THURSDAY, JANUARY 86, 1004 ■F LOBT— Lewellyn M«tter dug nliw mull (ha old. Black and white with a 11(11« bruwn culur. 1‘bune Kufeiie 2h or »»».IJ FI DRINK WATER AT MEALS G O O D FOR STOMACH W ater with maala help« stomach Juice«. aids d l|M (lu n . If bluatad with gas adl a apuunful of Adlerlka (Ida duaa cleans out poisons and washee BOTH upper and luwar bowels. Flauery's Drug Htore. Ma« Operation— Anthony Haul la a t Hi« Paelfte hospital recovering from a major oparatlon which he underwent Tueaday morning N O T IC I TO CR EDITO RS Notice la baraby given that tha undersigned haa baen appointed executor of tha Last W ill and Tests inatit and aetata of Elisabeth D. Whitten, by tha County Court for I.ana County, Oregon. All persona haring claims against said estate are baraby notified to present tha same, with proper vouchers to tha undaralgnad at the offlcs of Donald Young, <36 Miner Building, within six months from tha data of tha first publication of thia notlca. Data of tha first publication of thia notlca January <, 1934. CH ARI.EH C. W H IT T E N , K iecu tor. DO NALD YOUNG, Attornay for estate. (J 411 18 2 6 - F 1) Has File—Lynn E. Stone Is recov­ Visitor Tuesday— Mrs Jess Min ering from an attack of liiflueusa. nay of Wendllng waa a visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. Goes to Portland— W. >1. Adrian spent the week-end In I ’lrtland. Fish Wednesday— Charlas Eggl niann and M II liu n tly fished near Visito From Mareóla— E. A. Hpl Monroe on We