THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1 »34 ----------- "F T1OC 8PR1NOPUDLD NEWS Daughter la Born— Mr. and Mr» Elgin lleberl ure lb« parent» of a daughler born to them at the Ell- gen honplial ou Friday, January 20. 1934 Mra. Hebert and »mall child were ill charged from Hi« ho» Movo» to Portland—Ja»p«r Cline Drlvoa to Portland —M. C. Kirk pllul on Monday and are now al lia» gimo to Portland thia week, to land made a bunlnen trip to Port- llielr home In Springfield, malt« lii» hum«. land Wednemlay. TOWN AND VICINITY PAQB THREE IUKA LADIES TO HOLD REGULAR MEET TONIGHT At the McDonald Mrs. Walter Lastoa will entertain nl her home on East Main street tonight for the regular meeting of Iuka circle. Ladles of the O. A. K The meeting will start at I o'clock and a potluck dinner will follow the buxine» session. HOW ONE MAM Q ia iti at Hotel— Dori» I. Mann V isite from D allo»—Mr». Timina« J.iiH'P l.ow illyu K tl«i dog nliiu L O S T 2 2 POUNDS ur **rrlle Paint waa a gu«»t at the Patrick of Dalla» I» ber« ibi» week Members of the sewing circle of mouth» old. Illui k and white Washington, IJ. C. — Olo-tlme Hprlngfleld hotel Saturday night. visiting with her parent». Mr. and the local lodge dec ided to sponsor wMh a llltln brown color. I'lion« watcher» of «vent« In th«. National Mrs. A. J Hchnotsky. Mr Herman lluiikl« of Detroit ...... „ an Easter bazaar at their meeting N o ll Man H«re— N T Moore and Kugeue 2k or 2HH3J F I w rite»: "A few llu«a of thank» Capitol are beginning to revise from ii rheumatl»m «ufferer- My J M Allender of Noll were bo»I last Thursday afternoon nt th s Laavaa for California A,*,, moat of their forecast« of what first Imllle of Kruurhen Halt» took aeas vlaltora In Hprlngfleld Friday, Oreen left this week for Ventura, was going to happen to President home of Mr«. Stella Lewis. DRINK WATER AT MEALS all of the ache» uilll »Welling» out California where be will make hl» Roosevelt and the New Deal wh«n G O O D FOR STOMACH of my Joint, with my flr»l bottle Junction Man Mora— T. A. Can- Water with moula In,Ip« alioouiii I weei on a dim mid lo»( 22 pound»| , rH|| of Junction City wa» a vl Itor home In the future. congress came hack from the long CHOPPING WOOD BAD Juices. aid* dig», tlon It bloutod U illl IKIW ff»«l Ilka, R ||««W III Mil.” I , u .4 «a Major Operation— Mr». Lum F »scstton with the latest verdict of To lose fat Mufely and q u ick ly !1 “ after noon with Ka» udl u apooiiful of Adlerlku BUSINESS FOR TWO Auderson submitted to a major lh,‘ people hack home. They came. tin« do»« cleau» out polaooa and take one half tcu»poonful of Kru Portland Man Hor *’ operation at tho Pacific hospital they found the President had wuithea BOTH upper aud lower mi lien Hall» In a glaaa of hot water When Albert Clifton, student at Hh„ reportBd been keeping b l. own extremely before breakfast every morning— kins of Portland w a. a hu.lnea. bowel». Flunery'» I H um Hlore. Hprlngfleld high school, cut his mi 85c bottle I sh I n 4 week»— -Got visitor In Hprlngfleld last week end keen ear «0 close to the ground that Io lie recovering nicely now. hand severely Sunday while split­ Haa Operation—Anthony Haul I- II ul any drug »tore In America. he had to bruah the stubble out Oonna Man Hare - l-ee Heavey of If mil Joyfully sallafleil after the ting wood, his slater Elsie, under­ at the Pacific lioaptlul rcrovortn* < first Visits Parent»—William Pollaro >4 It. And what the President had bottle money back. Donna wa» a hualnen» visitor In M arion Davies and Bing Crosby took to do this chore. Monday she from a major operation which Io was here from Portland where he heard direct from the folk» In the Hprlngfleld Friday. in a scene from “ Going struck her foot with the axe and underwent Tueaday inoriilng N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S la attending medical »chool to visit , back districts wa» Just what the cut a bad gash In It. It was neces­ Notice 1» hereby given that the __ — _ Mr«. _ _ J with hl» parent» during the week-| Senators anil CongreKamen had Visiting Daughter Elsie llal oflce holders. But there Is like­ sary to take several stitches In both N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S heard. ly to be less barring of good men wounds according to the attending | by the President!" Nolle« 1» hereby given that the M lt«l. henba. h. deceased, by th e ” "’' Mr" E. E (’. <’• Cole, Co,e’ at Jasper. | underalgned ha» b««u appointed County Court of I»un« County. O