wl M THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS & OM« ■" _ <5 TH IH TY -P IH H T YEAR 0- HPIUNOKIKIJ), l«ANE COUNTY, OREGON, T IR ’RHlJAY. FEBRUARY I. 1S»»4 h . 5. FARMERS SEEK FEDERAL BENEFIT SCHOOLS SHUT f e m e , 0| g . . [CDS Basketball NO. 3 Get More Gravel fo r City Streets MILK PRICES UP i CENIS III c m Center Player Leaven School Armory Project is Changed; Crippling Squad; Injury Honor Roll for First Half of Red Brick Front Started; Keeps Hartman Out Revise Interior Plans Year at High School Has 55 Namoa; New Semester Many Sign Applicntion* for Corn-Hog Payment« at Ini­ tial Meeting in Taylor Hall Recent Price Schedule Set Up By Milk Commission Estab­ lishes Lane Price at 10c A large black abudow fell aero*» < Plan* for the Hprlngfleld armory. the busketbull hope* of Springfield Honor roll* for the claaaes „ i ‘>•1»«‘’«»t »• a CWA prefect, were ALL TO HAVE LICENSE blgb acbool Ibis week when Nor | g|>r,ngfleld high aeboef at The Coae «*ra»tl< ally changed during the pa.t man Klcbey, alar center on the of the first »emeatcr were released ' * h"n Protests from City. Community Committee to Be Producer Gets Profit; Distri­ local team, left school Io accept tbla week- and contain the uame* Legion group* and Tom Russell, Elected; Detail« of Plane a Monition at Oakridge. UWA engineer w-re received at the j butor Also Regulated in of 56 utudenta. The first half of Explained by Co. Agent Tile team I* nlated to meet the the present school year closed last office of the Veteran's State Aid Paying Farmer for Milk Cottage drove five on the local Friday and the school started work Commission In Salem, owner* of Thirty-four eligible farmers sign­ Springfield milk consumer* ware floor tomorrow night and will ea­ on the second half ot the year Mon­ the property. ed application* tor the corn-bog receiving notion this week of an A* a result the entire front o f 1 ter Ibe game without much hope day with the filing of class sche­ contracts with Federal goverunient CINCINNATI . . , ««Bob’■ I locreaae in their retail milk prices the building ha* been torn off this of victory. dule card*. at a meeting In Hprlngfleld Wed O'Farrell, above, get* his big ehaae* to ten cent* per qua.-t bringing week und bricklayer* began work U U A IIA . . , V a n ta * (Jtuenlhea, The honor roll I* divided Into The withdrawal from school ot iicaday aflernoiin They proposed' tarm ar Omaha Wumaa '• Hingh at a m ajor league a* manager of major league h beer them to a parity with those est­ thl* morning laying a brick veneer ball chib this year at the kehä o f t t r I to reduce production from appro­ , Tann i* charnpiun. I* .non tu I«ruma Itlchey I* only oue of the problem* two section*, the firnt the name* wall from the present brick wall ablished ty the Cregon Milk Con- C incinnati Reds W ith O T a r r e B her which have been causing Coach of those student* who won place* ximately 1*2 brood sows In Ibis . thè brida o f L lru L Qarrtaon David I trol Board. A price schedule for clear up to the top. making a com­ and Jtiruny e .U u u a t Ptuladeiphi on the honor roll for the *»cond Marion Hall considerable trouble vicinity. O. H. Pletcher, county «va, football eoarh a t W e i Porsi the N ational league will have tv all of Lane county east of the suin- plete red brick front on the build­ M ilit a r * Arademy eight week* period of the first sem of late. George Irvin whom he ex- agricultural agent, explained the ......... •a»-’ ing. mlt of the Coast range was drawn peeled to use aa a substitute player ester, and those who won place* ‘ two henetll plana to the 50 per I I up by the Milk Board recently and The second change made at the tbla aeuaon while be was gaining on the honor roll for the entire aou* who were present. was made effective as of January [ request of local people was the experience, (brew his knee out of term. No action wu* tukeu at the meet- | 22. moving ot the brick chimney, the The honor roll Is as follows Joint recently and ha* not been IPS other than to ill*trlbulv the ! showers and lavatories, and the up- Present minimum retail prices of much asslMtance to hl* coach. He FRESHMEN work abeel* and preliminary bluukB , . i »fair« starway outside of the bulld- for milk are a* follows: Pints six will likely not be Included In any Right w on which to figure their report* _, ,1K There will be placed agaln-t cents, were five; quarts 10 cents, furl her game* thl* season. i Wendell Itartholon.ew. Anita Ben Another meeting will lie held here the back wall. The change provide* were eight cents; skim milk, 15 farter Hartman who started out i son. Lillian Butler. Roscoe fo ie. In