow night. Lieut. Walter N. Gossler; Staff ward Burkhart, and Buddy Whit­ gressional delegation. COOKED FOOD SALE Sergeant. Neil H. Glllons. Mrs. Carl Olson entertained for ney. Sergeants— Orval A. Cantrell. nn-mbers of the Needleeraft club MASONIC SOCIAL FOR A cooked food sale will be spon­ Lloyd W. Mattison. Verrol N. Mc­ at her home last Thurnday after­ BICYCLE MAN DIES FAMILIES IS TONIGHT sored by the Girls League of Farland. Freeman C. Squires. FIVE YOUTHS GUILTY noon with an Oriental luncheon AFTER LONG ILLNESS Springfield high school at the Corporals—William G. Cox. Elmo The second of the series of so -; OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT parly Mrs. 1. M Peterson was the Springfield Electric and Plumbing M. Long. Ivan C. Starmer. Hersey d ais spon-ored monthly during the I assistant hoatess. John Wesley Stevens. 61. died During the afternoon Mrs. 1 .ar­ winter months by the Masonic; Three Held In County Jail; One 1 at his home here Friday following shop Saturday it was decided at F. Tomseth. the weekly meeting of the girls'! Privates 1st. Class—Leland M son Wright sang a Chinese song lodge here will be held tonight I Sent to Reform School and a lengthy Illness Mr. Stevens was group held Tuesday morning. Miss Cray. Everett T. Squires. and Mrs. Harry Stewart read u with a covered dish dinner preced­ One Paroled to Sheriff , a well-known figure on the Spring- Lela Peterson is In charge of ar Privates—Lloyd F. Frese. Joe D. Japanese poem Mra. Waller Gos­ ing It at 6:30. The families of the field streets and had devoted most rangements. Gerber. Leroy B. Inman. Lloyd E. sler, Mrs. Levi Neet and Mrs. lodge members nnd members of Five Springfield youths either ; of his lime to bicycle repairing. The program for the Tuesday Severson. Bruce O. Squires. Ward Emory Pyle were guests of the Cascade chapter. O. E. 8. and their admitted their guilt or were found Three brothers survive him. They meeting included trio numbers by W. Wintermeler. families are Invited. Harry Stewart. guilty of disorderly conduct and club. are Gilbert Stevens of Springfield, the Juniors including Pearl Olin. The next meeting of the group Harry Whitney and John Henderer two others were found not guilty and Alfred and George Stevens of Eunice Rhinevault. and Carmen will be held nt the home of Mrs. are In •charge. as a result of a street brawl in Medford. Stafford. Miss Olin and Miss Sea­ THURSTON RESIDENT L. C. Moffitt February 15 starting front of the Unemployed hall last Funeral services were held front PASSES AT SALEM man sang a duet. Miss Rhinevault with a 6 30 dinner. Husbands will CARD CLUB MEMBERS Friday night. Night officer A. J. the Veatch chapel In Kugene Mon- be gnents of their wives at the t'owart Brreated James Steele for ¡day morning at 10:30. Rev. Dean played a piano solo, and Ahaphia John Edward Smith, father of GUESTS IN EUGENE HOME meeting. disorderly conduct nnd was struck I C. Poindexter officiated and Inter- j Palttuck gave a reading. Mrs. W. R. Mann of Thurston died Members of the O-No card dub nnd shoved all the way to the city tnent was held In the Laurel Hill at Salem Saturday afternoon. He BAPTISTS REVERSE THE was born In Thompson county. Pen­ were guests of Mrs. Florence Mai hall with hi prisoner. i cemetery. INEZ EYLER ELECTED TO Steele was fined $26 In Dan John­ Ice al her home In Eugene Iasi ORDER OF SERVICES nsylvania on June 18. 1849 and SOCIOLOGY HONORARY Thursday evening. Flrat prize In ston's Justice court In Eugene and was married to Amanda Erwin In ELMER PYNE BECOMES Starting tonight the Thursday the play went to Ione Rhodes. Sec­ Ills parole on a six months previous Inez Eyler. University of Oregon ond prize was won- by Miss Clyde Jail sentence was revoked. Roy LOCAL FORD SALESMAN evening services at the Baptist 1874. Survivors Include his widow, and student from Springfield, route 1, Dllly, and honor prize was won by Steele was sent to the reformatory church will be reversed with week the following children. Mrs. Hattie Announcement was made this has recently been Initiated Into Miss Eunice Gerber. The club will at Woodburn and Lawrence Jones ly prayer meeting being held from N. Foss and Bruce Smith of Dag- Alpha Kappn Delta, national socio meet again on February 16 at the Is on probation to C. A. Swarts, week by the Anderson Motor corn- 7 to 8 o'clock and with choir re-, mar. Montana. Mrs.