THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NO. 2 LIBRARY USERS GAIN FOR YEAR ONLY TEMPORARY Moru Than Half of Population Taking Advantage of Free Books and Magazines Cnnural Manager Predicts Operation in Few Weeks; Logs Still Coming in CIVIC CLUB RENDERS AID The Booth Kelly sawmill In this city which shut down Hsturriay la down only for a short while, per haps a m ailer of two or three weeka. This Is the belief expres­ sed yesterday by Charles (J. Briggs general manager of the plant Bev eral things Including Instability In Ibe present operation of (he lumber code authority and uncertainty of California markets as a result of the trouble In Ibis state enter Into the operation of (he mill here, hut we expect tbe Hprlngfleld mill to be down for only a short while, h* staled. Bartholomew Is Scout Officer I H PAYMENTS TO START MARCH 15 Local Scout Workgr Named Wallamet Vice-Preeident in New Quarterly Plan Provides Springfield and Luaburg Cash Discounts; Non-Pay­ ment Penalties Provided P. J. Bartholomew was chosen ^BAPTISTS SHIRT M I S » SCHOOL Six-Weeks Course to Offer Special Study Meetings for All Croupe Within Church a vice-president of the Wallamet Boy Hcout council for the Hprlng- fleld and Ixsaburg district at tbe annual meeting held In Eugene Tuesday evening. M t. Bartholomew Is also chairman of the Hprlngfleld Boy Hcout troop «ommlttee and has beeo renamed to that office. Lane county tax statements are WILL GIVE THREE SKITS now being printed In the Job de­ Librarian la Handicapped in partment of tbe News plant. They Medical Mission Work; Liv­ w ill be prepared for each property Maintenance Work; Funds owner and mailed out by the de­ ingston, and Africa to Be Not Available for Repaire partment of the sheriffs office dur­ Discussed Each Week 6:30 ing the first days of March. A total of 1*41 persona made use The first tax Installment thia of tbe Springfield Public library Complete details for a unique Elections were announced Tues­ year will be due M a ri b 16, nearly N EW YOKE W lo lr M ilo Reno during tba year of 1433 according Missionary study Involving an en- day evening at a meeting follow two 'months earlier than In past to tba annual report of the local w m hr re to make an udtiriMM he did __ t,r* congregation for six weeks nut adm it th a t h it farm holiday Irut the banquet and address of years. Under the new quarterly j were announced for the Hprlngfleld Institution prepared by Mra. D. II movcttoi'tita were dyli»# out in the LONDON: M rs N ath an iel Mayer | Baptist church tbla week by Mrs. General U. O. McAlexander of New­ payment plan, Lane county tax pay­ Maltatnan, librarian, and Mra. L. K m idd lew rat Report* from hta home V icto r K otluehild, (above) fo rm er R. E. Rolens who is acting as gen­ port who told o f bis travels about ers will pay tbelr taxes each quar Page. secretary An Incraaaa of 143 her r i lor lee however todu-aU that fed the world. Mr. McAlexander la an ter or may pay them all during the B arbara Hutchinson o f Hastings, is eral chairman for the annual mes naw borrowers was reported at the era! fund* to ugrlr ult uriat* ia now the bride o f the nephew o f le r il outstanding figure of (be World flret quarter with a three perecent sions school. library for tba year, but a loaa of earning farm holiday strikes to Rothschild and heir to the Kotha • ‘ peter out •• W ar days and has taken an active discount saving If tbe whole tax Is child peerage and famous fortune 44 names frotn tba Hat of 1411 ac The school w ill open Hunday paid on or before March 16. A dis­ live borrowara at the fir*' of the Meanwhile logs are being ship part In the Boy Hcout movement. evening and classes will be held Rev, Dean C. Poindexter, mem­ count of 2 percent will be made yaer bring« the Iota* made ped Into the city from the camps at each Sunday evening thereafter for to I I I persona •_ Wendllng and will continue to ar ber of the local troop committee; on each quarterly Installment If ; the next six weeks. The program rive for a day or two more. The Ol«o Martin, scoutmaster; and Bar­ paid 40 days before due. as announced provides for a devo- A small loaa In the Q of Taxes or quarters thereof not j lional period or general assembly mill pond here now has a sufficient tholomew attended tbe meeting volumes In the library fo> z* tt • paid become delinquent on Decern- log supply to operate for two from Hprlngfleld. at 6:30 p. m. At 4:45 the congrega­ year la contained In tb< H B Sallee was reelected scout. 