r# i _ A A .. „ .... . ,, Mov* to ^*rm— Mr M,l<1 Mrw- W . It 1» a» clear a» anything ever from subordinate positions simply physician. because they didn't believe In the • »• < MSI of the luiat Will and Tnata Ron All ponMMNi having c la im C olltctt Bounty II h WlBeboll Mott have moved from their reel-1 an be In thia city where party New Deal before they saw It begin­ nieiil and eatato of Ellxabeth 1) against tlm said ««late are hereby of Oakridge collected the county Hprlngfleld to the N. A 4-H Club A ll In One F am ily politics has been tb- principal topic ning to work out. Whitten, by Ilia County Court for ■ notified l<> prevent the »am«, pro­ I .an« County, Oregon. All peraon» perly verified, to the undersigned, bounty on two bobcat« at the of Howe farm southeast of Hprlng of Interest for generation», that flee of the county clerk Friday. W here W e ’re Heading , A complete, standard 4-H club, having claim» uguliiRt »ahi aatate ul the office of Well» A Well», field party politics cut» lea» Ice with Where the New Deal Is heading composed entirely of members ot are hereby notified to preaent the Bank of Commerce Building, Eu- Student Go»» Homs— Mis» Theda i thl« Administration than m ial peo aatna. with proper voucher» to tlm is being disclosed more closely from one family Is something new In 4-H . 7 f T e ............... th* ">«“ I M -------------------------- pie have thought; and It certainly tiuderalklied at the office of Donald day to day. "Joe” Eastman's pro­ organizations In Polk county, but Young. 435 Miner Building, within flr»l publication of thia notice. pureutw on the « m t 8h* 1« attend- I Kiahvr left thin wnek for her home little Ice on Capita) Hill, when gram for the nationalization of the such a club has been formed by n il mouth» from the date of the «1 Oakland. California, after »pend a|| hu( , wo Democrat» and two- Hate of rlrat publication. January Ing high »chool In Hprlngfleld. entire railroad system waa hardly five children In the Trueaux family flr»t publication of thia notice. »ß. I»34 .. . . . . . . I,lg ,hrw' * M*k* visiting here and , h1rdl( ((f the Republican member» Date of the flr»t publication of DALE M HtglTII, Administra Vlalt at Dallao— Principal „ aud of W . . . HoUM, .« «urent» of a to n nr« h«r«by r«oulr«d to ap- , . . . . D. Jennings are tlie parents 01 a home was that there waa an al­ were vital, making political con­ gon. All persons having ctulms ugalusl the said Estate are hereby l>«ar and unswer the complaint filed 'ow 'n* “ »liuldown of se v e r a l1 baby son born Io them at the Pa­ most unanimous feeling among the trol and operation o( the roads. If notified to present the »am«, pro­ again*! you In the above entitled | cific hospital In Eugene on Thurs- people, regardless of party, that and when the Government takes perly verified, to Ihn undersigned court anil cause on or before the Returns to Grants P e te -M r s J costs taxed assembling carpenters worked at a Federal Job, no matter how quarter of the Southwest quar­ al 329.50 which Judgment was en­ ter of the Southwest quarter of rolled and docketed In the Clerk's practically without tools, lumber capable, unless he is an active section 36. Township 17 South office of said court on the 24th day or nails. worker In the Democratic Party, Runge 4 West of the W illam ette of January 1934. and said execu­ what is called here an FRBC. which Walls Are Lined Meridian. Lane County. Oregon, tion to me directed and command­ MARSHALL-FIELD excepting Ihe following; Begin­ ing me In the name of the State of The wall units made for this means “For Roosevelt Before Chi­ ning at a point 1.32 chains East Oregon In order to satisfy said house consist of a series of ver­ cago." There Isn't any question of the fhnilhwest corner of said Judgment. Interest costs, and at­ that that was the spirit In which Lot 19 In said Horn'a Addition; torneys fees and accruing costs, to tical hoards for the exterior, build­ Farley and other party leaders ap­ running thence North 9.81 chains; sell the following descrlhed pre­ ing paper. Balxam wool blanket thence East 3.94 chains; thence m ises and pronerly In latne County, with a dead air space In between, proached their task of selecting South 9.81 chain»; thence West Oregon, to-wlt: and Douglas fir plywood on the men for office; and a good many The East 51.82 acre* of the 3.94 chains to the place of begin men and women have been ap­ ntng. together with the tene­ Southwest quarter