Mr aud Mrs F W liseduu of Null. The Pleaxanl lllll basketball boys defeated I he Mohawk buys last Fri­ day by a stxire of 33 to IS. The Pleasant Hill girls won by a score of 39 Io II. The Lowell buys defeated Ihe Co- burs buys >4 lu 15 al Lowell Frl- day night The Luwsti girt: loot by a score of 34 to 15. Mr and Mrs K Uluallna w»ga lu Portland Saturday and pul their youngest non, Gregory In a Catholic boarding school The Pleasant Hill basketball teams will meal ihe Cuburg teams un Ihe home flour Friday. Harry Wrlghl will lead a party of Obsidians In one of their winter ski events this coming Sunday on I* was like looking back Into the Sam aria of the ruins of the palace will be at their best so far this FALL CREEK CAMP HAS by an exploring expedition from number from Eugene and Spring- CHURCH MEET MONDAY field are already planning to take hack to Cambridge ancient pieces part. Camp Fall Creek. CCC. Jan. 15— of carved Ivory which once were N K W Y O R K H illy Sunday. famed Last Sunday snow sport fans (Special)- Reverend Martin P Si­ the decorations and ornameuta of baseball playlag svaagelut, hruaffkt mon. pastor of ihe Lutheran church drove to Deadhorse grade where the "Ivory house" of Ahab and his to* sawdust tra il retlglua bet» fur a in Kugene. waa the speaker at the they found ample snow for skiing. twu wiwk ratn|m lgu a l ih» > "alvar y "painted queen." Visitors to the region during the weekly church service at (he camp Baptist C hurrk, " s o t b e a u *» the week report that a heavy snow fall "The houaea of Ivory shall perlah city ia so fu ll u t sia. bul beraum 1 Monday evening. A song service began Tuesday. aud the great housea shall have an was in vited,** said K uudsy preceded Ihe sermon which was Wright Is undecided as to the end," at the Prophet Amos wrote un Ihe tuple, "Paul, Ihe Disciple of C H IC A G O : The abuvi three tr a it * represent the last word in as applied by the railroads. la the course to be taken for his trip, but foreground u a new Hurliugton three car tra in which > an u|>erat» at 40*1 o f the e\|x-nse o f a steam ioeomotiva. “Woe to them that are at ease In best reputation In Europe as a flu Jesus" says the party will drive to the end Center, is the tram introduced by the Great Western and which >an travel at 60 miles an hour Upper le f t, la the Zion and trust to the mountain of social adviser Capt. John K Ray. uf the district Hundreds of millions of dollars headquarters, made a camp Inspec of the road and assemble there Texas aud Pacific tra in uow running daily in Texas I t can a tta in a sp-vd o f ,'s M i ' l l Samaria . . . that lie upon beds of about 9:30. Announcement will be Ivory and stretch themselvea upon are Involved The financial atrue- liun Monday He reoialaed over- lure which Samuel Insult erected In night observing Ihe rompany aril- made then where the outing is to their vouches." POULTRY BROODER TO Chicago, with Interlix'klng and hold be held. villas Since the year 850 It C. the«« BE BUILT ON FRIDAY log companies whose Interests over Any person wishing to take part Ivories which are now In America lapped, was simple compared with in these snow sports are invited to Knjoy Snow Sporta — Harry have been lying there. Their dis­ A ll Poultrym en Invited to Attend the great world wide tangle of Kru join the Obsidians Sunday. Each Wright and his brother. Guy, were covery makes the First Book of Dem onstration at Cecil Peerce egsr's affairs, disclosed only after busts lu a number uf their friande group will take whatever food they Kings seem alive and real. Farm N ear H ere F riday he had eotnmltted suliTde In a Paris s e e want to eat with them. al a weekend enow parly al the hotel There la hardly a government Wright cabin and Ihe upper Me- THRIFT - • • • • • In spending It is always advisable (o carry Announcement of a poultry dem­ State Head Discusses Sales which It not In some way luvolved. Son Seriously III at Hospital a shovel and a pair of chains 9 00 for switch hoard service SUN. - MON. . TUES. - WED. ing a luncheon for Mrs. Kletzer at spend, and I think this Is one of feating the Springfield high school years daring which the family lived that they will cut from central ser­ the Marigold tea room In Eugene.: of them team 30-9 on the local floor Tues­ at Gold Valley. Montana, they have vice thia year. Plans for Founder's Day for the I | would ralher haT„ my CBp(u| day evening. The score was 17-2 at made their home in this vicinity The Deerborn PT A. met Wed Springfield P.