T 11t'HSDAY, K E H U IA ItY I. IHlU THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR GAINS EXPtCTtD III F lffl income A prospective Increase in raw materials prices including farm commodities, better and cheaper credit and leas unemployment with consequent better demand for farm products, are foreseen as likely de­ velopments in 1934 in the first of the agricultural situation and out look reports for this year just la sued by the economics of the Ore gon State college extension ser­ vice. Production to Be Less Total supply of agricultural pro­ ducts for the coming year Is ex­ pected to be less but no great im­ provement In export demand is foreseen at present, hence any ma­ terial improvement In the econo­ mic position of agriculture must come largely from improvement In the home market, the report points out. Home demand, moreover, de­ pends on the continued flow of In­ come to industrial workers, hence any Improvement in business con ditlons should be reflected in agri­ cultural betterment, even though it brings some advance in farm labor costs and prices of farm supplies. Price Level Advanced MANY WIN CERTIFICATES TOY ORCHESTRA TO FOR 100 PERCENT WORK PLAY FOR LIONS CLUB Lane County F ou r H Club W orker« The toy orchestra of the Brat R sctlvs A w ard « tor Complot tail! school under the direction of Ing Project Assignments Mrs. Alene T Bastoni will provili the entertainment st the Certificates of achievement for monthly meeting of the Bprlttgflel I those Four-tl dubs whit'll havu Lions club Friday noon w ' completed their work DM» penein Buell and Ur. Melville B Jones ai j were sent out this week from th • in charge of the program I oírle of the Lau« County ('luti Another Important matter in lie Leader Only thoae elute In which taken up at the meeting will ! each n iellili r completes hl as the plana for the animal luidles signmelil receive Hie certificates Night dlnn> i and | r e g ia in 'I'll • Below are a lint Of Illuse ellllis III inemhera of Ihia coniiiilltee I M this d ltrlct to which DM) percent l'eterseii. I*. J Bartholomew an i cerliflt ¡en wer' »etil, the unni» ot Mr Ituell, have completed a gen the dub. the location and the club eral plan (or this event at d will leader: submit It to the club Friday They Health duha Pleasant Hill 2, plan to have the program and din Mt Isole O I’lielp . and Miss Lu ner In about two weeks If thia |v «Ule Jordan; Camp Creek. 2, Mrs satisfactory to the dub member» Clare Williams and Ross Mutili tine hundred and five persons at tended the first meetlug of the Bap tlst Mission school belug sponsored by that church each Sunday even tag during the next six weeks A mission playlet was presented by the young people of the Junior World Wide Guild at the meeting last Sunday. The school Is directed by Mrs R. K Rolens and special commt*- tees have been named for each class group. The adults and young people are studying medical ml» slon work, the Juniors ar? study­ ing "Livingston, the ihuhttuder." and the children are studying Reduced Supply of Agricul­ tural Products, Increased Prices Seen in Outlook This issue, which is the annual review and outlook number put out at the start of each year, has been prepared by L. It Brelthaupt, ex­ tension agricultural economist, as­ sisted by A. S. Burrier. associate, and H. H. White, assistant econo­ mists. It is now available for dis tri button through any county agent or direct from Corvallis. The Trend in New Year Hair Style» MANY PRESENT FOR FIRST MISSION CLASS "Africa." <<«* ew « Ml Vernon. Hasel Edmlston. RED SOX TEAM LOSES Bprlngfield. a. Dorothy tiirani and FIRST GAME OF SEASON I'.leunor Binllh; Creswell. 2. Mrs NEW YORK . . European heavy­ weights return for new wars hl American rings Pnmo Ckrnsra, Italy, (above) World Quunptoa. tad Max Srkmeliag, Germany, (below) former title holder, landing here last week Camera is now in Miami where he meets Tommy Looghran in February. Sehmeling ’* opponent kna not yet been picked. FOUR-H CLUBS TO HAVE SPECIAL PROGRAM FEB. 5 C. A. Howard, state superintend­ ent of public instruction, and H. C. Seymour, state club leader—two men whose Interests are centered In the boys and girts of Oregon— are scheduled to speak to 4-H club members, parents, leaders and friends Monday night. February 5, during the weekly 4-H club broad­ cast from KOAC at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Howard's subject will be "4-H Club