14' 1934 ,n,ere* ‘ on delinquent months. tion will divide into four groups for which will be submitted ’ special mission study periods last- City Council at their Pebruar. executive for the next year, and taxes amount to two-tblrds of one ■digging <-amps al Wendllng will percent per month. I ing until 7:30 when ,the entire Alton F. B a k e r was retained as aton Of a total of 2407 volume continue to operate until the end Under tbe new tax law being 'ails of Adjustment Plan to tba start of 1S33 the Library Hot. chairman of Wallamet Council. Lions Club Speaker Sees Lit- Krou? wl", yeaa*emble For the used for tbe first time this year, Outlined at Public Meat of January after which these too .. n x o • z> I °J)en,nfc night and tome other now baa only 3713 volumes. Du. Wallamet Council includes all of will be shut down for a short while nlghts darln)f thP ger|<>s gpecla, taxpayers will have to make pay­ tie Danger of Russian Com- ing tk» Veer 37 volumes were re­ .i Taylor Hall Wednesday until the mills catch up with the Lincoln. Lane. Benton and part of ments on or before the fifteenth petition in World Industry missionary skits will be presented placed on the «helves after having Linn counties. cutters according to Mr. Briggs. of the months of March, June. Hept- Pull details of the Government —’ as features of the opening evening bean rebound or by direct pur ember and December to avoid de­ Members of the Hprlngfleld Lions church service, t hese« (lifts and exchange to the plan for tbe adjustment of hog and club decided at their meeting F r i-! linquencies. One fourth of the total library amounted to 88 volumes. corn production will be explained LUMBER MILL DENIED <*ur t“ dy ro " >* tax must be paid each time, but day noon to sponsor a home talent A total of 160 volumes have been by O. S Pletcher, county agent, at The four divisions of the congre­ EXTRA RUNNING HOURS play at the high school auditoriumj any amount up to the entire tax lost or withdrawn Not all of these a meeting to be held In Taylor's gation for the study period will be soon as the play can be pro­ bill can be paid at any time during volume« will remain lost as many hall In Springfield at 1:30 p. in. The W illam ette Lumber company adult, young people, Juniors and duced. Their committee. G len! the year with the cash discount of tbani w ill eventually be returned r their study about the great 16 hours before laying off. Whether during the year according to the IUKA ELECTS ANNUAL j rising to a competitive position in j mi8Si°nary character, Livingston. or not the new rule Is to apply be­ CONVENTION DELEGATES lin e circle. Neighbors of Wood- Librarian's report. Of this number and have chosen as their subject world commerce. 4444 were taken out by adults and , ~ .. '«ra ft, made plans last night for a yond February 1 la unknown here. "Livingston, the Pathfinder." Their Russia does not have a large Meanwhile a protest has arisen 1103 were taken out by children. AudlUn« Comm tts . A I m Named; l:, rg„ valentine party to be held discussion will be led by Mrs. D. •ewlnq Circle Meets Today ,|(.rF Febrttary 14. Members of Ibe amount of needed raw products in iu tbla city over the apparent In­ Non fiction volumes loaned totaled o u n - | C. Ogilvie, Mra. H arry < ', So and A t Homo of M rs. Lewis x o w „ W a U e rv t||a have tention of the Veteran’s Htate Aid Absence of Snow in M 314. while the unbound magatlnee t a i n s Held H e l r f Aid; A id « C nl«4 ia / a . - transportation problem Is a major ' 1 5 / " " '* ^ u< el ' tains Cold Wea­ been Invited to attend the party as Commission and their architect to loaned totaled 1173. one, and the physical location o f |„ T “ e fh " dr<>n ’ Mrs. Pearl Cyr and Miss Eva ther Brings Snow to Stay brick up the lower half of the front An Interesting bit of statlctlca meats of the local lodge. Africa," and will be led by Mrs. l» u k were elected delegates to the the country k a handicap, so much worked out In the report shows Committees for the party were of the building and to leave tbe Marvin Chase. Mrs. Dorothy Cyr, state convention of (he laidlea Aux The McKenzie and Upper W!l- of the country lying In the far upper half as it now Is. Coancilmen that the equivalent of 4.7 books per lllary of the O. A R. from Iuka iinmed and Include on entertain-, and legion members demand that amette