of Section 32 Inelde. T hese units are the baste pointed for no othpr reason than elem ents In the manufacture of Township 17 South. Range 4 West ments. hereditaments and appur­ of the W illam ette Meridian. tenances thereunto belonging, or prefabricated housing, being com­ that they had good Democratic cre­ In anywise ap pertaining. NOW THEREFORE In the name plete In them selvee and capable of dentials. But that was In the be­ 80 Square East Color Said sale Is made under execu- of the STATE OF OREOON: forming any stxe or arrangement ginning. ilon Issued out of the Clrcut Court In compliance with said execu­ Nobody but Democrats were sup ! of the State of Oregon for the coun­ tion and order of sale and In order of rooms In multiples of the unit ty of Lane to me directed In the to satisfy said tudgment and de width. A wedged U-bolt 1» used to posed or expected to be In sym­ case of The State Land Board of cree and Interest, costs nnd accur- fasten the wnll units to adjacent pathy with the New Deal at the Oregon, composed of Julius Meier. Ing costs nnd attorneys fee* I will units and to the floor and celling start. But with the opposition fad­ FOR BETTER Governor of Oregon; Hal E. Hoas, on Monday the Rth day of March ing throughout the country and Secretary of State, of Oregon; 1934 at the hour of One O'clock P. structure. New Arrival of Spring Marshall-Field party lines being almost entirely SCHOOL REPORTS Rufus C. Holman. Treaaurer of M. of said dav at the southwest The sub-structure above the foun-! obliterated everywhere. Mr. Roose- Oregon, Plaintiff, vs Prank B front door of the County Court Children's Vision should bn Cooper: Pearl A. (looper, now House In Eugene, bane C ountv.; datlons consists of a sill plate In ' y«| apparently hns c o n e ,o , *le checked regularly. Physical otherwise known as Pearl A. Oregon, offer for sale and «ell for ■ length« multiple of the wall unit sound conclusion that Ihe party change In children Is rapid and Phelps Fred J. Fick; Nellie W, cash at public auction. «„Meet to d w1lh (lrll1w) hole„ ,n „paced teat would keep out of the public constant. When It la a question Fick, Ills wife; Margaret I. Bllyou; redemption as provided by law. all , j of eyesight or proper vision, the Slate Savings and Loan Associa­ Ihe right, title and Interest of all Intervals to bolt to the foundation. service a great many able men who. child, nine t I u k - h mil or ten do»« as It now appears, are not at a l l ! tion, a corporation; Ixtne County, of the aforesaid defendants and of not know what Is the matter The headers and floor Joints are Other Prints, fast color Yd.,. a body politic and corporate In and all persons claiming by, through likely to throw monkey-wrenches with him or her. Proper vision of the State of Oregon; School dis­ or under »aid defendants or either •Iso In length m ultiples of the Into the machinery If they are call­ nenrly always makes for better trict No. 4. a brtdy corporate In and of them. In and to said premises. wall units, the Joints fitted Into school work. ef Lane County, Oregon; Road Dis­ Dated this 1st dav of February, notches cut Into the headers at ed In to help run It. Naturally, the President wants All of our service charges are trict No. 16. a body politic and cor­ 1934 porate In and of Lane County. Ore­ C. A. SWARTS. Sheriff of Lane one-half and one unit Interval« and among those closest to him and very reasonable. spiked to the head-..« after being gon ; Road District No. 60, a body County. Oregon. charged with the chief responstbl-; politic and corporate In and of By A E. HULEGAARD. Deputy. dropped Into place. Itty for carrying out his policies, j Exam inations Are Free. Lane County. Oregon. Defendant». Date of first publication Feb. 1st, C. A. »WARTS, Sheriff of Lane 1934. Headers are spiked to the sill only men whose sym pathies w ith , Springfield, Oregon DR. ELLA MEADE Date of last publication March plates and the floor plates spiked his point ot view hare been e x -! County. Oregon. Optometrist By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy. 1st. 1934. pressed before they became poten to the hMdera. 41 W est 8th Bugona (J 4-11-18-35— F 1) (F 1-8-15-29— M 1) HOW WOMEN CAN WIN MEN AND MEN WIN Business Directory UNIT HOME SEEN AS LUMBER AID Milk Prices Raised by Law Edward C, Privat Springfield Creamery Co. COUGH DROPS are first aid R G G IM A N N ’ S N ew Spring House Dresses 98c Best Prints - Special 19c 14c Fulop’s Dept. Store