Work and Modern Edu­ cation." Mr. Howard is a thorough believer in the value of 4-H tram- ing in developing boys and girla, and in fact. Oregon is one of only three states in the Union in which the state department of education is a cooperating agency in the pro- motion of 4-H club activities. In Mr. Seymour's talk. "The Out­ look for 4-H Club Work In 1934.' he plans not only to discuss plans and projects for the coming year but to review briefly some of the accomplishments of 1933. during which time Oregon boys and girls garnered some important national honors while living up to their motto of "Make the Best Better." The new year starts out with farm prices 14 points above the low- level reached early in 1833. though It Is not equally distributed to all branches of agriculture. Farm pur­ chasing power is not comparably improved because of the advance In prices of things farmers buy. Com­ plete application of the AAA pro­ grams and other projects designed to adjust production to the pro­ bable demand, are expected to bal­ ance the temporary disadvantage to agriculture of the price advances under the NBA and similar move­ ments. the review sets out. The review is illustrated with charts, graphs and tables which help give a complete but easily un­ ANNOUNCE derstood picture of the agricultural BAPTISTS business outlook as the new- sea­ SUNDAY SERVICE PLANS son starts. It algo contains sug­ gestions and aidg to farmers in “When Christ Came to Church" making out operating budgets and will be the subject of the 11 o'clock keeping farm accounts so as to put service at the Baptist church Sun­ their enterprise on a strictly busi­ day morning. The Sundav school t meets at 9:45 with Mrs. Kenneth ness basis. I Tobias as superintendent. I The school of missions continues HEIBERT MEETS ACHIU at 6:30 with the public invited ON WEEKLY MAT CARD Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor, will Logger Helbert of St. Helen.? will speak on "Why Die?" at the 7:30 meet Walter Achiu. Chinese. In the service Bunday evening. main even of the weekly wrestling program at the Eugene armory to­ McKENZIE BRIDGE MAN night. Achiu and Heibert have both FINED IN LIQUOR CASE just returned to the Pacific coast. Fred Farrow of McKenzie Bridge Heibert has been touring the north central states and Achiu has been was fined »50 in circuit court Tues­ day when he pleaded guilty to a working in the south. Supporting the main event will be charge of selling liquor to minors. two matches between Mickey Mc­ He was charged with selling liquor Guire and George Grace in the to boys in the Belknap C. C. C. opener and Art Perkins and Jack i camp, and was fined by Judge G. Curtis In the semi-final event. ' F. Skipworth. Irish-Murphy Co. Up-to-date Store at Your Service Our large stock and rapid turn-over of staple and fancy groceries assures you fresh, high quality food and excellent service. Try Irish-Murphy’s first. FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR 9 LB. BAG 45c DURKEE’S Salad Aid QUARTS 25c H IG H E S T Q U A L I T Y M E A T S are kept in our Meat Department under most sani­ tary conditions. Specials for this week include: Picnic Hams, lb. 10c; Bacon Squares, lb. 10c Beef Pot Roast lb. 9y3c. Verna Adams. Mr. J K Hose. Jr . The Springfield Red Box Girl»' and Nietn D Zlnlker i basketball team lost their first Coburg. 2. Cynthia Lodga, and N K W YORK Miss H a rrie t H am ilto n (above) was one o f the socisny game of the season last Baiurday Joan Morrow. Dexter, Neis C. An prom inent N e t Y . r k e « to P « ~ « ....... Jeb a fashion show d is p b , o f nlghl when they played the Trun demon. Jasper, Gladys w Fegles; We new tread is hair style.. The coiffeur here is. form al aad take, Verein girls team at Port land The Full Creek. Mrs. Alice Calllson; account the new o f f Hie face hat models for S pring ___________ i game was hard fought as the 28 luiwell. 2. Mrs Hath Vealeh and SURVEY SHOWS PARENTS ' .10 acore Indicates The Turn Verein Mrs Allerta DavenhUI; Oakridge. VOLUNTEER AGENCIES For Tiny Tots - Is an athletic association with both Kathryn Kyker; Thurston. 