vaileys have apparently northern zone that agricultural Ina Hubbard, Mrs. Homer Chase, person In the city were taken out ment, Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. chair and Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. circle Thursday evening. Jan. 18. something be done with the upper evaded another threat of flood crops do not pay and timber does during tbe year, or that 3.4 vol­ when the group met at the home ,nan' KIr,c First Skit on Sunday •)a'"y ‘‘ugh part of the front where In many water following two days of heavy not develop sufficient to warrant umes were read by each Individual Just after the conclusion of the of Miss Abbie Ford at M anilla and Jewel Helterbrand. Mrs. O a r places the metal lath Is badly rust­ rainfall Monday and Tuesday. The large lumber operations, thinks Mr. The circulation per borrower aver­ first study periods next Sunday The state meeting will lie held In Ine Putman la chairman for the re­ ed and large slabs of tbe stucco cold weather of Tuesday night end- ' hambers. aged 4.4. night a short mlsslonirv skit. Eugene In June. Mrs. Maybelle freshments and will be assisted by are hanging dangerously over the ed the rainfall, temporarily at least, ------------------------------ Receipts for the year show “W aiting for the Doctor" will be lauiaberry and Mra. d a rln e I’ut (hose members whose names begin sidewalk. It la not very attractive and checked the melting of a light 4607 34 from the city budget, a gift with tbe letters O and P. presented by members of the Jun- man were named alternates. snow blanket in the higher eleva­ STATE I. O. O. F. LEADER either say local businessmen. of 430 60 from the Civic club. 418 41 Another Innovation started at the VISITOR HERE MONDAY ' ior Wor,d Wlde Guild tions of the Cascades. An auditing committee also rental collections and fines, and It la bad enough to watch the _______ In charge of the devotional p#r- lodge this season was featured at named al the meeting Includes Mrs. 4100 for non-resident card, or a construction of the Interior of the The heavy warm reins sent both Grand Patriarch ant other past ¡ods will be Mrs. Rolens. Mrs Mel Edith Laxton, Mrs. C. F. Egglmann, the meeting last night when Mrs. building where a large chimney la the total of 4477 44 McKenzie and W illam ette GranjJ Patrtarch and o lh er Paat Rice. Ruth Carlton, Harry Chase, Alex Stevens presented a mixed Under expenditures are listed and Mias Marian Shipley. being built out in the middle of rivers up to their bank tops for Lod0ea Make Reports Norton Pengre. and Mrs. Roy Carl- d rill team. Mrs. Stevens has just The sewing group of the Iuka periodicals. 41* 60; Librarian sal­ (On been named captain of tbe drill the floor about ten feet from the the first time of the present season. ary. U 70; rent. 4340; heat, light circle is meeting this afternoon at end of the wall and where showers Only the absence of much of the j Q Q p lodge, |n this These study periods will be open team. and water 413; Janitor supplies the home of Mrs. Stella Lewie. and an upstairs stairway w ill all snow on the lower mountains at djgtrict were represented by of- and any interested persons are in- Members of the drill team are 41 60; Insurance, 413.46; auppll be built Inside, occupying about t s season o t e year seems to f|(.ers here Monday evening for the vffcd to attend any or all of the Mrs. W alter laixton will entertain 43.70; and labor, 4«.60; making the group at her home on Febru­ June McPherson. Barbara Adams. eight feet of the already limited have prevented a serious flood pro-, o vlsltatlon of George P. Win- n*-«»««. Jewel Helterbrand. Marguerite Mc­ a total of 44(2.36 . A , __ ______________ space, but prospects of haring the blem at this time. ary 1, for their next meeting. slow. TiHfcs~-ok. grand master for ------------------------ Guire. Ida Adams. Nellie Helter- Library Beard In Control front of the building left aa It Is Fortunately, however, there Is lit- Oregon. They were West Point IRVING BALL TEAM brand. Clarine Putman. Dorothy Tbe local library Is managed by seems to be a little too much for tie if any snow at the 4000 foot i lodge a t Coburg; G ilfrey lodge at Girard. Mamie Richmond. Alex DEFEATS LINCOLN BOYS a Library Board functioning under SCHOOL SEMESTER TO many people here. elevation, and until Tuesday night ’ Creswell; Mohawk lodge at Mar Stevens, Oswald Olson. Alvin Mc­ tbe Jurisdiction