about two week* at which time an additional 10 feet of floor space cents a gallon in bulk; buttermilk Io become a sensational point ! Wayne Crabtree, Burton Gibson, the fir11 signing of the contract* quart seven cents or 20 cents a Resident of San Francisco scorer for the local team early In Ruth Keeler. Margaret Meek. Doro- In the rear of the building. will be made At thl* lime at) work CWA work continues on a 15 Mrs. Roach to Direct Singers gallon in the bulk. the season also suffered an injury thy Millican, Gladys Hhelley. Ber­ Leaves Relatives Here; Fu­ acheeta and supporting evidence hour shift In this city. Work Is In Five O'Clock Program; io a knee, and wblle he has been : nice Smith. Katherine Williams, | Cream prices were also ad­ neral Service Held Monday of *ale ot hog* during the past two | continuing on the street, alley, and Orchestra to Assist Group playing In m o il game* be I* not i Jeanlne Withers. Goldie Rauch vanced. Table crecm which sold year* will he tiled with the appli­ armory projects with workmen Final— Joseph Andrew*. Wen- Mrs. Edna Whltmarsh. former able to use It moat effectively. Member» of the choir will have for 13 cenU for now cation A community committee to working Friday and Saturday and Bruce Squires I* now the only : dell Bartholomew. Anita Benson, three hour* on Monday. re Ident of Ihe Fall Creek vicinity, charge of the five o’clock vesper re^a^8 at cents. The pints cost admlnlnter the plan locally will cent*, and ■lied at her home In San Francisco •-xperlenced player on the team Klva Boyle«, Ixiulse foglll. Roscoe An additional 2qu yards of gravel service at the Methodist church I 28 48 centa- antl the ,hp quarts are 50 al»o be elected at that time Saturday She hud lived there for! who can he expected to hold hl*! Cole. Wayne Crabtree. Burton Glb- have been secured for the street Sunday evening. A special musl- cen u - no change. Whipping cream Moat Hava 10 Acraa Corn I own against more experienced son. Ruth Keeler. Margaret Meek project during the past 15 year*. the past week ac cal Program will be presented un- advancpd from 17 cent* a one-half A (artnec must have renalde on Hhe was born In Ixiiie county on ! player* of other schools. Brattain ; Gladys Hhelley. Bernice Smith cording to Lurn Anderson. CWA d“r ,hp direction of Mrs. Buford ’ plnt ,o 20 cent” The P*uts sell 'or an average ot to acre* ot corn January 5. 1902 and wa* the daugh and Cox play a hard game but SOPHOMORES , 35 CPnla now and the quarts for which he harve led a* grain or ter of the late John Renfro of Fall are handicapped by tbelr «lie and j Eight weeks— 1-ester Anderson. supervisor In this city. The work Roa riding, crashed In­ the greenhouse Just across the ORDERS PLAY BOOKS CARD CLUB MEETS IN the county agent. river for several years following FRIENDS CLASS HAS TO BE HELD TUESDAY --------- EUGENE HOME TONIGHT to a standing car of logs on a curve A three-act comedy-farce, "Auntie _______ above Marcola. The men were all her husband's death, and Just com­ PARTY AT VAUGHN HOME The Eastern Htar-Masonlc lodge Up" has been chosen as the play Members of the O-No club will working for the Fischer Lumber Wlmawhala Encampment to M**t pleted serving a term as worthy Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vaughn en party will De held Tuesday evening to be presented under Ihe auspices ' be guests at the home of Mrs. Flor-! company. Mr. Bloom Is In the Pa Wlmnwhaln encampment of the matron of Cascade O. E. 8. lodge tertalned at their home near Hay­ of next week. All family members of the Hprlngfleld Lions club. Books; ence Malice at her home it, Eugene j ciflc hospital In Eugene, Odd Fellows lodge will meet In re­ of Hprlngfleld. Mrs. Grace Schlska. who Is now den Bridge last Friday evening for of the two organisations are In­ for the play which will have three . this evening. Bridge will be played. 5 W. Winfrey, one of the passen- gular session nt the I. O. O. F. temple In Eugene Friday evening. completing her first full term In members of the Friends class of vited to attend. The party waa female and five male players have ! Most of the members of this club! gers on the speed car came to Some members of the encampment office, announced her decision to the Christian church. About 30 postponed from Tuesday of thia been ordered. The play Is a lively live in Springfield and at Thurs-, I Springfield Monday Io receive medl week. cal treatment guests were present. modern college story. ton. ■eek reelectlon Wednesday. live In Hprlngfleld. PLAN SECOND SESSION FORMER RESIDENT PASSES IN SOUTH M.E. CHOIR PLINS MUSIC PROGRAM PNEUMONIA TAKES SECOND VICTIM