2, Doro­ 8108—With or without ruffles. Ir-1 TO CONTINUE NRA WORK WANT NEWS OF SCHOOL thy Travess and Floaale M Gray; __ ____ I boys and girls basketball teams. realstibly pretty In either way—end Oregon weekly and daily new».; Playing for the Red Box were Isuhurg. Ilasel Oelsing; Vids. so easy to make in soft batiste, dot Portland. Feb 1 — President papers carried an average of 2« Mlnney. Bnodgras» II nston. Bpat». Maysd DoLong; Chase Gardens ted Swiss, or crepe. Also nice for Roo.evelt thia week issued an exe­ - column Inches, or more than a full Manner. Rhode Mathews Arnold. Eunice Smith; llayden Bridge velvet without the ruffles or (o r' cut|ve or<)er roBt|Uutng indefinitely Neva K Workman cotton prints. For taffeta, with o r ' the n ,e of volunteer agencie column, of public school uews In and Witcher Cooking Clubo Llotod each Issue over a period of a Bunday the girls plaved the Ml without the ruffles which have had charge of the NRA Cooking Bprlngfield, Mrs W month. It was revealed In a receul Angel team which they defeated The short waist portions are prugraTO, according to advices re­ II Whitney; Marcóla. W. Il Dol survey made by atudenla In a class . 3<-19 lengthened by full skirl portions ee¡vwj here today, m y er; Creswell. Mrs M K Wat In public information methods con- Friday night Hie girls go io Oak that are finished with a ruffle. The | president Roosevelt, in explain- ner; D ex ter. Miss Florence Par arm ruffles are attached to the drop 1|lg , he order, said the volunteer ducted bv C J McIntosh, professor ridge Io play the girls town team Viti; Wendling. Mrs J I. Fischer of Industrial editing at Oregon This la expected to be another shoulders of the waist. A sash ot n r a committees, including local Canning- l'1-aannt Dili, Mrs. State college. ) ‘•low game. I jui I year the Oakridge ribbon or material ties in a nice compliance boards, should continue Ralph t.«tr«t Four issues each of 76 repreeen-, town girls held the visitors and bow at the back. | O (unction until relieved of their (alive newspapers of the slate were F their team Is said Io lie stronger j Right at Home work by the permanent organlsn Daughter is Born— Mr and Mrs clipped during one month and the this year. 8094— In a frock like this houae- ,|ong | o created by the National It E Stevens are the lutrenta of s results tubulated, classified and ] work Is almost a Joy. The skirt (emergency Councils in each stale Daughter Born— Mr and Mi» II baby daughter born Io them at Local compliance boards and lo­ compared with a similar survey F Mackey of Fall Creek are the their home 111 West .'♦prill «field made at Columbia university, New F a lt a n , N a U M cal NRA committees will continue D n lg M d ils I S IM . I. parnnta of a nine and one h a lf) Tuesday eveulng Yora. Subjects given the most to function as always, the presi­ I . ». 4. u r i t S i n I pound haby girl born to them at t dent's order said, until relieved of space in the two sections of the Return« from Hospital— N A country tallied fairly closely, with their home Wednesday morning 'lÜMUl I d f l M IS further duties by the executive di Rowe. Bprlngfield realtor, waa dis y a rd S aab ra extra-curricular activities such «» rector of the National Emergency ju u *« 2 jrarda of Cooking Club Meets— Member missed troni the Pacific hospital •tr io »ports, dramatics, musical events Council. « a te ria i 4 H and the like lending with 47 per of the cooking club of the Christian Wednesday lie has been a patient ) t Ua< cent In the east and 59 per cent ill church held their monthly meeting there for several weeks Mr and Lincoln School Notes at the home of Mrs. Krneat Her Mr» Howe are moving Into Spring Oregon The Lincoln school boys basket, field from their farm home. Next In order In this slate were tach Friday evening ball team will play the Coburg P.-T. A activities and management • j team Friday night, and the Plea ant Hill Midgets a week from Frt and finance, while In Ihe east news of teachers and school officers was day. Last Friday the Manola girls second with P.-T. A. activities team played the girls and defeated third. k/MARY MAR5Í1ALL • » > them 20-6. Thelma Williams. Donna Severson. Alice Logan. Wvetta Spriggs. Lulu Johnson. June Burk­ hart and Fern Cornell played for the local team The Eighth grade boys won a game from Marcóla 12-9 the same evening Their lineup was Taylor. McBee. W eal lake, L. McPherson. ¡ and W McPher on. Keenan and Pederson. i • -------------------------------------------------------« Thurston The Bridge club meeting was held at Mrs Needham's home Iasi Friday evening Miss Dorothy Farris from Port Orford and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Settler. Mrs Mary Turel and Miss Alice Calvert from Eugene were callers al the John Edmlston home last Saturday evening Miss Cal­ vert stayed over the week-end has straight linea hut enough width Frank Campbell from Signal was for comfort. A broad reverse collar |n Thurston Tueaday. outlines the deep V of the fronts. | The ladt-s' aid held an ail day and a small vestee squares the meeting with Mrs Ira Gray Wed neckline. There Is a choice of nesday. The lime was spent quilt- sleeves—A long sleeve with a band (ng cuff.