of the City Coun CLOSE TH IS WEEK-END Pherson. Marlon Adams, and Sam Tom Russell. CWA engineer, was the temperature had averaged 38 cola. Oak lodge at Oakridge; and The Irving basketball team de­ ell. Mrs. N. W. Emery Is president here Wednesday inspecting the degrees at that elevation. Horae Springfield lodge number 70. Sweeney. Two more members are feated the eighth grade boys from The first half of the school year of the board and has Mrs. Page as work and expressed himself aa be snow fell Tuesday as the tempera- . Principal event on the evening ¡he Lincoln school 14-16 in a game to be named to the team later. secretary. Other members of the for Springfield grade and high Ing in accord with the views of ture dropped, and this snow, togeth- prOgram was the address of the „iayed at the high school gyninas- school pupils will he brought to a Mrs. Nellie Carr wns elected and Library Board are Mrs. Milton V. local people and that to permit the er with more which Is expected dur- Y|g|t |ng state officer and reports of ¡um Wednesday evening. Playing Walker. Mrs. W illiam Rouse, Mrs. close Friday afternoon. This school Installed as a manager Io succeed upper stucco to remain on the Ing the remainder of the week w ill [ each lodge to the grand master. fl(r the Springfield team were An C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. W alter Scott, year has been divided Into two Sa"> Sweeney who had resigned building as It now does would con­ not become an Immediate flood Grand Patriarch. Joe Sweltxer of (lerson and Taylor as forwards; semesters each with two eight Six applications for membership stitute a hazard. and W. E. Buell, city treasurer. threat until the weather warms and Portland, was also a guest and Westlake, center; McBee and W week terms and the first half of wer^ received and Initiation of Library hours are from 2 to The weekly CW A payroll for It la hoped that the river level will made a short address, as did W. F. McPherson at guard. these ends Friday. ! these will be held at the next meet- and from 7 to 4 on Wednesday and Hprlngfleld was 41274 last week drop before that time. ¡W alker, past grand master; H e rb -1 The sixth grade had a workout Students ut the high school are Ing In three weeks. Saturday. A large variety of books and will be about half this amount ert W alker, past grand patriarch, game with the seventh grade at the to choose from are available and busy taking their semester exami­ thia week. and Charles Poole, deputy grand gymnasium prior to the Irving the people of Springfield and sur nations today and Friday. MISSION GROUP PLANS master. game. THREE VISITORS ATTEND At the Lincoln school the stu­ rounding area are Invited to use CHURCH NICHT PLAY Refreshments were served late In tbe facilities offered here says Mrs. dents in Junior high school are tak­ WEEKLY REBEKAH MEET IRENE ANDERSON QUEST the evening by Ernest Black. Lee THREE JOIN CARD CLUB ing their county examinations. Bailsman. "Mlrandy's Ghost,” a short play Putman and Elm gf Findley, com- J AT PARTY ON FRIDAY Their school starts at 4 a. m. In­ Mrs. Robert Arnold of Halsey, let will be presented by the Wo­ mlttee. AT INITIATION MEETING stead of 8:30 during the period of Mrs. 0 . C. Nlcewood of Medford, STAR-MASONIC PARTY Friends of Miss Irene Anderson men's Missionary society of the the examinations. and Mrs. Oaburn of Eugene were gathered at her home Friday even­ Christian church tonight following[ . . . . . . p v T D . P P P D < ; r F T Miss Thelma Sweeney. Miss Arah POSTPONED FOR WEEK guests nt the weekly meeting of ing for a surprise birthday party the weekly potluck dinner. Jewel V A L L t T I “ A r r t K o L i t I J Nell Arnold, and Mrs. Florence Juanita Rebeknh lodge Monday In her honor. The social was spon­ Cunningham will play the part of PREDATORY ANIMALS Malice of Eugene were Initiated The big party which the members ‘EARS TH A T HEAR NOT" evening. Only a short session was sored by members of the newly Mirandy. Hhe will be assisted by as members of the O-No card club of Cascade chapter of Eastern Star SUBJECT FOR SERMON held to make way for the special formed Terpslchorean club under Mrs. Gertrude Peterson, Mrs. Htella Predatory nnlmals in the Upper j at the home of Miss Eunice Gerber bad planned for their families and meeting of I. O. O. F. lodges In this the direction of I.aMoyne Black. Eaton. Miss Irene Anderson. Ro­ McKenzie country are being