-T. A. unit were dis­ In securities and commodities the half, with both points for since their marriage. nesday evening Iasi week, program cussed at the monthly meeting at which It Is. as far as It exists Tells Bankers and Farmers Springfield being made on free She is survived by her widower, the Brattali! school last Friday than in money at this time. For If and refreshments being In charge What to Consider in Mak­ throws Springfield's next district and two sons. Ustle. 16 and Wayne, afternoon. Mrs. L. K. Page will give there is anything In the New Deal of Mrs Karl Neer, marking the all d re s se d mr , f e i e g ing Sound Locns opponent will be Cottage Grove and two daughters. May 9. and pieces end deing ddngs a talk on the history of the local It will mean higher value for com­ close of the membership contest. here on February 2. Vera, 7. She also leaves her step­ association and Mrs. Ogilvie will modities and lower value for Mrs. J W. Fountain la to be chair­ A book on "Making Farm invest­ The Town team continued its father, Roy Palmer, and one half- man for refreshments at the Feb­ arrange for an outside speaker. money. forward march Monday night by brother. Donald Palmer, at West ments Safe" has been prepared by ruary meeting. the Agricultural Commission jl the This meeting will be held In Feb­ • • • defeating Vaughn 36-18. The Town The Deerhorn Athletic club boys American Bankers Association,sum­ ruary. Springfield. L IQ U O R ............... same old racket team also has victories over Crow marizing material published by It made their first appearance in pub­ It was also agreed by the One of iny New York friends Funeral arrangements are pend and Santa Clara teams In the In­ during tbe past ten years. It pre­ mothers at the meeting that they lic at the Y. M C. A. In Eugene complained the other day that the dependent league. ing. Poole-Gray-Bartholomew cha­ sents a compendium of scientific would use their influence in keep- legal" whiskey now being sold Is Monday night. pel in Springfield have charge of facts, practice and experieuce in Benny Hall, ex navy coach and farming, with timely and helpful Ing children from attending school ,,r D<) bet, „ qua„ „ , han , ha, wh|r„ the remains. pugilist, has been coaching the hoys when they have a cold as this be used to buy from his bootlegger suggestions to serve as a reference NEW CLUB MEMBERS TO J, ^ ke<1 hlm why h„ , h(>u,d >||r In boxing. and guide in tbe daily routine of spreads among the other pupils PLAY CONTRACT BRIDGE Mr. and Mra. A. L. Mailery. sou banking and farming. From It prac METHODISTS TO HEAR ’ vr prised at that There never was a tical workers In tbese fields can ob­ PRESIDENT'S BALL Jim. and niece, Helen Shaw, Oak­ . time When more than a small frac Members of the newly organized “THE LARGER LOYALTY" tain an Idea as to what extent and land. Oregon, spent the week-end contract bridge club will meet this TICKETS ON SALE HERE “° n of drinkers knew the at the L. 8. Brown home. Mr and n what manner farm loans should be _______ : difference between good liquor and afternoon at the home of Mrs. The theme of the worship ser­ limited by soil erosion, weeds, plant Mrs. Mailery edit the Oakland Tickets for the nation-wide Pres I j •’• ‘I. anyway; and ao little pure Harry Stewart for their second vice at the Methodist church Sun­ diseases, rodents and fire hazards. paper and attended the Editorial The book also Indicates bow mneb dent's ball honoring Franklin D. whiskey has been available the past afternoon of play. The club was day at 11 a. m. will be "The Larger convention In Eugene Is added to the security of a farm Roosevelt on his birthday. January years that very few today know formed two weeks ago at the home Loyalty.” The Sunday Church loan by tbe farmer who keeps ac­ 30. were placed on sale at the City i *hat it is like. of Mrs. Walter Scott. F O X FILM F r s t s e h ” school will meet at 9:45. counts and practices good business The fourth of the January seriea methods, ae well as tbe extent to Hall here Monday morning. Lane ' Why should the legitimate liquor of five o'clock vesper services in wbicb loans are safeguarded by crop county is uniting in one large dance dealers make an effort to sell some NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS the Children's hour. The primary rotation, production of legumes, Ju­ to be held at the Armory In Eugene