-John Hoffman. logy honorary II was announced by home of Mrs. Hugh Safley at Al­ sheriff. Dean Tennant pleaded not : pany that Elmer Pyne has been hearsal front 8 to 9 o’clock. The named as part-time salesman for special Btble class started by Rev. Creswell, and Mrs. Mann. He also Ihe university chapter. guilty and whs found guilty by a bany. Ihe company. The local Ford garage R. E. Rolens to study the topic leaves 20 grandchildren. Membership to the sociology hon­ Justice court Jury. Jack Welburn He was a member of the Breth­ Is a sub-agency of the Simmon's orary Is limited to those students "Mountain Peaks of Prophecy," ren church. Funeral services were pleaded guilty. Both received fines Motor company of Eugene. Ray who are majoring In nodal sciences ODD FELLOWS TO PUT will be held from 8 until 8:30 held from the Poole-Oray-Bartholo- of $50. Harry Whitley and Walter Notl. owner of the garage, will con­ and are outstanding scholastically, o'clock. Pierson, tried yesterday for partici­ niew chapel in Springfield on Tues­ and from Ihe point of aervice and ON DECREE AT MARCOLA pation In the affair, were lound tinue as repair man. One of the day afternoon at 2 o’clock. Dr. E. new model Fords will be on exhlbl- arcompllahment. Members of Springfield I. O. O. not guilty by a Justice court Jury. ( tlon at the garage show-room at NEW CRATES ARRIVE FOR V. Stivers officiated and Interment F. degree team will go to Mnrcola j Fifth and A streets In the near HIGH SCHOOL FURNACE was made at iJturel Hill cemetery. Saturday night to take charge of STATE OFFICERS GUESTS LEGION WILL HOLD future. ihe conferring of a flrat degree. 1 vne Is well-known In Spring- Three of the new grates ordered POTLUCK FEED TONIGHT Practice waa held by the local team AT EASTERN STAR PARTY “ESSENTIALS OF JESUS" field, having lived here since 1926. for the furnace at the high school | last night following regular lodge SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC He la linotype operator at the Wil­ have arrived and have been Instal­ Mrs. Inex Glazier, Mrs. Nora Bur­ Semi-monthly meeting of the meeting. There are about 22 In tho led according to W. E. Buell, prin­ Springfield American Legion post degree team. All Odd Fellows are ton and Mrs. Lena Ragen. were lamette Press. “Six Essentials About Jesus" will cipal. One more grate has been or­ number 40 will be held at Taylor welcome to go. Members to meet guests of Cascade chapter, O. E. 8. be the theme of the Sunday morn dered and will he here soon he hall tonight. A potluck dinner at at the local hall entrance before at their party held here Tuesday TWO ATTEND DISTRICT ing service at the Christian church. said. 6:30 will precede the huslneas leaving for Mnrcola not later than night. Bridge and 500 were played LEGION CONVENTION For the evening sermon at 7:30 and refreahinenta were served late meeting according to Oswald Olson, 7 o’clock. Veltie Pruitt will preach on the In the evening. adjutant. M. B. Huntly and J. M. latrson DENTIST TAKES COURSE subject, "Abraham Lincoln and motored to Albany Tuesday even­ AT PORTLAND COLLEGE Jesus Christ.” A special male HIGH SCHOOL MEETS WESLEYAN LEAGUE TO LOCAL PEOPLE TAKE ing to attend the district conven chorus will sing at the evening Dr. W. N. Dow has gone to Port­ service. ROSEBURG SATURDAY tlon of the American Legion. They HAVE COSTUME PARTY OVER MAMMY'S CABIN did not attend the afternoon busi­ land to spend the week attending Springfield high school basket­ ness session hut heard Harold B. a post graduate course In dentistry : Mr. ant Mrs. Earl Gales of Members of the Wesleyan league Milk Route Is Sold of the Methodist church will liavp Springfield this week purchased ball players will meet the Roseburg Warner, state Legion commander, co- ducted at the North Pacific j Arthur Peterson has sold his a costume party lu the church base­ Mnnuny's Cabin, roadnouse lunch­ team on the local floor Saturday and General MacAlexander, the Dental college. He is a graduate ment Friday evening Htarllng at room from Mr. K. Hayes of Eugene. night at 7:30 It lias been announced 'Rock of the Marne' describe his ol the school and the course Is be­ milk route In Springfield to the 7:30. Mis« Velda Bartholomew Is The lunchroom Is located at Jud­ by Marlon Hall, coach. Last Fri­ war experience. Many high Legion ing conducted by the alumni. His Berg Brothers east of Springfield. In charge of the program arrange­ kins Points on the highway be­ day the locala loat (heir game with officials and railroad men were In office will be kept open here by the Announcement of the sale was made Wednesday. assistant during his absence. tween Eugene and Springfield. Cottage Grove, 22 17. attendance at the meeting. menta. LOME MEN GEE DISTRICT PLACE W A H H IN U T O N . . . The accept aoce of th«- Cuban Presidency by Col. M m dieta, ( above) wub STATE SETS FEES TO SELL LIQUOR LIONS PLAN FOR LADIES DINNER FLOOD SURVEY OF M’KENZIE STARTS 1