sought. last Thursday evening. Miss Doris for members of Liberty Masonic "Ears That Hear Not; Eyes That district. The evening was spent with guess land Moshier and Warren Ingram. with a vengeance this season b y 1 Gerber assisted her sister. lodge and famlllea, has been post See Not." Next Monday evening Mrs. Edna The H attie Mitchell circle will i traPPerfl and hunters. Each week High honors In the play went to Ing contests and game«. polled until February 4. The party This will be the subject for the Those present for the evening sponsor a candy sale at the church a large number of pelts from these Mrs. Wilda Cotton. Miss Sweeney had been planned for January 30. morning service at the Baptist Yarnell, past noble grnnd. will pro­ vide the entertainment. were Robert and Richard Richard­ during the evening. Proceeds w ill Predatory ahlmals are brought to won honor prize, and Miss Maxine but Is being postponed beoauae of church Sunday at 11 o'clock accord­ son. Beryl Robertson, Jotana Put­ be sent to support the work of Miss tbe c°urthouse for the collection I Smxlgrnss won the chair prize. The the nation-wide dance program be­ ing to Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor. club will meet February 1. at the man. Muriel Tyson, Alice Logan. Hattie Mitchell in her mission post of bounties ing held In honor of President The Sunday school will meet at GIRL BREAKS ELBOW; This week Prince Helfrlch came home of Mrs. Malice In Eugene. Lloyd Harris, Florence May, Jimmy in Africa. Roosevelt on that evening. 4:46 with classes for all ages. down with two bobcat pelts. J. D. TAKEN TO PORTLAND Phillips, and Miss Black. For the evening service Rev. Ro­ Yale of McKenzie bridge brought NEEDLECRAFT TAKES IN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT lens has chosen as his subject. In hides of three coyotes and one Dors May Keyes, elght-year-old H UM ILITY TO BE THEME TWO NEW MEMBERS ATTENDS HOME-EC MEET "The W aiting Millions.” daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley FIRST YEAR CLASS HAS OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE bobcat, and L. G. Holeman of Vida had one bobcat pelt. Keyes wsr taken to the Dorenbe- HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM Mrs. W illiam Moyer and Mrs. I. Mias Ulyde Dilley, Instructor of KENSINGTON CLUB TO eher hospital In Portland this morn­ ‘Paul's Hum ility" will be the M. Peterson were formally Initia­ home economics at tbe Hprlngfleld ing Io receive special medical care EXCHANGE RECIPES Members of the Freshman class theme of the service at the Christ­ YOUNG MARRIED FOLK ted Into membership In Needlecraft high scholl, and Miss Jean Louk. for a broken right elbow which she had charge of the program at the ian church Hunday morning. Mrs. TO HAVE DINNER FRIDAY club last Thursday evening at the high school delegate, attended the Mrs. Levi Neet and Mrs. W. -ft. received Hunday when she fell assembly period at Hprlngfleld high W. P. Tyson w ill sing a solo. “Only home of Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Eigh­ home economics conference at Ore­ W right will entertain members of while roller skating. The break school Friday. Included on the pro­ a Sinner.” Mrs. Wm. O. Hughes will enter­ teen were present. gon Htate college Friday. Miss the Kensington club nt the home was a had one according to the gram was a vocal solo by Myrna The evening service subject at tain the members of her young Mrs. Carl Olson and Mrs. I. M. Mary Ann Louk and her mother, of Mrs. Neet Friday afternoon. local attending physician. The McKinnon, piano solos by Miss 7:3 w ill be “The Door of Salva­ married class at the Methodist Peterson will entertain with a one Mra. Fred Lluk, accompanied them Each member Is requested to bring girl's father broke his arm about Clyde Dilley, faculty advisor, and tion.” There w ill be special music church Sunday school with a pot­ o'clock luncheon at the home of and remained In Corvallis visiting a favorite recipe to exchange with two weeks ago while cranking an Bonnie Holmes, and a tap dance by the male sextet. Rev. Veltle luck dinner at her home Friday Mrs. Olson for their next meeting friends until Bunday. some other member. automobile. by Jean Lloyd. Pruitt w ill preach at both services. evening. on February 2. AGENT CALLS FOR \ CORN, HOG MEET SOVIET RULE NO THREAT TO U.S. FRORT STARTS PROTEST R. 0. W. TAKES NEW MEMBERS FLOOD HANGERS LESSENED NOW