thing that wouldn't be appreciated T h e A. H. C. club of Pleasant HAVE MEETING TUESDAY and junior departments of the dicious use of commercal fertilizers, All proceeds from the dance will be when they can get by with the Hill met at the home of Mra. L. church school will be in the choir tbe use of quality seed and the pro­ used as a gift to the Warm Springs ' same old bootleg stuff? I never Mr-. Margaret Kenyon of Eugene and most of the hour will be given viding of home grown feeds. Foundation at Warm Springs. Oeor-1 heard of anybody engaged In the I) Garin I re Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Wallace and family Another section set« forth tbe pre gla. to be used In work among per-; liquor traffic who had any conscl- was a guest at the regular meeting to their songs and devotional ser­ cautions that should be exercised by of Trent have moved Into tbe home sons crippled with Infantile puruly of the Aeneas club held Tuesday vices. The pastor. Rev. Dean C. enee about such things,. It never H a rry O reen afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Poindexter, will give a brief story. both the banker and farmer when sis. Tickets for men are selling at has been an honest business, and of D. G. Linton across from the negotiating loans to increase or im­ le g a n e F e lle » » Pleasant Hill picnic grounds. 5« cents and 25 cents for the ladles. Parker. The afternoon was spent Coburg M ethodist never will be. prove dairy pr. iutlon. or beef, Directed by Jomes Crua» E. B. Tinker. F W. Smith and with needlework. The February "The Expanding Life,” is the' sheep, swine or poultry production, p r n Q n ¥ CIDI Q n P C C A T * retty »oon, I think, we nhall nee Mr. Maltyon of Trent motored to meeting will be held at the home theme for the 9:45 service. The as well as wbat factors should be RED SOX GIRLS DEFEAT another waye revula)on Portland Tuesday on business. of Mrs. W. N. Williams. Church schol meets at 10:30. considered in the economic market WENDLING TEAM TUES. against th« sale of liquor. And it Mamie Clinefelter, a former stu­ ing of products and tbe way effl ----------- | will come, not from church sourcea dent of the Pleasant HUI high ciency in production affects effl The Red Sox girls basketball j but from business men who find school, was married Halurday after- ciency In marketing. Many other everyday details of (arm life that team compoeed of girls from Eu : the morale and the skill of em noon al the homo of her parents. I ve a practical financial slgnlfl gene and Springfield had no dlffl- ployees impaired by drink. 1 think Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clinefelter near cance are treated in the book. culty In winning their eighth start the public, which was so eager to Walton to Virgil Deedon, sun of this season from the Wendllng repeal the 18th Amendment, will Banks Repay R. F. C. Loan« high school girls Tuesday evening, find that it Is up against the same Gladys Mlnney of the Red Sox old abuses as before. Among the loans of >2,819,000.600 team was high scorer with 20 of G A M B L I N G ................ than and now made by tbe Federal Government the 54 points which her team ran ThPrP PonBl()prablp ,a|k through the Reconstruction Finance up against the 20 for Wendllng. around that some sort of a govern­ Corporation, the highest percentage Members of the Red Sox team ment lottery may be set up, not of repayments, official reports show, has been made by the banks, indi are planning a trip to Portland only to give people a chance to eating the return of stability as tbe Saturday of this week. They are gamble but to provide revenues for chief unsettling element of public having difficulty in scheduling the nation. I hear many people de­ games In I^ne county seemingly nounce such a scheme, on the fear has been lifted from them. The Reconstruction Finance Cor­ because of their habit of always ground of morality. I hear others, poration ha« authorized cash ad winning. among thpm men of high standing O utttaruling vances, fully secured by sound col and character, say they see no lateral, to 6,278 banks since It began M utical liu tr u m m l great objection to It. It all depends operations In February, 1932, and upon the point of view. made actual disbursements to them o f Q u ality In the amount o' >1,221,878,000. Of When I was a boy moralists used Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh enter this amount, however, >545,073,000, to denounce playing marbles “for PHILCO « X or over 44 p»r cent, has been repaid talned with a birthday dinner last keeps" as one of the most vicious by the hanks. All other classes of Sunday In honor of John Edmlston. borrowers combined have repaid- Those present were Mr. and Mrs. uf Hina. I find It difficult to regard OOD printing service consists of more about 16 per cent of their loans. John Edmlston, Hazel and James either that, or playing cards for than delivering a certain amount of ink Edmlston, Shirley Bonney, Mr. and reasonable stakp«, or taking a and paper in the form ordered. Good printing Mrs. Loren Edmlston from Eugene; chance In a raffle at a church fair, REGULAR MEETING FOR W h at a value this Is! A also Ella and Harry Baugh besides as evidence of a degraded and Im­ consists of careful consideration as to the ■IO F IA T U R U LEGION AT WALTERVILLE marvelous new P H IL C O , moral character. I think the great the host and hostess. form in which the idea is to be presented, the world’s largest soiling wave of protest which made lotter­ Mrs. Hubert Gray entertained the The regular semi-monthly meet­ radio, in an exquisite cab­ thoughtful selection of type faces, the rig h t ies Illegal In this country, more inet o f lino, matched woods. ing of Springfield American Legion bridge club at the home of Mr. than forty years ago, was dun to grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ N o other radio, a t any­ post number 4ft, will be held at and Mrs. Fred Gray last Friday the belief that they were not con­ Aatom*M< V a l* » , Castrai ate composition and skillfu l printing. . . That where near the price ap­ . . . Bar* Caasaoastla« - Waltervllle tonight at 8 o’clock. evening. Cssival , , , Naw Ova ducted honestly. proaches the now P H IL C O The Creswell basketball teams is the kind of printing service you may ex­ The group will gather at the W. Regardless, however, of the I8 X in volume and p urity O. W. hall according to announce­ will play Thurston high school rights and wrongs of the matter, I pect from our shop. . . . and it costs no more of tone. See and hear It ment made by Oswald Olson, ad­ teams next Friday evening. now I than inferior printing. am of the opinion that, before very jutant. long, we shall see some sort of lot­ 8eed 8tores Under Coda No matter what you printing Job may be or in what teries, either by the government or MISSION SOCIETY TO quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ government supervision, Retail seed stores, heretofore ex- under OTHER MODELS FROM $24.50 TO $180.00 mate of cost most interesting, workmanship most SERVE NOON LUNCHEON empt from the retail store code, established In this country. efficient and promptness In delivery most gratifying. SPECIAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE ON ALL PHILCO must conform to the wage and hour OAVI8...................... untangling job If you find It Inconventlent to visit our office, phone Members of the Women's Mis­ restrictions of that code In future, In picking my friend Norman H, MODELS. and we will call. . . . You are under no obligation sionary society of the Methodist It was held. Seed stores have been Davis to head the International SEE OUR NEWEST ALL WAVE PHILCO In asking us for an estimate. church will serve a 25 cent lunch­ exempt as their merchandise Is to committee which Is trying to sal­ eon In the church dining room be administered under AAA regula­ vage whatever remains of the Wednesday, January 31, from 12 tions, but the national recovery ad­ wreck of the fortune of Ivar Krue­ to one o’clock. The committee In ministration ruled that employees ger, for the benefit of those who charge Includes Mr«. P. J. Bartho­ In these stores should be employed Invested money In the Swedish fin­ HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT lomew, Mrs. W. H. Pollard, Mrs. on the same basis as help In other ancier’s schemes, the men of af­ Opposite P. O. Springfield William Rouse and Mrs. L. K. retail establishments under the re­ fairs who are Interested have pick­ Pake. ed the one American who has the tail code. P.T.A. MEMBERS AT COUNTY MEET MRS. SMITH DIES OF PNEUMONIA McKenzie Valley I LM W M UDI BANKERS PREPARE FARM FINANCE BOOK WILL ROGERS and ZsSu PITTS f Upper Willamette 7/Z t .JZ í T c X Rl NTI NG //a itiù E F F IC IE N T PROMPT PHILCO Inexpensive Thurston Phone 2 G $105 Ä :2 S Ä * iä Ä fc The Willamette Press Wright & Sons