—and a short sleeve trimmed with an upturned cuff. Cotton prints, rayon, pongee, tub silk or light weight woolen also | pique or linen may be used for this style. For pattern, send 15 cents In coin j (for each pattern desired), your, name, address, style number and ; size to Patricia Dow, Springfield ; News Pattern Dep’t.. 116 Fifth Ave-1 nue, Brooklyn. N. Y. P a lla r a , Ne • 4 : De«i< ned tr • Sisea M . M . 4U 41. 44. 44. 4». 6( aad St Sise 44 re quire« SH yard« of 36 inch ma ( • r i a l , tofethei with 4} yard • / MEDFORD PLANS JUBILEE PAGEANT OF STATEHOOD The seventy-fifth anniversary of the statehood of Oregon will be Ihe subject of a large seven-day Dta mend Jubilee celebration at Met ford on June 3 to 9 Inclusive. Among Ihe events to be featured . during the celebration will be an historical pageant showing events leading up to Ihe establishment and development of the state Other features will Include a pioneer par ade, industrial exhibit, historical skits by schools ot higher learning historical exhibit at Jacksonville, early gold mining center of Ore­ gon. and mauy other minor at-1 tractions. Working People N eed M eat T h ere Is no food th at ta k e s th e place of m eat In w orking people’s diet V ital energy needed to keep ih e body p erform ing labor is furnished by m eat In th e highest degree. Good m eats from o u r m arket art* not expensive but give you th e most footl value for your m oney. NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS HAVE MEETING TODAY W e're here to serve you w ith fresh m eats kept u n d er proper re frig eratio n . Mrs. Carl Olaon and Mrs I M Peterson are entertaining at the home of Mrs. Olson this afternoon fo» tha regular meeting of the Needlecraft flub. Independent Meat Co. E. C. STUART, Prop. 4th and M ain Sts — Phons S3 A New Deal FOR OUR SUBSCRIBERS McKenzie Valley I «--------------------------- « Rev. G. H. Wilbur, Salem. Sun­ day School Missionary for the Wil­ lamette district of the Presbyter ian church, held services Sunday morning at Walterville church and Sunday evening at Leaburg. Mrs. Wilbur accompanied Mr Wilbur on the trip. The Walterville Ladies’ Aid so­ ciety met Wednesday at the church for quilting. The group recently purchased a sink for the kitchen. Several men Including fllafence Potter. Dee Benson. Osmer Stacy j and Everett Wearin donated In-\ stailation of the sink, and a pump! which was donated the church. The floor was oiled recently also. Miss Belle Millican entertained the Worker’s society at her home Friday. The group plan next to meet with Mrs. C. C. Polley. Recent basketball games at Lea­ burg Included a doubleheader be­ tween Blue River and Leaburg high teams. Leaburg girls’ team and Blue River boys won. The Vida Minnows won over the Christian boys’ team from Eugene 50 to 14. The Balknap 3-C boys played the Redsldes at Leaburg Monday night, winning the game by the close mar­ gin of 29 to 30. Walker and Lea­ burg high are playing a double j header at Leaburg Friday night. The fortnightly dance was held at the Vida hall Saturday night, the next one Is scheduled for Sat­ urday night. Februray 10. Little Charlie Joe Jennings, namesake of two living great­ grandfather«, with his mother are expected home from the Pacific hospital Saturday. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jennings, little Charlie Joe was bora January 24. C o n tin u e l/ Two Weeks 66e Springfield News New Spring Patterns Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs 9x12 1 Year $1-00 9 X 10’/ 2 9 X 9 7'/j X 9 6 X 9 57.95 57.35 56.35 55.20 54.15 Old or New Subscribers Many people have renewed their Bubscrlptlons to The Springfield News during our special offer. So good has been the response we have decided to con­ tinue the reduced rate for two weekB longer to give any who have overlooked the opportunity time to come In and renew. Offer Expires Feb. 17 Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT